
915 lines
22 KiB

// RankManager.cpp
// Implements the cRankManager class that represents the rank manager responsible for assigning permissions and message visuals to players
#include "Globals.h"
#include "RankManager.h"
#include "SQLiteCpp/Transaction.h"
// This code is for internal testing while developing the cRankManager class
static class cRankMgrTest
cRankMgrTest(void) :
// Initialize logging:
new cMCLogger();
AString UUID = "b1caf24202a841a78055a079c460eee7"; // UUID for "xoft"
LOG("Testing UUID %s", UUID.c_str());
// Test the initial state of the ranks:
LOG("Initial test:");
// Add a rank, a few groups and permissions and set the player to use them:
LOG("Adding data...");
m_Mgr.AddRank("TestRank", "[test]", "[/test]", "7");
m_Mgr.AddGroupToRank("TestGroup1", "TestRank");
m_Mgr.AddGroupToRank("TestGroup2", "TestRank");
m_Mgr.AddPermissionToGroup("testpermission1.1", "TestGroup1");
m_Mgr.AddPermissionToGroup("testpermission1.2", "TestGroup1");
m_Mgr.AddPermissionToGroup("testpermission2.1", "TestGroup2");
m_Mgr.SetPlayerRank(UUID, "TestRank");
// Test the added data:
LOG("Testing the added data:");
LOG("IsGroupInRank(TestGroup1, TestRank) = %s", m_Mgr.IsGroupInRank("TestGroup1", "TestRank") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsGroupInRank(TestGroup3, TestRank) = %s", m_Mgr.IsGroupInRank("TestGroup3", "TestRank") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsPermissionInGroup(testpermission1.2, TestGroup1) = %s", m_Mgr.IsPermissionInGroup("testpermission1.2", "TestGroup1") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsPermissionInGroup(testpermission1.2, TestGroup2) = %s", m_Mgr.IsPermissionInGroup("testpermission1.2", "TestGroup2") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsPermissionInGroup(testpermission1.3, TestGroup2) = %s", m_Mgr.IsPermissionInGroup("testpermission1.3", "TestGroup2") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsPlayerRankSet(%s) = %s", UUID.c_str(), m_Mgr.IsPlayerRankSet(UUID) ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsPlayerRankSet(%s1) = %s", UUID.c_str(), m_Mgr.IsPlayerRankSet(UUID + "1") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("GroupExists(TestGroup1) = %s", m_Mgr.GroupExists("TestGroup1") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("GroupExists(TestGroup3) = %s", m_Mgr.GroupExists("TestGroup3") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("RankExists(TestRank) = %s", m_Mgr.RankExists("TestRank") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("RankExists(NonexistentRank) = %s", m_Mgr.RankExists("NonexistentRank") ? "true" : "false");
// Report the contents of the DB:
// Test the assignments above:
LOG("After-assignment test:");
void ReportAll(void)
// Report all ranks:
AStringVector Ranks = m_Mgr.GetAllRanks();
LOG("All ranks (%u):", (unsigned)Ranks.size());
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Ranks.begin(), end = Ranks.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
LOG(" '%s'", itr->c_str());
// Report all groups:
AStringVector Groups = m_Mgr.GetAllGroups();
LOG("All groups (%u):", (unsigned)Groups.size());
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Groups.begin(), end = Groups.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
LOG(" '%s'", itr->c_str());
// Report all permissions:
AStringVector Permissions = m_Mgr.GetAllPermissions();
LOG("All permissions (%u):", (unsigned)Permissions.size());
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Permissions.begin(), end = Permissions.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
LOG(" '%s'", itr->c_str());
void ReportPlayer(const AString & a_PlayerUUID)
// Get the player's UUID and rank:
LOG(" Rank: '%s'", m_Mgr.GetPlayerRankName(a_PlayerUUID).c_str());
// List all the permission groups for the player:
AStringVector Groups = m_Mgr.GetPlayerGroups(a_PlayerUUID);
LOG(" Groups (%u):", (unsigned)Groups.size());
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Groups.begin(), end = Groups.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
LOG(" '%s'" , itr->c_str());
} // for itr - Groups[]
// List all the permissions for the player:
AStringVector Permissions = m_Mgr.GetPlayerPermissions(a_PlayerUUID);
LOG(" Permissions (%u):", (unsigned)Permissions.size());
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Permissions.begin(), end = Permissions.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
LOG(" '%s'", itr->c_str());
} // for itr - Groups[]
void ReportRankGroups(const AString & a_RankName)
AStringVector Groups = m_Mgr.GetRankGroups(a_RankName);
LOG("Groups in rank %s: %u", a_RankName.c_str(), (unsigned)Groups.size());
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Groups.begin(), end = Groups.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
