FastRandom rewrite (#3754)
This commit is contained in:
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ void cDropSpenserEntity::DropFromSlot(cChunk & a_Chunk, int a_SlotNum)
cItems Pickups;
const int PickupSpeed = m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(4) + 2; // At least 2, at most 6
const int PickupSpeed = GetRandomProvider().RandInt(2, 6); // At least 2, at most 6
int PickupSpeedX = 0, PickupSpeedY = 0, PickupSpeedZ = 0;
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ bool cMobSpawnerEntity::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
void cMobSpawnerEntity::ResetTimer(void)
m_SpawnDelay = static_cast<short>(200 + m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(600));
m_SpawnDelay = GetRandomProvider().RandInt<short>(200, 800);
m_World->BroadcastBlockEntity(m_PosX, m_PosY, m_PosZ);
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ void cMobSpawnerEntity::SpawnEntity(void)
virtual bool Item(cChunk * a_Chunk)
cFastRandom Random;
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
bool EntitiesSpawned = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ void cMobSpawnerEntity::SpawnEntity(void)
int RelX = static_cast<int>(m_RelX + static_cast<double>(Random.NextFloat() - Random.NextFloat()) * 4.0);
int RelY = m_RelY + Random.NextInt(3) - 1;
int RelZ = static_cast<int>(m_RelZ + static_cast<double>(Random.NextFloat() - Random.NextFloat()) * 4.0);
int RelX = m_RelX + static_cast<int>((Random.RandReal<double>() - Random.RandReal<double>()) * 4.0);
int RelY = m_RelY + Random.RandInt(-1, 1);
int RelZ = m_RelZ + static_cast<int>((Random.RandReal<double>() - Random.RandReal<double>()) * 4.0);
cChunk * Chunk = a_Chunk->GetRelNeighborChunkAdjustCoords(RelX, RelZ);
if ((Chunk == nullptr) || !Chunk->IsValid())
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ void cMobSpawnerEntity::SpawnEntity(void)
Monster->SetPosition(PosX, RelY, PosZ);
Monster->SetYaw(Random.NextFloat() * 360.0f);
if (Chunk->GetWorld()->SpawnMobFinalize(Monster) != cEntity::INVALID_ID)
EntitiesSpawned = true;
@ -67,8 +67,7 @@ public:
MTRand r1;
if (r1.randInt(10) == 5)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.10))
cItems Pickups;
@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ public:
virtual void OnUpdate(cChunkInterface & cChunkInterface, cWorldInterface & a_WorldInterface, cBlockPluginInterface & a_PluginInterface, cChunk & a_Chunk, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ) override
cFastRandom Random;
if (Random.NextInt(5) == 0)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.20))
NIBBLETYPE Meta = a_Chunk.GetMeta(a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ);
NIBBLETYPE TypeMeta = Meta & 0x03;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public:
virtual void ConvertToPickups(cItems & a_Pickups, NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) override
cFastRandom rand;
auto & rand = GetRandomProvider();
// If not fully grown, drop the "seed" of whatever is growing:
if (a_Meta < RipeMeta)
@ -51,30 +51,30 @@ public:
char SeedCount = static_cast<char>(1 + (rand.NextInt(3) + rand.NextInt(3)) / 2); // [1 .. 3] with high preference of 2
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_BEETROOT_SEEDS, SeedCount, 0));
char BeetrootCount = static_cast<char>(1 + (rand.NextInt(3) + rand.NextInt(3)) / 2); // [1 .. 3] with high preference of 2
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_BEETROOT, BeetrootCount, 0));
char SeedCount = 1 + ((rand.RandInt<char>(2) + rand.RandInt<char>(2)) / 2); // [1 .. 3] with high preference of 2
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_BEETROOT_SEEDS, SeedCount, 0);
char BeetrootCount = 1 + ((rand.RandInt<char>(2) + rand.RandInt<char>(2)) / 2); // [1 .. 3] with high preference of 2
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_BEETROOT, BeetrootCount, 0);
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_WHEAT, 1, 0));
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_SEEDS, static_cast<char>(1 + (rand.NextInt(3) + rand.NextInt(3)) / 2), 0)); // [1 .. 3] with high preference of 2
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_WHEAT, 1, 0);
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_SEEDS, 1 + ((rand.RandInt<char>(2) + rand.RandInt<char>(2)) / 2), 0); // [1 .. 3] with high preference of 2
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_CARROT, static_cast<char>(1 + (rand.NextInt(3) + rand.NextInt(3)) / 2), 0)); // [1 .. 3] with high preference of 2
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_CARROT, 1 + ((rand.RandInt<char>(2) + rand.RandInt<char>(2)) / 2), 0); // [1 .. 3] with high preference of 2
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_POTATO, static_cast<char>(1 + (rand.NextInt(3) + rand.NextInt(3)) / 2), 0)); // [1 .. 3] with high preference of 2
if (rand.NextInt(21) == 0)
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_POTATO, 1 + ((rand.RandInt<char>(2) + rand.RandInt<char>(2)) / 2), 0); // [1 .. 3] with high preference of 2
if (rand.RandBool(0.05))
// With a 5% chance, drop a poisonous potato as well
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_POISONOUS_POTATO, 1, 0));
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_POISONOUS_POTATO, 1, 0);
@ -46,11 +46,10 @@ public:
virtual void ConvertToPickups(cItems & a_Pickups, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) override
// Drop 0-3 sticks
cFastRandom random;
int chance = random.NextInt(3);
char chance = GetRandomProvider().RandInt<char>(3);
if (chance != 0)
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_STICK, static_cast<char>(chance), 0));
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_STICK, chance, 0);
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ public:
// Spawn the pickups:
if (!Drops.empty())
MTRand r1;
auto & r1 = GetRandomProvider();
// Mid-block position first
double MicroX, MicroY, MicroZ;
@ -83,8 +82,8 @@ public:
MicroZ = a_BlockZ + 0.5;
// Add random offset second
MicroX += r1.rand(1) - 0.5;
MicroZ += r1.rand(1) - 0.5;
MicroX += r1.RandReal<double>(-0.5, 0.5);
MicroZ += r1.RandReal<double>(-0.5, 0.5);
a_WorldInterface.SpawnItemPickups(Drops, MicroX, MicroY, MicroZ);
@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ public:
// Grass spreads to adjacent dirt blocks:
cFastRandom rand;
auto & rand = GetRandomProvider();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) // Pick two blocks to grow to
int OfsX = rand.NextInt(3) - 1; // [-1 .. 1]
int OfsY = rand.NextInt(5) - 3; // [-3 .. 1]
int OfsZ = rand.NextInt(3) - 1; // [-1 .. 1]
int OfsX = rand.RandInt(-1, 1);
int OfsY = rand.RandInt(-3, 1);
int OfsZ = rand.RandInt(-1, 1);
@ -18,10 +18,8 @@ public:
virtual void ConvertToPickups(cItems & a_Pickups, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) override
cFastRandom Random;
// Add more than one dust
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_GLOWSTONE_DUST, static_cast<char>(2 + Random.NextInt(3)), 0));
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_GLOWSTONE_DUST, GetRandomProvider().RandInt<char>(2, 4), 0);
virtual ColourID GetMapBaseColourID(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) override
@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ public:
virtual void ConvertToPickups(cItems & a_Pickups, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) override
cFastRandom Random;
if (Random.NextInt(10) == 0)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.10))
a_Pickups.Add(E_ITEM_FLINT, 1, 0);
@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ void cBlockHandler::DropBlock(cChunkInterface & a_ChunkInterface, cWorldInterfac
if (!Pickups.empty())
MTRand r1;
auto & r1 = GetRandomProvider();
// Mid-block position first
double MicroX, MicroY, MicroZ;
@ -535,8 +535,8 @@ void cBlockHandler::DropBlock(cChunkInterface & a_ChunkInterface, cWorldInterfac
MicroZ = a_BlockZ + 0.5;
// Add random offset second
MicroX += r1.rand(1) - 0.5;
MicroZ += r1.rand(1) - 0.5;
MicroX += r1.RandReal<double>(-0.5, 0.5);
MicroZ += r1.RandReal<double>(-0.5, 0.5);
a_WorldInterface.SpawnItemPickups(Pickups, MicroX, MicroY, MicroZ);
@ -37,22 +37,22 @@ public:
virtual void ConvertToPickups(cItems & a_Pickups, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) override
cFastRandom rand;
auto & rand = GetRandomProvider();
// There is a chance to drop a sapling that varies depending on the type of leaf broken.
