madmaxoft 1587b21edd Renamed cPublicKey to cCryptoKey.
The class can hold both the private key and the public key, bad naming on PolarSSL's part.
Also somewhat fixed the cert and key loading in cHTTPServer.
2014-05-01 15:21:41 +02:00

77 lines
2.3 KiB

// CryptoKey.h
// Declares the cCryptoKey class representing a RSA public key in PolarSSL
#pragma once
#include "CtrDrbgContext.h"
#include "polarssl/pk.h"
class cCryptoKey
friend class cSslContext;
/** Constructs an empty key instance. Before use, it needs to be filled by ParsePublic() or ParsePrivate() */
/** Constructs the public key out of the DER- or PEM-encoded pubkey data */
cCryptoKey(const AString & a_PublicKeyData);
/** Constructs the private key out of the DER- or PEM-encoded privkey data, with the specified password.
If a_Password is empty, no password is assumed. */
cCryptoKey(const AString & a_PrivateKeyData, const AString & a_Password);
/** Decrypts the data using the stored public key
Both a_EncryptedData and a_DecryptedData must be at least <KeySizeBytes> bytes large.
Returns the number of bytes decrypted, or negative number for error. */
int Decrypt(const Byte * a_EncryptedData, size_t a_EncryptedLength, Byte * a_DecryptedData, size_t a_DecryptedMaxLength);
/** Encrypts the data using the stored public key
Both a_EncryptedData and a_DecryptedData must be at least <KeySizeBytes> bytes large.
Returns the number of bytes decrypted, or negative number for error. */
int Encrypt(const Byte * a_PlainData, size_t a_PlainLength, Byte * a_EncryptedData, size_t a_EncryptedMaxLength);
/** Parses the specified data into a public key representation.
The key can be DER- or PEM-encoded.
Returns 0 on success, PolarSSL error code on failure. */
int ParsePublic(const void * a_Data, size_t a_NumBytes);
/** Parses the specified data into a private key representation.
If a_Password is empty, no password is assumed.
The key can be DER- or PEM-encoded.
Returns 0 on success, PolarSSL error code on failure. */
int ParsePrivate(const void * a_Data, size_t a_NumBytes, const AString & a_Password);
/** Returns true if the contained key is valid. */
bool IsValid(void) const;
/** The PolarSSL representation of the key data */
pk_context m_Pk;
/** The random generator used in encryption and decryption */
cCtrDrbgContext m_CtrDrbg;
/** Returns the internal context ptr. Only use in PolarSSL API calls. */
pk_context * GetInternal(void) { return &m_Pk; }
} ;
typedef SharedPtr<cCryptoKey> cCryptoKeyPtr;