LOG(" '%s'", itr->c_str());
AStringVector Permissions = m_Mgr.GetRankPermissions(a_RankName);
LOG("Permissions in rank %s: %u", a_RankName.c_str(), (unsigned)Permissions.size());
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Permissions.begin(), end = Permissions.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
LOG(" '%s'", itr->c_str());
void ReportGroupPermissions(const AString & a_GroupName)
AStringVector Permissions = m_Mgr.GetGroupPermissions(a_GroupName);
LOG("Permissions in group %s: %u", a_GroupName.c_str(), (unsigned)Permissions.size());
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Permissions.begin(), end = Permissions.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
LOG(" '%s'", itr->c_str());
cRankManager m_Mgr;
} g_RankMgrTest;
cRankManager::cRankManager(void) :
// Create the DB tables, if they don't exist:
m_DB.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Rank (RankID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name, MsgPrefix, MsgSuffix, MsgNameColorCode)");
m_DB.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PlayerRank (PlayerUUID, PlayerName, RankID INTEGER)");
m_DB.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PermissionItem (PermGroupID INTEGER, Permission)");
// TODO: Check if tables empty, add some defaults then
AString cRankManager::GetPlayerRankName(const AString & a_PlayerUUID)
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT Rank.Name FROM Rank LEFT JOIN PlayerRank ON Rank.RankID = PlayerRank.RankID WHERE PlayerRank.PlayerUUID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID);
if (stmt.isDone())
// No data returned from the DB
return AString();
return stmt.getColumn(0).getText();
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Cannot get player rank name: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return AString();
AStringVector cRankManager::GetPlayerGroups(const AString & a_PlayerUUID)
AStringVector res;
// Prepare the DB statement:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB,
"SELECT PermGroup.Name FROM PermGroup "
"LEFT JOIN RankPermGroup "
"ON PermGroup.PermGroupID = RankPermGroup.PermGroupID "
"LEFT JOIN PlayerRank "
"ON PlayerRank.RankID = RankPermGroup.RankID "
"WHERE PlayerRank.PlayerUUID = ?"
stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID);
// Execute and get results:
while (stmt.executeStep())
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Cannot get player groups: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return res;
AStringVector cRankManager::GetPlayerPermissions(const AString & a_PlayerUUID)
AStringVector res;
// Prepare the DB statement:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB,
"SELECT PermissionItem.Permission FROM PermissionItem "
"LEFT JOIN RankPermGroup "
"ON PermissionItem.PermGroupID = RankPermGroup.PermGroupID "
"LEFT JOIN PlayerRank "
"ON PlayerRank.RankID = RankPermGroup.RankID "
"WHERE PlayerRank.PlayerUUID = ?"
stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID);
// Execute and get results:
while (stmt.executeStep())
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Cannot get player permissions: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return res;
AStringVector cRankManager::GetRankGroups(const AString & a_RankName)
AStringVector res;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB,
"SELECT PermGroup.Name FROM PermGroup "
"LEFT JOIN RankPermGroup ON RankPermGroup.PermGroupID = PermGroup.PermGroupID "
"LEFT JOIN Rank ON Rank.RankID = RankPermGroup.RankID "
"WHERE Rank.Name = ?"
stmt.bind(1, a_RankName);
while (stmt.executeStep())
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get rank groups from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return res;
AStringVector cRankManager::GetGroupPermissions(const AString & a_GroupName)
AStringVector res;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB,
"SELECT PermissionItem.Permission FROM PermissionItem "
"LEFT JOIN PermGroup ON PermGroup.PermGroupID = PermissionItem.PermGroupID "
"WHERE PermGroup.Name = ?"
stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName);
while (stmt.executeStep())
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get group permissions from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return res;
AStringVector cRankManager::GetRankPermissions(const AString & a_RankName)
AStringVector res;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB,
"SELECT PermissionItem.Permission FROM PermissionItem "
"LEFT JOIN RankPermGroup ON RankPermGroup.PermGroupID = PermissionItem.PermGroupID "
"LEFT JOIN Rank ON Rank.RankID = RankPermGroup.RankID "
"WHERE Rank.Name = ?"
