@ -46,28 +46,9 @@ cAuthenticator::~cAuthenticator()
/// Read custom values from INI
void cAuthenticator::ReadINI(cIniFile & IniFile)
m_Server = IniFile.GetValue("Authentication", "Server");
m_Address = IniFile.GetValue("Authentication", "Address");
m_ShouldAuthenticate = IniFile.GetValueB("Authentication", "Authenticate", true);
bool bSave = false;
if (m_Server.length() == 0)
IniFile.SetValue("Authentication", "Server", m_Server);
bSave = true;
if (m_Address.length() == 0)
IniFile.SetValue("Authentication", "Address", m_Address);
bSave = true;
if (bSave)
IniFile.SetValueB("Authentication", "Authenticate", m_ShouldAuthenticate);
m_Server = IniFile.GetValueSet("Authentication", "Server", DEFAULT_AUTH_SERVER);
m_Address = IniFile.GetValueSet("Authentication", "Address", DEFAULT_AUTH_ADDRESS);
m_ShouldAuthenticate = IniFile.GetValueSetB("Authentication", "Authenticate", true);
@ -199,7 +180,7 @@ bool cAuthenticator::AuthFromAddress(const AString & a_Server, const AString & a
else if (code == 200)
LOGINFO("Got 200 OK :D");
LOGD("cAuthenticator: Received status 200 OK! :D");
bOK = true;
@ -268,17 +249,16 @@ bool cAuthenticator::AuthFromAddress(const AString & a_Server, const AString & a
std::string Result;
ss >> Result;
LOGINFO("Got result: %s", Result.c_str());
//if ("3") == 0) // FIXME: Quick and dirty hack to support auth
//Lapayo: Wtf 3?
LOGD("cAuthenticator: Authentication result was %s", Result.c_str());
if ("YES") == 0) //Works well
LOGINFO("Result was \"YES\", so player is authenticated!");
LOGINFO("Authentication result \"YES\", player authentication success!");
return true;
LOGINFO("Result was \"%s\", so player is NOT authenticated!", Result.c_str());
LOGINFO("Authentication result was \"%s\", player authentication failure!", Result.c_str());
return false;
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ void cClientHandle::Kick(const AString & a_Reason)
if (m_State >= csAuthenticating) // Don't log pings
LOG("Kicking user \"%s\" for \"%s\"", m_Username.c_str(), a_Reason.c_str());
LOG("Kicking user \"%s\" for \"%s\"", m_Username.c_str(), StripColorCodes(a_Reason).c_str());
@ -2196,7 +2196,7 @@ void cClientHandle::SocketClosed(void)
// The socket has been closed for any reason
LOG("Client \"%s\" @ %s disconnected", m_Username.c_str(), m_IPString.c_str());
LOGD("Client \"%s\" @ %s disconnected", m_Username.c_str(), m_IPString.c_str());
@ -108,8 +108,8 @@
#include "LeakFinder.h"
// Currently only tested with MS VC++ 5 to 10
#if (_MSC_VER < 1100) || (_MSC_VER > 1700)
#error Only MS VC++ 5/6/7/7.1/8/9 supported. Check if the '_CrtMemBlockHeader' has not changed with this compiler!
#if (_MSC_VER < 1100) || (_MSC_VER > 1800)
#error Only MS VC++ 5/6/7/7.1/8/9/10/11/12 supported. Check if the '_CrtMemBlockHeader' has not changed with this compiler!
