Always use relative coordinates in AddBlock
+ Pass block, use relatives * Fixes everything immediately converting abs back to rel and getting block, when these data were already available
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ void cBlockEntityWithItems::OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_Grid, int a_SlotNum)
auto & Simulator = *m_World->GetRedstoneSimulator();
// Notify comparators:
Simulator.WakeUp(m_Pos + Vector3i(1, 0, 0), &a_Chunk);
Simulator.WakeUp(m_Pos + Vector3i(-1, 0, 0), &a_Chunk);
Simulator.WakeUp(m_Pos + Vector3i(0, 0, 1), &a_Chunk);
Simulator.WakeUp(m_Pos + Vector3i(0, 0, -1), &a_Chunk);
m_World->WakeUpSimulators(m_Pos + Vector3i(1, 0, 0));
m_World->WakeUpSimulators(m_Pos + Vector3i(-1, 0, 0));
m_World->WakeUpSimulators(m_Pos + Vector3i(0, 0, 1));
m_World->WakeUpSimulators(m_Pos + Vector3i(0, 0, -1));
return true;
@ -216,3 +216,42 @@ bool cChestEntity::IsBlocked()
void cChestEntity::OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_Grid, int a_SlotNum)
ASSERT(a_Grid == &m_Contents);
if (m_World == nullptr)
// Have cBlockEntityWithItems update redstone and try to broadcast our window:
Super::OnSlotChanged(a_Grid, a_SlotNum);
cWindow * Window = GetWindow();
if ((Window == nullptr) && (m_Neighbour != nullptr))
// Window was null, Super will have failed.
// Neighbour might own the window:
Window = m_Neighbour->GetWindow();
if (Window != nullptr)
m_World->MarkChunkDirty(GetChunkX(), GetChunkZ());
m_World->DoWithChunkAt(m_Pos, [&](cChunk & a_Chunk)
auto & Simulator = *m_World->GetRedstoneSimulator();
// Notify comparators:
m_World->WakeUpSimulators(m_Pos + Vector3i(1, 0, 0));
m_World->WakeUpSimulators(m_Pos + Vector3i(-1, 0, 0));
m_World->WakeUpSimulators(m_Pos + Vector3i(0, 0, 1));
m_World->WakeUpSimulators(m_Pos + Vector3i(0, 0, -1));
return true;
@ -74,44 +74,7 @@ private:
cChestEntity * m_Neighbour;
/** cItemGrid::cListener overrides: */
virtual void OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_Grid, int a_SlotNum) override
ASSERT(a_Grid == &m_Contents);
if (m_World == nullptr)
// Have cBlockEntityWithItems update redstone and try to broadcast our window:
Super::OnSlotChanged(a_Grid, a_SlotNum);
cWindow * Window = GetWindow();
if ((Window == nullptr) && (m_Neighbour != nullptr))
// Window was null, Super will have failed.
// Neighbour might own the window:
Window = m_Neighbour->GetWindow();
if (Window != nullptr)
m_World->MarkChunkDirty(GetChunkX(), GetChunkZ());
m_World->DoWithChunkAt(m_Pos, [&](cChunk & a_Chunk)
auto & Simulator = *m_World->GetRedstoneSimulator();
// Notify comparators:
Simulator.WakeUp(m_Pos + Vector3i(1, 0, 0), &a_Chunk);
Simulator.WakeUp(m_Pos + Vector3i(-1, 0, 0), &a_Chunk);
Simulator.WakeUp(m_Pos + Vector3i(0, 0, 1), &a_Chunk);
Simulator.WakeUp(m_Pos + Vector3i(0, 0, -1), &a_Chunk);
return true;
virtual void OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_Grid, int a_SlotNum) override;
} ; // tolua_export
@ -196,8 +196,7 @@ public:
auto absPos = a_Chunk.RelativeToAbsolute(a_RelPos);
a_Chunk.GetWorld()->GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(absPos, &a_Chunk);
a_Chunk.GetWorld()->GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(a_Chunk, a_RelPos);
@ -1241,40 +1241,12 @@ void cChunk::WakeUpSimulators(void)
for (size_t BlockIdx = 0; BlockIdx != cChunkData::SectionBlockCount; ++BlockIdx)
auto BlockType = Section->m_BlockTypes[BlockIdx];
const auto BlockType = Section->m_BlockTypes[BlockIdx];
const auto Position = IndexToCoordinate(BlockIdx);
// Defer calculation until it's actually needed
auto WorldPos = [&]
auto RelPos = IndexToCoordinate(BlockIdx);
RelPos.y += static_cast<int>(SectionIdx * cChunkData::SectionHeight);
return RelativeToAbsolute(RelPos);
// The redstone sim takes multiple blocks, use the inbuilt checker
if (RedstoneSimulator->IsAllowedBlock(BlockType))
RedstoneSimulator->AddBlock(WorldPos(), this);
switch (BlockType)
WaterSimulator->AddBlock(WorldPos(), this);
LavaSimulator->AddBlock(WorldPos(), this);
} // switch (BlockType)
RedstoneSimulator->AddBlock(*this, Position, BlockType);
WaterSimulator->AddBlock(*this, Position, BlockType);
