Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into redstonefixes

This commit is contained in:
Tiger Wang 2013-11-24 14:55:08 +00:00
commit f95064a85c
89 changed files with 4200 additions and 2162 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
cBlockEntity =
Desc = [[
Block entities are simply blocks in the world that have persistent data, such as the text for a sign
or contents of a chest. All block entities are also saved in the chunk data of the chunk they reside in.
The cBlockEntity class acts as a common ancestor for all the individual block entities.
Functions =
GetBlockType = { Params = "", Return = "BLOCKTYPE", Notes = "Returns the blocktype which is represented by this blockentity. This is the primary means of type-identification" },
GetChunkX = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the chunk X-coord of the block entity's chunk" },
GetChunkZ = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the chunk Z-coord of the block entity's chunk" },
GetPosX = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the block X-coord of the block entity's block" },
GetPosY = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the block Y-coord of the block entity's block" },
GetPosZ = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the block Z-coord of the block entity's block" },
GetRelX = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the relative X coord of the block entity's block within the chunk" },
GetRelZ = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the relative Z coord of the block entity's block within the chunk" },
GetWorld = { Params = "", Return = "{{cWorld|cWorld}}", Notes = "Returns the world to which the block entity belongs" },
cBlockEntityWithItems =
Desc = [[
This class is a common ancestor for all {{cBlockEntity|block entities}} that provide item storage.
Internally, the object has a {{cItemGrid|cItemGrid}} object for storing the items; this ItemGrid is
accessible through the API. The storage is a grid of items, items in it can be addressed either by a slot
number, or by XY coords within the grid. If a UI window is opened for this block entity, the item storage
is monitored for changes and the changes are immediately sent to clients of the UI window.
Inherits = "cBlockEntity",
Functions =
GetContents = { Params = "", Return = "{{cItemGrid|cItemGrid}}", Notes = "Returns the cItemGrid object representing the items stored within this block entity" },
GetSlot =
{ Params = "SlotNum", Return = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Notes = "Returns the cItem for the specified slot number. Returns nil for invalid slot numbers" },
{ Params = "X, Y", Return = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Notes = "Returns the cItem for the specified slot coords. Returns nil for invalid slot coords" },
SetSlot =
{ Params = "SlotNum, {{cItem|cItem}}", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the cItem for the specified slot number. Ignored if invalid slot number" },
{ Params = "X, Y, {{cItem|cItem}}", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the cItem for the specified slot coords. Ignored if invalid slot coords" },
cChestEntity =
Desc = [[
A chest entity is a {{cBlockEntityWithItems|cBlockEntityWithItems}} descendant that represents a chest
in the world. Note that doublechests consist of two separate cChestEntity objects, they do not collaborate
in any way.</p>
To manipulate a chest already in the game, you need to use {{cWorld}}'s callback mechanism with
either DoWithChestAt() or ForEachChestInChunk() function. See the code example below
Inherits = "cBlockEntityWithItems",
Constants =
ContentsHeight = { Notes = "Height of the contents' {{cItemGrid|ItemGrid}}, as required by the parent class, {{cBlockEntityWithItems}}" },
ContentsWidth = { Notes = "Width of the contents' {{cItemGrid|ItemGrid}}, as required by the parent class, {{cBlockEntityWithItems}}" },
AdditionalInfo =
Header = "Code example",
Contents = [[
The following example code sets the top-left item of each chest in the same chunk as Player to
64 * diamond:
<pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
-- Player is a {{cPlayer}} object instance
local World = Player:GetWorld();
World:ForEachChestInChunk(Player:GetChunkX(), Player:GetChunkZ(),
function (ChestEntity)
ChestEntity:SetSlot(0, 0, cItem(E_ITEM_DIAMOND, 64));
}, -- AdditionalInfo
cDispenserEntity =
Desc = [[
This class represents a dispenser block entity in the world. Most of this block entity's
functionality is implemented in the {{cDropSpenserEntity|cDropSpenserEntity}} class that represents
the behavior common with a {{cDropperEntity|dropper}} entity.
Inherits = "cDropSpenserEntity",
cDropperEntity =
Desc = [[
This class represents a dropper block entity in the world. Most of this block entity's functionality
is implemented in the {{cDropSpenserEntity|cDropSpenserEntity}} class that represents the behavior
common with the {{cDispenserEntity|dispenser}} entity.</p>
An object of this class can be created from scratch when generating chunks ({{OnChunkGenerated|OnChunkGenerated}} and {{OnChunkGenerating|OnChunkGenerating}} hooks).
Inherits = "cDropSpenserEntity",
}, -- cDropperEntity
cDropSpenserEntity =
Desc = [[
This is a class that implements behavior common to both {{cDispenserEntity|dispensers}} and {{cDropperEntity|droppers}}.
Functions =
Activate = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the block entity to dropspense an item in the next tick" },
AddDropSpenserDir = { Params = "BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockMeta", Return = "BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ", Notes = "Adjusts the block coords to where the dropspenser items materialize" },
SetRedstonePower = { Params = "IsPowered", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the redstone status of the dropspenser. If the redstone power goes from off to on, the dropspenser will be activated" },
Constants =
ContentsWidth = { Notes = "Width (X) of the {{cItemGrid}} representing the contents" },
ContentsHeight = { Notes = "Height (Y) of the {{cItemGrid}} representing the contents" },
Inherits = "cBlockEntityWithItems";
}, -- cDropSpenserEntity
cFurnaceEntity =
Desc = [[
This class represents a furnace block entity in the world.</p>
See also {{cRoot}}'s GetFurnaceRecipe() and GetFurnaceFuelBurnTime() functions
Functions =
GetCookTimeLeft = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the time until the current item finishes cooking, in ticks" },
GetFuelBurnTimeLeft = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the time until the current fuel is depleted, in ticks" },
GetFuelSlot = { Params = "", Return = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Notes = "Returns the item in the fuel slot" },
GetInputSlot = { Params = "", Return = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Notes = "Returns the item in the input slot" },
GetOutputSlot = { Params = "", Return = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Notes = "Returns the item in the output slot" },
GetTimeCooked = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the time that the current item has been cooking, in ticks" },
HasFuelTimeLeft = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if there's time before the current fuel is depleted" },
SetFuelSlot = { Params = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the item in the fuel slot" },
SetInputSlot = { Params = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the item in the input slot" },
SetOutputSlot = { Params = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the item in the output slot" },
Constants =
fsInput = { Notes = "Index of the input slot" },
fsFuel = { Notes = "Index of the fuel slot" },
fsOutput = { Notes = "Index of the output slot" },
ContentsWidth = { Notes = "Width (X) of the {{cItemGrid|cItemGrid}} representing the contents" },
ContentsHeight = { Notes = "Height (Y) of the {{cItemGrid|cItemGrid}} representing the contents" },
ConstantGroups =
SlotIndices =
Include = "fs.*",
TextBefore = "When using the GetSlot() or SetSlot() function, use these constants for slot index:",
Inherits = "cBlockEntityWithItems"
}, -- cFurnaceEntity
cHopperEntity =
Desc = [[
This class represents a hopper block entity in the world.
Functions =
GetOutputBlockPos = { Params = "BlockMeta", Return = "bool, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ", Notes = "Returns whether the hopper is attached, and if so, the block coords of the block receiving the output items, based on the given meta." },
Constants =
ContentsHeight = { Notes = "Height (Y) of the internal {{cItemGrid}} representing the hopper contents." },
ContentsWidth = { Notes = "Width (X) of the internal {{cItemGrid}} representing the hopper contents." },
TICKS_PER_TRANSFER = { Notes = "Number of ticks between when the hopper transfers items." },
Inherits = "cBlockEntityWithItems",
}, -- cHopperEntity
cJukeboxEntity =
Desc = [[
This class represents a jukebox in the world. It can play the records, either when the
{{cPlayer|player}} uses the record on the jukebox, or when a plugin instructs it to play.
Inherits = "cBlockEntity",
Functions =
EjectRecord = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Ejects the current record as a {{cPickup|pickup}}. No action if there's no current record. To remove record without generating the pickup, use SetRecord(0)" },
GetRecord = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the record currently present. Zero for no record, E_ITEM_*_DISC for records." },
PlayRecord = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Plays the currently present record. No action if there's no current record." },
SetRecord = { Params = "number", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the currently present record. Use zero for no record, or E_ITEM_*_DISC for records." },
}, -- cJukeboxEntity
cNoteEntity =
Desc = [[
This class represents a note block entity in the world. It takes care of the note block's pitch,
and also can play the sound, either when the {{cPlayer|player}} right-clicks it, redstone activates
it, or upon a plugin's request.</p>
The pitch is stored as an integer between 0 and 24.
Functions =
GetPitch = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the current pitch set for the block" },
IncrementPitch = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Adds 1 to the current pitch. Wraps around to 0 when the pitch cannot go any higher." },
MakeSound = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Plays the sound for all {{cClientHandle|clients}} near this block." },
SetPitch = { Params = "Pitch", Return = "", Notes = "Sets a new pitch for the block." },
Inherits = "cBlockEntity",
}, -- cNoteEntity
cSignEntity =
Desc = [[
A sign entity represents a sign in the world. This class is only used when generating chunks, so
that the plugins may generate signs within new chunks. See the code example in {{cChunkDesc}}.
Functions =
GetLine = { Params = "LineIndex", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the specified line. LineIndex is expected between 0 and 3. Returns empty string and logs to server console when LineIndex is invalid." },
SetLine = { Params = "LineIndex, LineText", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the specified line. LineIndex is expected between 0 and 3. Logs to server console when LineIndex is invalid." },
SetLines = { Params = "Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4", Return = "", Notes = "Sets all the sign's lines at once." },
Inherits = "cBlockEntity";
}, -- cSignEntity

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
cArrowEntity =
Desc = [[
Represents the arrow when it is shot from the bow. A subclass of the {{cProjectileEntity}}.
Functions =
CanPickup = { Params = "{{cPlayer|Player}}", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the specified player can pick the arrow when it's on the ground" },
GetDamageCoeff = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the damage coefficient stored within the arrow. The damage dealt by this arrow is multiplied by this coeff" },
GetPickupState = { Params = "", Return = "PickupState", Notes = "Returns the pickup state (one of the psXXX constants, above)" },
IsCritical = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the arrow should deal critical damage. Based on the bow charge when the arrow was shot." },
SetDamageCoeff = { Params = "number", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the damage coefficient. The damage dealt by this arrow is multiplied by this coeff" },
SetIsCritical = { Params = "bool", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the IsCritical flag on the arrow. Critical arrow deal additional damage" },
SetPickupState = { Params = "PickupState", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the pickup state (one of the psXXX constants, above)" },
Constants =
psInCreative = { Notes = "The arrow can be picked up only by players in creative gamemode" },
psInSurvivalOrCreative = { Notes = "The arrow can be picked up by players in survival or creative gamemode" },
psNoPickup = { Notes = "The arrow cannot be picked up at all" },
ConstantGroups =
PickupState =
Include = "ps.*",
TextBefore = [[
The following constants are used to signalize whether the arrow, once it lands, can be picked by
Inherits = "cProjectileEntity",
}, -- cArrowEntity
cFireChargeEntity =
Desc = "",
Functions = {},
Inherits = "cProjectileEntity",
}, -- cFireChargeEntity
cGhastFireballEntity =
Desc = "",
Functions = {},
Inherits = "cProjectileEntity",
}, -- cGhastFireballEntity
cProjectileEntity =
Desc = "",
Functions =
GetCreator = { Params = "", Return = "{{cEntity}} descendant", Notes = "Returns the entity who created this projectile. May return nil." },
GetMCAClassName = { Params = "", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the string that identifies the projectile type (class name) in MCA files" },
GetProjectileKind = { Params = "", Return = "ProjectileKind", Notes = "Returns the kind of this projectile (pkXXX constant)" },
IsInGround = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if this projectile has hit the ground." },
Constants =
pkArrow = { Notes = "The projectile is an {{cArrowEntity|arrow}}" },
pkEgg = { Notes = "The projectile is a {{cThrownEggEntity|thrown egg}}" },
pkEnderPearl = { Notes = "The projectile is a {{cThrownEnderPearlEntity|thrown enderpearl}}" },
pkExpBottle = { Notes = "The projectile is a thrown exp bottle (NYI)" },
pkFireCharge = { Notes = "The projectile is a {{cFireChargeEntity|fire charge}}" },
pkFirework = { Notes = "The projectile is a (flying) firework (NYI)" },
pkFishingFloat = { Notes = "The projectile is a fishing float (NYI)" },
pkGhastFireball = { Notes = "The projectile is a {{cGhastFireballEntity|ghast fireball}}" },
pkSnowball = { Notes = "The projectile is a {{cThrownSnowballEntity|thrown snowball}}" },
pkSplashPotion = { Notes = "The projectile is a thrown splash potion (NYI)" },
pkWitherSkull = { Notes = "The projectile is a wither skull (NYI)" },
ConstantGroups =
ProjectileKind =
Include = "pk.*",
TextBefore = "The following constants are used to distinguish between the different projectile kinds:",
Inherits = "cEntity",
}, -- cProjectileEntity
cThrownEggEntity =
Desc = "",
Functions = {},
Inherits = "cProjectileEntity",
}, -- cThrownEggEntity
cThrownEnderPearlEntity =
Desc = "",
Functions = {},
Inherits = "cProjectileEntity",
}, -- cThrownEnderPearlEntity
cThrownSnowballEntity =
Desc = "",
Functions = {},
Inherits = "cProjectileEntity",
}, -- cThrownSnowballEntity

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
CalledWhen = "A block is about to be dug ({{cPlayer|player}}, {{cEntity|entity}} or natural reason), plugins may override what pickups that will produce.",
DefaultFnName = "OnBlockToPickups", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This callback gets called whenever a block is about to be dug. This includes {{cPlayer|players}}
digging blocks, entities causing blocks to disappear ({{cTNTEntity|TNT}}, Endermen) and natural
causes (water washing away a block). Plugins may override the amount and kinds of pickups this
action produces.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the block resides" },
{ Name = "Digger", Type = "{{cEntity}} descendant", Notes = "The entity causing the digging. May be a {{cPlayer}}, {{cTNTEntity}} or even nil (natural causes)" },
{ Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockType", Type = "BLOCKTYPE", Notes = "Block type of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "NIBBLETYPE", Notes = "Block meta of the block" },
{ Name = "Pickups", Type = "{{cItems}}", Notes = "Items that will be spawned as pickups" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next callback in the hook chain will be called. If
the function returns true, no other callbacks in the chain will be called.</p>
Either way, the server will then spawn pickups specified in the Pickups parameter, so to disable
pickups, you need to Clear the object first, then return true.
CodeExamples =
Title = "Modify pickups",
Desc = "This example callback function makes tall grass drop diamonds when digged by natural causes (washed away by water).",
Code = [[
function OnBlockToPickups(a_World, a_Digger, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta, a_Pickups)
if (a_Digger ~= nil) then
-- Not a natural cause
return false;
if (a_BlockType ~= E_BLOCK_TALL_GRASS) then
-- Not a tall grass being washed away
return false;
-- Remove all pickups suggested by MCServer:
-- Drop a diamond:
return true;
} , -- CodeExamples

