Mattes D 8c04abf9aa QtBiomeVisualiser: Added a prototyping int generator flavor.
This generator is easier to manipulate, since it doesn't require rewriting the sizes in the template parameters. On the other hand, it doesn't optimize so well, so it's a bit slower.
2014-10-30 16:24:35 +01:00

1170 lines
40 KiB

// BioGen.cpp
// Implements the various biome generators
#include "Globals.h"
#include "BioGen.h"
#include "IntGen.h"
#include "ProtIntGen.h"
#include "../IniFile.h"
#include "../LinearUpscale.h"
// cBioGenConstant:
void cBioGenConstant::GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap)
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(a_BiomeMap); i++)
a_BiomeMap[i] = m_Biome;
void cBioGenConstant::InitializeBiomeGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile)
AString Biome = a_IniFile.GetValueSet("Generator", "ConstantBiome", "");
m_Biome = StringToBiome(Biome);
if (m_Biome == biInvalidBiome)
LOGWARN("[Generator]::ConstantBiome value \"%s\" not recognized, using \"Plains\".", Biome.c_str());
m_Biome = biPlains;
// cBioGenCache:
cBioGenCache::cBioGenCache(cBiomeGenPtr a_BioGenToCache, int a_CacheSize) :
m_CacheOrder(new int[a_CacheSize]),
m_CacheData(new sCacheData[a_CacheSize]),
for (int i = 0; i < m_CacheSize; i++)
m_CacheOrder[i] = i;
m_CacheData[i].m_ChunkX = 0x7fffffff;
m_CacheData[i].m_ChunkZ = 0x7fffffff;
delete[] m_CacheData;
m_CacheData = nullptr;
delete[] m_CacheOrder;
m_CacheOrder = nullptr;
void cBioGenCache::GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap)
if (((m_NumHits + m_NumMisses) % 1024) == 10)
LOGD("BioGenCache: %d hits, %d misses, saved %.2f %%", m_NumHits, m_NumMisses, 100.0 * m_NumHits / (m_NumHits + m_NumMisses));
LOGD("BioGenCache: Avg cache chain length: %.2f", (float)m_TotalChain / m_NumHits);
for (int i = 0; i < m_CacheSize; i++)
if (
(m_CacheData[m_CacheOrder[i]].m_ChunkX != a_ChunkX) ||
(m_CacheData[m_CacheOrder[i]].m_ChunkZ != a_ChunkZ)
// Found it in the cache
int Idx = m_CacheOrder[i];
// Move to front:
for (int j = i; j > 0; j--)
m_CacheOrder[j] = m_CacheOrder[j - 1];
m_CacheOrder[0] = Idx;
// Use the cached data:
memcpy(a_BiomeMap, m_CacheData[Idx].m_BiomeMap, sizeof(a_BiomeMap));
m_TotalChain += i;
} // for i - cache
// Not in the cache:
m_BioGenToCache->GenBiomes(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, a_BiomeMap);
// Insert it as the first item in the MRU order:
int Idx = m_CacheOrder[m_CacheSize - 1];
for (int i = m_CacheSize - 1; i > 0; i--)
m_CacheOrder[i] = m_CacheOrder[i - 1];
} // for i - m_CacheOrder[]
m_CacheOrder[0] = Idx;
memcpy(m_CacheData[Idx].m_BiomeMap, a_BiomeMap, sizeof(a_BiomeMap));
m_CacheData[Idx].m_ChunkX = a_ChunkX;
m_CacheData[Idx].m_ChunkZ = a_ChunkZ;
void cBioGenCache::InitializeBiomeGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile)
// cBioGenMulticache:
cBioGenMulticache::cBioGenMulticache(cBiomeGenPtr a_BioGenToCache, size_t a_SubCacheSize, size_t a_NumSubCaches) :
for (size_t i = 0; i < a_NumSubCaches; i++)
m_Caches.push_back(cBiomeGenPtr(new cBioGenCache(a_BioGenToCache, a_SubCacheSize)));
void cBioGenMulticache::GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap)
const size_t coefficient = 3;
const size_t cacheIdx = ((size_t)a_ChunkX + coefficient * (size_t)a_ChunkZ) % m_NumSubCaches;
m_Caches[cacheIdx]->GenBiomes(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, a_BiomeMap);
void cBioGenMulticache::InitializeBiomeGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile)
for (auto itr : m_Caches)
// cBiomeGenList:
void cBiomeGenList::InitializeBiomes(const AString & a_Biomes)
AStringVector Split = StringSplitAndTrim(a_Biomes, ",");
// Convert each string in the list into biome:
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Split.begin(); itr != Split.end(); ++itr)
AStringVector Split2 = StringSplit(*itr, ":");
if (Split2.size() < 1)
int Count = 1;
if (Split2.size() >= 2)
Count = atol(Split2[1].c_str());
if (Count <= 0)
LOGWARNING("Cannot decode biome count: \"%s\"; using 1.", Split2[1].c_str());
Count = 1;
EMCSBiome Biome = StringToBiome(Split2[0]);
if (Biome != biInvalidBiome)
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
LOGWARNING("Cannot decode biome name: \"%s\"; skipping", Split2[0].c_str());
} // for itr - Split[]
if (!m_Biomes.empty())
m_BiomesCount = (int)m_Biomes.size();
// There were no biomes, add default biomes:
static EMCSBiome Biomes[] =
} ;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(Biomes); i++)
m_BiomesCount = (int)m_Biomes.size();
// cBioGenCheckerboard:
void cBioGenCheckerboard::GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap)
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
int Base = (cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkZ + z) / m_BiomeSize;
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
int Add = cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkX + x;
int BiomeIdx = (((Base + Add / m_BiomeSize) % m_BiomesCount) + m_BiomesCount) % m_BiomesCount; // Need to add and modulo twice because of negative numbers
