madmaxoft b2b7e45757 Removed internal methods from public cLuaState interface.
PushFunction(), CallFunction() and GetReturn() are not to be called independently, but rather only by using the Call() templated overrides.
Push() needs to be left in the public part, it is used for pushing results in the ManualBindings.

Preparation for #418.
2014-01-11 22:51:10 +01:00

2291 lines
63 KiB

#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "ManualBindings.h"
#include "tolua++/include/tolua++.h"
#include "Plugin.h"
#include "PluginLua.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "LuaWindow.h"
#include "../Root.h"
#include "../World.h"
#include "../Entities/Player.h"
#include "../WebAdmin.h"
#include "../ClientHandle.h"
#include "../BlockEntities/ChestEntity.h"
#include "../BlockEntities/DispenserEntity.h"
#include "../BlockEntities/DropperEntity.h"
#include "../BlockEntities/FurnaceEntity.h"
#include "../BlockEntities/HopperEntity.h"
#include "../BlockEntities/NoteEntity.h"
#include "md5/md5.h"
#include "../LineBlockTracer.h"
* Better error reporting for Lua
int tolua_do_error(lua_State* L, const char * a_pMsg, tolua_Error * a_pToLuaError)
// Retrieve current function name
lua_Debug entry;
VERIFY(lua_getstack(L, 0, &entry));
VERIFY(lua_getinfo(L, "n", &entry));
// Insert function name into error msg
AString msg(a_pMsg);
ReplaceString(msg, "#funcname#", entry.name?entry.name:"?");
// Send the error to Lua
tolua_error(L, msg.c_str(), a_pToLuaError);
return 0;
int lua_do_error(lua_State* L, const char * a_pFormat, ...)
// Retrieve current function name
lua_Debug entry;
VERIFY(lua_getstack(L, 0, &entry));
VERIFY(lua_getinfo(L, "n", &entry));
// Insert function name into error msg
AString msg(a_pFormat);
ReplaceString(msg, "#funcname#", entry.name?entry.name:"?");
// Copied from luaL_error and modified
va_list argp;
va_start(argp, a_pFormat);
luaL_where(L, 1);
lua_pushvfstring(L, msg.c_str(), argp);
lua_concat(L, 2);
return lua_error(L);
* Lua bound functions with special return types
static int tolua_StringSplit(lua_State * tolua_S)
cLuaState LuaState(tolua_S);
std::string str = (std::string)tolua_tocppstring(LuaState, 1, 0);
std::string delim = (std::string)tolua_tocppstring(LuaState, 2, 0);
AStringVector Split = StringSplit(str, delim);
return 1;
static int tolua_StringSplitAndTrim(lua_State * tolua_S)
cLuaState LuaState(tolua_S);
std::string str = (std::string)tolua_tocppstring(LuaState, 1, 0);
std::string delim = (std::string)tolua_tocppstring(LuaState, 2, 0);
AStringVector Split = StringSplitAndTrim(str, delim);
return 1;
static int tolua_LOG(lua_State* tolua_S)
const char* str = tolua_tocppstring(tolua_S,1,0);
cMCLogger::GetInstance()->LogSimple( str, 0 );
return 0;
static int tolua_LOGINFO(lua_State* tolua_S)
const char* str = tolua_tocppstring(tolua_S,1,0);
cMCLogger::GetInstance()->LogSimple( str, 1 );
return 0;
static int tolua_LOGWARN(lua_State* tolua_S)
const char* str = tolua_tocppstring(tolua_S,1,0);
cMCLogger::GetInstance()->LogSimple( str, 2 );
return 0;
static int tolua_LOGERROR(lua_State* tolua_S)
const char* str = tolua_tocppstring(tolua_S,1,0);
cMCLogger::GetInstance()->LogSimple( str, 3 );
return 0;
cPluginLua * GetLuaPlugin(lua_State * L)
// Get the plugin identification out of LuaState:
if (!lua_islightuserdata(L, -1))
LOGWARNING("%s: cannot get plugin instance, what have you done to my Lua state?", __FUNCTION__);
lua_pop(L, 1);
return NULL;
cPluginLua * Plugin = (cPluginLua *)lua_topointer(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
return Plugin;
static int tolua_cFile_GetFolderContents(lua_State * tolua_S)
cLuaState LuaState(tolua_S);
if (
!LuaState.CheckParamUserTable(1, "cFile") ||
!LuaState.CheckParamString (2) ||
!LuaState.CheckParamEnd (3)
return 0;
AString Folder = (AString)tolua_tocppstring(LuaState, 2, 0);
AStringVector Contents = cFile::GetFolderContents(Folder);
return 1;
class Ty1,
class Ty2,
bool (Ty1::*Func1)(const AString &, cItemCallback<Ty2> &)
static int tolua_DoWith(lua_State* tolua_S)
int NumArgs = lua_gettop(tolua_S) - 1; /* This includes 'self' */
if ((NumArgs != 2) && (NumArgs != 3))
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Requires 2 or 3 arguments, got %i", NumArgs);
Ty1 * self = (Ty1 *) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, 0);
const char * ItemName = tolua_tocppstring(tolua_S, 2, "");
if ((ItemName == NULL) || (ItemName[0] == 0))
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Expected a non-empty string for parameter #1", NumArgs);
if (!lua_isfunction( tolua_S, 3))
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Expected a function for parameter #2", NumArgs);
/* luaL_ref gets reference to value on top of the stack, the table is the last argument and therefore on the top */
int TableRef = LUA_REFNIL;
if (NumArgs == 3)
TableRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (TableRef == LUA_REFNIL)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Could not get value reference of parameter #3", NumArgs);
/* table value is popped, and now function is on top of the stack */
int FuncRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (FuncRef == LUA_REFNIL)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Could not get function reference of parameter #2", NumArgs);
class cLuaCallback : public cItemCallback<Ty2>
cLuaCallback(lua_State* a_LuaState, int a_FuncRef, int a_TableRef)
: LuaState( a_LuaState )
, FuncRef( a_FuncRef )
, TableRef( a_TableRef )
virtual bool Item(Ty2 * a_Item) override
lua_rawgeti( LuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef); /* Push function reference */
tolua_pushusertype(LuaState, a_Item, Ty2::GetClassStatic());
if (TableRef != LUA_REFNIL)
lua_rawgeti( LuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, TableRef); /* Push table reference */
int s = lua_pcall(LuaState, (TableRef == LUA_REFNIL ? 1 : 2), 1, 0);
if (cLuaState::ReportErrors(LuaState, s))
return true; // Abort enumeration
if (lua_isboolean(LuaState, -1))
return (tolua_toboolean(LuaState, -1, 0) > 0);
return false; /* Continue enumeration */
lua_State * LuaState;
int FuncRef;
int TableRef;
} Callback(tolua_S, FuncRef, TableRef);
bool bRetVal = (self->*Func1)(ItemName, Callback);
/* Unreference the values again, so the LUA_REGISTRYINDEX can make place for other references */
luaL_unref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, TableRef);
luaL_unref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef);
/* Push return value on stack */
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, bRetVal );
return 1;
class Ty1,
class Ty2,
bool (Ty1::*Func1)(int, cItemCallback<Ty2> &)
static int tolua_DoWithID(lua_State* tolua_S)
int NumArgs = lua_gettop(tolua_S) - 1; /* This includes 'self' */
if ((NumArgs != 2) && (NumArgs != 3))
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Requires 2 or 3 arguments, got %i", NumArgs);
Ty1 * self = (Ty1 *)tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, 0);
int ItemID = (int)tolua_tonumber(tolua_S, 2, 0);
if (!lua_isfunction(tolua_S, 3))
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Expected a function for parameter #2", NumArgs);
/* luaL_ref gets reference to value on top of the stack, the table is the last argument and therefore on the top */
int TableRef = LUA_REFNIL;
if (NumArgs == 3)
TableRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (TableRef == LUA_REFNIL)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Could not get value reference of parameter #3", NumArgs);
/* table value is popped, and now function is on top of the stack */
int FuncRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (FuncRef == LUA_REFNIL)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Could not get function reference of parameter #2", NumArgs);
