WiP: Add status action buttons. (#32)
* Add status action buttons. * Handle favorite actions. * Handle reblog actions. * Optimistic updates for reblogs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,7 +10,11 @@ An [experimental Mastodon client](https://n1k0.github.io/tooty/) written in Elm.
### Starting the dev server
$ npm run live
$ npm start
### Starting the dev server in live debug mode
$ npm run debug
### Building
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
"dependencies": {
"NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline": "3.0.0 <= v < 4.0.0",
"elm-lang/core": "5.1.1 <= v < 6.0.0",
"elm-lang/dom": "1.1.1 <= v < 2.0.0",
"elm-lang/html": "2.0.0 <= v < 3.0.0",
"elm-lang/http": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0",
"elm-lang/navigation": "2.1.0 <= v < 3.0.0",
@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
"scripts": {
"build": "node_modules/.bin/elm-make src/Main.elm --warn --output=build/app.js && npm run copy-assets",
"copy-assets": "cp public/index.html build/ && cp public/style.css build/",
"debug": "node_modules/.bin/elm-live src/Main.elm --dir=public/ --output=public/app.js --debug",
"deploy": "npm run build && node_modules/.bin/gh-pages --dist build/",
"live": "node_modules/.bin/elm-live src/Main.elm --dir=public/ --output=public/app.js --debug",
"start": "node_modules/.bin/elm-live src/Main.elm --dir=public/ --output=public/app.js",
"test": "node_modules/.bin/elm-make src/Main.elm --warn --output /tmp/tooty.html"
"repository": {
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ body {
.reblog > p:first-of-type,
.notification > p:first-of-type {
color: #999;
margin-bottom: 8px;
.reblog > p:first-of-type > a,
.notification > p:first-of-type > a {
@ -68,10 +69,37 @@ body {
color: #9baec8;
/* Status actions */
.actions {
margin-left: 65px;
width: calc(100% - 65px);
.actions > .btn {
border: none;
background: transparent;
color: #aaa;
padding: 0 2.4em 0 0;
text-align: left;
.actions > .btn > .glyphicon {
margin-right: 5px;
.actions .favourited {
color: #d1ac0e;
.actions .reblogged {
color: #d56344;
/* Attachments */
.attachments {
margin: 0;
margin: 0 0 15px 0;
padding: 0;
list-style-type: none;
overflow: hidden;
@ -151,6 +179,20 @@ body {
transition: all .6s;
/* Draft form */
.in-reply-to .attachments {
margin: 0;
.in-reply-to .attachments li {
display: none;
.in-reply-to .attachments:after {
content: "[attachments hidden]";
font-size: .9em;
color: #555;
/* Status text content rules */
.attachment {
@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ module Mastodon
, Status
, StatusRequestBody
, Tag
, reblog
, unreblog
, favourite
, unfavourite
, extractReblog
, register
, registrationEncoder
, clientEncoder
@ -406,6 +411,16 @@ extractError error =
extractReblog : Status -> Status
extractReblog status =
case status.reblog of
Just (Reblog reblog) ->
Nothing ->
toResponse : Result Http.Error a -> Result Error a
toResponse result =
Result.mapError extractError result
@ -502,3 +517,31 @@ postStatus client statusRequestBody =
|> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token)
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson statusDecoder)
|> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody (statusRequestBodyEncoder statusRequestBody)
reblog : Client -> Int -> Request Status
reblog client id =
HttpBuilder.post (client.server ++ "/api/v1/statuses/" ++ (toString id) ++ "/reblog")
|> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token)
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson statusDecoder)
unreblog : Client -> Int -> Request Status
unreblog client id =
HttpBuilder.post (client.server ++ "/api/v1/statuses/" ++ (toString id) ++ "/unreblog")
|> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token)
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson statusDecoder)
favourite : Client -> Int -> Request Status
favourite client id =
HttpBuilder.post (client.server ++ "/api/v1/statuses/" ++ (toString id) ++ "/favourite")
|> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token)
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson statusDecoder)
unfavourite : Client -> Int -> Request Status
unfavourite client id =
HttpBuilder.post (client.server ++ "/api/v1/statuses/" ++ (toString id) ++ "/unfavourite")
|> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token)
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson statusDecoder)
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
module Model exposing (..)
