Tiger Wang c1c7936c68 Fixed multiple invalid permission nodes
New players can build as default now
2014-02-02 22:55:41 +00:00

140 lines
3.3 KiB

#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "GroupManager.h"
#include "Group.h"
#include "inifile/iniFile.h"
#include "ChatColor.h"
#include "Root.h"
typedef std::map< AString, cGroup* > GroupMap;
struct cGroupManager::sGroupManagerState
GroupMap Groups;
for( GroupMap::iterator itr = m_pState->Groups.begin(); itr != m_pState->Groups.end(); ++itr )
delete itr->second;
delete m_pState;
: m_pState( new sGroupManagerState )
LOGD("-- Loading Groups --");
cIniFile IniFile;
if (!IniFile.ReadFile("groups.ini"))
LOGWARNING("Regenerating groups.ini, all groups will be reset");
IniFile.AddHeaderComment(" This is the MCServer permissions manager groups file");
IniFile.AddHeaderComment(" It stores all defined groups such as Administrators, Players, or Moderators");
IniFile.SetValue("Owner", "Permissions", "*", true);
IniFile.SetValue("Owner", "Color", "2", true);
IniFile.SetValue("Moderator", "Permissions", "core.time,core.item,core.teleport,core.ban,core.unban,core.save-all,core.toggledownfall");
IniFile.SetValue("Moderator", "Color", "2", true);
IniFile.SetValue("Moderator", "Inherits", "Player", true);
IniFile.SetValue("Player", "Permissions", "core.portal", true);
IniFile.SetValue("Player", "Color", "f", true);
IniFile.SetValue("Player", "Inherits", "Default", true);
IniFile.SetValue("Default", "Permissions", "core.help,core.plugins,core.spawn,core.worlds,core.back,core.motd,core.build,core.locate,core.viewdistance", true);
IniFile.SetValue("Default", "Color", "f", true);
unsigned int NumKeys = IniFile.GetNumKeys();
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < NumKeys; i++ )
std::string KeyName = IniFile.GetKeyName( i );
cGroup* Group = GetGroup( KeyName.c_str() );
LOGD("Loading group: %s", KeyName.c_str() );
Group->SetName( KeyName );
char Color = IniFile.GetValue( KeyName, "Color", "-" )[0];
if( Color != '-' )
Group->SetColor( cChatColor::Color + Color );
Group->SetColor( cChatColor::White );
AString Commands = IniFile.GetValue( KeyName, "Commands", "" );
if( Commands.size() > 0 )
AStringVector Split = StringSplit( Commands, "," );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Split.size(); i++)
Group->AddCommand( Split[i] );
AString Permissions = IniFile.GetValue( KeyName, "Permissions", "" );
if( Permissions.size() > 0 )
AStringVector Split = StringSplit( Permissions, "," );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Split.size(); i++)
Group->AddPermission( Split[i] );
std::string Groups = IniFile.GetValue( KeyName, "Inherits", "" );
if( Groups.size() > 0 )
AStringVector Split = StringSplit( Groups, "," );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Split.size(); i++)
Group->InheritFrom( GetGroup( Split[i].c_str() ) );
LOGD("-- Groups Successfully Loaded --");
cGroup* cGroupManager::GetGroup( const AString & a_Name )
GroupMap::iterator itr = m_pState->Groups.find( a_Name );
if( itr != m_pState->Groups.end() )
return itr->second;
cGroup* Group = new cGroup();
m_pState->Groups[a_Name] = Group;
return Group;