madmaxoft 1587b21edd Renamed cPublicKey to cCryptoKey.
The class can hold both the private key and the public key, bad naming on PolarSSL's part.
Also somewhat fixed the cert and key loading in cHTTPServer.
2014-05-01 15:21:41 +02:00

64 lines
1.3 KiB

// CtrDrbgContext.h
// Declares the cCtrDrbgContext class representing a wrapper over CTR-DRBG implementation in PolarSSL
#pragma once
#include "polarssl/ctr_drbg.h"
// fwd: EntropyContext.h
class cEntropyContext;
class cCtrDrbgContext
friend class cSslContext;
friend class cRsaPrivateKey;
friend class cCryptoKey;
/** Constructs the context with a new entropy context. */
/** Constructs the context with the specified entropy context. */
cCtrDrbgContext(const SharedPtr<cEntropyContext> & a_EntropyContext);
/** Initializes the context.
a_Custom is optional additional data to use for entropy, nullptr is accepted.
Returns 0 if successful, PolarSSL error code on failure. */
int Initialize(const void * a_Custom, size_t a_CustomSize);
/** Returns true if the object is valid (has been initialized properly) */
bool IsValid(void) const { return m_IsValid; }
/** The entropy source used for generating the random */
SharedPtr<cEntropyContext> m_EntropyContext;
/** The random generator context */
ctr_drbg_context m_CtrDrbg;
/** Set to true if the object is valid (has been initialized properly) */
bool m_IsValid;
/** Returns the internal context ptr. Only use in PolarSSL API calls. */
ctr_drbg_context * GetInternal(void) { return &m_CtrDrbg; }
} ;