LavaSimulator->AddBlock(*this, Position, BlockType);
@ -1316,7 +1288,7 @@ void cChunk::SetBlock(Vector3i a_RelPos, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_Blo
// TODO: use relative coordinates, cChunk reference
// Wake up the simulators for this block:
GetWorld()->GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(RelativeToAbsolute(a_RelPos), this);
GetWorld()->GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(*this, a_RelPos);
// If there was a block entity, remove it:
cBlockEntity * BlockEntity = GetBlockEntityRel(a_RelPos);
@ -227,7 +227,8 @@ void cChunkMap::WakeUpSimulators(Vector3i a_Block)
m_World->GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(a_Block, Chunk);
m_World->GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(*Chunk, cChunkDef::AbsoluteToRelative(a_Block, Chunk->GetPos()));
@ -644,7 +645,6 @@ void cChunkMap::SetBlock(Vector3i a_BlockPos, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE
BlockHandler(blockType)->OnBroken(ChunkInterface, *m_World, a_BlockPos, blockType, blockMeta);
chunk->SetBlock(relPos, a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta);
m_World->GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(a_BlockPos, chunk);
BlockHandler(a_BlockType)->OnPlaced(ChunkInterface, *m_World, a_BlockPos, a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta);
@ -867,7 +867,6 @@ bool cChunkMap::DigBlock(Vector3i a_BlockPos)
destChunk->SetBlock(relPos, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0);
m_World->GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(a_BlockPos, destChunk);
return true;
@ -78,27 +78,15 @@ cDelayedFluidSimulator::cDelayedFluidSimulator(cWorld & a_World, BLOCKTYPE a_Flu
void cDelayedFluidSimulator::AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block)
void cDelayedFluidSimulator::WakeUp(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block)
int RelX = a_Block.x - a_Chunk->GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
int RelZ = a_Block.z - a_Chunk->GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
BLOCKTYPE BlockType = a_Chunk->GetBlock(RelX, a_Block.y, RelZ);
if (BlockType != m_FluidBlock)
if (!cChunkDef::IsValidHeight(a_Position.y))
// Not inside the world (may happen when rclk with a full bucket - the client sends Y = -1)
auto ChunkDataRaw = (m_FluidBlock == E_BLOCK_WATER) ? a_Chunk->GetWaterSimulatorData() : a_Chunk->GetLavaSimulatorData();
cDelayedFluidSimulatorChunkData * ChunkData = static_cast<cDelayedFluidSimulatorChunkData *>(ChunkDataRaw);
cDelayedFluidSimulatorChunkData::cSlot & Slot = ChunkData->m_Slots[m_AddSlotNum];
// Add, if not already present:
if (!Slot.Add(RelX, a_Block.y, RelZ))
Super::WakeUp(a_Chunk, a_Position, a_Block);
@ -146,13 +134,22 @@ void cDelayedFluidSimulator::SimulateChunk(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, int a
void cDelayedFluidSimulator::WakeUp(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block)
void cDelayedFluidSimulator::AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block)
if (!cChunkDef::IsValidHeight(a_Position.y))
if (a_Block != m_FluidBlock)
// Not inside the world (may happen when rclk with a full bucket - the client sends Y = -1)
Super::WakeUp(a_Chunk, a_Position, a_Block);
auto ChunkDataRaw = (m_FluidBlock == E_BLOCK_WATER) ? a_Chunk.GetWaterSimulatorData() : a_Chunk.GetLavaSimulatorData();
cDelayedFluidSimulatorChunkData * ChunkData = static_cast<cDelayedFluidSimulatorChunkData *>(ChunkDataRaw);
cDelayedFluidSimulatorChunkData::cSlot & Slot = ChunkData->m_Slots[m_AddSlotNum];
// Add, if not already present:
if (!Slot.Add(a_Position.x, a_Position.y, a_Position.z))
@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ public:
cDelayedFluidSimulator(cWorld & a_World, BLOCKTYPE a_Fluid, BLOCKTYPE a_StationaryFluid, int a_TickDelay);
// cSimulator overrides:
virtual void WakeUp(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block) override;
virtual void AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block) override;
virtual void Simulate(float a_Dt) override;