@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ cMonster::eType cMobSpawner::ChooseMobType(EMCSBiome a_Biome)
addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtZombiePigman, allowedMobs);
addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtMagmaCube, allowedMobs);
/*else if (a_Biome == biEnder) MG TODO : figure out what are the biomes of the ender
else if (a_Biome == biEnd)
addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtEnderman, allowedMobs);
addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtBat, allowedMobs);
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ bool cMobSpawner::CanSpawnHere(cChunk * a_Chunk, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_R
return (TargetBlock == E_BLOCK_AIR) && (BlockAbove == E_BLOCK_AIR) && (!g_BlockTransparent[BlockBelow]) &&
(m_Random.NextInt(20,a_Biome) == 0);
LOGD("MG TODO : check I've got a Rule to write for type %d",a_MobType);
LOGD("MG TODO: Write spawning rule for mob type %d", a_MobType);
return false;
@ -94,6 +94,17 @@ void cPluginManager::FindPlugins(void)
void cPluginManager::ReloadPluginsNow(void)
cIniFile a_SettingsIni;
void cPluginManager::ReloadPluginsNow(cIniFile & a_SettingsIni)
LOG("-- Loading Plugins --");
m_bReloadPlugins = false;
@ -102,26 +113,22 @@ void cPluginManager::ReloadPluginsNow(void)
cIniFile IniFile;
if (!IniFile.ReadFile("settings.ini"))
unsigned int KeyNum = a_SettingsIni.FindKey("Plugins");
unsigned int NumPlugins = ((KeyNum != -1) ? (a_SettingsIni.GetNumValues(KeyNum)) : 0);
if (KeyNum == -1)
LOGWARNING("cPluginManager: Can't find settings.ini, so can't load any plugins.");
a_SettingsIni.AddKeyComment("Plugins", " Plugin=Core");
unsigned int KeyNum = IniFile.FindKey("Plugins");
unsigned int NumPlugins = IniFile.GetNumValues(KeyNum);
if (NumPlugins > 0)
else if (NumPlugins > 0)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NumPlugins; i++)
AString ValueName = IniFile.GetValueName(KeyNum, i );
if (
("NewPlugin") == 0) ||
("Plugin") == 0)
AString ValueName = a_SettingsIni.GetValueName(KeyNum, i);
if ("Plugin") == 0)
AString PluginFile = IniFile.GetValue(KeyNum, i);
AString PluginFile = a_SettingsIni.GetValue(KeyNum, i);
if (!PluginFile.empty())
if (m_Plugins.find(PluginFile) != m_Plugins.end())
@ -137,7 +144,7 @@ void cPluginManager::ReloadPluginsNow(void)
LOG("-- No Plugins Loaded --");
else if ((GetNumPlugins() > 1) || (GetNumPlugins() == 0))
else if (GetNumPlugins() > 1)
LOG("-- Loaded %i Plugins --", GetNumPlugins());
@ -271,7 +271,14 @@ private:
/// Reloads all plugins, defaulting to settings.ini for settings location
void ReloadPluginsNow(void);
/// Reloads all plugins with a cIniFile object expected to be initialised to settings.ini
/// Used because cRoot otherwise overwrites any configuration generation here if cRoot's IniFile is not used
void ReloadPluginsNow(cIniFile & a_SettingsIni);
/// Unloads all plugins
void UnloadPluginsNow(void);
/// Adds the plugin into the internal list of plugins and initializes it. If initialization fails, the plugin is removed again.
@ -119,8 +119,12 @@ void cRoot::Start(void)
cIniFile IniFile;
if (!IniFile.ReadFile("settings.ini"))
LOGWARNING("settings.ini inaccessible, all settings are reset to default values");
LOGWARN("Regenerating settings.ini, all settings will be reset");
IniFile.AddHeaderComment(" This is the main server configuration");
IniFile.AddHeaderComment(" Most of the settings here can be configured using the webadmin interface, if enabled in webadmin.ini");
IniFile.AddHeaderComment(" See: for further configuration help");
m_PrimaryServerVersion = IniFile.GetValueI("Server", "PrimaryServerVersion", 0);
if (m_PrimaryServerVersion == 0)
@ -129,7 +133,7 @@ void cRoot::Start(void)
// Make a note in the log that the primary server version is explicitly set in the ini file
LOGINFO("settings.ini: [Server].PrimaryServerVersion set to %d.", m_PrimaryServerVersion);
LOGINFO("Primary server version set explicitly to %d.", m_PrimaryServerVersion);
LOG("Starting server...");
@ -152,7 +156,7 @@ void cRoot::Start(void)
LOGD("Loading plugin manager...");
m_PluginManager = new cPluginManager();
LOGD("Loading MonsterConfig...");
m_MonsterConfig = new cMonsterConfig;
@ -261,6 +265,7 @@ void cRoot::LoadWorlds(cIniFile & IniFile)
bool FoundAdditionalWorlds = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NumWorlds; i++)