a_BiomeMap[x + cChunkDef::Width * z] = m_Biomes[BiomeIdx];
void cBioGenCheckerboard::InitializeBiomeGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile)
AString Biomes = a_IniFile.GetValueSet ("Generator", "CheckerBoardBiomes", "");
m_BiomeSize = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "CheckerboardBiomeSize", 64);
m_BiomeSize = (m_BiomeSize < 8) ? 8 : m_BiomeSize;
// cBioGenVoronoi :
void cBioGenVoronoi::GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap)
int BaseZ = cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkZ;
int BaseX = cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkX;
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
int AbsoluteZ = BaseZ + z;
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
int VoronoiCellValue = m_Voronoi.GetValueAt(BaseX + x, AbsoluteZ) / 8;
cChunkDef::SetBiome(a_BiomeMap, x, z, m_Biomes[VoronoiCellValue % m_BiomesCount]);
} // for x
} // for z
void cBioGenVoronoi::InitializeBiomeGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile)
int CellSize = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "VoronoiCellSize", 128);
int JitterSize = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "VoronoiJitterSize", CellSize);
int OddRowOffset = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "VoronoiOddRowOffset", 0);
InitializeBiomes(a_IniFile.GetValueSet ("Generator", "VoronoiBiomes", ""));
// cBioGenDistortedVoronoi:
void cBioGenDistortedVoronoi::GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap)
int BaseZ = cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkZ;
int BaseX = cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkX;
// Distortions for linear interpolation:
int DistortX[cChunkDef::Width + 1][cChunkDef::Width + 1];
int DistortZ[cChunkDef::Width + 1][cChunkDef::Width + 1];
for (int x = 0; x <= 4; x++) for (int z = 0; z <= 4; z++)
Distort(BaseX + x * 4, BaseZ + z * 4, DistortX[4 * x][4 * z], DistortZ[4 * x][4 * z]);
LinearUpscale2DArrayInPlace<cChunkDef::Width + 1, cChunkDef::Width + 1, 4, 4>(&DistortX[0][0]);
LinearUpscale2DArrayInPlace<cChunkDef::Width + 1, cChunkDef::Width + 1, 4, 4>(&DistortZ[0][0]);
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
int VoronoiCellValue = m_Voronoi.GetValueAt(DistortX[x][z], DistortZ[x][z]) / 8;
cChunkDef::SetBiome(a_BiomeMap, x, z, m_Biomes[VoronoiCellValue % m_BiomesCount]);
} // for x
} // for z
void cBioGenDistortedVoronoi::InitializeBiomeGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile)
m_CellSize = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "DistortedVoronoiCellSize", 96);
InitializeBiomes(a_IniFile.GetValueSet("Generator", "DistortedVoronoiBiomes", ""));
void cBioGenDistortedVoronoi::Distort(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockZ, int & a_DistortedX, int & a_DistortedZ)
double NoiseX = m_Noise.CubicNoise3D((float)a_BlockX / m_CellSize, (float)a_BlockZ / m_CellSize, 1000);
NoiseX += 0.5 * m_Noise.CubicNoise3D(2 * (float)a_BlockX / m_CellSize, 2 * (float)a_BlockZ / m_CellSize, 2000);
NoiseX += 0.08 * m_Noise.CubicNoise3D(16 * (float)a_BlockX / m_CellSize, 16 * (float)a_BlockZ / m_CellSize, 3000);
double NoiseZ = m_Noise.CubicNoise3D((float)a_BlockX / m_CellSize, (float)a_BlockZ / m_CellSize, 4000);
NoiseZ += 0.5 * m_Noise.CubicNoise3D(2 * (float)a_BlockX / m_CellSize, 2 * (float)a_BlockZ / m_CellSize, 5000);
NoiseZ += 0.08 * m_Noise.CubicNoise3D(16 * (float)a_BlockX / m_CellSize, 16 * (float)a_BlockZ / m_CellSize, 6000);
a_DistortedX = a_BlockX + (int)(m_CellSize * 0.5 * NoiseX);
a_DistortedZ = a_BlockZ + (int)(m_CellSize * 0.5 * NoiseZ);
// cBioGenMultiStepMap :
cBioGenMultiStepMap::cBioGenMultiStepMap(int a_Seed) :
m_Noise1(a_Seed + 1000),
m_Noise2(a_Seed + 2000),
m_Noise3(a_Seed + 3000),
m_Noise4(a_Seed + 4000),
m_Noise5(a_Seed + 5000),
m_Noise6(a_Seed + 6000),
void cBioGenMultiStepMap::InitializeBiomeGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile)
m_OceanCellSize = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "MultiStepMapOceanCellSize", m_OceanCellSize);
m_MushroomIslandSize = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "MultiStepMapMushroomIslandSize", m_MushroomIslandSize);
m_RiverCellSize = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "MultiStepMapRiverCellSize", m_RiverCellSize);
m_RiverWidthThreshold = a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "MultiStepMapRiverWidth", m_RiverWidthThreshold);
m_LandBiomesSize = (float)a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "MultiStepMapLandBiomeSize", (int)m_LandBiomesSize);
void cBioGenMultiStepMap::GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap)
DecideOceanLandMushroom(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, a_BiomeMap);
AddRivers(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, a_BiomeMap);
ApplyTemperatureHumidity(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, a_BiomeMap);
void cBioGenMultiStepMap::DecideOceanLandMushroom(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap)
// Distorted Voronoi over 3 biomes, with mushroom having only a special occurence.
