Decoupled cMonster and path recalc logic, re-implemented recalc

This commit is contained in:
Safwat Halaby 2015-11-20 10:03:20 +02:00
parent 7501d44258
commit 8a5df43e6c
8 changed files with 490 additions and 339 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ SET (SRCS
@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ SET (HDRS

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include "../Chunk.h"
#include "../FastRandom.h"
#include "Path.h"
#include "PathFinder.h"
@ -75,11 +75,8 @@ cMonster::cMonster(const AString & a_ConfigName, eMonsterType a_MobType, const A
, m_EMState(IDLE)
, m_EMPersonality(AGGRESSIVE)
, m_Target(nullptr)
, m_Path(nullptr)
, m_IsFollowingPath(false)
, m_PathFinder(a_Width, a_Height)
, m_PathfinderActivated(false)
, m_GiveUpCounter(0)
, m_TicksSinceLastPathReset(1000)
, m_LastGroundHeight(POSY_TOINT)
, m_JumpCoolDown(0)
, m_IdleInterval(0)
@ -125,127 +122,20 @@ void cMonster::SpawnOn(cClientHandle & a_Client)
bool cMonster::TickPathFinding(cChunk & a_Chunk)
if (!m_PathfinderActivated)
return false;
if (m_TicksSinceLastPathReset < 1000)
// No need to count beyond 1000. 1000 is arbitary here.
if (ReachedFinalDestination())
return false;
if ((m_FinalDestination - m_PathFinderDestination).Length() > 0.25) // if the distance between where we're going and where we should go is too big.
/* If we reached the last path waypoint,
Or if we haven't re-calculated for too long.
Interval is proportional to distance squared, and its minimum is 10.
(Recalculate lots when close, calculate rarely when far) */
if (
((GetPosition() - m_PathFinderDestination).Length() < 0.25) ||
((m_TicksSinceLastPathReset > 10) && (m_TicksSinceLastPathReset > (0.4 * (m_FinalDestination - GetPosition()).SqrLength())))
/* Re-calculating is expensive when there's no path to target, and it results in mobs freezing very often as a result of always recalculating.
This is a workaround till we get better path recalculation. */
if (!m_NoPathToTarget)
if (m_Path == nullptr)
if (!EnsureProperDestination(a_Chunk))
StopMovingToPosition(); // Invalid chunks, probably world is loading or something, cancel movement.
return false;
m_GiveUpCounter = 40;
m_NoPathToTarget = false;
m_NoMoreWayPoints = false;
m_PathFinderDestination = m_FinalDestination;
m_Path = new cPath(a_Chunk, GetPosition(), m_PathFinderDestination, 20, GetWidth(), GetHeight());
switch (m_Path->Step(a_Chunk))
case ePathFinderStatus::NEARBY_FOUND:
m_NoPathToTarget = true;
m_PathFinderDestination = m_Path->AcceptNearbyPath();
case ePathFinderStatus::PATH_NOT_FOUND:
StopMovingToPosition(); // Try to calculate a path again.
// Note that the next time may succeed, e.g. if a player breaks a barrier.
case ePathFinderStatus::CALCULATING:
// Pathfinder needs more time
case ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND:
if (m_NoMoreWayPoints || (--m_GiveUpCounter == 0))
if (m_EMState == ATTACKING)
ResetPathFinding(); // Try to calculate a path again.
// This results in mobs hanging around an unreachable target (player).