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
CalledWhen = "Player sends a chat message",
DefaultFnName = "OnChat", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
A plugin may implement an OnChat() function and register it as a Hook to process chat messages from
the players. The function is then called for every in-game message sent from any player. Note that
commands are handled separately using a command framework API.
Params = {
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who sent the message" },
{ Name = "Message", Type = "string", Notes = "The message" },
Returns = [[
The plugin may return 2 values. The first is a boolean specifying whether the hook handling is to be
stopped or not. If it is false, the message is broadcast to all players in the world. If it is true,
no message is broadcast and no further action is taken.</p>
The second value is specifies the message to broadcast. This way, plugins may modify the message. If
the second value is not provided, the original message is used.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
CalledWhen = "A chunk has just been added to world, either generated or loaded. ",
DefaultFnName = "OnChunkAvailable", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called after a chunk is either generated or loaded from the disk. The chunk is
already available for manipulation using the {{cWorld}} API. This is a notification-only callback,
there is no behavior that plugins could override.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world to which the chunk belongs" },
{ Name = "ChunkX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the chunk" },
{ Name = "ChunkZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the chunk" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
returns true, no other callback is called for this event.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
CalledWhen = "After a chunk was generated. Notification only.",
DefaultFnName = "OnChunkGenerated", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when world generator finished its work on a chunk. The chunk data has already
been generated and is about to be stored in the {{cWorld|world}}. A plugin may provide some
last-minute finishing touches to the generated data. Note that the chunk is not yet stored in the
world, so regular {{cWorld}} block API will not work! Instead, use the {{cChunkDesc}} object
received as the parameter.</p>
See also the {{OnChunkGenerating|HOOK_CHUNK_GENERATING}} hook.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world to which the chunk will be added" },
{ Name = "ChunkX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the chunk" },
{ Name = "ChunkZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the chunk" },
{ Name = "ChunkDesc", Type = "{{cChunkDesc}}", Notes = "Generated chunk data. Plugins may still modify the chunk data contained." },
Returns = [[
If the plugin returns false or no value, MCServer will call other plugins' callbacks for this event.
If a plugin returns true, no other callback is called for this event.</p>
In either case, MCServer will then store the data from ChunkDesc as the chunk's contents in the world.
CodeExamples =
Title = "Generate emerald ore",
Desc = "This example callback function generates one block of emerald ore in each chunk, under the condition that the randomly chosen location is in an ExtremeHills biome.",
Code = [[
function OnChunkGenerated(a_World, a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, a_ChunkDesc)
-- Generate a psaudorandom value that is always the same for the same X/Z pair, but is otherwise random enough:
-- This is actually similar to how MCServer does its noise functions
local PseudoRandom = (a_ChunkX * 57 + a_ChunkZ) * 57 + 19785486
PseudoRandom = PseudoRandom * 8192 + PseudoRandom;
PseudoRandom = ((PseudoRandom * (PseudoRandom * PseudoRandom * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) % 0x7fffffff;
PseudoRandom = PseudoRandom / 7;
-- Based on the PseudoRandom value, choose a location for the ore:
local OreX = PseudoRandom % 16;
local OreY = 2 + ((PseudoRandom / 16) % 20);
local OreZ = (PseudoRandom / 320) % 16;
-- Check if the location is in ExtremeHills:
if (a_ChunkDesc:GetBiome(OreX, OreZ) ~= biExtremeHills) then
return false;
-- Only replace allowed blocks with the ore:
local CurrBlock = a_ChunDesc:GetBlockType(OreX, OreY, OreZ);
if (
(CurrBlock == E_BLOCK_STONE) or
(CurrBlock == E_BLOCK_DIRT) or
(CurrBlock == E_BLOCK_GRAVEL)
) then
a_ChunkDesc:SetBlockTypeMeta(OreX, OreY, OreZ, E_BLOCK_EMERALD_ORE, 0);
} , -- CodeExamples

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
CalledWhen = "A chunk is about to be generated. Plugin can override the built-in generator.",
DefaultFnName = "OnChunkGenerating", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called before the world generator starts generating a chunk. The plugin may provide
some or all parts of the generation, by-passing the built-in generator. The function is given access
to the {{cChunkDesc|ChunkDesc}} object representing the contents of the chunk. It may override parts
of the built-in generator by using the object's <i>SetUseDefaultXXX(false)</i> functions. After all
the callbacks for a chunk have been processed, the server will generate the chunk based on the
{{cChunkDesc|ChunkDesc}} description - those parts that are set for generating (by default
everything) are generated, the rest are read from the ChunkDesc object.</p>
See also the {{OnChunkGenerated|HOOK_CHUNK_GENERATED}} hook.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world to which the chunk will be added" },
{ Name = "ChunkX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the chunk" },
{ Name = "ChunkZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the chunk" },
{ Name = "ChunkDesc", Type = "{{cChunkDesc}}", Notes = "Generated chunk data." },
Returns = [[
If this function returns true, the server will not call any other plugin with the same chunk. If
this function returns false, the server will call the rest of the plugins with the same chunk,
possibly overwriting the ChunkDesc's contents.

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
CalledWhen = "A chunk has been unloaded from the memory.",
DefaultFnName = "OnChunkUnloaded", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when a chunk is unloaded from the memory. Though technically still in memory,
the plugin should behave as if the chunk was already not present. In particular, {{cWorld}} block
API should not be used in the area of the specified chunk.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world from which the chunk is unloading" },
{ Name = "ChunkX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the chunk" },
{ Name = "ChunkZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the chunk" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
returns true, no other callback is called for this event. There is no behavior that plugins could

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
CalledWhen = " A chunk is about to be unloaded from the memory. Plugins may refuse the unload.",
DefaultFnName = "OnChunkUnloading", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
MCServer calls this function when a chunk is about to be unloaded from the memory. A plugin may
force MCServer to keep the chunk in memory by returning true.</p>
FIXME: The return value should be used only for event propagation stopping, not for the actual
decision whether to unload.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world from which the chunk is unloading" },
{ Name = "ChunkX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the chunk" },
{ Name = "ChunkZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the chunk" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called and finally MCServer
unloads the chunk. If the function returns true, no other callback is called for this event and the
chunk is left in the memory.

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
CalledWhen = "Player is about to collect a pickup. Plugin can refuse / override behavior. ",
DefaultFnName = "OnCollectingPickup", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when a player is about to collect a pickup. Plugins may refuse the action.</p>
Pickup collection happens within the world tick, so if the collecting is refused, it will be tried
again in the next world tick, as long as the player is within reach of the pickup.</p>
FIXME: There is no OnCollectedPickup() callback.</p>
FIXME: This callback is called even if the pickup doesn't fit into the player's inventory.</p>
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who's collecting the pickup" },
{ Name = "Pickup", Type = "{{cPickup}}", Notes = "The pickup being collected" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, MCServer calls other plugins' callbacks and finally the
pickup is collected. If the function returns true, no other plugins are called for this event and
the pickup is not collected.

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
CalledWhen = " No built-in crafting recipe is found. Plugin may provide a recipe.",
DefaultFnName = "OnCraftingNoRecipe", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This callback is called when a player places items in their {{cCraftingGrid|crafting grid}} and
MCServer cannot find a built-in {{cCraftingRecipe|recipe}} for the combination. Plugins may provide
a recipe for the ingredients given.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player whose crafting is reported in this hook" },
{ Name = "Grid", Type = "{{cCraftingGrid}}", Notes = "Contents of the player's crafting grid" },
{ Name = "Recipe", Type = "{{cCraftingRecipe}}", Notes = "The recipe that will be used (can be filled by plugins)" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, no recipe will be used. If the function returns true, no
other plugin will have their callback called for this event and MCServer will use the crafting
recipe in Recipe.</p>
FIXME: To allow plugins give suggestions and overwrite other plugins' suggestions, we should change
the behavior with returning false, so that the recipe will still be used, but fill the recipe with
empty values by default.

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
CalledWhen = "A player has explicitly disconnected.",
DefaultFnName = "OnDisconnect", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when a client sends the disconnect packet and is about to be disconnected from
the server.</p>
Note that this callback is not called if the client drops the connection or is kicked by the
FIXME: There is no callback for "client destroying" that would be called in all circumstances.</p>
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has disconnected" },
{ Name = "Reason", Type = "string", Notes = "The reason that the client has sent in the disconnect packet" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, MCServer calls other plugins' callbacks for this event
and finally broadcasts a disconnect message to the player's world. If the function returns true, no
other plugins are called for this event and the disconnect message is not broadcast. In either case,
the player is disconnected.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
CalledWhen = "A player executes an in-game command, or the admin issues a console command. Note that built-in console commands are exempt to this hook - they are always performed and the hook is not called.",
DefaultFnName = "OnExecuteCommand", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
A plugin may implement a callback for this hook to intercept both in-game commands executed by the
players and console commands executed by the server admin. The function is called for every in-game
command sent from any player and for those server console commands that are not built in in the
If the command is in-game, the first parameter to the hook function is the {{cPlayer|player}} who's
executing the command. If the command comes from the server console, the first parameter is nil.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "For in-game commands, the player who has sent the message. For console commands, nil" },
{ Name = "Command", Type = "table of strings", Notes = "The command and its parameters, broken into a table by spaces" },
Returns = [[
If the plugin returns true, the command will be blocked and none of the remaining hook handlers will
be called. If the plugin returns false, MCServer calls all the remaining hook handlers and finally
the command will be executed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
CalledWhen = "An explosion has happened",
DefaultFnName = "OnExploded", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called after an explosion has been processed in a world.</p>
See also {{OnExploding|HOOK_EXPLODING}} for a similar hook called before the explosion.</p>
The explosion carries with it the type of its source - whether it's a creeper exploding, or TNT,
etc. It also carries the identification of the actual source. The exact type of the identification
depends on the source kind:
<tr><th>Source</th><th>SourceData Type</th><th>Notes</th></tr>
<tr><td>esPrimedTNT</td><td>{{cTNTEntity}}</td><td>An exploding primed TNT entity</td></tr>
<tr><td>esCreeper</td><td>{{cCreeper}}</td><td>An exploding creeper or charged creeper</td></tr>
<tr><td>esBed</td><td>{{Vector3i}}</td><td>A bed exploding in the Nether or in the End. The bed coords are given.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esEnderCrystal</td><td>{{Vector3i}}</td><td>An ender crystal exploding upon hit. The block coords are given.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esGhastFireball</td><td>{{cGhastFireballEntity}}</td><td>A ghast fireball hitting ground or an {{cEntity|entity}}.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esWitherSkullBlack</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>A black wither skull hitting ground or an {{cEntity|entity}}.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esWitherSkullBlue</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>A blue wither skull hitting ground or an {{cEntity|entity}}.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esWitherBirth</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>A wither boss being created</td></tr>
<tr><td>esOther</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>Any other previously unspecified type.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esPlugin</td><td>object</td><td>An explosion created by a plugin. The plugin may specify any kind of data.</td></tr>
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world where the explosion happened" },
{ Name = "ExplosionSize", Type = "number", Notes = "The relative explosion size" },
{ Name = "CanCauseFire", Type = "bool", Notes = "True if the explosion has turned random air blocks to fire (such as a ghast fireball)" },
{ Name = "X", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the explosion center" },
{ Name = "Y", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the explosion center" },
{ Name = "Z", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the explosion center" },
{ Name = "Source", Type = "eExplosionSource", Notes = "Source of the explosion. See the table above." },
{ Name = "SourceData", Type = "varies", Notes = "Additional data for the source. The exact type varies by the source. See the table above." },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
returns true, no other callback is called for this event. There is no overridable behaviour.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
CalledWhen = "An explosion is about to be processed",
DefaultFnName = "OnExploding", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called before an explosion has been processed in a world.</p>
See also {{OnExploded|HOOK_EXPLODED}} for a similar hook called after the explosion.</p>
The explosion carries with it the type of its source - whether it's a creeper exploding, or TNT,
etc. It also carries the identification of the actual source. The exact type of the identification
depends on the source kind:
<tr><th>Source</th><th>SourceData Type</th><th>Notes</th></tr>
<tr><td>esPrimedTNT</td><td>{{cTNTEntity}}</td><td>An exploding primed TNT entity</td></tr>
<tr><td>esCreeper</td><td>{{cCreeper}}</td><td>An exploding creeper or charged creeper</td></tr>
<tr><td>esBed</td><td>{{Vector3i}}</td><td>A bed exploding in the Nether or in the End. The bed coords are given.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esEnderCrystal</td><td>{{Vector3i}}</td><td>An ender crystal exploding upon hit. The block coords are given.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esGhastFireball</td><td>{{cGhastFireballEntity}}</td><td>A ghast fireball hitting ground or an {{cEntity|entity}}.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esWitherSkullBlack</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>A black wither skull hitting ground or an {{cEntity|entity}}.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esWitherSkullBlue</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>A blue wither skull hitting ground or an {{cEntity|entity}}.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esWitherBirth</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>A wither boss being created</td></tr>
<tr><td>esOther</td><td><i>TBD</i></td><td>Any other previously unspecified type.</td></tr>
<tr><td>esPlugin</td><td>object</td><td>An explosion created by a plugin. The plugin may specify any kind of data.</td></tr>
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world where the explosion happens" },
{ Name = "ExplosionSize", Type = "number", Notes = "The relative explosion size" },
{ Name = "CanCauseFire", Type = "bool", Notes = "True if the explosion will turn random air blocks to fire (such as a ghast fireball)" },
{ Name = "X", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the explosion center" },
{ Name = "Y", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the explosion center" },
{ Name = "Z", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the explosion center" },
{ Name = "Source", Type = "eExplosionSource", Notes = "Source of the explosion. See the table above." },
{ Name = "SourceData", Type = "varies", Notes = "Additional data for the source. The exact type varies by the source. See the table above." },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called, and finally
MCServer will process the explosion - destroy blocks and push + hurt entities. If the function
returns true, no other callback is called for this event and the explosion will not occur.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
CalledWhen = "A client is connecting.",
DefaultFnName = "OnHandshake", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when a client sends the Handshake packet. At this stage, only the client IP and
(unverified) username are known. Plugins may refuse access to the server based on this
Note that the username is not authenticated - the authentication takes place only after this hook is
Params =
{ Name = "Client", Type = "{{cClientHandle}}", Notes = "The client handle representing the connection. Note that there's no {{cPlayer}} object for this client yet." },
{ Name = "UserName", Type = "string", Notes = "The username presented in the packet. Note that this username is unverified." },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false, the user is let in to the server. If the function returns true, no
other plugin's callback is called, the user is kicked and the connection is closed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
CalledWhen = "A hopper is pulling an item from another block entity.",
DefaultFnName = "OnHopperPullingItem", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This callback is called whenever a {{cHopperEntity|hopper}} transfers an {{cItem|item}} from another
block entity into its own internal storage. A plugin may decide to disallow the move by returning
true. Note that in such a case, the hook may be called again for the same hopper, with different
slot numbers.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "World where the hopper resides" },
{ Name = "Hopper", Type = "{{cHopperEntity}}", Notes = "The hopper that is pulling the item" },
{ Name = "DstSlot", Type = "number", Notes = "The destination slot in the hopper's {{cItemGrid|internal storage}}" },
{ Name = "SrcBlockEntity", Type = "{{cBlockEntityWithItems}}", Notes = "The block entity that is losing the item" },
{ Name = "SrcSlot", Type = "number", Notes = "Slot in SrcBlockEntity from which the item will be pulled" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
returns true, no other callback is called for this event and the hopper will not pull the item.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
CalledWhen = "A hopper is pushing an item into another block entity. ",
DefaultFnName = "OnHopperPushingItem", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called whenever a {{cHopperEntity|hopper}} transfers an {{cItem|item}} from its own
internal storage into another block entity. A plugin may decide to disallow the move by returning
true. Note that in such a case, the hook may be called again for the same hopper and block, with
different slot numbers.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "World where the hopper resides" },
{ Name = "Hopper", Type = "{{cHopperEntity}}", Notes = "The hopper that is pushing the item" },
{ Name = "SrcSlot", Type = "number", Notes = "Slot in the hopper that will lose the item" },
{ Name = "DstBlockEntity", Type = "{{cBlockEntityWithItems}}", Notes = " The block entity that will receive the item" },
{ Name = "DstSlot", Type = "number", Notes = " Slot in DstBlockEntity's internal storage where the item will be stored" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
returns true, no other callback is called for this event and the hopper will not push the item.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
CalledWhen = "A player or a mob is dying.",
DefaultFnName = "OnKilling", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called whenever a {{cPawn|pawn}}'s (a player's or a mob's) health reaches zero. This
means that the pawn is about to be killed, unless a plugin "revives" them by setting their health
back to a positive value.</p>
FIXME: There is no HOOK_KILLED notification hook yet; this is deliberate because HOOK_KILLED has
been recently renamed to HOOK_KILLING, and plugins need to be updated. Once updated, the HOOK_KILLED
notification will be implemented.
Params =
{ Name = "Victim", Type = "{{cPawn}}", Notes = "The player or mob that is about to be killed" },
{ Name = "Killer", Type = "{{cEntity}}", Notes = "The entity that has caused the victim to lose the last point of health. May be nil for environment damage" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, MCServer calls other plugins with this event. If the
function returns true, no other plugin is called for this event.</p>
In either case, the victim's health is then re-checked and if it is greater than zero, the victim is
"revived" with that health amount. If the health is less or equal to zero, the victim is killed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
CalledWhen = "Right before player authentication. If auth is disabled, right after the player sends their name.",
DefaultFnName = "OnLogin", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called whenever a client logs in. It is called right before the client's name is sent
to be authenticated. Plugins may refuse the client from accessing the server. Note that when this
callback is called, the {{cPlayer}} object for this client doesn't exist yet - the client has no
representation in any world. To process new players when their world is known, use a later callback,
such as {{OnPlayerJoined|HOOK_PLAYER_JOINED}} or {{OnPlayerSpawned|HOOK_PLAYER_SPAWNED}}.
Params =
{ Name = "Client", Type = "{{cClientHandle}}", Notes = "The client handle representing the connection" },
{ Name = "ProtocolVersion", Type = "number", Notes = "Versio of the protocol that the client is talking" },
{ Name = "UserName", Type = "string", Notes = "The name that the client has presented for authentication. This name will be given to the {{cPlayer}} object when it is created for this client." },
Returns = [[
If the function returns true, no other plugins are called for this event and the client is kicked.
If the function returns false or no value, MCServer calls other plugins' callbacks and finally
sends an authentication request for the client's username to the auth server. If the auth server
is disabled in the server settings, the player object is immediately created.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
CalledWhen = "A client has sent an Animation packet (0x12)",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerAnimation", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when the server receives an Animation packet (0x12) from the client.</p>
For the list of animations that are sent by the client, see the
<a href="http://wiki.vg/Protocol#0x12">Protocol wiki</a>.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player from whom the packet was received" },
{ Name = "Animation", Type = "number", Notes = "The kind of animation" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. Afterwards, the
server broadcasts the animation packet to all nearby clients. If the function returns true, no other
callback is called for this event and the packet is not broadcasted.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
CalledWhen = "Just before a player breaks a block. Plugin may override / refuse. ",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerBreakingBlock", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} breaks a block, before the block is actually broken in
the {{cWorld|World}}. Plugins may refuse the breaking.</p>
See also the {{OnPlayerBrokenBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_BROKEN_BLOCK}} hook for a similar hook called after
the block is broken.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is digging the block" },
{ Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of the block upon which the player is acting. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
{ Name = "BlockType", Type = "BLOCKTYPE", Notes = "The block type of the block being broken" },
{ Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "NIBBLETYPE", Notes = "The block meta of the block being broken " },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called, and then the block
is broken. If the function returns true, no other plugin's callback is called and the block breaking
is cancelled. The server re-sends the block back to the player to replace it (the player's client
already thinks the block was broken).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
CalledWhen = "After a player has broken a block. Notification only.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerBrokenBlock", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This function is called after a {{cPlayer|player}} breaks a block. The block is already removed
from the {{cWorld|world}} and {{cPickup|pickups}} have been spawned. To get the world in which the
block has been dug, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function.</p>
See also the {{OnPlayerBreakingBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_BREAKING_BLOCK}} hook for a similar hook called
before the block is broken. To intercept the creation of pickups, see the
{{OnBlockToPickups|HOOK_BLOCK_TO_PICKUPS}} hook.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who broke the block" },
{ Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of the block upon which the player interacted. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
{ Name = "BlockType", Type = "BLOCKTYPE", Notes = "The block type of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "NIBBLETYPE", Notes = "The block meta of the block" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
returns true, no other callback is called for this event.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
CalledWhen = "When the player starts eating",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerEating", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook gets called when the {{cPlayer|player}} starts eating, after the server checks that the
player can indeed eat (is not satiated and is holding food). Plugins may still refuse the eating by
returning true.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who started eating" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the server calls the next plugin handler, and finally
lets the player eat. If the function returns true, the server doesn't call any more callbacks for
this event and aborts the eating. A "disallow" packet is sent to the client.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
CalledWhen = "After Login and before Spawned, before being added to world. ",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerJoined", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called whenever a {{cPlayer|player}} has completely logged in. If authentication is
enabled, this function is called after their name has been authenticated. It is called after
{{OnLogin|HOOK_LOGIN}} and before {{OnPlayerSpawned|HOOK_PLAYER_SPAWNED}}, right after the player's
entity is created, but not added to the world yet. The player is not yet visible to other players.
This is a notification-only event, plugins wishing to refuse player's entry should kick the player
using the {{cPlayer}}:Kick() function.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has joined the game" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event. Either way the player is let in.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
CalledWhen = "A left-click packet is received from the client. Plugin may override / refuse.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerLeftClick", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when MCServer receives a left-click packet from the {{cClientHandle|client}}. It
is called before any processing whatsoever is performed on the packet, meaning that hacked /
malicious clients may be trigerring this event very often and with unchecked parameters. Therefore
plugin authors are advised to use extreme caution with this callback.</p>
Plugins may refuse the default processing for the packet, causing MCServer to behave as if the
packet has never arrived. This may, however, create inconsistencies in the client - the client may
think that they broke a block, while the server didn't process the breaking, etc. For this reason,
if a plugin refuses the processing, MCServer sends the block specified in the packet back to the
client (as if placed anew), if the status code specified a block-break action. For other actions,
plugins must rectify the situation on their own.</p>
The client sends the left-click packet for several other occasions, such as dropping the held item
(Q keypress) or shooting an arrow. This is reflected in the Status code. Consult the
<a href="http://wiki.vg/Protocol#0x0E">protocol documentation</a> for details on the actions.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player whose client sent the packet" },
{ Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of the block upon which the player interacted. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
{ Name = "Action", Type = "number", Notes = "Action to be performed on the block (\"status\" in the protocol docs)" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, MCServer calls other plugins' callbacks and finally sends
the packet for further processing.</p>
If the function returns true, no other plugins are called, processing is halted. If the action was a
block dig, MCServer sends the block specified in the coords back to the client. The packet is

