peterbell10 e6634ed26c
Update submodules (#4727)
Closes #4708

This updates jsoncpp, mbedtls, TCLAP and SQLiteCpp to their latest stable release. A few additional changes were needed:

* jsoncpp deprecated Reader, FastWriter and StyledWriter which I've replaced
  with some helper functions in JsonUtils.cpp

* SQLiteCpp changed how it builds with external sqlite libraries, now expecting
  them to be installed. The simplest path was to remove sqlite from cuberite's
  submodule and just use SQLiteCpp's internal version.
2020-05-09 15:51:15 +01:00

381 lines
9.2 KiB

#include "Globals.h"
#include "BlockTypePalette.h"
#include "json/value.h"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
/** Returns the index into aString >= aStartIdx at which the next separator occurs.
Separator is one of \t, \n or \r.
Returns AString::npos if no such separator. */
static size_t findNextSeparator(const AString & aString, size_t aStartIdx = 0)
for (size_t i = aStartIdx, len = aString.length(); i < len; ++i)
switch (aString[i])
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\r':
return i;
return AString::npos;
UInt32 BlockTypePalette::index(const AString & aBlockTypeName, const BlockState & aBlockState)
auto idx = maybeIndex(aBlockTypeName, aBlockState);
if (idx.second)
return idx.first;
// Not found, append:
auto index = mMaxIndex++;
mBlockToNumber[aBlockTypeName][aBlockState] = index;
mNumberToBlock[index] = {aBlockTypeName, aBlockState};
return index;
std::pair<UInt32, bool> BlockTypePalette::maybeIndex(const AString & aBlockTypeName, const BlockState & aBlockState) const
auto itr1 = mBlockToNumber.find(aBlockTypeName);
if (itr1 == mBlockToNumber.end())
return {0, false};
auto itr2 = itr1->second.find(aBlockState);
if (itr2 == itr1->second.end())
return {0, false};
return {itr2->second, true};
UInt32 BlockTypePalette::count() const
return static_cast<UInt32>(mNumberToBlock.size());
const std::pair<AString, BlockState> & BlockTypePalette::entry(UInt32 aIndex) const
auto itr = mNumberToBlock.find(aIndex);
if (itr == mNumberToBlock.end())
throw NoSuchIndexException(aIndex);
return itr->second;
std::map<UInt32, UInt32> BlockTypePalette::createTransformMapAddMissing(const BlockTypePalette & aFrom)
std::map<UInt32, UInt32> res;
for (const auto & fromEntry: aFrom.mNumberToBlock)
auto fromIndex = fromEntry.first;
const auto & blockTypeName = fromEntry.second.first;
const auto & blockState = fromEntry.second.second;
res[fromIndex] = index(blockTypeName, blockState);
return res;
std::map<UInt32, UInt32> BlockTypePalette::createTransformMapWithFallback(const BlockTypePalette & aFrom, UInt32 aFallbackIndex) const
std::map<UInt32, UInt32> res;
for (const auto & fromEntry: aFrom.mNumberToBlock)
auto fromIndex = fromEntry.first;
const auto & blockTypeName = fromEntry.second.first;
const auto & blockState = fromEntry.second.second;
auto thisIndex = maybeIndex(blockTypeName, blockState);
if (thisIndex.second)
// The entry was found in this
res[fromIndex] = thisIndex.first;
// The entry was NOT found in this, replace with fallback:
res[fromIndex] = aFallbackIndex;
return res;
void BlockTypePalette::loadFromString(const AString & aString)
static const AString hdrTsvRegular = "BlockTypePalette";
static const AString hdrTsvUpgrade = "UpgradeBlockTypePalette";
// Detect format by checking the header line (none -> JSON):
if (aString.substr(0, hdrTsvRegular.length()) == hdrTsvRegular)
return loadFromTsv(aString, false);
else if (aString.substr(0, hdrTsvUpgrade.length()) == hdrTsvUpgrade)
return loadFromTsv(aString, true);
return loadFromJsonString(aString);
void BlockTypePalette::loadFromJsonString(const AString & aJsonPalette)
// Parse the string into JSON object:
Json::Value root;
std::string errs;
if (!JsonUtils::ParseString(aJsonPalette, root, &errs))
throw LoadFailedException(errs);
// Sanity-check the JSON's structure:
if (!root.isObject())
throw LoadFailedException("Incorrect palette format, expected an object at root.");
// Load the palette:
for (auto itr = root.begin(), end = root.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
const auto & blockTypeName = itr.name();
const auto & states = (*itr)["states"];
if (states == Json::Value())
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Missing \"states\" for block type \"%s\"", blockTypeName));
for (const auto & state: states)
auto id = static_cast<UInt32>(std::stoul(state["id"].asString()));
std::map<AString, AString> props;
if (state.isMember("properties"))
const auto & properties = state["properties"];
if (!properties.isObject())
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Member \"properties\" is not a JSON object (block type \"%s\", id %u).", blockTypeName, id));
for (const auto & key: properties.getMemberNames())