StopMovingToPosition(); // Find a different place to go to.
return false;
else if (!m_Path->IsLastPoint()) // Have we arrived at the next cell, as denoted by m_NextWayPointPosition?
if ((m_Path->IsFirstPoint() || ReachedNextWaypoint()))
m_NextWayPointPosition = m_Path->GetNextPoint();
m_GiveUpCounter = 40; // Give up after 40 ticks (2 seconds) if failed to reach m_NextWayPointPosition.
m_NoMoreWayPoints = true;
m_IsFollowingPath = true;
return true;
return false;
void cMonster::MoveToWayPoint(cChunk & a_Chunk)
if ((m_NextWayPointPosition - GetPosition()).SqrLength() < WAYPOINT_RADIUS * WAYPOINT_RADIUS)
if (m_JumpCoolDown == 0)
if (DoesPosYRequireJump(FloorC(m_NextWayPointPosition.y)))
if (
(IsOnGround() && (GetSpeedX() == 0.0f) && (GetSpeedY() == 0.0f)) ||
(IsSwimming() && (m_GiveUpCounter < 15))
(IsOnGround() && (GetSpeedX() == 0.0f) && (GetSpeedY() == 0.0f)) // TODO water handling?
m_bOnGround = false;
@ -296,98 +186,7 @@ void cMonster::MoveToWayPoint(cChunk & a_Chunk)
bool cMonster::EnsureProperDestination(cChunk & a_Chunk)
cChunk * Chunk = a_Chunk.GetNeighborChunk(FloorC(m_FinalDestination.x), FloorC(m_FinalDestination.z));
if ((Chunk == nullptr) || !Chunk->IsValid())
return false;
int RelX = FloorC(m_FinalDestination.x) - Chunk->GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
int RelZ = FloorC(m_FinalDestination.z) - Chunk->GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
// If destination in the air, first try to go 1 block north, or east, or west.
// This fixes the player leaning issue.
// If that failed, we instead go down to the lowest air block.
Chunk->GetBlockTypeMeta(RelX, FloorC(m_FinalDestination.y) - 1, RelZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
if (!cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockType))
bool InTheAir = true;
int x, z;
for (z = -1; z <= 1; ++z)
for (x = -1; x <= 1; ++x)
if ((x == 0) && (z == 0))
Chunk = a_Chunk.GetNeighborChunk(FloorC(m_FinalDestination.x+x), FloorC(m_FinalDestination.z+z));
if ((Chunk == nullptr) || !Chunk->IsValid())
return false;
RelX = FloorC(m_FinalDestination.x + x) - Chunk->GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
RelZ = FloorC(m_FinalDestination.z + z) - Chunk->GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
Chunk->GetBlockTypeMeta(RelX, FloorC(m_FinalDestination.y) - 1, RelZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
if (cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockType))
m_FinalDestination.x += x;
m_FinalDestination.z += z;
InTheAir = false;
goto breakBothLoops;
// Go down to the lowest air block.
if (InTheAir)
while (m_FinalDestination.y > 0)
Chunk->GetBlockTypeMeta(RelX, FloorC(m_FinalDestination.y) - 1, RelZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
if (cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockType))
m_FinalDestination.y -= 1;
// If destination in water, go up to the highest water block.
// If destination in solid, go up to first air block.
bool InWater = false;
while (m_FinalDestination.y < cChunkDef::Height)
Chunk->GetBlockTypeMeta(RelX, FloorC(m_FinalDestination.y), RelZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
InWater = true;
else if (cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockType))
InWater = false;
m_FinalDestination.y += 1;
if (InWater)
m_FinalDestination.y -= 1;
return true;
@ -406,22 +205,6 @@ void cMonster::MoveToPosition(const Vector3d & a_Position)
void cMonster::StopMovingToPosition()
m_PathfinderActivated = false;
void cMonster::ResetPathFinding(void)
m_TicksSinceLastPathReset = 0;
m_IsFollowingPath = false;
if (m_Path != nullptr)
delete m_Path;
m_Path = nullptr;
@ -435,7 +218,7 @@ void cMonster::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
if (m_Health <= 0)
// The mob is dead, but we're still animating the "puff" they leave when they die.
// The mob is dead, but we're still animating the "puff" they leave when they die
m_DestroyTimer += a_Dt;
if (m_DestroyTimer > std::chrono::seconds(1))
@ -453,11 +236,22 @@ void cMonster::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
m_Target = nullptr;
if (GetPosY() >= 0)
// Process the undead burning in daylight.
