* Render user mentions in the second column. * Add a timeline type toggler.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ body {
.status {
min-height: 75px;
min-height: 50px;
clear: both;
@ -11,9 +11,18 @@ body {
background: #493438;
.reblog > p:first-of-type {
.reblog > p:first-of-type,
.notification > p:first-of-type {
color: #999;
.reblog > p:first-of-type > a,
.notification > p:first-of-type > a {
color: #ccc;
.notification.follow > p {
margin-bottom: 0;
.panel-heading {
font-weight: bold;
@ -53,7 +62,7 @@ body {
color: #efefef;
.status-text a, .u-url, .mention, .hashtag, .tag {
.status-text a, .u-url, .status .mention, .hashtag, .tag {
color: #9baec8;
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Mastodon
, Client
, Error(..)
, Mention
, Notification
, Reblog(..)
, Status
, StatusRequestBody
@ -17,8 +18,9 @@ module Mastodon
, getAuthorizationUrl
, getAccessToken
, fetchAccount
, fetchPublicTimeline
, fetchLocalTimeline
, fetchNotifications
, fetchPublicTimeline
, fetchUserTimeline
, postStatus
, send
@ -125,6 +127,22 @@ type alias Mention =
type alias Notification =
- id: The notification ID
- type_: One of: "mention", "reblog", "favourite", "follow"
- created_at: The time the notification was created
- account: The Account sending the notification to the user
- status: The Status associated with the notification, if applicable
{ id : Int
, type_ : String
, created_at : String
, account : Account
, status : Maybe Status
type alias Tag =
{ name : String
, url : String
@ -287,6 +305,16 @@ mentionDecoder =
|> Pipe.required "acct" Decode.string
notificationDecoder : Decode.Decoder Notification
notificationDecoder =
Pipe.decode Notification
|> Pipe.required "id" Decode.int
|> Pipe.required "type" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "created_at" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "account" accountDecoder
|> Pipe.optional "status" (Decode.nullable statusDecoder) Nothing
tagDecoder : Decode.Decoder Tag
tagDecoder =
Pipe.decode Tag
@ -450,17 +478,22 @@ fetchAccount client accountId =
fetchUserTimeline : Client -> Request (List Status)
fetchUserTimeline client =
fetch client "/api/v1/timelines/home" (Decode.list statusDecoder)
fetch client "/api/v1/timelines/home" <| Decode.list statusDecoder
fetchLocalTimeline : Client -> Request (List Status)
fetchLocalTimeline client =
fetch client "/api/v1/timelines/public?local=true" (Decode.list statusDecoder)
fetch client "/api/v1/timelines/public?local=true" <| Decode.list statusDecoder
fetchPublicTimeline : Client -> Request (List Status)
fetchPublicTimeline client =
fetch client "/api/v1/timelines/public" (Decode.list statusDecoder)
fetch client "/api/v1/timelines/public" <| Decode.list statusDecoder
fetchNotifications : Client -> Request (List Notification)
fetchNotifications client =
fetch client "/api/v1/notifications" <| Decode.list notificationDecoder
postStatus : Client -> StatusRequestBody -> Request Status
@ -25,13 +25,15 @@ type Msg
| AppRegistered (Result Mastodon.Error Mastodon.AppRegistration)
| DraftEvent DraftMsg
| LocalTimeline (Result Mastodon.Error (List Mastodon.Status))
| PublicTimeline (Result Mastodon.Error (List Mastodon.Status))
| Notifications (Result Mastodon.Error (List Mastodon.Notification))
| OnLoadUserAccount Int
| PublicTimeline (Result Mastodon.Error (List Mastodon.Status))
| Register
| ServerChange String
| StatusPosted (Result Mastodon.Error Mastodon.Status)
| SubmitDraft
| UrlChange Navigation.Location
| UseGlobalTimeline Bool
| UserAccount (Result Mastodon.Error Mastodon.Account)
| UserTimeline (Result Mastodon.Error (List Mastodon.Status))
@ -43,10 +45,12 @@ type alias Model =
, userTimeline : List Mastodon.Status
, localTimeline : List Mastodon.Status
, publicTimeline : List Mastodon.Status
, notifications : List Mastodon.Notification
, draft : Mastodon.StatusRequestBody
, account : Maybe Mastodon.Account
, errors : List String
, location : Navigation.Location
, useGlobalTimeline : Bool
@ -82,10 +86,12 @@ init flags location =
