Merge branch 'master' into blocks
Conflicts: MCServer/furnace.txt MCServer/items.ini
This commit is contained in:
@ -2846,7 +2846,7 @@ end
MirrorBlockFaceY = { Params = "{{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}}", Return = "{{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}}", Notes = "Returns the {{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}} that corresponds to the given {{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}} after mirroring it around the Y axis (or rotating 180 degrees around it)." },
NoCaseCompare = {Params = "string, string", Return = "number", Notes = "Case-insensitive string comparison; returns 0 if the strings are the same"},
NormalizeAngleDegrees = { Params = "AngleDegrees", Return = "AngleDegrees", Notes = "Returns the angle, wrapped into the [-180, +180) range." },
ReplaceString = {Params = "full-string, to-be-replaced-string, to-replace-string", Notes = "Replaces *each* occurence of to-be-replaced-string in full-string with to-replace-string"},
ReplaceString = {Params = "full-string, to-be-replaced-string, to-replace-string", Return = "string", Notes = "Replaces *each* occurence of to-be-replaced-string in full-string with to-replace-string"},
RotateBlockFaceCCW = { Params = "{{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}}", Return = "{{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}}", Notes = "Returns the {{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}} that corresponds to the given {{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}} after rotating it around the Y axis 90 degrees counter-clockwise." },
RotateBlockFaceCW = { Params = "{{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}}", Return = "{{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}}", Notes = "Returns the {{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}} that corresponds to the given {{Globals#BlockFaces|eBlockFace}} after rotating it around the Y axis 90 degrees clockwise." },
StringSplit = {Params = "string, SeperatorsString", Return = "array table of strings", Notes = "Seperates string into multiple by splitting every time any of the characters in SeperatorsString is encountered."},
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit bd23915df763b182610c6163c5ff2d64a0756560
Subproject commit 7cc99285ae5117418f657c3b295ca71f2b75b4f4
@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ JackOLantern = Pumpkin, 1:1 | Torch, 1:2
PolishedGranite, 4 = Granite, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
PolishedDiorite, 4 = Diorite, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
PolishedAndesite, 4 = Andesite, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
CoarsedDirt, 4 = Dirt, 1:1, 2:2 | Gravel 1:2, 2:1
CoarsedDirt, 4 = Gravel, 1:1, 2:2 | Dirt 1:2, 2:1
CoarsedDirt, 4 = Dirt, 1:1, 2:2 | Gravel, 1:2, 2:1
CoarsedDirt, 4 = Gravel, 1:1, 2:2 | Dirt, 1:2, 2:1
SlimeBlock = Slimeball, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
Prismarine = PrismarineShard, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
PrismarineBricks = PrismarineShard, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3
DarkPrismarine = PrismarineShard, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 3:3 | Inksac, 2:2
SeaLantern = PrismarineShard, 1:1, 1:3, 3:1, 3:3, PrismarineCrystal, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2
SeaLantern = PrismarineShard, 1:1, 1:3, 3:1, 3:3 | PrismarineCrystals, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:2
RedSandstone, 4 = RedSand, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
ChiseledRedSandstone, 4 = RedSandstoneSlab, 1:1, 1:2
SmoothRedSandstone, 4 = RedSand, 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2
@ -329,8 +329,8 @@ MelonSeeds = MelonSlice, *
PumpkinSeeds, 4 = Pumpkin, *
PumpkinPie = Pumpkin, * | Sugar, * | egg, *
Wheat, 9 = Haybale, *
MushroomStew = Cooked Rabbit, 2:1 | Carrot, 1:2 | BakedPotato 2:2 | BrownMushroom 3:2 | Bowl, 2:3
MushroomStew = Cooked Rabbit, 2:1 | Carrot, 1:2 | BakedPotato 2:2 | RedMushroom 3:2 | Bowl, 2:3
RabbitStew = Cooked Rabbit, 2:1 | Carrot, 1:2 | BakedPotato, 2:2 | BrownMushroom, 3:2 | Bowl, 2:3
RabbitStew = Cooked Rabbit, 2:1 | Carrot, 1:2 | BakedPotato, 2:2 | RedMushroom, 3:2 | Bowl, 2:3
@ -10,25 +10,28 @@
# An Item is defined by an Item Type, an amount (and damage)
# The damage is optional, and if not specified it's assumed to be 0
# -Cactus Green:
# 351 : 1 ( : 2 )
# ItemType : Amount ( : Damage )
# Cactus Green example:
# 351 : 2 ( , 1 )
# ItemType : Damage ( , Amount )
# or simple use the item name (marked in items.ini):
# CactusGreen ( , 1 )
# **** Recipe and result ****
# 4:1@200=1:1 -> Produces 1 smooth stone from 1 cobblestone in 200 ticks (10 seconds)
# Cobble @ 200 = Stone -> Produces 1 smooth stone from 1 cobblestone in 200 ticks (10 seconds)
# 4 : 1 @ 200 = 1 : 1
# ItemType : Amount @ ticks = ItemID : Amount
# Write in full:
# Cobble : 0 , 1 @ 200 = 1 : 1 , 1
# ItemType : Damage , Amount @ ticks = ItemType : Damage , Amount
# **** Fuel ****
# !17:1 = 300 -> 1 Wood burns for 300 ticks (15 s)
# ! 17 : 1 = 300
# Fuel ItemType : Amount = ticks
# ! Wood , 1 = 300
# Fuel ItemType , Amount = ticks
@ -39,66 +42,67 @@