HandleDaylightBurning(*Chunk, WouldBurnAt(GetPosition(), *Chunk));
if (TickPathFinding(*Chunk))
bool a_IsFollowingPath = false;
if (m_PathfinderActivated)
if (ReachedFinalDestination())
StopMovingToPosition(); // Simply sets m_PathfinderActivated to false.
// Note that m_NextWayPointPosition is actually returned by GetNextWayPoint)
switch (m_PathFinder.GetNextWayPoint(*Chunk, GetPosition(), &m_FinalDestination, &m_NextWayPointPosition, m_EMState == IDLE ? true : false))
case ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND:
/* If I burn in daylight, and I won't burn where I'm standing, and I'll burn in my next position, and at least one of those is true:
1. I am idle
@ -471,16 +265,28 @@ void cMonster::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
// If we burn in daylight, and we would burn at the next step, and we won't burn where we are right now, and we weren't provoked recently:
m_GiveUpCounter = 40; // This doesn't count as giving up, keep the giveup timer as is.
a_IsFollowingPath = true; // Used for proper body / head orientation only.
case ePathFinderStatus::PATH_NOT_FOUND:
switch (m_EMState)
@ -522,24 +328,11 @@ void cMonster::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
void cMonster::SetPitchAndYawFromDestination()
void cMonster::SetPitchAndYawFromDestination(bool a_IsFollowingPath)
Vector3d FinalDestination = m_FinalDestination;
if (m_Target != nullptr)
if (m_Target->IsPlayer())
FinalDestination.y = static_cast<cPlayer *>(m_Target)->GetStance() - 1;
FinalDestination.y = m_Target->GetPosY() + GetHeight();
/* Todo Buggy */
Vector3d BodyDistance;
if (!m_IsFollowingPath && (m_Target != nullptr))
if (!a_IsFollowingPath && (m_Target != nullptr))
BodyDistance = m_Target->GetPosition() - GetPosition();
@ -552,23 +345,40 @@ void cMonster::SetPitchAndYawFromDestination()
VectorToEuler(BodyDistance.x, BodyDistance.y, BodyDistance.z, BodyRotation, BodyPitch);
Vector3d Distance = FinalDestination - GetPosition();
Vector3d HeadDistance;
if (m_Target != nullptr)
if (m_Target->IsPlayer()) // Look at a player
HeadDistance = m_Target->GetPosition() - GetPosition();
// HeadDistance.y = static_cast<cPlayer *>(m_Target)->GetStance() - 1;
else // Look at some other entity
HeadDistance = m_Target->GetPosition() - GetPosition();
// HeadDistance.y = m_Target->GetPosY() + GetHeight();
else // Look straight
HeadDistance = BodyDistance;
HeadDistance.y = 0;
double HeadRotation, HeadPitch;
VectorToEuler(Distance.x, Distance.y, Distance.z, HeadRotation, HeadPitch);
VectorToEuler(HeadDistance.x, HeadDistance.y, HeadDistance.z, HeadRotation, HeadPitch);
if (std::abs(BodyRotation - HeadRotation) < 90)
else // We're not an owl. If it's more than 120, don't look behind and instead look at where you're walking.