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
CalledWhen = "Player tried to move in the tick being currently processed. Plugin may refuse movement.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerMoving", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This function is called in each server tick for each {{cPlayer|player}} that has sent any of the
player-move packets. Plugins may refuse the movement.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has moved. The object already has the new position stored in it." },
Returns = [[
If the function returns true, movement is prohibited. FIXME: The player's client is not informed.</p>
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and finally the new
position is permanently stored in the cPlayer object.</p>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
CalledWhen = "After a player has placed a block. Notification only.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerPlacedBlock", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called after a {{cPlayer|player}} has placed a block in the {{cWorld|world}}. The block
is already added to the world and the corresponding item removed from player's
Use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function to get the world to which the block belongs.</p>
See also the {{OnPlayerPlacingBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_PLACING_BLOCK}} hook for a similar hook called
before the placement.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who placed the block" },
{ Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of the existing block upon which the player interacted. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
{ Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor within the block face (0 .. 15)" },
{ Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor within the block face (0 .. 15)" },
{ Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor within the block face (0 .. 15)" },
{ Name = "BlockType", Type = "BLOCKTYPE", Notes = "The block type of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "NIBBLETYPE", Notes = "The block meta of the block" },
Returns = [[
If this function returns false or no value, MCServer calls other plugins with the same event. If
this function returns true, no other plugin is called for this event.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
CalledWhen = "Just before a player places a block. Plugin may override / refuse.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerPlacingBlock", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called just before a {{cPlayer|player}} places a block in the {{cWorld|world}}. The
block is not yet placed, plugins may choose to override the default behavior or refuse the placement
at all.</p>
Note that the client already expects that the block has been placed. For that reason, if a plugin
refuses the placement, MCServer sends the old block at the provided coords to the client.</p>
Use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function to get the world to which the block belongs.</p>
See also the {{OnPlayerPlacedBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_PLACED_BLOCK}} hook for a similar hook called after
the placement.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is placing the block" },
{ Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of the existing block upon which the player is interacting. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
{ Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor within the block face (0 .. 15)" },
{ Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor within the block face (0 .. 15)" },
{ Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor within the block face (0 .. 15)" },
{ Name = "BlockType", Type = "BLOCKTYPE", Notes = "The block type of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "NIBBLETYPE", Notes = "The block meta of the block" },
Returns = [[
If this function returns false or no value, MCServer calls other plugins with the same event and
finally places the block and removes the corresponding item from player's inventory. If this
function returns true, no other plugin is called for this event, MCServer sends the old block at
the specified coords to the client and drops the packet.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
CalledWhen = "A right-click packet is received from the client. Plugin may override / refuse.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerRightClick", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when MCServer receives a right-click packet from the {{cClientHandle|client}}. It
is called before any processing whatsoever is performed on the packet, meaning that hacked /
malicious clients may be trigerring this event very often and with unchecked parameters. Therefore
plugin authors are advised to use extreme caution with this callback.</p>
Plugins may refuse the default processing for the packet, causing MCServer to behave as if the
packet has never arrived. This may, however, create inconsistencies in the client - the client may
think that they placed a block, while the server didn't process the placing, etc.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player whose client sent the packet" },
{ Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the block" },
{ Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of the block upon which the player interacted. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, MCServer calls other plugins' callbacks and finally sends
the packet for further processing.</p>
If the function returns true, no other plugins are called, processing is halted.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
CalledWhen = "A player has right-clicked an entity. Plugins may override / refuse.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerRightClickingEntity", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when the {{cPlayer|player}} right-clicks an {{cEntity|entity}}. Plugins may
override the default behavior or even cancel the default processing.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has right-clicked the entity" },
{ Name = "Entity", Type = "{{cEntity}} descendant", Notes = "The entity that has been right-clicked" },
Returns = [[
If the functino returns false or no value, MCServer calls other plugins' callbacks and finally does
the default processing for the right-click. If the function returns true, no other callbacks are
called and the default processing is skipped.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
CalledWhen = "When the player releases the bow, shooting an arrow (other projectiles: unknown)",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerShooting", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when the {{cPlayer|player}} shoots their bow. It is called for the actual
release of the {{cArrowEntity|arrow}}. FIXME: It is currently unknown whether other
{{cProjectileEntity|projectiles}} (snowballs, eggs) trigger this hook.</p>
To get the player's position and direction, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetEyePosition() and
cPlayer:GetLookVector() functions. Note that for shooting a bow, the position for the arrow creation
is not at the eye pos, some adjustments are required. FIXME: Export the {{cPlayer}} function for
this adjustment.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player shooting" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called, and finally
MCServer creates the projectile. If the functino returns true, no other callback is called and no
projectile is created.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
CalledWhen = "After a player (re)spawns in the world to which they belong to.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerSpawned", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called after a {{cPlayer|player}} has spawned in the world. It is called after
{{OnLogin|HOOK_LOGIN}} and {{OnPlayerJoined|HOOK_PLAYER_JOINED}}, after the player name has been
authenticated, the initial worldtime, inventory and health have been sent to the player and the
player spawn packet has been broadcast to all players near enough to the player spawn place. This is
a notification-only event, plugins wishing to refuse player's entry should kick the player using the
{{cPlayer}}:Kick() function.</p>
This hook is also called when the player respawns after death (and a respawn packet is received from
the client, meaning the player has already clicked the Respawn button).
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has (re)spawned" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event. There is no overridable behavior.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
CalledWhen = "A player is tossing an item. Plugin may override / refuse.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerTossingItem", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} has tossed an item (Q keypress). The
{{cPickup|pickup}} has not been spawned yet. Plugins may disallow the tossing, but in that case they
need to clean up - the player's client already thinks the item has been tossed so the
{{cInventory|inventory}} needs to be re-sent to the player.</p>
To get the item that is about to be tossed, call the {{cPlayer}}:GetEquippedItem() function.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player tossing an item" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and finally MCServer
creates the pickup for the item and tosses it, using {{cPlayer}}:TossItem. If the function returns
true, no other callbacks are called for this event and MCServer doesn't toss the item.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
CalledWhen = "A player has just used a block (chest, furnace…). Notification only.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerUsedBlock", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called after a {{cPlayer|player}} has right-clicked a block that can be used, such as a
{{cChestEntity|chest}} or a lever. It is called after MCServer processes the usage (sends the UI
handling packets / toggles redstone). Note that for UI-related blocks, the player is most likely
still using the UI. This is a notification-only event.</p>
Note that the block coords given in this callback are for the (solid) block that is being clicked,
not the air block between it and the player.</p>
To get the world at which the right-click occurred, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function.</p>
See also the {{OnPlayerUsingBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_BLOCK}} for a similar hook called before the
use, the {{OnPlayerUsingItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_ITEM}} and {{OnPlayerUsedItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_ITEM}}
for similar hooks called when a player interacts with any block with a usable item in hand, such as
a bucket.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who used the block" },
{ Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of clicked block which has been clicked. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
{ Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
{ Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
{ Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
{ Name = "BlockType", Type = "number", Notes = "Block type of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "number", Notes = "Block meta of the clicked block" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
CalledWhen = "A player has used an item in hand (bucket...)",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerUsedItem", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called after a {{cPlayer|player}} has right-clicked a block with an {{cItem|item}} that
can be used (is not placeable, is not food and clicked block is not use-able), such as a bucket or a
hoe. It is called after MCServer processes the usage (places fluid / turns dirt to farmland).
This is an information-only hook, there is no way to cancel the event anymore.</p>
Note that the block coords given in this callback are for the (solid) block that is being clicked,
not the air block between it and the player.</p>
To get the world at which the right-click occurred, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function. To get
the item that the player is using, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetEquippedItem() function.</p>
See also the {{OnPlayerUsingItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_ITEM}} for a similar hook called before the use,
the {{OnPlayerUsingBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_BLOCK}} and {{OnPlayerUsedBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_BLOCK}}
for similar hooks called when a player interacts with a block, such as a chest.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who used the item" },
{ Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of clicked block which has been clicked. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
{ Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
{ Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
{ Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
{ Name = "BlockType", Type = "number", Notes = "Block type of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "number", Notes = "Block meta of the clicked block" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
CalledWhen = "Just before a player uses a block (chest, furnace...). Plugin may override / refuse.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerUsingBlock", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} has right-clicked a block that can be used, such as a
{{cChestEntity|chest}} or a lever. It is called before MCServer processes the usage (sends the UI
handling packets / toggles redstone). Plugins may refuse the interaction by returning true.</p>
Note that the block coords given in this callback are for the (solid) block that is being clicked,
not the air block between it and the player.</p>
To get the world at which the right-click occurred, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function.</p>
See also the {{OnPlayerUsedBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_BLOCK}} for a similar hook called after the use, the
{{OnPlayerUsingItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_ITEM}} and {{OnPlayerUsedItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_ITEM}} for
similar hooks called when a player interacts with any block with a usable item in hand, such as a
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is using the block" },
{ Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of clicked block which has been clicked. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
{ Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
{ Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
{ Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
{ Name = "BlockType", Type = "number", Notes = "Block type of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "number", Notes = "Block meta of the clicked block" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and then MCServer
processes the interaction. If the function returns true, no other callbacks are called for this
event and the interaction is silently dropped.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
CalledWhen = "Just before a player uses an item in hand (bucket...). Plugin may override / refuse.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerUsingItem", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} has right-clicked a block with an {{cItem|item}} that
can be used (is not placeable, is not food and clicked block is not use-able), such as a bucket or a
hoe. It is called before MCServer processes the usage (places fluid / turns dirt to farmland).
Plugins may refuse the interaction by returning true.</p>
Note that the block coords given in this callback are for the (solid) block that is being clicked,
not the air block between it and the player.</p>
To get the world at which the right-click occurred, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function. To get
the item that the player is using, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetEquippedItem() function.</p>
See also the {{OnPlayerUsedItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_ITEM}} for a similar hook called after the use, the
{{OnPlayerUsingBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_BLOCK}} and {{OnPlayerUsedBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_BLOCK}} for
similar hooks called when a player interacts with a block, such as a chest.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is using the item" },
{ Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of clicked block which has been clicked. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
{ Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
{ Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
{ Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
{ Name = "BlockType", Type = "number", Notes = "Block type of the clicked block" },
{ Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "number", Notes = "Block meta of the clicked block" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and then MCServer
processes the interaction. If the function returns true, no other callbacks are called for this
event and the interaction is silently dropped.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
CalledWhen = "After the built-in recipes are checked and a recipe was found.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPostCrafting", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} changes contents of their
{{cCraftingGrid|crafting grid}}, after the recipe has been established by MCServer. Plugins may use
this to modify the resulting recipe or provide an alternate recipe.</p>
If a plugin implements custom recipes, it should do so using the {{OnPreCrafting|HOOK_PRE_CRAFTING}}
hook, because that will save the server from going through the built-in recipes. The
HOOK_POST_CRAFTING hook is intended as a notification, with a chance to tweak the result.</p>
Note that this hook is not called if a built-in recipe is not found;
{{OnCraftingNoRecipe|HOOK_CRAFTING_NO_RECIPE}} is called instead in such a case.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has changed their crafting grid contents" },
{ Name = "Grid", Type = "{{cCraftingGrid}}", Notes = "The new crafting grid contents" },
{ Name = "Recipe", Type = "{{cCraftingRecipe}}", Notes = "The recipe that MCServer has decided to use (can be tweaked by plugins)" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event. In either case, MCServer uses the value
of Recipe as the recipe to be presented to the player.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
CalledWhen = "Before the built-in recipes are checked.",
DefaultFnName = "OnPreCrafting", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} changes contents of their
{{cCraftingGrid|crafting grid}}, before the built-in recipes are searched for a match by MCServer.
Plugins may use this hook to provide a custom recipe.</p>
If you intend to tweak built-in recipes, use the {{OnPostCrafting|HOOK_POST_CRAFTING}} hook, because
that will be called once the built-in recipe is matched.</p>
Also note a third hook, {{OnCraftingNoRecipe|HOOK_CRAFTING_NO_RECIPE}}, that is called when MCServer
cannot find any built-in recipe for the given ingredients.
Params =
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has changed their crafting grid contents" },
{ Name = "Grid", Type = "{{cCraftingGrid}}", Notes = "The new crafting grid contents" },
{ Name = "Recipe", Type = "{{cCraftingRecipe}}", Notes = "The recipe that MCServer will use. Modify this object to change the recipe" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and then MCServer
searches the built-in recipes. The Recipe output parameter is ignored in this case.</p>
If the function returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event and MCServer uses the
recipe stored in the Recipe output parameter.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
CalledWhen = "After an entity is spawned in the world.",
DefaultFnName = "OnSpawnedEntity", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called after the server spawns an {{cEntity|entity}}. This is an information-only
callback, the entity is already spawned by the time it is called. If the entity spawned is a
{{cMonster|monster}}, the {{OnSpawnedMonster|HOOK_SPAWNED_MONSTER}} hook is called before this
See also the {{OnSpawningEntity|HOOK_SPAWNING_ENTITY}} hook for a similar hook called before the
entity is spawned.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the entity has spawned" },
{ Name = "Entity", Type = "{{cEntity}} descentant", Notes = "The entity that has spawned" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
returns true, no other callback is called for this event.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
CalledWhen = "After a monster is spawned in the world",
DefaultFnName = "OnSpawnedMonster", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called after the server spawns a {{cMonster|monster}}. This is an information-only
callback, the monster is already spawned by the time it is called. After this hook is called, the
{{OnSpawnedEntity|HOOK_SPAWNED_ENTITY}} is called for the monster entity.</p>
See also the {{OnSpawningMonster|HOOK_SPAWNING_MONSTER}} hook for a similar hook called before the
monster is spawned.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the monster has spawned" },
{ Name = "Monster", Type = "{{cMonster}} descendant", Notes = "The monster that has spawned" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
returns true, no other callback is called for this event.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
CalledWhen = "Before an entity is spawned in the world.",
DefaultFnName = "OnSpawningEntity", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called before the server spawns an {{cEntity|entity}}. The plugin can either modify the
entity before it is spawned, or disable the spawning altogether. If the entity spawning is a
monster, the {{OnSpawningMonster|HOOK_SPAWNING_MONSTER}} hook is called before this hook.</p>
See also the {{OnSpawnedEntity|HOOK_SPAWNED_ENTITY}} hook for a similar hook called after the
entity is spawned.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the entity will spawn" },
{ Name = "Entity", Type = "{{cEntity}} descentant", Notes = "The entity that will spawn" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. Finally, the server
spawns the entity with whatever parameters have been set on the {{cEntity}} object by the callbacks.
If the function returns true, no other callback is called for this event and the entity is not