# Smelting recipes
4:1 @ 200 = 1:1 # 1 Cobblestone -> 1 Rock
15:1 @ 200 = 265:1 # 1 Iron Ore -> 1 Iron Ingot
14:1 @ 200 = 266:1 # 1 Gold Ore -> 1 Gold Ingot
153:1 @ 200 = 406:1 # 1 Quartz Ore -> 1 Quartz
12:1 @ 200 = 20:1 # 1 Sand -> 1 Glass
319:1 @ 200 = 320:1 # 1 Raw Pork -> 1 Cooked Pork
363:1 @ 200 = 364:1 # 1 Raw Beef -> 1 Cooked Beef (steak)
365:1 @ 200 = 366:1 # 1 Raw Chicken -> 1 Cooked Chicken
337:1 @ 200 = 336:1 # 1 Clay -> 1 Clay Brick
82:1 @ 200 = 172:1 # 1 Clay Block -> 1 Hardened Clay
87:1 @ 200 = 405:1 # 1 NetherRack -> 1 NetherBrick
349:1 @ 200 = 350:1 # 1 Raw Fish -> 1 Cooked Fish
349:1:1 @ 200 = 350:1:1 # 1 Raw Salmon -> 1 Cooked Salmon
17:1 @ 200 = 263:1:1 # 1 Log -> 1 Charcoal
81:1 @ 200 = 351:1:2 # 1 Cactus -> 1 Green Dye
19:1:1 @ 200 = 19:1 # 1 Wet Sponge -> 1 Sponge
98:1 @ 200 = 98:1:2 # 1 Stonebrick -> 1 Cracked Stonebrick
411:1 @ 200 = 412:1 # 1 Raw Rabbit -> 1 Cooked Rabbit
423:1 @ 200 = 424:1 # 1 Raw Mutton -> 1 Cooked Mutton
Cobble = Stone
IronOre = IronIngot
GoldOre = GoldIngot
NetherQuartzOre = NetherQuartz
Sand = Glass
Pork = CookedPork
RawBeef = Steak
RawChicken = CookedChicken
Clay = Brick
ClayBlock = HardenedClay
TallGrass = NetherBrickItem
RawFish = CookedFish
Log = CharCoal
Cactus = GreenDye
WetSponge = Sponge
Stonebrick = CrackedStonebrick
RawRabbit = CookedRabbit
RawMutton = CookedMutton
# Fuels
! 263:1 = 1600 # 1 Coal -> 80 sec
! 263:1:1 = 1600 # 1 Charcoal -> 80 sec
! 126:1 = 15 # 1 Halfslab -> 7.5 sec
! 5:1 = 300 # 1 Planks -> 15 sec
! 280:1 = 100 # 1 Stick -> 5 sec
! 85:1 = 300 # 1 Fence -> 15 sec
! 188:1 = 300 # 1 Spruce Fence -> 15 sec
! 189:1 = 300 # 1 Birch Fence -> 15 sec
! 190:1 = 300 # 1 Jungle Fence -> 15 sec
! 191:1 = 300 # 1 Dark Oak Fence -> 15 sec
! 192:1 = 300 # 1 Acacia Fence -> 15 sec
! 53:1 = 300 # 1 Wooden Stairs -> 15 sec
! 58:1 = 300 # 1 Crafting Table -> 15 sec
! 47:1 = 300 # 1 Bookshelf -> 15 sec
! 54:1 = 300 # 1 Chest -> 15 sec
! 84:1 = 300 # 1 Jukebox -> 15 sec
! 327:1 = 20000 # 1 Lava Bucket -> 1000 sec
! 17:1 = 300 # 1 Wood -> 15 sec
! 6:1 = 100 # 1 Sapling -> 5 sec
! 173:1 = 16000 # 1 Coal Block -> 800 sec
! 369:1 = 2400 # 1 Blaze Rod -> 120 sec
! 25:1 = 300 # 1 Note Block -> 15 sec
! 151:1 = 300 # 1 Daylight Sensor -> 15 sec
! 107:1 = 300 # 1 Fence Gate -> 15 sec
! 183:1 = 300 # 1 Spruce Fence Gate -> 15 sec
! 184:1 = 300 # 1 Birch Fence Gate -> 15 sec
! 185:1 = 300 # 1 Jungle Fence Gate -> 15 sec
! 186:1 = 300 # 1 Dark Oak Fence Gate -> 15 sec
! 187:1 = 300 # 1 Acacia Fence Gate -> 15 sec
! 167:1 = 300 # 1 Trapdoor -> 15 sec
! 146:1 = 300 # 1 Trapped Chest -> 15 sec
! 72:1 = 300 # 1 Pressure Plate -> 15 sec
! 270:1 = 200 # 1 Wooden Pickaxe -> 10 sec
! 271:1 = 200 # 1 Wooden Axe -> 10 sec
! 269:1 = 200 # 1 Wooden Shovel -> 10 sec
! 290:1 = 200 # 1 Wooden Hoe -> 10 sec
! 268:1 = 200 # 1 Wooden Sword -> 10 sec
! CharCoal = 1600 # -> 80 sec
! Coal = 1600 # -> 80 sec
! WoodenSlab = 15 # -> 7.5 sec
! Planks = 300 # -> 15 sec
! Stick = 100 # -> 5 sec
! Fence = 300 # -> 15 sec
! SpruceFence = 300 # -> 15 sec
! BirchFence = 300 # -> 15 sec
! JungleFence = 300 # -> 15 sec
! DarkOakFence = 300 # -> 15 sec
! AcaciaFence = 300 # -> 15 sec
! WoodStairs = 300 # -> 15 sec
! Workbench = 300 # -> 15 sec
! Bookshelf = 300 # -> 15 sec
! Chest = 300 # -> 15 sec
! Jukebox = 300 # -> 15 sec
! Lavabucket = 20000 # -> 1000 sec
! Log = 300 # -> 15 sec
! Sapling = 100 # -> 5 sec
! CoalBlock = 16000 # -> 800 sec
! BlazeRod = 2400 # -> 120 sec
! NoteBlock = 300 # -> 15 sec
! DaylightSensor = 300 # -> 15 sec
! FenceGate = 300 # -> 15 sec
! SpruceFenceGate = 300 # -> 15 sec
! BirchFenceGate = 300 # -> 15 sec
! JungleFenceGate = 300 # -> 15 sec
! DarkOakFenceGate = 300 # -> 15 sec
! Trapdoor = 300 # -> 15 sec
! TrappedChest = 300 # -> 15 sec
! WoodPlate = 300 # -> 15 sec
! WoodPickaxe = 200 # -> 10 sec
! WoodAxe = 200 # -> 10 sec
! WoodShovel = 200 # -> 10 sec
! WoodHoe = 200 # -> 10 sec
! WoodSword = 200 # -> 10 sec
@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ darkprismarine=168:2
@ -2663,7 +2663,7 @@ static int tolua_cRoot_GetFurnaceRecipe(lua_State * tolua_S)
// Get the recipe for the input
cFurnaceRecipe * FR = cRoot::Get()->GetFurnaceRecipe();
const cFurnaceRecipe::Recipe * Recipe = FR->GetRecipeFrom(*Input);
const cFurnaceRecipe::cRecipe * Recipe = FR->GetRecipeFrom(*Input);
if (Recipe == NULL)
// There is no such furnace recipe for this input, return no value
@ -188,12 +188,11 @@ void cCommandBlockEntity::SaveToJson(Json::Value & a_Value)
void cCommandBlockEntity::Execute()
if (m_World != NULL)
