RankMgr: Finished API implementation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
// This code is for internal testing while developing the cRankManager class
static class cRankMgrTest
@ -30,30 +30,35 @@ public:
// Add a rank, a few groups and permissions and set the player to use them:
LOG("Adding data...");
m_Mgr.AddRank("TestRank", "[test]", "[/test]", "7");
m_Mgr.AddRank("TestRank1", "[test]", "[/test]", "7");
m_Mgr.AddRank("TestRank2", "[t2]", "[/t2]", "8");
m_Mgr.AddGroupToRank("TestGroup1", "TestRank");
m_Mgr.AddGroupToRank("TestGroup2", "TestRank");
m_Mgr.AddGroupToRank("TestGroup1", "TestRank1");
m_Mgr.AddGroupToRank("TestGroup2", "TestRank1");
m_Mgr.AddGroupToRank("TestGroup2", "TestRank2");
m_Mgr.AddPermissionToGroup("testpermission1.1", "TestGroup1");
m_Mgr.AddPermissionToGroup("testpermission1.2", "TestGroup1");
m_Mgr.AddPermissionToGroup("testpermission1.3", "TestGroup1");
m_Mgr.AddPermissionToGroup("common", "TestGroup1");
m_Mgr.AddPermissionToGroup("testpermission2.1", "TestGroup2");
m_Mgr.SetPlayerRank(UUID, "TestRank");
m_Mgr.AddPermissionToGroup("common", "TestGroup2");
m_Mgr.SetPlayerRank(UUID, "xoft", "TestRank1");
// Test the added data:
LOG("Testing the added data:");
LOG("IsGroupInRank(TestGroup1, TestRank) = %s", m_Mgr.IsGroupInRank("TestGroup1", "TestRank") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsGroupInRank(TestGroup3, TestRank) = %s", m_Mgr.IsGroupInRank("TestGroup3", "TestRank") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsPermissionInGroup(testpermission1.2, TestGroup1) = %s", m_Mgr.IsPermissionInGroup("testpermission1.2", "TestGroup1") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsPermissionInGroup(testpermission1.2, TestGroup2) = %s", m_Mgr.IsPermissionInGroup("testpermission1.2", "TestGroup2") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsPermissionInGroup(testpermission1.3, TestGroup2) = %s", m_Mgr.IsPermissionInGroup("testpermission1.3", "TestGroup2") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsGroupInRank(TestGroup1, TestRank1) = %s", m_Mgr.IsGroupInRank("TestGroup1", "TestRank1") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsGroupInRank(TestGroup3, TestRank1) = %s", m_Mgr.IsGroupInRank("TestGroup3", "TestRank1") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsPermissionInGroup(testpermission1.2, TestGroup1) = %s", m_Mgr.IsPermissionInGroup("testpermission1.2", "TestGroup1") ? "true" : "false"); // Existing permission, in group
LOG("IsPermissionInGroup(testpermission1.2, TestGroup2) = %s", m_Mgr.IsPermissionInGroup("testpermission1.2", "TestGroup2") ? "true" : "false"); // Existing permission, not in group
LOG("IsPermissionInGroup(testpermission1.9, TestGroup2) = %s", m_Mgr.IsPermissionInGroup("testpermission1.9", "TestGroup2") ? "true" : "false"); // Non-existing permission
LOG("IsPlayerRankSet(%s) = %s", UUID.c_str(), m_Mgr.IsPlayerRankSet(UUID) ? "true" : "false");
LOG("IsPlayerRankSet(%s1) = %s", UUID.c_str(), m_Mgr.IsPlayerRankSet(UUID + "1") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("GroupExists(TestGroup1) = %s", m_Mgr.GroupExists("TestGroup1") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("GroupExists(TestGroup3) = %s", m_Mgr.GroupExists("TestGroup3") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("RankExists(TestRank) = %s", m_Mgr.RankExists("TestRank") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("RankExists(TestRank1) = %s", m_Mgr.RankExists("TestRank1") ? "true" : "false");
LOG("RankExists(NonexistentRank) = %s", m_Mgr.RankExists("NonexistentRank") ? "true" : "false");
@ -64,7 +69,65 @@ public:
// Test the assignments above:
LOG("After-assignment test:");
// Test removing a permission from a group:
LOG("Removing permission testpermission1.3 from group TestGroup1.");
m_Mgr.RemovePermissionFromGroup("testpermission1.3", "TestGroup1");
LOG("Removing permission common from group TestGroup1.");
m_Mgr.RemovePermissionFromGroup("common", "TestGroup1");
ReportGroupPermissions("TestGroup1"); // Check that it's not present
ReportGroupPermissions("TestGroup2"); // Check that it's still present here
// Test removing a group from rank:
LOG("Removing group TestGroup2 from rank TestRank1.");
m_Mgr.RemoveGroupFromRank("TestGroup2", "TestRank1");
LOG("Removing group TestGroup3 from rank TestRank1.");
m_Mgr.RemoveGroupFromRank("TestGroup3", "TestRank1");
// Test re-adding the groups:
LOG("Re-adding groups to TestRank1.");
m_Mgr.AddGroupToRank("TestGroup1", "TestRank1");
m_Mgr.AddGroupToRank("TestGroup2", "TestRank1");
// Test removing a group altogether:
LOG("Removing group TestGroup2");
// Test removing a rank:
LOG("Removing rank TestRank2, replacing with rank TestRank1.");
m_Mgr.RemoveRank("TestRank2", "TestRank1");
LOG("Removing rank Test altogether.");
m_Mgr.RemoveRank("Test", "");
// Test renaming a rank:
LOG("Renaming rank TestRank1 to Test");
m_Mgr.RenameRank("TestRank1", "Test");
LOG("Player after renaming:");
// Test renaming a group:
LOG("Renaming group TestGroup1 to Test");
