Merge pull request #1135 from mc-server/fixes
Fixes to projectiles and the undead
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,26 +72,24 @@ bool cArrowEntity::CanPickup(const cPlayer & a_Player) const
void cArrowEntity::OnHitSolidBlock(const Vector3d & a_HitPos, eBlockFace a_HitFace)
if (a_HitFace == BLOCK_FACE_NONE) { return; }
super::OnHitSolidBlock(a_HitPos, a_HitFace);
int a_X = (int)a_HitPos.x, a_Y = (int)a_HitPos.y, a_Z = (int)a_HitPos.z;
switch (a_HitFace)
if (GetSpeed().EqualsEps(Vector3d(0, 0, 0), 0.0000001))
case BLOCK_FACE_XM: // Strangely, bounding boxes / block tracers return the actual block for these two directions, so AddFace not needed
default: AddFaceDirection(a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_HitFace, true);
SetSpeed(GetLookVector().NormalizeCopy() * 0.1); // Ensure that no division by zero happens later
m_HitBlockPos = Vector3i(a_X, a_Y, a_Z);
Vector3d Hit = a_HitPos;
Vector3d SinkMovement = (GetSpeed() / 800);
Hit += (SinkMovement * 0.01) / SinkMovement.Length(); // Make arrow sink into block a centimetre so it lodges (but not to far so it goes black clientside)
super::OnHitSolidBlock(Hit, a_HitFace);
Vector3i BlockHit = Hit.Floor();
int X = BlockHit.x, Y = BlockHit.y, Z = BlockHit.z;
m_HitBlockPos = Vector3i(X, Y, Z);
// Broadcast arrow hit sound
m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect("random.bowhit", (int)GetPosX() * 8, (int)GetPosY() * 8, (int)GetPosZ() * 8, 0.5f, (float)(0.75 + ((float)((GetUniqueID() * 23) % 32)) / 64));
m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect("random.bowhit", X * 8, Y * 8, Z * 8, 0.5f, (float)(0.75 + ((float)((GetUniqueID() * 23) % 32)) / 64));
@ -99,13 +97,7 @@ void cArrowEntity::OnHitSolidBlock(const Vector3d & a_HitPos, eBlockFace a_HitFa
void cArrowEntity::OnHitEntity(cEntity & a_EntityHit, const Vector3d & a_HitPos)
if (!a_EntityHit.IsMob() && !a_EntityHit.IsMinecart() && !a_EntityHit.IsPlayer() && !a_EntityHit.IsBoat())
// Not an entity that interacts with an arrow
int Damage = (int)(GetSpeed().Length() / 20 * m_DamageCoeff + 0.5);
if (m_IsCritical)
@ -194,7 +186,7 @@ void cArrowEntity::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
if (!m_HasTeleported) // Sent a teleport already, don't do again
if (m_HitGroundTimer > 1000.f) // Send after a second, could be less, but just in case
if (m_HitGroundTimer > 500.f) // Send after half a second, could be less, but just in case
m_HasTeleported = true;
@ -58,8 +58,14 @@ public:
/// Sets the IsCritical flag
void SetIsCritical(bool a_IsCritical) { m_IsCritical = a_IsCritical; }
/** Gets the block arrow is in */
Vector3i GetBlockHit(void) const { return m_HitBlockPos; }
// tolua_end
/** Sets the block arrow is in. To be used by the MCA loader only! */
void SetBlockHit(const Vector3i & a_BlockHit) { m_HitBlockPos = a_BlockHit; }
@ -1479,8 +1479,7 @@ void cEntity::SetWidth(double a_Width)
void cEntity::AddPosX(double a_AddPosX)
m_Pos.x += a_AddPosX;
m_Pos.x += a_AddPosX;
@ -1488,8 +1487,7 @@ void cEntity::AddPosX(double a_AddPosX)
void cEntity::AddPosY(double a_AddPosY)
m_Pos.y += a_AddPosY;
m_Pos.y += a_AddPosY;
@ -1497,8 +1495,7 @@ void cEntity::AddPosY(double a_AddPosY)
void cEntity::AddPosZ(double a_AddPosZ)
m_Pos.z += a_AddPosZ;
m_Pos.z += a_AddPosZ;
@ -1508,8 +1505,7 @@ void cEntity::AddPosition(double a_AddPosX, double a_AddPosY, double a_AddPosZ)