stmt.bind(1, a_RankName);
while (stmt.executeStep())
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get rank permissions from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return res;
AStringVector cRankManager::GetAllRanks(void)
AStringVector res;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT Name FROM Rank");
while (stmt.executeStep())
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get ranks from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return res;
AStringVector cRankManager::GetAllGroups(void)
AStringVector res;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT Name FROM PermGroup");
while (stmt.executeStep())
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get groups from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return res;
AStringVector cRankManager::GetAllPermissions(void)
AStringVector res;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT Permission FROM PermissionItem");
while (stmt.executeStep())
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get permissions from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return res;
void cRankManager::GetPlayerMsgVisuals(
const AString & a_PlayerUUID,
AString & a_MsgPrefix,
AString & a_MsgSuffix,
AString & a_MsgNameColorCode
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
a_MsgPrefix = Printf("%s: DummyPrefix", __FUNCTION__);
a_MsgSuffix = Printf("%s: DummySuffix", __FUNCTION__);
a_MsgNameColorCode = Printf("%s: DummyMsgNameColorCode", __FUNCTION__);
void cRankManager::AddRank(
const AString & a_RankName,
const AString & a_MsgPrefix,
const AString & a_MsgSuffix,
const AString & a_MsgNameColorCode
// Check if such a rank name is already used:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_RankName);
if (stmt.executeStep())
if (stmt.getColumn(0).getInt() > 0)
// Rank already exists, do nothing:
// Insert a new rank:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO Rank (Name, MsgPrefix, MsgSuffix, MsgNameColorCode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");
stmt.bind(1, a_RankName);
stmt.bind(2, a_MsgPrefix);
stmt.bind(3, a_MsgSuffix);
stmt.bind(4, a_MsgNameColorCode);
if (stmt.exec() <= 0)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add a new rank \"%s\".", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str());
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add a new rank \"%s\": %s", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str(), ex.what());
void cRankManager::AddGroup(const AString & a_GroupName)
// Check if such a rank name is already used:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName);
if (stmt.executeStep())
if (stmt.getColumn(0).getInt() > 0)
// Group already exists, do nothing:
// Insert a new rank:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO PermGroup (Name) VALUES (?)");
stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName);
if (stmt.exec() <= 0)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add a new group \"%s\".", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str());
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add a new group \"%s\": %s", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), ex.what());
bool cRankManager::AddGroupToRank(const AString & a_GroupName, const AString & a_RankName)
SQLite::Transaction trans(m_DB);
int GroupID, RankID;
// Get the group's ID:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroupID FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName);
if (!stmt.executeStep())
LOGWARNING("%s: No such group (%s), aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str());
return false;
GroupID = stmt.getColumn(0);
// Get the rank's ID:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT RankID FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_RankName);
if (!stmt.executeStep())
LOGWARNING("%s: No such rank (%s), aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str());
return false;
RankID = stmt.getColumn(0);
// Check if the group is already there:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM RankPermGroup WHERE RankID = ? AND PermGroupID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, RankID);
stmt.bind(2, GroupID);
if (!stmt.executeStep())
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to check binding between rank %s and group %s, aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str());
return false;
if (stmt.getColumn(0).getInt() > 0)
LOGD("%s: Group %s already present in rank %s, skipping and returning success.",
__FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str()
return true;
// Add the group:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO RankPermGroup (RankID, PermGroupID) VALUES (?, ?)");
stmt.bind(1, RankID);
stmt.bind(2, GroupID);
if (stmt.exec() <= 0)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add group %s to rank %s, aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str());
return false;
// Adding succeeded:
return true;
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add group %s to rank %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str(), ex.what());
return false;
bool cRankManager::AddPermissionToGroup(const AString & a_Permission, const AString & a_GroupName)
// Wrapp the entire operation into a transaction:
SQLite::Transaction trans(m_DB);
// Get the group's ID:
int GroupID;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroupID FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName);
if (!stmt.executeStep())
LOGWARNING("%s: No such group (%s), aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str());
return false;
GroupID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt();
// Check if the permission is already present:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PermissionItem WHERE PermGroupID = ? AND Permission = ?");
stmt.bind(1, GroupID);
stmt.bind(2, a_Permission);
if (!stmt.executeStep())
