APIDump: Added a few constant groups to the descriptions.

This commit is contained in:
madmaxoft 2013-11-22 22:12:46 +01:00
parent 7a2170f6b3
commit b8aaf13a12

@ -322,9 +322,6 @@ g_APIDesc =
GetRelZ = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the relative Z coord of the block entity's block within the chunk" },
GetWorld = { Params = "", Return = "{{cWorld|cWorld}}", Notes = "Returns the world to which the block entity belongs" },
Constants =
cBlockEntityWithItems =
@ -353,9 +350,6 @@ g_APIDesc =
{ Params = "X, Y, {{cItem|cItem}}", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the cItem for the specified slot coords. Ignored if invalid slot coords" },
Constants =
cBoundingBox =
@ -395,7 +389,6 @@ g_APIDesc =
Union = { Params = "OtherBoundingBox", Return = "cBoundingBox", Notes = "Returns the smallest bounding box that contains both OtherBoundingBox and this bounding box. Note that unlike the strict geometrical meaning of \"union\", this operation actually returns a cBoundingBox." },
Constants = {},
cChatColor =
@ -535,9 +528,6 @@ World:ForEachChestInChunk(Player:GetChunkX(), Player:GetChunkZ(),
SetUseDefaultStructures = { Params = "bool", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the chunk to use default structures or not" },
WriteBlockArea = { Params = "{{cBlockArea|BlockArea}}, MinRelX, MinRelY, MinRelZ", Return = "", Notes = "Writes data from the block area into the chunk" },
Constants =
AdditionalInfo =
@ -600,7 +590,7 @@ end
MAX_VIEW_DISTANCE = { Notes = "The maximum value of the view distance" },
MIN_VIEW_DISTANCE = { Notes = "The minimum value of the view distance" },
}, -- cClientHandle
cCraftingGrid =
@ -630,10 +620,7 @@ end
{ Params = "x, y, ItemType, ItemCount, ItemDamage", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the item at the specified coords" },
Constants =
}, -- cCraftingGrid
cCraftingRecipe =
@ -662,10 +649,7 @@ end
{ Params = "ItemType, ItemCount, ItemDamage", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the result item" },
Constants =
}, -- cCraftingRecipe
cCuboid =
@ -707,7 +691,7 @@ end
p1 = { Type = "{{Vector3i}}", Notes = "The first corner. Usually the lesser of the two coords in each set" },
p2 = { Type = "{{Vector3i}}", Notes = "The second corner. Usually the larger of the two coords in each set" },
}, -- cCuboid
cDispenserEntity =
@ -1000,14 +984,15 @@ cFile:Delete("/usr/bin/virus.exe");
Desc = "",
Functions = {},
Constants = {},
Inherits = "cProjectileEntity",
} ,
cFurnaceEntity =
Desc = [[
This class represents a furnace block entity in the world.
This class represents a furnace block entity in the world.</p>
See also {{cRoot}}'s GetFurnaceRecipe() and GetFurnaceFuelBurnTime() functions
Functions =
@ -1024,27 +1009,36 @@ cFile:Delete("/usr/bin/virus.exe");
Constants =
fsInput = { Notes = "Index of the input slot, when using the GetSlot() / SetSlot() functions" },
fsFuel = { Notes = "Index of the fuel slot, when using the GetSlot() / SetSlot() functions" },
fsOutput = { Notes = "Index of the output slot, when using the GetSlot() / SetSlot() functions" },
fsInput = { Notes = "Index of the input slot" },
fsFuel = { Notes = "Index of the fuel slot" },
fsOutput = { Notes = "Index of the output slot" },
ContentsWidth = { Notes = "Width (X) of the {{cItemGrid|cItemGrid}} representing the contents" },
ContentsHeight = { Notes = "Height (Y) of the {{cItemGrid|cItemGrid}} representing the contents" },
ConstantGroups =
SlotIndices =
Include = "fs.*",
TextBefore = "When using the GetSlot() or SetSlot() function, use these constants for slot index:",
Inherits = "cBlockEntityWithItems"
}, -- cFurnaceEntity
cGhastFireballEntity =
Desc = "",
Functions = {},
Constants = {},
Inherits = "cProjectileEntity",
} ,
}, -- cGhastFireballEntity
cGroup =
Desc = [[cGroup is a group {{cPlayer|cPlayer}}'s can be in. Groups define the permissions players have, and optionally the color of their name in the chat.
