madmaxoft fab726282c HTTP connections aren't kept alive unless explicitly enabled.
Only the client can decide that the connection can be kept alive, we must close the socket if the client doesn't indicate keepalive support.
This will provide a fix for #390 when #560 is fixed; until then the issue remains, just it's no longer HTTPServer's fault.
2014-01-18 20:20:56 +01:00

175 lines
4.6 KiB

// HTTPMessage.h
// Declares the cHTTPMessage class representing the common ancestor for HTTP request and response classes
#pragma once
#include "EnvelopeParser.h"
class cHTTPMessage
HTTP_OK = 200,
} ;
enum eKind
} ;
cHTTPMessage(eKind a_Kind);
// Force a virtual destructor in all descendants
virtual ~cHTTPMessage() {};
/** Adds a header into the internal map of headers. Recognizes special headers: Content-Type and Content-Length */
void AddHeader(const AString & a_Key, const AString & a_Value);
void SetContentType (const AString & a_ContentType) { m_ContentType = a_ContentType; }
void SetContentLength(int a_ContentLength) { m_ContentLength = a_ContentLength; }
const AString & GetContentType (void) const { return m_ContentType; }
int GetContentLength(void) const { return m_ContentLength; }
typedef std::map<AString, AString> cNameValueMap;
eKind m_Kind;
cNameValueMap m_Headers;
/** Type of the content; parsed by AddHeader(), set directly by SetContentLength() */
AString m_ContentType;
/** Length of the content that is to be received. -1 when the object is created, parsed by AddHeader() or set directly by SetContentLength() */
int m_ContentLength;
} ;
class cHTTPRequest :
public cHTTPMessage,
protected cEnvelopeParser::cCallbacks
typedef cHTTPMessage super;
/** Parses the request line and then headers from the received data.
Returns the number of bytes consumed or a negative number for error
int ParseHeaders(const char * a_Data, int a_Size);
/** Returns true if the request did contain a Content-Length header */
bool HasReceivedContentLength(void) const { return (m_ContentLength >= 0); }
/** Returns the method used in the request */
const AString & GetMethod(void) const { return m_Method; }
/** Returns the URL used in the request */
const AString & GetURL(void) const { return m_URL; }
/** Returns the URL used in the request, without any parameters */
AString GetBareURL(void) const;
/** Sets the UserData pointer that is stored within this request.
The request doesn't touch this data (doesn't delete it)! */
void SetUserData(void * a_UserData) { m_UserData = a_UserData; }
/** Retrieves the UserData pointer that has been stored within this request. */
void * GetUserData(void) const { return m_UserData; }
/** Returns true if more data is expected for the request headers */
bool IsInHeaders(void) const { return m_EnvelopeParser.IsInHeaders(); }
/** Returns true if the request did present auth data that was understood by the parser */
bool HasAuth(void) const { return m_HasAuth; }
/** Returns the username that the request presented. Only valid if HasAuth() is true */
const AString & GetAuthUsername(void) const { return m_AuthUsername; }
/** Returns the password that the request presented. Only valid if HasAuth() is true */
const AString & GetAuthPassword(void) const { return m_AuthPassword; }
bool DoesAllowKeepAlive(void) const { return m_AllowKeepAlive; }
/** Parser for the envelope data */
cEnvelopeParser m_EnvelopeParser;
/** True if the data received so far is parsed successfully. When false, all further parsing is skipped */
bool m_IsValid;
/** Bufferred incoming data, while parsing for the request line */
AString m_IncomingHeaderData;
/** Method of the request (GET / PUT / POST / ...) */
AString m_Method;
/** Full URL of the request */
AString m_URL;
/** Data that the HTTPServer callbacks are allowed to store. */
void * m_UserData;
/** Set to true if the request contains auth data that was understood by the parser */
bool m_HasAuth;
/** The username used for auth */
AString m_AuthUsername;
/** The password used for auth */
AString m_AuthPassword;
/** Set to true if the request indicated that it supports keepalives.
If false, the server will close the connection once the request is finished */
bool m_AllowKeepAlive;
/** Parses the incoming data for the first line (RequestLine)
Returns the number of bytes consumed, or -1 for an error
int ParseRequestLine(const char * a_Data, int a_Size);
// cEnvelopeParser::cCallbacks overrides:
virtual void OnHeaderLine(const AString & a_Key, const AString & a_Value) override;
} ;
class cHTTPResponse :
public cHTTPMessage
typedef cHTTPMessage super;
/** Appends the response to the specified datastream - response line and headers.
The body will be sent later directly through cConnection::Send()
void AppendToData(AString & a_DataStream) const;
} ;