// TODO: Take into account fortune for sapling drops.
int chance;
double chance = 0.0;
if ((m_BlockType == E_BLOCK_LEAVES) && ((a_BlockMeta & 0x03) == E_META_LEAVES_JUNGLE))
// Jungle leaves have a 2.5% chance of dropping a sapling.
chance = rand.NextInt(40);
chance = 0.025;
// Other leaves have a 5% chance of dropping a sapling.
chance = rand.NextInt(20);
chance = 0.05;
if (chance == 0)
if (rand.RandBool(chance))
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public:
// 0.5 % chance of dropping an apple, if the leaves' type is Apple Leaves
if ((m_BlockType == E_BLOCK_LEAVES) && ((a_BlockMeta & 0x03) == E_META_LEAVES_APPLE))
if (rand.NextInt(200) == 0)
if (rand.RandBool(0.005))
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_RED_APPLE, 1, 0));
@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ public:
virtual void ConvertToPickups(cItems & a_Pickups, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) override
cFastRandom Random;
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_MELON_SLICE, static_cast<char>(3 + Random.NextInt(5)), 0));
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_MELON_SLICE, GetRandomProvider().RandInt<char>(3, 7), 0);
virtual ColourID GetMapBaseColourID(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) override
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public:
cItems Pickups;
Pickups.Add(E_ITEM_HEAD, 1, static_cast<short>(MobHeadEntity->GetType()));
MTRand r1;
auto & r1 = GetRandomProvider();
// Mid-block position first
double MicroX, MicroY, MicroZ;
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ public:
MicroZ = MobHeadEntity->GetPosZ() + 0.5;
// Add random offset second
MicroX += r1.rand(1) - 0.5;
MicroZ += r1.rand(1) - 0.5;
MicroX += r1.RandReal<double>(-0.5, 0.5);
MicroZ += r1.RandReal<double>(-0.5, 0.5);
MobHeadEntity->GetWorld()->SpawnItemPickups(Pickups, MicroX, MicroY, MicroZ);
return false;
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ public:
cFastRandom Random;
int Reward = 15 + Random.NextInt(15) + Random.NextInt(15);
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
int Reward = 15 + Random.RandInt(14) + Random.RandInt(14);
a_WorldInterface.SpawnExperienceOrb(static_cast<double>(a_BlockX), static_cast<double>(a_BlockY + 1), static_cast<double>(a_BlockZ), Reward);
} ;
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ public:
virtual void ConvertToPickups(cItems & a_Pickups, NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) override
cFastRandom rand;
auto & rand = GetRandomProvider();
if (a_Meta == 0x3)
// Fully grown, drop the entire produce:
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_NETHER_WART, static_cast<char>(1 + (rand.NextInt(3) + rand.NextInt(3))) / 2, 0));
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_NETHER_WART, 1 + (rand.RandInt<char>(2) + rand.RandInt<char>(2)) / 2, 0);
@ -20,19 +20,19 @@ public:
virtual void ConvertToPickups(cItems & a_Pickups, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) override
cFastRandom Random;
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
switch (m_BlockType)
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_DYE, static_cast<char>(4 + Random.NextInt(5)), 4));
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_DYE, Random.RandInt<char>(4, 8), 4);
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_REDSTONE_DUST, static_cast<char>(4 + Random.NextInt(2)), 0));
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_REDSTONE_DUST, Random.RandInt<char>(4, 5), 0);
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public:
cFastRandom Random;
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
int Reward = 0;
switch (m_BlockType)
@ -93,27 +93,27 @@ public:
// Lapis and nether quartz get 2 - 5 experience
Reward = Random.NextInt(4) + 2;
Reward = Random.RandInt(2, 5);
// Redstone gets 1 - 5 experience
Reward = Random.NextInt(5) + 1;
Reward = Random.RandInt(1, 5);
// Diamond and emerald get 3 - 7 experience
Reward = Random.NextInt(5) + 3;
Reward = Random.RandInt(3, 7);
// Coal gets 0 - 2 experience
Reward = Random.NextInt(3);
Reward = Random.RandInt(2);
@ -75,10 +75,9 @@ protected:
virtual PlantAction CanGrow(cChunk & a_Chunk, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ)
cFastRandom rand;
// Plant can grow if it has the required amount of light, and it passes a random chance based on surrounding blocks
PlantAction Action = HasEnoughLight(a_Chunk, a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ);
if ((Action == paGrowth) && (rand.NextInt(GetGrowthChance(a_Chunk, a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ)) != 0))
if ((Action == paGrowth) && !GetRandomProvider().RandBool(1.0 / GetGrowthChance(a_Chunk, a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ)))
Action = paStay;
@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ public:
virtual void OnUpdate(cChunkInterface & cChunkInterface, cWorldInterface & a_WorldInterface, cBlockPluginInterface & a_PluginInterface, cChunk & a_Chunk, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ) override
cFastRandom Random;
if (Random.NextInt(2000) != 0)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.9995))
@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ public:
// Only grow if we have the right amount of light
if (Light > 8)
cFastRandom random;
auto & random = GetRandomProvider();
// Only grow if we are in the right growth stage and have the right amount of space around them.
if (((Meta & 0x08) != 0) && (random.NextInt(99) < 45) && CanGrowAt(a_Chunk, a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ, Meta))
if (((Meta & 0x08) != 0) && random.RandBool(0.45) && CanGrowAt(a_Chunk, a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ, Meta))
int BlockX = a_RelX + a_Chunk.GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
int BlockZ = a_RelZ + a_Chunk.GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
a_Chunk.GetWorld()->GrowTree(BlockX, a_RelY, BlockZ);
// Only move to the next growth stage if we haven't gone there yet
else if (((Meta & 0x08) == 0) && (random.NextInt(99) < 45))
else if (((Meta & 0x08) == 0) && random.RandBool(0.45))
a_Chunk.SetMeta(a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ, Meta | 0x08);
@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ public:
virtual void ConvertToPickups(cItems & a_Pickups, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) override
// Reset meta to 0
cFastRandom Random;
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS, static_cast<char>(2 + Random.NextInt(2)), 0));
a_Pickups.emplace_back(E_ITEM_PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS, GetRandomProvider().RandInt<char>(2, 3), 0);
} ;
@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ public:
virtual void ConvertToPickups(cItems & a_Pickups, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) override
// Drop seeds, sometimes
cFastRandom Random;
if (Random.NextInt(8) == 0)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.125))
a_Pickups.push_back(cItem(E_ITEM_SEEDS, 1, 0));
@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ public:
// Spawn the pickups:
if (!Drops.empty())
MTRand r1;
auto & r1 = GetRandomProvider();
// Mid-block position first
double MicroX, MicroY, MicroZ;
@ -56,8 +55,8 @@ public:
MicroZ = a_BlockZ + 0.5;
// Add random offset second
MicroX += r1.rand(1) - 0.5;
MicroZ += r1.rand(1) - 0.5;
MicroX += r1.RandReal<double>(-0.5, 0.5);
MicroZ += r1.RandReal<double>(-0.5, 0.5);
a_WorldInterface.SpawnItemPickups(Drops, MicroX, MicroY, MicroZ);
@ -507,14 +507,19 @@ void cChunk::CollectMobCensus(cMobCensus & toFill)
void cChunk::GetThreeRandomNumbers(int & a_X, int & a_Y, int & a_Z, int a_MaxX, int a_MaxY, int a_MaxZ)
ASSERT(a_MaxX * a_MaxY * a_MaxZ * 8 < 0x00ffffff);
int Random = m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(0x00ffffff);
a_X = Random % (a_MaxX * 2);
a_Y = (Random / (a_MaxX * 2)) % (a_MaxY * 2);
a_Z = ((Random / (a_MaxX * 2)) / (a_MaxY * 2)) % (a_MaxZ * 2);
a_X /= 2;
a_Y /= 2;
a_Z /= 2;
(a_MaxX > 0) && (a_MaxY > 0) && (a_MaxZ > 0) &&
(a_MaxX <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max() / a_MaxY) && // a_MaxX * a_MaxY doesn't overflow
(a_MaxX * a_MaxY <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max() / a_MaxZ) // a_MaxX * a_MaxY * a_MaxZ doesn't overflow
// MTRand gives an inclusive range [0, Max] but this gives the exclusive range [0, Max)
int OverallMax = (a_MaxX - 1) * (a_MaxY - 1) * (a_MaxZ - 1);
int Random = m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(OverallMax);
a_X = Random % a_MaxX;
a_Y = (Random / a_MaxX) % a_MaxY;
a_Z = ((Random / a_MaxX) / a_MaxY) % a_MaxZ;
@ -848,7 +853,7 @@ void cChunk::TickBlocks(void)
void cChunk::ApplyWeatherToTop()
if (
(m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(100) != 0) ||
(GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.99)) ||
(m_World->GetWeather() != eWeather_Rain) &&
(m_World->GetWeather() != eWeather_ThunderStorm)
@ -932,8 +937,10 @@ void cChunk::ApplyWeatherToTop()
bool cChunk::GrowMelonPumpkin(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, MTRand & a_TickRandom)
bool cChunk::GrowMelonPumpkin(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType)
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
// Convert the stem BlockType into produce BlockType
BLOCKTYPE ProduceType;
switch (a_BlockType)
@ -969,7 +976,7 @@ bool cChunk::GrowMelonPumpkin(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, BLOCKTYPE a_Bl
// Pick a direction in which to place the produce:
int x = 0, z = 0;
int CheckType = a_TickRandom.randInt(3); // The index to the neighbors array which should be checked for emptiness
int CheckType = Random.RandInt(3); // The index to the neighbors array which should be checked for emptiness
switch (CheckType)
case 0: x = 1; break;
@ -1001,7 +1008,7 @@ bool cChunk::GrowMelonPumpkin(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, BLOCKTYPE a_Bl
// Place a randomly-facing produce:
NIBBLETYPE Meta = (ProduceType == E_BLOCK_MELON) ? 0 : static_cast<NIBBLETYPE>(a_TickRandom.randInt(4) % 4);
NIBBLETYPE Meta = (ProduceType == E_BLOCK_MELON) ? 0 : static_cast<NIBBLETYPE>(Random.RandInt(4) % 4);
LOGD("Growing melon / pumpkin at {%d, %d, %d} (<%d, %d> from stem), overwriting %s, growing on top of %s, meta %d",
a_RelX + x + m_PosX * cChunkDef::Width, a_RelY, a_RelZ + z + m_PosZ * cChunkDef::Width,
x, z,
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ namespace Json
class cWorld;
class cClientHandle;
class cServer;
class MTRand;
class cPlayer;
class cChunkMap;
class cBeaconEntity;
@ -609,7 +608,7 @@ private:
bool GrowTallGrass (int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ);
/** Grows a melon or a pumpkin next to the block specified (assumed to be the stem); returns true if the pumpkin or melon sucessfully grew */
bool GrowMelonPumpkin(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, MTRand & a_Random);
bool GrowMelonPumpkin(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType);
/** Called by Tick() when an entity moves out of this chunk into a neighbor; moves the entity and sends spawn / despawn packet to clients */
void MoveEntityToNewChunk(cEntity * a_Entity);
@ -1735,7 +1735,7 @@ void cChunkMap::DoExplosionAt(double a_ExplosionSize, double a_BlockX, double a_
// Activate the TNT, with a random fuse between 10 to 30 game ticks
int FuseTime = 10 + m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(20);
int FuseTime = GetRandomProvider().RandInt(10, 30);
m_World->SpawnPrimedTNT(a_BlockX + x + 0.5, a_BlockY + y + 0.5, a_BlockZ + z + 0.5, FuseTime);
area.SetBlockTypeMeta(bx + x, by + y, bz + z, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0);
a_BlocksAffected.push_back(Vector3i(bx + x, by + y, bz + z));
@ -1775,7 +1775,8 @@ void cChunkMap::DoExplosionAt(double a_ExplosionSize, double a_BlockX, double a_
if (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(100) <= 25) // 25% chance of pickups
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
if (Random.RandBool(0.25)) // 25% chance of pickups
cItems Drops;
cBlockHandler * Handler = BlockHandler(Block);
@ -1783,7 +1784,7 @@ void cChunkMap::DoExplosionAt(double a_ExplosionSize, double a_BlockX, double a_
Handler->ConvertToPickups(Drops, area.GetBlockMeta(bx + x, by + y, bz + z)); // Stone becomes cobblestone, coal ore becomes coal, etc.
