2013-06-07 20:19:36 +00:00

292 lines
8.5 KiB

-- Storage.lua
-- Implements the storage access object, shielding the rest of the code away from the DB
The cStorage class is the interface to the underlying storage, the SQLite database.
This class knows how to load player areas from the DB, how to add or remove areas in the DB
and other such operations.
Also, a g_Storage global variable is declared, it holds the single instance of the storage.
cStorage = {};
g_Storage = {};
--- Initializes the storage subsystem, creates the g_Storage object
-- Returns true if successful, false if not
function InitializeStorage()
g_Storage = cStorage:new();
if (not(g_Storage:OpenDB())) then
return false;
return true;
function cStorage:new(obj)
obj = obj or {};
setmetatable(obj, self);
self.__index = self;
return obj;
--- Opens the DB and makes sure it has all the columns needed
-- Returns true if successful, false otherwise
function cStorage:OpenDB()
local ErrCode, ErrMsg;
self.DB, ErrCode, ErrMsg = sqlite3.open("ProtectionAreas.sqlite");
if (self.DB == nil) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot open ProtectionAreas.sqlite, error " .. ErrCode .. " (" .. ErrMsg ..")");
return false;
if (
not(self:CreateTable("Areas", {"ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT", "MinX", "MaxX", "MinZ", "MaxZ", "WorldName", "CreatorUserName"})) or
not(self:CreateTable("AllowedUsers", {"AreaID", "UserName"}))
) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot create DB tables!");
return false;
return true;
--- Executes the SQL command given, calling the a_Callback for each result
-- If the SQL command fails, prints it out on the server console and returns false
-- Returns true on success
function cStorage:DBExec(a_SQL, a_Callback, a_CallbackParam)
local ErrCode = self.DB:exec(a_SQL, a_Callback, a_CallbackParam);
if (ErrCode ~= sqlite3.OK) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Error " .. ErrCode .. " (" .. self.DB:errmsg() ..
") while processing SQL command >>" .. a_SQL .. "<<"
return false;
return true;
--- Creates the table of the specified name and columns[]
-- If the table exists, any columns missing are added; existing data is kept
function cStorage:CreateTable(a_TableName, a_Columns)
local sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '" .. a_TableName .. "' (";
sql = sql .. table.concat(a_Columns, ", ");
sql = sql .. ")";
if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot create DB Table " .. a_TableName);
return false;
-- Check each column whether it exists
-- Remove all the existing columns from a_Columns:
local RemoveExistingColumn = function(UserData, NumCols, Values, Names)
-- Remove the received column from a_Columns. Search for column name in the Names[] / Values[] pairs
for i = 1, NumCols do
if (Names[i] == "name") then
local ColumnName = Values[i]:lower();
-- Search the a_Columns if they have that column:
for j = 1, #a_Columns do
-- Cut away all column specifiers (after the first space), if any:
local SpaceIdx = string.find(a_Columns[j], " ");
if (SpaceIdx ~= nil) then
SpaceIdx = SpaceIdx - 1;
local ColumnTemplate = string.lower(string.sub(a_Columns[j], 1, SpaceIdx));
-- If it is a match, remove from a_Columns:
if (ColumnTemplate == ColumnName) then
table.remove(a_Columns, j);
break; -- for j
end -- for j - a_Columns[]
end -- for i - Names[] / Values[]
return 0;
if (not(self:DBExec("PRAGMA table_info(" .. a_TableName .. ")", RemoveExistingColumn))) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot query DB table structure");
return false;
-- Create the missing columns
-- a_Columns now contains only those columns that are missing in the DB
if (#a_Columns > 0) then
LOGINFO(PluginPrefix .. "Database table \"" .. a_TableName .. "\" is missing " .. #a_Columns .. " columns, fixing now.");
for idx, ColumnName in ipairs(a_Columns) do
if (not(self:DBExec("ALTER TABLE '" .. a_TableName .. "' ADD COLUMN " .. ColumnName))) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot add DB table \"" .. a_TableName .. "\" column \"" .. ColumnName .. "\"");
return false;
LOGINFO(PluginPrefix .. "Database table \"" .. a_TableName .. "\" columns fixed.");
return true;
--- Returns true if the specified area is allowed for the specified player
function cStorage:IsAreaAllowed(a_AreaID, a_PlayerName, a_WorldName)
local res = false;
local sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AllowedUsers WHERE (AreaID = " .. a_AreaID ..