ASSERT(m_World != NULL); // Execute should not be called before the command block is attached to a world
if (!m_World->AreCommandBlocksEnabled())
if (!m_World->AreCommandBlocksEnabled())
class CommandBlockOutCb :
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ protected:
/// The recipe for the current input slot
const cFurnaceRecipe::Recipe * m_CurrentRecipe;
const cFurnaceRecipe::cRecipe * m_CurrentRecipe;
/// The item that is being smelted
cItem m_LastInput;
@ -431,7 +431,42 @@ void cBlockHandler::DropBlock(cChunkInterface & a_ChunkInterface, cWorldInterfac
// TODO: Add a proper overridable function for this
Pickups.Add(m_BlockType, 1, Meta);
if (a_Digger != NULL)
cEnchantments Enchantments = a_Digger->GetEquippedWeapon().m_Enchantments;
if ((Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchSilkTouch) > 0) && a_Digger->IsPlayer())
switch (m_BlockType)
// Silktouch can't be used for this blocks
ConvertToPickups(Pickups, Meta);
default: Pickups.Add(m_BlockType, 1, Meta);
Pickups.Add(m_BlockType, 1, Meta);
@ -31,17 +31,17 @@ public:
BLOCKTYPE BlockBelow = a_ChunkInterface.GetBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockY - 1, a_BlockZ);
if (!cBlockInfo::FullyOccupiesVoxel(BlockBelow) && !IsBlockLiquid(BlockBelow))
cEnchantments Enchantments = a_Player->GetInventory().GetEquippedItem().m_Enchantments;
if (Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchSilkTouch) == 0)
BLOCKTYPE BlockBelow = a_ChunkInterface.GetBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockY - 1, a_BlockZ);
if (!cBlockInfo::FullyOccupiesVoxel(BlockBelow) && !IsBlockLiquid(BlockBelow))
a_ChunkInterface.FastSetBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, E_BLOCK_WATER, 0);
// This is called later than the real destroying of this ice block
a_ChunkInterface.FastSetBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, E_BLOCK_WATER, 0);
// This is called later than the real destroying of this ice block
} ;
@ -257,6 +257,11 @@ if (MSVC)
# The paths in BINDING_DEPENDENCIES are relative to the Bindings folder, convert them relative to this folder:
@ -268,7 +273,7 @@ if (MSVC)
# add any new generation dependencies here
@ -90,6 +90,13 @@ void cArrowEntity::OnHitSolidBlock(const Vector3d & a_HitPos, eBlockFace a_HitFa
// Broadcast arrow hit sound
m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect("random.bowhit", (double)X, (double)Y, (double)Z, 0.5f, (float)(0.75 + ((float)((GetUniqueID() * 23) % 32)) / 64));
if ((m_World->GetBlock(Hit) == E_BLOCK_TNT) && IsOnFire())
m_World->SetBlock(X, Y, Z, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0);
m_World->SpawnPrimedTNT(X, Y, Z);
@ -103,7 +110,35 @@ void cArrowEntity::OnHitEntity(cEntity & a_EntityHit, const Vector3d & a_HitPos)
Damage += m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(Damage / 2 + 2);
a_EntityHit.TakeDamage(dtRangedAttack, this, Damage, 1);
int PowerLevel = m_CreatorData.m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchPower);
if (PowerLevel > 0)
int ExtraDamage = (int)ceil(0.25 * (PowerLevel + 1));
Damage += ExtraDamage;
int KnockbackAmount = 1;
int PunchLevel = m_CreatorData.m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchPunch);
if (PunchLevel > 0)
Vector3d LookVector = GetLookVector();
Vector3f FinalSpeed = Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
switch (PunchLevel)
case 1: FinalSpeed = LookVector * Vector3d(5, 0.3, 5); break;
case 2: FinalSpeed = LookVector * Vector3d(8, 0.3, 8); break;
default: break;
a_EntityHit.TakeDamage(dtRangedAttack, this, Damage, KnockbackAmount);
if (IsOnFire() && !a_EntityHit.IsSubmerged() && !a_EntityHit.IsSwimming())
// Broadcast successful hit sound
GetWorld()->BroadcastSoundEffect("random.successful_hit", GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), 0.5, (float)(0.75 + ((float)((GetUniqueID() * 23) % 32)) / 64));
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
// tolua_begin
class cArrowEntity :
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "../Tracer.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Items/ItemHandler.h"
#include "../FastRandom.h"
@ -316,6 +317,105 @@ bool cEntity::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
// IsOnGround() only is false if the player is moving downwards
// TODO: Better damage increase, and check for enchantments (and use magic critical instead of plain)
const cEnchantments & Enchantments = Player->GetEquippedItem().m_Enchantments;
int SharpnessLevel = Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchSharpness);
int SmiteLevel = Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchSmite);
int BaneOfArthropodsLevel = Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchBaneOfArthropods);
if (SharpnessLevel > 0)
a_TDI.FinalDamage += (int)ceil(1.25 * SharpnessLevel);
else if (SmiteLevel > 0)
if (IsMob())
cMonster * Monster = (cMonster *)this;
switch (Monster->GetMobType())