m_Pos.x += a_AddPosX;
m_Pos.y += a_AddPosY;
m_Pos.z += a_AddPosZ;
m_Pos.z += a_AddPosZ;
@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ public:
void AddPosY (double a_AddPosY);
void AddPosZ (double a_AddPosZ);
void AddPosition(double a_AddPosX, double a_AddPosY, double a_AddPosZ);
void AddPosition(const Vector3d & a_AddPos) { AddPosition(a_AddPos.x,a_AddPos.y,a_AddPos.z);}
void AddPosition(const Vector3d & a_AddPos) { AddPosition(a_AddPos.x, a_AddPos.y, a_AddPos.z); }
void AddSpeed (double a_AddSpeedX, double a_AddSpeedY, double a_AddSpeedZ);
void AddSpeed (const Vector3d & a_AddSpeed) { AddSpeed(a_AddSpeed.x,a_AddSpeed.y,a_AddSpeed.z);}
void AddSpeed (const Vector3d & a_AddSpeed) { AddSpeed(a_AddSpeed.x, a_AddSpeed.y, a_AddSpeed.z); }
void AddSpeedX (double a_AddSpeedX);
void AddSpeedY (double a_AddSpeedY);
void AddSpeedZ (double a_AddSpeedZ);
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "FireChargeEntity.h"
#include "FireworkEntity.h"
#include "GhastFireballEntity.h"
#include "Player.h"
@ -67,16 +68,17 @@ protected:
if (cBlockInfo::IsSolid(a_BlockType))
// The projectile hit a solid block
// Calculate the exact hit coords:
cBoundingBox bb(a_BlockX, a_BlockX + 1, a_BlockY, a_BlockY + 1, a_BlockZ, a_BlockZ + 1);
Vector3d Line1 = m_Projectile->GetPosition();
Vector3d Line2 = Line1 + m_Projectile->GetSpeed();
double LineCoeff = 0;
eBlockFace Face;
if (bb.CalcLineIntersection(Line1, Line2, LineCoeff, Face))
// The projectile hit a solid block, calculate the exact hit coords:
cBoundingBox bb(a_BlockX, a_BlockX + 1, a_BlockY, a_BlockY + 1, a_BlockZ, a_BlockZ + 1); // Bounding box of the block hit
const Vector3d LineStart = m_Projectile->GetPosition(); // Start point for the imaginary line that goes through the block hit
const Vector3d LineEnd = LineStart + m_Projectile->GetSpeed(); // End point for the imaginary line that goes through the block hit
double LineCoeff = 0; // Used to calculate where along the line an intersection with the bounding box occurs
eBlockFace Face; // Face hit
if (bb.CalcLineIntersection(LineStart, LineEnd, LineCoeff, Face))
Vector3d Intersection = Line1 + m_Projectile->GetSpeed() * LineCoeff;
Vector3d Intersection = LineStart + m_Projectile->GetSpeed() * LineCoeff; // Point where projectile goes into the hit block
if (cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookProjectileHitBlock(*m_Projectile, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, Face, &Intersection))
return false;
@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ public:
if (
(a_Entity == m_Projectile) || // Do not check collisions with self
(a_Entity == m_Projectile->GetCreator()) // Do not check whoever shot the projectile
(a_Entity->GetUniqueID() == m_Projectile->GetCreatorUniqueID()) // Do not check whoever shot the projectile
// TODO: Don't check creator only for the first 5 ticks
@ -161,7 +163,12 @@ public:
return false;
// TODO: Some entities don't interact with the projectiles (pickups, falling blocks)
if (!a_Entity->IsMob() && !a_Entity->IsMinecart() && !a_Entity->IsPlayer() && !a_Entity->IsBoat())
// Not an entity that interacts with a projectile
return false;
if (cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookProjectileHitEntity(*m_Projectile, *a_Entity))
// A plugin disagreed.