Desc = [[
This class represents a group {{cPlayer|players}} can be in. Groups define the permissions players
have, and optionally the color of their name in the chat.
Functions =
SetName = { Return = "" },
@ -1056,10 +1050,7 @@ cFile:Delete("/usr/bin/virus.exe");
AddPermission = { Return = "" },
InheritFrom = { Return = "" },
Constants =
}, -- cGroup
cHopperEntity =
@ -1077,7 +1068,7 @@ cFile:Delete("/usr/bin/virus.exe");
TICKS_PER_TRANSFER = { Notes = "Number of ticks between when the hopper transfers items." },
Inherits = "cBlockEntityWithItems",
}, -- cHopperEntity
cIniFile =
@ -1287,6 +1278,16 @@ These ItemGrids are available in the API and can be manipulated by the plugins,
invHotbarOffset = { Notes = "Starting slot number of the Hotbar part" },
invNumSlots = { Notes = "Total number of slots in a cInventory" },
ConstantGroups =
SlotIndices =
Include = "inv.*",
TextBefore = [[
Rather than hardcoding numbers, use the following constants for slot indices and counts:
}, -- cInventory
cItem =
@ -1448,9 +1449,6 @@ local Item5 = cItem(E_ITEM_DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE, 1, 0, "thorns=1;unbreaking=3");
{ Params = "X, Y, {{cItem|cItem}}", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the specified slot to the specified item" },
Constants =
AdditionalInfo =
@ -1512,9 +1510,6 @@ end
Size = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the number of items in the collection" },
Constants =
}, -- cItems
cJukeboxEntity =
@ -1641,9 +1636,6 @@ end
SetOnClosing = { Params = "OnClosingCallback", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the function that the window will call when it is about to be closed by a player" },
SetOnSlotChanged = { Params = "OnSlotChangedCallback", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the function that the window will call when a slot is changed by a player" },
Constants =
AdditionalInfo =
@ -1718,12 +1710,12 @@ a_Player:OpenWindow(Window);
Functions =
FamilyFromType = { Params = "MobType", Return = "MobFamily", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the mob family (mfXXX constants) based on the mob type (mtXXX constants)" },
GetMobFamily = { Params = "", Return = "MobFamily", Notes = "Returns this mob's family (mfXXX constant)" },
GetMobType = { Params = "", Return = "MobType", Notes = "Returns the type of this mob (mtXXX constant)" },
GetSpawnDelay = { Params = "MobFamily", Return = "number", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the spawn delay - the number of game ticks between spawn attempts - for the specified mob family." },
MobTypeToString = { Params = "MobType", Return = "string", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the string representing the given mob type (mtXXX constant), or empty string if unknown type." },
StringToMobType = { Params = "string", Return = "MobType", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the mob type (mtXXX constant) parsed from the string type (\"creeper\"), or mtInvalidType if unrecognized." },
FamilyFromType = { Params = "{{cMonster#MobType|MobType}}", Return = "{{cMonster#MobFamily|MobFamily}}", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the mob family ({{cMonster#MobFamily|mfXXX}} constants) based on the mob type ({{cMonster#MobType|mtXXX}} constants)" },
GetMobFamily = { Params = "", Return = "{{cMonster#MobFamily|MobFamily}}", Notes = "Returns this mob's family ({{cMonster#MobFamily|mfXXX}} constant)" },
GetMobType = { Params = "", Return = "{{cMonster#MobType|MobType}}", Notes = "Returns the type of this mob ({{cMonster#MobType|mtXXX}} constant)" },
GetSpawnDelay = { Params = "{{cMonster#MobFamily|MobFamily}}", Return = "number", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the spawn delay - the number of game ticks between spawn attempts - for the specified mob family." },
MobTypeToString = { Params = "{{cMonster#MobType|MobType}}", Return = "string", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the string representing the given mob type ({{cMonster#MobType|mtXXX}} constant), or empty string if unknown type." },