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
CalledWhen = "Before a monster is spawned in the world.",
DefaultFnName = "OnSpawningMonster", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called before the server spawns a {{cMonster|monster}}. The plugins may modify the
monster's parameters in the {{cMonster}} class, or disallow the spawning altogether. This hook is
called before the {{OnSpawningEntity|HOOK_SPAWNING_ENTITY}} is called for the monster entity.</p>
See also the {{OnSpawnedMonster|HOOK_SPAWNED_MONSTER}} hook for a similar hook called after the
monster is spawned.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the entity will spawn" },
{ Name = "Monster", Type = "{{cMonster}} descentant", Notes = "The monster that will spawn" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. Finally, the server
spawns the monster with whatever parameters the plugins set in the cMonster parameter.</p>
If the function returns true, no other callback is called for this event and the monster won't

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
CalledWhen = "An {{cEntity|entity}} is taking any kind of damage",
DefaultFnName = "OnTakeDamage", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when any {{cEntity}} descendant, such as a {{cPlayer|player}} or a
{{cMonster|mob}}, takes any kind of damage. The plugins may modify the amount of damage or effects
with this hook by editting the {{TakeDamageInfo}} object passed.</p>
This hook is called after the final damage is calculated, including all the possible weapon
{{cEnchantments|enchantments}}, armor protection and potion effects.
Params =
{ Name = "Receiver", Type = "{{cEntity}} descendant", Notes = "The entity taking damage" },
{ Name = "TDI", Type = "{{TakeDamageInfo}}", Notes = "The damage type, cause and effects. Plugins may modify this object to alter the final damage applied." },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and then the server
applies the final values from the TDI object to Receiver. If the function returns true, no other
callbacks are called, and no damage nor effects are applied.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
CalledWhen = "Every server tick (approximately 20 times per second)",
DefaultFnName = "OnTick", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called every game tick (50 msec, or 20 times a second). If the server is overloaded,
the interval is larger, which is indicated by the TimeDelta parameter.</p>
This hook is called in the context of the server-tick thread, that is, the thread that takes care of
{{cClientHandle|client connections}} before they're assigned to {{cPlayer|player entities}}, and
processing console commands.
Params =
{ Name = "TimeDelta", Type = "number", Notes = "The number of milliseconds elapsed since the last server tick. Will not be less than 50 msec." },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
returns true, no other callbacks are called. There is no overridable behavior.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
CalledWhen = "After the sign text is updated. Notification only.",
DefaultFnName = "OnUpdatedSign", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called after a sign has had its text updated. The text is already updated at this
<p>The update may have been caused either by a {{cPlayer|player}} directly updating the sign, or by
a plugin changing the sign text using the API.</p>
See also the {{OnUpdatingSign|HOOK_UPDATING_SIGN}} hook for a similar hook called before the update,
with a chance to modify the text.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the sign resides" },
{ Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the sign" },
{ Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the sign" },
{ Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the sign" },
{ Name = "Line1", Type = "string", Notes = "1st line of the new text" },
{ Name = "Line2", Type = "string", Notes = "2nd line of the new text" },
{ Name = "Line3", Type = "string", Notes = "3rd line of the new text" },
{ Name = "Line4", Type = "string", Notes = "4th line of the new text" },
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is changing the text. May be nil for non-player updates." }
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
returns true, no other callbacks are called. There is no overridable behavior.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
CalledWhen = "Before the sign text is updated. Plugin may modify the text / refuse.",
DefaultFnName = "OnUpdatingSign", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when a sign text is about to be updated, either as a result of player's
manipulation or any other event, such as a plugin setting the sign text. Plugins may modify the text
or refuse the update altogether.</p>
See also the {{OnUpdatedSign|HOOK_UPDATED_SIGN}} hook for a similar hook called after the update.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the sign resides" },
{ Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the sign" },
{ Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the sign" },
{ Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the sign" },
{ Name = "Line1", Type = "string", Notes = "1st line of the new text" },
{ Name = "Line2", Type = "string", Notes = "2nd line of the new text" },
{ Name = "Line3", Type = "string", Notes = "3rd line of the new text" },
{ Name = "Line4", Type = "string", Notes = "4th line of the new text" },
{ Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is changing the text. May be nil for non-player updates." }
Returns = [[
The function may return up to five values. If the function returns true as the first value, no other
callbacks are called for this event and the sign is not updated. If the function returns no value or
false as its first value, other plugins' callbacks are called.</p>
The other up to four values returned are used to update the sign text, line by line, respectively.
Note that other plugins may again update the texts (if the first value returned is false).
CodeExamples =
Title = "Add player signature",
Desc = "The following example appends a player signature to the last line, if the sign is updated by a player:",
Code = [[
function OnUpdatingSign(World, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4, Player)
if (Player == nil) then
-- Not changed by a player
return false;
-- Sign with playername, allow other plugins to interfere:
return false, Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4 .. Player:GetName();
} ,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
CalledWhen = "The weather has changed",
DefaultFnName = "OnWeatherChanged", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called after the weather has changed in a {{cWorld|world}}. The new weather has already
been sent to the clients.</p>
See also the {{OnWeatherChanging|HOOK_WEATHER_CHANGING}} hook for a similar hook called before the
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "World for which the weather has changed" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
returns true, no other callback is called for this event. There is no overridable behavior.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
CalledWhen = "The weather is about to change",
DefaultFnName = "OnWeatherChanging", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called when the current weather has expired and a new weather is selected. Plugins may
override the new weather setting.</p>
The new weather setting is sent to the clients only after this hook has been processed.</p>
See also the {{OnWeatherChanged|HOOK_WEATHER_CHANGED}} hook for a similar hook called after the
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "World for which the weather is changing" },
{ Name = "Weather", Type = "number", Notes = "The newly selected weather. One of wSunny, wRain, wStorm" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the server calls other plugins' callbacks and finally
sets the weather. If the function returns true, the server takes the second returned value (wSunny
by default) and sets it as the new weather. No other plugins' callbacks are called in this case.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
CalledWhen = "Every world tick (about 20 times per second), separately for each world",
DefaultFnName = "OnWorldTick", -- also used as pagename
Desc = [[
This hook is called for each {{cWorld|world}} every tick (50 msec, or 20 times a second). If the
world is overloaded, the interval is larger, which is indicated by the TimeDelta parameter.</p>
This hook is called in the world's tick thread context and thus has access to all world data
guaranteed without blocking.
Params =
{ Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "World that is ticking" },
{ Name = "TimeDelta", Type = "number", Notes = "The number of milliseconds since the previous game tick. Will not be less than 50 msec" },
Returns = [[
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
returns true, no other callback is called for this event. There is no overridable behavior.