@ -209,7 +216,10 @@ protected:
cProjectileEntity::cProjectileEntity(eKind a_Kind, cEntity * a_Creator, double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, double a_Width, double a_Height) :
super(etProjectile, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, a_Width, a_Height),
((a_Creator != NULL) ? a_Creator->GetUniqueID() : -1),
((a_Creator != NULL) ? (a_Creator->IsPlayer() ? ((cPlayer *)a_Creator)->GetName() : "") : "")
@ -221,7 +231,7 @@ cProjectileEntity::cProjectileEntity(eKind a_Kind, cEntity * a_Creator, double a
cProjectileEntity::cProjectileEntity(eKind a_Kind, cEntity * a_Creator, const Vector3d & a_Pos, const Vector3d & a_Speed, double a_Width, double a_Height) :
super(etProjectile, a_Pos.x, a_Pos.y, a_Pos.z, a_Width, a_Height),
m_CreatorData(a_Creator->GetUniqueID(), a_Creator->IsPlayer() ? ((cPlayer *)a_Creator)->GetName() : ""),
@ -298,7 +308,7 @@ AString cProjectileEntity::GetMCAClassName(void) const
case pkEgg: return "Egg";
case pkGhastFireball: return "Fireball";
case pkFireCharge: return "SmallFireball";
case pkEnderPearl: return "ThrownEnderPearl";
case pkEnderPearl: return "ThrownEnderpearl";
case pkExpBottle: return "ThrownExpBottle";
case pkSplashPotion: return "ThrownPotion";
case pkWitherSkull: return "WitherSkull";
@ -316,8 +326,9 @@ AString cProjectileEntity::GetMCAClassName(void) const
void cProjectileEntity::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk);
if (GetProjectileKind() != pkArrow) // See cArrow::Tick
// TODO: see BroadcastMovementUpdate; RelativeMove packet jerkiness affects projectiles too (cause of sympton described in cArrowEntity::Tick())
if (GetProjectileKind() != pkArrow)
@ -335,19 +346,10 @@ void cProjectileEntity::HandlePhysics(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
Vector3d PerTickSpeed = GetSpeed() / 20;
Vector3d Pos = GetPosition();
// Trace the tick's worth of movement as a line:
Vector3d NextPos = Pos + PerTickSpeed;
cProjectileTracerCallback TracerCallback(this);
if (!cLineBlockTracer::Trace(*m_World, TracerCallback, Pos, NextPos))
// Something has been hit, abort all other processing
// The tracer also checks the blocks for slowdown blocks - water and lava - and stores it for later in its SlowdownCoeff
const Vector3d PerTickSpeed = GetSpeed() / 20;
const Vector3d Pos = GetPosition();
const Vector3d NextPos = Pos + PerTickSpeed;
// Test for entity collisions:
cProjectileEntityCollisionCallback EntityCollisionCallback(this, Pos, NextPos);
@ -364,10 +366,19 @@ void cProjectileEntity::HandlePhysics(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
HitPos.x, HitPos.y, HitPos.z,
OnHitEntity(*(EntityCollisionCallback.GetHitEntity()), HitPos);
// TODO: Test the entities in the neighboring chunks, too
// Trace the tick's worth of movement as a line:
cProjectileTracerCallback TracerCallback(this);
if (!cLineBlockTracer::Trace(*m_World, TracerCallback, Pos, NextPos))
// Something has been hit, abort all other processing
// The tracer also checks the blocks for slowdown blocks - water and lava - and stores it for later in its SlowdownCoeff
// Update the position:
@ -66,8 +66,15 @@ public:
/// Returns the kind of the projectile (fast class identification)
eKind GetProjectileKind(void) const { return m_ProjectileKind; }
/// Returns the entity who created this projectile; may be NULL
cEntity * GetCreator(void) { return m_Creator; }
/** Returns the unique ID of the entity who created this projectile
May return an ID <0
int GetCreatorUniqueID(void) { return m_CreatorData.m_UniqueID; }
/** Returns the name of the player that created the projectile
Will be empty for non-player creators
AString GetCreatorName(void) const { return m_CreatorData.m_Name; }
/// Returns the string that is used as the entity type (class name) in MCA files
AString GetMCAClassName(void) const;
@ -81,10 +88,29 @@ public:
void SetIsInGround(bool a_IsInGround) { m_IsInGround = a_IsInGround; }
/** A structure that stores the Entity ID and Playername of the projectile's creator
Used to migitate invalid pointers caused by the creator being destroyed
struct CreatorData
CreatorData(int a_UniqueID, const AString & a_Name) :
const int m_UniqueID;
AString m_Name;
/** The type of projectile I am */
eKind m_ProjectileKind;
/// The entity who has created this projectile; may be NULL (e. g. for dispensers)
cEntity * m_Creator;
/** The structure for containing the entity ID and name who has created this projectile
The ID and/or name may be NULL (e.g. for dispensers/mobs)
CreatorData m_CreatorData;
/// True if the projectile has hit the ground and is stuck there
bool m_IsInGround;
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
cThrownEggEntity::cThrownEggEntity(cEntity * a_Creator, double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, const Vector3d & a_Speed) :
super(pkEgg, a_Creator, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, 0.25, 0.25)
super(pkEgg, a_Creator, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, 0.25, 0.25),
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ void cThrownEggEntity::OnHitSolidBlock(const Vector3d & a_HitPos, eBlockFace a_H
m_DestroyTimer = 2;
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ void cThrownEggEntity::OnHitEntity(cEntity & a_EntityHit, const Vector3d & a_Hit
a_EntityHit.TakeDamage(dtRangedAttack, this, TotalDamage, 1);
m_DestroyTimer = 5;
@ -30,8 +30,29 @@ protected:
// cProjectileEntity overrides:
virtual void OnHitSolidBlock(const Vector3d & a_HitPos, eBlockFace a_HitFace) override;
virtual void OnHitEntity (cEntity & a_EntityHit, const Vector3d & a_HitPos) override;
virtual void Tick (float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) override
if (m_DestroyTimer > 0)
if (m_DestroyTimer == 0)
super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk);
// Randomly decides whether to spawn a chicken where the egg lands.
