Merge pull request #735 from xdot/master
Exported and documented cScoreboard
This commit is contained in:
@ -1115,6 +1115,42 @@ local Item5 = cItem(E_ITEM_DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE, 1, 0, "thorns=1;unbreaking=3");
}, -- cItem
cObjective =
Desc = [[
This class represents a single scoreboard objective.
Functions =
AddScore = { Params = "string, number", Return = "Score", Notes = "Adds a value to the score of the specified player and returns the new value." },
GetDisplayName = { Params = "", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the display name of the objective. This name will be shown to the connected players." },
GetName = { Params = "", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the internal name of the objective." },
GetScore = { Params = "string", Return = "Score", Notes = "Returns the score of the specified player." },
GetType = { Params = "", Return = "eType", Notes = "Returns the type of the objective. (i.e what is being tracked)" },
Reset = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Resets the scores of the tracked players." },
ResetScore = { Params = "string", Return = "", Notes = "Reset the score of the specified player." },
SetDisplayName = { Params = "string", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the display name of the objective." },
SetScore = { Params = "string, Score", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the score of the specified player." },
SubScore = { Params = "string, number", Return = "Score", Notes = "Subtracts a value from the score of the specified player and returns the new value." },
Constants =
otAchievement = { Notes = "" },
otDeathCount = { Notes = "" },
otDummy = { Notes = "" },
otHealth = { Notes = "" },
otPlayerKillCount = { Notes = "" },
otStat = { Notes = "" },
otStatBlockMine = { Notes = "" },
otStatEntityKill = { Notes = "" },
otStatEntityKilledBy = { Notes = "" },
otStatItemBreak = { Notes = "" },
otStatItemCraft = { Notes = "" },
otStatItemUse = { Notes = "" },
otTotalKillCount = { Notes = "" },
}, -- cObjective
cPainting =
Desc = "This class represents a painting in the world. These paintings are special and different from Vanilla in that they can be critical-hit.",
@ -1822,6 +1858,36 @@ end
}, -- cRoot
cScoreboard =
Desc = [[
This class manages the objectives and teams of a single world.
Functions =
AddPlayerScore = { Params = "Name, Type, Value", Return = "", Notes = "Adds a value to all player scores of the specified objective type." },
ForEachObjective = { Params = "CallBackFunction, [CallbackData]", Return = "bool", Notes = "Calls the specified callback for each objective in the scoreboard. Returns true if all objectives have been processed (including when there are zero objectives), or false if the callback function has aborted the enumeration by returning true. The callback function has the following signature: <pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">function Callback({{cObjective|Objective}}, [CallbackData])</pre> The callback should return false or no value to continue with the next objective, or true to abort the enumeration." },
ForEachTeam = { Params = "CallBackFunction, [CallbackData]", Return = "bool", Notes = "Calls the specified callback for each team in the scoreboard. Returns true if all teams have been processed (including when there are zero teams), or false if the callback function has aborted the enumeration by returning true. The callback function has the following signature: <pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">function Callback({{cObjective|Objective}}, [CallbackData])</pre> The callback should return false or no value to continue with the next team, or true to abort the enumeration." },
GetNumObjectives = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the nuber of registered objectives." },
GetNumTeams = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the number of registered teams." },
GetObjective = { Params = "string", Return = "{{cObjective}}", Notes = "Returns the objective with the specified name." },
GetObjectiveIn = { Params = "DisplaySlot", Return = "{{cObjective}}", Notes = "Returns the objective in the specified display slot. Can be nil." },
GetTeam = { Params = "string", Return = "{{cTeam}}", Notes = "Returns the team with the specified name." },
RegisterObjective = { Params = "Name, DisplayName, Type", Return = "{{cObjective}}", Notes = "Registers a new scoreboard objective. Returns the {{cObjective}} instance, nil on error." },
RegisterTeam = { Params = "Name, DisplayName, Prefix, Suffix", Return = "{{cTeam}}", Notes = "Registers a new team. Returns the {{cTeam}} instance, nil on error." },
RemoveObjective = { Params = "string", Return = "bool", Notes = "Removes the objective with the specified name. Returns true if operation was successful." },
RemoveTeam = { Params = "string", Return = "bool", Notes = "Removes the team with the specified name. Returns true if operation was successful." },
SetDisplay = { Params = "Name, DisplaySlot", Return = "", Notes = "Updates the currently displayed objective." },
Constants =
dsCount = { Notes = "" },
dsList = { Notes = "" },
dsName = { Notes = "" },
dsSidebar = { Notes = "" },
}, -- cScoreboard
cServer =
Desc = [[
@ -1842,6 +1908,32 @@ end
}, -- cServer
cTeam =
Desc = [[
This class manages a single player team.
