Rewritten HTTPServer to split into cHTTPConnection, cHTTPRequest and cHTTPResponse classes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -900,14 +900,6 @@
@ -2724,6 +2716,26 @@
Name="Config files"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
// HTTPMessage.cpp
// Declares the cHTTPMessage class representing the common ancestor for HTTP request and response classes
#include "Globals.h"
#include "HTTPMessage.h"
// cHTTPMessage:
cHTTPMessage::cHTTPMessage(eKind a_Kind) :
void cHTTPMessage::AddHeader(const AString & a_Key, const AString & a_Value)
cNameValueMap::iterator itr = m_Headers.find(a_Key);
if (itr == m_Headers.end())
m_Headers[a_Key] = a_Value;
// The header-field key is specified multiple times, combine into comma-separated list (RFC 2616 @ 4.2)
itr->second.append(", ");
// Special processing for well-known headers:
if (a_Key == "Content-Type")
m_ContentType = m_Headers["Content-Type"];
else if (a_Key == "Content-Length")
m_ContentLength = atoi(m_Headers["Content-Length"].c_str());
// cHTTPRequest:
cHTTPRequest::cHTTPRequest(void) :
bool cHTTPRequest::ParseHeaders(const char * a_IncomingData, size_t a_IdxEnd)
// The first line contains the method and the URL:
size_t Next = ParseRequestLine(a_IncomingData, a_IdxEnd);
if (Next == AString::npos)
return false;
// The following lines contain headers:
AString Key;
const char * Data = a_IncomingData + Next;
size_t End = a_IdxEnd - Next;
while (End > 0)
Next = ParseHeaderField(Data, End, Key);
if (Next == AString::npos)
return false;
ASSERT(End >= Next);
Data += Next;
End -= Next;
return HasReceivedContentLength();
size_t cHTTPRequest::ParseRequestLine(const char * a_Data, size_t a_IdxEnd)
// Ignore the initial CRLFs (HTTP spec's "should")
size_t LineStart = 0;
while (
(LineStart < a_IdxEnd) &&
(a_Data[LineStart] == '\r') ||
(a_Data[LineStart] == '\n')
if (LineStart >= a_IdxEnd)
return AString::npos;
size_t Last = LineStart;
int NumSpaces = 0;
for (size_t i = LineStart; i < a_IdxEnd; i++)
switch (a_Data[i])
case ' ':
switch (NumSpaces)
case 0:
m_Method.assign(a_Data, Last, i - Last - 1);
case 1:
m_URL.assign(a_Data, Last, i - Last - 1);
// Too many spaces in the request
return AString::npos;
Last = i + 1;
NumSpaces += 1;
case '\n':
if ((i == 0) || (a_Data[i] != '\r') || (NumSpaces != 2) || (i < Last + 7))
// LF too early, without a CR, without two preceeding spaces or too soon after the second space
return AString::npos;
// Check that there's HTTP/version at the end
if (strncmp(a_Data + Last, "HTTP/1.", 7) != 0)
return AString::npos;
return i;
} // switch (a_Data[i])
} // for i - a_Data[]
return AString::npos;
size_t cHTTPRequest::ParseHeaderField(const char * a_Data, size_t a_IdxEnd, AString & a_Key)
if (*a_Data <= ' ')
size_t res = ParseHeaderFieldContinuation(a_Data + 1, a_IdxEnd - 1, a_Key);
return (res == AString::npos) ? res : (res + 1);
size_t ValueIdx = 0;
AString Key;
for (size_t i = 0; i < a_IdxEnd; i++)
switch (a_Data[i])
case '\n':
if ((ValueIdx == 0) || (i < ValueIdx - 2) || (i == 0) || (a_Data[i - 1] != '\r'))
// Invalid header field - no colon or no CR before LF
return AString::npos;
AString Value(a_Data, ValueIdx + 1, i - ValueIdx - 2);
AddHeader(Key, Value);
a_Key = Key;
return i + 1;
case ':':
if (ValueIdx == 0)
Key.assign(a_Data, 0, i);
ValueIdx = i;
case ' ':
case '\t':
if (ValueIdx == i - 1)
// Value has started in this char, but it is whitespace, so move the start one char further
ValueIdx = i;
} // switch (char)