void TrySpawnChicken(const Vector3d & a_HitPos);
/** Time in ticks to wait for the hit animation to begin before destroying */
int m_DestroyTimer;
} ; // tolua_export
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "ThrownEnderPearlEntity.h"
#include "Player.h"
cThrownEnderPearlEntity::cThrownEnderPearlEntity(cEntity * a_Creator, double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, const Vector3d & a_Speed) :
super(pkEnderPearl, a_Creator, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, 0.25, 0.25)
super(pkEnderPearl, a_Creator, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, 0.25, 0.25),
@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ void cThrownEnderPearlEntity::OnHitSolidBlock(const Vector3d & a_HitPos, eBlockF
// TODO: Tweak a_HitPos based on block face.
m_DestroyTimer = 2;
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ void cThrownEnderPearlEntity::OnHitEntity(cEntity & a_EntityHit, const Vector3d
a_EntityHit.TakeDamage(dtRangedAttack, this, TotalDamage, 1);
m_DestroyTimer = 5;
@ -45,10 +47,34 @@ void cThrownEnderPearlEntity::OnHitEntity(cEntity & a_EntityHit, const Vector3d
void cThrownEnderPearlEntity::TeleportCreator(const Vector3d & a_HitPos)
// Teleport the creator here, make them take 5 damage:
if (m_Creator != NULL)
if (m_CreatorData.m_Name.empty())
m_Creator->TeleportToCoords(a_HitPos.x + 0.5, a_HitPos.y + 1.7, a_HitPos.z + 0.5);
m_Creator->TakeDamage(dtEnderPearl, this, 5, 0);
class cProjectileCreatorCallbackForPlayers : public cPlayerListCallback
cProjectileCreatorCallbackForPlayers(cEntity * a_Attacker, Vector3i a_HitPos) :
virtual bool Item(cPlayer * a_Entity) override
// Teleport the creator here, make them take 5 damage:
a_Entity->TeleportToCoords(m_HitPos.x, m_HitPos.y + 0.2, m_HitPos.z);
a_Entity->TakeDamage(dtEnderPearl, m_Attacker, 5, 0);
return true;
cEntity * m_Attacker;
Vector3i m_HitPos;
cProjectileCreatorCallbackForPlayers PCCFP(this, a_HitPos);
GetWorld()->FindAndDoWithPlayer(m_CreatorData.m_Name, PCCFP);
@ -30,8 +30,29 @@ protected:
// cProjectileEntity overrides:
virtual void OnHitSolidBlock(const Vector3d & a_HitPos, eBlockFace a_HitFace) override;
virtual void OnHitEntity (cEntity & a_EntityHit, const Vector3d & a_HitPos) override;
virtual void Tick (float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) override
if (m_DestroyTimer > 0)
if (m_DestroyTimer == 0)
super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk);
// Teleports the creator where the ender pearl lands.