m_Mgr.RenameGroup("TestGroup1", "Test");
LOG("Player after renaming:");
m_Mgr.RenameGroup("Test", "TestGroup1");
// Test removing the rank in favor of another one:
m_Mgr.RemoveRank("Test", "TestRank2");
LOG("After-removal test:");
@ -238,7 +301,7 @@ AStringVector cRankManager::GetPlayerPermissions(const AString & a_PlayerUUID)
// Prepare the DB statement:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB,
"SELECT PermissionItem.Permission FROM PermissionItem "
"SELECT DISTINCT(PermissionItem.Permission) FROM PermissionItem "
"LEFT JOIN RankPermGroup "
"ON PermissionItem.PermGroupID = RankPermGroup.PermGroupID "
"LEFT JOIN PlayerRank "
@ -396,7 +459,7 @@ AStringVector cRankManager::GetAllPermissions(void)
AStringVector res;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT Permission FROM PermissionItem");
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT DISTINCT(Permission) FROM PermissionItem");
while (stmt.executeStep())
@ -413,17 +476,43 @@ AStringVector cRankManager::GetAllPermissions(void)
void cRankManager::GetPlayerMsgVisuals(
bool cRankManager::GetPlayerMsgVisuals(
const AString & a_PlayerUUID,
AString & a_MsgPrefix,
AString & a_MsgSuffix,
AString & a_MsgNameColorCode
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
a_MsgPrefix = Printf("%s: DummyPrefix", __FUNCTION__);
a_MsgSuffix = Printf("%s: DummySuffix", __FUNCTION__);
a_MsgNameColorCode = Printf("%s: DummyMsgNameColorCode", __FUNCTION__);
AStringVector res;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB,
"SELECT Rank.MsgPrefix, Rank.MsgSuffix, Rank.MsgNameColorCode FROM Rank "
"LEFT JOIN PlayerRank ON Rank.RankID = PlayerRank.RankID "
"WHERE PlayerRank.PlayerUUID = ?"
stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID);
if (!stmt.executeStep())
LOGD("%s: Player UUID %s not found in the DB, returning empty values.", __FUNCTION__, a_PlayerUUID.c_str());
return false;
a_MsgPrefix = stmt.getColumn(0).getText();
a_MsgSuffix = stmt.getColumn(1).getText();
a_MsgNameColorCode = stmt.getColumn(2).getText();
return true;
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get ranks from DB: %s. Returning empty values.", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return false;
@ -659,7 +748,73 @@ bool cRankManager::AddPermissionToGroup(const AString & a_Permission, const AStr
void cRankManager::RemoveRank(const AString & a_RankName, const AString & a_ReplacementRankName)
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
AStringVector res;
// Wrap everything into a transaction:
SQLite::Transaction trans(m_DB);
// Get the RankID for the rank being removed:
int RemoveRankID;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT RankID FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_RankName);
if (!stmt.executeStep())
LOGINFO("%s: Rank %s was not found. Skipping.", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str());
RemoveRankID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt();
// Get the RankID for the replacement rank:
int ReplacementRankID = -1;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT RankID FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_ReplacementRankName);
if (stmt.executeStep())
ReplacementRankID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt();
// Remove the rank's bindings to groups:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM RankPermGroup WHERE RankID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, RemoveRankID);
// Adjust players:
if (ReplacementRankID == -1)
// No replacement, just delete all the players that have the rank:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM PlayerRank WHERE RankID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, RemoveRankID);
// Replacement available, change all the player records:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "UPDATE PlayerRank SET RankID = ? WHERE RankID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, ReplacementRankID);
stmt.bind(2, RemoveRankID);
// Remove the rank from the DB:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM Rank WHERE RankID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, RemoveRankID);
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to remove rank from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
@ -668,16 +823,105 @@ void cRankManager::RemoveRank(const AString & a_RankName, const AString & a_Repl
void cRankManager::RemoveGroup(const AString & a_GroupName)
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
// Wrap everything into a transaction:
SQLite::Transaction trans(m_DB);
// Get the ID of the group:
int GroupID;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroupID FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName);
if (!stmt.executeStep())
LOGINFO("%s: Group %s was not found, skipping.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str());
GroupID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt();
// Remove all permissions from the group:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM PermissionItem WHERE PermGroupID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, GroupID);
