cChunk::Tick did an assertion in cCSLock, I used a cCSUnlock to fix it, but not sure if this is correct. git-svn-id: 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
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128 lines
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#pragma once
#include "cPawn.h"
#include "cSurvivalInventory.h"
#include "cCreativeInventory.h"
class cGroup;
class cWindow;
class cInventory;
class cClientHandle;
class cPlayer : public cPawn //tolua_export
{ //tolua_export
cPlayer(cClientHandle* a_Client, const char* a_PlayerName);
virtual ~cPlayer();
virtual void Initialize( cWorld* a_World ); //tolua_export
virtual void SpawnOn( cClientHandle* a_Target );
virtual void Tick(float a_Dt);
void SetTouchGround( bool a_bTouchGround );
inline void SetStance( const double & a_Stance ) { m_Stance = a_Stance; }
double GetEyeHeight(); //tolua_export
Vector3d GetEyePosition(); //tolua_export
inline bool GetFlying() { return m_bTouchGround; } //tolua_export
inline const double & GetStance() { return m_Stance; } //tolua_export
inline cInventory & GetInventory() { if(GetGameMode() == 0) return *m_Inventory; else return *m_CreativeInventory; } //tolua_export
virtual void TeleportTo( const double & a_PosX, const double & a_PosY, const double & a_PosZ ); //tolua_export
int GetGameMode() { return m_GameMode; } //tolua_export
std::string GetIP() { return m_IP; } //tolua_export
float GetLastBlockActionTime() { return m_LastBlockActionTime; } //tolua_export
int GetLastBlockActionCnt() { return m_LastBlockActionCnt; } //tolua_export
void SetLastBlockActionCnt( int ); //tolua_export
void SetLastBlockActionTime(); //tolua_export
void SetGameMode( int a_GameMode ); //tolua_export
void LoginSetGameMode( int a_GameMode );
void SetIP( std::string a_IP );
// Tries to move to a new position, with collision checks and stuff
virtual void MoveTo( const Vector3d & a_NewPos ); //tolua_export
cWindow* GetWindow() { return m_CurrentWindow; }
void OpenWindow( cWindow* a_Window );
void CloseWindow(char a_WindowType);
cClientHandle* GetClientHandle() { return m_ClientHandle; } //tolua_export
void SetClientHandle( cClientHandle* a_Client ) { m_ClientHandle = a_Client; }
void SendMessage( const char* a_Message ); //tolua_export
const char* GetName(); //tolua_export
void SetName( const char* a_Name ); //tolua_export
typedef std::list< cGroup* > GroupList;
typedef std::list< std::string > StringList;
void AddToGroup( const char* a_GroupName ); //tolua_export
bool CanUseCommand( const char* a_Command ); //tolua_export
bool HasPermission( const char* a_Permission ); //tolua_export
const GroupList & GetGroups(); // >> EXPORTED IN MANUALBINDINGS <<
StringList GetResolvedPermissions(); // >> EXPORTED IN MANUALBINDINGS <<
bool IsInGroup( const char* a_Group ); //tolua_export
std::string GetColor(); //tolua_export
void TossItem( bool a_bDraggingItem, int a_Amount = 1 ); //tolua_export
void Heal( int a_Health ); //tolua_export
void Feed( short a_Food );
void TakeDamage( int a_Damage, cEntity* a_Instigator ); //tolua_export
void KilledBy( cEntity* a_Killer ); //tolua_export
void Respawn(); //tolua_export
void SetVisible( bool a_bVisible ); //tolua_export
bool IsVisible() { return m_bVisible; } //tolua_export
bool MoveToWorld( const char* a_WorldName ); //tolua_export
bool SaveToDisk();
bool LoadFromDisk();
void LoadPermissionsFromDisk(); //tolua_export
const char* GetLoadedWorldName();
void UseEquippedItem();
struct sPlayerState;
sPlayerState* m_pState;
bool m_bVisible;
float m_LastGroundHeight;
bool m_bTouchGround;
double m_Stance;
cSurvivalInventory* m_Inventory;
cCreativeInventory* m_CreativeInventory;
cWindow* m_CurrentWindow;
float m_TimeLastPickupCheck;
void ResolvePermissions();
void ResolveGroups();
char m_Color;
float m_LastBlockActionTime;
int m_LastBlockActionCnt;
int m_GameMode;
std::string m_IP;
long long m_LastPlayerListTime;
static const unsigned short PLAYER_LIST_TIME_MS = 1000; // 1000 = once per second
cClientHandle* m_ClientHandle;
}; //tolua_export