peterbell10 ab350d1e43
cItemGrid: Allocate storage lazily (#4083)
* cItemGrid: Allocate storage lazily
* cItemGrid: Fix spelling, Prioritary -> Priority
2018-01-21 18:45:13 +00:00

832 lines
14 KiB

// ItemGrid.cpp
// Implements the cItemGrid class representing a storage for items in a XY grid (chests, dispensers, inventory etc.)
#include "Globals.h"
#include "ItemGrid.h"
#include "Items/ItemHandler.h"
#include "Noise/Noise.h"
cItemGrid::cItemGrid(int a_Width, int a_Height):
m_Slots(a_Width * a_Height),
bool cItemGrid::IsValidSlotNum(int a_SlotNum) const
return ((a_SlotNum >= 0) && (a_SlotNum < m_Slots.size()));
bool cItemGrid::IsValidSlotCoords(int a_X, int a_Y) const
return (
(a_X >= 0) && (a_X < m_Width) &&
(a_Y >= 0) && (a_Y < m_Height)
int cItemGrid::GetSlotNum(int a_X, int a_Y) const
if (!IsValidSlotCoords(a_X, a_Y))
LOGWARNING("%s: coords out of range: (%d, %d) in grid of size (%d, %d)",
__FUNCTION__, a_X, a_Y, m_Width, m_Height
return -1;
return a_X + m_Width * a_Y;
void cItemGrid::GetSlotCoords(int a_SlotNum, int & a_X, int & a_Y) const
if (!IsValidSlotNum(a_SlotNum))
LOGWARNING("%s: SlotNum out of range: %d in grid of range %d",
__FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, m_Slots.size()
a_X = -1;
a_Y = -1;
a_X = a_SlotNum % m_Width;
a_Y = a_SlotNum / m_Width;
void cItemGrid::CopyFrom(const cItemGrid & a_Src)
m_Width = a_Src.m_Width;
m_Height = a_Src.m_Height;
m_Slots = a_Src.m_Slots;
// The listeners are not copied
const cItem & cItemGrid::GetSlot(int a_X, int a_Y) const
return GetSlot(GetSlotNum(a_X, a_Y));
const cItem & cItemGrid::GetSlot(int a_SlotNum) const
if (!IsValidSlotNum(a_SlotNum))
LOGWARNING("%s: Invalid slot number, %d out of %d slots",
__FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, m_Slots.size()
a_SlotNum = 0;
return m_Slots.GetAt(a_SlotNum);
void cItemGrid::SetSlot(int a_X, int a_Y, const cItem & a_Item)
SetSlot(GetSlotNum(a_X, a_Y), a_Item);
void cItemGrid::SetSlot(int a_X, int a_Y, short a_ItemType, char a_ItemCount, short a_ItemDamage)
SetSlot(GetSlotNum(a_X, a_Y), cItem(a_ItemType, a_ItemCount, a_ItemDamage));
void cItemGrid::SetSlot(int a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_Item)
if (!IsValidSlotNum(a_SlotNum))
LOGWARNING("%s: Invalid slot number %d out of %d slots",
__FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, m_Slots.size()
if (!a_Item.IsEmpty() || m_Slots.IsStorageAllocated())
m_Slots[a_SlotNum] = a_Item;
void cItemGrid::SetSlot(int a_SlotNum, short a_ItemType, char a_ItemCount, short a_ItemDamage)
SetSlot(a_SlotNum, cItem(a_ItemType, a_ItemCount, a_ItemDamage));
void cItemGrid::EmptySlot(int a_X, int a_Y)
EmptySlot(GetSlotNum(a_X, a_Y));
void cItemGrid::EmptySlot(int a_SlotNum)
if (!IsValidSlotNum(a_SlotNum))
LOGWARNING("%s: Invalid slot number %d out of %d slots",
__FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, m_Slots.size()
// Check if already empty:
if (m_Slots.GetAt(a_SlotNum).IsEmpty())
// Empty and notify
bool cItemGrid::IsSlotEmpty(int a_SlotNum) const
if (!IsValidSlotNum(a_SlotNum))
LOGWARNING("%s: Invalid slot number %d out of %d slots",
__FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, m_Slots.size()
return true;
return m_Slots.GetAt(a_SlotNum).IsEmpty();
bool cItemGrid::IsSlotEmpty(int a_X, int a_Y) const
return IsSlotEmpty(GetSlotNum(a_X, a_Y));
void cItemGrid::Clear(void)
if (!m_Slots.IsStorageAllocated())
return; // Already clear