m_World->SpawnItemPickups(Drops, bx + x, by + y, bz + z);
else if ((m_World->GetTNTShrapnelLevel() > slNone) && (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(100) < 20)) // 20% chance of flinging stuff around
else if ((m_World->GetTNTShrapnelLevel() > slNone) && Random.RandBool(0.20)) // 20% chance of flinging stuff around
// If the block is shrapnel-able, make a falling block entity out of it:
if (
@ -2516,7 +2517,7 @@ void cChunkMap::GetChunkStats(int & a_NumChunksValid, int & a_NumChunksDirty)
bool cChunkMap::GrowMelonPumpkin(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, MTRand & a_Rand)
bool cChunkMap::GrowMelonPumpkin(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType)
int ChunkX, ChunkZ;
cChunkDef::AbsoluteToRelative(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, ChunkX, ChunkZ);
@ -2525,7 +2526,7 @@ bool cChunkMap::GrowMelonPumpkin(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCK
cChunkPtr Chunk = GetChunkNoLoad(ChunkX, ChunkZ);
if (Chunk != nullptr)
return Chunk->GrowMelonPumpkin(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, a_BlockType, a_Rand);
return Chunk->GrowMelonPumpkin(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, a_BlockType);
return false;
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
class cWorld;
class cWorldInterface;
class cItem;
class MTRand;
class cChunkStay;
class cChunk;
class cPlayer;
@ -362,7 +361,7 @@ public:
void GetChunkStats(int & a_NumChunksValid, int & a_NumChunksDirty);
/** Grows a melon or a pumpkin next to the block specified (assumed to be the stem); returns true if the pumpkin or melon sucessfully grew */
bool GrowMelonPumpkin(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, MTRand & a_Rand);
bool GrowMelonPumpkin(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType);
/** Grows a sugarcane present at the block specified by the amount of blocks specified, up to the max height specified in the config; returns the amount of blocks the sugarcane grew inside this call */
int GrowSugarcane(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, int a_NumBlocksToGrow);
@ -1012,14 +1012,12 @@ void cEnchantments::CheckEnchantmentConflictsFromVector(cWeightedEnchantments &
cEnchantments cEnchantments::GetRandomEnchantmentFromVector(cWeightedEnchantments & a_Enchantments)
cFastRandom Random;
int AllWeights = 0;
for (cWeightedEnchantments::iterator it = a_Enchantments.begin(); it != a_Enchantments.end(); ++it)
AllWeights += (*it).m_Weight;
int RandomNumber = Random.GenerateRandomInteger(0, AllWeights - 1);
int RandomNumber = GetRandomProvider().RandInt(AllWeights - 1);
for (cWeightedEnchantments::iterator it = a_Enchantments.begin(); it != a_Enchantments.end(); ++it)
RandomNumber -= (*it).m_Weight;
@ -495,12 +495,11 @@ bool cEntity::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
int Chance = static_cast<int>(ThornsLevel * 15);
cFastRandom Random;
int RandomValue = Random.GenerateRandomInteger(0, 100);
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
if (RandomValue <= Chance)
if (Random.RandBool(Chance / 100.0))
a_TDI.Attacker->TakeDamage(dtAttack, this, 0, Random.GenerateRandomInteger(1, 4), 0);
a_TDI.Attacker->TakeDamage(dtAttack, this, 0, Random.RandInt(1, 4), 0);
@ -574,8 +573,7 @@ bool cEntity::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
TotalEPF = 25;
cFastRandom Random;
float RandomValue = Random.GenerateRandomInteger(50, 100) * 0.01f;
float RandomValue = GetRandomProvider().RandReal(0.5f, 1.0f);
TotalEPF = ceil(TotalEPF * RandomValue);
@ -40,6 +40,6 @@ void cExpBottleEntity::Break(const Vector3d &a_HitPos)
// Spawn an experience orb with a reward between 3 and 11.
m_World->BroadcastSoundParticleEffect(EffectID::PARTICLE_SPLASH_POTION, POSX_TOINT, POSY_TOINT, POSZ_TOINT, 0);
m_World->SpawnExperienceOrb(GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), 3 + m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(8));
m_World->SpawnExperienceOrb(GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), GetRandomProvider().RandInt(3, 11));
@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ void cFloater::SpawnOn(cClientHandle & a_Client)
void cFloater::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
HandlePhysics(a_Dt, a_Chunk);
if (IsBlockWater(m_World->GetBlock(POSX_TOINT, POSY_TOINT, POSZ_TOINT))
&& (m_World->GetBlockMeta(POSX_TOINT, POSY_TOINT, POSX_TOINT) == 0))
@ -141,13 +143,13 @@ void cFloater::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
SetPosY(GetPosY() - 1);
m_CanPickupItem = true;
m_PickupCountDown = 20;
m_CountDownTime = 100 + m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(800);
m_CountDownTime = Random.RandInt(100, 900);
LOGD("Floater %i can be picked up", GetUniqueID());
else if (m_CountDownTime == 20) // Calculate the position where the particles should spawn and start producing them.
LOGD("Started producing particles for floater %i", GetUniqueID());
m_ParticlePos.Set(GetPosX() + (-4 + m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(8)), GetPosY(), GetPosZ() + (-4 + m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(8)));
m_ParticlePos.Set(GetPosX() + Random.RandInt(-4, 4), GetPosY(), GetPosZ() + Random.RandInt(-4, 4));
m_World->GetBroadcaster().BroadcastParticleEffect("splash", static_cast<Vector3f>(m_ParticlePos), Vector3f{}, 0, 15);
else if (m_CountDownTime < 20)
@ -159,14 +161,14 @@ void cFloater::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
if (m_World->GetHeight(POSX_TOINT, POSZ_TOINT) == POSY_TOINT)
if (m_World->IsWeatherWet() && m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(3) == 0) // 25% chance of an extra countdown when being rained on.
if (m_World->IsWeatherWet() && Random.RandBool(0.25)) // 25% chance of an extra countdown when being rained on.
else // if the floater is underground it has a 50% chance of not decreasing the countdown.
if (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(1) == 0)
if (Random.RandBool())
@ -1069,9 +1069,9 @@ void cPlayer::KilledBy(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
case dtRangedAttack: DamageText = "was shot"; break;
case dtLightning: DamageText = "was plasmified by lightining"; break;
case dtFalling: DamageText = (GetWorld()->GetTickRandomNumber(10) % 2 == 0) ? "fell to death" : "hit the ground too hard"; break;
case dtFalling: DamageText = GetRandomProvider().RandBool() ? "fell to death" : "hit the ground too hard"; break;
case dtDrowning: DamageText = "drowned"; break;
case dtSuffocating: DamageText = (GetWorld()->GetTickRandomNumber(10) % 2 == 0) ? "git merge'd into a block" : "fused with a block"; break;
case dtSuffocating: DamageText = GetRandomProvider().RandBool() ? "git merge'd into a block" : "fused with a block"; break;
case dtStarving: DamageText = "forgot the importance of food"; break;
case dtCactusContact: DamageText = "was impaled on a cactus"; break;
case dtLavaContact: DamageText = "was melted by lava"; break;
@ -2295,18 +2295,17 @@ void cPlayer::UseEquippedItem(int a_Amount)
int UnbreakingLevel = static_cast<int>(Item.m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchUnbreaking));
if (UnbreakingLevel > 0)
int chance;
double chance = 0.0;
if (ItemCategory::IsArmor(Item.m_ItemType))
chance = 60 + (40 / (UnbreakingLevel + 1));
chance = 0.6 + (0.4 / (UnbreakingLevel + 1));
chance = 100 / (UnbreakingLevel + 1);
chance = 1.0 / (UnbreakingLevel + 1);
cFastRandom Random;
if (Random.NextInt(101) <= chance)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(chance))
@ -74,11 +74,12 @@ void cThrownEggEntity::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
void cThrownEggEntity::TrySpawnChicken(const Vector3d & a_HitPos)
if (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(7) == 1)
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
if (Random.RandBool(0.125))
m_World->SpawnMob(a_HitPos.x, a_HitPos.y, a_HitPos.z, mtChicken, true);
else if (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(32) == 1)
else if (Random.RandBool(1.0 / 33.0))
m_World->SpawnMob(a_HitPos.x, a_HitPos.y, a_HitPos.z, mtChicken, true);
m_World->SpawnMob(a_HitPos.x, a_HitPos.y, a_HitPos.z, mtChicken, true);
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
// FastRandom.cpp
// Implements the cFastRandom class representing a fast random number generator
#include "Globals.h"
#include "FastRandom.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <random>
#if defined (__GNUC__)
@ -13,109 +13,50 @@
#elif defined (_MSC_VER)
#define ATTRIBUTE_TLS static __declspec(thread)
#error "Unknown thread local storage qualifier"
#define ATTRIBUTE_TLS thread_local
static unsigned int GetRandomSeed()
MTRand & GetRandomProvider()
ATTRIBUTE_TLS bool SeedCounterInitialized = 0;
ATTRIBUTE_TLS unsigned int SeedCounter = 0;
// Some compilers don't support thread_local for non-POD types, this is purely a work around for that restriction.
