peterbell10 ab350d1e43
cItemGrid: Allocate storage lazily (#4083)
* cItemGrid: Allocate storage lazily
* cItemGrid: Fix spelling, Prioritary -> Priority
2018-01-21 18:45:13 +00:00

135 lines
3.2 KiB

#pragma once
/** A dynamic array that defers allocation to the first modifying access.
Const references from the array before allocation will all be to the same default constructed value.
It is therefore important that default constructed values are indistinguishable from each other. */
template <typename T>
class cLazyArray
static_assert((!std::is_reference<T>::value && !std::is_array<T>::value),
"cLazyArray<T>: T must be a value type");
"cLazyArray<T>: T must be default constructible");
using value_type = T;
using pointer = T *;
using const_pointer = const T *;
using reference = T &;
using const_reference = const T &;
using size_type = int;
using iterator = pointer;
using const_iterator = const_pointer;
cLazyArray(size_type a_Size) NOEXCEPT:
m_Size{ a_Size }
ASSERT(a_Size > 0);
cLazyArray(const cLazyArray & a_Other):
m_Size{ a_Other.m_Size }
if (a_Other.IsStorageAllocated())
// Note that begin() will allocate the array to copy into
std::copy(a_Other.begin(), a_Other.end(), begin());
cLazyArray(cLazyArray && a_Other) NOEXCEPT:
m_Array{ std::move(a_Other.m_Array) },
m_Size{ a_Other.m_Size }
cLazyArray & operator = (const cLazyArray & a_Other)
return *this;
cLazyArray & operator = (cLazyArray && a_Other) NOEXCEPT
m_Array = std::move(a_Other.m_Array);
m_Size = a_Other.m_Size;
return *this;
T & operator [] (size_type a_Idx)
ASSERT((0 <= a_Idx) && (a_Idx < m_Size));
return data()[a_Idx];
const T & operator [] (size_type a_Idx) const
return GetAt(a_Idx);
// STL style interface
const_iterator cbegin() const { return data(); }
iterator begin() { return data(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return cbegin(); }
const_iterator cend() const { return data() + m_Size; }
iterator end() { return data() + m_Size; }
const_iterator end() const { return cend(); }
size_type size() const NOEXCEPT { return m_Size; }
const T * data() const
if (m_Array == nullptr)
m_Array.reset(new T[m_Size]);
return m_Array.get();
T * data()
static_assert(!std::is_const<typename decltype(m_Array)::element_type>::value, "");
const cLazyArray * const_this = this;
return const_cast<T *>(const_this->data());
void swap(cLazyArray & a_Other) NOEXCEPT
std::swap(m_Array, a_Other.m_Array);
std::swap(m_Size, a_Other.m_Size);
friend void swap(cLazyArray & a_Lhs, cLazyArray & a_Rhs) NOEXCEPT
// Extra functions to help avoid allocation
/** A const view of an element of the array. Never causes the array to allocate. */
const T & GetAt(size_type a_Idx) const
ASSERT((0 <= a_Idx) && (a_Idx < m_Size));
if (IsStorageAllocated())
return data()[a_Idx];
static const T DefaultValue;
return DefaultValue;
/** Returns true if the array has already been allocated. */
bool IsStorageAllocated() const NOEXCEPT { return (m_Array != nullptr); }
// Mutable so const data() can allocate the array
mutable std::unique_ptr<T[]> m_Array;
size_type m_Size;