Fork 0

652 lines
19 KiB

module Command
( initCommands
, navigateToAuthUrl
, registerApp
, saveClients
, saveRegistration
, loadNotifications
, loadUserAccount
, loadAccount
, loadAccountFollowers
, loadAccountFollowing
, loadHomeTimeline
, loadLocalTimeline
, loadGlobalTimeline
, loadAccountTimeline
, loadFavoriteTimeline
, loadHashtagTimeline
, loadMutes
, loadBlocks
, loadNextTimeline
, loadRelationships
, loadThread
, loadTimelines
, postStatus
, updateDomStatus
, deleteStatus
, reblogStatus
, unreblogStatus
, favouriteStatus
, unfavouriteStatus
, follow
, unfollow
, mute
, unmute
, block
, unblock
, uploadMedia
, focusId
, scrollColumnToTop
, scrollColumnToBottom
, scrollToThreadStatus
, searchAccounts
import Dom
import Dom.Scroll
import Json.Encode as Encode
import Json.Decode as Decode
import HttpBuilder
import Mastodon.ApiUrl as ApiUrl
import Mastodon.Decoder exposing (..)
import Mastodon.Encoder exposing (..)
import Mastodon.Http exposing (..)
import Mastodon.Model exposing (..)
import Navigation
import Ports
import Task
import Types exposing (..)
initCommands : Maybe AppRegistration -> Maybe Client -> Maybe String -> Cmd Msg
initCommands registration client authCode =
Cmd.batch <|
case authCode of
Just authCode ->
case registration of
Just registration ->
[ getAccessToken registration authCode
, Ports.deleteRegistration ""
Nothing ->
Nothing ->
[ loadUserAccount client, loadTimelines client ]
getAccessToken : AppRegistration -> String -> Cmd Msg
getAccessToken registration authCode =
HttpBuilder.post (registration.server ++ ApiUrl.oauthToken)
|> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody (authorizationCodeEncoder registration authCode)
|> withBodyDecoder (accessTokenDecoder registration)
|> send (MastodonEvent << AccessToken)
navigateToAuthUrl : AppRegistration -> Cmd Msg
navigateToAuthUrl registration =
Navigation.load <| getAuthorizationUrl registration
registerApp : Model -> Cmd Msg
registerApp { server, location } =
redirectUri =
location.origin ++ location.pathname
cleanServer =
if String.endsWith "/" server then
String.dropRight 1 server
clientName =
scope =
"read write follow"
website =
HttpBuilder.post (cleanServer ++ ApiUrl.apps)
|> withBodyDecoder (appRegistrationDecoder cleanServer scope)
|> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody
(appRegistrationEncoder clientName redirectUri scope website)
|> send (MastodonEvent << AppRegistered)
saveClients : List Client -> Cmd Msg
saveClients clients =
|> List.map clientEncoder
|> Encode.list
|> Encode.encode 0
|> Ports.saveClients
saveRegistration : AppRegistration -> Cmd Msg
saveRegistration registration =
registrationEncoder registration
|> Encode.encode 0
|> Ports.saveRegistration
loadNotifications : Maybe Client -> Maybe String -> Cmd Msg
loadNotifications client url =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.get (Maybe.withDefault ApiUrl.notifications url)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.list notificationDecoder)
|> withQueryParams [ ( "limit", "30" ) ]
|> send (MastodonEvent << Notifications (url /= Nothing))
Nothing ->
loadUserAccount : Maybe Client -> Cmd Msg
loadUserAccount client =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.get ApiUrl.userAccount
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder accountDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << CurrentUser)
Nothing ->
loadAccount : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
loadAccount client accountId =
case client of
Just client ->
[ HttpBuilder.get (ApiUrl.account accountId)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder accountDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << AccountReceived)
, requestRelationships client [ accountId ]
|> send (MastodonEvent << AccountRelationship)
Nothing ->
loadAccountFollowers : Maybe Client -> Int -> Maybe String -> Cmd Msg
loadAccountFollowers client accountId url =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.get (Maybe.withDefault (ApiUrl.followers accountId) url)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.list accountDecoder)
|> send (MastodonEvent << AccountFollowers (url /= Nothing))
Nothing ->
loadAccountFollowing : Maybe Client -> Int -> Maybe String -> Cmd Msg
loadAccountFollowing client accountId url =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.get (Maybe.withDefault (ApiUrl.following accountId) url)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.list accountDecoder)
|> send (MastodonEvent << AccountFollowing (url /= Nothing))
Nothing ->
searchAccounts : Maybe Client -> String -> Int -> Bool -> Cmd Msg
searchAccounts client query limit resolve =
if query == "" then
case client of
Just client ->
qs =
[ ( "q", query )
, ( "limit", toString limit )
, ( "resolve"
, if resolve then
HttpBuilder.get ApiUrl.searchAccount
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.list accountDecoder)
|> withQueryParams qs
|> send (MastodonEvent << AutoSearch)