Functions =
AddPlayer = { Params = "string", Returns = "bool", Notes = "Adds a player to this team. Returns true if the operation was successful." },
AllowsFriendlyFire = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns whether team friendly fire is allowed." },
CanSeeFriendlyInvisible = { Params = "", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns whether players can see invisible teammates." },
HasPlayer = { Params = "string", Returns = "bool", Notes = "Returns whether the specified player is a member of this team." },
GetDisplayName = { Params = "", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the display name of the team." },
GetName = { Params = "", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the internal name of the team." },
GetNumPlayers = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the number of registered players." },
GetPrefix = { Params = "", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the prefix prepended to the names of the members of this team." },
RemovePlayer = { Params = "string", Returns = "bool", Notes = "Removes the player with the specified name from this team. Returns true if the operation was successful." },
Reset = { Params = "", Returns = "", Notes = "Removes all players from this team." },
GetSuffix = { Params = "", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the suffix appended to the names of the members of this team." },
SetCanSeeFriendlyInvisible = { Params = "bool", Return = "", Notes = "Set whether players can see invisible teammates." },
SetDisplayName = { Params = "string", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the display name of this team. (i.e. what will be shown to the players)" },
SetFriendlyFire = { Params = "bool", Return = "", Notes = "Sets whether team friendly fire is allowed." },
SetPrefix = { Params = "string", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the prefix prepended to the names of the members of this team." },
SetSuffix = { Params = "string", Return = "", Notes = "Sets the suffix appended to the names of the members of this team." },
}, -- cTeam
cTNTEntity =
Desc = "This class manages a TNT entity.",
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ $cfile "../Mobs/Monster.h"
$cfile "../CompositeChat.h"
$cfile "../Map.h"
$cfile "../MapManager.h"
$cfile "../Scoreboard.h"
@ -2583,6 +2583,11 @@ void ManualBindings::Bind(lua_State * tolua_S)
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cMapManager");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "DoWithMap", tolua_DoWithID<cMapManager, cMap, &cMapManager::DoWithMap>);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cScoreboard");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachObjective", tolua_ForEach<cScoreboard, cObjective, &cScoreboard::ForEachObjective>);
tolua_function(tolua_S, "ForEachTeam", tolua_ForEach<cScoreboard, cTeam, &cScoreboard::ForEachTeam>);
tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cPlugin");
tolua_function(tolua_S, "Call", tolua_cPlugin_Call);
@ -858,6 +858,8 @@ void cPlayer::KilledBy(cEntity * a_Killer)
else if (a_Killer->IsPlayer())
GetWorld()->BroadcastChatDeath(Printf("%s was killed by %s", GetName().c_str(), ((cPlayer *)a_Killer)->GetName().c_str()));
m_World->GetScoreBoard().AddPlayerScore(((cPlayer *)a_Killer)->GetName(), cObjective::otPlayerKillCount, 1);
@ -867,24 +869,7 @@ void cPlayer::KilledBy(cEntity * a_Killer)
GetWorld()->BroadcastChatDeath(Printf("%s was killed by a %s", GetName().c_str(), KillerClass.c_str()));
class cIncrementCounterCB
: public cObjectiveCallback
AString m_Name;
cIncrementCounterCB(const AString & a_Name) : m_Name(a_Name) {}