} // for i - m_IncomingHeaderData[]
// No header found, return the end-of-data index:
return a_IdxEnd;
size_t cHTTPRequest::ParseHeaderFieldContinuation(const char * a_Data, size_t a_IdxEnd, AString & a_Key)
size_t Start = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < a_IdxEnd; i++)
if ((a_Data[i] > ' ') && (Start == 0))
Start = i;
else if (a_Data[i] == '\n')
if ((i == 0) || (a_Data[i - 1] != '\r'))
// There wasn't a CR before this LF
return AString::npos;
AString Value(a_Data, 0, i - Start - 1);
AddHeader(a_Key, Value);
return i + 1;
// LF not found, how? We found it at the header end (CRLFCRLF)
ASSERT(!"LF not found, wtf?");
return AString::npos;
// cHTTPResponse:
cHTTPResponse::cHTTPResponse(void) :
void cHTTPResponse::AppendToData(AString & a_DataStream) const
a_DataStream.append("200 OK\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\nContent-Type: ");
for (cNameValueMap::const_iterator itr = m_Headers.begin(), end = m_Headers.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
if ((itr->first == "Content-Type") || (itr->first == "Content-Length"))
a_DataStream.append(": ");
} // for itr - m_Headers[]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
// HTTPMessage.h
// Declares the cHTTPMessage class representing the common ancestor for HTTP request and response classes
#pragma once
class cHTTPMessage
HTTP_OK = 200,
} ;
enum eKind
} ;
cHTTPMessage(eKind a_Kind);
/// Adds a header into the internal map of headers. Recognizes special headers: Content-Type and Content-Length
void AddHeader(const AString & a_Key, const AString & a_Value);
void SetContentType (const AString & a_ContentType) { m_ContentType = a_ContentType; }
void SetContentLength(int a_ContentLength) { m_ContentLength = a_ContentLength; }
const AString & GetContentType (void) const { return m_ContentType; }
int GetContentLength(void) const { return m_ContentLength; }
typedef std::map<AString, AString> cNameValueMap;
eKind m_Kind;
cNameValueMap m_Headers;
/// Type of the content; parsed by AddHeader(), set directly by SetContentLength()
AString m_ContentType;
/// Length of the content that is to be received. -1 when the object is created, parsed by AddHeader() or set directly by SetContentLength()
int m_ContentLength;
} ;
class cHTTPRequest :
public cHTTPMessage
typedef cHTTPMessage super;
/// Parses the headers information from the received data in the specified string of incoming data. Returns true if successful.
bool ParseHeaders(const char * a_IncomingData, size_t a_idxEnd);
/// Returns true if the request did contain a Content-Length header
bool HasReceivedContentLength(void) const { return (m_ContentLength >= 0); }
/// Method of the request (GET / PUT / POST / ...)
AString m_Method;
/// Full URL of the request
AString m_URL;
/// Number of bytes that remain to read for the complete body of the message to be received
int m_BodyRemaining;
/** Parses the RequestLine out of a_Data, up to index a_IdxEnd
Returns the index to the next line, or npos if invalid request
size_t ParseRequestLine(const char * a_Data, size_t a_IdxEnd);
/** Parses one header field out of a_Data, up to offset a_IdxEnd.
Returns the index to the next line (relative to a_Data), or npos if invalid request.
a_Key is set to the key that was parsed (used for multi-line headers)
size_t ParseHeaderField(const char * a_Data, size_t a_IdxEnd, AString & a_Key);
/** Parses one header field that is known to be a continuation of previous header.