Nothing ->
requestRelationships : Client -> List Int -> Request (List Relationship)
requestRelationships client ids =
HttpBuilder.get ApiUrl.relationships
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.list relationshipDecoder)
|> withQueryParams
(List.map (\id -> ( "id[]", toString id )) ids)
loadRelationships : Maybe Client -> List Int -> Cmd Msg
loadRelationships client ids =
if List.length ids > 0 then
case client of
Just client ->
requestRelationships client ids
|> send (MastodonEvent << AccountRelationships)
Nothing ->
loadThread : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
loadThread client id =
case client of
Just client ->
[ HttpBuilder.get (ApiUrl.status id)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder statusDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << (ThreadStatusLoaded id))
, HttpBuilder.get (ApiUrl.context id)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder contextDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << (ThreadContextLoaded id))
Nothing ->
loadHomeTimeline : Maybe Client -> Maybe String -> Cmd Msg
loadHomeTimeline client url =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.get (Maybe.withDefault ApiUrl.homeTimeline url)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.list statusDecoder)
|> withQueryParams [ ( "limit", "60" ) ]
|> send (MastodonEvent << HomeTimeline (url /= Nothing))
Nothing ->
loadLocalTimeline : Maybe Client -> Maybe String -> Cmd Msg
loadLocalTimeline client url =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.get (Maybe.withDefault ApiUrl.publicTimeline url)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.list statusDecoder)
|> withQueryParams [ ( "local", "true" ), ( "limit", "60" ) ]
|> send (MastodonEvent << LocalTimeline (url /= Nothing))
Nothing ->
loadGlobalTimeline : Maybe Client -> Maybe String -> Cmd Msg
loadGlobalTimeline client url =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.get (Maybe.withDefault ApiUrl.publicTimeline url)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.list statusDecoder)
|> withQueryParams [ ( "limit", "60" ) ]
|> send (MastodonEvent << GlobalTimeline (url /= Nothing))
Nothing ->
loadAccountTimeline : Maybe Client -> Int -> Maybe String -> Cmd Msg
loadAccountTimeline client accountId url =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.get (Maybe.withDefault (ApiUrl.accountTimeline accountId) url)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.list statusDecoder)
|> withQueryParams [ ( "limit", "60" ) ]
|> send (MastodonEvent << AccountTimeline (url /= Nothing))
Nothing ->
loadFavoriteTimeline : Maybe Client -> Maybe String -> Cmd Msg
loadFavoriteTimeline client url =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.get (Maybe.withDefault ApiUrl.favouriteTimeline url)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.list statusDecoder)
|> withQueryParams [ ( "limit", "60" ) ]
|> send (MastodonEvent << FavoriteTimeline (url /= Nothing))
Nothing ->
loadHashtagTimeline : Maybe Client -> String -> Maybe String -> Cmd Msg
loadHashtagTimeline client hashtag url =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.get (Maybe.withDefault (ApiUrl.hashtag hashtag) url)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.list statusDecoder)
|> withQueryParams [ ( "limit", "60" ) ]
|> send (MastodonEvent << HashtagTimeline (url /= Nothing))
Nothing ->
loadMutes : Maybe Client -> Maybe String -> Cmd Msg
loadMutes client url =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.get (Maybe.withDefault ApiUrl.mutes url)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.list accountDecoder)
|> withQueryParams [ ( "limit", "60" ) ]
|> send (MastodonEvent << Mutes (url /= Nothing))
Nothing ->
loadBlocks : Maybe Client -> Maybe String -> Cmd Msg
loadBlocks client url =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.get (Maybe.withDefault ApiUrl.blocks url)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.list accountDecoder)
|> withQueryParams [ ( "limit", "60" ) ]
|> send (MastodonEvent << Blocks (url /= Nothing))
Nothing ->
loadTimelines : Maybe Client -> Cmd Msg
loadTimelines client =
[ loadHomeTimeline client Nothing
, loadLocalTimeline client Nothing
, loadGlobalTimeline client Nothing
, loadNotifications client Nothing
loadNextTimeline : Model -> String -> String -> Cmd Msg
loadNextTimeline { clients, currentView, accountInfo } id next =
client =
List.head clients
case id of
"notifications" ->
loadNotifications client (Just next)
"home-timeline" ->
loadHomeTimeline client (Just next)
"local-timeline" ->
loadLocalTimeline client (Just next)
"global-timeline" ->
loadGlobalTimeline client (Just next)
"favorite-timeline" ->
loadFavoriteTimeline client (Just next)
"hashtag-timeline" ->
case currentView of
HashtagView hashtag ->
loadHashtagTimeline client hashtag (Just next)
_ ->
"account-timeline" ->
case accountInfo.account of
Just account ->
