madmaxoft 1587b21edd Renamed cPublicKey to cCryptoKey.
The class can hold both the private key and the public key, bad naming on PolarSSL's part.
Also somewhat fixed the cert and key loading in cHTTPServer.
2014-05-01 15:21:41 +02:00

108 lines
2.2 KiB

// SslHTTPConnection.cpp
// Implements the cSslHTTPConnection class representing a HTTP connection made over a SSL link
#include "Globals.h"
#include "SslHTTPConnection.h"
#include "HTTPServer.h"
cSslHTTPConnection::cSslHTTPConnection(cHTTPServer & a_HTTPServer, const cX509CertPtr & a_Cert, const cCryptoKeyPtr & a_PrivateKey) :
m_Ssl.SetOwnCert(a_Cert, a_PrivateKey);
bool cSslHTTPConnection::DataReceived(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size)
// If there is outgoing data in the queue, notify the server that it should write it out:
if (!m_OutgoingData.empty())
// Process the received data:
const char * Data = a_Data;
size_t Size = a_Size;
for (;;)
// Try to write as many bytes into Ssl's "incoming" buffer as possible:
size_t BytesWritten = 0;
if (Size > 0)
BytesWritten = m_Ssl.WriteIncoming(Data, Size);
Data += BytesWritten;
Size -= BytesWritten;
// Try to read as many bytes from SSL's decryption as possible:
char Buffer[32000];
int NumRead = m_Ssl.ReadPlain(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer));
if (NumRead > 0)
if (super::DataReceived(Buffer, (size_t)NumRead))
// The socket has been closed, and the object is already deleted. Bail out.
return true;
// If both failed, bail out:
if ((BytesWritten == 0) && (NumRead <= 0))
return false;
void cSslHTTPConnection::GetOutgoingData(AString & a_Data)
for (;;)
// Write as many bytes from our buffer to SSL's encryption as possible:
int NumWritten = 0;
if (!m_OutgoingData.empty())
NumWritten = m_Ssl.WritePlain(m_OutgoingData.data(), m_OutgoingData.size());
if (NumWritten > 0)
m_OutgoingData.erase(0, (size_t)NumWritten);
// Read as many bytes from SSL's "outgoing" buffer as possible:
char Buffer[32000];
size_t NumBytes = m_Ssl.ReadOutgoing(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer));
if (NumBytes > 0)
a_Data.append(Buffer, NumBytes);
// If both failed, bail out:
if ((NumWritten <= 0) && (NumBytes == 0))