import Dom
import Json.Encode as Encode
import Navigation
import Mastodon
import Ports
import Task
type alias Flags =
@ -13,22 +15,37 @@ type alias Flags =
type DraftMsg
= ToggleSpoiler Bool
= ClearDraft
| ClearReplyTo
| UpdateSensitive Bool
| UpdateSpoiler String
| UpdateStatus String
| UpdateVisibility String
| UpdateReplyTo Mastodon.Status
| ToggleSpoiler Bool
type Msg
FIXME: Mastodon server response messages should be extracted to their own
MastodonMsg type at some point.
= AccessToken (Result Mastodon.Error Mastodon.AccessTokenResult)
| AddFavorite Int
| AppRegistered (Result Mastodon.Error Mastodon.AppRegistration)
| DraftEvent DraftMsg
| FavoriteAdded (Result Mastodon.Error Mastodon.Status)
| FavoriteRemoved (Result Mastodon.Error Mastodon.Status)
| LocalTimeline (Result Mastodon.Error (List Mastodon.Status))
| NoOp
| Notifications (Result Mastodon.Error (List Mastodon.Notification))
| OnLoadUserAccount Int
| PublicTimeline (Result Mastodon.Error (List Mastodon.Status))
| Reblog Int
| Reblogged (Result Mastodon.Error Mastodon.Status)
| Register
| RemoveFavorite Int
| ServerChange String
| StatusPosted (Result Mastodon.Error Mastodon.Status)
| SubmitDraft
@ -36,9 +53,25 @@ type Msg
| UseGlobalTimeline Bool
| UserAccount (Result Mastodon.Error Mastodon.Account)
| ClearOpenedAccount
| Unreblog Int
| Unreblogged (Result Mastodon.Error Mastodon.Status)
| UserTimeline (Result Mastodon.Error (List Mastodon.Status))
type Crud
= Add
| Remove
type alias Draft =
{ status : String
, in_reply_to : Maybe Mastodon.Status
, spoiler_text : Maybe String
, sensitive : Bool
, visibility : String
type alias Model =
{ server : String
, registration : Maybe Mastodon.AppRegistration
@ -47,7 +80,7 @@ type alias Model =
, localTimeline : List Mastodon.Status
, publicTimeline : List Mastodon.Status
, notifications : List Mastodon.Notification
, draft : Mastodon.StatusRequestBody
, draft : Draft
, account : Maybe Mastodon.Account
, errors : List String
, location : Navigation.Location
@ -65,10 +98,10 @@ extractAuthCode { search } =
defaultDraft : Mastodon.StatusRequestBody
defaultDraft : Draft
defaultDraft =
{ status = ""
, in_reply_to_id = Nothing
, in_reply_to = Nothing
, spoiler_text = Nothing
, sensitive = False
, visibility = "public"
@ -142,6 +175,16 @@ saveRegistration registration =
|> Ports.saveRegistration
loadNotifications : Maybe Mastodon.Client -> Cmd Msg
loadNotifications client =
case client of
Just client ->
Mastodon.fetchNotifications client |> Mastodon.send Notifications
Nothing ->
loadTimelines : Maybe Mastodon.Client -> Cmd Msg
loadTimelines client =
case client of
@ -150,7 +193,7 @@ loadTimelines client =
[ Mastodon.fetchUserTimeline client |> Mastodon.send UserTimeline
, Mastodon.fetchLocalTimeline client |> Mastodon.send LocalTimeline
, Mastodon.fetchPublicTimeline client |> Mastodon.send PublicTimeline
, Mastodon.fetchNotifications client |> Mastodon.send Notifications
, loadNotifications <| Just client
Nothing ->
@ -179,11 +222,56 @@ errorText error =
"Unreachable host."
