faketruth 8285a11a26 It's a Squirrel!!
In SquirrelBindings.h use #define USE_SQUIRREL 1 to enable squirrel

git-svn-id: http://mc-server.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@76 0a769ca7-a7f5-676a-18bf-c427514a06d6
2011-11-08 01:25:01 +00:00

194 lines
5.3 KiB

// Conversion routines between different character encodings, to be used in
// Push/Get/Match handlers of SqPlus. It enables using both of char* and
// wchar_t* as function arguments.
// When converting from wchar_t to char, the choice is between using a Latin1
// or a UTF8 representation in 8-bit mode. This is probably most useful if
// Squirrel is compiled in ANSI mode and the app uses some wchar_t strings
// (UNICODE mode on Win32).
// A char is either
// - A Latin1 character (first code page, coincides with Unicode points 0..255)
// - Part of an UTF8 character
// Note: SQUTF8 requires Squirrel sources that have been patched for UTF8 strings
// internally (when converting function arguments).
#ifndef SQUTF8
// Default to Latin1 conversion
// Using Squirrel with internal UTF8 string encoding
// The various ol_... functions sets up for a conversion scheme
// that can be used in both wchar_t => char and char => wchar_t.
int ol_strlen(const wchar_t* pwc);
int ol_buflen(const wchar_t* pwc);
int ol_charlen(const wchar_t* pwc);
int ol_char(const wchar_t* pwc);
bool ol_writechar(wchar_t*& pwc, int ch);
int ol_strlen(const char* pc);
int ol_buflen(const char* pc);
int ol_charlen(const char* pc);
int ol_char(const char* pc);
bool ol_writechar(char*& pc, int ch);
// SQChar is wchar_t, convert to/from either Latin1 or UTF8
typedef char SQOtherChar;
// SQChar is char, convert to/from wchar_t
typedef wchar_t SQOtherChar;
// Buffer to hold a string and release it in destructor.
// SQT is input character type
// SQOT is the opposite type of SQChar
// If 'try_borrow' is set, it will not allocate a new buffer when no
// conversion is done, it will just keep the input pointer (beware).
template<class SQT, class SQOT, bool use_latin1>
struct SQCharBufImpl {
// Allocate a buffer from string of same type
SQCharBufImpl(const SQT *poc=NULL, bool try_borrow=true ) : m_poc(0), m_own(false) {
Init( poc, try_borrow );
// This does conversion from other char type
SQCharBufImpl(const SQOT *ps, bool try_borrow=false ) : m_poc(0), m_own(false) {
Init( ps ); // Cannot borrow pointer when doing conversion
void Init( const SQT *poc, bool try_borrow ){
m_own = !try_borrow;
if( try_borrow ){
m_poc = (SQT*)poc;
else {
int sl = poc ? ol_buflen(poc) : 0;
if( poc ){
m_poc = poc ? new SQT[sl+1] : NULL;
if( m_poc ) memcpy( m_poc, poc, (sl+1)*sizeof(SQT) );
m_poc = NULL;
void Init( const SQOT *ps ){
m_own = true;
if( ps ){
int sl = ps ? ol_strlen(ps) : 0; // Length of string in characters (not bytes)
int scl = 0; // Length of converted string in char/wchar_t count
// How much storage needed?
if( !use_latin1 && sizeof(SQT)<sizeof(SQOT) ){
// Converting wchar_t => UTF8
const SQOT *ps1 = ps; // It is wchar_t* here
SQT tmp_buf[8];
SQT *ptmp;
while( *ps1 ){
ptmp = tmp_buf;
if( ol_writechar(ptmp,*ps1++) )
scl += ol_charlen(tmp_buf);
else scl = sl; // Converting to wchar_t or Latin1, keep length
m_poc = new SQT[scl+1];
if( !m_poc ) return;
// Convert
SQT *poc = m_poc;
while( *ps ){
ol_writechar( poc, ol_char(ps) );
ps += ol_charlen(ps);
*poc = 0; // Terminating zero
m_poc = NULL;
~SQCharBufImpl(){ Release(); }
void Release( ){
if(m_poc && m_own )
delete [] m_poc;
m_poc = NULL;
SQT* Set( const SQOT *ps ){
Release( );
Init( ps );
return m_poc;
operator SQT*() const { return m_poc; }
SQCharBufImpl<SQT,SQOT,use_latin1>& operator = (const SQT *ps){
Init( ps, false );
return *this;
SQCharBufImpl<SQT,SQOT,use_latin1>& operator = (const SQOT *ps){
Init( ps );
return *this;
// Move string from other here - Note: Empties the input argument (other)
SQCharBufImpl<SQT,SQOT,use_latin1>& operator = (const SQCharBufImpl<SQT,SQOT,use_latin1>& other){
m_poc = other.m_poc;
m_own = other.m_own;
SQT **psqt = (SQT**)&other.m_poc;
*psqt = NULL;
return *this;
SQT *m_poc;
bool m_own;
typedef SQCharBufImpl<SQOtherChar, SQChar, bool(SQPLUS_USE_LATIN1)> SQOthCharBuf;
typedef SQCharBufImpl<SQChar, SQOtherChar, bool(SQPLUS_USE_LATIN1)> SQDefCharBuf;
typedef SQCharBufImpl<wchar_t, char, bool(SQPLUS_USE_LATIN1)> SQWCharBuf;
typedef SQCharBufImpl<char, wchar_t, bool(SQPLUS_USE_LATIN1)> SQACharBuf;
// SQChar is wchar_t, convert to/from to either Latin1 or UTF8
#define WC2SQ(s) s
#define SQ2WC(s) s
SQDefCharBuf CH2SQ( const char* ps );
SQOthCharBuf SQ2CH( const wchar_t* pws );
// SQChar is char, convert to/from wchar_t
SQDefCharBuf WC2SQ( const wchar_t* pws );
SQOthCharBuf SQ2WC( const char* pws );
#define CH2SQ(s) s
#define SQ2CH(s) s