@ -806,7 +616,7 @@ void cMonster::EventLosePlayer(void)
void cMonster::InStateIdle(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt)
if (m_IsFollowingPath)
if (m_PathfinderActivated)
return; // Still getting there

View File

@ -7,17 +7,12 @@
#include "../Item.h"
#include "../Enchantments.h"
#include "MonsterTypes.h"
#include "PathFinder.h"
class cClientHandle;
class cWorld;
// Fwd: cPath
enum class ePathFinderStatus;
class cPath;
// tolua_begin
class cMonster :
@ -168,34 +163,19 @@ protected:
/** A pointer to the entity this mobile is aiming to reach */
cEntity * m_Target;
cPath * m_Path; // TODO unique ptr
/** Stores if mobile is currently moving towards the ultimate, final destination */
bool m_IsFollowingPath;
/** The pathfinder instance handles pathfinding for this monster. */
cPathFinder m_PathFinder;
/** Stores if pathfinder is being used - set when final destination is set, and unset when stopped moving to final destination */
bool m_PathfinderActivated;
/* If 0, will give up reaching the next m_NextWayPointPosition and will re-compute path. */
int m_GiveUpCounter;
int m_TicksSinceLastPathReset;
/** Coordinates of the next position that should be reached */
Vector3d m_NextWayPointPosition;
/** Coordinates for the ultimate, final destination. */
Vector3d m_FinalDestination;
/** Coordinates for the ultimate, final destination last given to the pathfinder. */
Vector3d m_PathFinderDestination;
/** True if there's no path to target and we're walking to an approximated location. */
bool m_NoPathToTarget;
/** Whether The mob has finished their path, note that this does not imply reaching the destination,
the destination may sometimes differ from the current path. */
bool m_NoMoreWayPoints;
/** Finds the lowest non-air block position (not the highest, as cWorld::GetHeight does)
If current Y is nonsolid, goes down to try to find a solid block, then returns that + 1
If current Y is solid, goes up to find first nonsolid block, and returns that.
@ -203,48 +183,25 @@ protected:
int FindFirstNonAirBlockPosition(double a_PosX, double a_PosZ);
/** Returns if the ultimate, final destination has been reached. */
bool ReachedFinalDestination(void) { return ((m_FinalDestination - GetPosition()).Length() < GetWidth()/2); }
bool ReachedFinalDestination(void) { return ((m_FinalDestination - GetPosition()).SqrLength() < WAYPOINT_RADIUS * WAYPOINT_RADIUS); }
/** Returns whether or not the target is close enough for attack. */
bool TargetIsInRange(void) { return ((m_FinalDestination - GetPosition()).SqrLength() < (m_AttackRange * m_AttackRange)); }
/** Returns if the intermediate waypoint of m_NextWayPointPosition has been reached */
bool ReachedNextWaypoint(void) { return ((m_NextWayPointPosition - GetPosition()).SqrLength() < 0.25); }
/** Returns if a monster can reach a given height by jumping. */
inline bool DoesPosYRequireJump(int a_PosY)
return ((a_PosY > POSY_TOINT) && (a_PosY == POSY_TOINT + 1));
/** Finds the next place to go by calculating a path and setting the m_NextWayPointPosition variable for the next block to head to
This is based on the ultimate, final destination and the current position, as well as the A* algorithm, and any environmental hazards
Returns if a path is ready, and therefore if the mob should move to m_NextWayPointPosition
bool TickPathFinding(cChunk & a_Chunk);
/** Move in a straight line to the next waypoint in the path, will jump if needed. */
void MoveToWayPoint(cChunk & a_Chunk);
/** Ensures the destination is not buried underground or under water. Also ensures the destination is not in the air.
Only the Y coordinate of m_FinalDestination might be changed.
1. If m_FinalDestination is the position of a water block, m_FinalDestination's Y will be modified to point to the heighest water block in the pool in the current column.
2. If m_FinalDestination is the position of a solid, m_FinalDestination's Y will be modified to point to the first airblock above the solid in the current column.
3. If m_FinalDestination is the position of an air block, Y will keep decreasing until hitting either a solid or water.
Now either 1 or 2 is performed. */
bool EnsureProperDestination(cChunk & a_Chunk);
/** Resets a pathfinding task, be it due to failure or something else
Resets the pathfinder. If m_IsFollowingPath is true, TickPathFinding starts a brand new path.