class cLuaCallback : public cItemCallback<Ty2>
cLuaCallback(lua_State * a_LuaState, int a_FuncRef, int a_TableRef) :
virtual bool Item(Ty2 * a_Item) override
lua_rawgeti(LuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef); // Push function to call
tolua_pushusertype(LuaState, a_Item, Ty2::GetClassStatic()); // Push the item
if (TableRef != LUA_REFNIL)
lua_rawgeti(LuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, TableRef); // Push the optional callbackdata param
int s = lua_pcall(LuaState, (TableRef == LUA_REFNIL ? 1 : 2), 1, 0);
if (cLuaState::ReportErrors(LuaState, s))
return true; // Abort enumeration
if (lua_isboolean(LuaState, -1))
return (tolua_toboolean(LuaState, -1, 0) > 0);
return false; /* Continue enumeration */
lua_State * LuaState;
int FuncRef;
int TableRef;
} Callback(tolua_S, FuncRef, TableRef);
bool bRetVal = (self->*Func1)(ItemID, Callback);
/* Unreference the values again, so the LUA_REGISTRYINDEX can make place for other references */
luaL_unref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, TableRef);
luaL_unref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef);
/* Push return value on stack */
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, bRetVal );
return 1;
class Ty1,
class Ty2,
bool (Ty1::*Func1)(int, int, int, cItemCallback<Ty2> &)
static int tolua_DoWithXYZ(lua_State* tolua_S)
int NumArgs = lua_gettop(tolua_S) - 1; /* This includes 'self' */
if ((NumArgs != 4) && (NumArgs != 5))
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Requires 4 or 5 arguments, got %i", NumArgs);
Ty1 * self = (Ty1 *) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, 0);
if (!lua_isnumber(tolua_S, 2) || !lua_isnumber(tolua_S, 3) || !lua_isnumber(tolua_S, 4))
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Expected a number for parameters #1, #2 and #3");
int ItemX = ((int)tolua_tonumber(tolua_S, 2, 0));
int ItemY = ((int)tolua_tonumber(tolua_S, 3, 0));
int ItemZ = ((int)tolua_tonumber(tolua_S, 4, 0));
LOG("x %i y %i z %i", ItemX, ItemY, ItemZ );
if (!lua_isfunction( tolua_S, 5))
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Expected a function for parameter #4");
/* luaL_ref gets reference to value on top of the stack, the table is the last argument and therefore on the top */
int TableRef = LUA_REFNIL;
if (NumArgs == 5)
TableRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (TableRef == LUA_REFNIL)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Could not get value reference of parameter #5");
/* table value is popped, and now function is on top of the stack */
int FuncRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (FuncRef == LUA_REFNIL)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Could not get function reference of parameter #4");
class cLuaCallback : public cItemCallback<Ty2>
cLuaCallback(lua_State* a_LuaState, int a_FuncRef, int a_TableRef)
: LuaState( a_LuaState )
, FuncRef( a_FuncRef )
, TableRef( a_TableRef )
virtual bool Item(Ty2 * a_Item) override
lua_rawgeti( LuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef); /* Push function reference */
tolua_pushusertype(LuaState, a_Item, Ty2::GetClassStatic());
if (TableRef != LUA_REFNIL)
lua_rawgeti( LuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, TableRef); /* Push table reference */
int s = lua_pcall(LuaState, (TableRef == LUA_REFNIL ? 1 : 2), 1, 0);
if (cLuaState::ReportErrors(LuaState, s))
return true; // Abort enumeration
if (lua_isboolean(LuaState, -1))
return (tolua_toboolean(LuaState, -1, 0) > 0);
return false; /* Continue enumeration */
lua_State * LuaState;
int FuncRef;
int TableRef;
} Callback(tolua_S, FuncRef, TableRef);
bool bRetVal = (self->*Func1)(ItemX, ItemY, ItemZ, Callback);
/* Unreference the values again, so the LUA_REGISTRYINDEX can make place for other references */
luaL_unref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, TableRef);
luaL_unref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef);
/* Push return value on stack */
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, bRetVal );
return 1;
template< class Ty1,
class Ty2,
bool (Ty1::*Func1)(int, int, cItemCallback<Ty2> &) >
static int tolua_ForEachInChunk(lua_State* tolua_S)
int NumArgs = lua_gettop(tolua_S) - 1; /* This includes 'self' */
if ((NumArgs != 3) && (NumArgs != 4))
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Requires 3 or 4 arguments, got %i", NumArgs);
Ty1 * self = (Ty1 *) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, 0);
if (!lua_isnumber(tolua_S, 2) || !lua_isnumber(tolua_S, 3))
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Expected a number for parameters #1 and #2");
int ChunkX = ((int)tolua_tonumber(tolua_S, 2, 0));
int ChunkZ = ((int)tolua_tonumber(tolua_S, 3, 0));
if (!lua_isfunction( tolua_S, 4))
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Expected a function for parameter #3");
/* luaL_ref gets reference to value on top of the stack, the table is the last argument and therefore on the top */
int TableRef = LUA_REFNIL;
if (NumArgs == 4)
TableRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (TableRef == LUA_REFNIL)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Could not get value reference of parameter #4");
/* table value is popped, and now function is on top of the stack */
int FuncRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (FuncRef == LUA_REFNIL)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Could not get function reference of parameter #3");
class cLuaCallback : public cItemCallback<Ty2>
cLuaCallback(lua_State* a_LuaState, int a_FuncRef, int a_TableRef)
: LuaState( a_LuaState )
, FuncRef( a_FuncRef )
, TableRef( a_TableRef )
virtual bool Item(Ty2 * a_Item) override
lua_rawgeti( LuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef); /* Push function reference */
tolua_pushusertype(LuaState, a_Item, Ty2::GetClassStatic());
if (TableRef != LUA_REFNIL)
lua_rawgeti( LuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, TableRef); /* Push table reference */
int s = lua_pcall(LuaState, (TableRef == LUA_REFNIL ? 1 : 2), 1, 0);
if (cLuaState::ReportErrors(LuaState, s))
return true; /* Abort enumeration */
if (lua_isboolean(LuaState, -1))
return (tolua_toboolean(LuaState, -1, 0) > 0);
return false; /* Continue enumeration */
lua_State * LuaState;
int FuncRef;
int TableRef;
} Callback(tolua_S, FuncRef, TableRef);
bool bRetVal = (self->*Func1)(ChunkX, ChunkZ, Callback);
/* Unreference the values again, so the LUA_REGISTRYINDEX can make place for other references */
luaL_unref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, TableRef);
luaL_unref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef);
/* Push return value on stack */
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, bRetVal );
return 1;
template< class Ty1,
class Ty2,
bool (Ty1::*Func1)(cItemCallback<Ty2> &) >
static int tolua_ForEach(lua_State * tolua_S)
int NumArgs = lua_gettop(tolua_S) - 1; /* This includes 'self' */
if( NumArgs != 1 && NumArgs != 2)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Requires 1 or 2 arguments, got %i", NumArgs);
Ty1 * self = (Ty1 *) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, 0);
if (self == NULL)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Not called on an object instance");
if (!lua_isfunction( tolua_S, 2))
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Expected a function for parameter #1");
/* luaL_ref gets reference to value on top of the stack, the table is the last argument and therefore on the top */
int TableRef = LUA_REFNIL;
if (NumArgs == 2)
TableRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (TableRef == LUA_REFNIL)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Could not get value reference of parameter #2");