// There should be minimal overhead for the non-initializing case and all thread's instances are deleted properly.
ATTRIBUTE_TLS MTRand * LocalPtr = nullptr;
if (LocalPtr == nullptr)
// This list allows deletion of elements as if they had static storage duration
static std::mutex CSDeleteList;
static std::list<std::unique_ptr<MTRand>> DeleteList;
cRandomDeviceSeeder seeder;
auto NewInstance = cpp14::make_unique<MTRand>(seeder);
auto TempPtr = NewInstance.get();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(CSDeleteList);
LocalPtr = TempPtr; // Set after push_back so LocalPtr won't dangle if it throws
return *LocalPtr;
UInt32 Detail::GetRandomSeed()
ATTRIBUTE_TLS bool SeedCounterInitialized = false;
ATTRIBUTE_TLS UInt32 SeedCounter = 0;
if (!SeedCounterInitialized)
std::random_device rd;
std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned int> dist;
std::uniform_int_distribution<UInt32> dist;
SeedCounter = dist(rd);
SeedCounterInitialized = true;
return ++SeedCounter;
// cFastRandom:
cFastRandom::cFastRandom(void) :
int cFastRandom::NextInt(int a_Range)
std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(0, a_Range - 1);
return distribution(m_LinearRand);
float cFastRandom::NextFloat(float a_Range)
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> distribution(0, a_Range);
return distribution(m_LinearRand);
int cFastRandom::GenerateRandomInteger(int a_Begin, int a_End)
std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(a_Begin, a_End);
return distribution(m_LinearRand);
// MTRand:
MTRand::MTRand() :
int MTRand::randInt(int a_Range)
std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(0, a_Range);
return distribution(m_MersenneRand);
int MTRand::randInt()
std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(0, std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
return distribution(m_MersenneRand);
double MTRand::rand(double a_Range)
std::uniform_real_distribution<> distribution(0, a_Range);
return distribution(m_MersenneRand);
@ -4,17 +4,10 @@
// Declares the cFastRandom class representing a fast random number generator
The cFastRandom aims to provide a very fast, although not very cryptographically secure, random generator.
It is fast to instantiate, fast to query next, and partially multi-thread-safe.
It is multi-thread-safe in the sense that it can be accessed from multiple threads without crashing, but it may
yield duplicate numbers in that case.
Internally, this works similar to cNoise's integral noise generation, with some predefined inputs: the seed is
taken from a global counter and the random is calculated using a counter that is incremented on each use (hence
the multi-thread duplication). Two alternatives exists for each function, one that takes a range parameter,
and another that takes an additional "salt" parameter; this salt is used as an additional input to the random,
in order to avoid multi-thread duplication. If two threads both use the class at the same time with different
salts, the values they get will be different.
The cFastRandom alias should be avoided in favor of the result of a call to GetRandomProvider().
The MTRand generator used is faster, has a better range and provides higher quality randomness.
Note that MTRand is relatively costly to construct and so instances should be long lived,
prefer calls to GetRandomProvider over creating new instances.
@ -23,58 +16,195 @@ salts, the values they get will be different.
#pragma once
#include <random>
#include <type_traits>
#include <limits>
class cFastRandom
namespace Detail
/** Returns a low quality seed. */
UInt32 GetRandomSeed();
/** Aliases true_type if Char is any variant of char ignoring signed-ness. */
template <class Char>
using IsChar = typename std::is_same<typename std::make_signed<Char>::type, signed char>::type;
template <class IntType>
struct cUniformImpl :
public std::conditional<
typename std::conditional< // Match signed-ness of IntType
std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned short>
/** uniform_int_distribution<char> is undefined so this aliases a valid type. */
template <class IntType>
using cUniform = typename cUniformImpl<IntType>::type;
/** Class to wrap any random engine to provide a more convenient interface. */
template <class RandomEngine>
class cRandomWrapper
/** Initialize with a low quality seed. */
/** Returns a random int in the range [0 .. a_Range - 1]; a_Range must be less than 1M */
int NextInt(int a_Range);
/** Initialize with a SeedSequence. */
template <class SeedSeq>
cRandomWrapper(SeedSeq & a_SeedSeq):
/** Returns a random float in the range [0 .. a_Range]; a_Range must be less than 1M */
float NextFloat(float a_Range);
/** Returns a random float between 0 and 1. */
float NextFloat(void) { return NextFloat(1); }
/** Returns a random int in the range [a_Begin .. a_End] */
int GenerateRandomInteger(int a_Begin, int a_End);
/** Return a random IntType in the range [a_Min, a_Max]. */
template <class IntType = int, class ArgType>
IntType RandInt(ArgType a_Min, ArgType a_Max)
(a_Max >= a_Min) &&
(a_Max <= std::numeric_limits<IntType>::max()) &&
(a_Min >= std::numeric_limits<IntType>::min())
Detail::cUniform<IntType> dist(
return static_cast<IntType>(dist(m_Engine));
/** Return a random IntType in the range [0, a_Max]. */
template <class IntType = int, class ArgType>
IntType RandInt(ArgType a_Max)
ASSERT((a_Max >= 0) && (a_Max <= std::numeric_limits<IntType>::max()));
Detail::cUniform<IntType> dist(IntType(0), static_cast<IntType>(a_Max));
return static_cast<IntType>(dist(m_Engine));
/** Return a random IntType in the range [0, std::numeric_limits<IntType>::max()]. */
template <class IntType = int>
IntType RandInt()
Detail::cUniform<IntType> dist(IntType(0), std::numeric_limits<IntType>::max());
return static_cast<IntType>(dist(m_Engine));
/** Return a random RealType in the range [a_Min, a_Max). */
template <class RealType = float, class ArgType>
RealType RandReal(ArgType a_Min, ArgType a_Max)
std::uniform_real_distribution<RealType> dist(a_Min, a_Max);
return dist(m_Engine);
/** Return a random RealType in the range [0, a_Max). */
template <class RealType = float, class ArgType>
RealType RandReal(ArgType a_Max)
std::uniform_real_distribution<RealType> dist(RealType(0), a_Max);
return dist(m_Engine);
/** Return a random RealType in the range [0, 1). */
template <class RealType = float>
RealType RandReal()
std::uniform_real_distribution<RealType> dist;
return dist(m_Engine);
/** Return a random bool with the given probability of being true. */
bool RandBool(double a_TrueProbability = 0.5)
std::bernoulli_distribution dist(a_TrueProbability);
return dist(m_Engine);
/** Returns a reference to the underlying random engine. */
RandomEngine & Engine()
return m_Engine;
std::minstd_rand m_LinearRand;
RandomEngine m_Engine;
class MTRand
/** Utility to seed a random engine with maximal entropy from random_device. */
struct cRandomDeviceSeeder
using result_type = std::random_device::result_type;
/** Returns a random integer in the range [0 .. a_Range]. */
int randInt(int a_Range);
/** Returns a random integer in the range [0 .. MAX_INT]. */
int randInt(void);
/** Returns a random floating point number in the range [0 .. a_Range]. */
double rand(double a_Range);
std::mt19937 m_MersenneRand;
template <class Itr>
void generate(Itr first, Itr last)
std::random_device rd;
std::uniform_int_distribution<result_type> dist;
for (; first != last; ++first)
*first = dist(rd);
using cFastRandom = cRandomWrapper<std::minstd_rand>;
using MTRand = cRandomWrapper<std::mt19937>;
/** Returns the current thread's random number source. */
MTRand & GetRandomProvider();
@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ bool cChunkGenerator::Start(cPluginInterface & a_PluginInterface, cChunkSink & a
