Tiger Wang 72ae5ecb5a ChunkMap: do not wantonly make empty chunks
- Removed calls that constructed an empty chunk, found it was invalid, and did nothing with said chunk

Partially addresses #2324
2020-08-28 21:22:44 +01:00

335 lines
6.6 KiB

// Map.cpp
#include "Globals.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "BlockInfo.h"
#include "World.h"
#include "Chunk.h"
#include "Entities/Player.h"
#include "FastRandom.h"
#include "Blocks/BlockHandler.h"
#include "ClientHandle.h"
cMap::cMap(unsigned int a_ID, cWorld * a_World):
m_Width(cChunkDef::Width * 8),
m_Height(cChunkDef::Width * 8),
m_Data.assign(m_Width * m_Height, E_BASE_COLOR_TRANSPARENT);
Printf(m_Name, "map_%i", m_ID);
cMap::cMap(unsigned int a_ID, int a_CenterX, int a_CenterZ, cWorld * a_World, unsigned int a_Scale)
: m_ID(a_ID)
, m_Width(cChunkDef::Width * 8)
, m_Height(cChunkDef::Width * 8)
, m_Scale(a_Scale)
, m_CenterX(a_CenterX)
, m_CenterZ(a_CenterZ)
, m_World(a_World)
m_Data.assign(m_Width * m_Height, E_BASE_COLOR_TRANSPARENT);
Printf(m_Name, "map_%i", m_ID);
void cMap::Tick()
for (const auto & Client : m_ClientsInCurrentTick)
Client->SendMapData(*this, 0, 0);
void cMap::UpdateRadius(int a_PixelX, int a_PixelZ, unsigned int a_Radius)
int PixelRadius = static_cast<int>(a_Radius / GetPixelWidth());
unsigned int StartX = static_cast<unsigned int>(Clamp(a_PixelX - PixelRadius, 0, static_cast<int>(m_Width)));
unsigned int StartZ = static_cast<unsigned int>(Clamp(a_PixelZ - PixelRadius, 0, static_cast<int>(m_Height)));
unsigned int EndX = static_cast<unsigned int>(Clamp(a_PixelX + PixelRadius, 0, static_cast<int>(m_Width)));
unsigned int EndZ = static_cast<unsigned int>(Clamp(a_PixelZ + PixelRadius, 0, static_cast<int>(m_Height)));
for (unsigned int X = StartX; X < EndX; ++X)
for (unsigned int Z = StartZ; Z < EndZ; ++Z)
int dX = static_cast<int>(X) - a_PixelX;
int dZ = static_cast<int>(Z) - a_PixelZ;
if ((dX * dX) + (dZ * dZ) < (PixelRadius * PixelRadius))
UpdatePixel(X, Z);
void cMap::UpdateRadius(cPlayer & a_Player, unsigned int a_Radius)
int PixelWidth = static_cast<int>(GetPixelWidth());
int PixelX = static_cast<int>(a_Player.GetPosX() - m_CenterX) / PixelWidth + static_cast<int>(m_Width / 2);
int PixelZ = static_cast<int>(a_Player.GetPosZ() - m_CenterZ) / PixelWidth + static_cast<int>(m_Height / 2);
UpdateRadius(PixelX, PixelZ, a_Radius);
bool cMap::UpdatePixel(unsigned int a_X, unsigned int a_Z)
int BlockX = m_CenterX + static_cast<int>((a_X - m_Width / 2) * GetPixelWidth());
int BlockZ = m_CenterZ + static_cast<int>((a_Z - m_Height / 2) * GetPixelWidth());
int ChunkX, ChunkZ;
cChunkDef::BlockToChunk(BlockX, BlockZ, ChunkX, ChunkZ);
int RelX = BlockX - (ChunkX * cChunkDef::Width);
int RelZ = BlockZ - (ChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width);
ASSERT(m_World != nullptr);
ColorID PixelData;
m_World->DoWithChunk(ChunkX, ChunkZ, [&](cChunk & a_Chunk)
if (GetDimension() == dimNether)
// TODO 2014-02-22 xdot: Nether maps
return false;
static const std::array<unsigned char, 4> BrightnessID = { { 3, 0, 1, 2 } }; // Darkest to lightest