/* table value is popped, and now function is on top of the stack */
int FuncRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (FuncRef == LUA_REFNIL)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Could not get function reference of parameter #1");
class cLuaCallback : public cItemCallback<Ty2>
cLuaCallback(lua_State* a_LuaState, int a_FuncRef, int a_TableRef)
: LuaState( a_LuaState )
, FuncRef( a_FuncRef )
, TableRef( a_TableRef )
virtual bool Item(Ty2 * a_Item) override
lua_rawgeti( LuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef); /* Push function reference */
tolua_pushusertype( LuaState, a_Item, Ty2::GetClassStatic() );
if (TableRef != LUA_REFNIL)
lua_rawgeti( LuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, TableRef); /* Push table reference */
int s = lua_pcall(LuaState, (TableRef == LUA_REFNIL ? 1 : 2), 1, 0);
if (cLuaState::ReportErrors(LuaState, s))
return true; /* Abort enumeration */
if (lua_isboolean(LuaState, -1))
return (tolua_toboolean( LuaState, -1, 0) > 0);
return false; /* Continue enumeration */
lua_State * LuaState;
int FuncRef;
int TableRef;
} Callback(tolua_S, FuncRef, TableRef);
bool bRetVal = (self->*Func1)(Callback);
/* Unreference the values again, so the LUA_REGISTRYINDEX can make place for other references */
luaL_unref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, TableRef);
luaL_unref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef);
/* Push return value on stack */
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, bRetVal );
return 1;
static int tolua_cWorld_GetBlockInfo(lua_State * tolua_S)
// Exported manually, because tolua would generate useless additional parameters (a_BlockType .. a_BlockSkyLight)
// Function signature: GetBlockInfo(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ) -> BlockValid, [BlockType, BlockMeta, BlockSkyLight, BlockBlockLight]
tolua_Error tolua_err;
if (
!tolua_isusertype (tolua_S, 1, "cWorld", 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 2, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 3, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 4, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnoobj (tolua_S, 5, &tolua_err)
goto tolua_lerror;
cWorld * self = (cWorld *) tolua_tousertype (tolua_S, 1, 0);
int BlockX = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 2, 0);
int BlockY = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 3, 0);
int BlockZ = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 4, 0);
if (self == NULL)
tolua_error(tolua_S, "invalid 'self' in function 'GetBlockInfo'", NULL);
NIBBLETYPE BlockMeta, BlockSkyLight, BlockBlockLight;
bool res = self->GetBlockInfo(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockType, BlockMeta, BlockSkyLight, BlockBlockLight);
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, res ? 1 : 0);
if (res)
tolua_pushnumber(tolua_S, BlockType);
tolua_pushnumber(tolua_S, BlockMeta);
tolua_pushnumber(tolua_S, BlockSkyLight);
tolua_pushnumber(tolua_S, BlockBlockLight);
return 5;
return 1;
tolua_error(tolua_S, "#ferror in function 'GetBlockInfo'.", &tolua_err);
return 0;
static int tolua_cWorld_GetBlockTypeMeta(lua_State * tolua_S)
// Exported manually, because tolua would generate useless additional parameters (a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta)
// Function signature: GetBlockTypeMeta(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ) -> BlockValid, [BlockType, BlockMeta]
tolua_Error tolua_err;
if (
!tolua_isusertype (tolua_S, 1, "cWorld", 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 2, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 3, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 4, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnoobj (tolua_S, 5, &tolua_err)
goto tolua_lerror;
cWorld * self = (cWorld *) tolua_tousertype (tolua_S, 1, 0);
int BlockX = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 2, 0);
int BlockY = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 3, 0);
int BlockZ = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 4, 0);
if (self == NULL)
tolua_error(tolua_S, "invalid 'self' in function 'GetBlockTypeMeta'", NULL);
bool res = self->GetBlockTypeMeta(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, res ? 1 : 0);
if (res)
tolua_pushnumber(tolua_S, BlockType);
tolua_pushnumber(tolua_S, BlockMeta);
return 3;
return 1;
tolua_error(tolua_S, "#ferror in function 'GetBlockTypeMeta'.", &tolua_err);
return 0;
static int tolua_cWorld_GetSignLines(lua_State * tolua_S)
// Exported manually, because tolua would generate useless additional parameters (a_Line1 .. a_Line4)
tolua_Error tolua_err;
if (
!tolua_isusertype (tolua_S, 1, "cWorld", 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 2, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 3, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 4, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnoobj (tolua_S, 10, &tolua_err)
goto tolua_lerror;
cWorld * self = (cWorld *) tolua_tousertype (tolua_S, 1, 0);
int BlockX = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 2, 0);
int BlockY = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 3, 0);
int BlockZ = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 4, 0);
if (self == NULL)
tolua_error(tolua_S, "invalid 'self' in function 'GetSignLines'", NULL);
AString Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4;
bool res = self->GetSignLines(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4);
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, res ? 1 : 0);
if (res)
tolua_pushstring(tolua_S, Line1.c_str());
tolua_pushstring(tolua_S, Line2.c_str());
tolua_pushstring(tolua_S, Line3.c_str());
tolua_pushstring(tolua_S, Line4.c_str());
return 5;
return 1;
tolua_error(tolua_S, "#ferror in function 'GetSignLines'.", &tolua_err);
return 0;
static int tolua_cWorld_SetSignLines(lua_State * tolua_S)
// Exported manually, because tolua would generate useless additional return values (a_Line1 .. a_Line4)
tolua_Error tolua_err;
if (
!tolua_isusertype (tolua_S, 1, "cWorld", 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 2, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 3, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 4, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_iscppstring(tolua_S, 5, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_iscppstring(tolua_S, 6, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_iscppstring(tolua_S, 7, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_iscppstring(tolua_S, 8, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isusertype (tolua_S, 9, "cPlayer", 1, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnoobj (tolua_S, 10, &tolua_err)
goto tolua_lerror;
cWorld * self = (cWorld *) tolua_tousertype (tolua_S, 1, 0);
int BlockX = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 2, 0);
int BlockY = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 3, 0);
int BlockZ = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 4, 0);
const AString Line1 = tolua_tocppstring(tolua_S, 5, 0);
const AString Line2 = tolua_tocppstring(tolua_S, 6, 0);
const AString Line3 = tolua_tocppstring(tolua_S, 7, 0);
const AString Line4 = tolua_tocppstring(tolua_S, 8, 0);
cPlayer * Player = (cPlayer *)tolua_tousertype (tolua_S, 9, NULL);
if (self == NULL)
tolua_error(tolua_S, "invalid 'self' in function 'SetSignLines' / 'UpdateSign'", NULL);
bool res = self->UpdateSign(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4, Player);
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, res ? 1 : 0);
return 1;
tolua_error(tolua_S, "#ferror in function 'SetSignLines' / 'UpdateSign'.", &tolua_err);
return 0;
static int tolua_cWorld_TryGetHeight(lua_State * tolua_S)