case cMonster::mtSkeleton:
case cMonster::mtZombie:
case cMonster::mtWither:
case cMonster::mtZombiePigman:
a_TDI.FinalDamage += (int)ceil(2.5 * SmiteLevel);
else if (BaneOfArthropodsLevel > 0)
if (IsMob())
cMonster * Monster = (cMonster *)this;
switch (Monster->GetMobType())
case cMonster::mtSpider:
case cMonster::mtCaveSpider:
case cMonster::mtSilverfish:
a_TDI.RawDamage += (int)ceil(2.5 * BaneOfArthropodsLevel);
// TODO: Add slowness effect
default: break;
int FireAspectLevel = Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchFireAspect);
if (FireAspectLevel > 0)
int BurnTicks = 3;
if (FireAspectLevel > 1)
BurnTicks += 4 * (FireAspectLevel - 1);
if (!IsMob() && !IsSubmerged() && !IsSwimming())
StartBurning(BurnTicks * 20);
else if (IsMob() && !IsSubmerged() && !IsSwimming())
cMonster * Monster = (cMonster *)this;
switch (Monster->GetMobType())
case cMonster::mtGhast:
case cMonster::mtZombiePigman:
case cMonster::mtMagmaCube:
default: StartBurning(BurnTicks * 20);
int ThornsLevel = 0;
const cItem ArmorItems[] = { GetEquippedHelmet(), GetEquippedChestplate(), GetEquippedLeggings(), GetEquippedBoots() };
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(ArmorItems); i++)
const cItem & Item = ArmorItems[i];
ThornsLevel = std::max(ThornsLevel, Item.m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchThorns));
if (ThornsLevel > 0)
int Chance = ThornsLevel * 15;
cFastRandom Random;
int RandomValue = Random.GenerateRandomInteger(0, 100);
if (RandomValue <= Chance)
a_TDI.Attacker->TakeDamage(dtAttack, this, 0, Random.GenerateRandomInteger(1, 4), 0);
if (!Player->IsOnGround())
if ((a_TDI.DamageType == dtAttack) || (a_TDI.DamageType == dtArrowAttack))
@ -328,13 +428,123 @@ bool cEntity::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
Player->GetStatManager().AddValue(statDamageDealt, (StatValue)floor(a_TDI.FinalDamage * 10 + 0.5));
if (IsPlayer())
double TotalEPF = 0.0;
double EPFProtection = 0.00;
double EPFFireProtection = 0.00;
double EPFBlastProtection = 0.00;
double EPFProjectileProtection = 0.00;
double EPFFeatherFalling = 0.00;
const cItem ArmorItems[] = { GetEquippedHelmet(), GetEquippedChestplate(), GetEquippedLeggings(), GetEquippedBoots() };
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(ArmorItems); i++)
const cItem & Item = ArmorItems[i];
int Level = Item.m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchProtection);
if (Level > 0)
EPFProtection += (6 + Level * Level) * 0.75 / 3;
Level = Item.m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchFireProtection);
if (Level > 0)
EPFFireProtection += (6 + Level * Level) * 1.25 / 3;
Level = Item.m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchFeatherFalling);
if (Level > 0)
EPFFeatherFalling += (6 + Level * Level) * 2.5 / 3;
Level = Item.m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchBlastProtection);
if (Level > 0)
EPFBlastProtection += (6 + Level * Level) * 1.5 / 3;
Level = Item.m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchProjectileProtection);
if (Level > 0)
EPFProjectileProtection += (6 + Level * Level) * 1.5 / 3;
TotalEPF = EPFProtection + EPFFireProtection + EPFFeatherFalling + EPFBlastProtection + EPFProjectileProtection;
EPFProtection = EPFProtection / TotalEPF;
EPFFireProtection = EPFFireProtection / TotalEPF;
EPFFeatherFalling = EPFFeatherFalling / TotalEPF;
EPFBlastProtection = EPFBlastProtection / TotalEPF;
EPFProjectileProtection = EPFProjectileProtection / TotalEPF;
if (TotalEPF > 25)
TotalEPF = 25;
cFastRandom Random;
float RandomValue = Random.GenerateRandomInteger(50, 100) * 0.01f;
TotalEPF = ceil(TotalEPF * RandomValue);
if (TotalEPF > 20)
TotalEPF = 20;
EPFProtection = TotalEPF * EPFProtection;
EPFFireProtection = TotalEPF * EPFFireProtection;
EPFFeatherFalling = TotalEPF * EPFFeatherFalling;
EPFBlastProtection = TotalEPF * EPFBlastProtection;
EPFProjectileProtection = TotalEPF * EPFProjectileProtection;
int RemovedDamage = 0;
if ((a_TDI.DamageType != dtInVoid) && (a_TDI.DamageType != dtAdmin))
RemovedDamage += (int)ceil(EPFProtection * 0.04 * a_TDI.FinalDamage);
if ((a_TDI.DamageType == dtFalling) || (a_TDI.DamageType == dtFall) || (a_TDI.DamageType == dtEnderPearl))
RemovedDamage += (int)ceil(EPFFeatherFalling * 0.04 * a_TDI.FinalDamage);
if (a_TDI.DamageType == dtBurning)
RemovedDamage += (int)ceil(EPFFireProtection * 0.04 * a_TDI.FinalDamage);
if (a_TDI.DamageType == dtExplosion)
RemovedDamage += (int)ceil(EPFBlastProtection * 0.04 * a_TDI.FinalDamage);
if (a_TDI.DamageType == dtProjectile)
RemovedDamage += (int)ceil(EPFBlastProtection * 0.04 * a_TDI.FinalDamage);
if (a_TDI.FinalDamage < RemovedDamage)
RemovedDamage = 0;
a_TDI.FinalDamage -= RemovedDamage;
m_Health -= (short)a_TDI.FinalDamage;
// TODO: Apply damage to armor
m_Health = std::max(m_Health, 0);
if ((IsMob() || IsPlayer()) && (a_TDI.Attacker != NULL)) // Knockback for only players and mobs