for (int i = 0; i < m_Slots.size(); i++)
int cItemGrid::HowManyCanFit(const cItem & a_ItemStack, bool a_AllowNewStacks)
int NumLeft = a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount;
int MaxStack = ItemHandler(a_ItemStack.m_ItemType)->GetMaxStackSize();
if (!m_Slots.IsStorageAllocated())
// Grid is empty, all slots are available
return a_AllowNewStacks ? std::min(NumLeft, m_Slots.size() * MaxStack) : 0;
for (const auto & Slot : m_Slots)
if (Slot.IsEmpty())
if (a_AllowNewStacks)
NumLeft -= MaxStack;
else if (Slot.IsEqual(a_ItemStack))
NumLeft -= MaxStack - Slot.m_ItemCount;
if (NumLeft <= 0)
// All items fit
return a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount;
} // for Slot - m_Slots[]
return a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount - NumLeft;
int cItemGrid::AddItemToSlot(const cItem & a_ItemStack, int a_Slot, int a_Num, int a_MaxStack)
if (!IsValidSlotNum(a_Slot))
LOGWARNING("%s: Invalid slot number %d out of %d slots",
__FUNCTION__, a_Slot, m_Slots.size()
return 0;
int PrevCount = 0;
if (m_Slots[a_Slot].IsEmpty())
m_Slots[a_Slot] = a_ItemStack;
PrevCount = 0;
PrevCount = m_Slots[a_Slot].m_ItemCount;
m_Slots[a_Slot].m_ItemCount = static_cast<char>(std::min(a_MaxStack, PrevCount + a_Num));
int toReturn = m_Slots[a_Slot].m_ItemCount - PrevCount;
return toReturn;
int cItemGrid::AddItem(cItem & a_ItemStack, bool a_AllowNewStacks, int a_PrioritySlot)
int NumLeft = a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount;
int MaxStack = a_ItemStack.GetMaxStackSize();
if ((a_PrioritySlot != -1) && !IsValidSlotNum(a_PrioritySlot))
LOGWARNING("%s: Invalid slot number %d out of %d slots",
__FUNCTION__, a_PrioritySlot, m_Slots.size()
a_PrioritySlot = -1;
if (!a_AllowNewStacks && !m_Slots.IsStorageAllocated())
return 0; // No existing stacks to add to
// Try prioritySlot first:
if (
(a_PrioritySlot != -1) &&
m_Slots[a_PrioritySlot].IsEmpty() ||
NumLeft -= AddItemToSlot(a_ItemStack, a_PrioritySlot, NumLeft, MaxStack);
// Scan existing stacks:
for (int i = 0; i < m_Slots.size(); i++)
if (m_Slots[i].IsEqual(a_ItemStack))
NumLeft -= AddItemToSlot(a_ItemStack, i, NumLeft, MaxStack);
if (NumLeft <= 0)
// All items fit
return a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount;
} // for i - m_Slots[]
if (!a_AllowNewStacks)
return (a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount - NumLeft);
for (int i = 0; i < m_Slots.size(); i++)
if (m_Slots[i].IsEmpty())
NumLeft -= AddItemToSlot(a_ItemStack, i, NumLeft, MaxStack);
if (NumLeft <= 0)
// All items fit
return a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount;
} // for i - m_Slots[]
return (a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount - NumLeft);
int cItemGrid::AddItems(cItems & a_ItemStackList, bool a_AllowNewStacks, int a_PrioritySlot)
int TotalAdded = 0;
for (cItems::iterator itr = a_ItemStackList.begin(); itr != a_ItemStackList.end();)
int NumAdded = AddItem(*itr, a_AllowNewStacks, a_PrioritySlot);
if (itr->m_ItemCount == NumAdded)
itr = a_ItemStackList.erase(itr);
itr->m_ItemCount -= NumAdded;
TotalAdded += NumAdded;
return TotalAdded;
int cItemGrid::RemoveItem(const cItem & a_ItemStack)
int NumLeft = a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount;
if (!m_Slots.IsStorageAllocated())
return 0; // No items to remove
for (int i = 0; i < m_Slots.size(); i++)
if (NumLeft <= 0)
if (m_Slots[i].IsEqual(a_ItemStack))
int NumToRemove = std::min(NumLeft, static_cast<int>(m_Slots[i].m_ItemCount));