// Prepare a distortion lookup table, by distorting a 5x5 area and using that as 1:4 zoom (linear interpolate):
int BaseZ = cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkZ;
int BaseX = cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkX;
int DistortX[cChunkDef::Width + 1][cChunkDef::Width + 1];
int DistortZ[cChunkDef::Width + 1][cChunkDef::Width + 1];
int DistortSize = m_OceanCellSize / 2;
for (int x = 0; x <= 4; x++) for (int z = 0; z <= 4; z++)
Distort(BaseX + x * 4, BaseZ + z * 4, DistortX[4 * x][4 * z], DistortZ[4 * x][4 * z], DistortSize);
LinearUpscale2DArrayInPlace<cChunkDef::Width + 1, cChunkDef::Width + 1, 4, 4>(&DistortX[0][0]);
LinearUpscale2DArrayInPlace<cChunkDef::Width + 1, cChunkDef::Width + 1, 4, 4>(&DistortZ[0][0]);
// Prepare a 9x9 area of neighboring cell seeds
// (assuming that 7x7 cell area is larger than a chunk being generated)
const int NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE = 4; // How many seeds in each direction to check
int CellX = BaseX / m_OceanCellSize;
int CellZ = BaseZ / m_OceanCellSize;
for (int xc = 0; xc < 2 * NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE + 1; xc++)
int RealCellX = xc + CellX - NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE;
int CellBlockX = RealCellX * m_OceanCellSize;
for (int zc = 0; zc < 2 * NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE + 1; zc++)
int RealCellZ = zc + CellZ - NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE;
int CellBlockZ = RealCellZ * m_OceanCellSize;
int OffsetX = (m_Noise2.IntNoise3DInt(RealCellX, 16 * RealCellX + 32 * RealCellZ, RealCellZ) / 8) % m_OceanCellSize;
int OffsetZ = (m_Noise4.IntNoise3DInt(RealCellX, 32 * RealCellX - 16 * RealCellZ, RealCellZ) / 8) % m_OceanCellSize;
SeedX[xc][zc] = CellBlockX + OffsetX;
SeedZ[xc][zc] = CellBlockZ + OffsetZ;
SeedV[xc][zc] = (((m_Noise6.IntNoise3DInt(RealCellX, RealCellX - RealCellZ + 1000, RealCellZ) / 11) % 256) > 90) ? biOcean : (biInvalidBiome);
} // for z
} // for x
for (int xc = 1; xc < 2 * NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE; xc++) for (int zc = 1; zc < 2 * NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE; zc++)
if (
(SeedV[xc ][zc] == biOcean) &&
(SeedV[xc - 1][zc] == biOcean) &&
(SeedV[xc + 1][zc] == biOcean) &&
(SeedV[xc ][zc - 1] == biOcean) &&
(SeedV[xc ][zc + 1] == biOcean) &&
(SeedV[xc - 1][zc - 1] == biOcean) &&
(SeedV[xc + 1][zc - 1] == biOcean) &&
(SeedV[xc - 1][zc + 1] == biOcean) &&
(SeedV[xc + 1][zc + 1] == biOcean)
SeedV[xc][zc] = biMushroomIsland;
// For each column find the nearest distorted cell and use its value as the biome:
int MushroomOceanThreshold = m_OceanCellSize * m_OceanCellSize * m_MushroomIslandSize / 1024;
int MushroomShoreThreshold = m_OceanCellSize * m_OceanCellSize * m_MushroomIslandSize / 2048;
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
int AbsoluteZ = DistortZ[x][z];
int AbsoluteX = DistortX[x][z];
int MinDist = m_OceanCellSize * m_OceanCellSize * 16; // There has to be a cell closer than this
EMCSBiome Biome = biPlains;
// Find the nearest cell seed:
for (int xs = 1; xs < 2 * NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE; xs++) for (int zs = 1; zs < 2 * NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE; zs++)
int Dist = (SeedX[xs][zs] - AbsoluteX) * (SeedX[xs][zs] - AbsoluteX) + (SeedZ[xs][zs] - AbsoluteZ) * (SeedZ[xs][zs] - AbsoluteZ);
if (Dist >= MinDist)
MinDist = Dist;
Biome = SeedV[xs][zs];
// Shrink mushroom biome and add a shore:
if (Biome == biMushroomIsland)
if (Dist > MushroomOceanThreshold)
Biome = biOcean;
else if (Dist > MushroomShoreThreshold)
Biome = biMushroomShore;
} // for zs, xs
cChunkDef::SetBiome(a_BiomeMap, x, z, Biome);
} // for x
} // for z
void cBioGenMultiStepMap::AddRivers(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap)
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
float NoiseCoordZ = (float)(a_ChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width + z) / m_RiverCellSize;
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
if (cChunkDef::GetBiome(a_BiomeMap, x, z) != biInvalidBiome)
// Biome already set, skip this column
float NoiseCoordX = (float)(a_ChunkX * cChunkDef::Width + x) / m_RiverCellSize;
double Noise = m_Noise1.CubicNoise2D( NoiseCoordX, NoiseCoordZ);
Noise += 0.5 * m_Noise3.CubicNoise2D(2 * NoiseCoordX, 2 * NoiseCoordZ);
Noise += 0.1 * m_Noise5.CubicNoise2D(8 * NoiseCoordX, 8 * NoiseCoordZ);
if ((Noise > 0) && (Noise < m_RiverWidthThreshold))
cChunkDef::SetBiome(a_BiomeMap, x, z, biRiver);
} // for x
} // for z
void cBioGenMultiStepMap::ApplyTemperatureHumidity(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap)