// Add knockback:
if ((IsMob() || IsPlayer()) && (a_TDI.Attacker != NULL))
int KnockbackLevel = a_TDI.Attacker->GetEquippedWeapon().m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchKnockback); // More common enchantment
if (KnockbackLevel < 1)
@ -1252,6 +1462,8 @@ void cEntity::HandleAir(void)
// See if the entity is /submerged/ water (block above is water)
// Get the type of block the entity is standing in:
int RespirationLevel = GetEquippedHelmet().m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchRespiration);
if (IsSubmerged())
if (!IsPlayer()) // Players control themselves
@ -1259,6 +1471,11 @@ void cEntity::HandleAir(void)
SetSpeedY(1); // Float in the water
if (RespirationLevel > 0)
((cPawn *)this)->AddEntityEffect(cEntityEffect::effNightVision, 200, 5, 0);
if (m_AirLevel <= 0)
// Runs the air tick timer to check whether the player should be damaged
@ -1285,6 +1502,12 @@ void cEntity::HandleAir(void)
// Set the air back to maximum
m_AirLevel = MAX_AIR_LEVEL;
m_AirTickTimer = DROWNING_TICKS;
if (RespirationLevel > 0)
m_AirTickTimer = DROWNING_TICKS + (RespirationLevel * 15 * 20);
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "../Chunk.h"
#include "../Items/ItemHandler.h"
#include "../Vector3.h"
#include "../FastRandom.h"
#include "../WorldStorage/StatSerializer.h"
#include "../CompositeChat.h"
@ -1795,6 +1796,28 @@ void cPlayer::UseEquippedItem(int a_Amount)
// If the item has an unbreaking enchantment, give it a random chance of not breaking:
cItem Item = GetEquippedItem();
int UnbreakingLevel = Item.m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchUnbreaking);
if (UnbreakingLevel > 0)
int chance;
if (ItemCategory::IsArmor(Item.m_ItemType))
chance = 60 + (40 / (UnbreakingLevel + 1));
chance = 100 / (UnbreakingLevel + 1);
cFastRandom Random;
if (Random.NextInt(101) <= chance)
if (GetInventory().DamageEquippedItem(a_Amount))
m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect("random.break", GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), 0.5f, (float)(0.75 + ((float)((GetUniqueID() * 23) % 32)) / 64));
@ -222,7 +222,8 @@ cProjectileEntity::cProjectileEntity(eKind a_Kind, cEntity * a_Creator, double a
((a_Creator != NULL) ? a_Creator->GetUniqueID() : -1),
((a_Creator != NULL) ? (a_Creator->IsPlayer() ? ((cPlayer *)a_Creator)->GetName() : "") : "")
((a_Creator != NULL) ? (a_Creator->IsPlayer() ? ((cPlayer *)a_Creator)->GetName() : "") : ""),
((a_Creator != NULL) ? a_Creator->GetEquippedWeapon().m_Enchantments : cEnchantments())
@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ cProjectileEntity::cProjectileEntity(eKind a_Kind, cEntity * a_Creator, double a
cProjectileEntity::cProjectileEntity(eKind a_Kind, cEntity * a_Creator, const Vector3d & a_Pos, const Vector3d & a_Speed, double a_Width, double a_Height) :
super(etProjectile, a_Pos.x, a_Pos.y, a_Pos.z, a_Width, a_Height),
m_CreatorData(a_Creator->GetUniqueID(), a_Creator->IsPlayer() ? ((cPlayer *)a_Creator)->GetName() : ""),
m_CreatorData(a_Creator->GetUniqueID(), a_Creator->IsPlayer() ? ((cPlayer *)a_Creator)->GetName() : "", a_Creator->GetEquippedWeapon().m_Enchantments),
@ -94,14 +94,16 @@ protected:
struct CreatorData
CreatorData(int a_UniqueID, const AString & a_Name) :
CreatorData(int a_UniqueID, const AString & a_Name, const cEnchantments & a_Enchantments) :
const int m_UniqueID;
AString m_Name;
cEnchantments m_Enchantments;
/** The type of projectile I am */
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
typedef std::list< cFurnaceRecipe::Recipe > RecipeList;
typedef std::list< cFurnaceRecipe::Fuel > FuelList;
typedef std::list<cFurnaceRecipe::cRecipe> RecipeList;
typedef std::list<cFurnaceRecipe::cFuel> FuelList;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ struct cFurnaceRecipe::sFurnaceRecipeState
: m_pState( new sFurnaceRecipeState)
: m_pState(new sFurnaceRecipeState)
@ -68,12 +68,18 @@ void cFurnaceRecipe::ReloadRecipes(void)
while (std::getline(f, ParsingLine))
ParsingLine.erase(std::remove_if(ParsingLine.begin(), ParsingLine.end(), isspace), ParsingLine.end()); // Remove ALL whitespace from the line
if (ParsingLine.empty())
// Remove comments from the line:
size_t FirstCommentSymbol = ParsingLine.find('#');
if ((FirstCommentSymbol != AString::npos) && (FirstCommentSymbol != 0))
ParsingLine.erase(ParsingLine.begin() + (const long)FirstCommentSymbol, ParsingLine.end());
switch (ParsingLine[0])
case '#':
@ -103,97 +109,131 @@ void cFurnaceRecipe::ReloadRecipes(void)
void cFurnaceRecipe::AddFuelFromLine(const AString & a_Line, int a_LineNum)
void cFurnaceRecipe::AddFuelFromLine(const AString & a_Line, unsigned int a_LineNum)
// Fuel
int IItemID = 0, IItemCount = 0, IItemHealth = 0, IBurnTime = 0;
AString::size_type BeginPos = 1; // Begin at one after exclamation mark (bang)
AString Line(a_Line);
Line.erase(Line.begin()); // Remove the beginning "!"