MTRand rnd;
m_Seed = rnd.randInt();
m_Seed = GetRandomProvider().RandInt();
LOGINFO("Chosen a new random seed for world: %d", m_Seed);
a_IniFile.SetValueI("Seed", "Seed", m_Seed);
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ protected:
int RelStartZ = Clamp(a_StartZ - BlockZ, 0, cChunkDef::Width - 1);
int RelEndX = Clamp(a_EndX - BlockX, 0, cChunkDef::Width);
int RelEndZ = Clamp(a_EndZ - BlockZ, 0, cChunkDef::Width);
cFastRandom rnd;
auto & rnd = GetRandomProvider();
for (int y = a_StartY; y < a_EndY; y++)
for (int z = RelStartZ; z < RelEndZ; z++)
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ protected:
if (cBlockInfo::CanBeTerraformed(a_ChunkDesc.GetBlockType(x, y, z)))
BLOCKTYPE BlockType = (rnd.NextInt(101) < 75) ? a_DstBlockType1 : a_DstBlockType2;
BLOCKTYPE BlockType = rnd.RandBool(0.75) ? a_DstBlockType1 : a_DstBlockType2;
a_ChunkDesc.SetBlockType(x, y, z, BlockType);
} // for x
@ -332,9 +332,9 @@ bool cItem::EnchantByXPLevels(int a_NumXPLevels)
return false;
cFastRandom Random;
int ModifiedEnchantmentLevel = a_NumXPLevels + static_cast<int>(Random.NextFloat(static_cast<float>(Enchantability / 4))) + static_cast<int>(Random.NextFloat(static_cast<float>(Enchantability / 4))) + 1;
float RandomBonus = 1.0F + (Random.NextFloat(1) + Random.NextFloat(1) - 1.0F) * 0.15F;
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
int ModifiedEnchantmentLevel = a_NumXPLevels + Random.RandInt(Enchantability / 4) + Random.RandInt(Enchantability / 4) + 1;
float RandomBonus = 1.0F + (Random.RandReal() + Random.RandReal() - 1.0F) * 0.15F;
int FinalEnchantmentLevel = static_cast<int>(ModifiedEnchantmentLevel * RandomBonus + 0.5F);
cWeightedEnchantments Enchantments;
@ -352,12 +352,10 @@ bool cItem::EnchantByXPLevels(int a_NumXPLevels)
// Checking for conflicting enchantments
cEnchantments::CheckEnchantmentConflictsFromVector(Enchantments, Enchantment1);
float NewEnchantmentLevel = static_cast<float>(a_NumXPLevels);
// Next Enchantment (Second)
NewEnchantmentLevel = NewEnchantmentLevel / 2;
float SecondEnchantmentChance = (NewEnchantmentLevel + 1) / 50 * 100;
if (Enchantments.empty() || (Random.NextFloat(100) > SecondEnchantmentChance))
float NewEnchantmentLevel = a_NumXPLevels / 2.0f;
float SecondEnchantmentChance = (NewEnchantmentLevel + 1) / 50.0f;
if (Enchantments.empty() || !Random.RandBool(SecondEnchantmentChance))
return true;
@ -370,9 +368,9 @@ bool cItem::EnchantByXPLevels(int a_NumXPLevels)
cEnchantments::CheckEnchantmentConflictsFromVector(Enchantments, Enchantment2);
// Next Enchantment (Third)
NewEnchantmentLevel = NewEnchantmentLevel / 2;
float ThirdEnchantmentChance = (NewEnchantmentLevel + 1) / 50 * 100;
if (Enchantments.empty() || (Random.NextFloat(100) > ThirdEnchantmentChance))
NewEnchantmentLevel = NewEnchantmentLevel / 2.0f;
float ThirdEnchantmentChance = (NewEnchantmentLevel + 1) / 50.0f;
if (Enchantments.empty() || !Random.RandBool(ThirdEnchantmentChance))
return true;
@ -385,9 +383,9 @@ bool cItem::EnchantByXPLevels(int a_NumXPLevels)
cEnchantments::CheckEnchantmentConflictsFromVector(Enchantments, Enchantment3);
// Next Enchantment (Fourth)
NewEnchantmentLevel = NewEnchantmentLevel / 2;
float FourthEnchantmentChance = (NewEnchantmentLevel + 1) / 50 * 100;
if (Enchantments.empty() || (Random.NextFloat(100) > FourthEnchantmentChance))
NewEnchantmentLevel = NewEnchantmentLevel / 2.0f;
float FourthEnchantmentChance = (NewEnchantmentLevel + 1) / 50.0f;
if (Enchantments.empty() || !Random.RandBool(FourthEnchantmentChance))
return true;
@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ public:
return false;
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
if (a_Player->IsFishing())
cFloaterCallback FloaterInfo;
@ -122,10 +124,10 @@ public:
else if (FloaterInfo.CanPickup())
cItems Drops;
int ItemCategory = a_World->GetTickRandomNumber(99);
int ItemCategory = Random.RandInt(99);
if (ItemCategory <= 4) // Treasures 5%
int Treasure = a_World->GetTickRandomNumber(5);
int Treasure = Random.RandInt(5);
switch (Treasure)
case 0:
@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ public:
case 2:
Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_FISHING_ROD, 1, static_cast<short>(a_World->GetTickRandomNumber(50)))); // Fishing rod with durability. TODO: Enchantments on it
Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_FISHING_ROD, 1, Random.RandInt<short>(50))); // Fishing rod with durability. TODO: Enchantments on it
case 3:
@ -164,14 +166,14 @@ public:
else if (ItemCategory <= 14) // Junk 10%
int Junk = a_World->GetTickRandomNumber(70);
int Junk = Random.RandInt(70);
if (Junk <= 1)
Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_DYE, 10, 0));
else if (Junk <= 4)
Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_BOW, 1, static_cast<short>(a_World->GetTickRandomNumber(64))));
Drops.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_BOW, 1, Random.RandInt<short>(64)));
else if (Junk <= 9)
@ -214,7 +216,7 @@ public:
else // Fish
int FishType = a_World->GetTickRandomNumber(99);
int FishType = Random.RandInt(99);
if (FishType <= 1) // Clownfish has a 2% chance of spawning
@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ public:
cFloater * Floater = new cFloater(a_Player->GetPosX(), a_Player->GetStance(), a_Player->GetPosZ(), a_Player->GetLookVector() * 15, a_Player->GetUniqueID(), static_cast<int>(100 + static_cast<unsigned int>(a_World->GetTickRandomNumber(800)) - (a_Player->GetEquippedItem().m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchLure) * 100)));
cFloater * Floater = new cFloater(a_Player->GetPosX(), a_Player->GetStance(), a_Player->GetPosZ(), a_Player->GetLookVector() * 15, a_Player->GetUniqueID(), (Random.RandInt(100, 900) - static_cast<int>(a_Player->GetEquippedItem().m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchLure) * 100)));
if (!Floater->Initialize(*a_World))
delete Floater;
@ -861,8 +861,7 @@ bool cItemHandler::EatItem(cPlayer * a_Player, cItem * a_Item)
float Chance;
if (Success && GetEatEffect(EffectType, EffectDurationTicks, EffectIntensity, Chance))
cFastRandom r1;
if (r1.NextFloat() < Chance)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(Chance))
a_Player->AddEntityEffect(EffectType, EffectDurationTicks, EffectIntensity, Chance);
@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ public:
Vector3d Speed = a_Player->GetLookVector() * m_SpeedCoeff;
// Play sound
cFastRandom Random;
a_World->BroadcastSoundEffect("entity.arrow.shoot", a_Player->GetPosX(), a_Player->GetPosY() - a_Player->GetHeight(), a_Player->GetPosZ(), 0.5f, 0.4f / (Random.NextFloat(1.0f) * 0.4f + 0.8f));
a_World->BroadcastSoundEffect("entity.arrow.shoot", a_Player->GetPosX(), a_Player->GetPosY() - a_Player->GetHeight(), a_Player->GetPosZ(), 0.5f, 0.4f / GetRandomProvider().RandReal(0.8f, 1.2f));
if (a_World->CreateProjectile(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, m_ProjectileKind, a_Player, &a_Player->GetEquippedItem(), &Speed) == cEntity::INVALID_ID)
@ -306,10 +306,8 @@ const cMapDecorator cMap::CreateDecorator(const cEntity * a_TrackedEntity)
if (GetDimension() == dimNether)
cFastRandom Random;
// TODO 2014-02-19 xdot: Refine
Rot = Random.NextInt(16);
Rot = GetRandomProvider().RandInt(15);
@ -111,12 +111,8 @@ eMonsterType cMobSpawner::ChooseMobType(EMCSBiome a_Biome)
if (allowedMobsSize > 0)
std::set<eMonsterType>::iterator itr = allowedMobs.begin();
int iRandom = m_Random.NextInt(static_cast<int>(allowedMobsSize));
for (int i = 0; i < iRandom; i++)
std::advance(itr, GetRandomProvider().RandInt<size_t>(allowedMobsSize - 1));
return *itr;
@ -139,7 +135,7 @@ bool cMobSpawner::CanSpawnHere(cChunk * a_Chunk, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_R
return false; // Make sure mobs do not spawn on bedrock.