Should only be called by the pathfinder, cMonster::Tick or StopMovingToPosition. */
void ResetPathFinding(void);
/** Stops pathfinding
Calls ResetPathFinding and sets m_IsFollowingPath to false */
/** Stops pathfinding. Calls ResetPathFinding and sets m_IsFollowingPath to false */
void StopMovingToPosition();
/** Sets the body yaw and head yaw / pitch based on next / ultimate destinations */
void SetPitchAndYawFromDestination(void);
/** Sets the body yaw and head yaw */
void SetPitchAndYawFromDestination(bool a_IsFollowingPath);
virtual void HandleFalling(void);
int m_LastGroundHeight;
@ -297,5 +254,4 @@ protected:
/** Adds weapon that is equipped with the chance saved in m_DropChance[...] (this will be greter than 1 if picked up or 0.085 + (0.01 per LootingLevel) if born with) to the drop */
void AddRandomWeaponDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_LootingLevel);
} ; // tolua_export

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ cPath::cPath(
int a_MaxUp, int a_MaxDown
) :
m_CurrentPoint(0), // GetNextPoint increments this to 1, but that's fine, since the first cell is always a_StartingPoint
@ -68,11 +69,14 @@ cPath::cPath(
ProcessCell(GetCell(m_Source), nullptr, 0);
cPath::cPath() : m_IsValid(false)
ePathFinderStatus cPath::Step(cChunk & a_Chunk)
ePathFinderStatus cPath::CalculationStep(cChunk & a_Chunk)
m_Chunk = &a_Chunk;
if (m_Status != ePathFinderStatus::CALCULATING)
@ -287,11 +291,12 @@ void cPath::AttemptToFindAlternative()
void cPath::BuildPath()
cPathCell * CurrentCell = GetCell(m_Destination);
while (CurrentCell->m_Parent != nullptr)
m_PathPoints.push_back(CurrentCell->m_Location); // Populate the cPath with points.
m_PathPoints.push_back(CurrentCell->m_Location); // Populate the cPath with points. All midpoints are added. Destination is added. Source is excluded.
CurrentCell = CurrentCell->m_Parent;
} while (CurrentCell != nullptr);

View File

@ -73,11 +73,14 @@ public:
int a_MaxUp = 1, int a_MaxDown = 1
/** Creates a dummy path which does nothing except returning false when isValid is called. */
/** Performs part of the path calculation and returns the appropriate status.
If NEARBY_FOUND is returned, it means that the destination is not reachable, but a nearby destination
is reachable. If the user likes the alternative destination, they can call AcceptNearbyPath to treat the path as found,
and to make consequent calls to step return PATH_FOUND */
ePathFinderStatus Step(cChunk & a_Chunk);
ePathFinderStatus CalculationStep(cChunk & a_Chunk);
/** Called after the PathFinder's step returns NEARBY_FOUND.
Changes the PathFinder status from NEARBY_FOUND to PATH_FOUND, returns the nearby destination that
@ -90,24 +93,41 @@ public:
inline Vector3d GetNextPoint()
ASSERT(m_Status == ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND);
Vector3i Point = m_PathPoints[m_PathPoints.size() - 1 - (++m_CurrentPoint)];
ASSERT(m_CurrentPoint < m_PathPoints.size());
Vector3i Point = m_PathPoints[m_PathPoints.size() - 1 - m_CurrentPoint];
return Vector3d(Point.x + m_HalfWidth, Point.y, Point.z + m_HalfWidth);
/** Checks whether this is the last point or not. Never call getnextPoint when this is true. */
inline bool IsLastPoint() const
/** Checks if we have no more waypoints to return. Never call getnextPoint when this is true. */
inline bool NoMoreWayPoints() const
ASSERT(m_Status == ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND);
return (m_CurrentPoint == m_PathPoints.size() - 1);
return (m_CurrentPoint == m_PathPoints.size());
/** Returns true if GetNextPoint() was never called for this Path. */
inline bool IsFirstPoint() const
ASSERT(m_Status == ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND);
return (m_CurrentPoint == 0);
/** Returns true if this path is properly initialized.
Returns false if this path was initialized with an empty constructor.