IntMap TemperatureMap;
IntMap HumidityMap;
BuildTemperatureHumidityMaps(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, TemperatureMap, HumidityMap);
FreezeWaterBiomes(a_BiomeMap, TemperatureMap);
DecideLandBiomes(a_BiomeMap, TemperatureMap, HumidityMap);
void cBioGenMultiStepMap::Distort(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockZ, int & a_DistortedX, int & a_DistortedZ, int a_CellSize)
double NoiseX = m_Noise3.CubicNoise2D( (float)a_BlockX / a_CellSize, (float)a_BlockZ / a_CellSize);
NoiseX += 0.5 * m_Noise2.CubicNoise2D(2 * (float)a_BlockX / a_CellSize, 2 * (float)a_BlockZ / a_CellSize);
NoiseX += 0.1 * m_Noise1.CubicNoise2D(16 * (float)a_BlockX / a_CellSize, 16 * (float)a_BlockZ / a_CellSize);
double NoiseZ = m_Noise6.CubicNoise2D( (float)a_BlockX / a_CellSize, (float)a_BlockZ / a_CellSize);
NoiseZ += 0.5 * m_Noise5.CubicNoise2D(2 * (float)a_BlockX / a_CellSize, 2 * (float)a_BlockZ / a_CellSize);
NoiseZ += 0.1 * m_Noise4.CubicNoise2D(16 * (float)a_BlockX / a_CellSize, 16 * (float)a_BlockZ / a_CellSize);
a_DistortedX = a_BlockX + (int)(a_CellSize * 0.5 * NoiseX);
a_DistortedZ = a_BlockZ + (int)(a_CellSize * 0.5 * NoiseZ);
void cBioGenMultiStepMap::BuildTemperatureHumidityMaps(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, IntMap & a_TemperatureMap, IntMap & a_HumidityMap)
// Linear interpolation over 8x8 blocks; use double for better precision:
DblMap TemperatureMap;
DblMap HumidityMap;
for (int z = 0; z < 17; z += 8)
float NoiseCoordZ = (float)(a_ChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width + z) / m_LandBiomesSize;
for (int x = 0; x < 17; x += 8)
float NoiseCoordX = (float)(a_ChunkX * cChunkDef::Width + x) / m_LandBiomesSize;
double NoiseT = m_Noise1.CubicNoise2D( NoiseCoordX, NoiseCoordZ);
NoiseT += 0.5 * m_Noise2.CubicNoise2D(2 * NoiseCoordX, 2 * NoiseCoordZ);
NoiseT += 0.1 * m_Noise3.CubicNoise2D(8 * NoiseCoordX, 8 * NoiseCoordZ);
TemperatureMap[x + 17 * z] = NoiseT;
double NoiseH = m_Noise4.CubicNoise2D( NoiseCoordX, NoiseCoordZ);
NoiseH += 0.5 * m_Noise5.CubicNoise2D(2 * NoiseCoordX, 2 * NoiseCoordZ);
NoiseH += 0.1 * m_Noise6.CubicNoise2D(8 * NoiseCoordX, 8 * NoiseCoordZ);
HumidityMap[x + 17 * z] = NoiseH;
} // for x
} // for z
LinearUpscale2DArrayInPlace<17, 17, 8, 8>(TemperatureMap);
LinearUpscale2DArrayInPlace<17, 17, 8, 8>(HumidityMap);
// Re-map into integral values in [0 .. 255] range:
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < ARRAYCOUNT(a_TemperatureMap); idx++)
a_TemperatureMap[idx] = std::max(0, std::min(255, (int)(128 + TemperatureMap[idx] * 128)));
a_HumidityMap[idx] = std::max(0, std::min(255, (int)(128 + HumidityMap[idx] * 128)));
void cBioGenMultiStepMap::DecideLandBiomes(cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap, const IntMap & a_TemperatureMap, const IntMap & a_HumidityMap)
static const EMCSBiome BiomeMap[] =
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
/* 0 */ biTundra, biTundra, biTundra, biTundra, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert,
/* 1 */ biTundra, biTundra, biTundra, biTundra, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert, biDesert,
/* 2 */ biTundra, biTundra, biTundra, biTundra, biPlains, biExtremeHills, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biDesert, biDesert, biDesertHills, biDesertHills, biDesert, biDesert,
/* 3 */ biTundra, biTundra, biTundra, biTundra, biExtremeHills, biExtremeHills, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biDesert, biDesert, biDesertHills, biDesertHills, biDesert, biDesert,
/* 4 */ biTundra, biTundra, biIceMountains, biIceMountains, biExtremeHills, biExtremeHills, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biForestHills, biForestHills, biExtremeHills, biExtremeHills, biDesertHills, biDesert,
/* 5 */ biTundra, biTundra, biIceMountains, biIceMountains, biExtremeHills, biExtremeHills, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biPlains, biForestHills, biForestHills, biExtremeHills, biExtremeHills, biDesertHills, biDesert,
/* 6 */ biTundra, biTundra, biIceMountains, biIceMountains, biForestHills, biForestHills, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForestHills, biExtremeHills, biExtremeHills, biPlains, biPlains,
/* 7 */ biTundra, biTundra, biIceMountains, biIceMountains, biForestHills, biForestHills, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForestHills, biExtremeHills, biExtremeHills, biPlains, biPlains,
/* 8 */ biTundra, biTundra, biTaiga, biTaiga, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForestHills, biExtremeHills, biExtremeHills, biPlains, biPlains,