View File

@ -38,16 +38,28 @@ function Initialize(Plugin)
LOG("Initialised " .. Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion())
LOG("Initialising " .. Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion())
g_PluginFolder = Plugin:GetLocalFolder();
-- Load the API descriptions from the Classes and Hooks subfolders:
if (g_APIDesc.Classes == nil) then
g_APIDesc.Classes = {};
if (g_APIDesc.Hooks == nil) then
g_APIDesc.Hooks = {};
LoadAPIFiles("/Classes/", g_APIDesc.Classes);
LoadAPIFiles("/Hooks/", g_APIDesc.Hooks);
-- dump all available API functions and objects:
-- DumpAPITxt();
-- Dump all available API object in HTML format into a subfolder:
LOG("APIDump finished");
return true
@ -55,6 +67,29 @@ end
function LoadAPIFiles(a_Folder, a_DstTable)
local Folder = g_PluginFolder .. a_Folder;
for idx, fnam in ipairs(cFile:GetFolderContents(Folder)) do
local FileName = Folder .. fnam;
-- We only want .lua files from the folder:
if (cFile:IsFile(FileName) and fnam:match(".*%.lua$")) then
local TablesFn, Err = loadfile(FileName);
if (TablesFn == nil) then
LOGWARNING("Cannot load API descriptions from " .. FileName .. ", Lua error '" .. Err .. "'.");
local Tables = TablesFn();
for k, cls in pairs(Tables) do
a_DstTable[k] = cls;
end -- if (TablesFn)
end -- if (is lua file)
end -- for fnam - Folder[]
function DumpAPITxt()
LOG("Dumping all available functions to API.txt...");
function dump (prefix, a, Output)
@ -266,32 +301,35 @@ function DumpAPIHtml()
<hr />
<p>The API reference is divided into the following sections:</p>
<li><a href="#classes">Class index</a></li>
<li><a href="#hooks">Hooks</a></li>
<li><a href="#extra">Extra pages</a></li>
<li><a href="#docstats">Documentation statistics</a></li>
<hr />
<a name="classes"><h2>Class index</h2></a>
<p>The following classes are available in the MCServer Lua scripting language:</p>
<p>The following classes are available in the MCServer Lua scripting language:
for i, cls in ipairs(API) do
f:write(" <li><a href=\"" .. cls.Name .. ".html\">" .. cls.Name .. "</a></li>\n");
f:write("<li><a href=\"", cls.Name, ".html\">", cls.Name, "</a></li>\n");
WriteHtmlClass(cls, API);
f:write([[ </ul>
<hr />
<a name="hooks"><h2>Hooks</h2></a>
<p>A plugin can register to be called whenever an "interesting event" occurs. It does so by calling <a href="cPluginManager.html">cPluginManager</a>'s AddHook() function and implementing a callback function to handle the event.</p>
<p>A plugin can decide whether it will let the event pass through to the rest of the plugins, or hide it from them. This is determined by the return value from the hook callback function. If the function returns false or no value, the event is propagated further. If the function returns true, the processing is stopped, no other plugin receives the notification (and possibly MCServer disables the default behavior for the event). See each hook's details to see the exact behavior.</p>
A plugin can register to be called whenever an "interesting event" occurs. It does so by calling
<a href="cPluginManager.html">cPluginManager</a>'s AddHook() function and implementing a callback
function to handle the event.</p>
A plugin can decide whether it will let the event pass through to the rest of the plugins, or hide it
from them. This is determined by the return value from the hook callback function. If the function
returns false or no value, the event is propagated further. If the function returns true, the processing
is stopped, no other plugin receives the notification (and possibly MCServer disables the default
behavior for the event). See each hook's details to see the exact behavior.</p>
<th>Hook name</th>
@ -430,6 +468,11 @@ function ReadDescriptions(a_API)
-- Process the documentation for each class:
for i, cls in ipairs(a_API) do
-- Initialize default values for each class:
cls.ConstantGroups = {};
cls.NumConstantsInGroups = 0;
cls.NumConstantsInGroupsForDescendants = 0;
-- Rename special functions:
for j, fn in ipairs(cls.Functions) do
if (fn.Name == ".call") then
@ -562,6 +605,52 @@ function ReadDescriptions(a_API)
end -- else if (APIDesc.Variables ~= nil)
if (APIDesc.ConstantGroups ~= nil) then
-- Create links between the constants and the groups:
local NumInGroups = 0;
local NumInDescendantGroups = 0;
for j, group in pairs(APIDesc.ConstantGroups) do
group.Name = j;
group.Constants = {};
if (type(group.Include) == "string") then
group.Include = { group.Include };
local NumInGroup = 0;
for idx, incl in ipairs(group.Include or {}) do
for cidx, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do
if ((cons.Group == nil) and cons.Name:match(incl)) then
cons.Group = group;
table.insert(group.Constants, cons);
NumInGroup = NumInGroup + 1;
end -- for cidx - cls.Constants[]
end -- for idx - group.Include[]
NumInGroups = NumInGroups + NumInGroup;
if (group.ShowInDescendants) then
NumInDescendantGroups = NumInDescendantGroups + NumInGroup;
-- Sort the constants:
function(c1, c2)
return (c1.Name < c2.Name);
end -- for j - APIDesc.ConstantGroups[]
cls.ConstantGroups = APIDesc.ConstantGroups;
cls.NumConstantsInGroups = NumInGroups;
cls.NumConstantsInGroupsForDescendants = NumInDescendantGroups;
-- Remove grouped constants from the normal list:
local NewConstants = {};
for idx, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do
if (cons.Group == nil) then
table.insert(NewConstants, cons);
cls.Constants = NewConstants;
end -- if (ConstantGroups ~= nil)
else -- if (APIDesc ~= nil)
-- Class is not documented at all, add all its members to Undocumented lists:
@ -742,32 +831,49 @@ function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_AllAPI)
if (a_InheritedName ~= nil) then
cf:write("<h2>Functions inherited from ", a_InheritedName, "</h2>\n");
cf:write(" <table>\n <tr>\n <th>Name</th>\n <th>Parameters</th>\n <th>Return value</th>\n <th>Notes</th>\n </tr>\n");
cf:write("<table>\n<tr><th>Name</th><th>Parameters</th><th>Return value</th><th>Notes</th></tr>\n");
for i, func in ipairs(a_Functions) do
cf:write(" <tr>\n <td>" .. func.Name .. "</td>\n");
cf:write("<tr><td>", func.Name, "</td>\n");
cf:write("<td>", LinkifyString(func.Params or "", (a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name)), "</td>\n");
cf:write("<td>", LinkifyString(func.Return or "", (a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name)), "</td>\n");
cf:write(" <td>", LinkifyString(func.Notes or "<i>(undocumented)</i>", (a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name)), "</td>\n </tr>\n");
cf:write("<td>", LinkifyString(func.Notes or "<i>(undocumented)</i>", (a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name)), "</td></tr>\n");
local function WriteConstantTable(a_Constants, a_Source)
for i, cons in ipairs(a_Constants) do
cf:write("<tr><td>", cons.Name, "</td>\n");
cf:write("<td>", cons.Value, "</td>\n");
cf:write("<td>", LinkifyString(cons.Notes or "", a_Source), "</td></tr>\n");
local function WriteConstants(a_Constants, a_InheritedName)
if (#a_Constants == 0) then
local function WriteConstants(a_Constants, a_ConstantGroups, a_NumConstantGroups, a_InheritedName)
if ((#a_Constants == 0) and (a_NumConstantGroups == 0)) then
local Source = a_ClassAPI.Name
if (a_InheritedName ~= nil) then
cf:write("<h2>Constants inherited from ", a_InheritedName, "</h2>\n");
Source = a_InheritedName;
cf:write(" <table>\n <tr>\n <th>Name</th>\n <th>Value</th>\n <th>Notes</th>\n </tr>\n");
for i, cons in ipairs(a_Constants) do
cf:write(" <tr>\n <td>", cons.Name, "</td>\n");
cf:write(" <td>", cons.Value, "</td>\n");
cf:write(" <td>", LinkifyString(cons.Notes or "", a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name), "</td>\n </tr>\n");
if (#a_Constants > 0) then
WriteConstantTable(a_Constants, Source);
for k, group in pairs(a_ConstantGroups) do
if ((a_InheritedName == nil) or group.ShowInDescendants) then
cf:write("<a name='", group.Name, "'><p>");
cf:write(LinkifyString(group.TextBefore or "", Source));
WriteConstantTable(group.Constants, a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name);
cf:write(LinkifyString(group.TextAfter or "", Source), "</a></p>");
cf:write(" </table>\n\n");
local function WriteVariables(a_Variables, a_InheritedName)
@ -779,9 +885,9 @@ function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_AllAPI)
cf:write("<h2>Member variables inherited from ", a_InheritedName, "</h2>\n");
cf:write(" <table>\n <tr>\n <th>Name</th>\n <th>Type</th>\n <th>Notes</th>\n </tr>\n");
for i, var in ipairs(a_Variables) do
cf:write(" <tr>\n <td>", var.Name, "</td>\n");
cf:write("<tr><td>", var.Name, "</td>\n");
cf:write("<td>", LinkifyString(var.Type or "<i>(undocumented)</i>", a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name), "</td>\n");
cf:write("<td>", LinkifyString(var.Notes or "", a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name), "</td>\n </tr>\n");
@ -811,8 +917,7 @@ function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_AllAPI)
CurrInheritance = CurrInheritance.Inherits;
cf:write([[<!DOCTYPE html>
cf:write([[<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<title>MCServer API - ]], a_ClassAPI.Name, [[ Class</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
@ -827,17 +932,16 @@ function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_AllAPI)
<hr />
local HasInheritance = ((#a_ClassAPI.Descendants > 0) or (a_ClassAPI.Inherits ~= nil));
local HasConstants = (#a_ClassAPI.Constants > 0);
local HasConstants = (#a_ClassAPI.Constants > 0) or (a_ClassAPI.NumConstantsInGroups > 0);
local HasFunctions = (#a_ClassAPI.Functions > 0);
local HasVariables = (#a_ClassAPI.Variables > 0);
for idx, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do
HasConstants = HasConstants or (#cls.Constants > 0);
HasConstants = HasConstants or (#cls.Constants > 0) or (cls.NumConstantsInGroupsForDescendants > 0);
HasFunctions = HasFunctions or (#cls.Functions > 0);
HasVariables = HasVariables or (#cls.Variables > 0);
@ -860,10 +964,10 @@ function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_AllAPI)
cf:write("<li><a href=\"#additionalinfo_", i, "\">", (additional.Header or "<i>(No header)</i>"), "</a></li>\n");
cf:write(" </ul>\n\n");
-- Write the class description:
cf:write(" <a name=\"desc\"><hr /><h1>" .. ClassName .. " class</h1></a>\n");
cf:write("<hr /><a name=\"desc\"><h1>", ClassName, " class</h1></a>\n");
if (a_ClassAPI.Desc ~= nil) then
cf:write(LinkifyString(a_ClassAPI.Desc, ClassName));
@ -872,13 +976,13 @@ function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_AllAPI)
-- Write the inheritance, if available:
if (HasInheritance) then
cf:write(" <a name=\"inherits\">\n <hr /><h1>Inheritance</h1></a>\n");
cf:write("<hr /><a name=\"inherits\"><h1>Inheritance</h1></a>\n");
if (#InheritanceChain > 0) then
cf:write(" <p>This class inherits from the following parent classes:</p>\n\n <ul>\n");
cf:write("<p>This class inherits from the following parent classes:<ul>\n");
for i, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do
cf:write(" <li><a href=\"" .. cls.Name .. ".html\">" .. cls.Name .. "</a></li>\n");
cf:write("<li><a href=\"", cls.Name, ".html\">", cls.Name, "</a></li>\n");
cf:write(" </ul>\n\n");
if (#a_ClassAPI.Descendants > 0) then
cf:write("<p>This class has the following descendants:\n");
@ -890,10 +994,10 @@ function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_AllAPI)
-- Write the constants:
if (HasConstants) then
cf:write("<a name=\"constants\"><hr /><h1>Constants</h1></a>\n");
WriteConstants(a_ClassAPI.Constants, nil);
g_Stats.NumTotalConstants = g_Stats.NumTotalConstants + #a_ClassAPI.Constants;
WriteConstants(a_ClassAPI.Constants, a_ClassAPI.ConstantGroups, a_ClassAPI.NumConstantsInGroups, nil);
g_Stats.NumTotalConstants = g_Stats.NumTotalConstants + #a_ClassAPI.Constants + (a_ClassAPI.NumConstantsInGroups or 0);
for i, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do
WriteConstants(cls.Constants, cls.Name);
WriteConstants(cls.Constants, cls.ConstantGroups, cls.NumConstantsInGroupsForDescendants, cls.Name);
@ -925,14 +1029,7 @@ function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_AllAPI)
@ -949,10 +1046,9 @@ function WriteHtmlHook(a_Hook)
local HookName = a_Hook.DefaultFnName;
f:write([[<!DOCTYPE html>
f:write([[<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<title>MCServer API - ]] .. HookName .. [[ Hook</title>
<title>MCServer API - ]], HookName, [[ Hook</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="prettify.css" />
<script src="prettify.js"></script>
@ -961,15 +1057,15 @@ function WriteHtmlHook(a_Hook)
<div id="content">
<h1>]] .. a_Hook.Name .. [[</h1>
<h1>]], a_Hook.Name, [[</h1>
<hr />
f:write(LinkifyString(a_Hook.Desc, HookName));
f:write("</p>\n<hr /><h1>Callback function</h1>\n<p>The default name for the callback function is ");
f:write(a_Hook.DefaultFnName .. ". It has the following signature:\n\n");
f:write(" <pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">function " .. HookName .. "(");
f:write(a_Hook.DefaultFnName, ". It has the following signature:\n");
f:write("<pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">function ", HookName, "(");
if (a_Hook.Params == nil) then
a_Hook.Params = {};
@ -979,30 +1075,22 @@ function WriteHtmlHook(a_Hook)
f:write(")</pre>\n\n <hr /><h1>Parameters:</h1>\n\n <table>\n <tr>\n <th>Name</th>\n <th>Type</th>\n <th>Notes</th>\n </tr>\n");
f:write(")</pre>\n<hr /><h1>Parameters:</h1>\n<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Notes</th></tr>\n");
for i, param in ipairs(a_Hook.Params) do
f:write(" <tr>\n <td>" .. param.Name .. "</td>\n <td>" .. LinkifyString(param.Type, HookName) .. "</td>\n <td>" .. LinkifyString(param.Notes, HookName) .. "</td>\n </tr>\n");
f:write("<tr><td>", param.Name, "</td><td>", LinkifyString(param.Type, HookName), "</td><td>", LinkifyString(param.Notes, HookName), "</td></tr>\n");
f:write(" </table>\n\n <p>" .. (a_Hook.Returns or "") .. "</p>\n\n");
f:write([[ <hr /><h1>Code examples</h1>
<h2>Registering the callback</h2>
f:write("</table>\n<p>" .. (a_Hook.Returns or "") .. "</p>\n\n");
f:write([[<hr /><h1>Code examples</h1><h2>Registering the callback</h2>]]);
f:write("<pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">\n");
f:write([[cPluginManager.AddHook(cPluginManager.]] .. a_Hook.Name .. ", My" .. a_Hook.DefaultFnName .. [[);]]);
local Examples = a_Hook.CodeExamples or {};
for i, example in ipairs(Examples) do
f:write(" <h2>" .. (example.Title or "<i>missing Title</i>") .. "</h2>\n");
f:write(" <p>" .. (example.Desc or "<i>missing Desc</i>") .. "</p>\n\n");
f:write(" <pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">" .. (example.Code or "<i>missing Code</i>") .. "\n </pre>\n\n");
f:write("<h2>", (example.Title or "<i>missing Title</i>"), "</h2>\n");
f:write("<p>", (example.Desc or "<i>missing Desc</i>"), "</p>\n");
f:write("<pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">", (example.Code or "<i>missing Code</i>"), "\n</pre>\n\n");
f:write([[ </div>
@ -1180,7 +1268,7 @@ end
function WriteStats(f)
local function ExportMeter(a_Percent)
local Color;
if (a_Percent > 95) then
if (a_Percent > 99) then
Color = "green";
elseif (a_Percent > 50) then
Color = "orange";

View File

@ -28,25 +28,30 @@ function Initialize(Plugin)
cPluginManager.AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_WORLD_TICK, OnWorldTick);
cPluginManager.AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_CHUNK_GENERATED, OnChunkGenerated);
PluginManager = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager();
PluginManager:BindCommand("/le", "debuggers", HandleListEntitiesCmd, "- Shows a list of all the loaded entities");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/ke", "debuggers", HandleKillEntitiesCmd, "- Kills all the loaded entities");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/wool", "debuggers", HandleWoolCmd, "- Sets all your armor to blue wool");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/testwnd", "debuggers", HandleTestWndCmd, "- Opens up a window using plugin API");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/gc", "debuggers", HandleGCCmd, "- Activates the Lua garbage collector");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/fast", "debuggers", HandleFastCmd, "- Switches between fast and normal movement speed");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/dash", "debuggers", HandleDashCmd, "- Switches between fast and normal sprinting speed");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/hunger", "debuggers", HandleHungerCmd, "- Lists the current hunger-related variables");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/poison", "debuggers", HandlePoisonCmd, "- Sets food-poisoning for 15 seconds");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/starve", "debuggers", HandleStarveCmd, "- Sets the food level to zero");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/fl", "debuggers", HandleFoodLevelCmd, "- Sets the food level to the given value");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/spidey", "debuggers", HandleSpideyCmd, "- Shoots a line of web blocks until it hits non-air");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/ench", "debuggers", HandleEnchCmd, "- Provides an instant dummy enchantment window");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/fs", "debuggers", HandleFoodStatsCmd, "- Turns regular foodstats message on or off");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/arr", "debuggers", HandleArrowCmd, "- Creates an arrow going away from the player");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/fb", "debuggers", HandleFireballCmd, "- Creates a ghast fireball as if shot by the player");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/xpa", "debuggers", HandleAddExperience, "- Adds 200 experience to the player");
PluginManager:BindCommand("/xpr", "debuggers", HandleRemoveXp, "- Remove all xp");
PM = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager();
PM:BindCommand("/le", "debuggers", HandleListEntitiesCmd, "- Shows a list of all the loaded entities");
PM:BindCommand("/ke", "debuggers", HandleKillEntitiesCmd, "- Kills all the loaded entities");
PM:BindCommand("/wool", "debuggers", HandleWoolCmd, "- Sets all your armor to blue wool");
PM:BindCommand("/testwnd", "debuggers", HandleTestWndCmd, "- Opens up a window using plugin API");
PM:BindCommand("/gc", "debuggers", HandleGCCmd, "- Activates the Lua garbage collector");
PM:BindCommand("/fast", "debuggers", HandleFastCmd, "- Switches between fast and normal movement speed");
PM:BindCommand("/dash", "debuggers", HandleDashCmd, "- Switches between fast and normal sprinting speed");
PM:BindCommand("/hunger", "debuggers", HandleHungerCmd, "- Lists the current hunger-related variables");
PM:BindCommand("/poison", "debuggers", HandlePoisonCmd, "- Sets food-poisoning for 15 seconds");
PM:BindCommand("/starve", "debuggers", HandleStarveCmd, "- Sets the food level to zero");
PM:BindCommand("/fl", "debuggers", HandleFoodLevelCmd, "- Sets the food level to the given value");
PM:BindCommand("/spidey", "debuggers", HandleSpideyCmd, "- Shoots a line of web blocks until it hits non-air");
PM:BindCommand("/ench", "debuggers", HandleEnchCmd, "- Provides an instant dummy enchantment window");
PM:BindCommand("/fs", "debuggers", HandleFoodStatsCmd, "- Turns regular foodstats message on or off");
PM:BindCommand("/arr", "debuggers", HandleArrowCmd, "- Creates an arrow going away from the player");
PM:BindCommand("/fb", "debuggers", HandleFireballCmd, "- Creates a ghast fireball as if shot by the player");
PM:BindCommand("/xpa", "debuggers", HandleAddExperience, "- Adds 200 experience to the player");
PM:BindCommand("/xpr", "debuggers", HandleRemoveXp, "- Remove all xp");
PM:BindCommand("/fill", "debuggers", HandleFill, "- Fills all block entities in current chunk with junk");
PM:BindCommand("/fr", "debuggers", HandleFurnaceRecipe, "- Shows the furnace recipe for the currently held item");
PM:BindCommand("/ff", "debuggers", HandleFurnaceFuel, "- Shows how long the currently held item would burn in a furnace");
Plugin:AddWebTab("Debuggers", HandleRequest_Debuggers);
-- Enable the following line for BlockArea / Generator interface testing:
-- PluginManager:AddHook(Plugin, cPluginManager.HOOK_CHUNK_GENERATED);
@ -863,3 +868,89 @@ function HandleRemoveXp(a_Split, a_Player)
return true;
function HandleFill(a_Split, a_Player)
local World = a_Player:GetWorld();
local ChunkX = a_Player:GetChunkX();
local ChunkZ = a_Player:GetChunkZ();
World:ForEachBlockEntityInChunk(ChunkX, ChunkZ,
local BlockType = a_BlockEntity:GetBlockType();
if (
(BlockType == E_BLOCK_CHEST) or
(BlockType == E_BLOCK_DISPENSER) or
(BlockType == E_BLOCK_DROPPER) or
(BlockType == E_BLOCK_FURNACE) or
(BlockType == E_BLOCK_HOPPER)
) then
-- This block entity has items (inherits from cBlockEntityWithItems), fill it:
-- Note that we're not touching lit furnaces, don't wanna mess them up
local EntityWithItems = tolua.cast(a_BlockEntity, "cBlockEntityWithItems");
local ItemGrid = EntityWithItems:GetContents();
local NumSlots = ItemGrid:GetNumSlots();
local ItemToSet = cItem(E_ITEM_GOLD_NUGGET);
for i = 0, NumSlots - 1 do
if (ItemGrid:GetSlot(i):IsEmpty()) then
ItemGrid:SetSlot(i, ItemToSet);
return true;
function HandleFurnaceRecipe(a_Split, a_Player)
local HeldItem = a_Player:GetEquippedItem();
local Out, NumTicks, In = cRoot:GetFurnaceRecipe(HeldItem);
if (Out ~= nil) then
"Furnace turns " .. ItemToFullString(In) ..
" to " .. ItemToFullString(Out) ..
" in " .. NumTicks .. " ticks (" ..
tostring(NumTicks / 20) .. " seconds)."
a_Player:SendMessage("There is no furnace recipe that would smelt " .. ItemToString(HeldItem));
return true;
function HandleFurnaceFuel(a_Split, a_Player)
local HeldItem = a_Player:GetEquippedItem();
local NumTicks = cRoot:GetFurnaceFuelBurnTime(HeldItem);
if (NumTicks > 0) then
ItemToFullString(HeldItem) .. " would power a furnace for " .. NumTicks ..
" ticks (" .. tostring(NumTicks / 20) .. " seconds)."
a_Player:SendMessage(ItemToString(HeldItem) .. " will not power furnaces.");
return true;
function HandleRequest_Debuggers(a_Request)
local FolderContents = cFile:GetFolderContents("./");
return "<p>The following objects have been returned by cFile:GetFolderContents():<ul><li>" .. table.concat(FolderContents, "</li><li>") .. "</li></ul></p>";

