Nicolas Perriault 89089b0ccf Fix #121: Refactor Mastodon.Http (#122)
* Drop use of Server args in ApiUrl.
* Generalize use of fetch to other Http functions.
* Leverage HttpBuilder.withQueryParams where applicable.
* Distinguish between request and authRequest.
2017-05-03 08:52:39 +02:00

245 lines
7.0 KiB

module Mastodon.Http
( Request
, context
, reblog
, unreblog
, favourite
, unfavourite
, follow
, unfollow
, register
, getAuthorizationUrl
, getAccessToken
, fetchAccount
, fetchAccountTimeline
, fetchAccountFollowers
, fetchAccountFollowing
, fetchLocalTimeline
, fetchNotifications
, fetchGlobalTimeline
, fetchUserTimeline
, fetchRelationships
, postStatus
, deleteStatus
, userAccount
, send
, searchAccounts
import Http
import HttpBuilder as Build
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Mastodon.ApiUrl as ApiUrl
import Mastodon.Decoder exposing (..)
import Mastodon.Encoder exposing (..)
import Mastodon.Model exposing (..)
type Method
type alias Request a =
Build.RequestBuilder a
extractMastodonError : Int -> String -> String -> Error
extractMastodonError statusCode statusMsg body =
case Decode.decodeString mastodonErrorDecoder body of
Ok errRecord ->
MastodonError statusCode statusMsg errRecord
Err err ->
ServerError statusCode statusMsg err
extractError : Http.Error -> Error
extractError error =
case error of
Http.BadStatus { status, body } ->
extractMastodonError status.code status.message body
Http.BadPayload str { status } ->
("Failed decoding JSON: " ++ str)
Http.Timeout ->
_ ->
toResponse : Result Http.Error a -> Result Error a
toResponse result =
Result.mapError extractError result
request : String -> Method -> String -> Decode.Decoder a -> Request a
request server method endpoint decoder =
httpMethod =
case method of
GET ->
httpMethod (server ++ endpoint)
|> Build.withExpect (Http.expectJson decoder)
authRequest : Client -> Method -> String -> Decode.Decoder a -> Request a
authRequest client method endpoint decoder =
request client.server method endpoint decoder
|> Build.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token)
register : String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Request AppRegistration
register server clientName redirectUri scope website =
request server POST ApiUrl.apps (appRegistrationDecoder server scope)
|> Build.withJsonBody (appRegistrationEncoder clientName redirectUri scope website)
getAccessToken : AppRegistration -> String -> Request AccessTokenResult
getAccessToken registration authCode =
request registration.server POST ApiUrl.oauthToken (accessTokenDecoder registration)
|> Build.withJsonBody (authorizationCodeEncoder registration authCode)
getAuthorizationUrl : AppRegistration -> String
getAuthorizationUrl registration =
encodeUrl (registration.server ++ ApiUrl.oauthAuthorize)
[ ( "response_type", "code" )
, ( "client_id", registration.client_id )
, ( "scope", registration.scope )
, ( "redirect_uri", registration.redirect_uri )
send : (Result Error a -> msg) -> Request a -> Cmd msg
send tagger builder =
Build.send (toResponse >> tagger) builder
fetchAccount : Client -> Int -> Request Account
fetchAccount client accountId =
authRequest client GET (ApiUrl.account accountId) accountDecoder
fetchUserTimeline : Client -> Request (List Status)
fetchUserTimeline client =
authRequest client GET ApiUrl.homeTimeline <| Decode.list statusDecoder
fetchRelationships : Client -> List Int -> Request (List Relationship)
fetchRelationships client ids =
authRequest client GET ApiUrl.relationships (Decode.list relationshipDecoder)
|> Build.withQueryParams ( (\id -> ( "id[]", toString id )) ids)
fetchLocalTimeline : Client -> Request (List Status)
fetchLocalTimeline client =
authRequest client GET ApiUrl.publicTimeline (Decode.list statusDecoder)
|> Build.withQueryParams [ ( "local", "true" ) ]
fetchGlobalTimeline : Client -> Request (List Status)
fetchGlobalTimeline client =
authRequest client GET ApiUrl.publicTimeline <| Decode.list statusDecoder
fetchAccountTimeline : Client -> Int -> Request (List Status)
fetchAccountTimeline client id =
authRequest client GET (ApiUrl.accountTimeline id) <| Decode.list statusDecoder
fetchNotifications : Client -> Request (List Notification)
fetchNotifications client =
authRequest client GET (ApiUrl.notifications) <| Decode.list notificationDecoder
fetchAccountFollowers : Client -> Int -> Request (List Account)
fetchAccountFollowers client accountId =
authRequest client GET (ApiUrl.followers accountId) <| Decode.list accountDecoder
fetchAccountFollowing : Client -> Int -> Request (List Account)
fetchAccountFollowing client accountId =
authRequest client GET (ApiUrl.following accountId) <| Decode.list accountDecoder
searchAccounts : Client -> String -> Int -> Bool -> Request (List Account)
searchAccounts client query limit resolve =
authRequest client GET ApiUrl.searchAccount (Decode.list accountDecoder)
|> Build.withQueryParams
[ ( "q", query )
, ( "limit", toString limit )
, ( "resolve"
, if resolve then
userAccount : Client -> Request Account
userAccount client =
authRequest client GET ApiUrl.userAccount accountDecoder
postStatus : Client -> StatusRequestBody -> Request Status
postStatus client statusRequestBody =
authRequest client POST ApiUrl.statuses statusDecoder
|> Build.withJsonBody (statusRequestBodyEncoder statusRequestBody)
deleteStatus : Client -> Int -> Request Int
deleteStatus client id =
authRequest client DELETE (ApiUrl.status id) <| Decode.succeed id
context : Client -> Int -> Request Context
context client id =
authRequest client GET (ApiUrl.context id) contextDecoder
reblog : Client -> Int -> Request Status
reblog client id =
authRequest client POST (ApiUrl.reblog id) statusDecoder
unreblog : Client -> Int -> Request Status
unreblog client id =
authRequest client POST (ApiUrl.unreblog id) statusDecoder
favourite : Client -> Int -> Request Status
favourite client id =
authRequest client POST (ApiUrl.favourite id) statusDecoder
unfavourite : Client -> Int -> Request Status
unfavourite client id =
authRequest client POST (ApiUrl.unfavourite id) statusDecoder
follow : Client -> Int -> Request Relationship
follow client id =
authRequest client POST (ApiUrl.follow id) relationshipDecoder
unfollow : Client -> Int -> Request Relationship
unfollow client id =
authRequest client POST (ApiUrl.unfollow id) relationshipDecoder