updateDraft : DraftMsg -> Mastodon.StatusRequestBody -> Mastodon.StatusRequestBody
toStatusRequestBody : Draft -> Mastodon.StatusRequestBody
toStatusRequestBody draft =
{ status = draft.status
, in_reply_to_id =
case draft.in_reply_to of
Just status ->
Just status.id
Nothing ->
, spoiler_text = draft.spoiler_text
, sensitive = draft.sensitive
, visibility = draft.visibility
updateTimelinesWithBoolFlag : Int -> Bool -> (Mastodon.Status -> Mastodon.Status) -> Model -> Model
updateTimelinesWithBoolFlag statusId flag statusUpdater model =
update flag status =
if (Mastodon.extractReblog status).id == statusId then
statusUpdater status
{ model
| userTimeline = List.map (update flag) model.userTimeline
, localTimeline = List.map (update flag) model.localTimeline
, publicTimeline = List.map (update flag) model.publicTimeline
processFavourite : Int -> Bool -> Model -> Model
processFavourite statusId flag model =
updateTimelinesWithBoolFlag statusId flag (\s -> { s | favourited = Just flag }) model
processReblog : Int -> Bool -> Model -> Model
processReblog statusId flag model =
updateTimelinesWithBoolFlag statusId flag (\s -> { s | reblogged = Just flag }) model
updateDraft : DraftMsg -> Draft -> ( Draft, Cmd Msg )
updateDraft draftMsg draft =
-- TODO: later we'll probably want to handle more events like when the user
-- wants to add CW, medias, etc.
case draftMsg of
ClearDraft ->
defaultDraft ! []
ToggleSpoiler enabled ->
{ draft
| spoiler_text =
@ -192,23 +280,45 @@ updateDraft draftMsg draft =
! []
UpdateSensitive sensitive ->
{ draft | sensitive = sensitive }
{ draft | sensitive = sensitive } ! []
UpdateSpoiler spoiler_text ->
{ draft | spoiler_text = Just spoiler_text }
{ draft | spoiler_text = Just spoiler_text } ! []
UpdateStatus status ->
{ draft | status = status }
{ draft | status = status } ! []
UpdateVisibility visibility ->
{ draft | visibility = visibility }
{ draft | visibility = visibility } ! []
UpdateReplyTo status ->
mention =
"@" ++ status.account.acct
{ draft
| in_reply_to = Just status
, status =
if String.startsWith mention draft.status then
mention ++ " " ++ draft.status
! [ Dom.focus "status" |> Task.attempt (always NoOp) ]
ClearReplyTo ->
{ draft | in_reply_to = Nothing } ! []
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
NoOp ->
model ! []
ServerChange server ->
{ model | server = server } ! []
@ -245,14 +355,88 @@ update msg model =
Err error ->
{ model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! []
Reblog id ->
-- Note: The case of reblogging is specific as it seems the server
-- response takes a lot of time to be received by the client, so we
-- perform optimistic updates here.
case model.client of
Just client ->
processReblog id True model
! [ Mastodon.reblog client id |> Mastodon.send Reblogged ]
Nothing ->
model ! []
Reblogged result ->
case result of
Ok status ->
model ! [ loadNotifications model.client ]
Err error ->
{ model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! []
Unreblog id ->
case model.client of
Just client ->
processReblog id False model ! [ Mastodon.unfavourite client id |> Mastodon.send Unreblogged ]
Nothing ->
model ! []
Unreblogged result ->
case result of
Ok status ->
model ! [ loadNotifications model.client ]
Err error ->
{ model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! []
AddFavorite id ->
! case model.client of
Just client ->
[ Mastodon.favourite client id |> Mastodon.send FavoriteAdded ]
Nothing ->
FavoriteAdded result ->
case result of
Ok status ->
processFavourite status.id True model ! [ loadNotifications model.client ]
Err error ->
{ model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! []
RemoveFavorite id ->
! case model.client of
Just client ->
[ Mastodon.unfavourite client id |> Mastodon.send FavoriteRemoved ]
Nothing ->
FavoriteRemoved result ->
case result of
Ok status ->
processFavourite status.id False model ! [ loadNotifications model.client ]
Err error ->
{ model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! []
DraftEvent draftMsg ->
{ model | draft = updateDraft draftMsg model.draft } ! []
( draft, commands ) =
updateDraft draftMsg model.draft
{ model | draft = draft } ! [ commands ]
SubmitDraft ->
! case model.client of
Just client ->
[ postStatus client model.draft ]
[ postStatus client <| toStatusRequestBody model.draft ]
Nothing ->
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Mastodon
import Model exposing (Model, DraftMsg(..), Msg(..))