virtual bool Item(cObjective * a_Objective) override
a_Objective->AddScore(m_Name, 1);
return true;
} IncrementCounter (GetName());
cScoreboard & Scoreboard = m_World->GetScoreBoard();
// Update scoreboard objectives
Scoreboard.ForEachObjectiveWith(cObjective::E_TYPE_DEATH_COUNT, IncrementCounter);
m_World->GetScoreBoard().AddPlayerScore(GetName(), cObjective::otDeathCount, 1);
@ -17,19 +17,19 @@ AString cObjective::TypeToString(eType a_Type)
switch (a_Type)
case E_TYPE_DUMMY: return "dummy";
case E_TYPE_DEATH_COUNT: return "deathCount";
case E_TYPE_PLAYER_KILL_COUNT: return "playerKillCount";
case E_TYPE_TOTAL_KILL_COUNT: return "totalKillCount";
case E_TYPE_HEALTH: return "health";
case E_TYPE_ACHIEVEMENT: return "achievement";
case E_TYPE_STAT: return "stat";
case E_TYPE_STAT_ITEM_CRAFT: return "stat.craftItem";
case E_TYPE_STAT_ITEM_USE: return "stat.useItem";
case E_TYPE_STAT_ITEM_BREAK: return "stat.breakItem";
case E_TYPE_STAT_BLOCK_MINE: return "stat.mineBlock";
case E_TYPE_STAT_ENTITY_KILL: return "stat.killEntity";
case E_TYPE_STAT_ENTITY_KILLED_BY: return "stat.entityKilledBy";
case otDummy: return "dummy";
case otDeathCount: return "deathCount";
case otPlayerKillCount: return "playerKillCount";
case otTotalKillCount: return "totalKillCount";
case otHealth: return "health";
case otAchievement: return "achievement";
case otStat: return "stat";
case otStatItemCraft: return "stat.craftItem";
case otStatItemUse: return "stat.useItem";
case otStatItemBreak: return "stat.breakItem";
case otStatBlockMine: return "stat.mineBlock";
case otStatEntityKill: return "stat.killEntity";
case otStatEntityKilledBy: return "stat.entityKilledBy";
default: return "";
@ -46,19 +46,19 @@ cObjective::eType cObjective::StringToType(const AString & a_Name)
const char * m_String;
} TypeMap [] =
{E_TYPE_DUMMY, "dummy"},
{E_TYPE_DEATH_COUNT, "deathCount"},
{E_TYPE_PLAYER_KILL_COUNT, "playerKillCount"},
{E_TYPE_TOTAL_KILL_COUNT, "totalKillCount"},
{E_TYPE_HEALTH, "health"},
{E_TYPE_ACHIEVEMENT, "achievement"},
{E_TYPE_STAT, "stat"},
{E_TYPE_STAT_ITEM_CRAFT, "stat.craftItem"},
{E_TYPE_STAT_ITEM_USE, "stat.useItem"},
{E_TYPE_STAT_ITEM_BREAK, "stat.breakItem"},
{E_TYPE_STAT_BLOCK_MINE, "stat.mineBlock"},
{E_TYPE_STAT_ENTITY_KILL, "stat.killEntity"},
{E_TYPE_STAT_ENTITY_KILLED_BY, "stat.entityKilledBy"}
{otDummy, "dummy" },
{otDeathCount, "deathCount" },
{otPlayerKillCount, "playerKillCount" },
{otTotalKillCount, "totalKillCount" },
{otHealth, "health" },
{otAchievement, "achievement" },
{otStat, "stat" },
{otStatItemCraft, "stat.craftItem" },
{otStatItemUse, "stat.useItem" },
{otStatItemBreak, "stat.breakItem" },
{otStatBlockMine, "stat.mineBlock" },
{otStatEntityKill, "stat.killEntity" },
{otStatEntityKilledBy, "stat.entityKilledBy"}
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(TypeMap); i++)
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ cObjective::eType cObjective::StringToType(const AString & a_Name)
return TypeMap[i].m_Type;
} // for i - TypeMap[]
return E_TYPE_DUMMY;
return otDummy;
@ -246,6 +246,17 @@ void cTeam::Reset(void)
void cTeam::SetDisplayName(const AString & a_Name)
m_DisplayName = a_Name;
// TODO 2014-03-01 xdot: Update clients
unsigned int cTeam::GetNumPlayers(void) const
return m_Players.size();
@ -257,7 +268,7 @@ unsigned int cTeam::GetNumPlayers(void) const
cScoreboard::cScoreboard(cWorld * a_World) : m_World(a_World)
for (int i = 0; i < (int) E_DISPLAY_SLOT_COUNT; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < (int) dsCount; ++i)
m_Display[i] = NULL;
@ -306,6 +317,8 @@ bool cScoreboard::RemoveObjective(const AString & a_Name)
ASSERT(m_World != NULL);
m_World->BroadcastScoreboardObjective(it->second.GetName(), it->second.GetDisplayName(), 1);
// TODO 2014-03-01 xdot: Remove objective from display slot
return true;
@ -410,7 +423,7 @@ cTeam * cScoreboard::QueryPlayerTeam(const AString & a_Name)
void cScoreboard::SetDisplay(const AString & a_Objective, eDisplaySlot a_Slot)
ASSERT(a_Slot < dsCount);
cObjective * Objective = GetObjective(a_Objective);
@ -435,7 +448,7 @@ void cScoreboard::SetDisplay(cObjective * a_Objective, eDisplaySlot a_Slot)
cObjective * cScoreboard::GetObjectiveIn(eDisplaySlot a_Slot)
ASSERT(a_Slot < dsCount);
return m_Display[a_Slot];
@ -444,7 +457,7 @@ cObjective * cScoreboard::GetObjectiveIn(eDisplaySlot a_Slot)
void cScoreboard::ForEachObjectiveWith(cObjective::eType a_Type, cObjectiveCallback& a_Callback)
bool cScoreboard::ForEachObjectiveWith(cObjective::eType a_Type, cObjectiveCallback& a_Callback)
cCSLock Lock(m_CSObjectives);
@ -455,10 +468,66 @@ void cScoreboard::ForEachObjectiveWith(cObjective::eType a_Type, cObjectiveCallb
// Call callback
if (a_Callback.Item(&it->second))
return false;
return true;
bool cScoreboard::ForEachObjective(cObjectiveCallback& a_Callback)
cCSLock Lock(m_CSObjectives);
for (cObjectiveMap::iterator it = m_Objectives.begin(); it != m_Objectives.end(); ++it)
// Call callback
if (a_Callback.Item(&it->second))
return false;
return true;
bool cScoreboard::ForEachTeam(cTeamCallback& a_Callback)
cCSLock Lock(m_CSObjectives);
for (cTeamMap::iterator it = m_Teams.begin(); it != m_Teams.end(); ++it)
// Call callback
if (a_Callback.Item(&it->second))
return false;
return true;
void cScoreboard::AddPlayerScore(const AString & a_Name, cObjective::eType a_Type, cObjective::Score a_Value)
cCSLock Lock(m_CSObjectives);
for (cObjectiveMap::iterator it = m_Objectives.begin(); it != m_Objectives.end(); ++it)
if (it->second.GetType() == a_Type)
it->second.AddScore(a_Name, a_Value);
@ -474,7 +543,7 @@ void cScoreboard::SendTo(cClientHandle & a_Client)
for (int i = 0; i < (int) E_DISPLAY_SLOT_COUNT; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < (int) dsCount; ++i)
// Avoid race conditions
cObjective * Objective = m_Display[i];
@ -14,9 +14,11 @@
class cObjective;
class cTeam;
class cWorld;
typedef cItemCallback<cObjective> cObjectiveCallback;
typedef cItemCallback<cTeam> cTeamCallback;
@ -31,23 +33,23 @@ public:
enum eType
// tolua_end
@ -67,31 +69,37 @@ public:
const AString & GetName(void) const { return m_Name; }
const AString & GetDisplayName(void) const { return m_DisplayName; }
/// Resets the objective
/** Resets the objective */
void Reset(void);
/// Returns the score of the specified player
/** Returns the score of the specified player */
Score GetScore(const AString & a_Name) const;
/// Sets the score of the specified player
/** Sets the score of the specified player */
void SetScore(const AString & a_Name, Score a_Score);
/// Resets the score of the specified player
/** Resets the score of the specified player */
void ResetScore(const AString & a_Name);
/// Adds a_Delta and returns the new score
/** Adds a_Delta and returns the new score */
Score AddScore(const AString & a_Name, Score a_Delta);
/// Subtracts a_Delta and returns the new score
/** Subtracts a_Delta and returns the new score */
Score SubScore(const AString & a_Name, Score a_Delta);
void SetDisplayName(const AString & a_Name);
// tolua_end
/// Send this objective to the specified client
/** Send this objective to the specified client */
void SendTo(cClientHandle & a_Client);
static const char * GetClassStatic(void) // Needed for ManualBindings's ForEach templates
return "cObjective";
typedef std::pair<AString, Score> cTrackedPlayer;
@ -109,7 +117,8 @@ private:
friend class cScoreboardSerializer;
}; // tolua_export
@ -127,21 +136,21 @@ public:
const AString & a_Prefix, const AString & a_Suffix
/// Adds a new player to the team
bool AddPlayer(const AString & a_Name);
/// Removes a player from the team
bool RemovePlayer(const AString & a_Name);
/// Returns whether the specified player is in this team
bool HasPlayer(const AString & a_Name) const;
/// Removes all registered players
void Reset(void);
// tolua_begin
/// Returns the number of registered players
/** Adds a new player to the team */
bool AddPlayer(const AString & a_Name);
/** Removes a player from the team */
bool RemovePlayer(const AString & a_Name);
/** Returns whether the specified player is in this team */
bool HasPlayer(const AString & a_Name) const;
/** Removes all registered players */
void Reset(void);
/** Returns the number of registered players */
unsigned int GetNumPlayers(void) const;
bool AllowsFriendlyFire(void) const { return m_AllowsFriendlyFire; }
@ -163,6 +172,11 @@ public:
// tolua_end
static const char * GetClassStatic(void) // Needed for ManualBindings's ForEach templates
return "cTeam";
typedef std::set<AString> cPlayerNameSet;
@ -180,7 +194,8 @@ private:
friend class cScoreboardSerializer;
}; // tolua_export
@ -193,11 +208,11 @@ public:
enum eDisplaySlot
dsList = 0,
// tolua_end
@ -209,44 +224,61 @@ public:
// tolua_begin
/// Registers a new scoreboard objective, returns the cObjective instance, NULL on name collision
/** Registers a new scoreboard objective, returns the cObjective instance, NULL on name collision */
cObjective * RegisterObjective(const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_DisplayName, cObjective::eType a_Type);
/// Removes a registered objective, returns true if operation was successful
/** Removes a registered objective, returns true if operation was successful */
bool RemoveObjective(const AString & a_Name);
/// Retrieves the objective with the specified name, NULL if not found
/** Retrieves the objective with the specified name, NULL if not found */
cObjective * GetObjective(const AString & a_Name);
/// Registers a new team, returns the cTeam instance, NULL on name collision
/** Registers a new team, returns the cTeam instance, NULL on name collision */
cTeam * RegisterTeam(const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_DisplayName, const AString & a_Prefix, const AString & a_Suffix);
/// Removes a registered team, returns true if operation was successful
/** Removes a registered team, returns true if operation was successful */
bool RemoveTeam(const AString & a_Name);
/// Retrieves the team with the specified name, NULL if not found
/** Retrieves the team with the specified name, NULL if not found */
cTeam * GetTeam(const AString & a_Name);
cTeam * QueryPlayerTeam(const AString & a_Name); // WARNING: O(n logn)
void SetDisplay(const AString & a_Objective, eDisplaySlot a_Slot);
void SetDisplay(cObjective * a_Objective, eDisplaySlot a_Slot);
cObjective * GetObjectiveIn(eDisplaySlot a_Slot);
/// Execute callback for each objective with the specified type
void ForEachObjectiveWith(cObjective::eType a_Type, cObjectiveCallback& a_Callback);
unsigned int GetNumObjectives(void) const;
unsigned int GetNumTeams(void) const;
void AddPlayerScore(const AString & a_Name, cObjective::eType a_Type, cObjective::Score a_Value = 1);
// tolua_end
/// Send this scoreboard to the specified client
/** Send this scoreboard to the specified client */
void SendTo(cClientHandle & a_Client);
cTeam * QueryPlayerTeam(const AString & a_Name); // WARNING: O(n logn)
/** Execute callback for each objective with the specified type
* Returns true if all objectives processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true.
