Mattes D 01b8ed5295
Pulled the BlockID and BlockInfo headers from Globals.h. (#4591)
The BlockID.h file was removed from Globals.h and renamed to BlockType.h (main change)
The BlockInfo.h file was removed from Globals.h (main change)
The ENUM_BLOCK_ID and ENUM_ITEM_ID enum names were replaced with ENUM_BLOCK_TYPE and ENUM_ITEM_TYPE (cosmetics)
The various enums, such as eDimension, eDamageType and eExplosionSource were moved from BlockType.h to Defines.h, together with the helper functions for converting between them and strings (StringToDimension et al.) (minor)
Many inline functions were moved from headers to their respective cpp files, so that BlockType.h could be included only into the cpp file, rather than the header.
That broke our tests a bit, since they pick bits and pieces out of the main code and provide stubs for the rest; they had to be re-stubbed and re-verified.
eMonsterType values are no longer tied to E_ITEM_SPAWN_EGG_META_* values
2020-04-03 08:57:01 +02:00

687 lines
14 KiB

#include "Globals.h"
#include "Path.h"
#include "../BlockInfo.h"
#include "../Chunk.h"
#define JUMP_G_COST 20
#define NORMAL_G_COST 10
#define DIAGONAL_G_COST 14
#define DISTANCE_MANHATTAN 0 // 1: More speed, a bit less accuracy 0: Max accuracy, less speed.
#define HEURISTICS_ONLY 0 // 1: Much more speed, much less accurate.
#define CALCULATIONS_PER_STEP 10 // Higher means more CPU load but faster path calculations.
// The only version which guarantees the shortest path is 0, 0.
bool compareHeuristics::operator()(cPathCell * & a_Cell1, cPathCell * & a_Cell2)
return a_Cell1->m_F > a_Cell2->m_F;
/* cPath implementation */
cChunk & a_Chunk,
const Vector3d & a_StartingPoint, const Vector3d & a_EndingPoint, int a_MaxSteps,
double a_BoundingBoxWidth, double a_BoundingBoxHeight
) :
m_CurrentPoint(0), // GetNextPoint increments this to 1, but that's fine, since the first cell is always a_StartingPoint
a_BoundingBoxWidth = 1; // Treat all mobs width as 1 until physics is improved.
m_BoundingBoxWidth = CeilC(a_BoundingBoxWidth);
m_BoundingBoxHeight = CeilC(a_BoundingBoxHeight);
m_HalfWidth = a_BoundingBoxWidth / 2;
int HalfWidthInt = FloorC(a_BoundingBoxWidth / 2);
m_Source.x = FloorC(a_StartingPoint.x - HalfWidthInt);
m_Source.y = FloorC(a_StartingPoint.y);
m_Source.z = FloorC(a_StartingPoint.z - HalfWidthInt);
m_Destination.x = FloorC(a_EndingPoint.x - HalfWidthInt);
m_Destination.y = FloorC(a_EndingPoint.y);
m_Destination.z = FloorC(a_EndingPoint.z - HalfWidthInt);
if (!IsWalkable(m_Source, m_Source))
m_Status = ePathFinderStatus::PATH_NOT_FOUND;
m_NearestPointToTarget = GetCell(m_Source);
m_Status = ePathFinderStatus::CALCULATING;
ProcessCell(GetCell(m_Source), nullptr, 0);
cPath::cPath() : m_IsValid(false)
ePathFinderStatus cPath::CalculationStep(cChunk & a_Chunk)
m_Chunk = &a_Chunk;
if (m_Status != ePathFinderStatus::CALCULATING)
return m_Status;
if (m_BadChunkFound)
return m_Status;
if (m_StepsLeft == 0)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < CALCULATIONS_PER_STEP; ++i)
if (StepOnce()) // StepOnce returns true when no more calculation is needed.
break; // if we're here, m_Status must have changed either to PATH_FOUND or PATH_NOT_FOUND.
m_Chunk = nullptr;
return m_Status;
Vector3i cPath::AcceptNearbyPath()
ASSERT(m_Status == ePathFinderStatus::NEARBY_FOUND);
m_Status = ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND;
return m_Destination;
bool cPath::StepOnce()
cPathCell * CurrentCell = OpenListPop();
// Path not reachable.