// Exported manually, because tolua would require the out-only param a_Height to be used when calling
// Takes (a_World,) a_BlockX, a_BlockZ
// Returns Height, IsValid
tolua_Error tolua_err;
if (
!tolua_isusertype (tolua_S, 1, "cWorld", 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 2, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (tolua_S, 3, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnoobj (tolua_S, 4, &tolua_err)
goto tolua_lerror;
cWorld * self = (cWorld *) tolua_tousertype (tolua_S, 1, 0);
int BlockX = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 2, 0);
int BlockZ = (int) tolua_tonumber (tolua_S, 3, 0);
if (self == NULL)
tolua_error(tolua_S, "Invalid 'self' in function 'TryGetHeight'", NULL);
int Height = 0;
bool res = self->TryGetHeight(BlockX, BlockZ, Height);
tolua_pushnumber(tolua_S, Height);
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, res ? 1 : 0);
return 1;
tolua_error(tolua_S, "#ferror in function 'TryGetHeight'.", &tolua_err);
return 0;
class cLuaWorldTask :
public cWorld::cTask
cLuaWorldTask(cPluginLua & a_Plugin, int a_FnRef) :
cPluginLua & m_Plugin;
int m_FnRef;
// cWorld::cTask overrides:
virtual void Run(cWorld & a_World) override
m_Plugin.Call(m_FnRef, &a_World);
} ;
static int tolua_cWorld_QueueTask(lua_State * tolua_S)
// Binding for cWorld::QueueTask
// Params: function
// Retrieve the cPlugin from the LuaState:
cPluginLua * Plugin = GetLuaPlugin(tolua_S);
if (Plugin == NULL)
// An error message has been already printed in GetLuaPlugin()
return 0;
// Retrieve the args:
cWorld * self = (cWorld *)tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, 0);
if (self == NULL)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Not called on an object instance");
if (!lua_isfunction(tolua_S, 2))
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Expected a function for parameter #1");
// Create a reference to the function:
int FnRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (FnRef == LUA_REFNIL)
return lua_do_error(tolua_S, "Error in function call '#funcname#': Could not get function reference of parameter #1");
self->QueueTask(new cLuaWorldTask(*Plugin, FnRef));
return 0;
static int tolua_cPluginManager_GetAllPlugins(lua_State * tolua_S)
cPluginManager * self = (cPluginManager *)tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, 0);
const cPluginManager::PluginMap & AllPlugins = self->GetAllPlugins();
int index = 1;
cPluginManager::PluginMap::const_iterator iter = AllPlugins.begin();
while (iter != AllPlugins.end())
const cPlugin* Plugin = iter->second;
tolua_pushstring(tolua_S, iter->first.c_str());
if (Plugin != NULL)
tolua_pushusertype(tolua_S, (void *)Plugin, "const cPlugin");
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, 0);
lua_rawset(tolua_S, -3);
return 1;
static int tolua_cPluginManager_GetCurrentPlugin(lua_State * S)
cPluginLua * Plugin = GetLuaPlugin(S);
if (Plugin == NULL)
// An error message has already been printed in GetLuaPlugin()
return 0;
tolua_pushusertype(S, Plugin, "cPluginLua");
return 1;
static int tolua_cPluginManager_AddHook_FnRef(cPluginManager * a_PluginManager, cLuaState & S, int a_ParamIdx)
// Helper function for cPluginmanager:AddHook() binding
// Takes care of the new case (#121): args are HOOK_TYPE and CallbackFunction
// The arg types have already been checked
// Retrieve the cPlugin from the LuaState:
cPluginLua * Plugin = GetLuaPlugin(S);
if (Plugin == NULL)
// An error message has been already printed in GetLuaPlugin()
return 0;
// Retrieve and check the hook type
int HookType = (int)tolua_tonumber(S, a_ParamIdx, -1);
if (!a_PluginManager->IsValidHookType(HookType))
LOGWARNING("cPluginManager.AddHook(): Invalid HOOK_TYPE parameter: %d", HookType);
return 0;
// Add the hook to the plugin
if (!Plugin->AddHookRef(HookType, a_ParamIdx + 1))
LOGWARNING("cPluginManager.AddHook(): Cannot add hook %d, unknown error.", HookType);
return 0;
a_PluginManager->AddHook(Plugin, HookType);
// Success
return 0;
static int tolua_cPluginManager_AddHook_DefFn(cPluginManager * a_PluginManager, cLuaState & S, int a_ParamIdx)
// Helper function for cPluginmanager:AddHook() binding
// Takes care of the old case (#121): args are cPluginLua and HOOK_TYPE
// The arg types have already been checked
// Retrieve and check the cPlugin parameter
cPluginLua * Plugin = (cPluginLua *)tolua_tousertype(S, a_ParamIdx, NULL);
if (Plugin == NULL)
LOGWARNING("cPluginManager.AddHook(): Invalid Plugin parameter, expected a valid cPlugin object. Hook not added");
return 0;
if (Plugin != GetLuaPlugin(S))
// The plugin parameter passed to us is not our stored plugin. Disallow this!
LOGWARNING("cPluginManager.AddHook(): Invalid Plugin parameter, cannot add hook to foreign plugins. Hook not added.");
return 0;
// Retrieve and check the hook type
int HookType = (int)tolua_tonumber(S, a_ParamIdx + 1, -1);
if (!a_PluginManager->IsValidHookType(HookType))
LOGWARNING("cPluginManager.AddHook(): Invalid HOOK_TYPE parameter: %d", HookType);
return 0;
// Get the standard name for the callback function:
const char * FnName = cPluginLua::GetHookFnName(HookType);
if (FnName == NULL)
LOGWARNING("cPluginManager.AddHook(): Unknown hook type (%d). Hook not added.", HookType);
return 0;
// Retrieve the function to call and add it to the plugin:
lua_pushstring(S, FnName);
bool res = Plugin->AddHookRef(HookType, 1);
lua_pop(S, 1); // Pop the function off the stack
if (!res)
LOGWARNING("cPluginManager.AddHook(): Function %s not found. Hook not added.", FnName);
return 0;
a_PluginManager->AddHook(Plugin, HookType);
// Success
return 0;
static int tolua_cPluginManager_AddHook(lua_State * tolua_S)
Function signatures:
cPluginManager:AddHook(HOOK_TYPE, CallbackFunction) -- (1) recommended
cPluginManager.AddHook(HOOK_TYPE, CallbackFunction) -- (2) accepted silently (#401 deprecates this)
cPluginManager:Get():AddHook(HOOK_TYPE, CallbackFunction) -- (3) accepted silently
cPluginManager:Get():AddHook(Plugin, HOOK_TYPE) -- (4) old style (#121), accepted but complained about in the console
cPluginManager.AddHook(Plugin, HOOK_TYPE) -- (5) old style (#121) mangled, accepted but complained about in the console
cLuaState S(tolua_S);
cPluginManager * PlgMgr = cPluginManager::Get();
// If the first param is a cPluginManager instance, use it instead of the global one:
int ParamIdx = 1;
tolua_Error err;
if (tolua_isusertype(S, 1, "cPluginManager", 0, &err))
// Style 2 or 3, retrieve the PlgMgr instance
PlgMgr = (cPluginManager *)tolua_tousertype(S, 1, NULL);
if (PlgMgr == NULL)
LOGWARNING("Malformed plugin, use cPluginManager.AddHook(HOOK_TYPE, CallbackFunction). Fixing the call for you.");
PlgMgr = cPluginManager::Get();
ParamIdx += 1;
else if (tolua_isusertable(S, 1, "cPluginManager", 0, &err))
// Style 1, use the global PlgMgr, but increment ParamIdx
if (lua_isnumber(S, ParamIdx) && lua_isfunction(S, ParamIdx + 1))
// The next params are a number and a function, assume style 1 or 2
return tolua_cPluginManager_AddHook_FnRef(PlgMgr, S, ParamIdx);
else if (tolua_isusertype(S, ParamIdx, "cPlugin", 0, &err) && lua_isnumber(S, ParamIdx + 1))
// The next params are a cPlugin and a number, assume style 3 or 4
LOGINFO("cPluginManager.AddHook(): Deprecated format used, use cPluginManager.AddHook(HOOK_TYPE, CallbackFunction) instead. Fixing the call for you.");
return tolua_cPluginManager_AddHook_DefFn(PlgMgr, S, ParamIdx);
AString ParamDesc;
Printf(ParamDesc, "%s, %s, %s", S.GetTypeText(1).c_str(), S.GetTypeText(2).c_str(), S.GetTypeText(3).c_str());
LOGWARNING("cPluginManager:AddHook(): bad parameters. Expected HOOK_TYPE and CallbackFunction, got %s. Hook not added.", ParamDesc.c_str());
return 0;
static int tolua_cPluginManager_ForEachCommand(lua_State * tolua_S)
int NumArgs = lua_gettop(tolua_S) - 1; /* This includes 'self' */
