APIDump: Documented cMonster.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1574,9 +1574,58 @@ a_Player:OpenWindow(Window);
cMonster =
Desc = "",
Functions = {},
Constants = {},
Desc = [[
This class is the base class for all computer-controlled mobs in the game.</p>
To spawn a mob in a world, use the {{cWorld}}:SpawnMob() function.
Functions =
FamilyFromType = { Params = "MobType", Return = "MobFamily", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the mob family (mfXXX constants) based on the mob type (mtXXX constants)" },
GetMobFamily = { Params = "", Return = "MobFamily", Notes = "Returns this mob's family (mfXXX constant)" },
GetMobType = { Params = "", Return = "MobType", Notes = "Returns the type of this mob (mtXXX constant)" },
GetSpawnDelay = { Params = "MobFamily", Return = "number", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the spawn delay - the number of game ticks between spawn attempts - for the specified mob family." },
MobTypeToString = { Params = "MobType", Return = "string", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the string representing the given mob type (mtXXX constant), or empty string if unknown type." },
StringToMobType = { Params = "string", Return = "MobType", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the mob type (mtXXX constant) parsed from the string type (\"creeper\"), or mtInvalidType if unrecognized." },
Constants =
mfAmbient = { Notes = "Family: ambient (bat)" },
mfHostile = { Notes = "Family: hostile (blaze, cavespider, creeper, enderdragon, enderman, ghast, giant, magmacube, silverfish, skeleton, slime, spider, witch, wither, zombie, zombiepigman)" },
mfMaxplusone = { Notes = "The maximum family value, plus one. Returned when monster family not recognized." },
mfPassive = { Notes = "Family: passive (chicken, cow, horse, irongolem, mooshroom, ocelot, pig, sheep, snowgolem, villager, wolf)" },
mfWater = { Notes = "Family: water (squid)" },
mtBat = { Notes = "" },
mtBlaze = { Notes = "" },
mtCaveSpider = { Notes = "" },
mtChicken = { Notes = "" },
mtCow = { Notes = "" },
mtCreeper = { Notes = "" },
mtEnderDragon = { Notes = "" },
mtEnderman = { Notes = "" },
mtGhast = { Notes = "" },
mtGiant = { Notes = "" },
mtHorse = { Notes = "" },
mtInvalidType = { Notes = "Invalid monster type. Returned when monster type not recognized" },
mtIronGolem = { Notes = "" },
mtMagmaCube = { Notes = "" },
mtMooshroom = { Notes = "" },
mtOcelot = { Notes = "" },
mtPig = { Notes = "" },
mtSheep = { Notes = "" },
mtSilverfish = { Notes = "" },
mtSkeleton = { Notes = "" },
mtSlime = { Notes = "" },
mtSnowGolem = { Notes = "" },
mtSpider = { Notes = "" },
mtSquid = { Notes = "" },
mtVillager = { Notes = "" },
mtWitch = { Notes = "" },
mtWither = { Notes = "" },
mtWolf = { Notes = "" },
mtZombie = { Notes = "" },
mtZombiePigman = { Notes = "" },
Inherits = "cPawn",
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