Vincent Jousse 69f0cfdc54 Closes #44: Autocomplete usernames. (#107)
* Get @mention in model

* Add autocomplete logic

* Get accounts to autocomplete from the server

* Add autocomplete css

* Check if we should show menu on account search

* Add keyboard events

* Update status with completed username

* Trigger autocomplete when getting accounts back

* Highlight choices on hover

* Put focus on textarea after updating it

* Fix clear draft

* Hit the server only on non empty query

* Lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

* Add missing lazy

* Add keyboard subscriptions

* Add images and display name

* Better menu visibility handling

* Add lazy to notifications

* Js formatting.

* Improve styles.

* Add unique keys to costly lists.

* Fix tests.

* Coding style nits.

* Use the encodeUrl helper in ApiUrl.

* Nanonit.

* Improve autocomplete box styling.

* CamelCase draft record

* Move all autocomplete stuff to Draft

* Send status to ports with the reply prefix.

* Clear draft after posting a status.

* Move ports setStatus call to a dedicated Command helper.

* Naming.

* Fix navigation with arrow keys in textarea

* Always autoselect the first item of the menu
2017-05-01 22:10:34 +02:00

126 lines
6.6 KiB

module MastodonTest.HelperTest exposing (..)
import Test exposing (..)
import Expect
import Mastodon.Helper exposing (..)
import Fixtures
all : Test
all =
describe "Mastodon.Helper tests"
[ describe "Reply tests"
[ test "Simple reply" <|
\() ->
|> getReplyPrefix Fixtures.accountVjousse
|> Expect.equal "@n1k0 "
, test "Keeping replying to a previous post mentioning a user" <|
\() ->
|> getReplyPrefix Fixtures.accountNico
|> Expect.equal "@vjousse "
, test "Replying to original poster and reblogger" <|
\() ->
|> getReplyPrefix Fixtures.accountNico
|> Expect.equal "@ploum @vjousse "
, test "Exclude replier from generated reply prefix" <|
\() ->
|> getReplyPrefix Fixtures.accountNico
|> Expect.equal "@vjousse "
, describe "Notification test suite"
[ describe "Aggegate test"
[ test "Aggregate Notifications" <|
\() ->
|> aggregateNotifications
|> Expect.equal
[ { id = .id Fixtures.notificationNicoMentionVjousse
, type_ = "mention"
, status = Just Fixtures.statusNicoToVjousse
, accounts = [ Fixtures.accountNico ]
, created_at = "2017-04-24T20:16:20.973Z"
, { id = .id Fixtures.notificationNicoFollowsVjousse
, type_ = "follow"
, status = Nothing
, accounts = [ Fixtures.accountNico, Fixtures.accountSkro ]
, created_at = "2017-04-24T20:13:47.431Z"
, test "Dedupes aggregated accounts" <|
\() ->
|> aggregateNotifications
|> (.accounts >> List.length)
|> Expect.equal [ 1 ]
, test "Add follows notification to aggregate" <|
\() ->
|> aggregateNotifications
|> (addNotificationToAggregates Fixtures.notificationPloumFollowsVjousse)
|> Expect.equal
[ { id = .id Fixtures.notificationNicoMentionVjousse
, type_ = "mention"
, status = Just Fixtures.statusNicoToVjousse
, accounts = [ Fixtures.accountNico ]
, created_at = "2017-04-24T20:16:20.973Z"
, { id = .id Fixtures.notificationNicoFollowsVjousse
, type_ = "follow"
, status = Nothing
, accounts = [ Fixtures.accountPloum, Fixtures.accountNico, Fixtures.accountSkro ]
, created_at = "2017-04-24T20:13:47.431Z"
, test "Add mention notification to aggregate" <|
\() ->
|> aggregateNotifications
|> (addNotificationToAggregates Fixtures.notificationNicoMentionVjousse)
|> Expect.equal
[ { id = .id Fixtures.notificationNicoMentionVjousse
, type_ = "mention"
, status = Just Fixtures.statusNicoToVjousse
, accounts = [ Fixtures.accountNico, Fixtures.accountNico ]
, created_at = "2017-04-24T20:16:20.973Z"
, { id = .id Fixtures.notificationNicoFollowsVjousse
, type_ = "follow"
, status = Nothing
, accounts = [ Fixtures.accountNico, Fixtures.accountSkro ]
, created_at = "2017-04-24T20:13:47.431Z"
, test "Add new mention notification to aggregate" <|
\() ->
|> aggregateNotifications
|> (addNotificationToAggregates Fixtures.notificationNicoMentionVjousseAgain)
|> Expect.equal
[ { id = .id Fixtures.notificationNicoMentionVjousseAgain
, type_ = "mention"
, status = Just Fixtures.statusNicoToVjousseAgain
, accounts = [ Fixtures.accountNico ]
, created_at = "2017-04-25T07:41:23.546Z"
, { id = .id Fixtures.notificationNicoMentionVjousse
, type_ = "mention"
, status = Just Fixtures.statusNicoToVjousse
, accounts = [ Fixtures.accountNico ]
, created_at = "2017-04-24T20:16:20.973Z"
, { id = .id Fixtures.notificationNicoFollowsVjousse
, type_ = "follow"
, status = Nothing
, accounts = [ Fixtures.accountNico, Fixtures.accountSkro ]
, created_at = "2017-04-24T20:13:47.431Z"