bool ForEachObjectiveWith(cObjective::eType a_Type, cObjectiveCallback& a_Callback);
/** Execute callback for each objective.
* Returns true if all objectives have been processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true.
bool ForEachObjective(cObjectiveCallback& a_Callback); // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
/** Execute callback for each team.
* Returns true if all teams have been processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true.
bool ForEachTeam(cTeamCallback& a_Callback); // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp
void SetDisplay(cObjective * a_Objective, eDisplaySlot a_Slot);
@ -265,11 +297,12 @@ private:
cWorld * m_World;
cObjective* m_Display[E_DISPLAY_SLOT_COUNT];
cObjective * m_Display[dsCount];
friend class cScoreboardSerializer;
} ;
}; // tolua_export
@ -173,13 +173,13 @@ void cScoreboardSerializer::SaveScoreboardToNBT(cFastNBTWriter & a_Writer)
cObjective * Objective = m_ScoreBoard->GetObjectiveIn(cScoreboard::E_DISPLAY_SLOT_LIST);
cObjective * Objective = m_ScoreBoard->GetObjectiveIn(cScoreboard::dsList);
a_Writer.AddString("slot_0", (Objective == NULL) ? "" : Objective->GetName());
Objective = m_ScoreBoard->GetObjectiveIn(cScoreboard::E_DISPLAY_SLOT_SIDEBAR);
Objective = m_ScoreBoard->GetObjectiveIn(cScoreboard::dsSidebar);
a_Writer.AddString("slot_1", (Objective == NULL) ? "" : Objective->GetName());
Objective = m_ScoreBoard->GetObjectiveIn(cScoreboard::E_DISPLAY_SLOT_NAME);
Objective = m_ScoreBoard->GetObjectiveIn(cScoreboard::dsName);
a_Writer.AddString("slot_2", (Objective == NULL) ? "" : Objective->GetName());
a_Writer.EndCompound(); // DisplaySlots
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ bool cScoreboardSerializer::LoadScoreboardFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT)
AString Name, DisplayName, Prefix, Suffix;
bool AllowsFriendlyFire = false, CanSeeFriendlyInvisible = false;
bool AllowsFriendlyFire = true, CanSeeFriendlyInvisible = false;
int CurrLine = a_NBT.FindChildByName(Child, "Name");
if (CurrLine >= 0)
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ bool cScoreboardSerializer::LoadScoreboardFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT)
AString Name = a_NBT.GetString(CurrLine);
m_ScoreBoard->SetDisplay(Name, cScoreboard::E_DISPLAY_SLOT_LIST);
m_ScoreBoard->SetDisplay(Name, cScoreboard::dsList);
CurrLine = a_NBT.FindChildByName(DisplaySlots, "slot_1");
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ bool cScoreboardSerializer::LoadScoreboardFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT)
AString Name = a_NBT.GetString(CurrLine);
m_ScoreBoard->SetDisplay(Name, cScoreboard::E_DISPLAY_SLOT_SIDEBAR);
m_ScoreBoard->SetDisplay(Name, cScoreboard::dsSidebar);
CurrLine = a_NBT.FindChildByName(DisplaySlots, "slot_2");
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ bool cScoreboardSerializer::LoadScoreboardFromNBT(const cParsedNBT & a_NBT)
AString Name = a_NBT.GetString(CurrLine);
m_ScoreBoard->SetDisplay(Name, cScoreboard::E_DISPLAY_SLOT_NAME);
m_ScoreBoard->SetDisplay(Name, cScoreboard::dsName);
return true;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user