, userTimeline = []
, localTimeline = []
, publicTimeline = []
, notifications = []
, draft = defaultDraft
, account = Nothing
, errors = []
, location = location
, useGlobalTimeline = False
! [ initCommands flags.registration flags.client authCode ]
@ -143,6 +149,7 @@ loadTimelines client =
[ Mastodon.fetchUserTimeline client |> Mastodon.send UserTimeline
, Mastodon.fetchLocalTimeline client |> Mastodon.send LocalTimeline
, Mastodon.fetchPublicTimeline client |> Mastodon.send PublicTimeline
, Mastodon.fetchNotifications client |> Mastodon.send Notifications
Nothing ->
@ -271,6 +278,9 @@ update msg model =
Nothing ->
UseGlobalTimeline flag ->
{ model | useGlobalTimeline = flag } ! []
LocalTimeline result ->
case result of
Ok localTimeline ->
@ -297,3 +307,11 @@ update msg model =
StatusPosted _ ->
{ model | draft = defaultDraft } ! [ loadTimelines model.client ]
Notifications result ->
case result of
Ok notifications ->
{ model | notifications = notifications } ! []
Err error ->
{ model | notifications = [], errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! []
@ -39,6 +39,15 @@ icon name =
i [ class <| "glyphicon glyphicon-" ++ name ] []
accountLink : Mastodon.Account -> Html Msg
accountLink account =
[ href account.url
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop (OnLoadUserAccount account.id)
[ text <| "@" ++ account.username ]
attachmentPreview : Maybe Bool -> Mastodon.Attachment -> Html Msg
attachmentPreview sensitive ({ url, preview_url } as attachment) =
@ -227,6 +236,61 @@ timelineView statuses label iconName =
notificationHeading : Mastodon.Account -> String -> String -> Html Msg
notificationHeading account str iconType =
p [] <|
List.intersperse (text " ")
[ icon iconType, accountLink account, text str ]
notificationStatusView : Mastodon.Status -> Mastodon.Notification -> Html Msg
notificationStatusView status { type_, account } =
div [ class "notification mention" ]
[ case type_ of
"reblog" ->
notificationHeading account "boosted your toot" "fire"
"favourite" ->
notificationHeading account "favourited your toot" "star"
_ ->
text ""
, statusView status
notificationFollowView : Mastodon.Notification -> Html Msg
notificationFollowView { account } =
div [ class "notification follow" ]
[ notificationHeading account "started following you" "user" ]
notificationEntryView : Mastodon.Notification -> Html Msg
notificationEntryView notification =
li [ class "list-group-item" ]
[ case notification.status of
Just status ->
notificationStatusView status notification
Nothing ->
notificationFollowView notification
notificationListView : List Mastodon.Notification -> Html Msg
notificationListView notifications =
div [ class "col-md-3" ]
[ div [ class "panel panel-default" ]
[ div [ class "panel-heading" ]
[ icon "bell"
, text "Notifications"
, ul [ class "list-group" ] <|
List.map notificationEntryView notifications
draftView : Model -> Html Msg
draftView { draft } =
@ -237,108 +301,136 @@ draftView { draft } =
option [ value visibility ]
[ text <| visibility ++ ": " ++ description ]
div [ class "col-md-3" ]
[ div [ class "panel panel-default" ]
[ div [ class "panel-heading" ] [ icon "envelope", text "Post a message" ]
, div [ class "panel-body" ]
[ Html.form [ class "form", onSubmit SubmitDraft ]
[ div [ class "form-group checkbox" ]
[ label []
[ input
[ type_ "checkbox"
, onCheck <| DraftEvent << ToggleSpoiler
, checked hasSpoiler
, text " Add a spoiler"
div [ class "panel panel-default" ]
[ div [ class "panel-heading" ] [ icon "envelope", text "Post a message" ]
, div [ class "panel-body" ]
[ Html.form [ class "form", onSubmit SubmitDraft ]
[ div [ class "form-group checkbox" ]
[ label []
[ input
[ type_ "checkbox"
, onCheck <| DraftEvent << ToggleSpoiler
, checked hasSpoiler
, text " Add a spoiler"
, if hasSpoiler then
div [ class "form-group" ]
[ label [ for "spoiler" ] [ text "Visible part" ]
, textarea
[ id "spoiler"
, class "form-control"
, rows 5
, placeholder "This text will always be visible."