if( NumArgs != 1)
LOGWARN("Error in function call 'ForEachCommand': Requires 1 argument, got %i", NumArgs);
return 0;
cPluginManager * self = (cPluginManager *)tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, 0);
if (self == NULL)
LOGWARN("Error in function call 'ForEachCommand': Not called on an object instance");
return 0;
if (!lua_isfunction(tolua_S, 2))
LOGWARN("Error in function call 'ForEachCommand': Expected a function for parameter #1");
return 0;
int FuncRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (FuncRef == LUA_REFNIL)
LOGWARN("Error in function call 'ForEachCommand': Could not get function reference of parameter #1");
return 0;
class cLuaCallback : public cPluginManager::cCommandEnumCallback
cLuaCallback(lua_State * a_LuaState, int a_FuncRef)
: LuaState( a_LuaState )
, FuncRef( a_FuncRef )
virtual bool Command(const AString & a_Command, const cPlugin * a_Plugin, const AString & a_Permission, const AString & a_HelpString) override
lua_rawgeti( LuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef); /* Push function reference */
tolua_pushcppstring(LuaState, a_Command);
tolua_pushcppstring(LuaState, a_Permission);
tolua_pushcppstring(LuaState, a_HelpString);
int s = lua_pcall(LuaState, 3, 1, 0);
if (cLuaState::ReportErrors(LuaState, s))
return true; /* Abort enumeration */
if (lua_isboolean(LuaState, -1))
return (tolua_toboolean( LuaState, -1, 0) > 0);
return false; /* Continue enumeration */
lua_State * LuaState;
int FuncRef;
} Callback(tolua_S, FuncRef);
bool bRetVal = self->ForEachCommand(Callback);
/* Unreference the values again, so the LUA_REGISTRYINDEX can make place for other references */
luaL_unref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef);
/* Push return value on stack */
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, bRetVal);
return 1;
static int tolua_cPluginManager_ForEachConsoleCommand(lua_State * tolua_S)
int NumArgs = lua_gettop(tolua_S) - 1; /* This includes 'self' */
if( NumArgs != 1)
LOGWARN("Error in function call 'ForEachConsoleCommand': Requires 1 argument, got %i", NumArgs);
return 0;
cPluginManager * self = (cPluginManager *)tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, 0);
if (self == NULL)
LOGWARN("Error in function call 'ForEachConsoleCommand': Not called on an object instance");
return 0;
if (!lua_isfunction(tolua_S, 2))
LOGWARN("Error in function call 'ForEachConsoleCommand': Expected a function for parameter #1");
return 0;
int FuncRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (FuncRef == LUA_REFNIL)
LOGWARN("Error in function call 'ForEachConsoleCommand': Could not get function reference of parameter #1");
return 0;
class cLuaCallback : public cPluginManager::cCommandEnumCallback
cLuaCallback(lua_State * a_LuaState, int a_FuncRef)
: LuaState( a_LuaState )
, FuncRef( a_FuncRef )
virtual bool Command(const AString & a_Command, const cPlugin * a_Plugin, const AString & a_Permission, const AString & a_HelpString) override
lua_rawgeti( LuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef); /* Push function reference */
tolua_pushcppstring(LuaState, a_Command);
tolua_pushcppstring(LuaState, a_HelpString);
int s = lua_pcall(LuaState, 2, 1, 0);
if (cLuaState::ReportErrors(LuaState, s))
return true; /* Abort enumeration */
if (lua_isboolean(LuaState, -1))
return (tolua_toboolean( LuaState, -1, 0) > 0);
return false; /* Continue enumeration */
lua_State * LuaState;
int FuncRef;
} Callback(tolua_S, FuncRef);
bool bRetVal = self->ForEachConsoleCommand(Callback);
/* Unreference the values again, so the LUA_REGISTRYINDEX can make place for other references */
luaL_unref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FuncRef);
/* Push return value on stack */
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, bRetVal);
return 1;
static int tolua_cPluginManager_BindCommand(lua_State * L)
/* Function signatures:
cPluginManager:BindCommand(Command, Permission, Function, HelpString)
cPluginManager.BindCommand(Command, Permission, Function, HelpString) -- without the "self" param
cPluginLua * Plugin = GetLuaPlugin(L);
if (Plugin == NULL)
return 0;
// Read the arguments to this API call:
tolua_Error tolua_err;
int idx = 1;
if (tolua_isusertype(L, 1, "cPluginManager", 0, &tolua_err))
if (
!tolua_iscppstring(L, idx, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_iscppstring(L, idx + 1, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_iscppstring(L, idx + 3, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnoobj (L, idx + 4, &tolua_err)
tolua_error(L, "#ferror in function 'BindCommand'.", &tolua_err);
return 0;
if (!lua_isfunction(L, idx + 2))
luaL_error(L, "\"BindCommand\" function expects a function as its 3rd parameter. Command-binding aborted.");
return 0;
cPluginManager * self = cPluginManager::Get();
AString Command (tolua_tocppstring(L, idx, ""));
AString Permission(tolua_tocppstring(L, idx + 1, ""));
AString HelpString(tolua_tocppstring(L, idx + 3, ""));
// Store the function reference:
lua_pop(L, 1); // Pop the help string off the stack
int FnRef = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // Store function reference
if (FnRef == LUA_REFNIL)
LOGERROR("\"BindCommand\": Cannot create a function reference. Command \"%s\" not bound.", Command.c_str());
return 0;
if (!self->BindCommand(Command, Plugin, Permission, HelpString))
// Refused. Possibly already bound. Error message has been given, display the callstack:
cLuaState LS(L);
return 0;
Plugin->BindCommand(Command, FnRef);
return 0;
static int tolua_cPluginManager_BindConsoleCommand(lua_State * L)
/* Function signatures:
cPluginManager:BindConsoleCommand(Command, Function, HelpString)
cPluginManager.BindConsoleCommand(Command, Function, HelpString) -- without the "self" param
// Get the plugin identification out of LuaState:
cPluginLua * Plugin = GetLuaPlugin(L);
if (Plugin == NULL)
return 0;
// Read the arguments to this API call:
tolua_Error tolua_err;
int idx = 1;
if (tolua_isusertype(L, 1, "cPluginManager", 0, &tolua_err))
if (
!tolua_iscppstring(L, idx, 0, &tolua_err) || // Command
!tolua_iscppstring(L, idx + 2, 0, &tolua_err) || // HelpString
!tolua_isnoobj (L, idx + 3, &tolua_err)
tolua_error(L, "#ferror in function 'BindConsoleCommand'.", &tolua_err);
return 0;
if (!lua_isfunction(L, idx + 1))
luaL_error(L, "\"BindConsoleCommand\" function expects a function as its 2nd parameter. Command-binding aborted.");
return 0;
cPluginManager * self = cPluginManager::Get();
AString Command (tolua_tocppstring(L, idx, ""));
AString HelpString(tolua_tocppstring(L, idx + 2, ""));
// Store the function reference:
lua_pop(L, 1); // Pop the help string off the stack
int FnRef = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // Store function reference
if (FnRef == LUA_REFNIL)
LOGERROR("\"BindConsoleCommand\": Cannot create a function reference. Console Command \"%s\" not bound.", Command.c_str());
return 0;
if (!self->BindConsoleCommand(Command, Plugin, HelpString))
// Refused. Possibly already bound. Error message has been given, display the callstack:
cLuaState LS(L);
return 0;
Plugin->BindConsoleCommand(Command, FnRef);
return 0;
static int tolua_cPlayer_GetGroups(lua_State* tolua_S)
cPlayer* self = (cPlayer*) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S,1,0);
const cPlayer::GroupList & AllGroups = self->GetGroups();
lua_createtable(tolua_S, AllGroups.size(), 0);
int newTable = lua_gettop(tolua_S);
int index = 1;
cPlayer::GroupList::const_iterator iter = AllGroups.begin();
while(iter != AllGroups.end())
const cGroup* Group = *iter;
tolua_pushusertype( tolua_S, (void*)Group, "const cGroup" );
lua_rawseti(tolua_S, newTable, index);
return 1;
static int tolua_cPlayer_GetResolvedPermissions(lua_State* tolua_S)
