
309 lines
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module Update.Mastodon exposing (update)
import Command
import Navigation
import Mastodon.Helper
import Mastodon.Model exposing (..)
import Task
import Types exposing (..)
import Update.Draft
import Update.Error exposing (..)
import Update.Timeline
errorText : Error -> String
errorText error =
case error of
MastodonError statusCode statusMsg errorMsg ->
"HTTP " ++ (toString statusCode) ++ " " ++ statusMsg ++ ": " ++ errorMsg
ServerError statusCode statusMsg errorMsg ->
"HTTP " ++ (toString statusCode) ++ " " ++ statusMsg ++ ": " ++ errorMsg
TimeoutError ->
"Request timed out."
NetworkError ->
"Unreachable host."
update : MastodonMsg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
AccessToken result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded } ->
client =
Client decoded.server decoded.accessToken
{ model | client = Just client }
! [ Command.loadTimelines <| Just client
, Command.saveClient client
, Navigation.modifyUrl model.location.pathname
, Navigation.reload
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
AccountFollowed result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded } ->
processFollowEvent decoded True model ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
AccountUnfollowed result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded } ->
processFollowEvent decoded False model ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
AppRegistered result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded } ->
{ model | registration = Just decoded }
! [ Command.saveRegistration decoded
, Command.navigateToAuthUrl decoded
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
ContextLoaded status result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded } ->
{ model | currentView = ThreadView (Thread status decoded) }
! [ Command.scrollToThreadStatus <| toString ]
Err error ->
{ model
| currentView = Update.Timeline.preferred model
, errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model
! []
CurrentUser result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded } ->
{ model | currentUser = Just decoded } ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
FavoriteAdded result ->
case result of
Ok _ ->
model ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
FavoriteRemoved result ->
case result of
Ok _ ->
model ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
LocalTimeline append result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded, links } ->
{ model | localTimeline = Update.Timeline.update append decoded links model.localTimeline } ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
Notifications append result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded, links } ->
aggregated =
Mastodon.Helper.aggregateNotifications decoded
{ model | notifications = Update.Timeline.update append aggregated links model.notifications } ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
GlobalTimeline append result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded, links } ->
{ model | globalTimeline = Update.Timeline.update append decoded links model.globalTimeline } ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
Reblogged result ->
case result of
Ok _ ->
model ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
StatusPosted _ ->
-- FIXME: here we should rather send a ClearDraft command, and update the
-- ClearDraft message handler to update DOM status
draft =
{ model | draft = draft }
! [ Command.scrollColumnToTop "home-timeline"
, Command.updateDomStatus draft.status
StatusDeleted result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded } ->
Update.Timeline.deleteStatusFromAllTimelines decoded model ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
Unreblogged result ->
case result of
Ok _ ->
model ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
AccountReceived result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded } ->
{ model | currentView = AccountView decoded }
! [ Command.loadAccountTimeline model.client ]
Err error ->
{ model
| currentView = Update.Timeline.preferred model
, errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model
! []
AccountTimeline append result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded, links } ->
{ model | accountTimeline = Update.Timeline.update append decoded links model.accountTimeline } ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
AccountFollowers result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded } ->
-- TODO: store next link
{ model | accountFollowers = decoded }
! [ Command.loadRelationships model.client <| .id decoded ]
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
AccountFollowing result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded } ->
-- TODO: store next link
{ model | accountFollowing = decoded }
! [ Command.loadRelationships model.client <| .id decoded ]
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
AccountRelationship result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded } ->
case decoded of
[ relationship ] ->
{ model | accountRelationship = Just relationship } ! []
_ ->
model ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
AccountRelationships result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded } ->
-- TODO: store next link
{ model | accountRelationships = decoded } ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
HomeTimeline append result ->
case result of
Ok { decoded, links } ->
{ model | homeTimeline = Update.Timeline.update append decoded links model.homeTimeline } ! []
Err error ->
{ model | errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model } ! []
AutoSearch result ->
draft =
case result of
Ok { decoded } ->
{ model
| draft =
{ draft
| showAutoMenu =
, autoAccounts = decoded
-- Force selection of the first item after each
-- Successfull request
! [ Task.perform identity (Task.succeed ((DraftEvent << ResetAutocomplete) True)) ]
Err error ->
{ model
| draft = { draft | showAutoMenu = False }
, errors = addErrorNotification (errorText error) model
! []
{-| Update viewed account relationships as well as the relationship with the
current connected user, both according to the "following" status provided.
processFollowEvent : Relationship -> Bool -> Model -> Model
processFollowEvent relationship flag model =
updateRelationship r =
if == then
{ r | following = flag }
accountRelationships =
model.accountRelationships |> updateRelationship
accountRelationship =
case model.accountRelationship of
Just accountRelationship ->
if == then
Just { relationship | following = flag }
Nothing ->
{ model
| accountRelationships = accountRelationships
, accountRelationship = accountRelationship