luksor111@gmail.com 05d71675f6 Added dispensers (they can't dispense items yet)
Fixed crash when digging snow
Moved BlockPlace hook check, so Core plugin will no longer block item usage
Player chat messages are now visible in the console

git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1081 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
2012-12-19 21:19:36 +00:00

195 lines
4.3 KiB

// Window.h
// Interfaces to the cWindow class representing a UI window for a specific block
#pragma once
#include "../Item.h"
class cPlayer;
class cWindowOwner;
class cClientHandle;
class cChestEntity;
class cDispenserEntity;
class cFurnaceEntity;
class cSlotArea;
class cWorld;
typedef std::list<cPlayer *> cPlayerList;
typedef std::vector<cSlotArea *> cSlotAreas;
Represents a UI window.
Each window has a list of players that are currently using it
When there's no player using a window, it is destroyed.
A window consists of several areas of slots with similar functionality - for example the crafting grid area, or
the inventory area. Each area knows what its slots are (GetSlot() function) and can handle mouse clicks.
The window acts only as a top-level container for those areas, redirecting the click events to the correct areas.
class cWindow
enum WindowType
Inventory = -1, // This value is never actually sent to a client
Chest = 0,
Workbench = 1,
Furnace = 2,
Dispenser = 3,
Enchantment = 4,
Brewery = 5
static const int c_NumInventorySlots = 36;
cWindow(WindowType a_WindowType, const AString & a_WindowTitle);
virtual ~cWindow();
char GetWindowID(void) const { return m_WindowID; }
int GetWindowType(void) const { return m_WindowType; }
cWindowOwner * GetOwner() { return m_Owner; }
void SetOwner( cWindowOwner * a_Owner ) { m_Owner = a_Owner; }
int GetNumSlots(void) const;
/// Fills a_Slots with the slots read from m_SlotAreas[], for the specified player
void GetSlots(cPlayer & a_Player, cItems & a_Slots) const;
void Clicked(
cPlayer & a_Player, int a_WindowID,
short a_SlotNum, bool a_IsRightClick, bool a_IsShiftPressed,
const cItem & a_ClickedItem
void OpenedByPlayer(cPlayer & a_Player);
void ClosedByPlayer(cPlayer & a_Player);
void SendWholeWindow(cClientHandle & a_Client);
void BroadcastWholeWindow(void);
void BroadcastInventoryProgress(short a_Progressbar, short a_Value);
const AString & GetWindowTitle() const { return m_WindowTitle; }
void SetWindowTitle(const AString & a_WindowTitle ) { m_WindowTitle = a_WindowTitle; }
void OwnerDestroyed(void);
/// Calls the callback safely for each player that has this window open; returns true if all players have been enumerated
bool ForEachPlayer(cItemCallback<cPlayer> & a_Callback);
/// Calls the callback safely for each client that has this window open; returns true if all clients have been enumerated
bool ForEachClient(cItemCallback<cClientHandle> & a_Callback);
/** Called on shift-clicking to distribute the stack into other areas; Modifies a_ItemStack as it is distributed!
if a_ShouldApply is true, the changes are written into the slots;
if a_ShouldApply is false, only a_ItemStack is modified to reflect the number of fits (for fit-testing purposes)
void DistributeStack(cItem & a_ItemStack, cPlayer & a_Player, cSlotArea * a_ExcludeArea, bool a_ShouldApply);
/// Used by cSlotAreas to send individual slots to clients, a_RelativeSlotNum is the slot number relative to a_SlotArea
void SendSlot(cPlayer & a_Player, cSlotArea * a_SlotArea, int a_RelativeSlotNum);
cSlotAreas m_SlotAreas;
char m_WindowID;
int m_WindowType;
AString m_WindowTitle;
cCriticalSection m_CS;
cPlayerList m_OpenedBy;
bool m_IsDestroyed;
cWindowOwner * m_Owner;
static char m_WindowIDCounter;
void Destroy(void);
} ;
class cCraftingWindow :
public cWindow
cCraftingWindow(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
} ;
class cFurnaceWindow :
public cWindow
cFurnaceWindow(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cFurnaceEntity * a_Furnace);
} ;
class cDispenserWindow :
public cWindow
cDispenserWindow(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cDispenserEntity * a_Dispenser);
} ;
class cChestWindow :
public cWindow
cChestWindow(cChestEntity * a_Chest);
cChestWindow(cChestEntity * a_PrimaryChest, cChestEntity * a_SecondaryChest);
cWorld * m_World;
int m_BlockX, m_BlockY, m_BlockZ; // Position of the chest, for the window-close packet
} ;
class cInventoryWindow :
public cWindow
cInventoryWindow(cPlayer & a_Player);
cPlayer & m_Player;
} ;