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2017-06-02 12:11:50 +00:00
module View.Formatter exposing (formatContent, textContent)
import Dict
2017-05-13 09:21:29 +00:00
import Elmoji
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import HtmlParser
2017-06-02 12:11:50 +00:00
import HtmlParser.Util as ParseUtil
import Http
2017-04-30 10:15:33 +00:00
import Mastodon.Model exposing (..)
import String.Extra exposing (replace, rightOf)
import Types exposing (..)
import View.Events exposing (..)
2017-04-30 10:15:33 +00:00
formatContent : String -> List Mention -> List (Html Msg)
formatContent content mentions =
|> replace " ?" " ?"
|> replace " !" " !"
|> replace " :" " :"
|> HtmlParser.parse
|> toVirtualDom mentions
2017-06-02 12:11:50 +00:00
textContent : String -> String
textContent html =
html |> HtmlParser.parse |> ParseUtil.textContent
{-| Converts nodes to virtual dom nodes.
2017-04-30 10:15:33 +00:00
toVirtualDom : List Mention -> List HtmlParser.Node -> List (Html Msg)
toVirtualDom mentions nodes =
List.map (toVirtualDomEach mentions) nodes
2017-05-29 14:28:01 +00:00
replaceHref : String -> List ( String, String ) -> List (Attribute Msg)
replaceHref newHref attrs =
|> List.map toAttribute
|> List.append [ onClickWithPreventAndStop <| Navigate newHref ]
2017-04-30 10:15:33 +00:00
createLinkNode : List ( String, String ) -> List HtmlParser.Node -> List Mention -> Html Msg
createLinkNode attrs children mentions =
2017-05-13 09:21:29 +00:00
case (getMentionForLink attrs mentions) of
Just mention ->
Html.node "a"
(replaceHref ("#account/" ++ mention.id) attrs)
2017-05-13 09:21:29 +00:00
(toVirtualDom mentions children)
Nothing ->
case getHashtagForLink attrs of
Just hashtag ->
Html.node "a"
2017-05-29 14:28:01 +00:00
(replaceHref ("#hashtag/" ++ hashtag) attrs)
(toVirtualDom mentions children)
Nothing ->
Html.node "a"
((List.map toAttribute attrs)
++ [ onClickWithStop NoOp, target "_blank" ]
(toVirtualDom mentions children)
getHrefLink : List ( String, String ) -> Maybe String
getHrefLink attrs =
2017-05-13 09:21:29 +00:00
|> List.filter (\( name, _ ) -> name == "href")
|> List.map (\( _, value ) -> value)
|> List.head
getHashtagForLink : List ( String, String ) -> Maybe String
getHashtagForLink attrs =
hashtag =
|> Dict.fromList
|> Dict.get "href"
|> Maybe.withDefault ""
|> rightOf "/tags/"
|> Http.decodeUri
|> Maybe.withDefault ""
if hashtag /= "" then
Just hashtag
2017-04-30 10:15:33 +00:00
getMentionForLink : List ( String, String ) -> List Mention -> Maybe Mention
getMentionForLink attrs mentions =
case getHrefLink attrs of
Just href ->
|> List.filter (\m -> m.url == href)
|> List.head
Nothing ->
2017-04-30 10:15:33 +00:00
toVirtualDomEach : List Mention -> HtmlParser.Node -> Html Msg
toVirtualDomEach mentions node =
case node of
HtmlParser.Element "a" attrs children ->
createLinkNode attrs children mentions
HtmlParser.Element name attrs children ->
Html.node name (List.map toAttribute attrs) (toVirtualDom mentions children)
HtmlParser.Text s ->
2017-05-13 09:21:29 +00:00
Elmoji.text_ s
HtmlParser.Comment _ ->
text ""
toAttribute : ( String, String ) -> Attribute msg
toAttribute ( name, value ) =
attribute name value