Returns the index to the next line, or npos if invalid request.
size_t ParseHeaderFieldContinuation(const char * a_Data, size_t a_IdxEnd, AString & a_Key);
} ;
class cHTTPResponse :
public cHTTPMessage
typedef cHTTPMessage super;
/** Appends the response to the specified datastream - response line and headers.
The body will be sent later directly through cConnection::Send()
void AppendToData(AString & a_DataStream) const;
} ;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
// HTTPServer.cpp
// Implements the cHTTPServer class representing a HTTP webserver that uses cListenThread and cSocketThreads for processing
#include "Globals.h"
#include "HTTPServer.h"
#include "HTTPMessage.h"
// Disable MSVC warnings:
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4355) // 'this' : used in base member initializer list
// cHTTPConnection:
cHTTPConnection::cHTTPConnection(cHTTPServer & a_HTTPServer) :
void cHTTPConnection::SendStatusAndReason(int a_StatusCode, const AString & a_Response)
AppendPrintf(m_OutgoingData, "%d %s\r\n\r\n", a_StatusCode, a_Response.c_str());
void cHTTPConnection::Send(const cHTTPResponse & a_Response)
ASSERT(m_State = wcsRecvIdle);
m_State = wcsSendingResp;
void cHTTPConnection::Send(const void * a_Data, int a_Size)
ASSERT(m_State == wcsSendingResp);
AppendPrintf(m_OutgoingData, "%x\r\n", a_Size);
m_OutgoingData.append((const char *)a_Data, a_Size);
void cHTTPConnection::FinishResponse(void)
ASSERT(m_State == wcsSendingResp);
m_State = wcsRecvHeaders;
void cHTTPConnection::DataReceived(const char * a_Data, int a_Size)
switch (m_State)
case wcsRecvHeaders:
ASSERT(m_CurrentRequest == NULL);
// Start searching 3 chars from the end of the already received data, if available:
size_t SearchStart = m_IncomingHeaderData.size();
SearchStart = (SearchStart > 3) ? SearchStart - 3 : 0;
m_IncomingHeaderData.append(a_Data, a_Size);
// Parse the header, if it is complete:
size_t idxEnd = m_IncomingHeaderData.find("\r\n\r\n", SearchStart);
if (idxEnd == AString::npos)
m_CurrentRequest = new cHTTPRequest;
if (!m_CurrentRequest->ParseHeaders(m_IncomingHeaderData.c_str(), idxEnd + 2))
delete m_CurrentRequest;
m_CurrentRequest = NULL;
m_State = wcsInvalid;
m_State = wcsRecvBody;
m_HTTPServer.NewRequest(*this, *m_CurrentRequest);
// Process the rest of the incoming data into the request body:
if (m_IncomingHeaderData.size() > idxEnd + 4)
m_IncomingHeaderData.erase(0, idxEnd + 4);
DataReceived(m_IncomingHeaderData.c_str(), m_IncomingHeaderData.size());
case wcsRecvBody:
ASSERT(m_CurrentRequest != NULL);
// TODO: Receive the body, and the next request (If HTTP/1.1 keepalive)
// TODO: Should we be receiving data in this state?