cFastRandom Random;
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
BLOCKTYPE TargetBlock = a_Chunk->GetBlock(a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ);
cPlayer * a_Closest_Player = a_Chunk->GetWorld()->FindClosestPlayer(a_Chunk->PositionToWorldPosition(a_RelX, a_RelY, a_RelZ), 24);
@ -202,7 +198,7 @@ bool cMobSpawner::CanSpawnHere(cChunk * a_Chunk, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_R
(BlockBelow == E_BLOCK_GRASS) || (BlockBelow == E_BLOCK_LEAVES) || (BlockBelow == E_BLOCK_NEW_LEAVES)
) &&
(a_RelY >= 62) &&
(Random.NextInt(3) != 0)
(Random.RandBool(2.0 / 3.0))
@ -260,7 +256,7 @@ bool cMobSpawner::CanSpawnHere(cChunk * a_Chunk, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_R
(!cBlockInfo::IsTransparent(BlockBelow)) &&
(SkyLight <= 7) &&
(BlockLight <= 7) &&
(Random.NextInt(2) == 0)
@ -274,7 +270,7 @@ bool cMobSpawner::CanSpawnHere(cChunk * a_Chunk, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_R
(!cBlockInfo::IsTransparent(BlockBelow)) &&
(SkyLight <= 7) &&
(BlockLight <= 7) &&
(Random.NextInt(2) == 0)
@ -298,7 +294,7 @@ bool cMobSpawner::CanSpawnHere(cChunk * a_Chunk, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_R
(TargetBlock == E_BLOCK_AIR) &&
(BlockAbove == E_BLOCK_AIR) &&
(!cBlockInfo::IsTransparent(BlockBelow)) &&
(Random.NextInt(20) == 0)
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
#include "BlockID.h"
#include "ChunkDef.h"
#include "Chunk.h"
#include "FastRandom.h"
#include "Mobs/Monster.h" // This is a side-effect of keeping Mobfamily inside Monster class. I'd prefer to keep both (Mobfamily and Monster) inside a "Monster" namespace MG TODO : do it
@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ protected :
bool m_NewPack;
eMonsterType m_MobType;
std::set<cMonster*> m_Spawned;
cFastRandom m_Random;
} ;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ void cChicken::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
return; // Babies don't lay eggs
if ((m_EggDropTimer == 6000) && (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(1) == 0))
if ((m_EggDropTimer == 6000) && GetRandomProvider().RandBool())
cItems Drops;
m_EggDropTimer = 0;
@ -41,16 +41,18 @@ void cHorse::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
if (!m_bIsMouthOpen)
if (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(50) == 25)
if (Random.RandBool(0.02))
m_bIsMouthOpen = true;
if (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(10) == 5)
if (Random.RandBool(0.10))
m_bIsMouthOpen = false;
@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ void cHorse::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
if (m_TameAttemptTimes < m_TimesToTame)
if (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(50) == 25)
if (Random.RandBool(0.02))
m_World->BroadcastSoundParticleEffect(EffectID::PARTICLE_SMOKE, FloorC(GetPosX()), FloorC(GetPosY()), FloorC(GetPosZ()), int(SmokeDirection::SOUTH_EAST));
m_World->BroadcastSoundParticleEffect(EffectID::PARTICLE_SMOKE, FloorC(GetPosX()), FloorC(GetPosY()), FloorC(GetPosZ()), int(SmokeDirection::SOUTH_WEST));
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ void cMonster::KilledBy(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
case mtOcelot:
case mtWolf:
Reward = m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(2) + 1;
Reward = GetRandomProvider().RandInt(1, 3);
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ void cMonster::KilledBy(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
case mtSlime:
case mtMagmaCube:
Reward = 6 + (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(2));
Reward = GetRandomProvider().RandInt(6, 8);
case mtBlaze:
@ -657,13 +657,15 @@ void cMonster::InStateIdle(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
if (m_IdleInterval > std::chrono::seconds(1))
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
// At this interval the results are predictable
int rem = m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(6) + 1;
int rem = Random.RandInt(1, 7);
m_IdleInterval -= std::chrono::seconds(1); // So nothing gets dropped when the server hangs for a few seconds
Vector3d Dist;
Dist.x = static_cast<double>(m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(10)) - 5.0;
Dist.z = static_cast<double>(m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(10)) - 5.0;
Dist.x = static_cast<double>(Random.RandInt(-5, 5));
Dist.z = static_cast<double>(Random.RandInt(-5, 5));
if ((Dist.SqrLength() > 2) && (rem >= 3))
@ -1005,7 +1007,7 @@ cPawn * cMonster::GetTarget ()
cMonster * cMonster::NewMonsterFromType(eMonsterType a_MobType)
cFastRandom Random;
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
cMonster * toReturn = nullptr;
// Create the mob entity
@ -1013,23 +1015,23 @@ cMonster * cMonster::NewMonsterFromType(eMonsterType a_MobType)
case mtMagmaCube:
toReturn = new cMagmaCube(1 << Random.NextInt(3)); // Size 1, 2 or 4
toReturn = new cMagmaCube(1 << Random.RandInt(2)); // Size 1, 2 or 4
case mtSlime:
toReturn = new cSlime(1 << Random.NextInt(3)); // Size 1, 2 or 4
toReturn = new cSlime(1 << Random.RandInt(2)); // Size 1, 2 or 4
case mtSkeleton:
// TODO: Actual detection of spawning in Nether
toReturn = new cSkeleton((Random.NextInt(1) == 0) ? false : true);
toReturn = new cSkeleton(false);
case mtVillager:
int VillagerType = Random.NextInt(6);
int VillagerType = Random.RandInt(6);
if (VillagerType == 6)
// Give farmers a better chance of spawning
@ -1042,10 +1044,10 @@ cMonster * cMonster::NewMonsterFromType(eMonsterType a_MobType)
case mtHorse:
// Horses take a type (species), a colour, and a style (dots, stripes, etc.)
int HorseType = Random.NextInt(8);
int HorseColor = Random.NextInt(7);
int HorseStyle = Random.NextInt(5);
int HorseTameTimes = Random.NextInt(6) + 1;
int HorseType = Random.RandInt(7);
int HorseColor = Random.RandInt(6);
int HorseStyle = Random.RandInt(4);
int HorseTameTimes = Random.RandInt(1, 6);
if ((HorseType == 5) || (HorseType == 6) || (HorseType == 7))
@ -1097,11 +1099,10 @@ cMonster * cMonster::NewMonsterFromType(eMonsterType a_MobType)
void cMonster::AddRandomDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_Min, unsigned int a_Max, short a_Item, short a_ItemHealth)
MTRand r1;
int Count = static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned int>(r1.randInt()) % (a_Max + 1 - a_Min) + a_Min);
auto Count = GetRandomProvider().RandInt<char>(static_cast<char>(a_Min), static_cast<char>(a_Max));
if (Count > 0)
a_Drops.push_back(cItem(a_Item, static_cast<char>(Count), a_ItemHealth));
a_Drops.emplace_back(a_Item, Count, a_ItemHealth);
@ -1111,9 +1112,7 @@ void cMonster::AddRandomDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_Min, unsigned
void cMonster::AddRandomUncommonDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, float a_Chance, short a_Item, short a_ItemHealth)
MTRand r1;
int Count = r1.randInt() % 1000;
if (Count < (a_Chance * 10))
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(a_Chance / 100.0))
a_Drops.push_back(cItem(a_Item, 1, a_ItemHealth));
@ -1125,11 +1124,10 @@ void cMonster::AddRandomUncommonDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, float a_Chance, short
void cMonster::AddRandomRareDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, cItems & a_Items, unsigned int a_LootingLevel)
MTRand r1;
unsigned int Count = static_cast<unsigned int>(static_cast<unsigned long>(r1.randInt()) % 200);
if (Count < (5 + a_LootingLevel))
auto & r1 = GetRandomProvider();
if (r1.RandBool((5 + a_LootingLevel) / 200.0))
size_t Rare = static_cast<size_t>(r1.randInt()) % a_Items.Size();
size_t Rare = r1.RandInt<size_t>(a_Items.Size() - 1);
@ -1140,8 +1138,11 @@ void cMonster::AddRandomRareDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, cItems & a_Items, unsigne
void cMonster::AddRandomArmorDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_LootingLevel)
MTRand r1;
if (r1.randInt() % 200 < ((m_DropChanceHelmet * 200) + (a_LootingLevel * 2)))
auto & r1 = GetRandomProvider();
double LootingBonus = a_LootingLevel / 100.0;
if (r1.RandBool(m_DropChanceHelmet + LootingBonus))
if (!GetEquippedHelmet().IsEmpty())
@ -1149,7 +1150,7 @@ void cMonster::AddRandomArmorDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_LootingLe
if (r1.randInt() % 200 < ((m_DropChanceChestplate * 200) + (a_LootingLevel * 2)))
if (r1.RandBool(m_DropChanceChestplate + LootingBonus))
if (!GetEquippedChestplate().IsEmpty())
@ -1157,7 +1158,7 @@ void cMonster::AddRandomArmorDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_LootingLe
if (r1.randInt() % 200 < ((m_DropChanceLeggings * 200) + (a_LootingLevel * 2)))
if (r1.RandBool(m_DropChanceLeggings + LootingBonus))
if (!GetEquippedLeggings().IsEmpty())
@ -1165,7 +1166,7 @@ void cMonster::AddRandomArmorDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_LootingLe
if (r1.randInt() % 200 < ((m_DropChanceBoots * 200) + (a_LootingLevel * 2)))
if (r1.RandBool(m_DropChanceBoots + LootingBonus))
if (!GetEquippedBoots().IsEmpty())
@ -1180,8 +1181,7 @@ void cMonster::AddRandomArmorDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_LootingLe
void cMonster::AddRandomWeaponDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_LootingLevel)
MTRand r1;
if (r1.randInt() % 200 < ((m_DropChanceWeapon * 200) + (a_LootingLevel * 2)))
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(m_DropChanceWeapon + (a_LootingLevel / 100.0)))
if (!GetEquippedWeapon().IsEmpty())
@ -127,8 +127,7 @@ void cPassiveMonster::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
Callback.Baby->InheritFromParents(this, m_LovePartner);
cFastRandom Random;
m_World->SpawnExperienceOrb(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, 1 + Random.NextInt(6));
m_World->SpawnExperienceOrb(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, GetRandomProvider().RandInt(1, 6));
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ bool cPath::StepOnce()
// Check if we have a new NearestPoint.
