Mattes D 01b8ed5295
Pulled the BlockID and BlockInfo headers from Globals.h. (#4591)
The BlockID.h file was removed from Globals.h and renamed to BlockType.h (main change)
The BlockInfo.h file was removed from Globals.h (main change)
The ENUM_BLOCK_ID and ENUM_ITEM_ID enum names were replaced with ENUM_BLOCK_TYPE and ENUM_ITEM_TYPE (cosmetics)
The various enums, such as eDimension, eDamageType and eExplosionSource were moved from BlockType.h to Defines.h, together with the helper functions for converting between them and strings (StringToDimension et al.) (minor)
Many inline functions were moved from headers to their respective cpp files, so that BlockType.h could be included only into the cpp file, rather than the header.
That broke our tests a bit, since they pick bits and pieces out of the main code and provide stubs for the rest; they had to be re-stubbed and re-verified.
eMonsterType values are no longer tied to E_ITEM_SPAWN_EGG_META_* values
2020-04-03 08:57:01 +02:00

217 lines
6.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <functional>
// fwd:
class cBlockHandler;
class BlockState;
/** Complete information about a single block type.
The BlockTypeRegistry uses this structure to store the registered information. */
class BlockInfo
/** Callback is used to query block hints dynamically, based on the current BlockState.
Useful for example for redstone lamps that can be turned on or off. */
using HintCallback = std::function<AString(const AString & aTypeName, const BlockState & aBlockState)>;
/** Creates a new instance with the specified BlockTypeName and handler / hints / callbacks.
aPluginName specifies the name of the plugin to associate with the block type (to allow unload / reload). */
const AString & aPluginName,
const AString & aBlockTypeName,
std::shared_ptr<cBlockHandler> aHandler,
const std::map<AString, AString> & aHints = std::map<AString, AString>(),
const std::map<AString, HintCallback> & aHintCallbacks = std::map<AString, HintCallback>()
/** Retrieves the value associated with the specified hint for this specific BlockTypeName and BlockState.
Queries hint callbacks first, then static hints if a callback doesn't exist.
Returns an empty string if hint not found at all. */
AString hintValue(
const AString & aHintName,
const BlockState & aBlockState
// Simple getters:
const AString & pluginName() const { return mPluginName; }
const AString & blockTypeName() const { return mBlockTypeName; }
std::shared_ptr<cBlockHandler> handler() const { return mHandler; }
/** Sets (creates or updates) a static hint.
Hints provided by callbacks are unaffected by this - callbacks are "higher priority", they overwrite anything set here.
Logs an info message if the hint is already provided by a hint callback. */
void setHint(const AString & aHintKey, const AString & aHintValue);
/** Removes a hint.
Silently ignored if the hint hasn't been previously set. */
void removeHint(const AString & aHintKey);
/** The name of the plugin that registered the block. */
AString mPluginName;
/** The name of the block type, such as "minecraft:redstone_lamp" */
AString mBlockTypeName;
/** The callbacks to call for various interaction. */
std::shared_ptr<cBlockHandler> mHandler;
/** Optional static hints for any subsystem to use, such as "IsSnowable" -> "1".
Hint callbacks are of higher priority than mHints - if a hint is provided by a mHintCallback, its value in mHints is ignored. */
std::map<AString, AString> mHints;
/** The callbacks for dynamic evaluation of hints, such as "LightValue" -> function(BlockTypeName, BlockState).
Hint callbacks are of higher priority than mHints - if a hint is provided by a mHintCallback, its value in mHints is ignored. */
std::map<AString, HintCallback> mHintCallbacks;
/** Stores information on all known block types.
Can dynamically add and remove block types.
Block types are identified using BlockTypeName.
Supports unregistering and re-registering the same type by the same plugin.
Stores the name of the plugin that registered the type, for better plugin error messages ("already registered in X")
and so that we can unload and reload plugins. */
class BlockTypeRegistry
// fwd:
class AlreadyRegisteredException;
class NotRegisteredException;
/** Creates an empty new instance of the block type registry */
BlockTypeRegistry() = default;
/** Registers the specified block type.
If the block type already exists and the plugin is the same, updates the registration.
If the block type already exists and the plugin is different, throws an AlreadyRegisteredException. */
void registerBlockType(
const AString & aPluginName,
const AString & aBlockTypeName,
std::shared_ptr<cBlockHandler> aHandler,
const std::map<AString, AString> & aHints = std::map<AString, AString>(),
const std::map<AString, BlockInfo::HintCallback> & aHintCallbacks = std::map<AString, BlockInfo::HintCallback>()
/** Returns the registration information for the specified BlockTypeName.
Returns nullptr if BlockTypeName not found. */
std::shared_ptr<BlockInfo> blockInfo(const AString & aBlockTypeName);
/** Removes all registrations done by the specified plugin. */
void removeAllByPlugin(const AString & aPluginName);
/** Sets (adds or overwrites) a single Hint value for a BlockType.
Throws NotRegisteredException if the BlockTypeName is not registered. */
void setBlockTypeHint(
const AString & aBlockTypeName,
const AString & aHintKey,
const AString & aHintValue
/** Removes a previously registered single Hint value for a BlockType.
Throws NotRegisteredException if the BlockTypeName is not registered.
Silently ignored if the Hint hasn't been previously set. */
void removeBlockTypeHint(
const AString & aBlockTypeName,
const AString & aHintKey
/** The actual block type registry.
Maps the BlockTypeName to the BlockInfo instance. */
std::map<AString, std::shared_ptr<BlockInfo>> mRegistry;
/** The CS that protects mRegistry against multithreaded access. */
cCriticalSection mCSRegistry;
/** The exception thrown from BlockTypeRegistry::registerBlockType() if the same block type is being registered from a different plugin. */
class BlockTypeRegistry::AlreadyRegisteredException: public std::runtime_error
using Super = std::runtime_error;
/** Creates a new instance of the exception that provides info on both the original registration and the newly attempted
registration that caused the failure. */
std::shared_ptr<BlockInfo> aPreviousRegistration,
std::shared_ptr<BlockInfo> aNewRegistration
// Simple getters:
std::shared_ptr<BlockInfo> previousRegistration() const { return mPreviousRegistration; }
std::shared_ptr<BlockInfo> newRegistration() const { return mNewRegistration; }
std::shared_ptr<BlockInfo> mPreviousRegistration;
std::shared_ptr<BlockInfo> mNewRegistration;
/** Returns the general exception message formatted by the two registrations.
The output is used when logging. */
static AString message(
std::shared_ptr<BlockInfo> aPreviousRegistration,
std::shared_ptr<BlockInfo> aNewRegistration
/** The exception thrown from BlockTypeRegistry::setBlockTypeHint() if the block type has not been registered before. */
class BlockTypeRegistry::NotRegisteredException: public std::runtime_error
using Super = std::runtime_error;
/** Creates a new instance of the exception that provides info on both the original registration and the newly attempted
registration that caused the failure. */
const AString & aBlockTypeName,
const AString & aHintKey,
const AString & aHintValue
// Simple getters:
const AString & blockTypeName() const { return mBlockTypeName; }
const AString mBlockTypeName;