void cHTTPConnection::GetOutgoingData(AString & a_Data)
std::swap(a_Data, m_OutgoingData);
void cHTTPConnection::SocketClosed(void)
if (m_CurrentRequest != NULL)
m_HTTPServer.RequestFinished(*this, *m_CurrentRequest);
// cHTTPServer:
cHTTPServer::cHTTPServer(void) :
m_ListenThreadIPv4(*this, cSocket::IPv4, "WebServer IPv4"),
m_ListenThreadIPv6(*this, cSocket::IPv6, "WebServer IPv6"),
bool cHTTPServer::Initialize(cIniFile & a_IniFile)
if (!a_IniFile.GetValueSetB("WebAdmin", "Enabled", false))
// The WebAdmin is disabled
return true;
bool HasAnyPort;
HasAnyPort = m_ListenThreadIPv4.Initialize(a_IniFile.GetValueSet("WebAdmin", "Port", "8081"));
HasAnyPort = m_ListenThreadIPv6.Initialize(a_IniFile.GetValueSet("WebAdmin", "PortsIPv6", "8082, 3300")) || HasAnyPort;
if (!HasAnyPort)
LOG("WebAdmin is disabled");
return false;
if (!m_ListenThreadIPv4.Start())
return false;
if (!m_ListenThreadIPv6.Start())
return false;
return true;
void cHTTPServer::OnConnectionAccepted(cSocket & a_Socket)
cHTTPConnection * Connection = new cHTTPConnection(*this);
m_SocketThreads.AddClient(a_Socket, Connection);
cCSLock Lock(m_CSConnections);
void cHTTPServer::CloseConnection(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection)
cCSLock Lock(m_CSConnections);
for (cHTTPConnections::iterator itr = m_Connections.begin(), end = m_Connections.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
if (*itr == &a_Connection)
void cHTTPServer::NewRequest(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request)
void cHTTPServer::RequestBody(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request)
void cHTTPServer::RequestFinished(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request)
// DEBUG: Send a debug response:
cHTTPResponse Resp;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
// HTTPServer.h
// Declares the cHTTPServer class representing a HTTP webserver that uses cListenThread and cSocketThreads for processing
#pragma once
#include "../OSSupport/ListenThread.h"
#include "../OSSupport/SocketThreads.h"
#include "../../iniFile/iniFile.h"
// fwd:
class cHTTPServer;
class cHTTPMessage;
class cHTTPRequest;
class cHTTPResponse;
class cHTTPConnection :
public cSocketThreads::cCallback
enum eState
wcsRecvHeaders, ///< Receiving request headers (m_CurrentRequest == NULL)
wcsRecvBody, ///< Receiving request body (m_CurrentRequest is valid)
wcsRecvIdle, ///< Has received the entire body, waiting to send the response (m_CurrentRequest == NULL)
wcsSendingResp, ///< Sending response body (m_CurrentRequest == NULL)
wcsInvalid, ///< The request was malformed, the connection is closing
} ;
cHTTPConnection(cHTTPServer & a_HTTPServer);
/// Sends HTTP status code together with a_Reason (used for HTTP errors)
void SendStatusAndReason(int a_StatusCode, const AString & a_Reason);
/// Sends the headers contained in a_Response
void Send(const cHTTPResponse & a_Response);
/// Sends the data as the response (may be called multiple times)
void Send(const void * a_Data, int a_Size);
/// Sends the data as the response (may be called multiple times)
void Send(const AString & a_Data) { Send(, a_Data.size()); }
/// Finishes sending current response, gets ready for receiving another request (HTTP 1.1 keepalive)
void FinishResponse(void);
typedef std::map<AString, AString> cNameValueMap;
/// The parent webserver that is to be notified of events on this connection
cHTTPServer & m_HTTPServer;
/// All the incoming data until the entire request header is parsed
AString m_IncomingHeaderData;
/// Status in which the request currently is
eState m_State;
/// Data that is queued for sending, once the socket becomes writable
AString m_OutgoingData;
/// The request being currently received (valid only between having parsed the headers and finishing receiving the body)
cHTTPRequest * m_CurrentRequest;
/// Parses the header in m_IncomingData until the specified end mark
void ParseHeader(size_t a_IdxEnd);
/// Sends the response status and headers. Transition from wrsRecvBody to wrsSendingResp.