/* 9 */ biTundra, biTundra, biTaiga, biTaiga, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForestHills, biExtremeHills, biExtremeHills, biPlains, biPlains,
/* 10 */ biTaiga, biTaiga, biTaiga, biIceMountains, biForestHills, biForestHills, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biJungle, biJungle, biSwampland, biSwampland, biSwampland, biSwampland,
/* 11 */ biTaiga, biTaiga, biIceMountains, biIceMountains, biExtremeHills, biForestHills, biForest, biForest, biForest, biForest, biJungle, biJungle, biSwampland, biSwampland, biSwampland, biSwampland,
/* 12 */ biTaiga, biTaiga, biIceMountains, biIceMountains, biExtremeHills, biJungleHills, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biSwampland, biSwampland, biSwampland, biSwampland,
/* 13 */ biTaiga, biTaiga, biTaiga, biIceMountains, biJungleHills, biJungleHills, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biSwampland, biSwampland, biSwampland, biSwampland,
/* 14 */ biTaiga, biTaiga, biTaiga, biTaiga, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biSwampland, biSwampland, biSwampland, biSwampland,
/* 15 */ biTaiga, biTaiga, biTaiga, biTaiga, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biJungle, biSwampland, biSwampland, biSwampland, biSwampland,
} ;
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
int idxZ = 17 * z;
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
if (cChunkDef::GetBiome(a_BiomeMap, x, z) != biInvalidBiome)
// Already set before
int idx = idxZ + x;
int Temperature = a_TemperatureMap[idx] / 16; // -> [0..15] range
int Humidity = a_HumidityMap[idx] / 16; // -> [0..15] range
cChunkDef::SetBiome(a_BiomeMap, x, z, BiomeMap[Temperature + 16 * Humidity]);
} // for x
} // for z
void cBioGenMultiStepMap::FreezeWaterBiomes(cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap, const IntMap & a_TemperatureMap)
int idx = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++, idx++)
if (a_TemperatureMap[idx] > 4 * 16)
// Not frozen
switch (cChunkDef::GetBiome(a_BiomeMap, x, z))
case biRiver: cChunkDef::SetBiome(a_BiomeMap, x, z, biFrozenRiver); break;
case biOcean: cChunkDef::SetBiome(a_BiomeMap, x, z, biFrozenOcean); break;
default: break;
} // for x
idx += 1;
} // for z
// cBioGenTwoLevel:
cBioGenTwoLevel::cBioGenTwoLevel(int a_Seed) :
m_VoronoiLarge(a_Seed + 1000),
m_VoronoiSmall(a_Seed + 2000),
m_Noise1(a_Seed + 5001),
m_Noise2(a_Seed + 5002),
m_Noise3(a_Seed + 5003),
m_Noise4(a_Seed + 5004),
m_Noise5(a_Seed + 5005),
m_Noise6(a_Seed + 5006)
void cBioGenTwoLevel::GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap)
int BaseZ = cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkZ;
int BaseX = cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkX;
// Distortions for linear interpolation:
int DistortX[cChunkDef::Width + 1][cChunkDef::Width + 1];
int DistortZ[cChunkDef::Width + 1][cChunkDef::Width + 1];
for (int x = 0; x <= 4; x++) for (int z = 0; z <= 4; z++)
float BlockX = static_cast<float>(BaseX + x * 4);
float BlockZ = static_cast<float>(BaseZ + z * 4);
double NoiseX = m_AmpX1 * m_Noise1.CubicNoise2D(BlockX * m_FreqX1, BlockZ * m_FreqX1);
NoiseX += m_AmpX2 * m_Noise2.CubicNoise2D(BlockX * m_FreqX2, BlockZ * m_FreqX2);
NoiseX += m_AmpX3 * m_Noise3.CubicNoise2D(BlockX * m_FreqX3, BlockZ * m_FreqX3);
double NoiseZ = m_AmpZ1 * m_Noise4.CubicNoise2D(BlockX * m_FreqZ1, BlockZ * m_FreqZ1);
NoiseZ += m_AmpZ2 * m_Noise5.CubicNoise2D(BlockX * m_FreqZ2, BlockZ * m_FreqZ2);
NoiseZ += m_AmpZ3 * m_Noise6.CubicNoise2D(BlockX * m_FreqZ3, BlockZ * m_FreqZ3);
DistortX[4 * x][4 * z] = (int)(BlockX + NoiseX);
DistortZ[4 * x][4 * z] = (int)(BlockZ + NoiseZ);
LinearUpscale2DArrayInPlace<cChunkDef::Width + 1, cChunkDef::Width + 1, 4, 4>(&DistortX[0][0]);
LinearUpscale2DArrayInPlace<cChunkDef::Width + 1, cChunkDef::Width + 1, 4, 4>(&DistortZ[0][0]);
// Apply distortion to each block coord, then query the voronoi maps for biome group and biome index and choose biome based on that:
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
int SeedX, SeedZ, MinDist2;
int BiomeGroup = m_VoronoiLarge.GetValueAt(DistortX[x][z], DistortZ[x][z], SeedX, SeedZ, MinDist2) / 7;
int BiomeIdx = m_VoronoiSmall.GetValueAt(DistortX[x][z], DistortZ[x][z], SeedX, SeedZ, MinDist2) / 11;
int MinDist1 = (DistortX[x][z] - SeedX) * (DistortX[x][z] - SeedX) + (DistortZ[x][z] - SeedZ) * (DistortZ[x][z] - SeedZ);
cChunkDef::SetBiome(a_BiomeMap, x, z, SelectBiome(BiomeGroup, BiomeIdx, (MinDist1 < MinDist2 / 4) ? 1 : 0));
EMCSBiome cBioGenTwoLevel::SelectBiome(int a_BiomeGroup, int a_BiomeIdx, int a_DistLevel)
// TODO: Move this into settings
struct BiomeLevels
EMCSBiome InnerBiome;
EMCSBiome OuterBiome;
} ;
static BiomeLevels bgOcean[] =
