APIDump: Documented cPlayer XP-related functions.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1784,14 +1784,17 @@ a_Player:OpenWindow(Window);
AddFoodExhaustion = { Params = "Exhaustion", Return = "", Notes = "Adds the specified number to the food exhaustion. Only positive numbers expected." },
AddToGroup = { Params = "GroupName", Return = "", Notes = "Temporarily adds the player to the specified group. The assignment is lost when the player disconnects." },
CalcLevelFromXp = { Params = "XPAmount", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the level which is reached with the specified amount of XP. Inverse of XpForLevel()." },
CanUseCommand = { Params = "Command", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the player is allowed to use the specified command." },
CloseWindow = { Params = "[CanRefuse]", Return = "", Notes = "Closes the currently open UI window. If CanRefuse is true (default), the window may refuse the closing." },
CloseWindowIfID = { Params = "WindowID, [CanRefuse]", Return = "", Notes = "Closes the currently open UI window if its ID matches the given ID. If CanRefuse is true (default), the window may refuse the closing." },
DeltaExperience = { Params = "DeltaXP", Return = "", Notes = "Adds or removes XP from the current XP amount. Won't allow XP to go negative. Returns the new experience, -1 on error (XP overflow)." },
Feed = { Params = "AddFood, AddSaturation", Return = "bool", Notes = "Tries to add the specified amounts to food level and food saturation level (only positive amounts expected). Returns true if player was hungry and the food was consumed, false if too satiated." },
FoodPoison = { Params = "NumTicks", Return = "", Notes = "Starts the food poisoning for the specified amount of ticks; if already foodpoisoned, sets FoodPoisonedTicksRemaining to the larger of the two" },
GetAirLevel = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the air level (number of ticks of air left)." },
GetClientHandle = { Params = "", Return = "{{cClientHandle}}", Notes = "Returns the client handle representing the player's connection. May be nil (AI players)." },
GetColor = { Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the full color code to be used for this player (based on the first group). Prefix player messages with this code." },
GetCurrentXp = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the current amount of XP" },
GetEffectiveGameMode = { Params = "", Return = "{{eGameMode|GameMode}}", Notes = "Returns the current resolved game mode of the player. If the player is set to inherit the world's gamemode, returns that instead. See also GetGameMode() and IsGameModeXXX() functions." },
GetEquippedItem = { Params = "", Return = "{{cItem}}", Notes = "Returns the item that the player is currently holding; empty item if holding nothing." },
GetEyeHeight = { Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the height of the player's eyes, in absolute coords" },
@ -1814,6 +1817,9 @@ a_Player:OpenWindow(Window);
GetThrowSpeed = { Params = "SpeedCoeff", Return = "{{Vector3d}}", Notes = "Returns the speed vector for an object thrown with the specified speed coeff. Basically returns the normalized look vector multiplied by the coeff, with a slight random variation." },
GetThrowStartPos = { Params = "", Return = "{{Vector3d}}", Notes = "Returns the position where the projectiles should start when thrown by this player." },
GetWindow = { Params = "", Return = "{{cWindow}}", Notes = "Returns the currently open UI window. If the player doesn't have any UI window open, returns the inventory window." },
GetXpLevel = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the current XP level (based on current XP amount)." },
GetXpLifetimeTotal = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the amount of XP that has been accumulated throughout the player's lifetime." },
GetXpPercentage = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the percentage of the experience bar - the amount of XP towards the next XP level. Between 0 and 1." },
HasPermission = { Params = "PermissionString", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the player has the specified permission" },
Heal = { Params = "HitPoints", Return = "", Notes = "Heals the player by the specified amount of HPs. Only positive amounts are expected. Sends a health update to the client." },
IsEating = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if the player is currently eating the item in their hand." },
@ -1834,6 +1840,7 @@ a_Player:OpenWindow(Window);
Respawn = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Restores the health, extinguishes fire, makes visible and sends the Respawn packet." },
SendMessage = { Params = "MessageString", Return = "", Notes = "Sends the specified message to the player." },
SetCrouch = { Params = "IsCrouched", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the crouch state, broadcasts the change to other players." },
SetCurrentExperience = { Params = "XPAmount", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the current amount of experience (and indirectly, the XP level)." },
SetFoodExhaustionLevel = { Params = "ExhaustionLevel", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the food exhaustion to the specified level." },
SetFoodLevel = { Params = "FoodLevel", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the food level (number of half-drumsticks on-screen)" },
SetFoodPoisonedTicksRemaining = { Params = "FoodPoisonedTicksRemaining", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the number of ticks remaining for food poisoning. Doesn't send foodpoisoning effect to the client, use FoodPoison() for that." },
@ -1846,6 +1853,7 @@ a_Player:OpenWindow(Window);
SetSprintingMaxSpeed = { Params = "SprintingMaxSpeed", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the sprinting maximum speed (as reported by the 1.6.1+ protocols)" },
SetVisible = { Params = "IsVisible", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the player visibility to other players" },
TossItem = { Params = "DraggedItem, [Amount], [CreateType], [CreateDamage]", Return = "", Notes = "FIXME: This function will be rewritten, avoid it. It tosses an item, either from the inventory, dragged in hand (while in UI window) or a newly created one." },
XpForLevel = { Params = "XPLevel", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the total amount of XP needed for the specified XP level. Inverse of CalcLevelFromXp()." },
Constants =
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