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gravestench 271673851a
Added RecordManager implementation to remove d2datadict singletons (#736)
* Added RecordManager implementation to remove d2datadict singletons

* fix object lookup test
2020-09-19 14:33:40 -04:00

155 lines
8.0 KiB

package d2records
import (
// CommonItems stores all ItemCommonRecords
type CommonItems map[string]*ItemCommonRecord
// ItemCommonRecord is a representation of entries from armor.txt, weapons.txt, and misc.txt
type ItemCommonRecord struct {
UsageStats [3]ItemUsageStat // stat boosts applied upon usage
CureOverlayStates [2]string // name of the overlay states that are removed upon use of this item
OverlayState string // name of the overlay state to be applied upon use of this item
SpellDescriptionString string // points to a string containing the description
BetterGem string // 3 char code pointing to the gem this upgrades to (non if not applicable)
SpellDescriptionCalc d2calculation.CalcString // a calc string what value to display
WeaponClass string // what kind of attack does this weapon have (i.e. determines attack animations)
WeaponClass2Hand string // what kind of attack when wielded with two hands
HitClass string // determines sounds/graphic effects when attacking
SpecialFeature string // Just a comment
FlavorText string // unknown, probably just for reference
TransmogCode string // the 3 char code representing the item this becomes via transmog
NightmareUpgrade string // upgraded in higher difficulties
HellUpgrade string
SourceArt string // unused?
GameArt string // unused?
Vendors map[string]*ItemVendorParams // controls vendor settings
Type string // base type in ItemTypes.txt
Type2 string
DropSound string // sfx for dropping
UseSound string // sfx for using
FlippyFile string // DC6 file animation to play when item drops on the ground
InventoryFile string // DC6 file used in your inventory
UniqueInventoryFile string // DC6 file used by the unique version of this item
SetInventoryFile string // DC6 file used by the set version of this item
Code string // identifies the item
NameString string // seems to be identical to code?
AlternateGfx string // code of the DCC used when equipped
OpenBetaGfx string // unknown
NormalCode string
UberCode string
UltraCode string
Name string
Source d2enum.InventoryItemType
Version int // 0 = classic, 100 = expansion
Rarity int // higher, the rarer
MinAC int
MaxAC int
Absorbs int // unused?
Speed int // affects movement speed of wielder, >0 = you move slower, <0 = you move faster
RequiredStrength int
Block int // chance to block, capped at 75%
Durability int // base durability 0-255
Level int // base item level (controls monster drops, for instance a lv20 monster cannot drop a lv30 item)
RequiredLevel int // required level to wield
Cost int // base cost
GambleCost int // for reference only, not used
MagicLevel int // additional magic level (for gambling?)
AutoPrefix int // prefix automatically assigned to this item on spawn, maps to group column of Automagic.txt
SpellOffset int // unknown
Component int // corresponds to Composit.txt, player animation layer used by this
InventoryWidth int
InventoryHeight int
GemSockets int // number of gems to store
GemApplyType int // what kind of gem effect is applied
// 0 = weapon, 1= armor or helmet, 2 = shield
// these represent how player animations and graphics change upon wearing this
// these come from ArmType.txt
AnimRightArm int
AnimLeftArm int
AnimTorso int
AnimLegs int
AnimRightShoulderPad int
AnimLeftShoulderPad int
MinStack int // min size of stack when item is spawned, used if stackable
MaxStack int // max size of stack when item is spawned
DropSfxFrame int // what frame of drop animation the sfx triggers on
TransTable int // unknown, related to blending mode?
LightRadius int // apparently unused
Quest int // indicates that this item belongs to a given quest?
MissileType int // missile gfx for throwing
DurabilityWarning int // controls what warning icon appears when durability is low
QuantityWarning int // controls at what quantity the low quantity warning appears
MinDamage int
MaxDamage int
StrengthBonus int
DexterityBonus int
// final mindam = min * str / strbonus + min * dex / dexbonus
// same for maxdam
GemOffset int // unknown
BitField1 int // 1 = leather item, 3 = metal
ColorTransform int // colormap to use for player's gfx
InventoryColorTransform int // colormap to use for inventory's gfx
Min2HandDamage int
Max2HandDamage int
MinMissileDamage int // ranged damage stats
MaxMissileDamage int
MissileSpeed int // unknown, affects movement speed of wielder during ranged attacks?
ExtraRange int // base range = 1, if this is non-zero add this to the range
// final mindam = min * str / strbonus + min * dex / dexbonus
// same for maxdam
RequiredDexterity int
SpawnStack int // unknown, something to do with stack size when spawned (sold maybe?)
TransmogMin int // min amount of the transmog item to create
TransmogMax int // max ''
SpellIcon int // which icon to display when used? Is this always -1?
SpellType int // determines what kind of function is used when you use this item
EffectLength int // timer for timed usage effects
SpellDescriptionType int // specifies how to format the usage description
// 0 = none, 1 = use desc string, 2 = use desc string + calc value
AutoBelt bool // if true, item is put into your belt when picked up
HasInventory bool // if true, item can store gems or runes
CompactSave bool // if true, doesn't store any stats upon saving
Spawnable bool // if 0, cannot spawn in shops
NoDurability bool // if true, item has no durability
Useable bool // can be used via right click if true
// game knows what to do if used by item code
Throwable bool
Stackable bool // can be stacked in inventory
Unique bool // if true, only spawns as unique
Transparent bool // unused
Quivered bool // if true, requires ammo to use
Belt bool // tells what kind of belt this item is
SkipName bool // if true, don't include the base name in the item description
Nameable bool // if true, item can be personalized
BarbOneOrTwoHanded bool // if true, barb can wield this in one or two hands
UsesTwoHands bool // if true, it's a 2handed weapon
QuestDifficultyCheck bool // if true, item only works in the difficulty it was found in
PermStoreItem bool // if true, vendor will always sell this
Transmogrify bool // if true, can be turned into another item via right click
Multibuy bool // if true, when you buy via right click + shift it will fill your belt automatically
// ItemUsageStat the stat that gets applied when the item is used
type ItemUsageStat struct {
Stat string // name of the stat to add to
Calc d2calculation.CalcString // calc string representing the amount to add
// ItemVendorParams are parameters that vendors use
type ItemVendorParams struct {
Min int // minimum of this item they can stock
Max int // max they can stock
MagicMin int
MagicMax int
MagicLevel int