props[key] = properties[key].asString();
addMapping(id, blockTypeName, props);
void BlockTypePalette::loadFromTsv(const AString & aTsvPalette, bool aIsUpgrade)
static const AString hdrTsvRegular = "BlockTypePalette";
static const AString hdrTsvUpgrade = "UpgradeBlockTypePalette";
// Check the file signature:
auto idx = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette);
if ((idx == AString::npos) || (aTsvPalette[idx] == '\t'))
throw LoadFailedException("Invalid signature");
auto signature = aTsvPalette.substr(0, idx);
bool isUpgrade = (signature == hdrTsvUpgrade);
if (!isUpgrade && (signature != hdrTsvRegular))
throw LoadFailedException("Unknown signature");
if (aTsvPalette[idx] == '\r') // CR of the CRLF pair, skip the LF:
idx += 1;
// Parse the header:
bool hasHadVersion = false;
AString commonPrefix;
int line = 2;
auto len = aTsvPalette.length();
while (true)
auto keyStart = idx + 1;
auto keyEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, idx + 1);
if (keyEnd == AString::npos)
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Invalid header key format on line %u", line));
if (keyEnd == idx + 1) // Empty line, end of headers
if (aTsvPalette[keyEnd] == '\r') // CR of the CRLF pair, skip the LF:
idx = keyEnd;
auto valueEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, keyEnd + 1);
if ((valueEnd == AString::npos) || (aTsvPalette[valueEnd] == '\t'))
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Invalid header value format on line %u", line));
auto key = aTsvPalette.substr(keyStart, keyEnd - keyStart);
if (key == "FileVersion")
unsigned version = 0;
auto value = aTsvPalette.substr(keyEnd + 1, valueEnd - keyEnd - 1);
if (!StringToInteger(value, version))
throw LoadFailedException("Invalid FileVersion value");
else if (version != 1)
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Unknown FileVersion: %u. Only version 1 is supported.", version));
hasHadVersion = true;
else if (key == "CommonPrefix")
commonPrefix = aTsvPalette.substr(keyEnd + 1, valueEnd - keyEnd - 1);
idx = valueEnd;
if (aTsvPalette[idx] == '\r') // CR of the CRLF pair, skip the LF:
if (!hasHadVersion)
throw LoadFailedException("No FileVersion value");
// Parse the data:
while (idx + 1 < len)
auto lineStart = idx + 1;
auto idEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, lineStart);
if ((idEnd == AString::npos) || (aTsvPalette[idEnd] != '\t'))
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Incomplete data on line %u (id)", line));
UInt32 id;
if (!StringToInteger(aTsvPalette.substr(lineStart, idEnd - lineStart), id))
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Failed to parse id on line %u", line));
size_t metaEnd = idEnd;
if (isUpgrade)
metaEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, idEnd + 1);
if ((metaEnd == AString::npos) || (aTsvPalette[metaEnd] != '\t'))
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Incomplete data on line %u (meta)", line));
UInt32 meta = 0;
if (!StringToInteger(aTsvPalette.substr(idEnd + 1, metaEnd - idEnd - 1), meta))
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Failed to parse meta on line %u", line));
if (meta > 15)
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Invalid meta value on line %u: %u", line, meta));
id = (id * 16) | meta;
auto blockTypeEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, metaEnd + 1);
if (blockTypeEnd == AString::npos)
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Incomplete data on line %u (blockTypeName)", line));
auto blockTypeName = aTsvPalette.substr(metaEnd + 1, blockTypeEnd - metaEnd - 1);
auto blockStateEnd = blockTypeEnd;
AStringMap blockState;
while (aTsvPalette[blockStateEnd] == '\t')
auto keyEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, blockStateEnd + 1);
if ((keyEnd == AString::npos) || (aTsvPalette[keyEnd] != '\t'))
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Incomplete data on line %u (blockState key)", line));
auto valueEnd = findNextSeparator(aTsvPalette, keyEnd + 1);
if (valueEnd == AString::npos)
throw LoadFailedException(Printf("Incomplete data on line %u (blockState value)", line));
auto key = aTsvPalette.substr(blockStateEnd + 1, keyEnd - blockStateEnd - 1);
auto value = aTsvPalette.substr(keyEnd + 1, valueEnd - keyEnd - 1);
blockState[key] = value;
blockStateEnd = valueEnd;
addMapping(id, commonPrefix + blockTypeName, std::move(blockState));
if (aTsvPalette[blockStateEnd] == '\r') // CR of the CRLF pair, skip the LF:
idx = blockStateEnd;
void BlockTypePalette::addMapping(UInt32 aID, const AString & aBlockTypeName, const BlockState & aBlockState)
mNumberToBlock[aID] = {aBlockTypeName, aBlockState};
mBlockToNumber[aBlockTypeName][aBlockState] = aID;
if (aID > mMaxIndex)
mMaxIndex = aID;