{ biOcean, biOcean, },
{ biOcean, biOcean, },
{ biOcean, biOcean, },
{ biOcean, biOcean, },
{ biOcean, biDeepOcean, },
{ biOcean, biDeepOcean, },
{ biDeepOcean, biDeepOcean, },
{ biDeepOcean, biDeepOcean, },
{ biDeepOcean, biDeepOcean, },
{ biDeepOcean, biDeepOcean, },
{ biMushroomIsland, biMushroomShore, }
} ;
static BiomeLevels bgFrozen[] =
{ biIcePlains, biIcePlains, },
{ biIceMountains, biIceMountains, },
{ biFrozenOcean, biFrozenRiver, },
{ biColdTaiga, biColdTaiga, },
{ biColdTaigaHills, biColdTaigaHills, },
{ biColdTaigaM, biColdTaigaM, },
{ biIcePlainsSpikes, biIcePlainsSpikes, },
{ biExtremeHills, biExtremeHillsEdge, },
{ biExtremeHillsPlus, biExtremeHillsEdge, },
{ biExtremeHillsPlusM, biExtremeHillsPlusM, },
} ;
static BiomeLevels bgTemperate[] =
{ biBirchForestHills, biBirchForest, },
{ biBirchForest, biBirchForest, },
{ biBirchForestHillsM, biBirchForestM, },
{ biBirchForestM, biBirchForestM, },
{ biForest, biForestHills, },
{ biFlowerForest, biFlowerForest, },
{ biRoofedForest, biForest, },
{ biRoofedForest, biRoofedForest, },
{ biRoofedForestM, biForest, },
{ biPlains, biPlains, },
{ biSunflowerPlains, biSunflowerPlains, },
{ biSwampland, biSwampland, },
{ biSwamplandM, biSwamplandM, },
} ;
static BiomeLevels bgWarm[] =
{ biDesertHills, biDesert, },
{ biDesert, biDesert, },
{ biDesertM, biDesertM, },
{ biSavannaPlateau, biSavanna, },
{ biSavanna, biSavanna, },
{ biSavannaM, biSavannaM, },
} ;
static BiomeLevels bgMesa[] =
{ biMesaPlateau, biMesa, },
{ biMesaPlateauF, biMesa, },
{ biMesaPlateauFM, biMesa, },
{ biMesaPlateauM, biMesa, },
{ biMesaBryce, biMesaBryce, },
{ biSavanna, biSavanna, },
{ biSavannaPlateau, biSavanna, },
} ;
static BiomeLevels bgConifers[] =
{ biTaiga, biTaiga, },
{ biTaigaM, biTaigaM, },
{ biMegaTaiga, biMegaTaiga, },
{ biMegaSpruceTaiga, biMegaSpruceTaiga, },
{ biMegaSpruceTaigaHills, biMegaSpruceTaiga, }
} ;
static BiomeLevels bgDenseTrees[] =
{ biJungleHills, biJungle, },
{ biJungle, biJungleEdge, },
{ biJungleM, biJungleEdgeM, },
} ;
static struct
BiomeLevels * Biomes;
size_t Count;
} BiomeGroups[] =
{ bgOcean, ARRAYCOUNT(bgOcean), },
{ bgOcean, ARRAYCOUNT(bgOcean), },
{ bgFrozen, ARRAYCOUNT(bgFrozen), },
{ bgFrozen, ARRAYCOUNT(bgFrozen), },
{ bgTemperate, ARRAYCOUNT(bgTemperate), },
{ bgTemperate, ARRAYCOUNT(bgTemperate), },
{ bgConifers, ARRAYCOUNT(bgConifers), },
{ bgConifers, ARRAYCOUNT(bgConifers), },
{ bgWarm, ARRAYCOUNT(bgWarm), },
{ bgWarm, ARRAYCOUNT(bgWarm), },
{ bgMesa, ARRAYCOUNT(bgMesa), },
{ bgDenseTrees, ARRAYCOUNT(bgDenseTrees), },
} ;
size_t Group = a_BiomeGroup % ARRAYCOUNT(BiomeGroups);
size_t Index = a_BiomeIdx % BiomeGroups[Group].Count;
return (a_DistLevel > 0) ? BiomeGroups[Group].Biomes[Index].InnerBiome : BiomeGroups[Group].Biomes[Index].OuterBiome;
void cBioGenTwoLevel::InitializeBiomeGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile)
m_VoronoiLarge.SetCellSize(a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "TwoLevelLargeCellSize", 1024));
m_VoronoiSmall.SetCellSize(a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "TwoLevelSmallCellSize", 128));
m_FreqX1 = (float)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "TwoLevelDistortXOctave1Freq", 0.01);
m_AmpX1 = (float)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "TwoLevelDistortXOctave1Amp", 80);
m_FreqX2 = (float)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "TwoLevelDistortXOctave2Freq", 0.05);
m_AmpX2 = (float)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "TwoLevelDistortXOctave2Amp", 20);
m_FreqX3 = (float)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "TwoLevelDistortXOctave3Freq", 0.1),
m_AmpX3 = (float)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "TwoLevelDistortXOctave3Amp", 8);
m_FreqZ1 = (float)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "TwoLevelDistortZOctave1Freq", 0.01);
m_AmpZ1 = (float)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "TwoLevelDistortZOctave1Amp", 80);
m_FreqZ2 = (float)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "TwoLevelDistortZOctave2Freq", 0.05);
m_AmpZ2 = (float)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "TwoLevelDistortZOctave2Amp", 20);
m_FreqZ3 = (float)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "TwoLevelDistortZOctave3Freq", 0.1);
m_AmpZ3 = (float)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "TwoLevelDistortZOctave3Amp", 8);
// cBioGenGrown:
class cBioGenGrown:
public cBiomeGen
cBioGenGrown(int a_Seed)
auto FinalRivers =
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth<6>> (a_Seed + 1,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>> (a_Seed + 3,
std::make_shared<cIntGenRiver <6>> (a_Seed + 2,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth<8>> (a_Seed + 4,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <10>> (a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <7>> (a_Seed + 6,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <5>> (a_Seed + 7,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <4>> (a_Seed + 8,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <4>> (a_Seed + 9,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <4>> (a_Seed + 10,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <4>> (a_Seed + 11,
std::make_shared<cIntGenChoice<2, 4>>(a_Seed + 12
auto FinalBiomes =
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <6>> (a_Seed + 1008,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>>(a_Seed + 15,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <6>> (a_Seed + 1000,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>> (a_Seed + 16,
std::make_shared<cIntGenBeaches <6>> (
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <8>> (a_Seed + 1002,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <10>>(a_Seed + 1,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <7>> (a_Seed + 1002,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <9>> (a_Seed + 2,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddIslands <6>> (a_Seed + 2004, 10,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <6>> (a_Seed + 4,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddToOcean <5>> (a_Seed + 9, 10, biMushroomIsland,
std::make_shared<cIntGenReplaceRandomly<7>> (biIcePlains, biIcePlainsSpikes, 5, a_Seed + 99,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <7>> (a_Seed + 8,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddToOcean <5>> (a_Seed + 10, 500, biDeepOcean,
std::make_shared<cIntGenBiomes <7>> (a_Seed + 3000,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <7>> (a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cIntGenBiomeGroupEdges<5>> (
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <7>> (a_Seed + 1003,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <9>> (a_Seed + 7,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSetRandomly <6>> (a_Seed + 8, 50, bgOcean,
std::make_shared<cIntGenReplaceRandomly<6>> (bgJungle, bgTemperate, 50, a_Seed + 100,
std::make_shared<cIntGenReplaceRandomly<6>> (bgIce, bgTemperate, 50, a_Seed + 101,
std::make_shared<cIntGenReplaceRandomly<6>> (bgDesert, bgMesa, 30, a_Seed + 102,
std::make_shared<cIntGenAddIslands <6>> (a_Seed + 2000, 70,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSetRandomly <6>> (a_Seed + 9, 50, bgOcean,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <6>> (a_Seed + 1004,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <8>> (a_Seed + 10,
std::make_shared<cIntGenLandOcean <6>> (a_Seed + 100, 65
m_Gen =
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <16>>(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <18>>(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <11>>(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cIntGenSmooth <7>>(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cIntGenZoom <9>>(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cIntGenMixRivers<6>> (
FinalBiomes, FinalRivers
virtual void GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_Biomes) override
cIntGen<16, 16>::Values vals;
m_Gen->GetInts(a_ChunkX * cChunkDef::Width, a_ChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width, vals);
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
cChunkDef::SetBiome(a_Biomes, x, z, (EMCSBiome)vals[x + cChunkDef::Width * z]);
std::shared_ptr<cIntGen<16, 16>> m_Gen;
// cBioGenGrown:
class cBioGenProtGrown:
public cBiomeGen
cBioGenProtGrown(int a_Seed)
auto FinalRivers =
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth>(a_Seed + 1,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 3,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenRiver >(a_Seed + 2,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth>(a_Seed + 4,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 6,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 7,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 8,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 9,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 10,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 11,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenChoice>(a_Seed + 12, 2
auto FinalBiomes =
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth >(a_Seed + 1008,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 15,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth >(a_Seed + 1000,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 16,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenBeaches >(