Line.erase(std::remove_if(Line.begin(), Line.end(), isspace), Line.end());
if (
!ReadMandatoryNumber(BeginPos, ":", a_Line, a_LineNum, IItemID) || // Read item ID
!ReadOptionalNumbers(BeginPos, ":", "=", a_Line, a_LineNum, IItemCount, IItemHealth) || // Read item count (and optionally health)
!ReadMandatoryNumber(BeginPos, "0123456789", a_Line, a_LineNum, IBurnTime, true) // Read item burn time - last value
std::auto_ptr<cItem> Item(new cItem);
int BurnTime;
const AStringVector & Sides = StringSplit(Line, "=");
if (Sides.size() != 2)
LOGWARNING("furnace.txt: line %d: A single '=' was expected, got %d", a_LineNum, (int)Sides.size() - 1);
LOGINFO("Offending line: \"%s\"", a_Line.c_str());
if (!ParseItem(Sides[0], *Item))
LOGWARNING("furnace.txt: line %d: Cannot parse item \"%s\".", a_LineNum, Sides[0].c_str());
LOGINFO("Offending line: \"%s\"", a_Line.c_str());
if (!StringToInteger<int>(Sides[1], BurnTime))
LOGWARNING("furnace.txt: line %d: Cannot parse burn time.", a_LineNum);
LOGINFO("Offending line: \"%s\"", a_Line.c_str());
// Add to fuel list:
Fuel F;
F.In = new cItem((ENUM_ITEM_ID)IItemID, (char)IItemCount, (short)IItemHealth);
F.BurnTime = IBurnTime;
cFuel Fuel;
Fuel.In = Item.release();
Fuel.BurnTime = BurnTime;
void cFurnaceRecipe::AddRecipeFromLine(const AString & a_Line, int a_LineNum)
void cFurnaceRecipe::AddRecipeFromLine(const AString & a_Line, unsigned int a_LineNum)
int IItemID = 0, IItemCount = 0, IItemHealth = 0, IBurnTime = 0;
int OItemID = 0, OItemCount = 0, OItemHealth = 0;
AString::size_type BeginPos = 0; // Begin at start of line
AString Line(a_Line);
Line.erase(std::remove_if(Line.begin(), Line.end(), isspace), Line.end());
if (
!ReadMandatoryNumber(BeginPos, ":", a_Line, a_LineNum, IItemID) || // Read item ID
!ReadOptionalNumbers(BeginPos, ":", "@", a_Line, a_LineNum, IItemCount, IItemHealth) || // Read item count (and optionally health)
!ReadMandatoryNumber(BeginPos, "=", a_Line, a_LineNum, IBurnTime) || // Read item burn time
!ReadMandatoryNumber(BeginPos, ":", a_Line, a_LineNum, OItemID) || // Read result ID
!ReadOptionalNumbers(BeginPos, ":", "012456789", a_Line, a_LineNum, OItemCount, OItemHealth, true) // Read result count (and optionally health) - last value
int CookTime = 200;
std::auto_ptr<cItem> InputItem(new cItem());
std::auto_ptr<cItem> OutputItem(new cItem());
const AStringVector & Sides = StringSplit(Line, "=");
if (Sides.size() != 2)
LOGWARNING("furnace.txt: line %d: A single '=' was expected, got %d", a_LineNum, (int)Sides.size() - 1);
LOGINFO("Offending line: \"%s\"", a_Line.c_str());
// Add to recipe list
Recipe R;
R.In = new cItem((ENUM_ITEM_ID)IItemID, (char)IItemCount, (short)IItemHealth);
R.Out = new cItem((ENUM_ITEM_ID)OItemID, (char)OItemCount, (short)OItemHealth);
R.CookTime = IBurnTime;
void cFurnaceRecipe::PrintParseError(unsigned int a_Line, size_t a_Position, const AString & a_CharactersMissing)
LOGWARN("Error parsing furnace recipes at line %i pos " SIZE_T_FMT ": missing '%s'", a_Line, a_Position, a_CharactersMissing.c_str());
bool cFurnaceRecipe::ReadMandatoryNumber(AString::size_type & a_Begin, const AString & a_Delimiter, const AString & a_Text, unsigned int a_Line, int & a_Value, bool a_IsLastValue)
// TODO: replace atoi with std::stoi
AString::size_type End;
if (a_IsLastValue)
const AStringVector & InputSplit = StringSplit(Sides[0], "@");
if (!ParseItem(InputSplit[0], *InputItem))
End = a_Text.find_first_not_of(a_Delimiter, a_Begin);
LOGWARNING("furnace.txt: line %d: Cannot parse input item \"%s\".", a_LineNum, InputSplit[0].c_str());
LOGINFO("Offending line: \"%s\"", a_Line.c_str());
if (InputSplit.size() > 1)
End = a_Text.find_first_of(a_Delimiter, a_Begin);
if (End == AString::npos)
if (!StringToInteger<int>(InputSplit[1], CookTime))
LOGWARNING("furnace.txt: line %d: Cannot parse cook time \"%s\".", a_LineNum, InputSplit[1].c_str());
LOGINFO("Offending line: \"%s\"", a_Line.c_str());
if (!ParseItem(Sides[1], *OutputItem))
LOGWARNING("furnace.txt: line %d: Cannot parse output item \"%s\".", a_LineNum, Sides[1].c_str());
LOGINFO("Offending line: \"%s\"", a_Line.c_str());
cRecipe Recipe;
Recipe.In = InputItem.release();
Recipe.Out = OutputItem.release();
Recipe.CookTime = CookTime;
bool cFurnaceRecipe::ParseItem(const AString & a_String, cItem & a_Item)
AString ItemString = a_String;
const AStringVector & SplitAmount = StringSplit(ItemString, ",");
ItemString = SplitAmount[0];
const AStringVector & SplitMeta = StringSplit(ItemString, ":");
ItemString = SplitMeta[0];
if (!StringToItem(ItemString, a_Item))
return false;
if (SplitAmount.size() > 1)
if (!StringToInteger<char>(SplitAmount[1].c_str(), a_Item.m_ItemCount))
PrintParseError(a_Line, a_Begin, a_Delimiter);
return false;
// stoi won't throw an exception if the string is alphanumeric, we should check for this