Tools/RCONClient/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// Globals.cpp
// This file is used for precompiled header generation in MSVC environments
#include "Globals.h"

Tools/RCONClient/Globals.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
// Globals.h
// This file gets included from every module in the project, so that global symbols may be introduced easily
// Also used for precompiled header generation in MSVC environments
// Compiler-dependent stuff:
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
// MSVC produces warning C4481 on the override keyword usage, so disable the warning altogether
#pragma warning(disable:4481)
// Disable some warnings that we don't care about:
#pragma warning(disable:4100)
#define OBSOLETE __declspec(deprecated)
// No alignment needed in MSVC
#define ALIGN_8
#define ALIGN_16
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
// TODO: Can GCC explicitly mark classes as abstract (no instances can be created)?
#define abstract
// TODO: Can GCC mark virtual methods as overriding (forcing them to have a virtual function of the same signature in the base class)
#define override
#define OBSOLETE __attribute__((deprecated))
#define ALIGN_8 __attribute__((aligned(8)))
#define ALIGN_16 __attribute__((aligned(16)))
// Some portability macros :)
#define stricmp strcasecmp
#error "You are using an unsupported compiler, you might need to #define some stuff here for your compiler"
// Copy and uncomment this into another #elif section based on your compiler identification
// Explicitly mark classes as abstract (no instances can be created)
#define abstract
// Mark virtual methods as overriding (forcing them to have a virtual function of the same signature in the base class)
#define override
// Mark functions as obsolete, so that their usage results in a compile-time warning
#define OBSOLETE
// Mark types / variables for alignment. Do the platforms need it?
#define ALIGN_8
#define ALIGN_16
// Integral types with predefined sizes:
typedef long long Int64;
typedef int Int32;
typedef short Int16;
typedef unsigned long long UInt64;
typedef unsigned int UInt32;
typedef unsigned short UInt16;
// A macro to disallow the copy constructor and operator= functions
// This should be used in the private: declarations for any class that shouldn't allow copying itself
TypeName(const TypeName &); \
void operator=(const TypeName &)
// A macro that is used to mark unused function parameters, to avoid pedantic warnings in gcc
#define UNUSED(X) (void)(X)
// OS-dependent stuff:
#ifdef _WIN32
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x501 // We want to target WinXP and higher
#include <Windows.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <Ws2tcpip.h> // IPv6 stuff
// Windows SDK defines min and max macros, messing up with our std::min and std::max usage
#undef min
#undef max
// Windows SDK defines GetFreeSpace as a constant, probably a Win16 API remnant
#ifdef GetFreeSpace
#undef GetFreeSpace
#endif // GetFreeSpace
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> // for mkdir
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#if !defined(ANDROID_NDK)
#include <tr1/memory>
#if !defined(ANDROID_NDK)
#if defined(ANDROID_NDK)
#define FILE_IO_PREFIX "/sdcard/mcserver/"
#define FILE_IO_PREFIX ""
// CRT stuff:
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>
// STL stuff:
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
// Common headers (part 1, without macros):
#include "StringUtils.h"
#include "OSSupport/CriticalSection.h"
#include "OSSupport/File.h"
#include "MCLogger.h"
// Common definitions:
/// Evaluates to the number of elements in an array (compile-time!)
#define ARRAYCOUNT(X) (sizeof(X) / sizeof(*(X)))
/// Allows arithmetic expressions like "32 KiB" (but consider using parenthesis around it, "(32 KiB)" )
#define KiB * 1024
/// Faster than (int)floorf((float)x / (float)div)
#define FAST_FLOOR_DIV( x, div ) ( (x) < 0 ? (((int)x / div) - 1) : ((int)x / div) )
// Own version of assert() that writes failed assertions to the log for review
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define ASSERT(x) ((void)0)
#define ASSERT assert
// Pretty much the same as ASSERT() but stays in Release builds
#define VERIFY( x ) ( !!(x) || ( LOGERROR("Verification failed: %s, file %s, line %i", #x, __FILE__, __LINE__ ), exit(1), 0 ) )

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@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
// RCONClient.cpp
// Implements the main app entrypoint
#include "Globals.h"
#include "OSSupport/Socket.h"
#include "ByteBuffer.h"
// If set to true, verbose messages are output to stderr. Use the "-v" or "--verbose" param to turn on
bool g_IsVerbose = false;
/// This class can read and write RCON packets to / from a connected socket
class cRCONPacketizer
ptCommand = 2,
ptLogin = 3,
} ;
cRCONPacketizer(cSocket & a_Socket);
/// Sends the packet to the socket and waits until the response is received.
/// Returns true if response successfully received, false if the client disconnected or protocol error.
/// Dumps the reply payload to stdout.
bool SendPacket(int a_PacketType, const AString & a_PacketPayload);
/// The socket to use for reading incoming data and writing outgoing data:
cSocket & m_Socket;
/// The RequestID of the packet that is being sent. Incremented when the reply is received
int m_RequestID;
/// Receives the full response and dumps its payload to stdout.
/// Returns true if successful, false if the client disconnected or protocol error.
bool ReceiveResponse(void);
/// Parses the received response packet and dumps its payload to stdout.
/// Returns true if successful, false on protocol error
/// Assumes that the packet length has already been read from the packet
/// If the packet is successfully parsed, increments m_RequestID
bool ParsePacket(cByteBuffer & a_Buffer, int a_PacketLength);
} ;
cRCONPacketizer::cRCONPacketizer(cSocket & a_Socket) :
bool cRCONPacketizer::SendPacket(int a_PacketType, const AString & a_PacketPayload)
// Send the packet:
cByteBuffer bb(a_PacketPayload.size() + 30);
bb.WriteBuf(a_PacketPayload.data(), a_PacketPayload.size());
bb.WriteBEShort(0); // Padding
AString Packet;
size_t Length = Packet.size();
if (!m_Socket.Send((const char *)&Length, 4))
fprintf(stderr, "Network error while sending packet: %d (%s). Aborting.",
cSocket::GetLastError(), cSocket::GetLastErrorString().c_str()
return false;
if (!m_Socket.Send(Packet.data(), Packet.size()))
fprintf(stderr, "Network error while sending packet: %d (%s). Aborting.",
cSocket::GetLastError(), cSocket::GetLastErrorString().c_str()
return false;
return ReceiveResponse();
bool cRCONPacketizer::ReceiveResponse(void)
// Receive the response:
cByteBuffer Buffer(64 KiB);
while (true)
char buf[1024];
int NumReceived = m_Socket.Receive(buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
if (NumReceived == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "The remote end closed the connection. Aborting.");
return false;
if (NumReceived < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Network error while receiving response: %d, %d (%s). Aborting.",
NumReceived, cSocket::GetLastError(), cSocket::GetLastErrorString().c_str()
return false;
Buffer.Write(buf, NumReceived);
// Check if the buffer contains the full packet:
if (!Buffer.CanReadBytes(14))
// 14 is the minimum packet size for RCON
int PacketSize;
if (!Buffer.CanReadBytes(PacketSize))
// The packet is not complete yet
// Parse the packet
return ParsePacket(Buffer, PacketSize);
bool cRCONPacketizer::ParsePacket(cByteBuffer & a_Buffer, int a_PacketLength)
// Check that the request ID is equal
bool IsValid = true;
int RequestID = 0;
if (RequestID != m_RequestID)
if ((RequestID == -1) && (m_RequestID == 0))
fprintf(stderr, "Login failed. Aborting.");
IsValid = false;
// Continue, so that the payload is printed before the program aborts.
fprintf(stderr, "The server returned an invalid request ID, got %d, exp. %d. Aborting.", RequestID, m_RequestID);
return false;
// Check the packet type:
int PacketType = 0;
if (PacketType != ptCommand)
fprintf(stderr, "The server returned an unknown packet type: %d. Aborting.", PacketType);
IsValid = false;
// Continue, so that the payload is printed before the program aborts.
AString Payload;
VERIFY(a_Buffer.ReadString(Payload, a_PacketLength - 10));
// Dump the payload to stdout, in a binary mode
fwrite(Payload.data(), Payload.size(), 1, stdout);
if (IsValid)
return true;
return false;
// main:
int RealMain(int argc, char * argv[])
new cMCLogger; // Create a new logger
// Parse the cmdline params for server IP, port, password and the commands to send:
AString ServerAddress, Password;
int ServerPort = -1;
AStringVector Commands;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (((NoCaseCompare(argv[i], "-s") == 0) || (NoCaseCompare(argv[i], "--server") == 0)) && (i < argc - 1))
ServerAddress = argv[i + 1];
if (((NoCaseCompare(argv[i], "-p") == 0) || (NoCaseCompare(argv[i], "--port") == 0)) && (i < argc - 1))
ServerPort = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if (((NoCaseCompare(argv[i], "-w") == 0) || (NoCaseCompare(argv[i], "--password") == 0)) && (i < argc - 1))
Password = argv[i + 1];
if (((NoCaseCompare(argv[i], "-c") == 0) || (NoCaseCompare(argv[i], "--cmd") == 0) || (NoCaseCompare(argv[i], "--command") == 0)) && (i < argc - 1))
Commands.push_back(argv[i + 1]);
if (((NoCaseCompare(argv[i], "-f") == 0) || (NoCaseCompare(argv[i], "--file") == 0)) && (i < argc - 1))
cFile f(argv[i], cFile::fmRead);
if (!f.IsOpen())
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read commands from file \"%s\", aborting.", argv[i]);
return 2;
AString cmd;
if ((NoCaseCompare(argv[i], "-v") == 0) || (NoCaseCompare(argv[i], "--verbose") == 0))
fprintf(stderr, "Verbose output enabled\n");
g_IsVerbose = true;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown parameter: \"%s\". Aborting.", argv[i]);
return 1;
} // for i - argv[]
if (ServerAddress.empty() || (ServerPort < 0))
fprintf(stderr, "Server address or port not set. Use the --server and --port parameters to set them. Aborting.");
return 1;
// Connect:
if (cSocket::WSAStartup() != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initialize network stack. Aborting\n");
return 6;
if (g_IsVerbose)
fprintf(stderr, "Connecting to \"%s:%d\"...\n", ServerAddress.c_str(), ServerPort);
cSocket s = cSocket::CreateSocket(cSocket::IPv4);
if (!s.ConnectIPv4(ServerAddress, (unsigned short)ServerPort))
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot connect to \"%s:%d\": %s\n", ServerAddress.c_str(), ServerPort, cSocket::GetLastErrorString().c_str());
return 3;
cRCONPacketizer Packetizer(s);
// Authenticate using the provided password:
if (!Password.empty())
if (g_IsVerbose)
fprintf(stderr, "Sending the login packet...\n");
if (!Packetizer.SendPacket(cRCONPacketizer::ptLogin, Password))
// Error message has already been printed, bail out
return 4;
if (g_IsVerbose)
fprintf(stderr, "No password provided, not sending a login packet.\n");
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Commands.begin(), end = Commands.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
if (g_IsVerbose)
fprintf(stderr, "Sending command \"%s\"...\n", itr->c_str());
if (!Packetizer.SendPacket(cRCONPacketizer::ptCommand, *itr))
return 5;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
// This redirection function is only so that debugging the program is easier in MSVC - when RealMain exits, it's still possible to place a breakpoint
int res = RealMain(argc, argv);
return res;

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
# Visual C++ Express 2008
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "RCONClient", "RCONClient.vcproj", "{1A48B032-07D0-4DDD-8362-66C0FC7F7849}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{1A48B032-07D0-4DDD-8362-66C0FC7F7849}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{1A48B032-07D0-4DDD-8362-66C0FC7F7849}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{1A48B032-07D0-4DDD-8362-66C0FC7F7849}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{1A48B032-07D0-4DDD-8362-66C0FC7F7849}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE

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@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1250"?>
ProjectType="Visual C++"
Name="Source Files"
Name="Resource Files"

VC2013/.gitignore vendored
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@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ ipch/**