If false, the path is unusable and you should not call any methods. */
inline bool IsValid() const
return m_IsValid;
/** The amount of waypoints left to return. */
inline size_t WayPointsLeft() const
ASSERT(m_Status == ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND);
return m_PathPoints.size() - m_CurrentPoint;
@ -145,6 +165,7 @@ private:
/* Control fields */
ePathFinderStatus m_Status;
bool m_IsValid;
/* Final path fields */
size_t m_CurrentPoint;

src/Mobs/PathFinder.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
#include "Globals.h"
#include "PathFinder.h"
#include "../Chunk.h"
cPathFinder::cPathFinder(double a_MobWidth, double a_MobHeight) :
m_Width = a_MobWidth;
m_Height = a_MobHeight;
ePathFinderStatus cPathFinder::GetNextWayPoint(cChunk & a_Chunk, const Vector3d & a_Source, Vector3d * a_Destination, Vector3d * a_OutputWaypoint, bool a_DontCare)
m_FinalDestination = *a_Destination;
m_Source = a_Source;
// If a recent PATH_NOT_FOUND was returned, we rest for a few ticks.
if (m_NotFoundCooldown > 0)
m_NotFoundCooldown -= 1;
return ePathFinderStatus::CALCULATING;
// Tweak the destination. If something is wrong with the destination or the chunk, rest for a while.
if (!EnsureProperDestination(a_Chunk))
m_NotFoundCooldown = 20;
return ePathFinderStatus::PATH_NOT_FOUND;
// Rest is over. Prepare m_Path by calling ResetPathFinding.
if (m_NotFoundCooldown == 0)
m_NotFoundCooldown = -1;
// If m_Path has not been initialized yet, initialize it.
if (!m_Path.IsValid())
switch (m_Path.CalculationStep(a_Chunk))
case ePathFinderStatus::NEARBY_FOUND:
m_NoPathToTarget = true;
m_PathDestination = m_Path.AcceptNearbyPath();
if (a_DontCare)
m_FinalDestination = m_PathDestination;
*a_Destination = m_FinalDestination; // Modify the mob's final destination because it doesn't care about reaching an exact spot
m_DeviationOrigin = m_FinalDestination; // This is the only case in which m_DeviationOrigin != m_PathDestination
return ePathFinderStatus::CALCULATING;
// The next call will trigger the PATH_FOUND case
case ePathFinderStatus::PATH_NOT_FOUND:
m_NotFoundCooldown = 20;
return ePathFinderStatus::PATH_NOT_FOUND;
case ePathFinderStatus::CALCULATING:
return ePathFinderStatus::CALCULATING;
case ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND:
m_GiveUpCounter -= 1;
if ((m_GiveUpCounter == 0) || PathIsTooOld())
return ePathFinderStatus::CALCULATING;
if (m_Path.NoMoreWayPoints())
// We're always heading towards m_PathDestination.
// If m_PathDestination is exactly m_FinalDestination, then we're about to reach the destination.
if (m_PathDestination == m_FinalDestination)
*a_OutputWaypoint = m_FinalDestination;
return ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND;
// Otherwise, we've finished our approximate path and time to recalc.
return ePathFinderStatus::CALCULATING;
if (m_Path.IsFirstPoint() || ((m_WayPoint - m_Source).SqrLength() < WAYPOINT_RADIUS))
// if the mob has just started or if the mob reached a waypoint, give them a new waypoint.
m_WayPoint = m_Path.GetNextPoint();
m_GiveUpCounter = 40;
return ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND;
// Otherwise, the mob is still walking towards its waypoint, we'll patiently wait. We won't update m_WayPoint.