if (!DoesStringContainOnlyNumbers(a_Text.substr(a_Begin, End - a_Begin)))
if (SplitMeta.size() > 1)
PrintParseError(a_Line, a_Begin, "number");
return false;
if (!StringToInteger<short>(SplitMeta[1].c_str(), a_Item.m_ItemDamage))
return false;
a_Value = atoi(a_Text.substr(a_Begin, End - a_Begin).c_str());
a_Begin = End + 1; // Jump over delimiter
return true;
@ -201,84 +241,23 @@ bool cFurnaceRecipe::ReadMandatoryNumber(AString::size_type & a_Begin, const ASt
bool cFurnaceRecipe::ReadOptionalNumbers(AString::size_type & a_Begin, const AString & a_DelimiterOne, const AString & a_DelimiterTwo, const AString & a_Text, unsigned int a_Line, int & a_ValueOne, int & a_ValueTwo, bool a_IsLastValue)
// TODO: replace atoi with std::stoi
AString::size_type End, Begin = a_Begin;
End = a_Text.find_first_of(a_DelimiterOne, Begin);
if (End != AString::npos)
if (DoesStringContainOnlyNumbers(a_Text.substr(Begin, End - Begin)))
a_ValueOne = std::atoi(a_Text.substr(Begin, End - Begin).c_str());
Begin = End + 1;
if (a_IsLastValue)
End = a_Text.find_first_not_of(a_DelimiterTwo, Begin);
End = a_Text.find_first_of(a_DelimiterTwo, Begin);
if (End == AString::npos)
PrintParseError(a_Line, Begin, a_DelimiterTwo);
return false;
// stoi won't throw an exception if the string is alphanumeric, we should check for this
if (!DoesStringContainOnlyNumbers(a_Text.substr(Begin, End - Begin)))
PrintParseError(a_Line, Begin, "number");
return false;
a_ValueTwo = atoi(a_Text.substr(Begin, End - Begin).c_str());
a_Begin = End + 1; // Jump over delimiter
return true;
return ReadMandatoryNumber(a_Begin, a_DelimiterTwo, a_Text, a_Line, a_ValueOne, a_IsLastValue);
return ReadMandatoryNumber(a_Begin, a_DelimiterTwo, a_Text, a_Line, a_ValueOne, a_IsLastValue);
bool cFurnaceRecipe::DoesStringContainOnlyNumbers(const AString & a_String)
// TODO: replace this with std::all_of(a_String.begin(), a_String.end(), isdigit)
return (a_String.find_first_not_of("0123456789") == AString::npos);
void cFurnaceRecipe::ClearRecipes(void)
for (RecipeList::iterator itr = m_pState->Recipes.begin(); itr != m_pState->Recipes.end(); ++itr)
Recipe R = *itr;
delete R.In;
R.In = NULL;
delete R.Out;
R.Out = NULL;
cRecipe Recipe = *itr;
delete Recipe.In;
Recipe.In = NULL;
delete Recipe.Out;
Recipe.Out = NULL;
for (FuelList::iterator itr = m_pState->Fuel.begin(); itr != m_pState->Fuel.end(); ++itr)
Fuel F = *itr;
delete F.In;
F.In = NULL;
cFuel Fuel = *itr;
delete Fuel.In;
Fuel.In = NULL;
@ -287,21 +266,21 @@ void cFurnaceRecipe::ClearRecipes(void)
const cFurnaceRecipe::Recipe * cFurnaceRecipe::GetRecipeFrom(const cItem & a_Ingredient) const
const cFurnaceRecipe::cRecipe * cFurnaceRecipe::GetRecipeFrom(const cItem & a_Ingredient) const
const Recipe * BestRecipe = 0;
const cRecipe * BestRecipe = 0;
for (RecipeList::const_iterator itr = m_pState->Recipes.begin(); itr != m_pState->Recipes.end(); ++itr)
const Recipe & R = *itr;
if ((R.In->m_ItemType == a_Ingredient.m_ItemType) && (R.In->m_ItemCount <= a_Ingredient.m_ItemCount))
const cRecipe & Recipe = *itr;
if ((Recipe.In->m_ItemType == a_Ingredient.m_ItemType) && (Recipe.In->m_ItemCount <= a_Ingredient.m_ItemCount))
if (BestRecipe && (BestRecipe->In->m_ItemCount > R.In->m_ItemCount))
if (BestRecipe && (BestRecipe->In->m_ItemCount > Recipe.In->m_ItemCount))
BestRecipe = &R;
BestRecipe = &Recipe;
@ -317,16 +296,16 @@ int cFurnaceRecipe::GetBurnTime(const cItem & a_Fuel) const
int BestFuel = 0;
for (FuelList::const_iterator itr = m_pState->Fuel.begin(); itr != m_pState->Fuel.end(); ++itr)
const Fuel & F = *itr;
if ((F.In->m_ItemType == a_Fuel.m_ItemType) && (F.In->m_ItemCount <= a_Fuel.m_ItemCount))
const cFuel & Fuel = *itr;
if ((Fuel.In->m_ItemType == a_Fuel.m_ItemType) && (Fuel.In->m_ItemCount <= a_Fuel.m_ItemCount))
if (BestFuel > 0 && (BestFuel > F.BurnTime))
if (BestFuel > 0 && (BestFuel > Fuel.BurnTime))
BestFuel = F.BurnTime;
BestFuel = Fuel.BurnTime;
@ -19,23 +19,23 @@ public:
void ReloadRecipes(void);
struct Fuel
struct cFuel
cItem * In;
int BurnTime; ///< How long this fuel burns, in ticks
struct Recipe
struct cRecipe
cItem * In;
cItem * Out;
int CookTime; ///< How long this recipe takes to smelt, in ticks
/// Returns a recipe for the specified input, NULL if no recipe found
const Recipe * GetRecipeFrom(const cItem & a_Ingredient) const;
/** Returns a recipe for the specified input, NULL if no recipe found */
const cRecipe * GetRecipeFrom(const cItem & a_Ingredient) const;
/// Returns the amount of time that the specified fuel burns, in ticks
/** Returns the amount of time that the specified fuel burns, in ticks */
int GetBurnTime(const cItem & a_Fuel) const;
@ -43,33 +43,14 @@ private:
/** Parses the fuel contained in the line, adds it to m_pState's fuels.