void SendRespHeaders(void);
// cSocketThreads::cCallback overrides:
virtual void DataReceived (const char * a_Data, int a_Size) override; // Data is received from the client
virtual void GetOutgoingData(AString & a_Data) override; // Data can be sent to client
virtual void SocketClosed (void) override; // The socket has been closed for any reason
} ;
typedef std::vector<cHTTPConnection *> cHTTPConnections;
class cHTTPServer :
public cListenThread::cCallback
bool Initialize(cIniFile & a_IniFile);
friend class cHTTPConnection;
cListenThread m_ListenThreadIPv4;
cListenThread m_ListenThreadIPv6;
cSocketThreads m_SocketThreads;
cCriticalSection m_CSConnections;
cHTTPConnections m_Connections; ///< All the connections that are currently being serviced
// cListenThread::cCallback overrides:
virtual void OnConnectionAccepted(cSocket & a_Socket) override;
/// Called by cHTTPConnection to close the connection (presumably due to an error)
void CloseConnection(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection);
/// Called by cHTTPConnection when it finishes parsing the request header
void NewRequest(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request);
/// Called by cHTTPConenction when it receives more data for the request body
void RequestBody(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request);
/// Called by cHTTPConnection when it detects that the request has finished (all of its body has been received)
void RequestFinished(cHTTPConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request);
} ;
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ void cRoot::Start(void)
LOG("Loading settings...");
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "Authenticator.h"
#include "WebServer.h"
#include "HTTPServer/HTTPServer.h"
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ private:
cWebAdmin * m_WebAdmin;
cPluginManager * m_PluginManager;
cAuthenticator m_Authenticator;
cWebServer m_WebServer;
cHTTPServer m_HTTPServer;
cMCLogger * m_Log;
@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
// WebServer.cpp
// Implements the cWebServer class representing a HTTP webserver that uses cListenThread and cSocketThreads for processing
#include "Globals.h"
#include "WebServer.h"
// Disable MSVC warnings:
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4355) // 'this' : used in base member initializer list
// cWebRequest:
cWebRequest::cWebRequest(cWebServer & a_WebServer) :
void cWebRequest::SendStatusAndReason(int a_StatusCode, const AString & a_Response)
AppendPrintf(m_OutgoingData, "%d %s\r\n\r\n", a_StatusCode, a_Response.c_str());
void cWebRequest::ParseHeader(size_t a_IdxEnd)
size_t Next = ParseRequestLine(a_IdxEnd);
if (Next == AString::npos)
SendStatusAndReason(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad request");
AString Key;
while (Next < a_IdxEnd)
Next = ParseHeaderField(Next, a_IdxEnd, Key);
if (Next == AString::npos)
SendStatusAndReason(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad request");
size_t cWebRequest::ParseRequestLine(size_t a_IdxEnd)
// Ignore the initial CRLFs (HTTP spec's "should")
size_t LineStart = 0;
while (
(LineStart < a_IdxEnd) &&
(m_IncomingHeaderData[LineStart] == '\r') ||
(m_IncomingHeaderData[LineStart] == '\n')
if (LineStart >= a_IdxEnd)
return AString::npos;
// Get the Request-Line
size_t LineEnd = m_IncomingHeaderData.find("\r\n", LineStart);
if (LineEnd == AString::npos)
return AString::npos;
AString RequestLine = m_IncomingHeaderData.substr(LineStart, LineEnd - LineStart);
// Find the method:
size_t Space = RequestLine.find(" ", LineStart);
if (Space == AString::npos)
