Merge branch 'IniFileCleanup'
This commit is contained in:
@ -1015,101 +1015,155 @@ cFile:Delete("/usr/bin/virus.exe");
cIniFile =
Desc = [[The cIniFile is a class that makes it simple to read from and write to INI files. MCServer uses mostly INI files for settings and options.
Desc = [[
This class implements a simple name-value storage represented on disk by an INI file. These files
are suitable for low-volume high-latency human-readable information storage, such as for
configuration. MCServer itself uses INI files for settings and options.</p>
The INI files follow this basic structure:
<pre class="prettyprint lang-ini">
; Header comment line
; Key comment line 0
; Key comment line 0
; Key comment line 1
The cIniFile object stores all the objects in numbered arrays and provides access to the information
either based on names (KeyName, ValueName) or zero-based indices.</p>
The objects of this class are created empty. You need to either load a file using ReadFile(), or
insert values by hand. Then you can store the object's contents to a disk file using WriteFile(), or
just forget everything by destroying the object. Note that the file operations are quite slow.</p>
For storing high-volume low-latency data, use the {{sqlite}} class. For storing
hierarchically-structured data, use the XML format, using the LuaExpat parser in the {{lxp}} class.
Functions =
constructor = { Return = "{{cIniFile|cIniFile}}" },
CaseSensitive = { Return = "" },
CaseInsensitive = { Return = "" },
Path = { Return = "" },
Path = { Return = "string" },
SetPath = { Return = "" },
ReadFile = { Return = "bool" },
WriteFile = { Return = "bool" },
Erase = { Return = "" },
Clear = { Return = "" },
Reset = { Return = "" },
FindKey = { Notes = "long i" },
FindValue = { Notes = "long i" },
NumKeys = { Notes = "unsigned i" },
GetNumKeys = { Notes = "unsigned i" },
AddKeyName = { Notes = "unsigned int" },
KeyName = { Notes = "Stri" },
GetKeyName = { Notes = "Stri" },
NumValues = { Notes = "unsigned int" },
GetNumValues = { Notes = "unsigned int" },
NumValues = { Notes = "unsigned int" },
GetNumValues = { Notes = "unsigned int" },
ValueName = { Notes = "Stri" },
GetValueName = { Notes = "Stri" },
ValueName = { Notes = "Stri" },
GetValueName = { Notes = "Stri" },
GetValue = { Notes = "Stri" },
GetValue = { Notes = "Stri" },
GetValueI = { Notes = "i" },
GetValueB = { Notes = "bo" },
GetValueF = { Notes = "doub" },
GetValueSet = { Notes = "Stri" },
GetValueSetI = { Notes = "i" },
GetValueSetB = { Notes = "bo" },
GetValueSetF = { Notes = "doub" },
SetValue = { Return = "bool" },
SetValue = { Return = "bool" },
SetValueI = { Return = "bool" },
SetValueB = { Return = "bool" },
SetValueF = { Return = "bool" },
DeleteValueByID = { Return = "bool" },
DeleteValue = { Return = "bool" },
DeleteKey = { Return = "bool" },
NumHeaderComments = { Notes = "unsigned int" },
HeaderComment = { Return = "" },
HeaderComment = { Notes = "Stri" },
DeleteHeaderComment = { Return = "bool" },
DeleteHeaderComments = { Return = "" },
NumKeyComments = { Notes = "unsigned i" },
NumKeyComments = { Notes = "unsigned i" },
KeyComment = { Return = "bool" },
KeyComment = { Return = "bool" },
KeyComment = { Notes = "Stri" },
KeyComment = { Notes = "Stri" },
DeleteKeyComment = { Return = "bool" },
DeleteKeyComment = { Return = "bool" },
DeleteKeyComments = { Return = "bool" },
DeleteKeyComments = { Return = "bool" },
constructor = { Params = "", Return = "cIniFile", Notes = "Creates a new empty cIniFile object." },
AddHeaderComment = { Params = "Comment", Return = "", Notes = "Adds a comment to be stored in the file header." },
AddKeyComment =
{ Params = "KeyID, Comment", Return = "", Notes = "Adds a comment to be stored in the file under the specified key" },
{ Params = "KeyName, Comment", Return = "", Notes = "Adds a comment to be stored in the file under the specified key" },
AddKeyName = { Params = "KeyName", Returns = "number", Notes = "Adds a new key of the specified name. Returns the KeyID of the new key." },
CaseInsensitive = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Sets key names' and value names' comparisons to case insensitive (default)." },
CaseSensitive = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Sets key names and value names comparisons to case sensitive." },
Clear = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Removes all the in-memory data. Note that , like all the other operations, this doesn't affect any file data." },
DeleteHeaderComment = { Params = "CommentID", Return = "bool" , Notes = "Deletes the specified header comment. Returns true if successful."},
DeleteHeaderComments = { Params = "", Return = "", Notes = "Deletes all headers comments." },
DeleteKey = { Params = "KeyName", Return = "bool", Notes = "Deletes the specified key, and all values in that key. Returns true if successful." },
DeleteKeyComment =
{ Params = "KeyID, CommentID", Return = "bool", Notes = "Deletes the specified key comment. Returns true if successful." },
{ Params = "KeyName, CommentID", Return = "bool", Notes = "Deletes the specified key comment. Returns true if successful." },
DeleteKeyComments =
{ Params = "KeyID", Return = "bool", Notes = "Deletes all comments for the specified key. Returns true if successful." },
{ Params = "KeyName", Return = "bool", Notes = "Deletes all comments for the specified key. Returns true if successful." },
DeleteValue = { Params = "KeyName, ValueName", Return = "bool", Notes = "Deletes the specified value. Returns true if successful." },
DeleteValueByID = { Params = "KeyID, ValueID", Return = "bool", Notes = "Deletes the specified value. Returns true if successful." },
FindKey = { Params = "KeyName", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the KeyID for the specified key name, or the noID constant if the key doesn't exist." },
FindValue = { Params = "KeyID, ValueName", Return = "numebr", Notes = "Returns the ValueID for the specified value name, or the noID constant if the specified key doesn't contain a value of that name." },
GetHeaderComment = { Params = "CommentID", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the specified header comment, or an empty string if such comment doesn't exist" },
GetKeyComment =
{ Params = "KeyID, CommentID", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the specified key comment, or an empty string if such a comment doesn't exist" },
{ Params = "KeyName, CommentID", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the specified key comment, or an empty string if such a comment doesn't exist" },
GetKeyName = { Params = "KeyID", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the key name for the specified key ID. Inverse for FindKey()." },
GetNumHeaderComments = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Retuns the number of header comments." },
GetNumKeyComments =
{ Params = "KeyID", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the number of comments under the specified key" },
{ Params = "KeyName", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the number of comments under the specified key" },
GetNumKeys = { Params = "", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the total number of keys. This is the range for the KeyID (0 .. GetNumKeys() - 1)" },
GetNumValues =
{ Params = "KeyID", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the number of values stored under the specified key." },
{ Params = "KeyName", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the number of values stored under the specified key." },
GetValue =
{ Params = "KeyName, ValueName", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the value of the specified name under the specified key. Returns an empty string if the value doesn't exist." },
{ Params = "KeyID, ValueID", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the value of the specified name under the specified key. Returns an empty string if the value doesn't exist." },
GetValueB = { Params = "KeyName, ValueName", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns the value of the specified name under the specified key, as a bool. Returns false if the value doesn't exist." },
GetValueF = { Params = "KeyName, ValueName", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the value of the specified name under the specified key, as a floating-point number. Returns zero if the value doesn't exist." },
GetValueI = { Params = "KeyName, ValueName", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the value of the specified name under the specified key, as an integer. Returns zero if the value doesn't exist." },
GetValueName =
{ Params = "KeyID, ValueID", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the name of the specified value Inverse for FindValue()." },
{ Params = "KeyName, ValueID", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the name of the specified value Inverse for FindValue()." },
GetValueSet = { Params = "KeyName, ValueName, Default", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the value of the specified name under the specified key. If the value doesn't exist, creates it with the specified default." },
GetValueSetB = { Params = "KeyName, ValueName, Default", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns the value of the specified name under the specified key, as a bool. If the value doesn't exist, creates it with the specified default." },
GetValueSetF = { Params = "KeyName, ValueName, Default", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the value of the specified name under the specified key, as a floating-point number. If the value doesn't exist, creates it with the specified default." },
GetValueSetI = { Params = "KeyName, ValueName, Default", Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the value of the specified name under the specified key, as an integer. If the value doesn't exist, creates it with the specified default." },
ReadFile = { Params = "FileName, [AllowExampleFallback]", Return = "bool", Notes = "Reads the values from the specified file. Previous in-memory contents are lost. If the file cannot be opened, and AllowExample is true, another file, \"filename.example.ini\", is loaded and then saved as \"filename.ini\". Returns true if successful, false if not." },
SetValue =
{ Params = "KeyID, ValueID, NewValue", Return = "bool", Notes = "Overwrites the specified value with a new value. If the specified value doesn't exist, returns false (doesn't add)." },
{ Params = "KeyName, ValueName, NewValue, [CreateIfNotExists]", Return = "bool", Notes = "Overwrites the specified value with a new value. If CreateIfNotExists is true (default) and the value doesn't exist, it is first created. Returns true if the value was successfully set, false if not (didn't exists, CreateIfNotExists false)." },
SetValueB = { Params = "KeyName, ValueName, NewValueBool, [CreateIfNotExists]", Return = "bool", Notes = "Overwrites the specified value with a new bool value. If CreateIfNotExists is true (default) and the value doesn't exist, it is first created. Returns true if the value was successfully set, false if not (didn't exists, CreateIfNotExists false)." },
SetValueF = { Params = "KeyName, ValueName, NewValueFloat, [CreateIfNotExists]", Return = "bool", Notes = "Overwrites the specified value with a new floating-point number value. If CreateIfNotExists is true (default) and the value doesn't exist, it is first created. Returns true if the value was successfully set, false if not (didn't exists, CreateIfNotExists false)." },
SetValueI = { Params = "KeyName, ValueName, NewValueInt, [CreateIfNotExists]", Return = "bool", Notes = "Overwrites the specified value with a new integer value. If CreateIfNotExists is true (default) and the value doesn't exist, it is first created. Returns true if the value was successfully set, false if not (didn't exists, CreateIfNotExists false)." },
WriteFile = { Params = "FileName", Return = "bool", Notes = "Writes the current in-memory data into the specified file. Returns true if successful, false if not." },
Constants =
noID = { Notes = "" },
AdditionalInfo =
Header = "Practical usage",
Header = "Code example: Reading a simple value",
Contents = [[
If you want to use cIniFile you need to know a couple of things; what is the key name and what
is the value name. Below is a demonstration of what is what.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint lang-ini">
; Comment line
cIniFile is very easy to use. For example, you can find out what port the server is supposed to
use according to settings.ini by using this little snippet:
<pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
local IniFile = cIniFile("settings.ini");
if (IniFile:ReadFile()) then
local IniFile = cIniFile();
if (IniFile:ReadFile("settings.ini")) then
ServerPort = IniFile:GetValueI("Server", "Port");
Header = "Code example: Enumerating all objects in a file",
Contents = [[
To enumerate all keys in a file, you need to query the total number of keys, using GetNumKeys(),
and then query each key's name using GetKeyName(). Similarly, to enumerate all values under a
key, you need to query the total number of values using GetNumValues() and then query each
value's name using GetValueName().</p>
The following code logs all keynames and their valuenames into the server log:
<pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
local IniFile = cIniFile();
local NumKeys = IniFile:GetNumKeys();
for k = 0, NumKeys do
local NumValues = IniFile:GetNumValues(k);
LOG("key \"" .. IniFile:GetKeyName(k) .. "\" has " .. NumValues .. " values:");
for v = 0, NumValues do
LOG(" value \"" .. IniFile:GetValueName(k, v) .. "\".");
}, -- AdditionalInfo
}, -- cIniFile
cInventory =
@ -1167,7 +1221,7 @@ These ItemGrids are available in the API and can be manipulated by the plugins,
invHotbarOffset = { Notes = "Starting slot number of the Hotbar part" },
invNumSlots = { Notes = "Total number of slots in a cInventory" },
}, -- cInventory
cItem =
@ -1254,7 +1308,7 @@ local Item5 = cItem(E_ITEM_DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE, 1, 0, "thorns=1;unbreaking=3");
}, -- cItem
cItemGrid =
@ -1364,7 +1418,7 @@ end
}, -- AdditionalInfo
}, -- cItemGrid
cItems =
@ -1394,7 +1448,7 @@ end
Constants =
}, -- cItems
cLineBlockTracer =
@ -6,20 +6,27 @@ CX = 0
CZ = 0
-- AREA Variables
AreaStartX = -10
AreaStartZ = -10
AreaEndX = 10
AreaEndZ = 10
-- RADIAL Variables
RadialX = 0
RadialZ = 0
Radius = 1
Radius = 10
WORK_WORLD = cRoot:Get():GetDefaultWorld():GetName()
WW_instance = cRoot:Get():GetDefaultWorld()
function Initialize(Plugin)
PLUGIN = Plugin
@ -36,39 +43,25 @@ function Initialize(Plugin)
LOG("" .. PLUGIN:GetName() .. " v" .. PLUGIN:GetVersion() .. ": NO WORLD found :(")
PLUGIN.IniFile = cIniFile("ChunkWorx.ini")
if (PLUGIN.IniFile:ReadFile() == false) then
PLUGIN.IniFile:HeaderComment("ChunkWorx Save")
PLUGIN.IniFile:AddKeyName("Area data")
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Area data", "StartX", AreaStartX)
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Area data", "StartZ", AreaStartZ)
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Area data", "EndX", AreaEndX)
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Area data", "EndZ", AreaEndZ)
PLUGIN.IniFile:AddKeyName("Radial data")
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Radial data", "RadialX", RadialX)
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Radial data", "RadialZ", RadialZ)
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Radial data", "Radius", Radius)
AreaStartX = PLUGIN.IniFile:GetValueI("Area data", "StartX")
AreaStartZ = PLUGIN.IniFile:GetValueI("Area data", "StartZ")
AreaEndX = PLUGIN.IniFile:GetValueI("Area data", "EndX")
AreaEndZ = PLUGIN.IniFile:GetValueI("Area data", "EndZ")
RadialX = PLUGIN.IniFile:GetValueI("Radial data", "RadialX")
RadialZ = PLUGIN.IniFile:GetValueI("Radial data", "RadialZ")
Radius = PLUGIN.IniFile:GetValueI("Radial data", "Radius")
-- Read the stored values:
local SettingsIni = cIniFile();
SettingsIni:ReadFile("ChunkWorx.ini"); -- ignore any read errors
AreaStartX = SettingsIni:GetValueSetI("Area data", "StartX", AreaStartX)
AreaStartZ = SettingsIni:GetValueSetI("Area data", "StartZ", AreaStartZ)
AreaEndX = SettingsIni:GetValueSetI("Area data", "EndX", AreaEndX)
AreaEndZ = SettingsIni:GetValueSetI("Area data", "EndZ", AreaEndZ)
RadialX = SettingsIni:GetValueSetI("Radial data", "RadialX", RadialX)
RadialZ = SettingsIni:GetValueSetI("Radial data", "RadialZ", RadialZ)
Radius = SettingsIni:GetValueSetI("Radial data", "Radius", Radius)
LOG("Initialized " .. PLUGIN:GetName() .. " v" .. PLUGIN:GetVersion())
--LOG("Test1: " .. math.fmod(1.5, 1)) - return fractional part!
return true
function OnDisable()
LOG(PLUGIN:GetName() .. " v" .. PLUGIN:GetVersion() .. " is shutting down...")
function OnTick( DeltaTime )
@ -128,7 +121,7 @@ function OnTick( DeltaTime )
@ -1,11 +1,44 @@
-- chunkworx_web.lua
-- WebAdmin-related functions
local function Buttons_Player( Name )
return "<form method='POST'><input type='hidden' name='PlayerName' value='"..Name.."'><input type='submit' name='PlayerExact' value='Exact'><input type='submit' name='Player3x3' value='3x3'></form>"
local function Button_World( Name )
return "<form method='POST'><input type='hidden' name='WorldName' value='"..Name.."'><input type='submit' name='SelectWorld' value='Select'></form>"
local function SaveSettings()
local SettingsIni = cIniFile()
SettingsIni:SetValueI("Area data", "StartX", AreaStartX)
SettingsIni:SetValueI("Area data", "StartZ", AreaStartZ)
SettingsIni:SetValueI("Area data", "EndX", AreaEndX)
SettingsIni:SetValueI("Area data", "EndZ", AreaEndZ)
SettingsIni:SetValueI("Radial data", "RadialX", RadialX)
SettingsIni:SetValueI("Radial data", "RadialZ", RadialZ)
SettingsIni:SetValueI("Radial data", "Radius", Radius)
function HandleRequest_Generation( Request )
local Content = ""
if (Request.PostParams["AGHRRRR"] ~= nil) then
@ -69,21 +102,12 @@ function HandleRequest_Generation( Request )
AreaStartZ = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormAreaStartZ"])
AreaEndX = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormAreaEndX"])
AreaEndZ = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormAreaEndZ"])
PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Area data", "StartX")
PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Area data", "StartZ")
PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Area data", "EndX")
PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Area data", "EndZ")
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Area data", "StartX", AreaStartX)
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Area data", "StartZ", AreaStartZ)
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Area data", "EndX", AreaEndX)
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Area data", "EndZ", AreaEndZ)
if (OPERATION_CODE == 0) then
elseif (OPERATION_CODE == 1) then
Content = ProcessingContent()
return Content
@ -93,26 +117,19 @@ function HandleRequest_Generation( Request )
and Request.PostParams["FormRadius"] ~= nil ) then --(Re)Generation valid!
-- COMMON (Re)gen
if( Request.PostParams["StartRadial"]) then
RadialX = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormRadialX"])
RadialZ = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormRadialZ"])
Radius = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormRadius"])
RadialX = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormRadialX"]) or 0
RadialZ = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormRadialZ"]) or 0
Radius = tonumber(Request.PostParams["FormRadius"]) or 10
AreaStartX = RadialX - Radius
AreaStartZ = RadialZ - Radius
AreaEndX = RadialX + Radius
AreaEndZ = RadialZ + Radius
PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Radial data", "RadialX")
PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Radial data", "RadialZ")
PLUGIN.IniFile:DeleteValue("Radial data", "Radius")
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Radial data", "RadialX", RadialX)
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Radial data", "RadialZ", RadialZ)
PLUGIN.IniFile:SetValueI("Radial data", "Radius", Radius)
if (OPERATION_CODE == 0) then
elseif (OPERATION_CODE == 1) then
Content = ProcessingContent()
return Content
@ -214,7 +231,7 @@ function HandleRequest_Generation( Request )
Content = Content .. "</form>"
Content = Content .. "<h4>Radial: </h4>Center X, Center Z, Raduis (0 to any)"
Content = Content .. "<h4>Radial: </h4>Center X, Center Z, Radius"
Content = Content .. "<form method='POST'>"
Content = Content .. "<input type='text' name='FormRadialX' value='" .. RadialX .. "'><input type='text' name='FormRadialZ' value='" .. RadialZ .. "'><input type='text' name='FormRadius' value='" .. Radius .. "'>"
Content = Content .. "<input type='submit' name='StartRadial' value='Start'>"
@ -42,34 +42,33 @@ using namespace std;
cIniFile::cIniFile(const string & a_Path) :
cIniFile::cIniFile(void) :
bool cIniFile::ReadFile(bool a_AllowExampleRedirect)
bool cIniFile::ReadFile(const AString & a_FileName, bool a_AllowExampleRedirect)
// Normally you would use ifstream, but the SGI CC compiler has
// a few bugs with ifstream. So ... fstream used.
fstream f;
string line;
string keyname, valuename, value;
string::size_type pLeft, pRight;
AString line;
AString keyname, valuename, value;
AString::size_type pLeft, pRight;
bool IsFromExampleRedirect = false;
|||| + m_Path).c_str(), ios::in);
|||| + a_FileName).c_str(), ios::in);
if (
if (a_AllowExampleRedirect)
// Retry with the .example.ini file instead of .ini:
string ExPath(m_Path.substr(0, m_Path.length() - 4));
AString ExPath(a_FileName.substr(0, a_FileName.length() - 4));
|||| + ExPath).c_str(), ios::in);
if (
@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ bool cIniFile::ReadFile(bool a_AllowExampleRedirect)
// Note that the '\r' will be written to INI files from
// Unix so that the created INI file can be read under Win32
// without change.
unsigned int lineLength = line.length();
size_t lineLength = line.length();
if (lineLength == 0)
@ -114,7 +113,7 @@ bool cIniFile::ReadFile(bool a_AllowExampleRedirect)
return false;
if ((pLeft = line.find_first_of(";#[=")) == string::npos)
if ((pLeft = line.find_first_of(";#[=")) == AString::npos)
@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ bool cIniFile::ReadFile(bool a_AllowExampleRedirect)
case '[':
if (
((pRight = line.find_last_of("]")) != string::npos) &&
((pRight = line.find_last_of("]")) != AString::npos) &&
(pRight > pLeft)
@ -147,11 +146,11 @@ bool cIniFile::ReadFile(bool a_AllowExampleRedirect)
if (names.size() == 0)
HeaderComment(line.substr(pLeft + 1));
AddHeaderComment(line.substr(pLeft + 1));
KeyComment(keyname, line.substr(pLeft + 1));
AddKeyComment(keyname, line.substr(pLeft + 1));
@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ bool cIniFile::ReadFile(bool a_AllowExampleRedirect)
if (IsFromExampleRedirect)
WriteFile(FILE_IO_PREFIX + a_FileName);
return true;
@ -175,42 +174,42 @@ bool cIniFile::ReadFile(bool a_AllowExampleRedirect)
bool cIniFile::WriteFile(void) const
bool cIniFile::WriteFile(const AString & a_FileName) const
unsigned commentID, keyID, valueID;
// Normally you would use ofstream, but the SGI CC compiler has
// a few bugs with ofstream. So ... fstream used.
fstream f;
|||| + m_Path).c_str(), ios::out);
|||| + a_FileName).c_str(), ios::out);
if (
return false;
// Write header comments.
for (commentID = 0; commentID < comments.size(); ++commentID)
size_t NumComments = comments.size();
for (size_t commentID = 0; commentID < NumComments; ++commentID)
f << ';' << comments[commentID] << iniEOL;
if (comments.size())
if (NumComments > 0)
f << iniEOL;
// Write keys and values.
for (keyID = 0; keyID < keys.size(); ++keyID)
for (size_t keyID = 0; keyID < keys.size(); ++keyID)
f << '[' << names[keyID] << ']' << iniEOL;
// Comments.
for (commentID = 0; commentID < keys[keyID].comments.size(); ++commentID)
for (size_t commentID = 0; commentID < keys[keyID].comments.size(); ++commentID)
f << ';' << keys[keyID].comments[commentID] << iniEOL;
// Values.
for (valueID = 0; valueID < keys[keyID].names.size(); ++valueID)
for (size_t valueID = 0; valueID < keys[keyID].names.size(); ++valueID)
f << keys[keyID].names[valueID] << '=' << keys[keyID].values[valueID] << iniEOL;
@ -225,14 +224,14 @@ bool cIniFile::WriteFile(void) const
long cIniFile::FindKey(const string & a_KeyName) const
int cIniFile::FindKey(const AString & a_KeyName) const
string CaseKeyName = CheckCase(a_KeyName);
for (unsigned keyID = 0; keyID < names.size(); ++keyID)
AString CaseKeyName = CheckCase(a_KeyName);
for (size_t keyID = 0; keyID < names.size(); ++keyID)
if (CheckCase(names[keyID]) == CaseKeyName)
return long(keyID);
return keyID;
return noID;
@ -242,19 +241,19 @@ long cIniFile::FindKey(const string & a_KeyName) const
long cIniFile::FindValue(unsigned const keyID, const string & a_ValueName) const
int cIniFile::FindValue(const int keyID, const AString & a_ValueName) const
if (!keys.size() || (keyID >= keys.size()))
if (!keys.size() || (keyID >= (int)keys.size()))
return noID;
string CaseValueName = CheckCase(a_ValueName);
for (unsigned valueID = 0; valueID < keys[keyID].names.size(); ++valueID)
AString CaseValueName = CheckCase(a_ValueName);
for (size_t valueID = 0; valueID < keys[keyID].names.size(); ++valueID)
if (CheckCase(keys[keyID].names[valueID]) == CaseValueName)
return long(valueID);
return int(valueID);
return noID;
@ -264,7 +263,7 @@ long cIniFile::FindValue(unsigned const keyID, const string & a_ValueName) const
unsigned cIniFile::AddKeyName(const string & keyname)
int cIniFile::AddKeyName(const AString & keyname)
names.resize(names.size() + 1, keyname);
keys.resize(keys.size() + 1);
@ -275,9 +274,9 @@ unsigned cIniFile::AddKeyName(const string & keyname)
string cIniFile::KeyName(unsigned const keyID) const
AString cIniFile::GetKeyName(const int keyID) const
if (keyID < names.size())
if (keyID < (int)names.size())
return names[keyID];
@ -291,11 +290,11 @@ string cIniFile::KeyName(unsigned const keyID) const
unsigned cIniFile::NumValues(unsigned const keyID)
int cIniFile::GetNumValues(const int keyID) const
if (keyID < keys.size())
if (keyID < (int)keys.size())
return keys[keyID].names.size();
return (int)keys[keyID].names.size();
return 0;
@ -304,23 +303,23 @@ unsigned cIniFile::NumValues(unsigned const keyID)
unsigned cIniFile::NumValues(const string & keyname)
int cIniFile::GetNumValues(const AString & keyname) const
long keyID = FindKey(keyname);
int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
if (keyID == noID)
return 0;
return keys[keyID].names.size();
return (int)keys[keyID].names.size();
string cIniFile::ValueName(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID) const
AString cIniFile::GetValueName(const int keyID, const int valueID) const
if (keyID < keys.size() && valueID < keys[keyID].names.size())
if ((keyID < (int)keys.size()) && (valueID < (int)keys[keyID].names.size()))
return keys[keyID].names[valueID];
@ -331,23 +330,23 @@ string cIniFile::ValueName(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID) const
string cIniFile::ValueName(const string & keyname, unsigned const valueID) const
AString cIniFile::GetValueName(const AString & keyname, const int valueID) const
long keyID = FindKey(keyname);
int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
if (keyID == noID)
return "";
return ValueName(keyID, valueID);
return GetValueName(keyID, valueID);
bool cIniFile::SetValue(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID, const string & value)
bool cIniFile::SetValue(const int keyID, const int valueID, const AString & value)
if ((keyID < keys.size()) && (valueID < keys[keyID].names.size()))
if ((keyID < (int)keys.size()) && (valueID < (int)keys[keyID].names.size()))
keys[keyID].values[valueID] = value;
@ -358,14 +357,14 @@ bool cIniFile::SetValue(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID, const stri
bool cIniFile::SetValue(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, const string & value, bool const create)
bool cIniFile::SetValue(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const AString & value, bool const create)
long keyID = FindKey(keyname);
int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
if (keyID == noID)
if (create)
keyID = long(AddKeyName(keyname));
keyID = int(AddKeyName(keyname));
@ -373,7 +372,7 @@ bool cIniFile::SetValue(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, const
long valueID = FindValue(unsigned(keyID), valuename);
int valueID = FindValue(int(keyID), valuename);
if (valueID == noID)
if (!create)
@ -403,7 +402,7 @@ bool cIniFile::SetValue(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, const
bool cIniFile::SetValueI(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, int const value, bool const create)
bool cIniFile::SetValueI(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const int value, bool const create)
AString Data;
Printf(Data, "%d", value);
@ -414,7 +413,7 @@ bool cIniFile::SetValueI(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, int c
bool cIniFile::SetValueF(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, double const value, bool const create)
bool cIniFile::SetValueF(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, double const value, bool const create)
AString Data;
Printf(Data, "%f", value);
@ -425,7 +424,7 @@ bool cIniFile::SetValueF(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, doubl
bool cIniFile::SetValueV(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, char * format, ...)
bool cIniFile::SetValueV(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, char * format, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
@ -440,9 +439,9 @@ bool cIniFile::SetValueV(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, char
string cIniFile::GetValue(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID, const string & defValue) const
AString cIniFile::GetValue(const int keyID, const int valueID, const AString & defValue) const
if ((keyID < keys.size()) && (valueID < keys[keyID].names.size()))
if ((keyID < (int)keys.size()) && (valueID < (int)keys[keyID].names.size()))
return keys[keyID].values[valueID];
@ -453,15 +452,15 @@ string cIniFile::GetValue(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID, const st
string cIniFile::GetValue(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, const string & defValue) const
AString cIniFile::GetValue(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const AString & defValue) const
long keyID = FindKey(keyname);
int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
if (keyID == noID)
return defValue;
long valueID = FindValue(unsigned(keyID), valuename);
int valueID = FindValue(int(keyID), valuename);
if (valueID == noID)
return defValue;
@ -474,7 +473,7 @@ string cIniFile::GetValue(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, cons
int cIniFile::GetValueI(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, int const defValue) const
int cIniFile::GetValueI(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const int defValue) const
AString Data;
Printf(Data, "%d", defValue);
@ -485,7 +484,7 @@ int cIniFile::GetValueI(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, int co
double cIniFile::GetValueF(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, double const defValue) const
double cIniFile::GetValueF(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, double const defValue) const
AString Data;
Printf(Data, "%f", defValue);
@ -498,14 +497,14 @@ double cIniFile::GetValueF(const string & keyname, const string & valuename, dou
AString cIniFile::GetValueSet(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const AString & defValue)
long keyID = FindKey(keyname);
int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
if (keyID == noID)
SetValue(keyname, valuename, defValue);
return defValue;
long valueID = FindValue(unsigned(keyID), valuename);
int valueID = FindValue(int(keyID), valuename);
if (valueID == noID)
SetValue(keyname, valuename, defValue);
@ -541,13 +540,13 @@ int cIniFile::GetValueSetI(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, c
bool cIniFile::DeleteValueByID(const unsigned keyID, const unsigned valueID)
bool cIniFile::DeleteValueByID(const int keyID, const int valueID)
if (keyID < keys.size() && valueID < keys[keyID].names.size())
if ((keyID < (int)keys.size()) && (valueID < (int)keys[keyID].names.size()))
// This looks strange, but is neccessary.
vector<string>::iterator npos = keys[keyID].names.begin() + valueID;
vector<string>::iterator vpos = keys[keyID].values.begin() + valueID;
vector<AString>::iterator npos = keys[keyID].names.begin() + valueID;
vector<AString>::iterator vpos = keys[keyID].values.begin() + valueID;
keys[keyID].names.erase(npos, npos + 1);
keys[keyID].values.erase(vpos, vpos + 1);
return true;
@ -559,15 +558,15 @@ bool cIniFile::DeleteValueByID(const unsigned keyID, const unsigned valueID)
bool cIniFile::DeleteValue(const string & keyname, const string & valuename)
bool cIniFile::DeleteValue(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename)
long keyID = FindKey(keyname);
int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
if (keyID == noID)
return false;
long valueID = FindValue(unsigned(keyID), valuename);
int valueID = FindValue(int(keyID), valuename);
if (valueID == noID)
return false;
@ -580,15 +579,15 @@ bool cIniFile::DeleteValue(const string & keyname, const string & valuename)
bool cIniFile::DeleteKey(const string & keyname)
bool cIniFile::DeleteKey(const AString & keyname)
long keyID = FindKey(keyname);
int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
if (keyID == noID)
return false;
vector<string>::iterator npos = names.begin() + keyID;
vector<AString>::iterator npos = names.begin() + keyID;
vector<key>::iterator kpos = keys.begin() + keyID;
names.erase(npos, npos + 1);
keys.erase(kpos, kpos + 1);
@ -611,7 +610,7 @@ void cIniFile::Clear(void)
void cIniFile::HeaderComment(const string & comment)
void cIniFile::AddHeaderComment(const AString & comment)
// comments.resize(comments.size() + 1, comment);
@ -621,9 +620,9 @@ void cIniFile::HeaderComment(const string & comment)
string cIniFile::HeaderComment(unsigned const commentID) const
AString cIniFile::GetHeaderComment(const int commentID) const
if (commentID < comments.size())
if (commentID < (int)comments.size())
return comments[commentID];
@ -634,11 +633,11 @@ string cIniFile::HeaderComment(unsigned const commentID) const
bool cIniFile::DeleteHeaderComment(unsigned commentID)
bool cIniFile::DeleteHeaderComment(int commentID)
if (commentID < comments.size())
if (commentID < (int)comments.size())
vector<string>::iterator cpos = comments.begin() + commentID;
vector<AString>::iterator cpos = comments.begin() + commentID;
comments.erase(cpos, cpos + 1);
return true;
@ -649,9 +648,9 @@ bool cIniFile::DeleteHeaderComment(unsigned commentID)
unsigned cIniFile::NumKeyComments(unsigned const keyID) const
int cIniFile::GetNumKeyComments(const int keyID) const
if (keyID < keys.size())
if (keyID < (int)keys.size())
return keys[keyID].comments.size();
@ -662,21 +661,23 @@ unsigned cIniFile::NumKeyComments(unsigned const keyID) const
unsigned cIniFile::NumKeyComments(const string & keyname) const
int cIniFile::GetNumKeyComments(const AString & keyname) const
long keyID = FindKey(keyname);
int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
if (keyID == noID)
return 0;
return keys[keyID].comments.size();
return (int)keys[keyID].comments.size();
bool cIniFile::KeyComment(unsigned const keyID, const string & comment)
bool cIniFile::AddKeyComment(const int keyID, const AString & comment)
if (keyID < keys.size())
if (keyID < (int)keys.size())
keys[keyID].comments.resize(keys[keyID].comments.size() + 1, comment);
return true;
@ -688,23 +689,23 @@ bool cIniFile::KeyComment(unsigned const keyID, const string & comment)
bool cIniFile::KeyComment(const string & keyname, const string & comment)
bool cIniFile::AddKeyComment(const AString & keyname, const AString & comment)
long keyID = FindKey(keyname);
int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
if (keyID == noID)
return false;
return KeyComment(unsigned(keyID), comment);
return AddKeyComment(keyID, comment);
string cIniFile::KeyComment(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const commentID) const
AString cIniFile::GetKeyComment(const int keyID, const int commentID) const
if ((keyID < keys.size()) && (commentID < keys[keyID].comments.size()))
if ((keyID < (int)keys.size()) && (commentID < (int)keys[keyID].comments.size()))
return keys[keyID].comments[commentID];
@ -715,25 +716,25 @@ string cIniFile::KeyComment(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const commentID) cons
string cIniFile::KeyComment(const string & keyname, unsigned const commentID) const
AString cIniFile::GetKeyComment(const AString & keyname, const int commentID) const
long keyID = FindKey(keyname);
int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
if (keyID == noID)
return "";
return KeyComment(unsigned(keyID), commentID);
return GetKeyComment(int(keyID), commentID);
bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComment(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const commentID)
bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComment(const int keyID, const int commentID)
if ((keyID < keys.size()) && (commentID < keys[keyID].comments.size()))
if ((keyID < (int)keys.size()) && (commentID < (int)keys[keyID].comments.size()))
vector<string>::iterator cpos = keys[keyID].comments.begin() + commentID;
vector<AString>::iterator cpos = keys[keyID].comments.begin() + commentID;
keys[keyID].comments.erase(cpos, cpos + 1);
return true;
@ -744,23 +745,23 @@ bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComment(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const commentID)
bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComment(const string & keyname, unsigned const commentID)
bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComment(const AString & keyname, const int commentID)
long keyID = FindKey(keyname);
int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
if (keyID == noID)
return false;
return DeleteKeyComment(unsigned(keyID), commentID);
return DeleteKeyComment(int(keyID), commentID);
bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComments(unsigned const keyID)
bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComments(const int keyID)
if (keyID < keys.size())
if (keyID < (int)keys.size())
return true;
@ -772,27 +773,27 @@ bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComments(unsigned const keyID)
bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComments(const string & keyname)
bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComments(const AString & keyname)
long keyID = FindKey(keyname);
int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
if (keyID == noID)
return false;
return DeleteKeyComments(unsigned(keyID));
return DeleteKeyComments(int(keyID));
string cIniFile::CheckCase(const string & s) const
AString cIniFile::CheckCase(const AString & s) const
if (!m_IsCaseInsensitive)
return s;
string res(s);
AString res(s);
size_t len = res.length();
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
@ -36,21 +36,20 @@ class cIniFile
bool m_IsCaseInsensitive;
std::string m_Path;
struct key
std::vector<std::string> names;
std::vector<std::string> values;
std::vector<std::string> comments;
std::vector<AString> names;
std::vector<AString> values;
std::vector<AString> comments;
} ;
std::vector<key> keys;
std::vector<std::string> names;
std::vector<std::string> comments;
std::vector<key> keys;
std::vector<AString> names;
std::vector<AString> comments;
/// If the object is case-insensitive, returns s as lowercase; otherwise returns s as-is
std::string CheckCase(const std::string & s) const;
AString CheckCase(const AString & s) const;
enum errors
@ -58,79 +57,60 @@ public:
noID = -1,
/// Creates a new instance; sets m_Path to a_Path, but doesn't read the file
cIniFile(const std::string & a_Path = "");
/// Creates a new instance with no data
// Sets whether or not keynames and valuenames should be case sensitive.
// The default is case insensitive.
void CaseSensitive (void) { m_IsCaseInsensitive = false; }
void CaseInsensitive(void) { m_IsCaseInsensitive = true; }
// Sets path of ini file to read and write from.
void Path(const std::string & newPath) {m_Path = newPath;}
const std::string & Path(void) const {return m_Path;}
void SetPath(const std::string & newPath) {Path(newPath);}
/** Reads the ini file specified in m_Path
/** Reads the contents of the specified ini file
If the file doesn't exist and a_AllowExampleRedirect is true, tries to read <basename>.example.ini, and
writes its contents as <basename>.ini, if successful.
Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool ReadFile(bool a_AllowExampleRedirect = true);
bool ReadFile(const AString & a_FileName, bool a_AllowExampleRedirect = true);
/// Writes data stored in class to ini file specified in m_Path
bool WriteFile(void) const;
/// Writes data stored in class to the specified ini file
bool WriteFile(const AString & a_FileName) const;
/// Deletes all stored ini data (but doesn't touch the file)
void Clear(void);
void Reset(void) { Clear(); }
void Erase(void) { Clear(); } // OBSOLETE, this name is misguiding and will be removed from the interface
/// Returns index of specified key, or noID if not found
long FindKey(const std::string & keyname) const;
int FindKey(const AString & keyname) const;
/// Returns index of specified value, in the specified key, or noID if not found
long FindValue(const unsigned keyID, const std::string & valuename) const;
int FindValue(const int keyID, const AString & valuename) const;
/// Returns number of keys currently in the ini
unsigned NumKeys (void) const {return names.size();}
unsigned GetNumKeys(void) const {return NumKeys();}
int GetNumKeys(void) const { return (int)keys.size(); }
/// Add a key name
unsigned AddKeyName(const std::string & keyname);
int AddKeyName(const AString & keyname);
// Returns key names by index.
std::string KeyName(const unsigned keyID) const;
std::string GetKeyName(const unsigned keyID) const {return KeyName(keyID);}
AString GetKeyName(const int keyID) const;
// Returns number of values stored for specified key.
unsigned NumValues (const std::string & keyname);
unsigned GetNumValues(const std::string & keyname) {return NumValues(keyname);}
unsigned NumValues (const unsigned keyID);
unsigned GetNumValues(const unsigned keyID) {return NumValues(keyID);}
int GetNumValues(const AString & keyname) const;
int GetNumValues(const int keyID) const;
// Returns value name by index for a given keyname or keyID.
std::string ValueName( const std::string & keyname, const unsigned valueID) const;
std::string GetValueName( const std::string & keyname, const unsigned valueID) const
return ValueName(keyname, valueID);
std::string ValueName (const unsigned keyID, const unsigned valueID) const;
std::string GetValueName(const unsigned keyID, const unsigned valueID) const
return ValueName(keyID, valueID);
AString GetValueName(const AString & keyname, const int valueID) const;
AString GetValueName(const int keyID, const int valueID) const;
// Gets value of [keyname] valuename =.
// Overloaded to return string, int, and double.
// Returns defValue if key/value not found.
AString GetValue (const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const AString & defValue = "") const;
AString GetValue (const unsigned keyID, const unsigned valueID, const AString & defValue = "") const;
AString GetValue (const int keyID, const int valueID, const AString & defValue = "") const;
double GetValueF(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const double defValue = 0) const;
int GetValueI(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const int defValue = 0) const;
bool GetValueB(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const bool defValue = false) const
return (GetValueI(keyname, valuename, int(defValue)) > 0);
return (GetValueI(keyname, valuename, defValue ? 1 : 0) != 0);
// Gets the value; if not found, write the default to the INI file
@ -139,50 +119,54 @@ public:
int GetValueSetI(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const int defValue = 0);
bool GetValueSetB(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const bool defValue = false)
return (GetValueSetI(keyname, valuename, defValue ? 1 : 0) > 0);
return (GetValueSetI(keyname, valuename, defValue ? 1 : 0) != 0);
// Sets value of [keyname] valuename =.
// Specify the optional paramter as false (0) if you do not want it to create
// the key if it doesn't exist. Returns true if data entered, false otherwise.
// Overloaded to accept string, int, and double.
bool SetValue( const unsigned keyID, const unsigned valueID, const std::string & value);
bool SetValue( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, const std::string & value, const bool create = true);
bool SetValueI( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, const int value, const bool create = true);
bool SetValueB( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, const bool value, const bool create = true)
bool SetValue( const int keyID, const int valueID, const AString & value);
bool SetValue( const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const AString & value, const bool create = true);
bool SetValueI( const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const int value, const bool create = true);
bool SetValueB( const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const bool value, const bool create = true)
return SetValueI( keyname, valuename, int(value), create);
bool SetValueF( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, const double value, const bool create = true);
bool SetValueF( const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const double value, const bool create = true);
// tolua_end
bool SetValueV( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename, char *format, ...);
bool SetValueV( const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, char *format, ...);
// tolua_begin
// Deletes specified value.
// Returns true if value existed and deleted, false otherwise.
bool DeleteValueByID( const unsigned keyID, const unsigned valueID );
bool DeleteValue( const std::string & keyname, const std::string & valuename);
bool DeleteValueByID(const int keyID, const int valueID);
bool DeleteValue(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename);
// Deletes specified key and all values contained within.
// Returns true if key existed and deleted, false otherwise.
bool DeleteKey(const std::string & keyname);
bool DeleteKey(const AString & keyname);
// Header comment functions.
// Header comments are those comments before the first key.
// Number of header comments.
unsigned NumHeaderComments(void) {return comments.size();}
// Add a header comment.
void HeaderComment(const std::string & comment);
// Return a header comment.
std::string HeaderComment(const unsigned commentID) const;
// Delete a header comment.
bool DeleteHeaderComment(unsigned commentID);
// Delete all header comments.
void DeleteHeaderComments(void) {comments.clear();}
/// Returns the number of header comments
int GetNumHeaderComments(void) {return (int)comments.size();}
/// Adds a header comment
void AddHeaderComment(const AString & comment);
/// Returns a header comment, or empty string if out of range
AString GetHeaderComment(const int commentID) const;
/// Deletes a header comment. Returns true if successful
bool DeleteHeaderComment(int commentID);
/// Deletes all header comments
void DeleteHeaderComments(void) {comments.clear();}
// Key comment functions.
@ -190,26 +174,30 @@ public:
// defined within value names will be added to this list. Therefore,
// these comments will be moved to the top of the key definition when
// the CIniFile::WriteFile() is called.
// Number of key comments.
unsigned NumKeyComments( const unsigned keyID) const;
unsigned NumKeyComments( const std::string & keyname) const;
// Add a key comment.
bool KeyComment(const unsigned keyID, const std::string & comment);
bool KeyComment(const std::string & keyname, const std::string & comment);
/// Get number of key comments
int GetNumKeyComments(const int keyID) const;
// Return a key comment.
std::string KeyComment(const unsigned keyID, const unsigned commentID) const;
std::string KeyComment(const std::string & keyname, const unsigned commentID) const;
/// Get number of key comments
int GetNumKeyComments(const AString & keyname) const;
/// Add a key comment
bool AddKeyComment(const int keyID, const AString & comment);
/// Add a key comment
bool AddKeyComment(const AString & keyname, const AString & comment);
/// Return a key comment
AString GetKeyComment(const int keyID, const int commentID) const;
AString GetKeyComment(const AString & keyname, const int commentID) const;
// Delete a key comment.
bool DeleteKeyComment(const unsigned keyID, const unsigned commentID);
bool DeleteKeyComment(const std::string & keyname, const unsigned commentID);
bool DeleteKeyComment(const int keyID, const int commentID);
bool DeleteKeyComment(const AString & keyname, const int commentID);
// Delete all comments for a key.
bool DeleteKeyComments(const unsigned keyID);
bool DeleteKeyComments(const std::string & keyname);
bool DeleteKeyComments(const int keyID);
bool DeleteKeyComments(const AString & keyname);
// tolua_end
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ cAuthenticator::~cAuthenticator()
/// Read custom values from INI
void cAuthenticator::ReadINI(void)
cIniFile IniFile("settings.ini");
if (!IniFile.ReadFile())
cIniFile IniFile;
if (!IniFile.ReadFile("settings.ini"))
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void cAuthenticator::ReadINI(void)
if (bSave)
IniFile.SetValueB("Authentication", "Authenticate", m_ShouldAuthenticate);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
** Lua binding: AllToLua
** Generated automatically by tolua++-1.0.92 on 10/24/13 16:43:15.
** Generated automatically by tolua++-1.0.92 on 10/25/13 11:34:58.
/* Exported function */
@ -42,20 +42,20 @@ class cBlockIDMap
cIniFile Ini("items.ini");
if (!Ini.ReadFile())
cIniFile Ini;
if (!Ini.ReadFile("items.ini"))
long KeyID = Ini.FindKey("Items");
int KeyID = Ini.FindKey("Items");
if (KeyID == cIniFile::noID)
unsigned NumValues = Ini.GetNumValues(KeyID);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumValues; i++)
int NumValues = Ini.GetNumValues(KeyID);
for (int i = 0; i < NumValues; i++)
AString Name = Ini.ValueName(KeyID, i);
AString Name = Ini.GetValueName(KeyID, i);
if (Name.empty())
@ -1224,11 +1224,11 @@ void cPlayer::LoadPermissionsFromDisk()
cIniFile IniFile("users.ini");
if( IniFile.ReadFile() )
cIniFile IniFile;
if (IniFile.ReadFile("users.ini"))
std::string Groups = IniFile.GetValue(m_PlayerName, "Groups", "");
if( Groups.size() > 0 )
if (!Groups.empty())
AStringVector Split = StringSplit( Groups, "," );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Split.size(); i++ )
@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ void cPlayer::LoadPermissionsFromDisk()
LOGWARN("WARNING: Failed to read ini file users.ini");
LOGWARN("Failed to read the users.ini file. The player will be added only to the Default group.");
@ -75,8 +75,6 @@ bool cChunkGenerator::Start(cWorld * a_World, cIniFile & a_IniFile)
m_Generator->Initialize(a_World, a_IniFile);
return super::Start();
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ cGroupManager::cGroupManager()
: m_pState( new sGroupManagerState )
LOGD("-- Loading Groups --");
cIniFile IniFile("groups.ini");
if (!IniFile.ReadFile())
cIniFile IniFile;
if (!IniFile.ReadFile("groups.ini"))
LOGWARNING("groups.ini inaccessible, no groups are defined");
@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ cMonsterConfig::~cMonsterConfig()
void cMonsterConfig::Initialize()
cIniFile MonstersIniFile("monsters.ini");
cIniFile MonstersIniFile;
if (!MonstersIniFile.ReadFile())
if (!MonstersIniFile.ReadFile("monsters.ini"))
LOGWARNING("%s: Cannot read monsters.ini file, monster attributes not available", __FUNCTION__);
for (int i = (int)MonstersIniFile.NumKeys(); i >= 0; i--)
for (int i = (int)MonstersIniFile.GetNumKeys(); i >= 0; i--)
sAttributesStruct Attributes;
AString Name = MonstersIniFile.KeyName(i);
AString Name = MonstersIniFile.GetKeyName(i);
Attributes.m_Name = Name;
Attributes.m_AttackDamage = MonstersIniFile.GetValueF(Name, "AttackDamage", 0);
Attributes.m_AttackRange = MonstersIniFile.GetValueF(Name, "AttackRange", 0);
@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ void cPluginManager::ReloadPluginsNow(void)
cIniFile IniFile("settings.ini");
if (!IniFile.ReadFile())
cIniFile IniFile;
if (!IniFile.ReadFile("settings.ini"))
LOGWARNING("cPluginManager: Can't find settings.ini, so can't load any plugins.");
@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ void cRoot::Start(void)
m_Server = new cServer();
LOG("Reading server config...");
cIniFile IniFile("settings.ini");
if (!IniFile.ReadFile())
cIniFile IniFile;
if (!IniFile.ReadFile("settings.ini"))
LOGWARNING("settings.ini inaccessible, all settings are reset to default values");
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ void cRoot::Start(void)
LOGERROR("Failure starting server, aborting...");
m_WebAdmin = new cWebAdmin();
@ -247,7 +247,8 @@ void cRoot::LoadGlobalSettings()
void cRoot::LoadWorlds(void)
cIniFile IniFile("settings.ini"); IniFile.ReadFile();
cIniFile IniFile;
IniFile.ReadFile("settings.ini"); // Doesn't matter if success or not
// First get the default world
AString DefaultWorldName = IniFile.GetValueSet("Worlds", "DefaultWorld", "world");
@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ public:
cWebAdmin::cWebAdmin(void) :
@ -86,19 +85,19 @@ void cWebAdmin::RemovePlugin( cWebPlugin * a_Plugin )
bool cWebAdmin::Init(void)
if (!m_IniFile.ReadFile())
if (!m_IniFile.ReadFile("webadmin.ini"))
return false;
LOG("Initialising WebAdmin...");
if (!m_IniFile.GetValueSetB("WebAdmin", "Enabled", true))
// WebAdmin is disabled, bail out faking a success
return true;
LOG("Initialising WebAdmin...");
AString PortsIPv4 = m_IniFile.GetValueSet("WebAdmin", "Port", "8080");
AString PortsIPv6 = m_IniFile.GetValueSet("WebAdmin", "PortsIPv6", "");
@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ void cWorld::Start(void)
m_SpawnZ = (double)((m_TickRand.randInt() % 1000) - 500);
m_GameMode = eGameMode_Creative;
cIniFile IniFile(m_IniFileName);
if (!IniFile.ReadFile())
cIniFile IniFile;
if (!IniFile.ReadFile(m_IniFileName))
LOGWARNING("Cannot read world settings from \"%s\", defaults will be used.", m_IniFileName.c_str());
@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ void cWorld::Start(void)
// Save any changes that the defaults may have done to the ini file:
if (!IniFile.WriteFile())
if (!IniFile.WriteFile(m_IniFileName))
LOGWARNING("Could not write world config to %s", m_IniFileName.c_str());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user