loadAccountTimeline client account.id (Just next)
_ ->
"account-followers" ->
case accountInfo.account of
Just account ->
loadAccountFollowers client account.id (Just next)
_ ->
"account-following" ->
case accountInfo.account of
Just account ->
loadAccountFollowing client account.id (Just next)
_ ->
_ ->
postStatus : Maybe Client -> StatusRequestBody -> Cmd Msg
postStatus client draft =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.post ApiUrl.statuses
|> withClient client
|> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody (statusRequestBodyEncoder draft)
|> withBodyDecoder statusDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << StatusPosted)
Nothing ->
updateDomStatus : String -> Cmd Msg
updateDomStatus statusText =
Ports.setStatus { id = "status", status = statusText }
deleteStatus : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
deleteStatus client id =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.delete (ApiUrl.status id)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder (Decode.succeed id)
|> send (MastodonEvent << StatusDeleted)
Nothing ->
reblogStatus : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
reblogStatus client statusId =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.post (ApiUrl.reblog statusId)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder statusDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << Reblogged)
Nothing ->
unreblogStatus : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
unreblogStatus client statusId =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.post (ApiUrl.unreblog statusId)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder statusDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << Unreblogged)
Nothing ->
favouriteStatus : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
favouriteStatus client statusId =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.post (ApiUrl.favourite statusId)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder statusDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << FavoriteAdded)
Nothing ->
unfavouriteStatus : Maybe Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg
unfavouriteStatus client statusId =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.post (ApiUrl.unfavourite statusId)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder statusDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << FavoriteRemoved)
Nothing ->
follow : Maybe Client -> Account -> Cmd Msg
follow client account =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.post (ApiUrl.follow account.id)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder relationshipDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << (AccountFollowed account))
Nothing ->
unfollow : Maybe Client -> Account -> Cmd Msg
unfollow client account =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.post (ApiUrl.unfollow account.id)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder relationshipDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << (AccountUnfollowed account))
Nothing ->
mute : Maybe Client -> Account -> Cmd Msg
mute client account =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.post (ApiUrl.mute account.id)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder relationshipDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << (AccountMuted account))
Nothing ->
unmute : Maybe Client -> Account -> Cmd Msg
unmute client account =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.post (ApiUrl.unmute account.id)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder relationshipDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << (AccountUnmuted account))
Nothing ->
block : Maybe Client -> Account -> Cmd Msg
block client account =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.post (ApiUrl.block account.id)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder relationshipDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << (AccountBlocked account))
Nothing ->
unblock : Maybe Client -> Account -> Cmd Msg
unblock client account =
case client of
Just client ->
HttpBuilder.post (ApiUrl.unblock account.id)
|> withClient client
|> withBodyDecoder relationshipDecoder
|> send (MastodonEvent << (AccountUnblocked account))
Nothing ->
uploadMedia : Maybe Client -> String -> Cmd Msg
uploadMedia client fileInputId =
case client of
Just { server, token } ->
{ id = fileInputId
, url = server ++ ApiUrl.uploadMedia
, token = token
Nothing ->
focusId : String -> Cmd Msg
focusId id =
Dom.focus id |> Task.attempt (always NoOp)
scrollColumnToTop : String -> Cmd Msg
scrollColumnToTop column =
Task.attempt (always NoOp) <| Dom.Scroll.toTop column
scrollColumnToBottom : String -> Cmd Msg
scrollColumnToBottom column =
Task.attempt (always NoOp) <| Dom.Scroll.toBottom column
scrollToThreadStatus : String -> Cmd Msg
scrollToThreadStatus cssId =
Ports.scrollIntoView <| "thread-status-" ++ cssId