return AString::npos;
m_Method = RequestLine.substr(0, Space);
// Find the URL:
size_t Space2 = RequestLine.find(" ", Space + 1);
if (Space2 == AString::npos)
return AString::npos;
m_URL = RequestLine.substr(Space, Space2 - Space);
// Check that there's HTTP/version at the end
if (strncmp(RequestLine.c_str() + Space2 + 1, "HTTP/1.", 7) != 0)
return AString::npos;
return LineEnd + 2;
size_t cWebRequest::ParseHeaderField(size_t a_IdxStart, size_t a_IdxEnd, AString & a_Key)
if (a_IdxStart >= a_IdxEnd)
return a_IdxEnd;
if (m_IncomingHeaderData[a_IdxStart] <= ' ')
return ParseHeaderFieldContinuation(a_IdxStart + 1, a_IdxEnd, a_Key);
size_t ValueIdx = 0;
AString Key;
for (size_t i = a_IdxStart; i < a_IdxEnd; i++)
switch (m_IncomingHeaderData[i])
case '\n':
if ((ValueIdx == 0) || (i < ValueIdx - 2) || (i < a_IdxStart + 1) || (m_IncomingHeaderData[i - 1] != '\r'))
// Invalid header field - no colon or no CR before LF
return AString::npos;
AString Value = m_IncomingHeaderData.substr(ValueIdx + 1, i - ValueIdx - 2);
AddHeader(Key, Value);
a_Key = Key;
return i + 1;
case ':':
if (ValueIdx == 0)
Key = m_IncomingHeaderData.substr(a_IdxStart, i - a_IdxStart);
ValueIdx = i;
case ' ':
case '\t':
if (ValueIdx == i - 1)
// Value has started in this char, but it is whitespace, so move the start one char further
ValueIdx = i;
} // switch (char)
} // for i - m_IncomingHeaderData[]
// No header found, return the end-of-data index:
return a_IdxEnd;
size_t cWebRequest::ParseHeaderFieldContinuation(size_t a_IdxStart, size_t a_IdxEnd, AString & a_Key)
size_t Start = a_IdxStart;
for (size_t i = a_IdxStart; i < a_IdxEnd; i++)
if ((m_IncomingHeaderData[i] > ' ') && (Start == a_IdxStart))
Start = i;
else if (m_IncomingHeaderData[i] == '\n')
if ((i < a_IdxStart + 1) || (m_IncomingHeaderData[i - 1] != '\r'))
// There wasn't a CR before this LF
return AString::npos;
AString Value = m_IncomingHeaderData.substr(Start, i - Start - 1);
AddHeader(a_Key, Value);
return i + 1;
// LF not found, how? We found it at the header end (CRLFCRLF)
ASSERT(!"LF not found, wtf?");
return AString::npos;
void cWebRequest::AddHeader(const AString & a_Key, const AString & a_Value)
cNameValueMap::iterator itr = m_Headers.find(a_Key);
if (itr == m_Headers.end())
m_Headers[a_Key] = a_Value;
// The header-field key is specified multiple times, combine into comma-separated list (RFC 2616 @ 4.2)
itr->second.append(", ");
void cWebRequest::DataReceived(const char * a_Data, int a_Size)
if (m_IsReceivingHeaders)
// Start searching 3 chars from the end of the already received data, if available:
size_t SearchStart = m_IncomingHeaderData.size();
SearchStart = (SearchStart > 3) ? SearchStart - 3 : 0;
m_IncomingHeaderData.append(a_Data, a_Size);
// Parse the header, if it is complete:
size_t idxEnd = m_IncomingHeaderData.find("\r\n\r\n", SearchStart);
if (idxEnd != AString::npos)
ParseHeader(idxEnd + 2);
m_IsReceivingHeaders = false;
// TODO: Receive the body, and the next request (If HTTP/1.1 keepalive
void cWebRequest::GetOutgoingData(AString & a_Data)
std::swap(a_Data, m_OutgoingData);
void cWebRequest::SocketClosed(void)
// TODO: m_WebServer.RequestFinished(this);
// cWebServer:
cWebServer::cWebServer(void) :
m_ListenThreadIPv4(*this, cSocket::IPv4, "WebServer IPv4"),
m_ListenThreadIPv6(*this, cSocket::IPv6, "WebServer IPv6"),
bool cWebServer::Initialize(cIniFile & a_IniFile)
if (!a_IniFile.GetValueSetB("WebAdmin", "Enabled", false))
// The WebAdmin is disabled
return true;
bool HasAnyPort;
HasAnyPort = m_ListenThreadIPv4.Initialize(a_IniFile.GetValueSet("WebAdmin", "Port", "8081"));