/** Teleports the creator where the ender pearl lands */
void TeleportCreator(const Vector3d & a_HitPos);
/** Time in ticks to wait for the hit animation to begin before destroying */
int m_DestroyTimer;
} ; // tolua_export
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
cThrownSnowballEntity::cThrownSnowballEntity(cEntity * a_Creator, double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, const Vector3d & a_Speed) :
super(pkSnowball, a_Creator, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, 0.25, 0.25)
super(pkSnowball, a_Creator, a_X, a_Y, a_Z, 0.25, 0.25),
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ cThrownSnowballEntity::cThrownSnowballEntity(cEntity * a_Creator, double a_X, do
void cThrownSnowballEntity::OnHitSolidBlock(const Vector3d & a_HitPos, eBlockFace a_HitFace)
m_DestroyTimer = 2;
@ -40,5 +41,5 @@ void cThrownSnowballEntity::OnHitEntity(cEntity & a_EntityHit, const Vector3d &
// TODO: If entity is Ender Crystal, destroy it
a_EntityHit.TakeDamage(dtRangedAttack, this, TotalDamage, 1);
m_DestroyTimer = 5;
@ -30,5 +30,26 @@ protected:
// cProjectileEntity overrides:
virtual void OnHitSolidBlock(const Vector3d & a_HitPos, eBlockFace a_HitFace) override;
virtual void OnHitEntity (cEntity & a_EntityHit, const Vector3d & a_HitPos) override;
virtual void Tick (float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) override
if (m_DestroyTimer > 0)
if (m_DestroyTimer == 0)
super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk);
/** Time in ticks to wait for the hit animation to begin before destroying */
int m_DestroyTimer;
} ; // tolua_export
@ -67,9 +67,27 @@ void cCreeper::GetDrops(cItems & a_Drops, cEntity * a_Killer)
AddRandomDropItem(a_Drops, 0, 2 + LootingLevel, E_ITEM_GUNPOWDER);
if ((a_Killer != NULL) && (a_Killer->IsProjectile()))
if ((a_Killer != NULL) && a_Killer->IsProjectile() && (((cProjectileEntity *)a_Killer)->GetCreatorUniqueID() >= 0))
if (((cMonster *)((cProjectileEntity *)a_Killer)->GetCreator())->GetMobType() == mtSkeleton)
class cProjectileCreatorCallback : public cEntityCallback
virtual bool Item(cEntity * a_Entity) override
if (a_Entity->IsMob() && ((cMonster *)a_Entity)->GetMobType() == mtSkeleton)
return true;
return false;
cProjectileCreatorCallback PCC;
if (GetWorld()->DoWithEntityByID(((cProjectileEntity *)a_Killer)->GetCreatorUniqueID(), PCC))
// 12 music discs. TickRand starts from 0 to 11. Disk IDs start at 2256, so add that. There.
AddRandomDropItem(a_Drops, 1, 1, (short)m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(11) + 2256);
@ -49,11 +49,10 @@ void cSkeleton::GetDrops(cItems & a_Drops, cEntity * a_Killer)
void cSkeleton::MoveToPosition(const Vector3f & a_Position)
// If the destination is in the sun and if it is not night AND the skeleton isn't on fire then block the movement.
// If the destination is sufficiently skylight challenged AND the skeleton isn't on fire then block the movement
if (
!IsOnFire() &&
(m_World->GetTimeOfDay() < 13187) &&
(m_World->GetBlockSkyLight((int) a_Position.x, (int) a_Position.y, (int) a_Position.z) == 15)
(m_World->GetBlockSkyLight((int)floor(a_Position.x), (int)floor(a_Position.y), (int)floor(a_Position.z)) - m_World->GetSkyDarkness() > 8)
m_bMovingToDestination = false;
@ -44,11 +44,10 @@ void cZombie::GetDrops(cItems & a_Drops, cEntity * a_Killer)
void cZombie::MoveToPosition(const Vector3f & a_Position)
// If the destination is in the sun and if it is not night AND the zombie isn't on fire then block the movement.
// If the destination is sufficiently skylight challenged AND the skeleton isn't on fire then block the movement
if (
!IsOnFire() &&
(m_World->GetTimeOfDay() < 13187) &&
(m_World->GetBlockSkyLight((int)a_Position.x, (int)a_Position.y, (int)a_Position.z) == 15)
(m_World->GetBlockSkyLight((int)floor(a_Position.x), (int)floor(a_Position.y), (int)floor(a_Position.z)) - m_World->GetSkyDarkness() > 8)
m_bMovingToDestination = false;
@ -2333,7 +2333,7 @@ void cProtocol172::ParseItemMetadata(cItem & a_Item, const AString & a_Metadata)
for (int loretag = NBT.GetFirstChild(displaytag); loretag >= 0; loretag = NBT.GetNextSibling(loretag)) // Loop through array of strings
AppendPrintf(Lore, "%s`", NBT.GetString(loretag).c_str()); // Append the lore with a newline, used internally by MCS to display a new line in the client; don't forget to c_str ;)
AppendPrintf(Lore, "%s`", NBT.GetString(loretag).c_str()); // Append the lore with a grave accent/backtick, used internally by MCS to display a new line in the client; don't forget to c_str ;)
a_Item.m_Lore = Lore;
@ -134,6 +134,16 @@ public:
z += a_Diff.z;
/** Runs each value of the vector through std::floor() */
inline Vector3<int> Floor(void) const
return Vector3<int>(
// tolua_end
inline bool operator != (const Vector3<T> & a_Rhs) const
@ -146,6 +156,16 @@ public:
return Equals(a_Rhs);
inline bool operator > (const Vector3<T> & a_Rhs) const
return (SqrLength() > a_Rhs.SqrLength());
inline bool operator < (const Vector3<T> & a_Rhs) const
return (SqrLength() < a_Rhs.SqrLength());
inline void operator += (const Vector3<T> & a_Rhs)
x += a_Rhs.x;
@ -288,6 +308,7 @@ protected:
return (a_Value < 0) ? -a_Value : a_Value;
// tolua_end
@ -589,20 +589,19 @@ void cNBTChunkSerializer::AddProjectileEntity(cProjectileEntity * a_Projectile)
AddBasicEntity(a_Projectile, a_Projectile->GetMCAClassName());
Vector3d Pos = a_Projectile->GetPosition();
m_Writer.AddShort("xTile", (Int16)floor(Pos.x));
m_Writer.AddShort("yTile", (Int16)floor(Pos.y));
m_Writer.AddShort("zTile", (Int16)floor(Pos.z));
m_Writer.AddShort("inTile", 0); // TODO: Query the block type
m_Writer.AddShort("shake", 0); // TODO: Any shake?
m_Writer.AddByte ("inGround", a_Projectile->IsInGround() ? 1 : 0);
m_Writer.AddByte("inGround", a_Projectile->IsInGround() ? 1 : 0);
switch (a_Projectile->GetProjectileKind())
case cProjectileEntity::pkArrow:
m_Writer.AddByte("inData", 0); // TODO: Query the block meta (is it needed?)
m_Writer.AddByte("pickup", ((cArrowEntity *)a_Projectile)->GetPickupState());
m_Writer.AddDouble("damage", ((cArrowEntity *)a_Projectile)->GetDamageCoeff());
cArrowEntity * Arrow = (cArrowEntity *)a_Projectile;
m_Writer.AddInt("xTile", (Int16)Arrow->GetBlockHit().x);
m_Writer.AddInt("yTile", (Int16)Arrow->GetBlockHit().y);
m_Writer.AddInt("zTile", (Int16)Arrow->GetBlockHit().z);
m_Writer.AddByte("pickup", Arrow->GetPickupState());
m_Writer.AddDouble("damage", Arrow->GetDamageCoeff());
case cProjectileEntity::pkGhastFireball:
@ -620,14 +619,11 @@ void cNBTChunkSerializer::AddProjectileEntity(cProjectileEntity * a_Projectile)
ASSERT(!"Unsaved projectile entity!");
} // switch (ProjectileKind)
cEntity * Creator = a_Projectile->GetCreator();
if (Creator != NULL)
} // switch (ProjectileKind)
if (!a_Projectile->GetCreatorName().empty())
if (Creator->GetEntityType() == cEntity::etPlayer)
m_Writer.AddString("ownerName", ((cPlayer *)Creator)->GetName());
m_Writer.AddString("ownerName", a_Projectile->GetCreatorName());
@ -1642,6 +1642,15 @@ void cWSSAnvil::LoadArrowFromNBT(cEntityList & a_Entities, const cParsedNBT & a_
// Load block hit:
int InBlockXIdx = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "xTile");
int InBlockYIdx = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "yTile");
int InBlockZIdx = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "zTile");
if ((InBlockXIdx > 0) && (InBlockYIdx > 0) && (InBlockZIdx > 0))
Arrow->SetBlockHit(Vector3i(a_NBT.GetInt(InBlockXIdx), a_NBT.GetInt(InBlockYIdx), a_NBT.GetInt(InBlockZIdx)));
// Store the new arrow in the entities list:
@ -2474,8 +2483,6 @@ bool cWSSAnvil::LoadProjectileBaseFromNBT(cProjectileEntity & a_Entity, const cP
// TODO: Load inTile, TileCoords
return true;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user