") AND (UserName ='" .. a_PlayerName .. "')";
local function SetResTrue(UserData, NumValues, Values, Names)
res = (tonumber(Values[1]) > 0);
return 0;
if (not(self:DBExec(sql, SetResTrue))) then
LOGWARNING("SQL error while determining area allowance");
return false;
return res;
--- Loads cPlayerAreas for the specified player from the DB. Returns a cPlayerAreas object
function cStorage:LoadPlayerAreas(a_PlayerName, a_PlayerX, a_PlayerZ, a_WorldName)
res = cPlayerAreas:new();
-- Bounds for which the areas are loaded
local BoundsMinX = a_PlayerX - g_AreaBounds;
local BoundsMaxX = a_PlayerX + g_AreaBounds;
local BoundsMinZ = a_PlayerZ - g_AreaBounds;
local BoundsMaxZ = a_PlayerZ + g_AreaBounds;
-- Load the areas from the DB, based on the player's location
local sql =
"SELECT ID, MinX, MaxX, MinZ, MaxZ FROM Areas WHERE " ..
"MinX < " .. BoundsMaxX .. " AND MaxX > " .. BoundsMinX .. " AND " ..
"MinZ < " .. BoundsMaxZ .. " AND MaxZ > " .. BoundsMinZ .. " AND " ..
"WorldName='" .. a_WorldName .."'";
local function AddAreas(UserData, NumValues, Values, Names)
if ((NumValues < 5) or ((Values[1] and Values[2] and Values[3] and Values[4] and Values[5]) == nil)) then
LOGWARNING("SQL query didn't return all data");
return 0;
res:AddArea(cCuboid(Values[2], 0, Values[4], Values[3], 255, Values[5]), self:IsAreaAllowed(Values[1], a_PlayerName, a_WorldName));
return 0;
if (not(self:DBExec(sql, AddAreas))) then
LOGWARNING("SQL error while querying areas");
return res;
return res;
--- Adds a new area into the DB. a_AllowedNames is a table listing all the players that are allowed in the area
function cStorage:AddArea(a_Cuboid, a_WorldName, a_CreatorName, a_AllowedNames)
-- Store the area in the DB
local ID = -1;
local function RememberID(UserData, NumCols, Values, Names)
for i = 1, NumCols do
if (Names[i] == "ID") then
ID = Values[i];
return 0;
local sql =
"INSERT INTO Areas (ID, MinX, MaxX, MinZ, MaxZ, WorldName, CreatorUserName) VALUES (NULL, " ..
a_Cuboid.p1.x .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p2.x .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p1.z .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p2.z ..
", '" .. a_WorldName .. "', '" .. a_CreatorName ..
"'); SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS ID";
if (not(self:DBExec(sql, RememberID))) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL Error while inserting new area");
return false;
if (ID == -1) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL Error while retrieving INSERTion ID");
return false;
-- Store each allowed player in the DB
for idx, Name in ipairs(a_AllowedNames) do
local sql = "INSERT INTO AllowedUsers (AreaID, UserName) VALUES (" .. ID .. ", '" .. Name .. "')";
if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL Error while inserting new area's allowed player " .. Name);
return true;
function cStorage:DelArea(a_WorldName, a_AreaID)
-- Since all areas are stored in a single DB (for now), the worldname parameter isn't used at all
-- Later if we change to a per-world DB, we'll need the world name
-- Delete from both tables simultaneously
local sql =
"DELETE FROM Areas WHERE ID=" .. a_AreaID .. ";" ..
"DELETE FROM AllowedPlayers WHERE AreaID=" .. a_AreaID;
if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL error while deleting area " .. a_AreaID .. " from world \"" .. a_WorldName .. "\"");
return false;
return true;
--- Removes the user from the specified area
function cStorage:RemoveUser(a_AreaID, a_UserName, a_WorldName)
LOGWARNING("cStorage:RemoveUser(): Not implemented yet!");
--- Removes the user from all areas in the specified world
function cStorage:RemoveUserAll(a_UserName, a_WorldName)
LOGWARNING("cStorage:RemoveUserAll(): Not implemented yet!");