HasAnyPort = m_ListenThreadIPv6.Initialize(a_IniFile.GetValueSet("WebAdmin", "PortsIPv6", "8082, 3300")) || HasAnyPort;
if (!HasAnyPort)
LOG("WebAdmin is disabled");
return false;
if (!m_ListenThreadIPv4.Start())
return false;
if (!m_ListenThreadIPv6.Start())
return false;
return true;
void cWebServer::OnConnectionAccepted(cSocket & a_Socket)
cWebRequest * Request = new cWebRequest(*this);
m_SocketThreads.AddClient(a_Socket, Request);
cCSLock Lock(m_CSRequests);
void cWebServer::RequestReady(cWebRequest * a_Request)
a_Request->SendStatusAndReason(cWebRequest::HTTP_OK, "Hello");
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
// WebServer.h
// Declares the cWebServer class representing a HTTP webserver that uses cListenThread and cSocketThreads for processing
#pragma once
#include "OSSupport/ListenThread.h"
#include "OSSupport/SocketThreads.h"
#include "../iniFile/iniFile.h"
// fwd:
class cWebServer;
class cWebRequest :
public cSocketThreads::cCallback
HTTP_OK = 200,
} ;
cWebRequest(cWebServer & a_WebServer);
/// Sends HTTP status code together with a_Reason
void SendStatusAndReason(int a_StatusCode, const AString & a_Reason);
typedef std::map<AString, AString> cNameValueMap;
cWebServer & m_WebServer;
AString m_Method; ///< Method of the request (GET / PUT / POST / ...)
AString m_URL; ///< Full URL of the request
cNameValueMap m_Headers; ///< All the headers the request has come with
AString m_IncomingHeaderData; ///< All the incoming data until the entire header is parsed
/// Set to true when the header haven't been received yet. If false, receiving the optional body.
bool m_IsReceivingHeaders;
/// Data that is queued for sending, once the socket becomes writable
AString m_OutgoingData;
/// Parses the header in m_IncomingData until the specified end mark
void ParseHeader(size_t a_IdxEnd);
/** Parses the RequestLine out of m_IncomingHeaderData, up to index a_IdxEnd
Returns the index to the next line, or npos if invalid request
size_t ParseRequestLine(size_t a_IdxEnd);
/** Parses one header field out of m_IncomingHeaderData, starting at the specified offset, up to offset a_IdxEnd.
Returns the index to the next line, or npos if invalid request.
a_Key is set to the key that was parsed (used for multi-line headers)
size_t ParseHeaderField(size_t a_IdxStart, size_t a_IdxEnd, AString & a_Key);
/** Parses one header field that is known to be a continuation of previous header.
Returns the index to the next line, or npos if invalid request.
size_t ParseHeaderFieldContinuation(size_t a_IdxStart, size_t a_IdxEnd, AString & a_Key);
/// Adds a header into m_Headers; appends if key already exists
void AddHeader(const AString & a_Key, const AString & a_Value);
// cSocketThreads::cCallback overrides:
virtual void DataReceived (const char * a_Data, int a_Size) override; // Data is received from the client
virtual void GetOutgoingData(AString & a_Data) override; // Data can be sent to client
virtual void SocketClosed (void) override; // The socket has been closed for any reason
} ;
typedef std::vector<cWebRequest *> cWebRequests;
class cWebServer :
public cListenThread::cCallback
bool Initialize(cIniFile & a_IniFile);
friend class cWebRequest;
cListenThread m_ListenThreadIPv4;
cListenThread m_ListenThreadIPv6;
cSocketThreads m_SocketThreads;
cCriticalSection m_CSRequests;
cWebRequests m_Requests; ///< All the requests that are currently being serviced
// cListenThread::cCallback overrides:
virtual void OnConnectionAccepted(cSocket & a_Socket) override;
/// Called by cWebRequest when it finishes parsing its header
void RequestReady(cWebRequest * a_Request);
} ;
Reference in New Issue
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