Movement Statistics
This commit is contained in:
@ -312,12 +312,16 @@ bool cEntity::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
if ((a_TDI.Attacker != NULL) && (a_TDI.Attacker->IsPlayer()))
cPlayer * Player = (cPlayer *)a_TDI.Attacker;
// IsOnGround() only is false if the player is moving downwards
if (!((cPlayer *)a_TDI.Attacker)->IsOnGround()) // TODO: Better damage increase, and check for enchantments (and use magic critical instead of plain)
if (!Player->IsOnGround()) // TODO: Better damage increase, and check for enchantments (and use magic critical instead of plain)
a_TDI.FinalDamage += 2;
m_World->BroadcastEntityAnimation(*this, 4); // Critical hit
Player->GetStatManager().AddValue(statDamageDealt, round(a_TDI.FinalDamage * 10));
m_Health -= (short)a_TDI.FinalDamage;
@ -580,9 +584,16 @@ void cEntity::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
if (m_AttachedTo != NULL)
if ((m_Pos - m_AttachedTo->GetPosition()).Length() > 0.5)
Vector3d DeltaPos = m_Pos - m_AttachedTo->GetPosition();
if (DeltaPos.Length() > 0.5)
if (IsPlayer())
cPlayer * Player = (cPlayer *)this;
@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ void cPlayer::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
m_Stats.AddValue(statMinutesPlayed, 1);
if (!a_Chunk.IsValid())
// This may happen if the cPlayer is created before the chunks have the chance of being loaded / generated (#83)
@ -835,6 +837,8 @@ bool cPlayer::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
// Any kind of damage adds food exhaustion
m_Stats.AddValue(statDamageTaken, round(a_TDI.FinalDamage * 10));
return true;
return false;
@ -865,6 +869,8 @@ void cPlayer::KilledBy(cEntity * a_Killer)
m_Stats.AddValue(statItemsDropped, Pickups.Size());
m_World->SpawnItemPickups(Pickups, GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), 10);
SaveToDisk(); // Save it, yeah the world is a tough place !
@ -1263,6 +1269,9 @@ void cPlayer::MoveTo( const Vector3d & a_NewPos )
// TODO: should do some checks to see if player is not moving through terrain
// TODO: Official server refuses position packets too far away from each other, kicking "hacked" clients; we should, too
Vector3d DeltaPos = a_NewPos - GetPosition();
SetPosition( a_NewPos );
SetStance(a_NewPos.y + 1.62);
@ -1492,10 +1501,7 @@ void cPlayer::TossEquippedItem(char a_Amount)
double vX = 0, vY = 0, vZ = 0;
EulerToVector(-GetYaw(), GetPitch(), vZ, vX, vY);
vY = -vY * 2 + 1.f;
m_World->SpawnItemPickups(Drops, GetPosX(), GetEyeHeight(), GetPosZ(), vX * 3, vY * 3, vZ * 3, true); // 'true' because created by player
@ -1511,6 +1517,7 @@ void cPlayer::TossHeldItem(char a_Amount)
char OriginalItemAmount = Item.m_ItemCount;
Item.m_ItemCount = std::min(OriginalItemAmount, a_Amount);
if (OriginalItemAmount > a_Amount)
Item.m_ItemCount = OriginalItemAmount - a_Amount;
@ -1521,10 +1528,7 @@ void cPlayer::TossHeldItem(char a_Amount)
double vX = 0, vY = 0, vZ = 0;
EulerToVector(-GetYaw(), GetPitch(), vZ, vX, vY);
vY = -vY * 2 + 1.f;
m_World->SpawnItemPickups(Drops, GetPosX(), GetEyeHeight(), GetPosZ(), vX * 3, vY * 3, vZ * 3, true); // 'true' because created by player
@ -1536,10 +1540,21 @@ void cPlayer::TossPickup(const cItem & a_Item)
cItems Drops;
void cPlayer::TossItems(const cItems & a_Items)
m_Stats.AddValue(statItemsDropped, a_Items.Size());
double vX = 0, vY = 0, vZ = 0;