// Remove the group from all ranks that contain it:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM RankPermGroup WHERE PermGroupID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, GroupID);
// Remove the group itself:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM PermGroup WHERE PermGroupID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, GroupID);
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to remove group %s from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), ex.what());
void cRankManager::RemoveGroupFromRank(const AString & a_RankName, const AString & a_GroupName)
void cRankManager::RemoveGroupFromRank(const AString & a_GroupName, const AString & a_RankName)
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
// Wrap everything into a transaction:
SQLite::Transaction trans(m_DB);
// Get the IDs of the group and the rank:
int GroupID, RankID;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB,
"SELECT PermGroup.PermGroupID, Rank.RankID FROM PermGroup "
"LEFT JOIN RankPermGroup ON RankPermGroup.PermGroupID = PermGroup.PermGroupID "
"LEFT JOIN Rank ON Rank.RankID = RankPermGroup.RankID "
"WHERE PermGroup.Name = ? AND Rank.Name = ?"
stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName);
stmt.bind(2, a_RankName);
if (!stmt.executeStep())
LOGINFO("%s: Group %s was not found in rank %s, skipping.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str());
GroupID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt();
RankID = stmt.getColumn(1).getInt();
// Remove the group from all ranks that contain it:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM RankPermGroup WHERE PermGroupID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, GroupID);
// Remove the group-to-rank binding:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM RankPermGroup WHERE PermGroupID = ? AND RankID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, GroupID);
stmt.bind(1, RankID);
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to remove group %s from rank %s in the DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str(), ex.what());
@ -686,7 +930,40 @@ void cRankManager::RemoveGroupFromRank(const AString & a_RankName, const AString
void cRankManager::RemovePermissionFromGroup(const AString & a_Permission, const AString & a_GroupName)
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
// Wrap everything into a transaction:
SQLite::Transaction trans(m_DB);
// Get the ID of the group:
int GroupID;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroupID FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName);
if (!stmt.executeStep())
LOGINFO("%s: Group %s was not found, skipping.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str());
GroupID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt();
// Remove the permission from the group:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM PermissionItem WHERE PermGroupID = ? AND Permission = ?");
stmt.bind(1, GroupID);
stmt.bind(2, a_Permission);
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to remove permission %s from group %s in DB: %s",
__FUNCTION__, a_Permission.c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str(), ex.what()
@ -695,7 +972,39 @@ void cRankManager::RemovePermissionFromGroup(const AString & a_Permission, const
bool cRankManager::RenameRank(const AString & a_OldName, const AString & a_NewName)
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
// Wrap everything into a transaction:
SQLite::Transaction trans(m_DB);
// Check that NewName doesn't exist:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT RankID FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_NewName);
if (stmt.executeStep())
LOGD("%s: Rank %s is already present, cannot rename %s", __FUNCTION__, a_NewName.c_str(), a_OldName.c_str());
return false;
// Rename:
bool res;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "UPDATE Rank SET Name = ? WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_NewName);
stmt.bind(2, a_OldName);
res = (stmt.exec() > 0);
return res;
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to rename rank %s to %s in DB: %s",
__FUNCTION__, a_OldName.c_str(), a_NewName.c_str(), ex.what());
return false;
@ -705,7 +1014,39 @@ bool cRankManager::RenameRank(const AString & a_OldName, const AString & a_NewNa
bool cRankManager::RenameGroup(const AString & a_OldName, const AString & a_NewName)
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
// Wrap everything into a transaction:
SQLite::Transaction trans(m_DB);
// Check that NewName doesn't exist:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroupID FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_NewName);
if (stmt.executeStep())
LOGD("%s: Group %s is already present, cannot rename %s", __FUNCTION__, a_NewName.c_str(), a_OldName.c_str());
return false;
// Rename:
