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module Mastodon
( AccessTokenResult
, Account
, AppRegistration
, Attachment
, Client
, Error(..)
, Mention
, Reblog(..)
, Status
2017-04-20 18:30:19 +00:00
, StatusRequestBody
, Tag
, register
, registrationEncoder
, clientEncoder
, getAuthorizationUrl
, getAccessToken
, fetchPublicTimeline
, fetchLocalTimeline
, fetchUserTimeline
2017-04-20 18:30:19 +00:00
, postStatus
, send
import Http
import HttpBuilder
import Json.Decode.Pipeline as Pipe
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Encode as Encode
-- Types
type alias Server =
type alias AuthCode =
type alias ClientId =
type alias ClientSecret =
type alias StatusCode =
type alias StatusMsg =
type alias Token =
type alias Client =
{ server : Server
, token : Token
type Error
= MastodonError StatusCode StatusMsg String
| ServerError StatusCode StatusMsg String
| TimeoutError
| NetworkError
type alias AppRegistration =
{ server : Server
, scope : String
, client_id : ClientId
, client_secret : ClientSecret
, id : Int
, redirect_uri : String
type alias Account =
{ acct : String
, avatar : String
, created_at : String
, display_name : String
, followers_count : Int
, following_count : Int
, header : String
, id : Int
, locked : Bool
, note : String
, statuses_count : Int
, url : String
, username : String
type alias Attachment =
2017-04-20 18:30:19 +00:00
-- type_: -- "image", "video", "gifv"
{ id : Int
2017-04-20 18:30:19 +00:00
, type_ : String
, url : String
, remote_url : String
, preview_url : String
, text_url : Maybe String
type alias Mention =
{ id : Int
, url : String
, username : String
, acct : String
type alias Tag =
{ name : String
, url : String
type alias Status =
{ account : Account
, content : String
, created_at : String
, favourited : Maybe Bool
, favourites_count : Int
, id : Int
, in_reply_to_account_id : Maybe Int
, in_reply_to_id : Maybe Int
, media_attachments : List Attachment
, mentions : List Mention
, reblog : Maybe Reblog
, reblogged : Maybe Bool
, reblogs_count : Int
, sensitive : Maybe Bool
, spoiler_text : String
, tags : List Tag
, uri : String
, url : String
, visibility : String
type Reblog
= Reblog Status
2017-04-20 18:30:19 +00:00
type alias StatusRequestBody =
-- status: The text of the status
-- in_reply_to_id: local ID of the status you want to reply to
-- sensitive: set this to mark the media of the status as NSFW
-- spoiler_text: text to be shown as a warning before the actual content
-- visibility: either "direct", "private", "unlisted" or "public"
-- TODO: media_ids: array of media IDs to attach to the status (maximum 4)
{ status : String
, in_reply_to_id : Maybe Int
, spoiler_text : Maybe String
, sensitive : Bool
, visibility : String
2017-04-20 20:55:08 +00:00
type alias Request a =
HttpBuilder.RequestBuilder a
-- Msg
type StatusListResult
= Result Http.Error (List Status)
type alias AccessTokenResult =
{ server : Server
, accessToken : Token
-- Encoders
appRegistrationEncoder : String -> String -> String -> String -> Encode.Value
appRegistrationEncoder client_name redirect_uris scope website =
[ ( "client_name", Encode.string client_name )
, ( "redirect_uris", Encode.string redirect_uris )
, ( "scopes", Encode.string scope )
, ( "website", Encode.string website )
authorizationCodeEncoder : AppRegistration -> AuthCode -> Encode.Value
authorizationCodeEncoder registration authCode =
[ ( "client_id", Encode.string registration.client_id )
, ( "client_secret", Encode.string registration.client_secret )
, ( "grant_type", Encode.string "authorization_code" )
, ( "redirect_uri", Encode.string registration.redirect_uri )
, ( "code", Encode.string authCode )
2017-04-20 18:30:19 +00:00
statusRequestBodyEncoder : StatusRequestBody -> Encode.Value
statusRequestBodyEncoder statusData =
[ ( "status", Encode.string statusData.status )
, ( "in_reply_to_id", encodeMaybe statusData.in_reply_to_id )
, ( "spoiler_text", encodeMaybe Encode.string statusData.spoiler_text )
, ( "sensitive", Encode.bool statusData.sensitive )
, ( "visibility", Encode.string statusData.visibility )
-- Decoders
appRegistrationDecoder : Server -> String -> Decode.Decoder AppRegistration
appRegistrationDecoder server scope =
Pipe.decode AppRegistration
|> Pipe.hardcoded server
|> Pipe.hardcoded scope
|> Pipe.required "client_id" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "client_secret" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "id"
|> Pipe.required "redirect_uri" Decode.string
accessTokenDecoder : AppRegistration -> Decode.Decoder AccessTokenResult
accessTokenDecoder registration =
Pipe.decode AccessTokenResult
|> Pipe.hardcoded registration.server
|> Pipe.required "access_token" Decode.string
accountDecoder : Decode.Decoder Account
accountDecoder =
Pipe.decode Account
|> Pipe.required "acct" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "avatar" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "created_at" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "display_name" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "followers_count"
|> Pipe.required "following_count"
|> Pipe.required "header" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "id"
|> Pipe.required "locked" Decode.bool
|> Pipe.required "note" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "statuses_count"
|> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "username" Decode.string
attachmentDecoder : Decode.Decoder Attachment
attachmentDecoder =
Pipe.decode Attachment
|> Pipe.required "id"
|> Pipe.required "type" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "remote_url" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "preview_url" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "text_url" (Decode.nullable Decode.string)
mentionDecoder : Decode.Decoder Mention
mentionDecoder =
Pipe.decode Mention
|> Pipe.required "id"
|> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "username" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "acct" Decode.string
tagDecoder : Decode.Decoder Tag
tagDecoder =
Pipe.decode Tag
|> Pipe.required "name" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string
reblogDecoder : Decode.Decoder Reblog
reblogDecoder = Reblog (Decode.lazy (\_ -> statusDecoder))
statusDecoder : Decode.Decoder Status
statusDecoder =
Pipe.decode Status
|> Pipe.required "account" accountDecoder
|> Pipe.required "content" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "created_at" Decode.string
|> Pipe.optional "favourited" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing
|> Pipe.required "favourites_count"
|> Pipe.required "id"
|> Pipe.required "in_reply_to_account_id" (Decode.nullable
|> Pipe.required "in_reply_to_id" (Decode.nullable
|> Pipe.required "media_attachments" (Decode.list attachmentDecoder)
|> Pipe.required "mentions" (Decode.list mentionDecoder)
|> Pipe.optional "reblog" (Decode.nullable reblogDecoder) Nothing
|> Pipe.optional "reblogged" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing
|> Pipe.required "reblogs_count"
|> Pipe.required "sensitive" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool)
|> Pipe.required "spoiler_text" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "tags" (Decode.list tagDecoder)
|> Pipe.required "uri" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string
|> Pipe.required "visibility" Decode.string
-- Internal helpers
2017-04-20 18:30:19 +00:00
encodeMaybe : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Maybe a -> Encode.Value
encodeMaybe encode thing =
case thing of
Nothing ->
Just value ->
encode value
encodeUrl : String -> List ( String, String ) -> String
encodeUrl base params = (\( k, v ) -> k ++ "=" ++ Http.encodeUri v) params
|> String.join "&"
|> (++) (base ++ "?")
mastodonErrorDecoder : Decode.Decoder String
mastodonErrorDecoder =
Decode.field "error" Decode.string
extractMastodonError : StatusCode -> StatusMsg -> String -> Error
extractMastodonError statusCode statusMsg body =
case Decode.decodeString mastodonErrorDecoder body of
Ok errRecord ->
MastodonError statusCode statusMsg errRecord
Err err ->
ServerError statusCode statusMsg err
extractError : Http.Error -> Error
extractError error =
case error of
Http.BadStatus { status, body } ->
extractMastodonError status.code status.message body
Http.BadPayload str { status } ->
("Failed decoding JSON: " ++ str)
Http.Timeout ->
_ ->
toResponse : Result Http.Error a -> Result Error a
toResponse result =
Result.mapError extractError result
2017-04-20 20:55:08 +00:00
fetch : Client -> String -> Decode.Decoder a -> Request a
fetch client endpoint decoder =
HttpBuilder.get (client.server ++ endpoint)
|> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token)
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson decoder)
-- Public API
clientEncoder : Client -> Encode.Value
clientEncoder client =
[ ( "server", Encode.string client.server )
, ( "token", Encode.string client.token )
registrationEncoder : AppRegistration -> Encode.Value
registrationEncoder registration =
[ ( "server", Encode.string registration.server )
, ( "scope", Encode.string registration.scope )
, ( "client_id", Encode.string registration.client_id )
, ( "client_secret", Encode.string registration.client_secret )
, ( "id", )
, ( "redirect_uri", Encode.string registration.redirect_uri )
2017-04-20 20:55:08 +00:00
register : Server -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Request AppRegistration
register server client_name redirect_uri scope website = (server ++ "/api/v1/apps")
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson (appRegistrationDecoder server scope))
|> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody (appRegistrationEncoder client_name redirect_uri scope website)
getAuthorizationUrl : AppRegistration -> String
getAuthorizationUrl registration =
encodeUrl (registration.server ++ "/oauth/authorize")
[ ( "response_type", "code" )
, ( "client_id", registration.client_id )
, ( "scope", registration.scope )
, ( "redirect_uri", registration.redirect_uri )
2017-04-20 20:55:08 +00:00
getAccessToken : AppRegistration -> AuthCode -> Request AccessTokenResult
getAccessToken registration authCode = (registration.server ++ "/oauth/token")
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson (accessTokenDecoder registration))
|> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody (authorizationCodeEncoder registration authCode)
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send : (Result Error a -> msg) -> Request a -> Cmd msg
send tagger builder =
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builder |> HttpBuilder.send (toResponse >> tagger)
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fetchUserTimeline : Client -> Request (List Status)
fetchUserTimeline client =
fetch client "/api/v1/timelines/home" (Decode.list statusDecoder)
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fetchLocalTimeline : Client -> Request (List Status)
fetchLocalTimeline client =
fetch client "/api/v1/timelines/public?local=true" (Decode.list statusDecoder)
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fetchPublicTimeline : Client -> Request (List Status)
fetchPublicTimeline client =
fetch client "/api/v1/timelines/public" (Decode.list statusDecoder)
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2017-04-20 20:55:08 +00:00
postStatus : Client -> StatusRequestBody -> Request Status
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postStatus client statusRequestBody = (client.server ++ "/api/v1/statuses")
|> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token)
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson statusDecoder)
|> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody (statusRequestBodyEncoder statusRequestBody)