NumLeft -= NumToRemove;
m_Slots[i].m_ItemCount -= NumToRemove;
if (m_Slots[i].m_ItemCount <= 0)
return (a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount - NumLeft);
int cItemGrid::ChangeSlotCount(int a_SlotNum, int a_AddToCount)
if (!IsValidSlotNum(a_SlotNum))
LOGWARNING("%s: Invalid slot number %d out of %d slots, ignoring the call, returning -1",
__FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, m_Slots.size()
return -1;
if (m_Slots.GetAt(a_SlotNum).IsEmpty())
// The item is empty, it's not gonna change
return 0;
if (m_Slots[a_SlotNum].m_ItemCount <= -a_AddToCount)
// Trying to remove more items than there already are, make the item empty
return 0;
m_Slots[a_SlotNum].m_ItemCount += a_AddToCount;
cItemHandler * Handler = cItemHandler::GetItemHandler(m_Slots[a_SlotNum].m_ItemType);
if (m_Slots[a_SlotNum].m_ItemCount > Handler->GetMaxStackSize())
m_Slots[a_SlotNum].m_ItemCount = Handler->GetMaxStackSize();
return m_Slots[a_SlotNum].m_ItemCount;
int cItemGrid::ChangeSlotCount(int a_X, int a_Y, int a_AddToCount)
return ChangeSlotCount(GetSlotNum(a_X, a_Y), a_AddToCount);
cItem cItemGrid::RemoveOneItem(int a_SlotNum)
if (!IsValidSlotNum(a_SlotNum))
LOGWARNING("%s: Invalid slot number %d out of %d slots, ignoring the call, returning empty item",
__FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, m_Slots.size()
return cItem();
// If the slot is empty, return an empty item
if (m_Slots.GetAt(a_SlotNum).IsEmpty())
return cItem();
// Make a copy of the item in slot, set count to 1 and remove one from the slot
cItem res = m_Slots[a_SlotNum];
res.m_ItemCount = 1;
m_Slots[a_SlotNum].m_ItemCount -= 1;
// Emptying the slot correctly if appropriate
if (m_Slots[a_SlotNum].m_ItemCount == 0)
// Notify everyone of the change
// Return the stored one item
return res;
cItem cItemGrid::RemoveOneItem(int a_X, int a_Y)
return RemoveOneItem(GetSlotNum(a_X, a_Y));
int cItemGrid::HowManyItems(const cItem & a_Item)
if (!m_Slots.IsStorageAllocated())
return 0;
int res = 0;
for (auto & Slot : m_Slots)
if (Slot.IsEqual(a_Item))
res += Slot.m_ItemCount;
return res;
bool cItemGrid::HasItems(const cItem & a_ItemStack)
int CurrentlyHave = HowManyItems(a_ItemStack);
return (CurrentlyHave >= a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount);
int cItemGrid::GetFirstEmptySlot(void) const
return GetNextEmptySlot(-1);
int cItemGrid::GetFirstUsedSlot(void) const
return GetNextUsedSlot(-1);
int cItemGrid::GetLastEmptySlot(void) const
for (int i = m_Slots.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (m_Slots.GetAt(i).IsEmpty())
return i;
return -1;
int cItemGrid::GetLastUsedSlot(void) const
if (!m_Slots.IsStorageAllocated())
return -1; // No slots are used
for (int i = m_Slots.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (!m_Slots.GetAt(i).IsEmpty())
return i;
return -1;
int cItemGrid::GetNextEmptySlot(int a_StartFrom) const
if ((a_StartFrom != -1) && !IsValidSlotNum(a_StartFrom))
LOGWARNING("%s: Invalid slot number %d out of %d slots",
__FUNCTION__, a_StartFrom, m_Slots.size()
a_StartFrom = -1;
for (int i = a_StartFrom + 1; i < m_Slots.size(); i++)
if (m_Slots.GetAt(i).IsEmpty())
return i;
return -1;
int cItemGrid::GetNextUsedSlot(int a_StartFrom) const
if ((a_StartFrom != -1) && !IsValidSlotNum(a_StartFrom))
LOGWARNING("%s: Invalid slot number %d out of %d slots",
__FUNCTION__, a_StartFrom, m_Slots.size()
a_StartFrom = -1;