if (CurrentCell == nullptr)
return true;
// Path found.
if (CurrentCell->m_Location == m_Destination)
return true;
// Calculation not finished yet
// Check if we have a new NearestPoint.
if ((m_Destination - CurrentCell->m_Location).Length() < 5)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.25))
m_NearestPointToTarget = CurrentCell;
else if (CurrentCell->m_H < m_NearestPointToTarget->m_H)
m_NearestPointToTarget = CurrentCell;
// process a currentCell by inspecting all neighbors.
// Now we start checking adjacent cells.
// If true, no need to do more checks in that direction
bool DoneEast = false,
DoneWest = false,
DoneNorth = false,
DoneSouth = false;
// If true, we can walk in that direction without changing height
// This is used for deciding if to calculate diagonals
bool WalkableEast = false,
WalkableWest = false,
WalkableNorth = false,
WalkableSouth = false;
// If we can jump without hitting the ceiling
if (BodyFitsIn(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(0, 1, 0), CurrentCell->m_Location))
// For ladder climbing
ProcessIfWalkable(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(0, 1, 0), CurrentCell, JUMP_G_COST);
// Check east-up
if (ProcessIfWalkable(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(1, 1, 0), CurrentCell, JUMP_G_COST))
DoneEast = true;
// Check west-up
if (ProcessIfWalkable(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(-1, 1, 0), CurrentCell, JUMP_G_COST))
DoneWest = true;
// Check north-up
if (ProcessIfWalkable(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(0, 1, -1), CurrentCell, JUMP_G_COST))
DoneNorth = true;
// Check south-up
if (ProcessIfWalkable(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(0, 1, 1), CurrentCell, JUMP_G_COST))
DoneSouth = true;
// Check North, South, East, West at our own height or below. We are willing to jump up to 3 blocks down.
if (!DoneEast)
for (int y = 0; y >= -3; --y)
if (ProcessIfWalkable(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(1, y, 0), CurrentCell, NORMAL_G_COST))
DoneEast = true;
if (y == 0)
WalkableEast = true;
if (!DoneWest)
for (int y = 0; y >= -3; --y)
if (ProcessIfWalkable(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(-1, y, 0), CurrentCell, NORMAL_G_COST))
DoneWest = true;
if (y == 0)
WalkableWest = true;
if (!DoneSouth)
for (int y = 0; y >= -3; --y)
if (ProcessIfWalkable(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(0, y, 1), CurrentCell, NORMAL_G_COST))
DoneSouth = true;
if (y == 0)
WalkableSouth = true;
if (!DoneNorth)
for (int y = 0; y >= -3; --y)
if (ProcessIfWalkable(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(0, y, -1), CurrentCell, NORMAL_G_COST))
DoneNorth = true;
if (y == 0)
WalkableNorth = true;
// Check diagonals
if (WalkableNorth && WalkableEast)
ProcessIfWalkable(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(1, 0, -1), CurrentCell, DIAGONAL_G_COST);
if (WalkableNorth && WalkableWest)
ProcessIfWalkable(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(-1, 0, -1), CurrentCell, DIAGONAL_G_COST);
if (WalkableSouth && WalkableEast)
ProcessIfWalkable(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(1, 0, 1), CurrentCell, DIAGONAL_G_COST);
if (WalkableSouth && WalkableWest)
ProcessIfWalkable(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(-1, 0, 1), CurrentCell, DIAGONAL_G_COST);
return false;
void cPath::AttemptToFindAlternative()
if (m_NearestPointToTarget == GetCell(m_Source))
m_Destination = m_NearestPointToTarget->m_Location;
void cPath::BuildPath()
cPathCell * CurrentCell = GetCell(m_Destination);
while (CurrentCell->m_Parent != nullptr)
// Waypoints are cylinders that start at some particular x, y, z and have infinite height.