if ((m_Destination - CurrentCell->m_Location).Length() < 5)
if (m_Rand.NextInt(4) == 0)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.25))
m_NearestPointToTarget = CurrentCell;
@ -178,7 +178,6 @@ private:
double m_HalfWidth;
int m_StepsLeft;
cPathCell * m_NearestPointToTarget;
cFastRandom m_Rand;
/* Control fields */
ePathFinderStatus m_Status;
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
cRabbit::cRabbit(void) :
static_cast<UInt8>(eRabbitType::SaltAndPepper) + 1 // Max possible Rabbit-Type
static_cast<UInt8>(eRabbitType::SaltAndPepper) // Max possible Rabbit-Type
)), 0)
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ void cSheep::OnRightClicked(cPlayer & a_Player)
cItems Drops;
int NumDrops = m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(2) + 1;
Drops.push_back(cItem(E_BLOCK_WOOL, static_cast<char>(NumDrops), static_cast<short>(m_WoolColor)));
char NumDrops = GetRandomProvider().RandInt<char>(1, 3);
Drops.emplace_back(E_BLOCK_WOOL, NumDrops, static_cast<short>(m_WoolColor));
m_World->SpawnItemPickups(Drops, GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), 10);
m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect("entity.sheep.shear", GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), 1.0f, 1.0f);
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ void cSheep::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
if (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(600) == 1)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(1.0 / 600.0))
if (m_World->GetBlock(PosX, PosY, PosZ) == E_BLOCK_GRASS)
@ -167,8 +167,7 @@ void cSheep::InheritFromParents(cPassiveMonster * a_Parent1, cPassiveMonster * a
cFastRandom Random;
SetFurColor((Random.NextInt(100) < 50) ? Parent1->GetFurColor() : Parent2->GetFurColor());
SetFurColor(GetRandomProvider().RandBool() ? Parent1->GetFurColor() : Parent2->GetFurColor());
@ -178,8 +177,7 @@ void cSheep::InheritFromParents(cPassiveMonster * a_Parent1, cPassiveMonster * a
NIBBLETYPE cSheep::GenerateNaturalRandomColor(void)
cFastRandom Random;
int Chance = Random.NextInt(101);
int Chance = GetRandomProvider().RandInt(100);
if (Chance <= 81)
@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ void cSkeleton::GetDrops(cItems & a_Drops, cEntity * a_Killer)
bool cSkeleton::Attack(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt)
StopMovingToPosition(); // Todo handle this in a better way, the skeleton does some uneeded recalcs due to inStateChasing
cFastRandom Random;
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
if ((GetTarget() != nullptr) && (m_AttackCoolDownTicksLeft == 0))
Vector3d Inaccuracy = Vector3d(Random.NextFloat(0.5) - 0.25, Random.NextFloat(0.5) - 0.25, Random.NextFloat(0.5) - 0.25);
Vector3d Inaccuracy = Vector3d(Random.RandReal<double>(-0.25, 0.25), Random.RandReal<double>(-0.25, 0.25), Random.RandReal<double>(-0.25, 0.25));
Vector3d Speed = (GetTarget()->GetPosition() + Inaccuracy - GetPosition()) * 5;
Speed.y = Speed.y - 1 + Random.NextInt(3);
Speed.y += Random.RandInt(-1, 1);
cArrowEntity * Arrow = new cArrowEntity(this, GetPosX(), GetPosY() + 1, GetPosZ(), Speed);
if (Arrow == nullptr)
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ void cSlime::KilledBy(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
if (m_Size != 1)
cFastRandom Random;
int SpawnAmount = 2 + Random.NextInt(3);
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
int SpawnAmount = Random.RandInt(2, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < SpawnAmount; ++i)
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void cSlime::KilledBy(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
cSlime * NewSlime = new cSlime(m_Size / 2);
NewSlime->SetPosition(GetPosX() + AddX, GetPosY() + 0.5, GetPosZ() + AddZ);
NewSlime->SetYaw(Random.NextFloat(1.0f) * 360.0f);
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ bool cVillager::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
if ((a_TDI.Attacker != nullptr) && a_TDI.Attacker->IsPlayer())
if (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(5) == 3)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(1.0 / 6.0))
m_World->BroadcastEntityStatus(*this, esVillagerAngry);
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void cVillager::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
// Don't always try to do a special action. Each tick has 1% to do a special action.
if (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(99) != 0)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.99))
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ void cVillager::HandleFarmerPrepareFarmCrops()
m_VillagerAction = true;
m_CropsPos = Vector3i(static_cast<int>(GetPosX()) + X - 5, static_cast<int>(GetPosY()) + Y - 3, static_cast<int>(GetPosZ()) + Z - 5);
MoveToPosition(Vector3f(static_cast<float>(m_CropsPos.x + 0.5), static_cast<float>(m_CropsPos.y), static_cast<float>(m_CropsPos.z + 0.5)));
MoveToPosition(Vector3d(m_CropsPos.x + 0.5, m_CropsPos.y + 0.0, m_CropsPos.z + 0.5));
} // for Y loop.
} // Repeat the procces 5 times.
@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ void cWitch::GetDrops(cItems & a_Drops, cEntity * a_Killer)
LootingLevel = a_Killer->GetEquippedWeapon().m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchLooting);
MTRand r1;
int DropTypeCount = (r1.randInt() % 3) + 1;
auto & r1 = GetRandomProvider();
int DropTypeCount = r1.RandInt(1, 3);
for (int i = 0; i < DropTypeCount; i++)
int DropType = r1.randInt() % 7;
int DropType = r1.RandInt(6);
switch (DropType)
case 0: AddRandomDropItem(a_Drops, 0, 2 + LootingLevel, E_ITEM_GLASS_BOTTLE); break;
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ void cWolf::ReceiveNearbyFightInfo(AString a_PlayerID, cPawn * a_Opponent, bool
// If a player is asking for help and we already have a target,
// there's a 50% chance of helping and a 50% chance of doing nothing
// This helps spread a wolf pack's targets over several mobs
else if (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(9)> 4)
else if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool())
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ void cWolf::OnRightClicked(cPlayer & a_Player)
if (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(7) == 0)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.125))
// Taming succeeded
@ -100,8 +100,7 @@ bool cProbabDistrib::SetDefString(const AString & a_DefString)
int cProbabDistrib::Random(MTRand & a_Rand) const
int v = a_Rand.randInt(m_Sum);
return MapValue(v);
return MapValue(a_Rand.RandInt(m_Sum));
@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ Usage:
// fwd:
class MTRand;
#include "FastRandom.h"
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "WebAdmin.h"
#include "Protocol/ProtocolRecognizer.h"
#include "CommandOutput.h"
#include "FastRandom.h"
#include "IniFile.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
@ -218,9 +219,9 @@ bool cServer::InitServer(cSettingsRepositoryInterface & a_Settings, bool a_Shoul
m_ShouldAuthenticate = a_ShouldAuth;
if (m_ShouldAuthenticate)
MTRand mtrand1;
unsigned int r1 = (mtrand1.randInt() % 1147483647) + 1000000000;
unsigned int r2 = (mtrand1.randInt() % 1147483647) + 1000000000;
auto & rand = GetRandomProvider();
unsigned int r1 = rand.RandInt<unsigned int>(1000000000U, 0x7fffffffU);
unsigned int r2 = rand.RandInt<unsigned int>(1000000000U, 0x7fffffffU);
std::ostringstream sid;
sid << std::hex << r1;
sid << std::hex << r2;
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ int cFireSimulator::GetBurnStepTime(cChunk * a_Chunk, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, in
void cFireSimulator::TrySpreadFire(cChunk * a_Chunk, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ)
if (m_World.GetTickRandomNumber(10000) > 100)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.99))
// Make the chance to spread 100x smaller
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ void cFireSimulator::TrySpreadFire(cChunk * a_Chunk, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int
// No need to check the coords for equality with the parent block,
// it cannot catch fire anyway (because it's not an air block)
if (m_World.GetTickRandomNumber(MAX_CHANCE_FLAMMABILITY) > m_Flammability)
if (!GetRandomProvider().RandBool(m_Flammability * (1.0 / MAX_CHANCE_FLAMMABILITY)))
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ void cFireSimulator::RemoveFuelNeighbors(cChunk * a_Chunk, int a_RelX, int a_Rel
bool ShouldReplaceFuel = (m_World.GetTickRandomNumber(MAX_CHANCE_REPLACE_FUEL) < m_ReplaceFuelChance);
bool ShouldReplaceFuel = (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(m_ReplaceFuelChance * (1.0 / MAX_CHANCE_REPLACE_FUEL)));
if (ShouldReplaceFuel && !cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookBlockSpread(m_World, AbsX, Y, AbsZ, ssFireSpread))
Neighbour->SetBlock(X, Y, Z, E_BLOCK_FIRE, 0);
@ -1003,8 +1003,7 @@ void cSlotAreaAnvil::OnTakeResult(cPlayer & a_Player)
a_Player.GetWorld()->GetBlockTypeMeta(PosX, PosY, PosZ, Block, BlockMeta);
cFastRandom Random;
if (!a_Player.IsGameModeCreative() && (Block == E_BLOCK_ANVIL) && (Random.NextFloat(1.0F) < 0.12F))
if (!a_Player.IsGameModeCreative() && (Block == E_BLOCK_ANVIL) && GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.12))
NIBBLETYPE Orientation = BlockMeta & 0x3;
NIBBLETYPE AnvilDamage = BlockMeta >> 2;
@ -1578,8 +1577,8 @@ void cSlotAreaEnchanting::UpdateResult(cPlayer & a_Player)
int Bookshelves = std::min(GetBookshelvesCount(*a_Player.GetWorld()), 15);
cFastRandom Random;
int Base = (Random.GenerateRandomInteger(1, 8) + static_cast<int>(floor(static_cast<float>(Bookshelves / 2)) + Random.GenerateRandomInteger(0, Bookshelves)));
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
int Base = (Random.RandInt(1, 8) + (Bookshelves / 2) + Random.RandInt(0, Bookshelves));
int TopSlot = std::max(Base / 3, 1);
int MiddleSlot = (Base * 2) / 3 + 1;
int BottomSlot = std::max(Base, Bookshelves * 2);
@ -245,22 +245,20 @@ void cWorld::CastThunderbolt (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
int cWorld::GetDefaultWeatherInterval(eWeather a_Weather)
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
switch (a_Weather)
case eWeather_Sunny:
auto dif = m_MaxSunnyTicks - m_MinSunnyTicks + 1;
return m_MinSunnyTicks + (m_TickRand.randInt() % dif);
return Random.RandInt(m_MinSunnyTicks, m_MaxSunnyTicks);
case eWeather_Rain:
auto dif = m_MaxRainTicks - m_MinRainTicks + 1;
return m_MinRainTicks + (m_TickRand.randInt() % dif);
return Random.RandInt(m_MinRainTicks, m_MaxRainTicks);
case eWeather_ThunderStorm:
auto dif = m_MaxThunderStormTicks - m_MinThunderStormTicks + 1;
return m_MinThunderStormTicks + (m_TickRand.randInt() % dif);
return Random.RandInt(m_MinThunderStormTicks, m_MaxThunderStormTicks);
@ -812,7 +810,7 @@ eWeather cWorld::ChooseNewWeather()
case eWeather_Rain:
// 1 / 8 chance of turning into a thunderstorm
return ((m_TickRand.randInt() % 256) < 32) ? eWeather_ThunderStorm : eWeather_Sunny;
return GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.125) ? eWeather_ThunderStorm : eWeather_Sunny;
@ -1074,7 +1072,7 @@ void cWorld::TickWeather(float a_Dt)
if (m_Weather == eWeather_ThunderStorm)
// 0.5% chance per tick of thunderbolt
if (m_TickRand.randInt() % 199 == 0)
if (GetRandomProvider().RandBool(0.005))
CastThunderbolt(0, 0, 0); // TODO: find random positions near players to cast thunderbolts.
