2020-07-23 00:32:47 +01:00

258 lines
9.2 KiB

// Connection.h
// Interfaces to the cConnection class representing a single pair of connected sockets
#pragma once
#include "ByteBuffer.h"
#include "mbedTLS++/AesCfb128Decryptor.h"
#include "mbedTLS++/AesCfb128Encryptor.h"
class cServer;
class cConnection
/** Base for the log filename and all files connected to this log */
AString m_LogNameBase;
/** Index for the next file into which item metadata should be written (ParseSlot() function) */
int m_ItemIdx;
cCriticalSection m_CSLog;
FILE * m_LogFile;
cServer & m_Server;
SOCKET m_ClientSocket;
SOCKET m_ServerSocket;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point m_BeginTick; // Tick when the relative time was first retrieved (used for GetRelativeTime())
enum eConnectionState
csUnencrypted, // The connection is not encrypted. Packets must be decoded in order to be able to start decryption.
csEncryptedUnderstood, // The communication is encrypted and so far all packets have been understood, so they can be still decoded
csEncryptedUnknown, // The communication is encrypted, but an unknown packet has been received, so packets cannot be decoded anymore
csWaitingForEncryption, // The communication is waiting for the other line to establish encryption
eConnectionState m_ClientState;
eConnectionState m_ServerState;
int m_Nonce;
cConnection(SOCKET a_ClientSocket, cServer & a_Server);
void Run(void);
void vLog(const char * a_Format, fmt::printf_args a_ArgList);
template <typename... Args>
void Log(const char * a_Format, const Args & ... a_Args)
vLog(a_Format, fmt::make_printf_args(a_Args...));
void vDataLog(const void * a_Data, size_t a_Size, const char * a_Format, fmt::printf_args a_ArgList);
template <typename... Args>
void DataLog(const void * a_Data, size_t a_Size, const char * a_Format, const Args & ... a_Args)
vDataLog(a_Data, a_Size, a_Format, fmt::make_printf_args(a_Args...));
void LogFlush(void);
cByteBuffer m_ClientBuffer;
cByteBuffer m_ServerBuffer;
cAesCfb128Decryptor m_ServerDecryptor;
cAesCfb128Encryptor m_ServerEncryptor;
AString m_ServerEncryptionBuffer; // Buffer for the data to be sent to the server once encryption is established
/** Set to true when PACKET_PING is received from the client; will cause special parsing for server kick */
bool m_HasClientPinged;
The protocol states can be one of:
-1: no initial handshake received yet
1: status
2: login
3: game
/** State the to-server protocol is in (as defined by the initial handshake / login), -1 if no initial handshake received yet */
int m_ServerProtocolState;
/** State the to-client protocol is in (as defined by the initial handshake / login), -1 if no initial handshake received yet */
int m_ClientProtocolState;
/** True if the server connection has provided encryption keys */
bool m_IsServerEncrypted;
bool ConnectToServer(void);
/** Relays data from server to client; returns false if connection aborted */
bool RelayFromServer(void);
/** Relays data from client to server; returns false if connection aborted */
bool RelayFromClient(void);
/** Returns the time relative to the first call of this function, in the fractional seconds elapsed */
double GetRelativeTime(void);
/** Sends data to the specified socket. If sending fails, prints a fail message using a_Peer and returns false. */
bool SendData(SOCKET a_Socket, const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size, const char * a_Peer);
/** Sends data to the specified socket. If sending fails, prints a fail message using a_Peer and returns false. */
bool SendData(SOCKET a_Socket, cByteBuffer & a_Data, const char * a_Peer);
/** Sends data to the specfied socket, after encrypting it using a_Encryptor. If sending fails, prints a fail message using a_Peer and returns false */
bool SendEncryptedData(SOCKET a_Socket, cAesCfb128Encryptor & a_Encryptor, const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size, const char * a_Peer);
/** Sends data to the specfied socket, after encrypting it using a_Encryptor. If sending fails, prints a fail message using a_Peer and returns false */
bool SendEncryptedData(SOCKET a_Socket, cAesCfb128Encryptor & a_Encryptor, cByteBuffer & a_Data, const char * a_Peer);
/** Decodes packets coming from the client, sends appropriate counterparts to the server; returns false if the connection is to be dropped */
bool DecodeClientsPackets(const char * a_Data, int a_Size);
/** Decodes packets coming from the server, sends appropriate counterparts to the client; returns false if the connection is to be dropped */
bool DecodeServersPackets(const char * a_Data, int a_Size);