// Submerging water waypoints allows swimming mobs to be able to touch them.
if (IsBlockWater(GetCell(CurrentCell->m_Location + Vector3i(0, -1, 0))->m_BlockType))
CurrentCell->m_Location.y -= 30;
m_PathPoints.push_back(CurrentCell->m_Location); // Populate the cPath with points. All midpoints are added. Destination is added. Source is excluded.
CurrentCell = CurrentCell->m_Parent;
void cPath::FinishCalculation()
m_OpenList = std::priority_queue<cPathCell *, std::vector<cPathCell *>, compareHeuristics>{};
void cPath::FinishCalculation(ePathFinderStatus a_NewStatus)
if (m_BadChunkFound)
a_NewStatus = ePathFinderStatus::PATH_NOT_FOUND;
m_Status = a_NewStatus;
void cPath::OpenListAdd(cPathCell * a_Cell)
a_Cell->m_Status = eCellStatus::OPENLIST;
si::setBlock(a_Cell->m_Location.x, a_Cell->m_Location.y, a_Cell->m_Location.z, debug_open, SetMini(a_Cell));
cPathCell * cPath::OpenListPop() // Popping from the open list also means adding to the closed list.
if (m_OpenList.size() == 0)
return nullptr; // We've exhausted the search space and nothing was found, this will trigger a PATH_NOT_FOUND or NEARBY_FOUND status.
cPathCell * Ret = m_OpenList.top();
Ret->m_Status = eCellStatus::CLOSEDLIST;
si::setBlock((Ret)->m_Location.x, (Ret)->m_Location.y, (Ret)->m_Location.z, debug_closed, SetMini(Ret));
return Ret;
bool cPath::ProcessIfWalkable(const Vector3i & a_Location, cPathCell * a_Parent, int a_Cost)
if (IsWalkable(a_Location, a_Parent->m_Location))
ProcessCell(GetCell(a_Location), a_Parent, a_Cost);
return true;
return false;
void cPath::ProcessCell(cPathCell * a_Cell, cPathCell * a_Caller, int a_GDelta)
// Case 1: Cell is in the closed list, ignore it.
if (a_Cell->m_Status == eCellStatus::CLOSEDLIST)
if (a_Cell->m_Status == eCellStatus::NOLIST) // Case 2: The cell is not in any list.
// Cell is walkable, add it to the open list.
// Note that non-walkable cells are filtered out in Step_internal();
// Special case: Start cell goes here, gDelta is 0, caller is NULL.
a_Cell->m_Parent = a_Caller;
if (a_Caller != nullptr)
a_Cell->m_G = a_Caller->m_G + a_GDelta;
a_Cell->m_G = 0;
// Calculate H. This is A*'s Heuristics value.
// Manhattan distance. DeltaX + DeltaY + DeltaZ.
a_Cell->m_H = 10 * (abs(a_Cell->m_Location.x-m_Destination.x) + abs(a_Cell->m_Location.y-m_Destination.y) + abs(a_Cell->m_Location.z-m_Destination.z));
// Euclidian distance. sqrt(DeltaX^2 + DeltaY^2 + DeltaZ^2), more precise.
a_Cell->m_H = static_cast<decltype(a_Cell->m_H)>((a_Cell->m_Location - m_Destination).Length() * 10);
a_Cell->m_F = a_Cell->m_H; // Greedy search. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greedy_search
a_Cell->m_F = a_Cell->m_H + a_Cell->m_G; // Regular A*.
// Case 3: Cell is in the open list, check if G and H need an update.