import Model exposing (Model, Draft, DraftMsg(..), Msg(..))
import ViewHelper
@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ errorsListView model =
div [] <| List.map errorView model.errors
justifiedButtonGroup : List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg
justifiedButtonGroup buttons =
div [ class "btn-group btn-group-justified" ] <|
List.map (\b -> div [ class "btn-group" ] [ b ]) buttons
icon : String -> Html Msg
icon name =
i [ class <| "glyphicon glyphicon-" ++ name ] []
@ -215,6 +221,51 @@ accountTimelineView account statuses label iconName =
statusActionsView : Mastodon.Status -> Html Msg
statusActionsView status =
target =
Mastodon.extractReblog status
baseBtnClasses =
"btn btn-sm btn-default"
( reblogClasses, reblogEvent ) =
case status.favourited of
Just True ->
( baseBtnClasses ++ " reblogged", Unreblog target.id )
_ ->
( baseBtnClasses, AddFavorite target.id )
( favClasses, favEvent ) =
case status.favourited of
Just True ->
( baseBtnClasses ++ " favourited", RemoveFavorite target.id )
_ ->
( baseBtnClasses, AddFavorite target.id )
div [ class "btn-group actions" ]
[ a
[ class baseBtnClasses
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop <|
DraftEvent (UpdateReplyTo target)
[ icon "share-alt" ]
, a
[ class reblogClasses
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop reblogEvent
[ icon "fire", text (toString status.reblogs_count) ]
, a
[ class favClasses
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop favEvent
[ icon "star", text (toString status.favourites_count) ]
statusEntryView : Mastodon.Status -> Html Msg
statusEntryView status =
@ -227,7 +278,9 @@ statusEntryView status =
li [ class <| "list-group-item " ++ nsfwClass ]
[ statusView status ]
[ statusView status
, statusActionsView status
timelineView : List Mastodon.Status -> String -> String -> Html Msg
@ -264,6 +317,7 @@ notificationStatusView status { type_, account } =
_ ->
text ""
, statusView status
, statusActionsView status
@ -299,6 +353,29 @@ notificationListView notifications =
draftReplyToView : Draft -> Html Msg
draftReplyToView draft =
case draft.in_reply_to of
Just status ->
div [ class "in-reply-to" ]
[ p []
[ strong []
[ text "In reply to this toot ("
, a
[ href ""
, ViewHelper.onClickWithPreventAndStop <| DraftEvent ClearReplyTo
[ icon "remove" ]
, text ")"
, div [ class "well" ] [ statusView status ]
Nothing ->
text ""
draftView : Model -> Html Msg
draftView { draft } =
@ -310,9 +387,17 @@ draftView { draft } =
[ text <| visibility ++ ": " ++ description ]
div [ class "panel panel-default" ]
[ div [ class "panel-heading" ] [ icon "envelope", text "Post a message" ]
[ div [ class "panel-heading" ]
[ icon "envelope"
, text <|
if draft.in_reply_to /= Nothing then
"Post a reply"
"Post a message"
, div [ class "panel-body" ]
[ Html.form [ class "form", onSubmit SubmitDraft ]
[ draftReplyToView draft
, Html.form [ class "form", onSubmit SubmitDraft ]
[ div [ class "form-group checkbox" ]
[ label []
[ input
@ -387,8 +472,17 @@ draftView { draft } =
, text " This post is NSFW"
, p [ class "text-right" ]
[ button [ class "btn btn-primary" ]
, justifiedButtonGroup
[ button
[ type_ "button"
, class "btn btn-default"
, onClick (DraftEvent ClearDraft)
[ text "Clear" ]
, button
[ type_ "submit"
, class "btn btn-primary"
[ text "Toot!" ]
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ onClickWithPreventAndStop msg =
formatContent : String -> List Mastodon.Mention -> List (Html Msg)
formatContent content mentions =
|> replace "'" "'"
|> replace " ?" " ?"
|> replace " !" " !"
|> replace " :" " :"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user