// Packet handling, client-side, initial:
bool HandleClientHandshake(void);
// Packet handling, client-side, status:
bool HandleClientStatusPing(void);
bool HandleClientStatusRequest(void);
// Packet handling, client-side, login:
bool HandleClientLoginEncryptionKeyResponse(void);
bool HandleClientLoginStart(void);
// Packet handling, client-side, game:
bool HandleClientAnimation(void);
bool HandleClientBlockDig(void);
bool HandleClientBlockPlace(void);
bool HandleClientChatMessage(void);
bool HandleClientClientStatuses(void);
bool HandleClientCreativeInventoryAction(void);
bool HandleClientDisconnect(void);
bool HandleClientEntityAction(void);
bool HandleClientKeepAlive(void);
bool HandleClientLocaleAndView(void);
bool HandleClientPing(void);
bool HandleClientPlayerAbilities(void);
bool HandleClientPlayerLook(void);
bool HandleClientPlayerOnGround(void);
bool HandleClientPlayerPosition(void);
bool HandleClientPlayerPositionLook(void);
bool HandleClientPluginMessage(void);
bool HandleClientSlotSelect(void);
bool HandleClientTabCompletion(void);
bool HandleClientUpdateSign(void);
bool HandleClientUseEntity(void);
bool HandleClientWindowClick(void);
bool HandleClientWindowClose(void);
bool HandleClientUnknownPacket(UInt32 a_PacketType, UInt32 a_PacketLen, UInt32 a_PacketReadSoFar);
// Packet handling, server-side, login:
bool HandleServerLoginDisconnect(void);
bool HandleServerLoginEncryptionKeyRequest(void);
bool HandleServerLoginSuccess(void);
// Packet handling, server-side, game:
bool HandleServerAttachEntity(void);
bool HandleServerBlockAction(void);
bool HandleServerBlockChange(void);
bool HandleServerChangeGameState(void);
bool HandleServerChatMessage(void);
bool HandleServerCollectPickup(void);
bool HandleServerCompass(void);
bool HandleServerDestroyEntities(void);
bool HandleServerEntity(void);
bool HandleServerEntityEquipment(void);
bool HandleServerEntityHeadLook(void);
bool HandleServerEntityLook(void);
bool HandleServerEntityMetadata(void);
bool HandleServerEntityProperties(void);
bool HandleServerEntityRelativeMove(void);
bool HandleServerEntityRelativeMoveLook(void);
bool HandleServerEntityStatus(void);
bool HandleServerEntityTeleport(void);
bool HandleServerEntityVelocity(void);
bool HandleServerExplosion(void);
bool HandleServerIncrementStatistic(void);
bool HandleServerJoinGame(void);
bool HandleServerKeepAlive(void);
bool HandleServerKick(void);
bool HandleServerLogin(void);
bool HandleServerMapChunk(void);
bool HandleServerMapChunkBulk(void);
bool HandleServerMultiBlockChange(void);
bool HandleServerNamedSoundEffect(void);
bool HandleServerPlayerAbilities(void);
bool HandleServerPlayerAnimation(void);
bool HandleServerPlayerListItem(void);
bool HandleServerPlayerPositionLook(void);
bool HandleServerPluginMessage(void);
bool HandleServerRespawn(void);
bool HandleServerSetExperience(void);
bool HandleServerSetSlot(void);
bool HandleServerSlotSelect(void);
bool HandleServerSoundEffect(void);
bool HandleServerSpawnExperienceOrbs(void);
bool HandleServerSpawnMob(void);
bool HandleServerSpawnNamedEntity(void);
bool HandleServerSpawnObjectVehicle(void);
bool HandleServerSpawnPainting(void);
bool HandleServerSpawnPickup(void);
bool HandleServerStatistics(void);
bool HandleServerStatusPing(void);
bool HandleServerStatusResponse(void);
bool HandleServerTabCompletion(void);
bool HandleServerTimeUpdate(void);
bool HandleServerUpdateHealth(void);
bool HandleServerUpdateSign(void);
bool HandleServerUpdateTileEntity(void);
bool HandleServerUseBed(void);
bool HandleServerWindowClose(void);
bool HandleServerWindowContents(void);
bool HandleServerWindowOpen(void);
bool HandleServerUnknownPacket(UInt32 a_PacketType, UInt32 a_PacketLen, UInt32 a_PacketReadSoFar);
/** Parses the slot data in a_Buffer into item description; returns true if successful, false if not enough data */
bool ParseSlot(cByteBuffer & a_Buffer, AString & a_ItemDesc);
/** Parses the metadata in a_Buffer into raw metadata in an AString; returns true if successful, false if not enough data */
bool ParseMetadata(cByteBuffer & a_Buffer, AString & a_Metadata);
/** Logs the contents of the metadata in the AString, using Log(). Assumes a_Metadata is valid (parsed by ParseMetadata()). The log is indented by a_IndentCount spaces */
void LogMetadata(const AString & a_Metadata, size_t a_IndentCount);
/** Send EKResp to the server: */
void SendEncryptionKeyResponse(const AString & a_ServerPublicKey, const AString & a_Nonce);
/** Starts client encryption based on the parameters received */
void StartClientEncryption(const AString & a_EncryptedSecret, const AString & a_EncryptedNonce);
} ;