Logs a warning to the console on input error. */
void AddFuelFromLine(const AString & a_Line, int a_LineNum);
void AddFuelFromLine(const AString & a_Line, unsigned int a_LineNum);
/** Parses the recipe contained in the line, adds it to m_pState's recipes.
Logs a warning to the console on input error. */
void AddRecipeFromLine(const AString & a_Line, int a_LineNum);
/** Calls LOGWARN with the line, position, and error */
static void PrintParseError(unsigned int a_Line, size_t a_Position, const AString & a_CharactersMissing);
/** Reads a number from a string given, starting at a given position and ending at a delimiter given
Updates beginning position to the delimiter found + 1, and updates the value to the one read
If it encounters a substring that is not fully numeric, it will call SetParseError() and return false; the caller should abort processing
Otherwise, the function will return true
static bool ReadMandatoryNumber(AString::size_type & a_Begin, const AString & a_Delimiter, const AString & a_Text, unsigned int a_Line, int & a_Value, bool a_IsLastValue = false);
/** Reads two numbers from a string given, starting at a given position and ending at the first delimiter given, then again (with an updated position) until the second delimiter given
Updates beginning position to the second delimiter found + 1, and updates the values to the ones read
If it encounters a substring that is not fully numeric whilst reading the second value, it will call SetParseError() and return false; the caller should abort processing
If this happens whilst reading the first value, it will call ReadMandatoryNumber() with the appropriate position, as this may legitimately occur with the optional value and AString::find_first_of finding the incorrect delimiter. It will return the result of ReadMandatoryNumber()
True will be returned definitively for an optional value that is valid
static bool ReadOptionalNumbers(AString::size_type & a_Begin, const AString & a_DelimiterOne, const AString & a_DelimiterTwo, const AString & a_Text, unsigned int a_Line, int & a_ValueOne, int & a_ValueTwo, bool a_IsLastValue = false);
/** Uses std::all_of to determine if a string contains only digits */
static bool DoesStringContainOnlyNumbers(const AString & a_String);
void AddRecipeFromLine(const AString & a_Line, unsigned int a_LineNum);
/** Parses an item string in the format "<ItemType>[: <Damage>][, <Amount>]", returns true if successful. */
bool ParseItem(const AString & a_String, cItem & a_Item);
struct sFurnaceRecipeState;
sFurnaceRecipeState * m_pState;
@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ public:
Arrow = NULL;
a_Player->GetWorld()->BroadcastSoundEffect("random.bow", a_Player->GetPosX(), a_Player->GetPosY(), a_Player->GetPosZ(), 0.5, (float)Force);
if (!a_Player->IsGameModeCreative())
@ -83,8 +82,19 @@ public:
if (a_Player->GetEquippedItem().m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchFlame) > 0)
} ;
@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ cMojangAPI::cMojangAPI(void) :
@ -979,9 +979,18 @@ bool cProtocolRecognizer::TryRecognizeLengthedProtocol(UInt32 a_PacketLengthRema
AString ServerAddress;
short ServerPort;
UInt32 NextState;
if (!m_Buffer.ReadVarUTF8String(ServerAddress))
if (!m_Buffer.ReadBEShort(ServerPort))
if (!m_Buffer.ReadVarInt(NextState))
m_Protocol = new cProtocol172(m_Client, ServerAddress, (UInt16)ServerPort, NextState);
return true;
@ -991,9 +1000,18 @@ bool cProtocolRecognizer::TryRecognizeLengthedProtocol(UInt32 a_PacketLengthRema
AString ServerAddress;
short ServerPort;
UInt32 NextState;
if (!m_Buffer.ReadVarUTF8String(ServerAddress))
if (!m_Buffer.ReadBEShort(ServerPort))
if (!m_Buffer.ReadVarInt(NextState))
m_Protocol = new cProtocol176(m_Client, ServerAddress, (UInt16)ServerPort, NextState);
return true;
@ -477,8 +477,8 @@ AString cRankManager::GetPlayerRankName(const AString & a_PlayerUUID)
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT Rank.Name FROM Rank LEFT JOIN PlayerRank ON Rank.RankID = PlayerRank.RankID WHERE PlayerRank.PlayerUUID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID);
if (stmt.isDone())
// executeStep returns false on no data
if (!stmt.executeStep())
// No data returned from the DB
return AString();
@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ void cSetChunkData::RemoveInvalidBlockEntities(void)
cBlockEntityList::iterator itr2 = itr;
delete *itr;
itr = itr2;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user