Prevent opening thread view when clicking on ext. links.

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Perriault 2017-04-28 09:41:11 +02:00
parent 9668e63f34
commit 558f0295a5
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: DA5E4C83904F7A2A
2 changed files with 41 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import List.Extra exposing (elemIndex, getAt)
import Mastodon.Helper
import Mastodon.Model
import Model exposing (..)
import ViewHelper
import ViewHelper exposing (..)
import Date
import Date.Extra.Config.Config_en_au as DateEn
import Date.Extra.Format as DateFormat
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ closeablePanelheading iconName label onClose =
, div [ class "col-xs-3 text-right" ]
[ a
[ href ""
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop onClose
, onClickWithPreventAndStop onClose
[ icon "remove" ]
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ accountLink : Mastodon.Model.Account -> Html Msg
accountLink account =
[ href account.url
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop (LoadAccount
, onClickWithPreventAndStop (LoadAccount
[ text <| "@" ++ account.username ]
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ accountAvatarLink : Mastodon.Model.Account -> Html Msg
accountAvatarLink account =
[ href account.url
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop (LoadAccount
, onClickWithPreventAndStop (LoadAccount
, title <| "@" ++ account.username
[ img [ class "avatar", src account.avatar ] [] ]
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ attachmentPreview context sensitive attachments ({ url, preview_url } as attachm
[ class "attachment-image"
, href url
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop <|
, onClickWithPreventAndStop <|
ViewerEvent (OpenViewer attachments attachment)
, style
[ ( "background"
@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ statusContentView : String -> Mastodon.Model.Status -> Html Msg
statusContentView context status =
case status.spoiler_text of
"" ->
div [ class "status-text", onClick <| OpenThread status ]
[ div [] <| ViewHelper.formatContent status.content status.mentions
div [ class "status-text", onClickWithStop <| OpenThread status ]
[ div [] <| formatContent status.content status.mentions
, attachmentListView context status
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ statusContentView context status =
, input [ type_ "checkbox", id statusId, class "spoiler-toggler" ] []
, label [ for statusId ] [ text "Reveal content" ]
, div [ class "spoiled-content" ]
[ div [] <| ViewHelper.formatContent status.content status.mentions
[ div [] <| formatContent status.content status.mentions
, attachmentListView context status
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ statusView context ({ account, content, media_attachments, reblog, mentions } as
-- When clicking on a status, we should not let the browser
-- redirect to a new page. That's why we're preventing the default
-- behavior here
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop (LoadAccount
, onClickWithPreventAndStop (LoadAccount
case reblog of
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ accountTimelineView account statuses label iconName =
[ img [ src account.avatar ] []
, span [ class "account-display-name" ] [ text account.display_name ]
, span [ class "account-username" ] [ text ("@" ++ account.username) ]
, span [ class "account-note" ] (ViewHelper.formatContent account.note [])
, span [ class "account-note" ] (formatContent account.note [])
, div [ class "row account-infos" ]
@ -278,24 +278,24 @@ statusActionsView status =
div [ class "btn-group actions" ]
[ a
[ class baseBtnClasses
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop <|
, onClickWithPreventAndStop <|
DraftEvent (UpdateReplyTo targetStatus)
[ icon "share-alt" ]
, a
[ class reblogClasses
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop reblogEvent
, onClickWithPreventAndStop reblogEvent
[ icon "fire", text (toString status.reblogs_count) ]
, a
[ class favClasses
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop favEvent
, onClickWithPreventAndStop favEvent
[ icon "star", text (toString status.favourites_count) ]
, a
[ class baseBtnClasses
, href status.url
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop <| OpenThread status
, onClickWithPreventAndStop <| OpenThread status
[ icon "time", formatDate ]
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ notificationFollowView { accounts } =
, onClick <| LoadAccount
ViewHelper.formatContent account.note []
formatContent account.note []
div [ class "notification follow" ]
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ draftReplyToView draft =
[ text "In reply to this toot ("
, a
[ href ""
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop <| DraftEvent ClearReplyTo
, onClickWithPreventAndStop <| DraftEvent ClearReplyTo
[ icon "remove" ]
, text ")"
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ viewerView { attachments, attachment } =
[ href ""
, class className
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop <|
, onClickWithPreventAndStop <|
ViewerEvent (OpenViewer attachments target)
[ text label ]
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ viewerView { attachments, attachment } =
[ class "viewer"
, tabindex -1
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop <| ViewerEvent CloseViewer
, onClickWithPreventAndStop <| ViewerEvent CloseViewer
[ span [ class "close" ] [ text "×" ]
, navLink "" "prev" prev

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ module ViewHelper
( formatContent
, getMentionForLink
, onClickWithStop
, onClickWithPrevent
, onClickWithPreventAndStop
, toVirtualDom
@ -27,6 +29,22 @@ onClickWithPreventAndStop msg =
(Decode.succeed msg)
onClickWithPrevent : msg -> Attribute msg
onClickWithPrevent msg =
{ preventDefault = True, stopPropagation = False }
(Decode.succeed msg)
onClickWithStop : msg -> Attribute msg
onClickWithStop msg =
{ preventDefault = False, stopPropagation = True }
(Decode.succeed msg)
-- Views
@ -63,7 +81,11 @@ createLinkNode attrs children mentions =
(toVirtualDom mentions children)
Nothing ->
Html.node "a" ( toAttribute attrs) (toVirtualDom mentions children)
Html.node "a"
(( toAttribute attrs)
++ [ onClickWithStop Model.NoOp, target "_blank" ]
(toVirtualDom mentions children)
getHrefLink : List ( String, String ) -> Maybe String