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to check binding between permission %s and group %s, aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_Permission.c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str());
return false;
if (stmt.getColumn(0).getInt() > 0)
LOGD("%s: Permission %s is already present in group %s, skipping and returning success.",
__FUNCTION__, a_Permission.c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str()
return true;
// Add the permission:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO PermissionItem (Permission, PermGroupID) VALUES (?, ?)");
stmt.bind(1, a_Permission);
stmt.bind(2, GroupID);
if (stmt.exec() <= 0)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add permission %s to group %s, aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_Permission.c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str());
return false;
// Adding succeeded:
return true;
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add permission %s to group %s: %s",
__FUNCTION__, a_Permission.c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str(), ex.what()
return false;
void cRankManager::RemoveRank(const AString & a_RankName, const AString & a_ReplacementRankName)
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
void cRankManager::RemoveGroup(const AString & a_GroupName)
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
void cRankManager::RemoveGroupFromRank(const AString & a_RankName, const AString & a_GroupName)
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
void cRankManager::RemovePermissionFromGroup(const AString & a_Permission, const AString & a_GroupName)
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
bool cRankManager::RenameRank(const AString & a_OldName, const AString & a_NewName)
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
return false;
bool cRankManager::RenameGroup(const AString & a_OldName, const AString & a_NewName)
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
return false;
void cRankManager::SetPlayerRank(const AString & a_PlayerUUID, const AString & a_RankName)
// Wrap the entire operation into a transaction:
SQLite::Transaction trans(m_DB);
// Get the rank ID:
int RankID;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT RankID FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_RankName);
if (!stmt.executeStep())
LOGWARNING("%s: There is no rank %s, aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str());
RankID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt();
// Update the player's rank, if already in DB:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "UPDATE PlayerRank SET RankID = ? WHERE PlayerUUID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, RankID);
stmt.bind(2, a_PlayerUUID);
if (stmt.exec() > 0)
// Successfully updated the player's rank
// The player is not yet in the DB, add them:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO PlayerRank (RankID, PlayerUUID) VALUES (?, ?)");
stmt.bind(1, RankID);
stmt.bind(2, a_PlayerUUID);
if (stmt.exec() > 0)
// Successfully added the player
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to set player UUID %s to rank %s.",
__FUNCTION__, a_PlayerUUID.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str()
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to set player UUID %s to rank %s: %s",
__FUNCTION__, a_PlayerUUID.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str(), ex.what()
void cRankManager::SetRankVisuals(
const AString & a_RankName,
const AString & a_MsgPrefix,
const AString & a_MsgSuffix,
const AString & a_MsgNameColorCode
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
bool cRankManager::RankExists(const AString & a_RankName)
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT * FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_RankName);
if (stmt.executeStep())
// The rank was found
return true;
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to query DB for rank %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str(), ex.what());
return false;
bool cRankManager::GroupExists(const AString & a_GroupName)
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT * FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName);
if (stmt.executeStep())
// The group was found
return true;
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to query DB for group %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), ex.what());
return false;
bool cRankManager::IsPlayerRankSet(const AString & a_PlayerUUID)
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT * FROM PlayerRank WHERE PlayerUUID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID);
if (stmt.executeStep())
// The player UUID was found, they have a rank
return true;
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to query DB for player UUID %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_PlayerUUID.c_str(), ex.what());
return false;
bool cRankManager::IsGroupInRank(const AString & a_GroupName, const AString & a_RankName)
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB,
"LEFT JOIN RankPermGroup ON Rank.RankID = RankPermGroup.RankID "
"LEFT JOIN PermGroup ON PermGroup.PermGroupID = RankPermGroup.PermGroupID "
"WHERE Rank.Name = ? AND PermGroup.Name = ?"
stmt.bind(1, a_RankName);
stmt.bind(2, a_GroupName);
if (stmt.executeStep())
// The group is in the rank
return true;
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to query DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return false;
bool cRankManager::IsPermissionInGroup(const AString & a_Permission, const AString & a_GroupName)
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB,
"SELECT * FROM PermissionItem "
"LEFT JOIN PermGroup ON PermGroup.PermGroupID = PermissionItem.PermGroupID "
"WHERE PermissionItem.Permission = ? AND PermGroup.Name = ?"
stmt.bind(1, a_Permission);
stmt.bind(2, a_GroupName);
if (stmt.executeStep())
// The permission is in the group
return true;
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to query DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return false;