AString ValueName = IniFile.GetValueName(KeyNum, i );
@ -273,9 +278,15 @@ void cRoot::LoadWorlds(cIniFile & IniFile)
FoundAdditionalWorlds = true;
cWorld* NewWorld = new cWorld( WorldName.c_str() );
m_WorldsByName[ WorldName ] = NewWorld;
} // for i - Worlds
if (!FoundAdditionalWorlds)
IniFile.AddKeyComment("Worlds", " World=secondworld");
@ -195,8 +195,9 @@ void cServer::PlayerDestroying(const cPlayer * a_Player)
bool cServer::InitServer(cIniFile & a_SettingsIni)
m_Description = a_SettingsIni.GetValue ("Server", "Description", "MCServer! - In C++!").c_str();
m_MaxPlayers = a_SettingsIni.GetValueI("Server", "MaxPlayers", 100);
m_Description = a_SettingsIni.GetValueSet("Server", "Description", "MCServer - The Minecraft server in C++!").c_str();
m_MaxPlayers = a_SettingsIni.GetValueSetI("Server", "MaxPlayers", 100);
m_bIsHardcore = a_SettingsIni.GetValueSetB("Server", "HardcoreEnabled");
m_PlayerCount = 0;
m_PlayerCountDiff = 0;
@ -320,7 +321,7 @@ void cServer::OnConnectionAccepted(cSocket & a_Socket)
LOG("Client \"%s\" connected!", ClientIP.c_str());
LOGD("Client \"%s\" connected!", ClientIP.c_str());
cClientHandle * NewHandle = new cClientHandle(&a_Socket, m_ClientViewDistance);
if (!m_SocketThreads.AddClient(a_Socket, NewHandle))
@ -507,7 +508,7 @@ void cServer::BindBuiltInConsoleCommands(void)
PlgMgr->BindConsoleCommand("chunkstats", NULL, " - Displays detailed chunk memory statistics");
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG) && defined(ENABLE_LEAK_FINDER)
PlgMgr->BindConsoleCommand("dumpmem", NULL, " - Dumps all used memory blocks together with their callstacks into memdump.xml");
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ public: // tolua_export
int GetNumPlayers(void);
void SetMaxPlayers(int a_MaxPlayers) { m_MaxPlayers = a_MaxPlayers; }
// Hardcore mode or not:
bool IsHardcore(void) const {return m_bIsHardcore; }
// tolua_end
bool Start(void);
@ -161,6 +164,7 @@ private:
AString m_Description;
int m_MaxPlayers;
bool m_bIsHardcore;
cTickThread m_TickThread;
cEvent m_RestartEvent;
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ cWebAdmin::~cWebAdmin()
if (m_IsInitialized)
LOG("Stopping WebAdmin...");
LOGD("Stopping WebAdmin...");
@ -87,7 +87,11 @@ bool cWebAdmin::Init(void)
if (!m_IniFile.ReadFile("webadmin.ini"))
return false;
LOGWARN("Regenerating webadmin.ini, all settings will be reset");
m_IniFile.AddHeaderComment(" This file controls the webadmin feature of MCServer");
m_IniFile.AddHeaderComment(" Username format: [User:*username*] | Password format: Password=*password*; for example:");
m_IniFile.AddHeaderComment(" [User:admin]");
m_IniFile.AddHeaderComment(" Password=admin");
if (!m_IniFile.GetValueSetB("WebAdmin", "Enabled", true))
@ -96,16 +100,17 @@ bool cWebAdmin::Init(void)
return true;
LOG("Initialising WebAdmin...");
LOGD("Initialising WebAdmin...");
AString PortsIPv4 = m_IniFile.GetValueSet("WebAdmin", "Port", "8080");
AString PortsIPv6 = m_IniFile.GetValueSet("WebAdmin", "PortsIPv6", "");
AString PortsIPv6 = m_IniFile.GetValueSet("WebAdmin", "Port-IPv6", "");
if (!m_HTTPServer.Initialize(PortsIPv4, PortsIPv6))
return false;
m_IsInitialized = true;
return true;
@ -121,7 +126,7 @@ bool cWebAdmin::Start(void)
return false;
LOG("Starting WebAdmin...");
LOGD("Starting WebAdmin...");
// Initialize the WebAdmin template script and load the file
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ void cWorld::Start(void)
m_bAnimals = IniFile.GetValueB("Monsters", "AnimalsOn", true);
m_bAnimals = IniFile.GetValueSetB("Monsters", "AnimalsOn", true);
AString AllMonsters = IniFile.GetValueSet("Monsters", "Types", DefaultMonsters);
AStringVector SplitList = StringSplitAndTrim(AllMonsters, ",");
for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = SplitList.begin(), end = SplitList.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
@ -784,8 +784,8 @@ void cWorld::TickMobs(float a_Dt)
} // for i - AllFamilies[]
} // if (Spawning enabled)
} // for i - AllFamilies[]
} // if (Spawning enabled)
// move close mobs
cMobProximityCounter::sIterablePair allCloseEnoughToMoveMobs = MobCensus.GetProximityCounter().getMobWithinThosesDistances(-1, 64 * 16);// MG TODO : deal with this magic number (the 16 is the size of a block)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user