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
** Lua binding: AllToLua
** Generated automatically by tolua++-1.0.92 on 11/16/13 21:58:48.
** Generated automatically by tolua++-1.0.92 on 11/23/13 19:57:30.
#ifndef __cplusplus
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ static void tolua_reg_types (lua_State* tolua_S)
@ -199,9 +199,8 @@ static void tolua_reg_types (lua_State* tolua_S)
@ -212,49 +211,51 @@ static void tolua_reg_types (lua_State* tolua_S)
/* method: new of class cIniFile */
@ -2302,6 +2303,37 @@ static int tolua_AllToLua_cFile_CreateFolder00(lua_State* tolua_S)
#endif //#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE
/* method: ReadWholeFile of class cFile */
#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE_tolua_AllToLua_cFile_ReadWholeFile00
static int tolua_AllToLua_cFile_ReadWholeFile00(lua_State* tolua_S)
tolua_Error tolua_err;
if (
!tolua_isusertable(tolua_S,1,"cFile",0,&tolua_err) ||
!tolua_iscppstring(tolua_S,2,0,&tolua_err) ||
goto tolua_lerror;
const AString a_FileName = ((const AString) tolua_tocppstring(tolua_S,2,0));
AString tolua_ret = (AString) cFile::ReadWholeFile(a_FileName);
tolua_pushcppstring(tolua_S,(const char*)tolua_ret);
tolua_pushcppstring(tolua_S,(const char*)a_FileName);
return 2;
tolua_error(tolua_S,"#ferror in function 'ReadWholeFile'.",&tolua_err);
return 0;
#endif //#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE
/* function: BlockStringToType */
#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE_tolua_AllToLua_BlockStringToType00
static int tolua_AllToLua_BlockStringToType00(lua_State* tolua_S)
@ -7846,6 +7878,66 @@ static int tolua_AllToLua_cPlayer_GetXpPercentage00(lua_State* tolua_S)
#endif //#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE
/* method: XpForLevel of class cPlayer */
#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE_tolua_AllToLua_cPlayer_XpForLevel00
static int tolua_AllToLua_cPlayer_XpForLevel00(lua_State* tolua_S)
tolua_Error tolua_err;
if (
!tolua_isusertable(tolua_S,1,"cPlayer",0,&tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber(tolua_S,2,0,&tolua_err) ||
goto tolua_lerror;
short int a_Level = ((short int) tolua_tonumber(tolua_S,2,0));
short tolua_ret = (short) cPlayer::XpForLevel(a_Level);
return 1;
tolua_error(tolua_S,"#ferror in function 'XpForLevel'.",&tolua_err);
return 0;
#endif //#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE
/* method: CalcLevelFromXp of class cPlayer */
#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE_tolua_AllToLua_cPlayer_CalcLevelFromXp00
static int tolua_AllToLua_cPlayer_CalcLevelFromXp00(lua_State* tolua_S)
tolua_Error tolua_err;
if (
!tolua_isusertable(tolua_S,1,"cPlayer",0,&tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isnumber(tolua_S,2,0,&tolua_err) ||
goto tolua_lerror;
short int a_CurrentXp = ((short int) tolua_tonumber(tolua_S,2,0));
short tolua_ret = (short) cPlayer::CalcLevelFromXp(a_CurrentXp);
return 1;
tolua_error(tolua_S,"#ferror in function 'CalcLevelFromXp'.",&tolua_err);
return 0;
#endif //#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE
/* method: GetEyeHeight of class cPlayer */
#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE_tolua_AllToLua_cPlayer_GetEyeHeight00
static int tolua_AllToLua_cPlayer_GetEyeHeight00(lua_State* tolua_S)
@ -19653,33 +19745,31 @@ static int tolua_AllToLua_cRoot_GetCraftingRecipes00(lua_State* tolua_S)
#endif //#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE
/* method: GetFurnaceRecipe of class cRoot */
#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE_tolua_AllToLua_cRoot_GetFurnaceRecipe00
static int tolua_AllToLua_cRoot_GetFurnaceRecipe00(lua_State* tolua_S)
/* method: GetFurnaceFuelBurnTime of class cRoot */
#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE_tolua_AllToLua_cRoot_GetFurnaceFuelBurnTime00
static int tolua_AllToLua_cRoot_GetFurnaceFuelBurnTime00(lua_State* tolua_S)
tolua_Error tolua_err;
if (
!tolua_isusertype(tolua_S,1,"cRoot",0,&tolua_err) ||
!tolua_isusertable(tolua_S,1,"cRoot",0,&tolua_err) ||
(tolua_isvaluenil(tolua_S,2,&tolua_err) || !tolua_isusertype(tolua_S,2,"const cItem",0,&tolua_err)) ||
goto tolua_lerror;
cRoot* self = (cRoot*) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S,1,0);
if (!self) tolua_error(tolua_S,"invalid 'self' in function 'GetFurnaceRecipe'", NULL);
const cItem* a_Fuel = ((const cItem*) tolua_tousertype(tolua_S,2,0));
cFurnaceRecipe* tolua_ret = (cFurnaceRecipe*) self->GetFurnaceRecipe();
int tolua_ret = (int) cRoot::GetFurnaceFuelBurnTime(*a_Fuel);
return 1;
tolua_error(tolua_S,"#ferror in function 'GetFurnaceRecipe'.",&tolua_err);
tolua_error(tolua_S,"#ferror in function 'GetFurnaceFuelBurnTime'.",&tolua_err);
return 0;
@ -29479,6 +29569,7 @@ TOLUA_API int tolua_AllToLua_open (lua_State* tolua_S)
@ -30449,13 +30540,14 @@ TOLUA_API int tolua_AllToLua_open (lua_State* tolua_S)
@ -30543,6 +30635,7 @@ TOLUA_API int tolua_AllToLua_open (lua_State* tolua_S)
@ -30572,6 +30665,12 @@ TOLUA_API int tolua_AllToLua_open (lua_State* tolua_S)
@ -31056,7 +31155,7 @@ TOLUA_API int tolua_AllToLua_open (lua_State* tolua_S)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
** Lua binding: AllToLua
** Generated automatically by tolua++-1.0.92 on 11/16/13 21:58:48.
** Generated automatically by tolua++-1.0.92 on 11/23/13 19:57:31.
/* Exported function */

View File

@ -52,6 +52,11 @@ public:
/// Returns NULL for unknown block types
static cBlockEntity * CreateByBlockType(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cWorld * a_World = NULL);
static const char * GetClassStatic(void) // Needed for ManualBindings's ForEach templates
return "cBlockEntity";
// tolua_begin
// Position, in absolute block coordinates:

View File

@ -13,6 +13,25 @@
// Try to determine endianness:
#if ( \
defined(__i386__) || defined(__alpha__) || \
defined(__ia64) || defined(__ia64__) || \
defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_IA64) || \
defined(_M_ALPHA) || defined(__amd64) || \
defined(__amd64__) || defined(_M_AMD64) || \
defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__) || \
defined(_M_X64) || defined(__bfin__) || \
defined(__ARMEL__) || \
(defined(_WIN32) && defined(__ARM__) && defined(_MSC_VER)) \
#elif defined (__ARMEB__)
#error Cannot determine endianness of this platform
// If a string sent over the protocol is larger than this, a warning is emitted to the console
#define MAX_STRING_SIZE (512 KiB)
@ -416,6 +435,25 @@ bool cByteBuffer::ReadVarUTF8String(AString & a_Value)
bool cByteBuffer::ReadLEInt(int & a_Value)
ReadBuf(&a_Value, 4);
// Convert:
a_Value = ((a_Value >> 24) & 0xff) | ((a_Value >> 16) & 0xff00) | ((a_Value >> 8) & 0xff0000) | (a_Value & 0xff000000);
return true;
bool cByteBuffer::WriteChar(char a_Value)
@ -572,6 +610,22 @@ bool cByteBuffer::WriteVarUTF8String(const AString & a_Value)
bool cByteBuffer::WriteLEInt(int a_Value)
return WriteBuf((const char *)&a_Value, 4);
int Value = ((a_Value >> 24) & 0xff) | ((a_Value >> 16) & 0xff00) | ((a_Value >> 8) & 0xff0000) | (a_Value & 0xff000000);
return WriteBuf((const char *)&Value, 4);
bool cByteBuffer::ReadBuf(void * a_Buffer, int a_Count)

View File

@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ public:
bool ReadBEUTF16String16(AString & a_Value); // string length as BE short, then string as UTF-16BE
bool ReadVarInt (UInt32 & a_Value);
bool ReadVarUTF8String (AString & a_Value); // string length as VarInt, then string as UTF-8
bool ReadLEInt (int & a_Value);
/// Reads VarInt, assigns it to anything that can be assigned from an UInt32 (unsigned short, char, Byte, double, ...)
template <typename T> bool ReadVarInt(T & a_Value)
@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ public:
bool WriteBEUTF16String16(const AString & a_Value); // string length as BE short, then string as UTF-16BE
bool WriteVarInt (UInt32 a_Value);
bool WriteVarUTF8String (const AString & a_Value); // string length as VarInt, then string as UTF-8
bool WriteLEInt (int a_Value);
/// Reads a_Count bytes into a_Buffer; returns true if successful
bool ReadBuf(void * a_Buffer, int a_Count);

View File

@ -1840,6 +1840,24 @@ bool cChunk::DoWithEntityByID(int a_EntityID, cEntityCallback & a_Callback, bool
bool cChunk::ForEachBlockEntity(cBlockEntityCallback & a_Callback)
// The blockentity list is locked by the parent chunkmap's CS
for (cBlockEntityList::iterator itr = m_BlockEntities.begin(), itr2 = itr; itr != m_BlockEntities.end(); itr = itr2)
if (a_Callback.Item(*itr))
return false;
} // for itr - m_BlockEntitites[]
return true;
bool cChunk::ForEachChest(cChestCallback & a_Callback)
// The blockentity list is locked by the parent chunkmap's CS
@ -1958,6 +1976,32 @@ bool cChunk::ForEachFurnace(cFurnaceCallback & a_Callback)
bool cChunk::DoWithBlockEntityAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cBlockEntityCallback & a_Callback)
// The blockentity list is locked by the parent chunkmap's CS
for (cBlockEntityList::iterator itr = m_BlockEntities.begin(), itr2 = itr; itr != m_BlockEntities.end(); itr = itr2)
if (((*itr)->GetPosX() != a_BlockX) || ((*itr)->GetPosY() != a_BlockY) || ((*itr)->GetPosZ() != a_BlockZ))
if (a_Callback.Item(*itr))
return false;
return true;
} // for itr - m_BlockEntitites[]
// Not found:
return false;
bool cChunk::DoWithChestAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cChestCallback & a_Callback)
// The blockentity list is locked by the parent chunkmap's CS

View File

@ -207,6 +207,9 @@ public:
/// Calls the callback if the entity with the specified ID is found, with the entity object as the callback param. Returns true if entity found.
bool DoWithEntityByID(int a_EntityID, cEntityCallback & a_Callback, bool & a_CallbackResult); // Lua-accessible
/// Calls the callback for each block entity; returns true if all block entities processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true
bool ForEachBlockEntity(cBlockEntityCallback & a_Callback); // Lua-accessible
/// Calls the callback for each chest; returns true if all chests processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true
bool ForEachChest(cChestCallback & a_Callback); // Lua-accessible
@ -222,6 +225,9 @@ public:
/// Calls the callback for each furnace; returns true if all furnaces processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true
bool ForEachFurnace(cFurnaceCallback & a_Callback); // Lua-accessible
/// Calls the callback for the block entity at the specified coords; returns false if there's no block entity at those coords, true if found
bool DoWithBlockEntityAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cBlockEntityCallback & a_Callback); // Lua-acessible
/// Calls the callback for the chest at the specified coords; returns false if there's no chest at those coords, true if found
bool DoWithChestAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cChestCallback & a_Callback); // Lua-acessible

View File

@ -1702,6 +1702,21 @@ bool cChunkMap::DoWithEntityByID(int a_UniqueID, cEntityCallback & a_Callback)
bool cChunkMap::ForEachBlockEntityInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cBlockEntityCallback & a_Callback)
cCSLock Lock(m_CSLayers);
cChunkPtr Chunk = GetChunkNoGen(a_ChunkX, ZERO_CHUNK_Y, a_ChunkZ);
if ((Chunk == NULL) && !Chunk->IsValid())
return false;
return Chunk->ForEachBlockEntity(a_Callback);
bool cChunkMap::ForEachChestInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChestCallback & a_Callback)
cCSLock Lock(m_CSLayers);
@ -1777,6 +1792,24 @@ bool cChunkMap::ForEachFurnaceInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cFurnaceCallba
bool cChunkMap::DoWithBlockEntityAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cBlockEntityCallback & a_Callback)
int ChunkX, ChunkZ;
int BlockX = a_BlockX, BlockY = a_BlockY, BlockZ = a_BlockZ;
cChunkDef::AbsoluteToRelative(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, ChunkX, ChunkZ);
cCSLock Lock(m_CSLayers);
cChunkPtr Chunk = GetChunkNoGen(ChunkX, ZERO_CHUNK_Y, ChunkZ);
if ((Chunk == NULL) && !Chunk->IsValid())
return false;
return Chunk->DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, a_Callback);
bool cChunkMap::DoWithChestAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cChestCallback & a_Callback)
int ChunkX, ChunkZ;

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class cMobSpawner;
typedef std::list<cClientHandle *> cClientHandleList;
typedef cChunk * cChunkPtr;
typedef cItemCallback<cEntity> cEntityCallback;
typedef cItemCallback<cBlockEntity> cBlockEntityCallback;
typedef cItemCallback<cChestEntity> cChestCallback;
typedef cItemCallback<cDispenserEntity> cDispenserCallback;
typedef cItemCallback<cDropperEntity> cDropperCallback;
@ -191,6 +192,9 @@ public:
/// Calls the callback if the entity with the specified ID is found, with the entity object as the callback param. Returns true if entity found and callback returned false.
bool DoWithEntityByID(int a_UniqueID, cEntityCallback & a_Callback); // Lua-accessible
/// Calls the callback for each block entity in the specified chunk; returns true if all block entities processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true
bool ForEachBlockEntityInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cBlockEntityCallback & a_Callback); // Lua-accessible
/// Calls the callback for each chest in the specified chunk; returns true if all chests processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true
bool ForEachChestInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChestCallback & a_Callback); // Lua-accessible
@ -206,6 +210,9 @@ public:
/// Calls the callback for each furnace in the specified chunk; returns true if all furnaces processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true
bool ForEachFurnaceInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cFurnaceCallback & a_Callback); // Lua-accessible
/// Calls the callback for the block entity at the specified coords; returns false if there's no block entity at those coords, true if found
bool DoWithBlockEntityAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cBlockEntityCallback & a_Callback); // Lua-acessible
/// Calls the callback for the chest at the specified coords; returns false if there's no chest at those coords, true if found
bool DoWithChestAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cChestCallback & a_Callback); // Lua-acessible

View File

@ -358,11 +358,10 @@ bool cPlayer::SetCurrentExperience(short int a_CurrentXp)
short cPlayer::DeltaExperience(short a_Xp_delta)
//ToDo: figure out a better name?...
if(a_Xp_delta > (SHRT_MAX - m_LifetimeTotalXp))
if (a_Xp_delta > (SHRT_MAX - m_CurrentXp))
// Value was bad, abort and report
LOGWARNING("Attempt was made to increment Xp by %d, which was bad",
LOGWARNING("Attempt was made to increment Xp by %d, which overflowed the short datatype. Ignoring.",
return -1; // Should we instead just return the current Xp?
@ -370,9 +369,9 @@ short cPlayer::DeltaExperience(short a_Xp_delta)
m_CurrentXp += a_Xp_delta;
// Make sure they didn't subtract too much
if(m_CurrentXp < MIN_EXPERIENCE)
if (m_CurrentXp < 0)
m_CurrentXp = 0;
// Update total for score calculation
@ -803,8 +802,8 @@ void cPlayer::Respawn(void)
m_FoodSaturationLevel = 5;
// Reset Experience
m_LifetimeTotalXp = MIN_EXPERIENCE;
m_CurrentXp = 0;
m_LifetimeTotalXp = 0;
// ToDo: send score to client? How?

View File

@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ public:
EATING_TICKS = 30, ///< Number of ticks it takes to eat an item
DROWNING_TICKS = 10, //number of ticks per heart of damage
} ;
// tolua_end
@ -92,6 +91,12 @@ public:
/// Gets the experience bar percentage - XpP
float GetXpPercentage(void);
/// Caculates the amount of XP needed for a given level, ref: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/XP
static short XpForLevel(short int a_Level);
/// inverse of XpForLevel, ref: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/XP values are as per this with pre-calculations
static short CalcLevelFromXp(short int a_CurrentXp);
// tolua_end
/// Starts charging the equipped bow
@ -327,8 +332,6 @@ public:
virtual bool IsSprinting(void) const { return m_IsSprinting; }
virtual bool IsRclking (void) const { return IsEating(); }
typedef std::map< std::string, bool > PermissionMap;
PermissionMap m_ResolvedPermissions;
@ -426,15 +429,10 @@ protected:
// flag saying we need to send a xp update to client
bool m_bDirtyExperience;
/// Caculates the Xp needed for a given level, ref: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/XP
static short XpForLevel(short int a_Level);
/// inverse of XpAtLevel, ref: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/XP values are as per this with pre-calculations
static short CalcLevelFromXp(short int a_CurrentXp);
bool m_IsChargingBow;
int m_BowCharge;
virtual void Destroyed(void);
/// Filters out damage for creative mode

View File

@ -739,6 +739,39 @@ bool cLuaState::CallFunction(int a_NumResults)
bool cLuaState::CheckParamUserTable(int a_StartParam, const char * a_UserTable, int a_EndParam)
if (a_EndParam < 0)
a_EndParam = a_StartParam;
tolua_Error tolua_err;
for (int i = a_StartParam; i <= a_EndParam; i++)
if (tolua_isusertable(m_LuaState, i, a_UserTable, 0, &tolua_err))
// Not the correct parameter
lua_Debug entry;
VERIFY(lua_getstack(m_LuaState, 0, &entry));
VERIFY(lua_getinfo (m_LuaState, "n", &entry));
AString ErrMsg = Printf("#ferror in function '%s'.", (entry.name != NULL) ? entry.name : "?");
tolua_error(m_LuaState, ErrMsg.c_str(), &tolua_err);
return false;
} // for i - Param
// All params checked ok
return true;
bool cLuaState::CheckParamUserType(int a_StartParam, const char * a_UserType, int a_EndParam)
@ -838,6 +871,39 @@ bool cLuaState::CheckParamNumber(int a_StartParam, int a_EndParam)
bool cLuaState::CheckParamString(int a_StartParam, int a_EndParam)
if (a_EndParam < 0)
a_EndParam = a_StartParam;
tolua_Error tolua_err;
for (int i = a_StartParam; i <= a_EndParam; i++)
if (tolua_isstring(m_LuaState, i, 0, &tolua_err))
// Not the correct parameter
lua_Debug entry;
VERIFY(lua_getstack(m_LuaState, 0, &entry));
VERIFY(lua_getinfo (m_LuaState, "n", &entry));
AString ErrMsg = Printf("#ferror in function '%s'.", (entry.name != NULL) ? entry.name : "?");
tolua_error(m_LuaState, ErrMsg.c_str(), &tolua_err);
return false;
} // for i - Param
// All params checked ok
return true;
bool cLuaState::CheckParamEnd(int a_Param)
tolua_Error tolua_err;