*a_OutputWaypoint = m_WayPoint;
return ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND;
#ifndef __clang__
return ePathFinderStatus::PATH_FOUND;
// Fixes GCC warning: "control reaches end of non-void function".
void cPathFinder::ResetPathFinding(cChunk &a_Chunk)
m_GiveUpCounter = 40;
m_NoPathToTarget = false;
m_PathDestination = m_FinalDestination;
m_DeviationOrigin = m_PathDestination;
m_Path = cPath(a_Chunk, m_Source, m_PathDestination, 20, m_Width, m_Height);
bool cPathFinder::EnsureProperDestination(cChunk & a_Chunk)
cChunk * Chunk = a_Chunk.GetNeighborChunk(FloorC(m_FinalDestination.x), FloorC(m_FinalDestination.z));
if ((Chunk == nullptr) || !Chunk->IsValid())
return false;
int RelX = FloorC(m_FinalDestination.x) - Chunk->GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
int RelZ = FloorC(m_FinalDestination.z) - Chunk->GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
// If destination in the air, first try to go 1 block north, or east, or west.
// This fixes the player leaning issue.
// If that failed, we instead go down to the lowest air block.
Chunk->GetBlockTypeMeta(RelX, FloorC(m_FinalDestination.y) - 1, RelZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
if (!cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockType))
bool InTheAir = true;
int x, z;
for (z = -1; z <= 1; ++z)
for (x = -1; x <= 1; ++x)
if ((x == 0) && (z == 0))
Chunk = a_Chunk.GetNeighborChunk(FloorC(m_FinalDestination.x+x), FloorC(m_FinalDestination.z+z));
if ((Chunk == nullptr) || !Chunk->IsValid())
return false;
RelX = FloorC(m_FinalDestination.x+x) - Chunk->GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
RelZ = FloorC(m_FinalDestination.z+z) - Chunk->GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
Chunk->GetBlockTypeMeta(RelX, FloorC(m_FinalDestination.y) - 1, RelZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
if (cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockType))
m_FinalDestination.x += x;
m_FinalDestination.z += z;
InTheAir = false;
goto breakBothLoops;
// Go down to the lowest air block.
if (InTheAir)
while (m_FinalDestination.y > 0)
Chunk->GetBlockTypeMeta(RelX, FloorC(m_FinalDestination.y) - 1, RelZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
if (cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockType))
m_FinalDestination.y -= 1;
// If destination in water, go up to the highest water block.
// If destination in solid, go up to first air block.
bool InWater = false;
while (m_FinalDestination.y < cChunkDef::Height)
Chunk->GetBlockTypeMeta(RelX, FloorC(m_FinalDestination.y), RelZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
InWater = true;
else if (cBlockInfo::IsSolid(BlockType))
InWater = false;
m_FinalDestination.y += 1;
if (InWater)
m_FinalDestination.y -= 1;
return true;
bool cPathFinder::PathIsTooOld() const
size_t acceptableDeviation = m_Path.WayPointsLeft() / 2;
if (acceptableDeviation == 0)
acceptableDeviation = 1;
if ((m_FinalDestination - m_DeviationOrigin).SqrLength() > acceptableDeviation * acceptableDeviation)
return true;
return false;

src/Mobs/PathFinder.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
#pragma once
#include "Path.h"
This class wraps cPath.
cPath is a "dumb device" - You give it point A and point B, and it returns a full path path.
cPathFinder - You give it a constant stream of point A (where you are) and point B (where you want to go),
and it tells you where to go next. It manages path recalculation internally, and is much more efficient that calling cPath every step.
class cPathFinder
/** Creates a cPathFinder instance. Each mob should have one cPathFinder throughout its lifetime.
@param a_MobWidth The mob width.
@param a_MobWidth The mob height.
cPathFinder(double a_MobWidth, double a_MobHeight);
/** Updates the PathFinder's internal state and returns a waypoint.
A waypoint is a coordinate which the mob can safely move to from its current position in a straight line.
The mob is expected to call this function tick as long as it is following a path.
@param a_Chunk The chunk in which the mob is currently at.
@param a_Source The mob's position. a_Source's coordinates are expected to be within the chunk given in a_Chunk.
@param a_Destination The position the mob would like to reach. If a_ExactPath is true, the PathFinder may modify this.
@param a_OutputWaypoint An output parameter: The next waypoint to go to.
@param a_DontCare If true, the mob doesn't care where to go, and the Pathfinder may modify a_Destination.
This should usually be false. An exception is a wandering idle mob which doesn't care about its final destination.
In the future, idle mobs shouldn't use A* at all.
Returns an ePathFinderStatus.
ePathFinderStatus:CALCULATING - The PathFinder is still processing a path. Nothing was written to a_OutputWaypoint. The mob should probably not move.
ePathFinderStatus:PATH_FOUND - The PathFinder has found a path to the target. The next waypoint was written a_OutputWaypoint. The mob should probably move to a_OutputWaypoint.
ePathFinderStatus:NEARBY_FOUND - The PathFinder did not find a destination to the target but did find a nearby spot. The next waypoint was written a_OutputWaypoint. The mob should probably move to a_OutputWaypoint.
ePathFinderStatus:PATH_NOT_FOUND - The PathFinder did not find a destination to the target. Nothing was written to a_OutputWaypoint. The mob should probably not move.
Note: Once NEARBY_FOUND is returned once, subsequent calls return PATH_FOUND. */
ePathFinderStatus GetNextWayPoint(cChunk & a_Chunk, const Vector3d & a_Source, Vector3d * a_Destination, Vector3d * a_OutputWaypoint, bool a_DontCare = false);
/** The width of the Mob which owns this PathFinder. */
double m_Width;
/** The height of the Mob which owns this PathFinder. */
double m_Height;
/** The current cPath instance we have. This is discarded and recreated when a path recalculation is needed. */
cPath m_Path;
/** If 0, will give up reaching the next m_WayPoint and will recalculate path. */
int m_GiveUpCounter;
/** Coordinates of the next position that should be reached. */
Vector3d m_WayPoint;
/** Coordinates for where we should go. This is out ultimate, final destination. */
Vector3d m_FinalDestination;
/** Coordinates for where we are practically going. */
Vector3d m_PathDestination;
/** When FinalDestination is too far from this, we recalculate.
This usually equals PathDestination. Except when m_NoPathToTarget is true. */
Vector3d m_DeviationOrigin;
/** Coordinates for where the mob is currently at. */
Vector3d m_Source;
/** True if there's no path to target and we're walking to a nearby location instead. */
bool m_NoPathToTarget;
/** When a path is not found, this cooldown prevents any recalculations for several ticks. */
int m_NotFoundCooldown;
/** Ensures the destination is not buried underground or under water. Also ensures the destination is not in the air.
Only the Y coordinate of m_FinalDestination might be changed by this call.
1. If m_FinalDestination is the position of a water block, m_FinalDestination's Y will be modified to point to the heighest water block in the pool in the current column.
2. If m_FinalDestination is the position of a solid, m_FinalDestination's Y will be modified to point to the first airblock above the solid in the current column.
3. If m_FinalDestination is the position of an air block, Y will keep decreasing until hitting either a solid or water.
Now either 1 or 2 is performed. */
bool EnsureProperDestination(cChunk & a_Chunk);
/** Resets a pathfinding task, typically because m_FinalDestination has deviated too much from m_DeviationOrigin. */
void ResetPathFinding(cChunk &a_Chunk);
/** Is the path too old and should be recalculated? When this is true ResetPathFinding() is called. */
bool PathIsTooOld() const;

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@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void cVillager::HandleFarmerPrepareFarmCrops()
void cVillager::HandleFarmerTryHarvestCrops()
// Harvest the crops if the villager isn't moving and if the crops are closer then 2 blocks.
if (!m_IsFollowingPath && (GetPosition() - m_CropsPos).Length() < 2)
if (!m_PathfinderActivated && (GetPosition() - m_CropsPos).Length() < 2)
// Check if the blocks didn't change while the villager was walking to the coordinates.
BLOCKTYPE CropBlock = m_World->GetBlock(m_CropsPos.x, m_CropsPos.y, m_CropsPos.z);