bool res;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "UPDATE PermGroup SET Name = ? WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_NewName);
stmt.bind(2, a_OldName);
res = (stmt.exec() > 0);
return res;
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to rename group %s to %s in DB: %s",
__FUNCTION__, a_OldName.c_str(), a_NewName.c_str(), ex.what());
return false;
@ -713,7 +1054,7 @@ bool cRankManager::RenameGroup(const AString & a_OldName, const AString & a_NewN
void cRankManager::SetPlayerRank(const AString & a_PlayerUUID, const AString & a_RankName)
void cRankManager::SetPlayerRank(const AString & a_PlayerUUID, const AString & a_PlayerName, const AString & a_RankName)
@ -735,9 +1076,10 @@ void cRankManager::SetPlayerRank(const AString & a_PlayerUUID, const AString & a
// Update the player's rank, if already in DB:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "UPDATE PlayerRank SET RankID = ? WHERE PlayerUUID = ?");
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "UPDATE PlayerRank SET RankID = ?, PlayerName = ? WHERE PlayerUUID = ?");
stmt.bind(1, RankID);
stmt.bind(2, a_PlayerUUID);
stmt.bind(2, a_PlayerName);
stmt.bind(3, a_PlayerUUID);
if (stmt.exec() > 0)
// Successfully updated the player's rank
@ -747,9 +1089,10 @@ void cRankManager::SetPlayerRank(const AString & a_PlayerUUID, const AString & a
// The player is not yet in the DB, add them:
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO PlayerRank (RankID, PlayerUUID) VALUES (?, ?)");
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO PlayerRank (RankID, PlayerUUID, PlayerName) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
stmt.bind(1, RankID);
stmt.bind(2, a_PlayerUUID);
stmt.bind(3, a_PlayerName);
if (stmt.exec() > 0)
// Successfully added the player
@ -780,7 +1123,23 @@ void cRankManager::SetRankVisuals(
const AString & a_MsgNameColorCode
LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__);
AStringVector res;
SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "UPDATE Rank SET MsgPrefix = ?, MsgSuffix = ?, MsgNameColorCode = ? WHERE Name = ?");
stmt.bind(1, a_MsgPrefix);
stmt.bind(2, a_MsgSuffix);
stmt.bind(1, a_MsgNameColorCode);
stmt.bind(2, a_RankName);
if (!stmt.executeStep())
LOGINFO("%s: Rank %s not found, visuals not set.", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str());
catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex)
LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get ranks from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
@ -49,8 +49,9 @@ public:
/** Returns all the distinct permissions that are stored in the DB. */
AStringVector GetAllPermissions(void);
/** Returns the message visuals (prefix, postfix, color) for the specified player. */
void GetPlayerMsgVisuals(
/** Returns the message visuals (prefix, postfix, color) for the specified player.
Returns true if the visuals were read from the DB, false if not (player not found etc). */
bool GetPlayerMsgVisuals(
const AString & a_PlayerUUID,
AString & a_MsgPrefix,
AString & a_MsgSuffix,
@ -79,7 +80,9 @@ public:
bool AddPermissionToGroup(const AString & a_Permission, const AString & a_GroupName);
/** Removes the specified rank.
All players assigned to that rank will be re-assigned to a_ReplacementRankName, unless it is empty. */
All players assigned to that rank will be re-assigned to a_ReplacementRankName.
If a_ReplacementRankName is empty or not a valid rank, the player will be removed from the DB,
which means they will receive the default rank the next time they are queried. */
void RemoveRank(const AString & a_RankName, const AString & a_ReplacementRankName);
/** Removes the specified group completely.
@ -88,7 +91,7 @@ public:
/** Removes the specified group from the specified rank.
The group will stay defined, even if no rank is using it. */
void RemoveGroupFromRank(const AString & a_RankName, const AString & a_GroupName);
void RemoveGroupFromRank(const AString & a_GroupName, const AString & a_RankName);
/** Removes the specified permission from the specified group. */
void RemovePermissionFromGroup(const AString & a_Permission, const AString & a_GroupName);
@ -104,10 +107,11 @@ public:
bool RenameGroup(const AString & a_OldName, const AString & a_NewName);
/** Sets the specified player's rank.
If the player already had rank assigned to them, it is overwritten with the new rank.
If the player already had rank assigned to them, it is overwritten with the new rank and name.
Note that this doesn't change the cPlayer if the player is already connected, you need to update all the
cPlayer instances manually. */
void SetPlayerRank(const AString & a_PlayerUUID, const AString & a_RankName);
cPlayer instances manually.
The PlayerName is provided for reference, so that GetRankPlayerNames() can work. */
void SetPlayerRank(const AString & a_PlayerUUID, const AString & a_PlayerName, const AString & a_RankName);
/** Sets the message visuals of an existing rank. No action if the rank name is not found. */
void SetRankVisuals(
Reference in New Issue
Block a user