View File

@ -764,15 +764,21 @@ public:
bool CallFunction(int a_NumReturnValues);
/// Returns true if the specified parameters on the stack are of the specified usertype; also logs warning if not
/// Returns true if the specified parameters on the stack are of the specified usertable type; also logs warning if not. Used for static functions
bool CheckParamUserTable(int a_StartParam, const char * a_UserTable, int a_EndParam = -1);
/// Returns true if the specified parameters on the stack are of the specified usertype; also logs warning if not. Used for regular functions
bool CheckParamUserType(int a_StartParam, const char * a_UserType, int a_EndParam = -1);
/// Returns true if the specified parameters on the stack are a table; also logs warning if not
/// Returns true if the specified parameters on the stack are tables; also logs warning if not
bool CheckParamTable(int a_StartParam, int a_EndParam = -1);
/// Returns true if the specified parameters on the stack are a number; also logs warning if not
/// Returns true if the specified parameters on the stack are numbers; also logs warning if not
bool CheckParamNumber(int a_StartParam, int a_EndParam = -1);
/// Returns true if the specified parameters on the stack are strings; also logs warning if not
bool CheckParamString(int a_StartParam, int a_EndParam = -1);
/// Returns true if the specified parameter on the stack is nil (indicating an end-of-parameters)
bool CheckParamEnd(int a_Param);

View File

@ -171,6 +171,29 @@ cPluginLua * GetLuaPlugin(lua_State * L)
static int tolua_cFile_GetFolderContents(lua_State * tolua_S)
cLuaState LuaState(tolua_S);
if (
!LuaState.CheckParamUserTable(1, "cFile") ||
!LuaState.CheckParamString (2) ||
!LuaState.CheckParamEnd (3)
return 0;
AString Folder = (AString)tolua_tocppstring(LuaState, 2, 0);
AStringVector Contents = cFile::GetFolderContents(Folder);
return 1;
class Ty1,
class Ty2,
@ -2063,6 +2086,46 @@ static int tolua_cLineBlockTracer_Trace(lua_State * tolua_S)
static int tolua_cRoot_GetFurnaceRecipe(lua_State * tolua_S)
cLuaState L(tolua_S);
if (
!L.CheckParamUserTable(1, "cRoot") ||
!L.CheckParamUserType (2, "const cItem") ||
!L.CheckParamEnd (3)
return 0;
// Check the input param:
cItem * Input = (cItem *)tolua_tousertype(L, 2, NULL);
if (Input == NULL)
LOGWARNING("cRoot:GetFurnaceRecipe: the Input parameter is nil or missing.");
return 0;
// Get the recipe for the input
cFurnaceRecipe * FR = cRoot::Get()->GetFurnaceRecipe();
const cFurnaceRecipe::Recipe * Recipe = FR->GetRecipeFrom(*Input);
if (Recipe == NULL)
// There is no such furnace recipe for this input, return no value
return 0;
// Push the output, number of ticks and input as the three return values:
tolua_pushusertype(L, Recipe->Out, "const cItem");
tolua_pushnumber (L, (lua_Number)(Recipe->CookTime));
tolua_pushusertype(L, Recipe->In, "const cItem");
return 3;
static int tolua_cHopperEntity_GetOutputBlockPos(lua_State * tolua_S)
// function cHopperEntity::GetOutputBlockPos()
@ -2113,6 +2176,10 @@ void ManualBindings::Bind(lua_State * tolua_S)
tolua_function(tolua_S, "LOGWARNING", tolua_LOGWARN);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "LOGERROR", tolua_LOGERROR);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cFile");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetFolderContents", tolua_cFile_GetFolderContents);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cHopperEntity");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetOutputBlockPos", tolua_cHopperEntity_GetOutputBlockPos);
@ -2125,9 +2192,11 @@ void ManualBindings::Bind(lua_State * tolua_S)
tolua_function(tolua_S, "FindAndDoWithPlayer", tolua_DoWith <cRoot, cPlayer, &cRoot::FindAndDoWithPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachPlayer", tolua_ForEach<cRoot, cPlayer, &cRoot::ForEachPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachWorld", tolua_ForEach<cRoot, cWorld, &cRoot::ForEachWorld>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetFurnaceRecipe", tolua_cRoot_GetFurnaceRecipe);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cWorld");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithBlockEntityAt", tolua_DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cBlockEntity, &cWorld::DoWithBlockEntityAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithChestAt", tolua_DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cChestEntity, &cWorld::DoWithChestAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithDispenserAt", tolua_DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cDispenserEntity, &cWorld::DoWithDispenserAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithDropSpenserAt", tolua_DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cDropSpenserEntity, &cWorld::DoWithDropSpenserAt>);
@ -2136,6 +2205,7 @@ void ManualBindings::Bind(lua_State * tolua_S)
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithFurnaceAt", tolua_DoWithXYZ<cWorld, cFurnaceEntity, &cWorld::DoWithFurnaceAt>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithPlayer", tolua_DoWith< cWorld, cPlayer, &cWorld::DoWithPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "FindAndDoWithPlayer", tolua_DoWith< cWorld, cPlayer, &cWorld::FindAndDoWithPlayer>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachBlockEntityInChunk", tolua_ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cBlockEntity, &cWorld::ForEachBlockEntityInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachChestInChunk", tolua_ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cChestEntity, &cWorld::ForEachChestInChunk>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachEntity", tolua_ForEach< cWorld, cEntity, &cWorld::ForEachEntity>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachEntityInChunk", tolua_ForEachInChunk<cWorld, cEntity, &cWorld::ForEachEntityInChunk>);

View File

@ -360,6 +360,82 @@ bool cFile::CreateFolder(const AString & a_FolderPath)
AStringVector cFile::GetFolderContents(const AString & a_Folder)
AStringVector AllFiles;
#ifdef _WIN32
// If the folder name doesn't contain the terminating slash / backslash, add it:
AString FileFilter = a_Folder;
if (
!FileFilter.empty() &&
(FileFilter[FileFilter.length() - 1] != '\\') &&
(FileFilter[FileFilter.length() - 1] != '/')
// Find all files / folders:
WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
if ((hFind = FindFirstFile(FileFilter.c_str(), &FindFileData)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
} while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData));
#else // _WIN32
DIR * dp;
struct dirent *dirp;
if (*a_Directory == 0)
a_Directory = ".";
if ((dp = opendir(a_Directory)) == NULL)
LOGERROR("Error (%i) opening directory \"%s\"\n", errno, a_Directory );
while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL)
#endif // else _WIN32
return AllFiles;
AString cFile::ReadWholeFile(const AString & a_FileName)
cFile f;
if (!f.Open(a_FileName, fmRead))
return "";
AString Contents;
return Contents;
int cFile::Printf(const char * a_Fmt, ...)
AString buf;

View File

@ -121,8 +121,14 @@ public:
/// Creates a new folder with the specified name. Returns true if successful. Path may be relative or absolute
static bool CreateFolder(const AString & a_FolderPath);
/// Returns the entire contents of the specified file as a string. Returns empty string on error.
static AString ReadWholeFile(const AString & a_FileName);
// tolua_end
/// Returns the list of all items in the specified folder (files, folders, nix pipes, whatever's there).
static AStringVector GetFolderContents(const AString & a_Folder); // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
int Printf(const char * a_Fmt, ...);

View File

@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ bool cSocket::SetReuseAddress(void)
int cSocket::WSAStartup()
int cSocket::WSAStartup(void)
#ifdef _WIN32
WSADATA wsaData;
@ -336,21 +336,21 @@ bool cSocket::ConnectIPv4(const AString & a_HostNameOrAddr, unsigned short a_Por
// First try IP Address string to hostent conversion, because it's faster
unsigned long addr = inet_addr(a_HostNameOrAddr.c_str());
hostent * hp = gethostbyaddr((char*)&addr, sizeof(addr), AF_INET);
if (hp == NULL)
if (addr == INADDR_NONE)
// It is not an IP Address string, but rather a regular hostname, resolve:
hp = gethostbyname(a_HostNameOrAddr.c_str());
hostent * hp = gethostbyname(a_HostNameOrAddr.c_str());
if (hp == NULL)
LOGWARN("cTCPLink: Could not resolve hostname \"%s\"", a_HostNameOrAddr.c_str());
LOGWARNING("%s: Could not resolve hostname \"%s\"", __FUNCTION__, a_HostNameOrAddr.c_str());
return false;
addr = *((unsigned long*)hp->h_addr);
sockaddr_in server;
server.sin_addr.s_addr = *((unsigned long*)hp->h_addr);
server.sin_addr.s_addr = addr;
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_port = htons((unsigned short)a_Port);
return (connect(m_Socket, (sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server)) == 0);

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ public:
/// Sets the address-reuse socket flag; returns true on success
bool SetReuseAddress(void);
/// Initializes the network stack. Returns 0 on success, or another number as an error code.
static int WSAStartup(void);
static AString GetErrorString(int a_ErrNo);

View File

@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ bool cPluginLua::Initialize(void)
lua_setglobal(m_LuaState, "g_Plugin");
std::string PluginPath = FILE_IO_PREFIX + GetLocalDirectory() + "/";
std::string PluginPath = FILE_IO_PREFIX + GetLocalFolder() + "/";
// Load all files for this plugin, and execute them
AStringList Files = GetDirectoryContents(PluginPath.c_str());
for (AStringList::const_iterator itr = Files.begin(); itr != Files.end(); ++itr)
AStringVector Files = cFile::GetFolderContents(PluginPath.c_str());
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Files.begin(); itr != Files.end(); ++itr)
if (itr->rfind(".lua") == AString::npos)

View File

@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ void cPluginManager::FindPlugins(void)
AStringList Files = GetDirectoryContents(PluginsPath.c_str());
for (AStringList::const_iterator itr = Files.begin(); itr != Files.end(); ++itr)
AStringVector Files = cFile::GetFolderContents(PluginsPath.c_str());
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Files.begin(); itr != Files.end(); ++itr)
if ((*itr == ".") || (*itr == "..") || (!cFile::IsFolder(PluginsPath + *itr)))

View File

@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ bool cRCONServer::cConnection::ProcessPacket(int a_RequestID, int a_PacketType,
if (strncmp(a_Payload, m_RCONServer.m_Password.c_str(), a_PayloadLength) != 0)
LOGINFO("RCON: Invalid password from client %s, dropping connection.", m_IPAddress.c_str());
SendResponse(-1, RCON_PACKET_RESPONSE, 0, NULL);
return false;
m_IsAuthenticated = true;

View File

@ -742,3 +742,13 @@ void cRoot::LogChunkStats(cCommandOutputCallback & a_Output)
int cRoot::GetFurnaceFuelBurnTime(const cItem & a_Fuel)
cFurnaceRecipe * FR = Get()->GetFurnaceRecipe();
return FR->GetBurnTime(a_Fuel);

View File

@ -56,7 +56,11 @@ public:
cGroupManager * GetGroupManager (void) { return m_GroupManager; } // tolua_export
cCraftingRecipes * GetCraftingRecipes(void) { return m_CraftingRecipes; } // tolua_export
cFurnaceRecipe * GetFurnaceRecipe (void) { return m_FurnaceRecipe; } // tolua_export
cFurnaceRecipe * GetFurnaceRecipe (void) { return m_FurnaceRecipe; } // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp with quite a different signature
/// Returns the number of ticks for how long the item would fuel a furnace. Returns zero if not a fuel
static int GetFurnaceFuelBurnTime(const cItem & a_Fuel); // tolua_export
cWebAdmin * GetWebAdmin (void) { return m_WebAdmin; } // tolua_export
cPluginManager * GetPluginManager (void) { return m_PluginManager; } // tolua_export
cAuthenticator & GetAuthenticator (void) { return m_Authenticator; }

View File

@ -270,55 +270,6 @@ void ReplaceString(AString & iHayStack, const AString & iNeedle, const AString &
AStringList GetDirectoryContents(const char * a_Directory)
AStringList AllFiles;
#ifdef _WIN32
AString FileFilter = AString(a_Directory) + "*.*";
WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
if ((hFind = FindFirstFile(FileFilter.c_str(), &FindFileData)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
} while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData));
#else // _WIN32
DIR * dp;
struct dirent *dirp;
if (*a_Directory == 0)
a_Directory = ".";
if ((dp = opendir(a_Directory)) == NULL)
LOGERROR("Error (%i) opening directory \"%s\"\n", errno, a_Directory );
while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL)
#endif // else _WIN32
return AllFiles;
// Converts a stream of BE shorts into UTF-8 string; returns a ref to a_UTF8
AString & RawBEToUTF8(short * a_RawData, int a_NumShorts, AString & a_UTF8)

View File

@ -57,9 +57,6 @@ extern unsigned int RateCompareString(const AString & s1, const AString & s2 );
/// Replaces *each* occurence of iNeedle in iHayStack with iReplaceWith
extern void ReplaceString(AString & iHayStack, const AString & iNeedle, const AString & iReplaceWith); // tolua_export
/// Returns the list of all items in the specified directory (files, folders, nix pipes, whatever's there)
extern AStringList GetDirectoryContents(const char * a_Directory);
/// Converts a stream of BE shorts into UTF-8 string; returns a ref to a_UTF8
extern AString & RawBEToUTF8(short * a_RawData, int a_NumShorts, AString & a_UTF8);

View File

@ -922,6 +922,15 @@ void cWorld::WakeUpSimulatorsInArea(int a_MinBlockX, int a_MaxBlockX, int a_MinB
bool cWorld::ForEachBlockEntityInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cBlockEntityCallback & a_Callback)
return m_ChunkMap->ForEachBlockEntityInChunk(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, a_Callback);
bool cWorld::ForEachChestInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChestCallback & a_Callback)
return m_ChunkMap->ForEachChestInChunk(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, a_Callback);
@ -1010,6 +1019,15 @@ void cWorld::DoExplosionAt(double a_ExplosionSize, double a_BlockX, double a_Blo
bool cWorld::DoWithBlockEntityAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cBlockEntityCallback & a_Callback)
return m_ChunkMap->DoWithBlockEntityAt(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, a_Callback);
bool cWorld::DoWithChestAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cChestCallback & a_Callback)
return m_ChunkMap->DoWithChestAt(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, a_Callback);

View File

@ -385,6 +385,9 @@ public:
inline cFluidSimulator * GetWaterSimulator(void) { return m_WaterSimulator; }
inline cFluidSimulator * GetLavaSimulator (void) { return m_LavaSimulator; }
/// Calls the callback for each block entity in the specified chunk; returns true if all block entities processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true
bool ForEachBlockEntityInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cBlockEntityCallback & a_Callback); // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
/// Calls the callback for each chest in the specified chunk; returns true if all chests processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true
bool ForEachChestInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChestCallback & a_Callback); // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
@ -415,6 +418,9 @@ public:
void DoExplosionAt(double a_ExplosionSize, double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ, bool a_CanCauseFire, eExplosionSource a_Source, void * a_SourceData); // tolua_export
/// Calls the callback for the block entity at the specified coords; returns false if there's no block entity at those coords, true if found
bool DoWithBlockEntityAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cBlockEntityCallback & a_Callback); // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
/// Calls the callback for the chest at the specified coords; returns false if there's no chest at those coords, true if found
bool DoWithChestAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cChestCallback & a_Callback); // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp