madmaxoft 1587b21edd Renamed cPublicKey to cCryptoKey.
The class can hold both the private key and the public key, bad naming on PolarSSL's part.
Also somewhat fixed the cert and key loading in cHTTPServer.
2014-05-01 15:21:41 +02:00

46 lines
1004 B

// SslHTTPConnection.h
// Declared the cSslHTTPConnection class representing a HTTP connection made over a SSL link
#pragma once
#include "HTTPConnection.h"
#include "PolarSSL++/BufferedSslContext.h"
class cSslHTTPConnection :
public cHTTPConnection
typedef cHTTPConnection super;
/** Creates a new connection on the specified server.
Sends the specified cert as the server certificate, uses the private key for decryption. */
cSslHTTPConnection(cHTTPServer & a_HTTPServer, const cX509CertPtr & a_Cert, const cCryptoKeyPtr & a_PrivateKey);
cBufferedSslContext m_Ssl;
/** The certificate to send to the client */
cX509CertPtr m_Cert;
/** The private key used for the certificate */
cCryptoKeyPtr m_PrivateKey;
// cHTTPConnection overrides:
virtual bool DataReceived (const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) override; // Data is received from the client
virtual void GetOutgoingData(AString & a_Data) override; // Data can be sent to client
} ;