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth >(a_Seed + 1002,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 1,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth >(a_Seed + 1002,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 2,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenAddIslands >(a_Seed + 2004, 10,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 4,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenAddToOcean >(a_Seed + 9, 10, biMushroomIsland,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenReplaceRandomly>(biIcePlains, biIcePlainsSpikes, 5, a_Seed + 99,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 8,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenAddToOcean >(a_Seed + 10, 500, biDeepOcean,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenBiomes >(a_Seed + 3000,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 5,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth >(a_Seed + 1003,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 7,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSetRandomly >(a_Seed + 8, 50, bgOcean,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenReplaceRandomly>(bgJungle, bgTemperate, 50, a_Seed + 100,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenReplaceRandomly>(bgIce, bgTemperate, 50, a_Seed + 101,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenReplaceRandomly>(bgDesert, bgMesa, 30, a_Seed + 102,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenAddIslands >(a_Seed + 2000, 70,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSetRandomly >(a_Seed + 9, 50, bgOcean,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth >(a_Seed + 1004,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed + 10,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenLandOcean >(a_Seed + 100, 65
m_Gen =
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth >(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenSmooth >(a_Seed,
std::make_shared<cProtIntGenZoom >(a_Seed,
FinalBiomes, FinalRivers
virtual void GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_Biomes) override
int vals[16 * 16];
m_Gen->GetInts(a_ChunkX * cChunkDef::Width, a_ChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width, 16, 16, vals);
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
cChunkDef::SetBiome(a_Biomes, x, z, (EMCSBiome)vals[x + cChunkDef::Width * z]);
std::shared_ptr<cProtIntGen> m_Gen;
// cBiomeGen:
cBiomeGenPtr cBiomeGen::CreateBiomeGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile, int a_Seed, bool & a_CacheOffByDefault)
AString BiomeGenName = a_IniFile.GetValueSet("Generator", "BiomeGen", "");
if (BiomeGenName.empty())
LOGWARN("[Generator] BiomeGen value not set in world.ini, using \"MultiStepMap\".");
BiomeGenName = "MultiStepMap";
cBiomeGen * res = nullptr;
a_CacheOffByDefault = false;
if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "constant") == 0)
res = new cBioGenConstant;
a_CacheOffByDefault = true; // we're generating faster than a cache would retrieve data :)
else if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "checkerboard") == 0)
res = new cBioGenCheckerboard;
a_CacheOffByDefault = true; // we're (probably) generating faster than a cache would retrieve data
else if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "voronoi") == 0)
res = new cBioGenVoronoi(a_Seed);
else if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "distortedvoronoi") == 0)
res = new cBioGenDistortedVoronoi(a_Seed);
else if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "twolevel") == 0)
res = new cBioGenTwoLevel(a_Seed);
else if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "grown") == 0)
res = new cBioGenGrown(a_Seed);
else if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "grownprot") == 0)
res = new cBioGenProtGrown(a_Seed);
if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "multistepmap") != 0)
LOGWARNING("Unknown BiomeGen \"%s\", using \"MultiStepMap\" instead.", BiomeGenName.c_str());
res = new cBioGenMultiStepMap(a_Seed);
// Performance-testing:
LOGINFO("Measuring performance of cBioGenMultiStepMap...");
clock_t BeginTick = clock();
for (int x = 0; x < 5000; x++)
cChunkDef::BiomeMap Biomes;
res->GenBiomes(x * 5, x * 5, Biomes);
clock_t Duration = clock() - BeginTick;
LOGINFO("cBioGenMultiStepMap for 5000 chunks took %d ticks (%.02f sec)", Duration, (double)Duration / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
return cBiomeGenPtr(res);