, onInput <| DraftEvent << UpdateSpoiler
, required True
, value <| Maybe.withDefault "" draft.spoiler_text
text ""
, div [ class "form-group" ]
[ label [ for "status" ]
[ text <|
if hasSpoiler then
"Hidden part"
, if hasSpoiler then
div [ class "form-group" ]
[ label [ for "spoiler" ] [ text "Visible part" ]
, textarea
[ id "status"
[ id "spoiler"
, class "form-control"
, rows 8
, placeholder <|
if hasSpoiler then
"This text will be hidden by default, as you have enabled a spoiler."
"Once upon a time..."
, onInput <| DraftEvent << UpdateStatus
, rows 5
, placeholder "This text will always be visible."
, onInput <| DraftEvent << UpdateSpoiler
, required True
, value draft.status
, value <| Maybe.withDefault "" draft.spoiler_text
, div [ class "form-group" ]
[ label [ for "visibility" ] [ text "Visibility" ]
, select
[ id "visibility"
, class "form-control"
, onInput <| DraftEvent << UpdateVisibility
, required True
, value draft.visibility
text ""
, div [ class "form-group" ]
[ label [ for "status" ]
[ text <|
if hasSpoiler then
"Hidden part"
, textarea
[ id "status"
, class "form-control"
, rows 8
, placeholder <|
if hasSpoiler then
"This text will be hidden by default, as you have enabled a spoiler."
"Once upon a time..."
, onInput <| DraftEvent << UpdateStatus
, required True
, value draft.status
, div [ class "form-group" ]
[ label [ for "visibility" ] [ text "Visibility" ]
, select
[ id "visibility"
, class "form-control"
, onInput <| DraftEvent << UpdateVisibility
, required True
, value draft.visibility
List.map visibilityOptionView <|
Dict.toList visibilities
, div [ class "form-group checkbox" ]
[ label []
[ input
[ type_ "checkbox"
, onCheck <| DraftEvent << UpdateSensitive
, checked draft.sensitive
List.map visibilityOptionView <|
Dict.toList visibilities
, div [ class "form-group checkbox" ]
[ label []
[ input
[ type_ "checkbox"
, onCheck <| DraftEvent << UpdateSensitive
, checked draft.sensitive
, text " This post is NSFW"
, p [ class "text-right" ]
[ button [ class "btn btn-primary" ]
[ text "Toot!" ]
, text " This post is NSFW"
, p [ class "text-right" ]
[ button [ class "btn btn-primary" ]
[ text "Toot!" ]
optionsView : Model -> Html Msg
optionsView model =
div [ class "panel panel-default" ]
[ div [ class "panel-heading" ] [ icon "cog", text "options" ]
, div [ class "panel-body" ]
[ div [ class "checkbox" ]
[ label []
[ input
[ type_ "checkbox"
, onCheck UseGlobalTimeline
, text " 4th column renders the global timeline"
sidebarView : Model -> Html Msg
sidebarView model =
div [ class "col-md-3" ]
[ draftView model
, optionsView model
homepageView : Model -> Html Msg
homepageView model =
div [ class "row" ]
[ draftView model
[ sidebarView model
, timelineView model.userTimeline "Home timeline" "home"
, timelineView model.localTimeline "Local timeline" "th-large"
, notificationListView model.notifications
, case model.account of
Just account ->
-- Todo: Load the user timeline
accountTimelineView account [] "Account" "user"
Nothing ->
timelineView model.publicTimeline "Public timeline" "globe"
if model.useGlobalTimeline then
timelineView model.publicTimeline "Global timeline" "globe"
timelineView model.localTimeline "Local timeline" "th-large"
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onWithOptions)
import HtmlParser
import HtmlParser.Util
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Mastodon
import Model exposing (Msg(OnLoadUserAccount))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user