Anvil storage: load block entities from both old and new name-styles. (#3784)

* WSSAnvil: Load the sign text from JSON, too.
This commit is contained in:
Mattes D 2017-06-21 07:47:26 +02:00 committed by Lukas Pioch
parent fbe17a4e8a
commit 99b4c2bd09
2 changed files with 129 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "FastNBT.h"
#include "EnchantmentSerializer.h"
#include "zlib/zlib.h"
#include "json/json.h"
#include "../World.h"
#include "../BlockID.h"
#include "../Item.h"
@ -858,7 +859,37 @@ void cWSSAnvil::LoadItemGridFromNBT(cItemGrid & a_ItemGrid, const cParsedNBT & a
bool cWSSAnvil::CheckBlockEntityType(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, const char * a_ExpectedType, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
AString cWSSAnvil::DecodeSignLine(const AString & a_Line)
if (a_Line.empty())
return AString();
if (a_Line[0] != '{')
return a_Line;
// Try to parse the JSON:
Json::Value root;
Json::Reader reader;
if (!reader.parse(a_Line, root, false) || !root.isObject())
return a_Line;
const auto & txt = root["text"];
if (txt.isString())
return txt.asString();
return a_Line;
bool cWSSAnvil::CheckBlockEntityType(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, const AStringVector & a_ExpectedTypes, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the given tag is a compound:
if (a_NBT.GetType(a_TagIdx) != TAG_Compound)
@ -874,12 +905,24 @@ bool cWSSAnvil::CheckBlockEntityType(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, con
// Compare the value:
if (strncmp(a_NBT.GetData(TagID), a_ExpectedType, static_cast<size_t>(a_NBT.GetDataLength(TagID))) == 0)
for (const auto & et: a_ExpectedTypes)
return true;
if (strncmp(a_NBT.GetData(TagID), et.c_str(), static_cast<size_t>(a_NBT.GetDataLength(TagID))) == 0)
return true;
LOGWARNING("Block entity type mismatch: exp \"%s\", got \"%s\". The block entity at {%d, %d, %d} will lose all its properties.",
// Expectation not met, output an error into the log:
AString expectedTypes;
for (const auto & et : a_ExpectedTypes)
expectedTypes.append(", \"");
LOGWARNING("Block entity type mismatch: exp %s, got \"%s\". The block entity at {%d, %d, %d} will lose all its properties.",
expectedTypes.c_str() + 2, // Skip the first ", " that is extra in the string
AString(a_NBT.GetData(TagID), static_cast<size_t>(a_NBT.GetDataLength(TagID))).c_str(),
a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ
@ -893,7 +936,8 @@ bool cWSSAnvil::CheckBlockEntityType(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, con
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadBeaconFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, "Beacon", a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({"Beacon", "minecraft:beacon"});
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
@ -935,7 +979,8 @@ cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadBeaconFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagI
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadBrewingstandFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, "Brewingstand", a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({ "Brewingstand", "minecraft:brewing_stand" });
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
@ -993,23 +1038,11 @@ cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadChestFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagId
// Check if the data has a proper type:
// Note that older Cuberite code used "TrappedChest" for trapped chests; new code mimics vanilla and uses "Chest" throughout, but we allow migration here:
if (a_NBT.GetType(a_TagIdx) != TAG_Compound)
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({ "Chest", "TrappedChest", "minecraft:chest" });
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
int TagID = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "id");
if ((TagID < 0) || (a_NBT.GetType(TagID) != TAG_String))
return nullptr;
auto BlockEntityType = a_NBT.GetString(TagID);
if ((BlockEntityType != "Chest") && (BlockEntityType != "TrappedChest"))
LOGWARNING("Block entity type mismatch at {%d, %d, %d}: got \"%s\", expected \"Chest\". Chest contents will be lost.",
a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, BlockEntityType.c_str()
return nullptr;
int Items = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "Items");
if ((Items < 0) || (a_NBT.GetType(Items) != TAG_List))
@ -1028,7 +1061,8 @@ cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadChestFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagId
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadCommandBlockFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, "Control", a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({ "Control", "minecraft:command_block" });
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
@ -1065,7 +1099,8 @@ cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadCommandBlockFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadDispenserFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, "Trap", a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({ "Trap", "minecraft:dispenser" });
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
@ -1087,7 +1122,8 @@ cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadDispenserFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_T
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadDropperFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, "Dropper", a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({ "Dropper", "minecraft:dropper" });
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
@ -1109,7 +1145,8 @@ cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadDropperFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_Tag
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadFlowerPotFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, "FlowerPot", a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({ "FlowerPot", "minecraft:flower_pot" });
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
@ -1147,7 +1184,8 @@ cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadFlowerPotFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_T
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadFurnaceFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, "Furnace", a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({ "Furnace", "minecraft:furnace" });
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
@ -1203,10 +1241,56 @@ cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadFurnaceFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_Tag
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadHopperFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({ "Hopper", "minecraft:hopper" });
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
int Items = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "Items");
if ((Items < 0) || (a_NBT.GetType(Items) != TAG_List))
return nullptr; // Make it an empty hopper - the chunk loader will provide an empty cHopperEntity for this
auto Hopper = cpp14::make_unique<cHopperEntity>(a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, m_World);
LoadItemGridFromNBT(Hopper->GetContents(), a_NBT, Items);
return Hopper.release();
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadJukeboxFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({ "RecordPlayer", "minecraft:jukebox" });
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
auto Jukebox = cpp14::make_unique<cJukeboxEntity>(a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, m_World);
int Record = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "Record");
if (Record >= 0)
return Jukebox.release();
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadMobSpawnerFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, "MobSpawner", a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({ "MobSpawner", "minecraft:mob_spawner" });
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
@ -1251,53 +1335,11 @@ cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadMobSpawnerFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadHopperFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, "Hopper", a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
int Items = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "Items");
if ((Items < 0) || (a_NBT.GetType(Items) != TAG_List))
return nullptr; // Make it an empty hopper - the chunk loader will provide an empty cHopperEntity for this
auto Hopper = cpp14::make_unique<cHopperEntity>(a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, m_World);
LoadItemGridFromNBT(Hopper->GetContents(), a_NBT, Items);
return Hopper.release();
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadJukeboxFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, "RecordPlayer", a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
auto Jukebox = cpp14::make_unique<cJukeboxEntity>(a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, m_World);
int Record = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "Record");
if (Record >= 0)
return Jukebox.release();
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadMobHeadFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, "Skull", a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({ "Skull", "minecraft:skull" });
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
@ -1369,7 +1411,8 @@ cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadMobHeadFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_Tag
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadNoteBlockFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, "Music", a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({ "Music", "minecraft:noteblock" });
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
@ -1390,7 +1433,8 @@ cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadNoteBlockFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_T
cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadSignFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
// Check if the data has a proper type:
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, "Sign", a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
static const AStringVector expectedTypes({ "Sign", "minecraft:sign" });
if (!CheckBlockEntityType(a_NBT, a_TagIdx, expectedTypes, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))
return nullptr;
@ -1400,25 +1444,25 @@ cBlockEntity * cWSSAnvil::LoadSignFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx
int currentLine = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "Text1");
if (currentLine >= 0)
Sign->SetLine(0, a_NBT.GetString(currentLine));
Sign->SetLine(0, DecodeSignLine(a_NBT.GetString(currentLine)));
currentLine = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "Text2");
if (currentLine >= 0)
Sign->SetLine(1, a_NBT.GetString(currentLine));
Sign->SetLine(1, DecodeSignLine(a_NBT.GetString(currentLine)));
currentLine = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "Text3");
if (currentLine >= 0)
Sign->SetLine(2, a_NBT.GetString(currentLine));
Sign->SetLine(2, DecodeSignLine(a_NBT.GetString(currentLine)));
currentLine = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "Text4");
if (currentLine >= 0)
Sign->SetLine(3, a_NBT.GetString(currentLine));
Sign->SetLine(3, DecodeSignLine(a_NBT.GetString(currentLine)));
return Sign.release();

