Tiger Wang e7fba08e6c Major refactoring of redstone
This commit is a refactoring of the redstone code, mainly the functions
handling the removal of invalid blocks from power supplier data
structures. Its aim is to improve performance and potentially reduce the
memory footprint of the data structures.

It works to reduce the amount of GetBlock()s triggered every tick.
Before, a GetBlock() was requested for every single item in the data
lists, as well as for every single redstone block in a chunk. Following
these changes, the AddBlock() event is utilised more effectively to only
update the lists when needed (a block is changed), as well as to insert
the block type (and update it when needed) alongside the coordinates
into the main redstone simulator chunkdata list.

In short, a single GetBlock() is now cached, with this cache being
updated when the simulator is awoken due to a block change.

At least, I *hope* that this is what it does :P
2014-01-10 20:31:05 +00:00

217 lines
6.0 KiB

// cServer.h
// Interfaces to the cServer object representing the network server
#pragma once
#include "OSSupport/SocketThreads.h"
#include "OSSupport/ListenThread.h"
#include "RCONServer.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4127)
#pragma warning(disable:4244)
#pragma warning(disable:4231)
#pragma warning(disable:4189)
#pragma warning(disable:4702)
#include "cryptopp/rsa.h"
#include "cryptopp/randpool.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)
// fwd:
class cPlayer;
class cClientHandle;
class cIniFile;
class cCommandOutputCallback ;
typedef std::list<cClientHandle *> cClientHandleList;
class cServer // tolua_export
: public cListenThread::cCallback
{ // tolua_export
public: // tolua_export
virtual ~cServer() {}
bool InitServer(cIniFile & a_SettingsIni);
// tolua_begin
const AString & GetDescription(void) const {return m_Description; }
// Player counts:
int GetMaxPlayers(void) const {return m_MaxPlayers; }
int GetNumPlayers(void);
void SetMaxPlayers(int a_MaxPlayers) { m_MaxPlayers = a_MaxPlayers; }
// Hardcore mode or not:
bool IsHardcore(void) const {return m_bIsHardcore; }
// tolua_end
bool Start(void);
bool Command(cClientHandle & a_Client, AString & a_Cmd);
/// Executes the console command, sends output through the specified callback
void ExecuteConsoleCommand(const AString & a_Cmd, cCommandOutputCallback & a_Output);
/// Lists all available console commands and their helpstrings
void PrintHelp(const AStringVector & a_Split, cCommandOutputCallback & a_Output);
/// Binds the built-in console commands with the plugin manager
static void BindBuiltInConsoleCommands(void);
void Shutdown(void);
void KickUser(int a_ClientID, const AString & a_Reason);
void AuthenticateUser(int a_ClientID); // Called by cAuthenticator to auth the specified user
const AString & GetServerID(void) const { return m_ServerID; } // tolua_export
void ClientDestroying(const cClientHandle * a_Client); // Called by cClientHandle::Destroy(); stop m_SocketThreads from calling back into a_Client
void NotifyClientWrite(const cClientHandle * a_Client); // Notifies m_SocketThreads that client has something to be written
void WriteToClient(const cClientHandle * a_Client, const AString & a_Data); // Queues outgoing data for the client through m_SocketThreads
void QueueClientClose(const cClientHandle * a_Client); // Queues the clienthandle to close when all its outgoing data is sent
void RemoveClient(const cClientHandle * a_Client); // Removes the clienthandle from m_SocketThreads
/// Don't tick a_Client anymore, it will be ticked from its cPlayer instead
void ClientMovedToWorld(const cClientHandle * a_Client);
/// Notifies the server that a player was created; the server uses this to adjust the number of players
void PlayerCreated(const cPlayer * a_Player);
/// Notifies the server that a player is being destroyed; the server uses this to adjust the number of players
void PlayerDestroying(const cPlayer * a_Player);
/** Returns base64 encoded favicon data (obtained from favicon.png) */
const AString & GetFaviconData(void) const { return m_FaviconData; }
CryptoPP::RSA::PrivateKey & GetPrivateKey(void) { return m_PrivateKey; }
CryptoPP::RSA::PublicKey & GetPublicKey (void) { return m_PublicKey; }
friend class cRoot; // so cRoot can create and destroy cServer
/// When NotifyClientWrite() is called, it is queued for this thread to process (to avoid deadlocks between cSocketThreads, cClientHandle and cChunkMap)
class cNotifyWriteThread :
public cIsThread
typedef cIsThread super;
cEvent m_Event; // Set when m_Clients gets appended
cServer * m_Server;
cCriticalSection m_CS;
cClientHandleList m_Clients;
virtual void Execute(void);
bool Start(cServer * a_Server);
void NotifyClientWrite(const cClientHandle * a_Client);
} ;
/// The server tick thread takes care of the players who aren't yet spawned in a world
class cTickThread :
public cIsThread
typedef cIsThread super;
cTickThread(cServer & a_Server);
cServer & m_Server;
// cIsThread overrides:
virtual void Execute(void) override;
} ;
cNotifyWriteThread m_NotifyWriteThread;
cListenThread m_ListenThreadIPv4;
cListenThread m_ListenThreadIPv6;
cCriticalSection m_CSClients; ///< Locks client lists
cClientHandleList m_Clients; ///< Clients that are connected to the server and not yet assigned to a cWorld
cClientHandleList m_ClientsToRemove; ///< Clients that have just been moved into a world and are to be removed from m_Clients in the next Tick()
cCriticalSection m_CSPlayerCount; ///< Locks the m_PlayerCount
int m_PlayerCount; ///< Number of players currently playing in the server
cCriticalSection m_CSPlayerCountDiff; ///< Locks the m_PlayerCountDiff
int m_PlayerCountDiff; ///< Adjustment to m_PlayerCount to be applied in the Tick thread
cSocketThreads m_SocketThreads;
int m_ClientViewDistance; // The default view distance for clients; settable in Settings.ini
bool m_bIsConnected; // true - connected false - not connected
bool m_bRestarting;
CryptoPP::RSA::PrivateKey m_PrivateKey;
CryptoPP::RSA::PublicKey m_PublicKey;
cRCONServer m_RCONServer;
AString m_Description;
AString m_FaviconData;
int m_MaxPlayers;
bool m_bIsHardcore;
cTickThread m_TickThread;
cEvent m_RestartEvent;
/// The server ID used for client authentication
AString m_ServerID;
/// Loads, or generates, if missing, RSA keys for protocol encryption
void PrepareKeys(void);
bool Tick(float a_Dt);
/// Ticks the clients in m_Clients, manages the list in respect to removing clients
void TickClients(float a_Dt);
// cListenThread::cCallback overrides:
virtual void OnConnectionAccepted(cSocket & a_Socket) override;
}; // tolua_export