cPlayer* self = (cPlayer*) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S,1,0);
cPlayer::StringList AllPermissions = self->GetResolvedPermissions();
lua_createtable(tolua_S, AllPermissions.size(), 0);
int newTable = lua_gettop(tolua_S);
int index = 1;
cPlayer::StringList::iterator iter = AllPermissions.begin();
while(iter != AllPermissions.end())
std::string& Permission = *iter;
tolua_pushstring( tolua_S, Permission.c_str() );
lua_rawseti(tolua_S, newTable, index);
return 1;
static int tolua_cPlayer_OpenWindow(lua_State * tolua_S)
// Function signature: cPlayer:OpenWindow(Window)
// Retrieve the plugin instance from the Lua state
cPluginLua * Plugin = GetLuaPlugin(tolua_S);
if (Plugin == NULL)
return 0;
// Get the parameters:
cPlayer * self = (cPlayer *)tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, NULL);
cWindow * wnd = (cWindow *)tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 2, NULL);
if ((self == NULL) || (wnd == NULL))
LOGWARNING("%s: invalid self (%p) or wnd (%p)", __FUNCTION__, self, wnd);
return 0;
// If cLuaWindow, add a reference, so that Lua won't delete the cLuaWindow object mid-processing
tolua_Error err;
if (tolua_isusertype(tolua_S, 2, "cLuaWindow", 0, &err))
cLuaWindow * LuaWnd = (cLuaWindow *)wnd;
// Only if not already referenced
if (!LuaWnd->IsLuaReferenced())
int LuaRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (LuaRef == LUA_REFNIL)
LOGWARNING("%s: Cannot create a window reference. Cannot open window \"%s\".",
__FUNCTION__, wnd->GetWindowTitle().c_str()
return 0;
LuaWnd->SetLuaRef(Plugin, LuaRef);
// Open the window
return 0;
template <
class OBJTYPE,
void (OBJTYPE::*SetCallback)(cPluginLua * a_Plugin, int a_FnRef)
static int tolua_SetObjectCallback(lua_State * tolua_S)
// Function signature: OBJTYPE:SetWhateverCallback(CallbackFunction)
// Retrieve the plugin instance from the Lua state
cPluginLua * Plugin = GetLuaPlugin(tolua_S);
if (Plugin == NULL)
// Warning message has already been printed by GetLuaPlugin(), bail out silently
return 0;
// Get the parameters - self and the function reference:
OBJTYPE * self = (OBJTYPE *)tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, NULL);
if (self == NULL)
LOGWARNING("%s: invalid self (%p)", __FUNCTION__, self);
return 0;
int FnRef = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // Store function reference for later retrieval
if (FnRef == LUA_REFNIL)
LOGERROR("%s: Cannot create a function reference. Callback not set.", __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
// Set the callback
(self->*SetCallback)(Plugin, FnRef);
return 0;
static int tolua_cPluginLua_AddWebTab(lua_State * tolua_S)
cPluginLua * self = (cPluginLua *)tolua_tousertype(tolua_S,1,0);
tolua_Error tolua_err;
tolua_err.array = 0;
tolua_err.index = 3;
tolua_err.type = "function";
std::string Title = "";
int Reference = LUA_REFNIL;
if (
tolua_isstring(tolua_S, 2, 0, &tolua_err ) &&
lua_isfunction(tolua_S, 3 )
Reference = luaL_ref(tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
Title = ((std::string) tolua_tocppstring(tolua_S,2,0));
return tolua_do_error(tolua_S, "#ferror calling function '#funcname#'", &tolua_err);
if( Reference != LUA_REFNIL )
if( !self->AddWebTab( Title.c_str(), tolua_S, Reference ) )
luaL_unref( tolua_S, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, Reference );
LOGERROR("ERROR: cPluginLua:AddWebTab invalid function reference in 2nd argument (Title: \"%s\")", Title.c_str() );
return 0;
static int tolua_cPluginLua_AddTab(lua_State* tolua_S)
cPluginLua * self = (cPluginLua *) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, 0);
LOGWARN("WARNING: Using deprecated function AddTab()! Use AddWebTab() instead. (plugin \"%s\" in folder \"%s\")",
self->GetName().c_str(), self->GetDirectory().c_str()
return tolua_cPluginLua_AddWebTab( tolua_S );
// Perhaps use this as well for copying tables https://github.com/keplerproject/rings/pull/1
static int copy_lua_values(lua_State * a_Source, lua_State * a_Destination, int i, int top)
for(; i <= top; ++i )
int t = lua_type(a_Source, i);
switch (t) {
case LUA_TSTRING: /* strings */
const char * s = lua_tostring(a_Source, i);
LOGD("%i push string: %s", i, s);
tolua_pushstring(a_Destination, s);
case LUA_TBOOLEAN: /* booleans */
int b = tolua_toboolean(a_Source, i, false);
LOGD("%i push bool: %i", i, b);
tolua_pushboolean(a_Destination, b );
case LUA_TNUMBER: /* numbers */
lua_Number d = tolua_tonumber(a_Source, i, 0);
LOGD("%i push number: %0.2f", i, d);
tolua_pushnumber(a_Destination, d );
const char * type = 0;
if (lua_getmetatable(a_Source,i))
lua_rawget(a_Source, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
type = lua_tostring(a_Source, -1);
lua_pop(a_Source, 1); // Pop.. something?! I don't knooow~~ T_T
// don't need tolua_tousertype we already have the type
void * ud = tolua_touserdata(a_Source, i, 0);
LOGD("%i push usertype: %p of type '%s'", i, ud, type);
if( type == 0 )
LOGERROR("Call(): Something went wrong when trying to get usertype name!");
return 0;
tolua_pushusertype(a_Destination, ud, type);
default: /* other values */
LOGERROR("Call(): Unsupported value: '%s'. Can only use numbers and strings!", lua_typename(a_Source, t));
return 0;
return 1;
static int tolua_cPlugin_Call(lua_State* tolua_S)
cPluginLua * self = (cPluginLua *) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, 0);
lua_State* targetState = self->GetLuaState();
int targetTop = lua_gettop(targetState);
int top = lua_gettop(tolua_S);
LOGD("total in stack: %i", top );
std::string funcName = tolua_tostring(tolua_S, 2, "");
LOGD("Func name: %s", funcName.c_str() );
lua_getglobal(targetState, funcName.c_str());
LOGWARN("Error could not find function '%s' in plugin '%s'", funcName.c_str(), self->GetName().c_str() );
return 0;
if( copy_lua_values(tolua_S, targetState, 3, top) == 0 ) // Start at 3 because 1 and 2 are the plugin and function name respectively
// something went wrong, exit
return 0;
int s = lua_pcall(targetState, top - 2, LUA_MULTRET, 0);
if (cLuaState::ReportErrors(targetState, s))
LOGWARN("Error while calling function '%s' in plugin '%s'", funcName.c_str(), self->GetName().c_str() );
return 0;
int nresults = lua_gettop(targetState) - targetTop;
LOGD("num results: %i", nresults);
int ttop = lua_gettop(targetState);
if( copy_lua_values(targetState, tolua_S, targetTop+1, ttop) == 0 ) // Start at targetTop+1 and I have no idea why xD
// something went wrong, exit
return 0;
lua_pop(targetState, nresults); // I have no idea what I'm doing, but it works
return nresults;
static int tolua_md5(lua_State* tolua_S)
std::string SourceString = tolua_tostring(tolua_S, 1, 0);
std::string CryptedString = md5( SourceString );
tolua_pushstring( tolua_S, CryptedString.c_str() );
return 1;
static int tolua_push_StringStringMap(lua_State* tolua_S, std::map< std::string, std::string >& a_StringStringMap )
int top = lua_gettop(tolua_S);
for( std::map< std::string, std::string >::iterator it = a_StringStringMap.begin(); it != a_StringStringMap.end(); ++it )
const char* key = it->first.c_str();
const char* value = it->second.c_str();
lua_pushstring(tolua_S, key);
lua_pushstring(tolua_S, value);
lua_settable(tolua_S, top);
return 1;
static int tolua_get_HTTPRequest_Params(lua_State* tolua_S)
HTTPRequest* self = (HTTPRequest*) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S,1,0);
return tolua_push_StringStringMap(tolua_S, self->Params);
static int tolua_get_HTTPRequest_PostParams(lua_State* tolua_S)
HTTPRequest* self = (HTTPRequest*) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S,1,0);
return tolua_push_StringStringMap(tolua_S, self->PostParams);
static int tolua_get_HTTPRequest_FormData(lua_State* tolua_S)
HTTPRequest* self = (HTTPRequest*) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S,1,0);