StringToMobType = { Params = "string", Return = "{{cMonster#MobType|MobType}}", Notes = "(STATIC) Returns the mob type ({{cMonster#MobType|mtXXX}} constant) parsed from the string type (\"creeper\"), or mtInvalidType if unrecognized." },
Constants =
@ -1763,6 +1755,23 @@ a_Player:OpenWindow(Window);
mtZombie = { Notes = "" },
mtZombiePigman = { Notes = "" },
ConstantGroups =
MobFamily =
Include = "mf.*",
TextBefore = [[
Mobs are divided into families. The following constants are used for individual family types:
MobType =
Include = "mt.*",
TextBefore = [[
The following constants are used for distinguishing between the individual mob types:
Inherits = "cPawn",
}, -- cMonster
@ -1798,11 +1807,8 @@ a_Player:OpenWindow(Window);
KilledBy = { Return = "" },
GetHealth = { Return = "number" },
Constants =
Inherits = "cEntity",
}, -- cPawn
cPickup =
@ -1914,7 +1920,7 @@ a_Player:OpenWindow(Window);
MAX_HEALTH = { Notes = "The maximum health value" },
Inherits = "cPawn",
}, -- cPlayer
cPlugin =
@ -1933,18 +1939,14 @@ a_Player:OpenWindow(Window);
GetFileName = { Return = "string" },
CreateWebPlugin = { Notes = "{{cWebPlugin|cWebPlugin}}" },
Constants =
}, -- cPlugin
cPluginLua =
Desc = "",
Functions = {},
Constants = {},
Inherits = "cPlugin",
}, -- cPluginLua
cPluginManager =
@ -2121,9 +2123,6 @@ cPluginManager.AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_CHAT, OnChatMessage);
SaveAllChunks = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Saves all the chunks in all the worlds. Note that the saving is queued on each world's tick thread and this functions returns before the chunks are actually saved." },
SetPrimaryServerVersion = { Params = "Protocol Version", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the servers PrimaryServerVersion to the given protocol number." }
Constants =
AdditionalInfo =
@ -2169,9 +2168,6 @@ end
GetServerID = { Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the ID of the server?" },
IsHardcore = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the server is hardcore (players get banned on death)." },
Constants =
}, -- cServer
cSignEntity =
@ -2193,39 +2189,37 @@ end
Desc = "",
Functions = {},
Constants = {},
Inherits = "cProjectileEntity",
}, -- cThrownEggEntity
cThrownEnderPearlEntity =
Desc = "",
Functions = {},
Constants = {},
Inherits = "cProjectileEntity",
}, -- cThrownEnderPearlEntity
cThrownSnowballEntity =
Desc = "",
Functions = {},
Constants = {},
Inherits = "cProjectileEntity",
}, -- cThrownSnowballEntity
cTracer =
Desc = [[A cTracer object is used to trace lines in the world. One thing you can use the cTracer for, is tracing what block a player is looking at, but you can do more with it if you want.
<p>The cTracer is still a work in progress
Desc = [[
A cTracer object is used to trace lines in the world. One thing you can use the cTracer for, is
tracing what block a player is looking at, but you can do more with it if you want.</p>
The cTracer is still a work in progress.</p>
See also the {{cLineBlockTracer}} class for an alternative approach using callbacks.
Functions =
Constants =
}, -- cTracer
cWebAdmin =
@ -2234,15 +2228,13 @@ end
GetHTMLEscapedString = { Params = "string", Return = "string", Notes = "Gets the HTML escaped representation of a requested string. This is useful for user input and game data that is not guaranteed to be escaped already." },
Constants = {},
}, -- cWebAdmin
cWebPlugin =
Desc = "",
Functions = {},
Constants = {},
}, -- cWebPlugin
cWindow =
@ -2437,9 +2429,6 @@ end
WakeUpSimulators = { Params = "BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ", Return = "", Notes = "Wakes up the simulators for the specified block." },
WakeUpSimulatorsInArea = { Params = "MinBlockX, MaxBlockX, MinBlockY, MaxBlockY, MinBlockZ, MaxBlockZ", Return = "", Notes = "Wakes up the simulators for all the blocks in the specified area (edges inclusive)." },
Constants =
AdditionalInfo =
@ -2908,10 +2897,7 @@ end
TrimString = {Params = "string", Return = "string", Notes = "Trime whitespace at both ends of the string"},
md5 = {Params = "string", Return = "string", Notes = "converts a string to an md5 hash"},
Constants =
}, -- Globals