EulerToVector(-GetYaw(), GetPitch(), vZ, vX, vY);
vY = -vY * 2 + 1.f;
m_World->SpawnItemPickups(Drops, GetPosX(), GetEyeHeight(), GetPosZ(), vX * 3, vY * 3, vZ * 3, true); // 'true' because created by player
m_World->SpawnItemPickups(a_Items, GetPosX(), GetEyeHeight(), GetPosZ(), vX * 3, vY * 3, vZ * 3, true); // 'true' because created by player
@ -1935,6 +1950,59 @@ void cPlayer::HandleFloater()
void cPlayer::UpdateMovementStats(const Vector3d & a_DeltaPos)
StatValue Value = round(a_DeltaPos.Length() * 100);
if (m_AttachedTo == NULL)
int PosX = POSX_TOINT;
int PosY = POSY_TOINT;
int PosZ = POSZ_TOINT;
if (!m_World->GetBlockTypeMeta(PosX, PosY, PosZ, Block, Meta))
if ((Block == E_BLOCK_LADDER) && (a_DeltaPos.y > 0.0)) // Going up
m_Stats.AddValue(statDistClimbed, round(a_DeltaPos.y * 100));
// TODO 2014-05-12 xdot: Other types
m_Stats.AddValue(statDistWalked, Value);
switch (m_AttachedTo->GetEntityType())
case cEntity::etMinecart: m_Stats.AddValue(statDistMinecart, Value); break;
case cEntity::etBoat: m_Stats.AddValue(statDistBoat, Value); break;
case cEntity::etMonster:
cMonster * Monster = (cMonster *)m_AttachedTo;
switch (Monster->GetMobType())
case cMonster::mtPig: m_Stats.AddValue(statDistPig, Value); break;
case cMonster::mtHorse: m_Stats.AddValue(statDistHorse, Value); break;
default: break;
default: break;
void cPlayer::ApplyFoodExhaustionFromMovement()
if (IsGameModeCreative())
@ -391,6 +391,9 @@ public:
/** If true the player can fly even when he's not in creative. */
void SetCanFly(bool a_CanFly);
/** Update movement-related statistics. */
void UpdateMovementStats(const Vector3d & a_DeltaPos);
/** Returns wheter the player can fly or not. */
virtual bool CanFly(void) const { return m_CanFly; }
// tolua_end
@ -524,6 +527,9 @@ protected:
/** Called in each tick if the player is fishing to make sure the floater dissapears when the player doesn't have a fishing rod as equipped item. */
void HandleFloater(void);
/** Tosses a list of items. */
void TossItems(const cItems & a_Items);
/** Adds food exhaustion based on the difference between Pos and LastPos, sprinting status and swimming (in water block) */
void ApplyFoodExhaustionFromMovement();
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ public:
void Add (const cItem & a_Item) {push_back(a_Item); }
void Delete(int a_Idx);
void Clear (void) {clear(); }
size_t Size (void) {return size(); }
size_t Size (void) const { return size(); }
void Set (int a_Idx, short a_ItemType, char a_ItemCount, short a_ItemDamage);
void Add (short a_ItemType, char a_ItemCount, short a_ItemDamage)
@ -465,7 +465,9 @@ bool cMonster::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
if ((m_SoundHurt != "") && (m_Health > 0))
m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect(m_SoundHurt, (int)(GetPosX() * 8), (int)(GetPosY() * 8), (int)(GetPosZ() * 8), 1.0f, 0.8f);
if (a_TDI.Attacker != NULL)
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ cStatInfo cStatInfo::ms_Info[statCount] = {
cStatInfo(statDistHorse, "stat.horseOneCm"),
cStatInfo(statJumps, "stat.jump"),
cStatInfo(statItemsDropped, "stat.drop"),
cStatInfo(statDamageDealt, "stat.damageDealth"),
cStatInfo(statDamageDealt, "stat.damageDealt"),
cStatInfo(statDamageTaken, "stat.damageTaken"),
cStatInfo(statDeaths, "stat.deaths"),
cStatInfo(statMobKills, "stat.mobKills"),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user