std::map< std::string, HTTPFormData >& FormData = self->FormData;
int top = lua_gettop(tolua_S);
for( std::map< std::string, HTTPFormData >::iterator it = FormData.begin(); it != FormData.end(); ++it )
lua_pushstring(tolua_S, it->first.c_str() );
tolua_pushusertype(tolua_S, &(it->second), "HTTPFormData" );
//lua_pushlstring(tolua_S, it->second.Value.c_str(), it->second.Value.size() ); // Might contain binary data
lua_settable(tolua_S, top);
return 1;
static int tolua_cWebAdmin_GetPlugins(lua_State * tolua_S)
cWebAdmin* self = (cWebAdmin*) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S,1,0);
const cWebAdmin::PluginList & AllPlugins = self->GetPlugins();
lua_createtable(tolua_S, AllPlugins.size(), 0);
int newTable = lua_gettop(tolua_S);
int index = 1;
cWebAdmin::PluginList::const_iterator iter = AllPlugins.begin();
while(iter != AllPlugins.end())
const cWebPlugin* Plugin = *iter;
tolua_pushusertype( tolua_S, (void*)Plugin, "const cWebPlugin" );
lua_rawseti(tolua_S, newTable, index);
return 1;
static int tolua_cWebPlugin_GetTabNames(lua_State * tolua_S)
cWebPlugin* self = (cWebPlugin*) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S,1,0);
const cWebPlugin::TabNameList & TabNames = self->GetTabNames();
int index = 1;
cWebPlugin::TabNameList::const_iterator iter = TabNames.begin();
while(iter != TabNames.end())
const AString & FancyName = iter->first;
const AString & WebName = iter->second;
tolua_pushstring( tolua_S, WebName.c_str() ); // Because the WebName is supposed to be unique, use it as key
tolua_pushstring( tolua_S, FancyName.c_str() );
lua_rawset(tolua_S, -3);
return 1;
static int tolua_cClientHandle_SendPluginMessage(lua_State * L)
cLuaState S(L);
if (
!S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cClientHandle") ||
!S.CheckParamString(2, 3) ||
return 0;
cClientHandle * Client = (cClientHandle *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, NULL);
if (Client == NULL)
LOGWARNING("ClientHandle is nil in cClientHandle:SendPluginMessage()");
return 0;
AString Channel, Message;
Channel.assign(lua_tostring(L, 2), lua_strlen(L, 2));
Message.assign(lua_tostring(L, 3), lua_strlen(L, 3));
Client->SendPluginMessage(Channel, Message);
return 0;
static int Lua_ItemGrid_GetSlotCoords(lua_State * L)
tolua_Error tolua_err;
if (
!tolua_isusertype(L, 1, "const cItemGrid", 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber (L, 2, 0, &tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnoobj (L, 3, &tolua_err)
goto tolua_lerror;
const cItemGrid * self = (const cItemGrid *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
int SlotNum = (int)tolua_tonumber(L, 2, 0);
if (self == NULL)
tolua_error(L, "invalid 'self' in function 'cItemGrid:GetSlotCoords'", NULL);
return 0;
int X, Y;
self->GetSlotCoords(SlotNum, X, Y);
tolua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)X);
tolua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)Y);
return 2;
tolua_error(L, "#ferror in function 'cItemGrid:GetSlotCoords'.", &tolua_err);
return 0;
/// Provides interface between a Lua table of callbacks and the cBlockTracer::cCallbacks
class cLuaBlockTracerCallbacks :
public cBlockTracer::cCallbacks
cLuaBlockTracerCallbacks(cLuaState & a_LuaState, int a_ParamNum) :
m_TableRef(a_LuaState, a_ParamNum)
virtual bool OnNextBlock(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, char a_EntryFace) override
bool res = false;
if (!m_LuaState.Call(
cLuaState::cTableRef(m_TableRef, "OnNextBlock"),
a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta, a_EntryFace,
cLuaState::Return, res
// No such function in the table, skip the callback
return false;
return res;
virtual bool OnNextBlockNoData(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_EntryFace) override
bool res = false;
if (!m_LuaState.Call(
cLuaState::cTableRef(m_TableRef, "OnNextBlockNoData"),
a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, a_EntryFace,
cLuaState::Return, res
// No such function in the table, skip the callback
return false;
return res;
virtual bool OnOutOfWorld(double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ) override
bool res = false;
if (!m_LuaState.Call(
cLuaState::cTableRef(m_TableRef, "OnOutOfWorld"),
a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ,
cLuaState::Return, res
// No such function in the table, skip the callback
return false;
return res;
virtual bool OnIntoWorld(double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ) override
bool res = false;
if (!m_LuaState.Call(
cLuaState::cTableRef(m_TableRef, "OnIntoWorld"),
a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ,
cLuaState::Return, res
// No such function in the table, skip the callback
return false;
return res;
virtual void OnNoMoreHits(void) override
m_LuaState.Call(cLuaState::cTableRef(m_TableRef, "OnNoMoreHits"));
virtual void OnNoChunk(void) override
m_LuaState.Call(cLuaState::cTableRef(m_TableRef, "OnNoChunk"));
cLuaState & m_LuaState;
cLuaState::cRef m_TableRef;
} ;
static int tolua_cLineBlockTracer_Trace(lua_State * tolua_S)
// cLineBlockTracer.Trace(World, Callbacks, StartX, StartY, StartZ, EndX, EndY, EndZ)
cLuaState L(tolua_S);
if (
!L.CheckParamUserType(1, "cWorld") ||
!L.CheckParamTable (2) ||
!L.CheckParamNumber (3, 8) ||
!L.CheckParamEnd (9)
return 0;
cWorld * World = (cWorld *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, NULL);
cLuaBlockTracerCallbacks Callbacks(L, 2);
double StartX = tolua_tonumber(L, 3, 0);
double StartY = tolua_tonumber(L, 4, 0);
double StartZ = tolua_tonumber(L, 5, 0);
double EndX = tolua_tonumber(L, 6, 0);
double EndY = tolua_tonumber(L, 7, 0);
double EndZ = tolua_tonumber(L, 8, 0);
bool res = cLineBlockTracer::Trace(*World, Callbacks, StartX, StartY, StartZ, EndX, EndY, EndZ);
tolua_pushboolean(L, res ? 1 : 0);
return 1;
static int tolua_cRoot_GetFurnaceRecipe(lua_State * tolua_S)
cLuaState L(tolua_S);
if (
!L.CheckParamUserTable(1, "cRoot") ||
!L.CheckParamUserType (2, "const cItem") ||
!L.CheckParamEnd (3)
return 0;
// Check the input param:
cItem * Input = (cItem *)tolua_tousertype(L, 2, NULL);
if (Input == NULL)
LOGWARNING("cRoot:GetFurnaceRecipe: the Input parameter is nil or missing.");
return 0;
// Get the recipe for the input
cFurnaceRecipe * FR = cRoot::Get()->GetFurnaceRecipe();
const cFurnaceRecipe::Recipe * Recipe = FR->GetRecipeFrom(*Input);
if (Recipe == NULL)
// There is no such furnace recipe for this input, return no value
return 0;
// Push the output, number of ticks and input as the three return values:
tolua_pushusertype(L, Recipe->Out, "const cItem");
tolua_pushnumber (L, (lua_Number)(Recipe->CookTime));
tolua_pushusertype(L, Recipe->In, "const cItem");
return 3;
static int tolua_cHopperEntity_GetOutputBlockPos(lua_State * tolua_S)
// function cHopperEntity::GetOutputBlockPos()
// Exported manually because tolua would require meaningless params
cLuaState L(tolua_S);
if (
!L.CheckParamUserType(1, "cHopperEntity") ||
!L.CheckParamNumber (2) ||
!L.CheckParamEnd (3)
return 0;
cHopperEntity * self = (cHopperEntity *)tolua_tousertype(tolua_S, 1, 0);
if (self == NULL)
tolua_error(tolua_S, "invalid 'self' in function 'cHopperEntity::GetOutputBlockPos()'", NULL);
return 0;
NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta = ((NIBBLETYPE)tolua_tonumber(tolua_S, 2, 0));
int a_OutputX, a_OutputY, a_OutputZ;
bool res = self->GetOutputBlockPos(a_BlockMeta, a_OutputX, a_OutputY, a_OutputZ);
tolua_pushboolean(tolua_S, res);
if (res)
tolua_pushnumber(tolua_S, (lua_Number)a_OutputX);
tolua_pushnumber(tolua_S, (lua_Number)a_OutputY);
tolua_pushnumber(tolua_S, (lua_Number)a_OutputZ);
return 4;
return 1;
void ManualBindings::Bind(lua_State * tolua_S)