BLOCKTYPE TargetBlock;
auto Height = a_Chunk.GetHeight(RelX, RelZ);
auto ChunkHeight = cChunkDef::Height;
a_Chunk.GetBlockTypeMeta(RelX, Height, RelZ, TargetBlock, TargetMeta);
auto ColourID = BlockHandler(TargetBlock)->GetMapBaseColourID(TargetMeta);
if (IsBlockWater(TargetBlock))
ChunkHeight /= 4;
while (((--Height) != -1) && IsBlockWater(a_Chunk.GetBlock(RelX, Height, RelZ)))
else if (ColourID == 0)
while (((--Height) != -1) && ((ColourID = BlockHandler(a_Chunk.GetBlock(RelX, Height, RelZ))->GetMapBaseColourID(a_Chunk.GetMeta(RelX, Height, RelZ))) == 0))
// Multiply base color ID by 4 and add brightness ID
const int BrightnessIDSize = static_cast<int>(BrightnessID.size());
PixelData = ColourID * 4 + BrightnessID[static_cast<size_t>(Clamp<int>((BrightnessIDSize * Height) / ChunkHeight, 0, BrightnessIDSize - 1))];
return false;
SetPixel(a_X, a_Z, PixelData);
return true;
void cMap::UpdateClient(cPlayer * a_Player)
ASSERT(a_Player != nullptr);
eDimension cMap::GetDimension(void) const
ASSERT(m_World != nullptr);
return m_World->GetDimension();
void cMap::Resize(unsigned int a_Width, unsigned int a_Height)
if ((m_Width == a_Width) && (m_Height == a_Height))
m_Width = a_Width;
m_Height = a_Height;
m_Data.assign(m_Width * m_Height, 0);
void cMap::SetPosition(int a_CenterX, int a_CenterZ)
m_CenterX = a_CenterX;
m_CenterZ = a_CenterZ;
bool cMap::SetPixel(unsigned int a_X, unsigned int a_Z, cMap::ColorID a_Data)
if ((a_X < m_Width) && (a_Z < m_Height))
m_Data[a_Z * m_Width + a_X] = a_Data;
return true;
return false;
cMap::ColorID cMap::GetPixel(unsigned int a_X, unsigned int a_Z)
if ((a_X < m_Width) && (a_Z < m_Height))
return m_Data[a_Z * m_Width + a_X];
unsigned int cMap::GetNumPixels(void) const
return m_Width * m_Height;
const cMapDecorator cMap::CreateDecorator(const cEntity * a_TrackedEntity)
int InsideWidth = (GetWidth() / 2) - 1;
int InsideHeight = (GetHeight() / 2) - 1;
// Center of pixel
int PixelX = static_cast<int>(a_TrackedEntity->GetPosX() - GetCenterX()) / static_cast<int>(GetPixelWidth());
int PixelZ = static_cast<int>(a_TrackedEntity->GetPosZ() - GetCenterZ()) / static_cast<int>(GetPixelWidth());
cMapDecorator::eType Type;
int Rot;
if ((PixelX > -InsideWidth) && (PixelX <= InsideWidth) && (PixelZ > -InsideHeight) && (PixelZ <= InsideHeight))
double Yaw = a_TrackedEntity->GetYaw();
if (GetDimension() == dimNether)
// TODO 2014-02-19 xdot: Refine
Rot = GetRandomProvider().RandInt(15);
Rot = CeilC(((Yaw - 11.25) * 16) / 360);
Type = cMapDecorator::eType::E_TYPE_PLAYER;
Rot = 0;
Type = cMapDecorator::eType::E_TYPE_PLAYER_OUTSIDE;
// Move to border
if (PixelX <= -InsideWidth)
PixelX = -InsideWidth;
if (PixelZ <= -InsideHeight)
PixelZ = -InsideHeight;
if (PixelX > InsideWidth)
PixelX = InsideWidth;
if (PixelZ > InsideHeight)
PixelZ = InsideHeight;
return {Type, static_cast<unsigned>(2 * PixelX + 1), static_cast<unsigned>(2 * PixelZ + 1), Rot};
unsigned int cMap::GetPixelWidth(void) const
return static_cast<unsigned int>(pow(2.0, static_cast<double>(m_Scale)));