12xx12 36a67df105
Ender Crytal Fix and report proper cmake file for luabindingscheck fail (#5017)
* fixed network
fixed explosion
fixed ticking

added network broadcast to Setter method

added nullptr protection

using macros in 1.10 Protocol_1_10.cpp

revealed functions to LUA API

small fixups, typos, less functions used

fixed more doc

readded info that saving is done only if the beam is displayed

made the constructor transfer all needed members

fixed wrong commit

removed default parameters on SpawnEnderCrystal

fixed wrong metadata

moved call to destroy in the right place

fixed some typos

Fixed Ender Crystal

* fixed documentation

* fixed doc and added proper error message

* Parameters, arrows

* Parameters

Co-authored-by: 12xx12 <12xx12100@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Tiger Wang <ziwei.tiger@outlook.com>
2020-11-06 15:00:59 +00:00

142 lines
3.7 KiB

// AllToLua.pkg
// Defines the bindings that are exported to Lua by the ToLua processor
Each file referenced in the $cfile is parsed by ToLua, and bindings are generated for classes and functions
marked with "// tolua_export", or between the "// tolua_begin" and "// tolua_end" markers.
Note that if class D inherits from class B, then class B needs to be parsed before class D, otherwise the
inheritance doesn't work properly (#1789).
$#include "../Globals.h"
// Typedefs from Globals.h, so that we don't have to process that file:
typedef signed long long Int64;
typedef signed int Int32;
typedef signed short Int16;
typedef signed char Int8;
typedef unsigned long long UInt64;
typedef unsigned int UInt32;
typedef unsigned short UInt16;
typedef unsigned char UInt8;
$cfile "../Vector3.h"
$cfile "../ChunkDef.h"
$cfile "../BiomeDef.h"
$cfile "../IniFile.h"
$cfile "../OSSupport/File.h"
$cfile "LuaFunctions.h"
$cfile "PluginManager.h"
$cfile "Plugin.h"
$cfile "PluginLua.h"
$cfile "LuaWindow.h"
$cfile "../BlockType.h"
$cfile "../BlockInfo.h"
$cfile "../StringUtils.h"
$cfile "../Defines.h"
$cfile "../ChatColor.h"
$cfile "../ClientHandle.h"
$cfile "../Color.h"
$cfile "../EffectID.h"
$cfile "../Server.h"
$cfile "../World.h"
$cfile "../Inventory.h"
$cfile "../Enchantments.h"
$cfile "../Item.h"
$cfile "../ItemGrid.h"
$cfile "../WebAdmin.h"
$cfile "../Root.h"
$cfile "../Cuboid.h"
$cfile "../BoundingBox.h"
$cfile "../BlockArea.h"
$cfile "../Generating/ChunkDesc.h"
$cfile "../CraftingRecipes.h"
$cfile "../UI/Window.h"
$cfile "../CompositeChat.h"
$cfile "../Map.h"
$cfile "../MapManager.h"
$cfile "../Scoreboard.h"
$cfile "../Statistics.h"
$cfile "../Protocol/MojangAPI.h"
$cfile "../UUID.h"
// Entities:
$cfile "../Entities/Entity.h"
$cfile "../Entities/EnderCrystal.h"
$cfile "../Entities/Boat.h"
$cfile "../Entities/Pawn.h"
$cfile "../Entities/ProjectileEntity.h"
$cfile "../Entities/ArrowEntity.h"
$cfile "../Entities/EntityEffect.h"
$cfile "../Entities/ExpBottleEntity.h"
$cfile "../Entities/ExpOrb.h"
$cfile "../Entities/FallingBlock.h"
$cfile "../Entities/FireChargeEntity.h"
$cfile "../Entities/FireworkEntity.h"
$cfile "../Entities/Floater.h"
$cfile "../Entities/GhastFireballEntity.h"
$cfile "../Entities/HangingEntity.h"
$cfile "../Entities/ItemFrame.h"
$cfile "../Entities/LeashKnot.h"
$cfile "../Entities/Player.h"
$cfile "../Entities/Painting.h"
$cfile "../Entities/Pickup.h"
$cfile "../Entities/SplashPotionEntity.h"
$cfile "../Entities/ThrownEggEntity.h"
$cfile "../Entities/ThrownEnderPearlEntity.h"
$cfile "../Entities/ThrownSnowballEntity.h"
$cfile "../Entities/TNTEntity.h"
$cfile "../Entities/WitherSkullEntity.h"
$cfile "../Mobs/MonsterTypes.h"
$cfile "../Mobs/Monster.h"
// Block entities:
$cfile "../BlockEntities/BlockEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/BeaconEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/BedEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/BlockEntityWithItems.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/BrewingstandEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/ChestEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/CommandBlockEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/DropSpenserEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/DispenserEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/DropperEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/FurnaceEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/HopperEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/JukeboxEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/NoteEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/SignEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/MobHeadEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/MobSpawnerEntity.h"
$cfile "../BlockEntities/FlowerPotEntity.h"
// To avoid tolua treating Byte as a class, and avoid the need to $cfile entire Globals.h:
typedef unsigned char Byte;
// Aliases
$renaming Vector3<double> @ Vector3d
$renaming Vector3<float> @ Vector3f
$renaming Vector3<int> @ Vector3i