@ -1697,7 +1695,7 @@ void cWorld::GrowTreeImage(const sSetBlockVector & a_Blocks)
bool cWorld::GrowRipePlant(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, bool a_IsByBonemeal)
cFastRandom random;
auto & random = GetRandomProvider();
GetBlockTypeMeta(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
@ -1735,7 +1733,7 @@ bool cWorld::GrowRipePlant(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, bool a_IsBy
BlockMeta += random.NextInt(4) + 2;
BlockMeta += random.RandInt(2, 5);
BlockMeta = std::min(BlockMeta, static_cast<NIBBLETYPE>(7));
FastSetBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
@ -1770,7 +1768,7 @@ bool cWorld::GrowRipePlant(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, bool a_IsBy
BlockMeta += random.NextInt(4) + 2;
BlockMeta += random.RandInt(2, 5);
BlockMeta = std::min(BlockMeta, static_cast<NIBBLETYPE>(7));
FastSetBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
@ -1793,7 +1791,7 @@ bool cWorld::GrowRipePlant(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, bool a_IsBy
BlockMeta += random.NextInt(4) + 2;
BlockMeta += random.RandInt(2, 5);
BlockMeta = std::min(BlockMeta, static_cast<NIBBLETYPE>(7));
FastSetBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
@ -1825,7 +1823,7 @@ bool cWorld::GrowRipePlant(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, bool a_IsBy
BlockMeta += random.NextInt(4) + 2;
BlockMeta += random.RandInt(2, 5);
BlockMeta = std::min(BlockMeta, static_cast<NIBBLETYPE>(7));
FastSetBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
@ -1848,7 +1846,7 @@ bool cWorld::GrowRipePlant(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, bool a_IsBy
BlockMeta += random.NextInt(4) + 2;
BlockMeta += random.RandInt(2, 5);
BlockMeta = std::min(BlockMeta, static_cast<NIBBLETYPE>(7));
FastSetBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, BlockType, BlockMeta);
@ -1884,14 +1882,14 @@ bool cWorld::GrowRipePlant(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, bool a_IsBy
else if (random.NextInt(99) < 45)
else if (random.RandBool(0.45))
FastSetBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, BlockType, static_cast<NIBBLETYPE>(GrowState << 3 | TypeMeta));
else if (random.NextInt(99) < 45)
else if (random.RandBool(0.45))
GrowTreeFromSapling(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, BlockMeta);
@ -1905,12 +1903,12 @@ bool cWorld::GrowRipePlant(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, bool a_IsBy
return false;
MTRand r1;
auto & r1 = GetRandomProvider();
for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
int OfsX = static_cast<int>(r1.randInt(3) + r1.randInt(3) + r1.randInt(3) + r1.randInt(3)) / 2 - 3;
int OfsY = static_cast<int>(r1.randInt(3) + r1.randInt(3)) - 3;
int OfsZ = static_cast<int>(r1.randInt(3) + r1.randInt(3) + r1.randInt(3) + r1.randInt(3)) / 2 - 3;
int OfsX = (r1.RandInt(3) + r1.RandInt(3) + r1.RandInt(3) + r1.RandInt(3)) / 2 - 3;
int OfsY = r1.RandInt(3) + r1.RandInt(3) - 3;
int OfsZ = (r1.RandInt(3) + r1.RandInt(3) + r1.RandInt(3) + r1.RandInt(3)) / 2 - 3;
BLOCKTYPE Ground = GetBlock(a_BlockX + OfsX, a_BlockY + OfsY, a_BlockZ + OfsZ);
if (Ground != E_BLOCK_GRASS)
@ -1923,7 +1921,7 @@ bool cWorld::GrowRipePlant(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, bool a_IsBy
NIBBLETYPE SpawnMeta = 0;
switch (r1.randInt(10))
switch (r1.RandInt(10))
case 0: SpawnType = E_BLOCK_YELLOW_FLOWER; break;
case 1: SpawnType = E_BLOCK_RED_ROSE; break;
@ -2031,8 +2029,7 @@ int cWorld::GrowCactus(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, int a_NumBlocks
bool cWorld::GrowMelonPumpkin(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType)
MTRand Rand;
return m_ChunkMap->GrowMelonPumpkin(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, a_BlockType, Rand);
return m_ChunkMap->GrowMelonPumpkin(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, a_BlockType);
@ -2162,6 +2159,7 @@ bool cWorld::WriteBlockArea(cBlockArea & a_Area, int a_MinBlockX, int a_MinBlock
void cWorld::SpawnItemPickups(const cItems & a_Pickups, double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ, double a_FlyAwaySpeed, bool IsPlayerCreated)
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
a_FlyAwaySpeed /= 100; // Pre-divide, so that we don't have to divide each time inside the loop
for (cItems::const_iterator itr = a_Pickups.begin(); itr != a_Pickups.end(); ++itr)
@ -2171,9 +2169,9 @@ void cWorld::SpawnItemPickups(const cItems & a_Pickups, double a_BlockX, double
float SpeedX = static_cast<float>(a_FlyAwaySpeed * (GetTickRandomNumber(10) - 5));
float SpeedY = static_cast<float>(a_FlyAwaySpeed * GetTickRandomNumber(50));
float SpeedZ = static_cast<float>(a_FlyAwaySpeed * (GetTickRandomNumber(10) - 5));
float SpeedX = static_cast<float>(a_FlyAwaySpeed * Random.RandInt(-5, 5));
float SpeedY = static_cast<float>(a_FlyAwaySpeed * Random.RandInt(50));
float SpeedZ = static_cast<float>(a_FlyAwaySpeed * Random.RandInt(-5, 5));
cPickup * Pickup = new cPickup(
a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ,
@ -2310,10 +2308,11 @@ UInt32 cWorld::SpawnPrimedTNT(double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, int a_FuseTick
TNT = nullptr;
return cEntity::INVALID_ID;
auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
a_InitialVelocityCoeff * (GetTickRandomNumber(2) - 1), /** -1, 0, 1 */
a_InitialVelocityCoeff * Random.RandInt(-1, 1),
a_InitialVelocityCoeff * 2,
a_InitialVelocityCoeff * (GetTickRandomNumber(2) - 1)
a_InitialVelocityCoeff * Random.RandInt(-1, 1)
return TNT->GetUniqueID();
@ -3793,6 +3792,15 @@ UInt32 cWorld::CreateProjectile(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ, cPr
int cWorld::GetTickRandomNumber(int a_Range)
return GetRandomProvider().RandInt(a_Range);
void cWorld::TabCompleteUserName(const AString & a_Text, AStringVector & a_Results)
typedef std::pair<AString::size_type, AString> pair_t;
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
#include "MapManager.h"
#include "Blocks/WorldInterface.h"
#include "Blocks/BroadcastInterface.h"
#include "FastRandom.h"
#include "EffectID.h"
@ -801,8 +800,8 @@ public:
Item parameter is currently used for Fireworks to correctly set entity metadata based on item metadata. */
UInt32 CreateProjectile(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ, cProjectileEntity::eKind a_Kind, cEntity * a_Creator, const cItem * a_Item, const Vector3d * a_Speed = nullptr); // tolua_export
/** Returns a random number from the m_TickRand in range [0 .. a_Range]. To be used only in the tick thread! */
int GetTickRandomNumber(int a_Range) { return static_cast<int>(m_TickRand.randInt(a_Range)); }
/** Returns a random number in range [0 .. a_Range]. */
int GetTickRandomNumber(int a_Range);
/** Appends all usernames starting with a_Text (case-insensitive) into Results */
void TabCompleteUserName(const AString & a_Text, AStringVector & a_Results);
@ -880,9 +879,6 @@ private:
/** The dimension of the world, used by the client to provide correct lighting scheme */
eDimension m_Dimension;
/** This random generator is to be used only in the Tick() method, and thus only in the World-Tick-thread (MTRand is not exactly thread-safe) */
MTRand m_TickRand;
bool m_IsSpawnExplicitlySet;
double m_SpawnX;
double m_SpawnY;
@ -15,14 +15,13 @@ static void TestInts(void)
cFastRandom rnd;
int sum = 0;
const int BUCKETS = 8;
int Counts[BUCKETS];
memset(Counts, 0, sizeof(Counts));
int Counts[BUCKETS] = {0};
const int ITER = 10000;
for (int i = 0; i < ITER; i++)
int v = rnd.NextInt(1000);
int v = rnd.RandInt(1000);
assert_test(v >= 0);
assert_test(v < 1000);
assert_test(v <= 1000);
Counts[v % BUCKETS]++;
sum += v;
@ -43,12 +42,11 @@ static void TestFloats(void)
cFastRandom rnd;
float sum = 0;
const int BUCKETS = 8;
int Counts[BUCKETS];
memset(Counts, 0, sizeof(Counts));
int Counts[BUCKETS] = {0};
const int ITER = 10000;
for (int i = 0; i < ITER; i++)
float v = rnd.NextFloat(1000);
float v = rnd.RandReal(1000.0f);
assert_test(v >= 0);
assert_test(v <= 1000);
Counts[static_cast<int>(v) % BUCKETS]++;
@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ static void TestReCreation(void)
for (int i = 0; i < ITER; ++i)
cFastRandom rnd;
int val = rnd.NextInt(10);
int val = rnd.RandInt(9);
if (val == lastVal)
numSame += 1;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user