if (!m_Slots.IsStorageAllocated())
return -1; // No slots are used
for (int i = a_StartFrom + 1; i < m_Slots.size(); i++)
if (!m_Slots.GetAt(i).IsEmpty())
return i;
return -1;
void cItemGrid::CopyToItems(cItems & a_Items) const
if (!m_Slots.IsStorageAllocated())
return; // Nothing to copy
for (const auto & Slot : m_Slots)
if (!Slot.IsEmpty())
} // for Slot - m_Slots[]
bool cItemGrid::DamageItem(int a_SlotNum, short a_Amount)
if (!IsValidSlotNum(a_SlotNum))
LOGWARNING("%s: invalid slot number %d out of %d slots, ignoring.", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, m_Slots.size());
return false;
if (!m_Slots.IsStorageAllocated())
return false; // Nothing to damage
return m_Slots[a_SlotNum].DamageItem(a_Amount);
bool cItemGrid::DamageItem(int a_X, int a_Y, short a_Amount)
return DamageItem(GetSlotNum(a_X, a_Y), a_Amount);
void cItemGrid::GenerateRandomLootWithBooks(const cLootProbab * a_LootProbabs, size_t a_CountLootProbabs, int a_NumSlots, int a_Seed)
// Calculate the total weight:
int TotalProbab = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < a_CountLootProbabs; i++)
TotalProbab += a_LootProbabs[i].m_Weight;
// Pick the loot items:
cNoise Noise(a_Seed);
for (int i = 0; i < a_NumSlots; i++)
int Rnd = (Noise.IntNoise1DInt(i) / 7);
int LootRnd = Rnd % TotalProbab;
Rnd >>= 8;
cItem CurrentLoot = cItem(E_ITEM_ENCHANTED_BOOK, 1, 0);
// Choose the enchantments
cWeightedEnchantments Enchantments;
cEnchantments::AddItemEnchantmentWeights(Enchantments, E_ITEM_BOOK, 24 + Noise.IntNoise2DInt(a_Seed, TotalProbab) % 7);
int NumEnchantments = Noise.IntNoise3DInt(TotalProbab, Rnd, a_Seed) % 5; // The number of enchantments this book wil get.
for (int j = 0; j <= NumEnchantments; j++)
cEnchantments Enchantment = cEnchantments::SelectEnchantmentFromVector(Enchantments, Noise.IntNoise2DInt(NumEnchantments, i));
cEnchantments::RemoveEnchantmentWeightFromVector(Enchantments, Enchantment);
cEnchantments::CheckEnchantmentConflictsFromVector(Enchantments, Enchantment);
for (size_t j = 0; j < a_CountLootProbabs; j++)
LootRnd -= a_LootProbabs[j].m_Weight;
if (LootRnd < 0)
CurrentLoot = a_LootProbabs[j].m_Item;
if ((a_LootProbabs[j].m_MaxAmount - a_LootProbabs[j].m_MinAmount) > 0)
CurrentLoot.m_ItemCount = static_cast<char>(a_LootProbabs[j].m_MinAmount + (Rnd % (a_LootProbabs[j].m_MaxAmount - a_LootProbabs[j].m_MinAmount)));
CurrentLoot.m_ItemCount = static_cast<char>(a_LootProbabs[j].m_MinAmount);
Rnd >>= 8;
} // for j - a_LootProbabs[]
SetSlot(Rnd % m_Slots.size(), CurrentLoot);
} // for i - NumSlots
void cItemGrid::AddListener(cListener & a_Listener)
cCSLock Lock(m_CSListeners);
ASSERT(!m_IsInTriggerListeners); // Must not call this while in TriggerListeners()
void cItemGrid::RemoveListener(cListener & a_Listener)
cCSLock Lock(m_CSListeners);
ASSERT(!m_IsInTriggerListeners); // Must not call this while in TriggerListeners()
for (cListeners::iterator itr = m_Listeners.begin(), end = m_Listeners.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
if (*itr == &a_Listener)
} // for itr - m_Listeners[]
void cItemGrid::TriggerListeners(int a_SlotNum)
cListeners Listeners;
cCSLock Lock(m_CSListeners);
m_IsInTriggerListeners = true;
Listeners = m_Listeners;
for (cListeners::iterator itr = Listeners.begin(), end = Listeners.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
(*itr)->OnSlotChanged(this, a_SlotNum);
} // for itr - m_Listeners[]
m_IsInTriggerListeners = false;