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, NULL);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "StringSplit", tolua_StringSplit);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "StringSplitAndTrim", tolua_StringSplitAndTrim);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "LOG", tolua_LOG);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "LOGINFO", tolua_LOGINFO);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "LOGWARN", tolua_LOGWARN);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "LOGWARNING", tolua_LOGWARN);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "LOGERROR", tolua_LOGERROR);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cFile");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetFolderContents", tolua_cFile_GetFolderContents);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cHopperEntity");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetOutputBlockPos", tolua_cHopperEntity_GetOutputBlockPos);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cLineBlockTracer");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "Trace", tolua_cLineBlockTracer_Trace);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cRoot");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "FindAndDoWithPlayer", tolua_DoWith <cRoot, cPlayer, &cRoot::FindAndDoWithPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachPlayer", tolua_ForEach<cRoot, cPlayer, &cRoot::ForEachPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachWorld", tolua_ForEach<cRoot, cWorld, &cRoot::ForEachWorld>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetFurnaceRecipe", tolua_cRoot_GetFurnaceRecipe);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cWorld");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithBlockEntityAt", tolua_DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cBlockEntity, &cWorld::DoWithBlockEntityAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithChestAt", tolua_DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cChestEntity, &cWorld::DoWithChestAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithDispenserAt", tolua_DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cDispenserEntity, &cWorld::DoWithDispenserAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithDropSpenserAt", tolua_DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cDropSpenserEntity, &cWorld::DoWithDropSpenserAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithDropperAt", tolua_DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cDropperEntity, &cWorld::DoWithDropperAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithEntityByID", tolua_DoWithID< cWorld, cEntity, &cWorld::DoWithEntityByID>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithFurnaceAt", tolua_DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cFurnaceEntity, &cWorld::DoWithFurnaceAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithNoteBlockAt", tolua_DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cNoteEntity, &cWorld::DoWithNoteBlockAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithPlayer", tolua_DoWith< cWorld, cPlayer, &cWorld::DoWithPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "FindAndDoWithPlayer", tolua_DoWith< cWorld, cPlayer, &cWorld::FindAndDoWithPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachBlockEntityInChunk", tolua_ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cBlockEntity, &cWorld::ForEachBlockEntityInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachChestInChunk", tolua_ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cChestEntity, &cWorld::ForEachChestInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachEntity", tolua_ForEach< cWorld, cEntity, &cWorld::ForEachEntity>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachEntityInChunk", tolua_ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cEntity, &cWorld::ForEachEntityInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachFurnaceInChunk", tolua_ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cFurnaceEntity, &cWorld::ForEachFurnaceInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachPlayer", tolua_ForEach< cWorld, cPlayer, &cWorld::ForEachPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetBlockInfo", tolua_cWorld_GetBlockInfo);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetBlockTypeMeta", tolua_cWorld_GetBlockTypeMeta);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetSignLines", tolua_cWorld_GetSignLines);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "QueueTask", tolua_cWorld_QueueTask);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "SetSignLines", tolua_cWorld_SetSignLines);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "TryGetHeight", tolua_cWorld_TryGetHeight);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "UpdateSign", tolua_cWorld_SetSignLines);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cPlugin");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "Call", tolua_cPlugin_Call);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cPluginManager");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "AddHook", tolua_cPluginManager_AddHook);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "BindCommand", tolua_cPluginManager_BindCommand);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "BindConsoleCommand", tolua_cPluginManager_BindConsoleCommand);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachCommand", tolua_cPluginManager_ForEachCommand);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachConsoleCommand", tolua_cPluginManager_ForEachConsoleCommand);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetAllPlugins", tolua_cPluginManager_GetAllPlugins);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetCurrentPlugin", tolua_cPluginManager_GetCurrentPlugin);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cPlayer");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetGroups", tolua_cPlayer_GetGroups);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetResolvedPermissions", tolua_cPlayer_GetResolvedPermissions);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "OpenWindow", tolua_cPlayer_OpenWindow);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cLuaWindow");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "SetOnClosing", tolua_SetObjectCallback<cLuaWindow, &cLuaWindow::SetOnClosing>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "SetOnSlotChanged", tolua_SetObjectCallback<cLuaWindow, &cLuaWindow::SetOnSlotChanged>);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cPluginLua");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "AddTab", tolua_cPluginLua_AddTab);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "AddWebTab", tolua_cPluginLua_AddWebTab);
// tolua_variable(tolua_S,"Method",tolua_get_HTTPRequest_Method,tolua_set_HTTPRequest_Method);
// tolua_variable(tolua_S,"Path",tolua_get_HTTPRequest_Path,tolua_set_HTTPRequest_Path);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cWebAdmin");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetPlugins", tolua_cWebAdmin_GetPlugins);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cWebPlugin");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetTabNames", tolua_cWebPlugin_GetTabNames);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cClientHandle");
tolua_constant(tolua_S, "MAX_VIEW_DISTANCE", cClientHandle::MAX_VIEW_DISTANCE);
tolua_constant(tolua_S, "MIN_VIEW_DISTANCE", cClientHandle::MIN_VIEW_DISTANCE);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "SendPluginMessage", tolua_cClientHandle_SendPluginMessage);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cItemGrid");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetSlotCoords", Lua_ItemGrid_GetSlotCoords);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "md5", tolua_md5);