View File

@ -145,10 +145,15 @@ protected:
Slots outside the ItemGrid range are ignored */
void LoadItemGridFromNBT(cItemGrid & a_ItemGrid, const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_ItemsTagIdx, int s_SlotOffset = 0);
/** Returns true iff the "id" child tag inside the specified tag equals the specified expected type.
/** Decodes the text contained within a sign.
Older versions used direct string representation, newer versions use JSON-formatted string.
This function extracts the text from either version. */
AString DecodeSignLine(const AString & a_Line);
/** Returns true iff the "id" child tag inside the specified tag equals (case-sensitive) any of the specified expected types.
Logs a warning to the console on mismatch.
The coordinates are used only for the log message. */
bool CheckBlockEntityType(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, const char * a_ExpectedType, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
bool CheckBlockEntityType(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, const AStringVector & a_ExpectedTypes, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
cBlockEntity * LoadBeaconFromNBT (const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
cBlockEntity * LoadBrewingstandFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
@ -158,10 +163,10 @@ protected:
cBlockEntity * LoadDropperFromNBT (const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
cBlockEntity * LoadFlowerPotFromNBT (const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
cBlockEntity * LoadFurnaceFromNBT (const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
cBlockEntity * LoadMobSpawnerFromNBT (const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
cBlockEntity * LoadHopperFromNBT (const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
cBlockEntity * LoadJukeboxFromNBT (const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
cBlockEntity * LoadMobHeadFromNBT (const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
cBlockEntity * LoadMobSpawnerFromNBT (const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
cBlockEntity * LoadNoteBlockFromNBT (const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
cBlockEntity * LoadSignFromNBT (const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);