APIDump: Undescribed classes are listed as undocumented.

Previously class that was not listed in APIDesc was not listed in Undocumented.
This commit is contained in:
madmaxoft 2013-09-14 23:47:37 +02:00
parent 7ec598d8d4
commit b8a37c4f46

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@ -222,7 +222,6 @@ function DumpAPIHtml()
f:write("\n-- This is the list of undocumented API objects, automatically generated by APIDump\n\n");
f:write("g_APIDesc =\n{\n\tClasses =\n\t{\n");
for i, cls in ipairs(API) do
local HasWrittenClassHeader = false;
local HasFunctions = ((cls.UndocumentedFunctions ~= nil) and (#cls.UndocumentedFunctions > 0));
local HasConstants = ((cls.UndocumentedConstants ~= nil) and (#cls.UndocumentedConstants > 0));
if (HasFunctions or HasConstants) then
@ -318,8 +317,6 @@ function ReadDescriptions(a_API)
return false;
local UnexportedDocumented = {}; -- List of API objects that are documented but not exported, simply a list of names
for i, cls in ipairs(a_API) do
-- Rename special functions:
for j, fn in ipairs(cls.Functions) do
@ -394,11 +391,6 @@ function ReadDescriptions(a_API)
-- Replace functions with their described and overload-expanded versions:
cls.Functions = DoxyFunctions;
-- Add all non-exported function descriptions to UnexportedDocumented:
for j, func in pairs(APIDesc.Functions) do
end -- if (APIDesc.Functions ~= nil)
if (APIDesc.Constants ~= nil) then
@ -415,13 +407,23 @@ function ReadDescriptions(a_API)
CnDesc.IsExported = true;
end -- for j, cons
-- Add all non-exported constant descriptions to UnexportedDocumented:
for j, cons in pairs(APIDesc.Constants) do
end -- if (APIDesc.Constants ~= nil)
end -- if (APIDesc ~= nil)
-- Class is not documented at all, add all its members to Undocumented lists:
cls.UndocumentedFunctions = {};
cls.UndocumentedConstants = {};
for j, func in ipairs(cls.Functions) do
local FnName = func.DocID or func.Name;
if not(IsFunctionIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. FnName)) then
table.insert(cls.UndocumentedFunctions, FnName);
end -- for j, func - cls.Functions[]
for j, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do
if not(IsConstantIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. cons.Name)) then
table.insert(cls.UndocumentedConstants, cons.Name);
end -- for j, cons - cls.Constants[]
end -- else if (APIDesc ~= nil)
-- Remove ignored functions:
local NewFunctions = {};