int NewG = a_Caller->m_G + a_GDelta;
if (NewG < a_Cell->m_G)
a_Cell->m_G = NewG;
a_Cell->m_H = a_Cell->m_F + a_Cell->m_G;
a_Cell->m_Parent = a_Caller;
void cPath::FillCellAttributes(cPathCell & a_Cell)
const Vector3i & Location = a_Cell.m_Location;
ASSERT(m_Chunk != nullptr);
if (!cChunkDef::IsValidHeight(Location.y))
// Players can't build outside the game height, so it must be air
a_Cell.m_IsSolid = false;
a_Cell.m_IsSpecial = false;
a_Cell.m_BlockType = E_BLOCK_AIR;
auto Chunk = m_Chunk->GetNeighborChunk(Location.x, Location.z);
if ((Chunk == nullptr) || !Chunk->IsValid())
m_BadChunkFound = true;
a_Cell.m_IsSolid = true;
a_Cell.m_IsSpecial = false;
a_Cell.m_BlockType = E_BLOCK_AIR; // m_BlockType is never used when m_IsSpecial is false, but it may be used if we implement dijkstra
m_Chunk = Chunk;
int RelX = Location.x - m_Chunk->GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
int RelZ = Location.z - m_Chunk->GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
m_Chunk->GetBlockTypeMeta(RelX, Location.y, RelZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
a_Cell.m_BlockType = BlockType;
a_Cell.m_BlockMeta = BlockMeta;
if (BlockTypeIsSpecial(BlockType))
a_Cell.m_IsSpecial = true;
a_Cell.m_IsSolid = true; // Specials are solids only from a certain direction. But their m_IsSolid is always true
else if ((!cBlockInfo::IsSolid(a_Cell.m_BlockType)) && IsBlockFence(GetCell(Location + Vector3i(0, -1, 0))->m_BlockType))
// Nonsolid blocks with fences below them are consider Special Solids. That is, they sometimes behave as solids.
a_Cell.m_IsSpecial = true;
a_Cell.m_IsSolid = true;
a_Cell.m_IsSpecial = false;
a_Cell.m_IsSolid = cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockType);
cPathCell * cPath::GetCell(const Vector3i & a_Location)
// Create the cell in the hash table if it's not already there.
if (m_Map.count(a_Location) == 0) // Case 1: Cell is not on any list. We've never checked this cell before.
m_Map[a_Location].m_Location = a_Location;
m_Map[a_Location].m_Status = eCellStatus::NOLIST;
si::setBlock(a_Location.x, a_Location.y, a_Location.z, debug_unchecked, Cell->m_IsSolid ? NORMAL : MINI);
return &m_Map[a_Location];
return &m_Map[a_Location];
bool cPath::IsWalkable(const Vector3i & a_Location, const Vector3i & a_Source)
return (HasSolidBelow(a_Location) && BodyFitsIn(a_Location, a_Source));
// We need the source because some special blocks are solid only from a certain direction e.g. doors
bool cPath::BodyFitsIn(const Vector3i & a_Location, const Vector3i & a_Source)
int x, y, z;
for (y = 0; y < m_BoundingBoxHeight; ++y)
for (x = 0; x < m_BoundingBoxWidth; ++x)
for (z = 0; z < m_BoundingBoxWidth; ++z)
cPathCell * CurrentCell = GetCell(a_Location + Vector3i(x, y, z));
if (CurrentCell->m_IsSolid)
if (CurrentCell->m_IsSpecial)
if (SpecialIsSolidFromThisDirection(CurrentCell->m_BlockType, CurrentCell->m_BlockMeta, a_Location - a_Source))
return false;
return false;
return true;
bool cPath::BlockTypeIsSpecial(BLOCKTYPE a_Type)
if (IsBlockFence(a_Type))
return true;
switch (a_Type)
return true;
return false;
bool cPath::SpecialIsSolidFromThisDirection(BLOCKTYPE a_Type, NIBBLETYPE a_Meta, const Vector3i & a_Direction)
if (a_Direction == Vector3i(0, 0, 0))
return false;
// If there is a nonsolid above a fence
if (!cBlockInfo::IsSolid(a_Type))
// If we're coming from below
if (a_Direction.y > 0)
return true; // treat the nonsolid as solid
return false; // Treat it as a nonsolid because we are not coming from below
/* switch (a_Type)
Decide if solid from this direction and return either true or false.
// TODO Fill this with the other specials after physics is fixed
} */
return true;
bool cPath::HasSolidBelow(const Vector3i & a_Location)
int x, z;
for (x = 0; x < m_BoundingBoxWidth; ++x)
for (z = 0; z < m_BoundingBoxWidth; ++z)
if (GetCell(a_Location + Vector3i(x, -1, z))->m_IsSolid)
return true;
return false;