virtual void SimulateChunk(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunk * a_Chunk) override;
virtual cFluidSimulatorData * CreateChunkData(void) override { return new cDelayedFluidSimulatorChunkData(m_TickDelay); }
virtual void Simulate(float a_Dt) override;
virtual void SimulateChunk(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunk * a_Chunk) override;
virtual void AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block) override;
virtual cFluidSimulatorData * CreateChunkData(void) override { return new cDelayedFluidSimulatorChunkData(m_TickDelay); }
int m_TickDelay; // Count of the m_Slots array in each ChunkData
int m_AddSlotNum; // Index into m_Slots[] where to add new blocks in each ChunkData
int m_SimSlotNum; // Index into m_Slots[] where to simulate blocks in each ChunkData
@ -79,14 +79,6 @@ cFireSimulator::cFireSimulator(cWorld & a_World, cIniFile & a_IniFile) :
void cFireSimulator::SimulateChunk(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunk * a_Chunk)
cCoordWithIntList & Data = a_Chunk->GetFireSimulatorData();
@ -241,28 +233,21 @@ bool cFireSimulator::DoesBurnForever(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType)
void cFireSimulator::AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block)
if ((a_Chunk == nullptr) || !a_Chunk->IsValid())
const auto RelPos = cChunkDef::AbsoluteToRelative(a_Block, a_Chunk->GetPos());
BLOCKTYPE BlockType = a_Chunk->GetBlock(RelPos);
if (!IsAllowedBlock(BlockType))
if (!IsAllowedBlock(a_Block))
// Check for duplicates:
cFireSimulatorChunkData & ChunkData = a_Chunk->GetFireSimulatorData();
cFireSimulatorChunkData & ChunkData = a_Chunk.GetFireSimulatorData();
for (cCoordWithIntList::iterator itr = ChunkData.begin(), end = ChunkData.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
const Vector3i ItrPos{itr->x, itr->y, itr->z};
if (ItrPos == RelPos)
if (ItrPos == a_Position)
// Block already present, check if burn step should decrease
// This means if fuel is removed, then the fire burns out sooner
const auto NewBurnStep = GetBurnStepTime(a_Chunk, RelPos);
const auto NewBurnStep = GetBurnStepTime(&a_Chunk, a_Position);
if (itr->Data > NewBurnStep)
FIRE_FLOG("FS: Block lost its fuel at {0}", a_Block);
@ -274,7 +259,7 @@ void cFireSimulator::AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a
} // for itr - ChunkData[]
FIRE_FLOG("FS: Adding block {0}", a_Block);
ChunkData.push_back(cCoordWithInt(RelPos.x, RelPos.y, RelPos.z, 100));
ChunkData.push_back(cCoordWithInt(a_Position.x, a_Position.y, a_Position.z, 100));
@ -19,18 +19,19 @@ class cFireSimulator :
public cSimulator
cFireSimulator(cWorld & a_World, cIniFile & a_IniFile);
virtual ~cFireSimulator() override;
virtual void Simulate(float a_Dt) override { UNUSED(a_Dt);} // not used
virtual void SimulateChunk(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunk * a_Chunk) override;
virtual bool IsAllowedBlock(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) override;
static bool IsFuel (BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType);
static bool DoesBurnForever(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType);
virtual void Simulate(float a_Dt) override { UNUSED(a_Dt);} // not used
virtual void SimulateChunk(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunk * a_Chunk) override;
static bool IsAllowedBlock(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType);
/** Time (in msec) that a fire block takes to burn with a fuel block into the next step */
unsigned m_BurnStepTimeFuel;
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ void cFloodyFluidSimulator::SpreadToNeighbor(cChunk * a_NearChunk, int a_RelX, i
// Spread:
FLUID_FLOG(" Spreading to {0} with meta {1}", absPos, a_NewMeta);
a_NearChunk->SetBlock(relPos, m_FluidBlock, a_NewMeta);
m_World.GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(absPos, a_NearChunk);
m_World.GetSimulatorManager()->WakeUp(*a_NearChunk, relPos);
HardenBlock(a_NearChunk, relPos, m_FluidBlock, a_NewMeta);
@ -43,14 +43,11 @@ public:
cFluidSimulator(cWorld & a_World, BLOCKTYPE a_Fluid, BLOCKTYPE a_StationaryFluid);
// cSimulator overrides:
virtual bool IsAllowedBlock(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) override;
/** Returns a unit vector in the direction the fluid is flowing or a zero-vector if not flowing. */
virtual Vector3f GetFlowingDirection(int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z);
/** Creates a ChunkData object for the simulator to use. The simulator returns the correct object type. */
virtual cFluidSimulatorData * CreateChunkData(void) { return nullptr; }
virtual cFluidSimulatorData * CreateChunkData(void) = 0;
bool IsFluidBlock (BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) const { return (a_BlockType == m_FluidBlock); }
bool IsStationaryFluidBlock(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) const { return (a_BlockType == m_StationaryFluidBlock); }
@ -65,6 +62,9 @@ public:
bool IsHigherMeta(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta1, NIBBLETYPE a_Meta2);
bool IsAllowedBlock(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType);
BLOCKTYPE m_FluidBlock; // The fluid block type that needs simulating
BLOCKTYPE m_StationaryFluidBlock; // The fluid block type that indicates no simulation is needed
@ -273,26 +273,18 @@ void cIncrementalRedstoneSimulator::ProcessWorkItem(cChunk & Chunk, cChunk & Tic
void cIncrementalRedstoneSimulator::AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block)
// Can't inspect block, ignore:
if ((a_Chunk == nullptr) || !a_Chunk->IsValid())
auto & ChunkData = *static_cast<cIncrementalRedstoneSimulatorChunkData *>(a_Chunk.GetRedstoneSimulatorData());
if (!IsRedstone(a_Block))
auto & ChunkData = *static_cast<cIncrementalRedstoneSimulatorChunkData *>(a_Chunk->GetRedstoneSimulatorData());
const auto Relative = cChunkDef::AbsoluteToRelative(a_Block, a_Chunk->GetPos());
const auto CurrentBlock = a_Chunk->GetBlock(Relative);
if (!IsRedstone(CurrentBlock))
if (IsAlwaysTicked(a_Block))
if (IsAlwaysTicked(CurrentBlock))
// Always update redstone devices:
@ -21,26 +21,7 @@ public:
virtual void WakeUp(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block) override;
virtual void Simulate(float Dt) override {};
virtual void SimulateChunk(std::chrono::milliseconds Dt, int ChunkX, int ChunkZ, cChunk * Chunk) override;
void ProcessWorkItem(cChunk & Chunk, cChunk & TickingSource, const Vector3i Position);
virtual cIncrementalRedstoneSimulatorChunkData * CreateChunkData() override
return new cIncrementalRedstoneSimulatorChunkData;
virtual bool IsAllowedBlock(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) override
return IsRedstone(a_BlockType);
virtual void AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block) override;
static const cRedstoneHandler * GetComponentHandler(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType);
/** Returns if a block is a mechanism (something that accepts power and does something)
Used by torches to determine if they will power a block */
@ -164,7 +145,20 @@ private:
static const cRedstoneHandler * GetComponentHandler(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType);
virtual void WakeUp(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block) override;
virtual void Simulate(float Dt) override {};
virtual void SimulateChunk(std::chrono::milliseconds Dt, int ChunkX, int ChunkZ, cChunk * Chunk) override;
void ProcessWorkItem(cChunk & Chunk, cChunk & TickingSource, const Vector3i Position);
virtual cIncrementalRedstoneSimulatorChunkData * CreateChunkData() override
return new cIncrementalRedstoneSimulatorChunkData;
virtual void AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block) override;
@ -22,18 +22,17 @@ class cNoopFluidSimulator:
cNoopFluidSimulator(cWorld & a_World, BLOCKTYPE a_Fluid, BLOCKTYPE a_StationaryFluid):
Super(a_World, a_Fluid, a_StationaryFluid)
using Super::cFluidSimulator;
// cSimulator overrides:
virtual void Simulate(float a_Dt) override { UNUSED(a_Dt);}
virtual void AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block) override
virtual void Simulate(float a_Dt) override { UNUSED(a_Dt);}
virtual cFluidSimulatorData * CreateChunkData(void) override { return nullptr; }
} ;
@ -20,14 +20,6 @@ public:
virtual void Simulate(float a_Dt) override { UNUSED(a_Dt);} // not used
virtual void SimulateChunk(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunk * a_Chunk) override
virtual bool IsAllowedBlock( BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) override { return false; }
virtual void AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block) override
@ -99,29 +99,23 @@ bool cSandSimulator::IsAllowedBlock(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType)
void cSandSimulator::AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block)
if ((a_Chunk == nullptr) || !a_Chunk->IsValid())
int RelX = a_Block.x - a_Chunk->GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width;
int RelZ = a_Block.z - a_Chunk->GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
if (!IsAllowedBlock(a_Chunk->GetBlock(RelX, a_Block.y, RelZ)))
if (!IsAllowedBlock(a_Block))
// Check for duplicates:
cSandSimulatorChunkData & ChunkData = a_Chunk->GetSandSimulatorData();
cSandSimulatorChunkData & ChunkData = a_Chunk.GetSandSimulatorData();
for (cSandSimulatorChunkData::iterator itr = ChunkData.begin(); itr != ChunkData.end(); ++itr)
if ((itr->x == RelX) && (itr->y == a_Block.y) && (itr->z == RelZ))
if ((itr->x == a_Position.x) && (itr->y == a_Position.y) && (itr->z == a_Position.z))
m_TotalBlocks += 1;
ChunkData.push_back(cCoordWithInt(RelX, a_Block.y, RelZ));
ChunkData.push_back(cCoordWithInt(a_Position.x, a_Position.y, a_Position.z));
@ -30,11 +30,6 @@ public:
cSandSimulator(cWorld & a_World, cIniFile & a_IniFile);
// cSimulator overrides:
virtual void Simulate(float a_Dt) override { UNUSED(a_Dt);} // not used
virtual void SimulateChunk(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunk * a_Chunk) override;
virtual bool IsAllowedBlock(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) override;
/** Returns true if a falling-able block can start falling through the specified block type */
static bool CanStartFallingThrough(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType);
@ -56,7 +51,12 @@ public:
BLOCKTYPE a_FallingBlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_FallingBlockMeta
virtual void Simulate(float a_Dt) override { UNUSED(a_Dt);} // not used
virtual void SimulateChunk(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunk * a_Chunk) override;
static bool IsAllowedBlock(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType);
bool m_IsInstantFall; // If set to true, blocks don't fall using cFallingBlock entity, but instantly instead
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ public:
friend class cChunk; // Calls AddBlock() in its WakeUpSimulators() function, to speed things up
friend class cSimulatorManager; // Class reponsible for dispatching calls to the various slave Simulators
virtual void Simulate(float a_Dt) = 0;
virtual void SimulateChunk(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunk * a_Chunk)
@ -42,11 +43,8 @@ protected:
/** Returns true if the specified block type is "interesting" for this simulator. */
virtual bool IsAllowedBlock(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) = 0;
/** Called to simulate a new block. Unlike WakeUp this function will perform minimal checking.
It queues the block to be simulated as fast as possible, only making sure that the block type IsAllowedBlock. */
It queues the block to be simulated as fast as possible, suitable for area wakeups. */
virtual void AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block) = 0;
/** Called to simulate a single new block, typically as a result of a single block break or change.
@ -13,32 +13,14 @@
cVaporizeFluidSimulator::cVaporizeFluidSimulator(cWorld & a_World, BLOCKTYPE a_Fluid, BLOCKTYPE a_StationaryFluid) :
Super(a_World, a_Fluid, a_StationaryFluid)
void cVaporizeFluidSimulator::AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block)
if (a_Chunk == nullptr)
if ((a_Block == m_FluidBlock) || (a_Block == m_StationaryFluidBlock))
auto relPos = cChunkDef::AbsoluteToRelative(a_Block);
auto blockType = a_Chunk->GetBlock(relPos);
if (
(blockType == m_FluidBlock) ||
(blockType == m_StationaryFluidBlock)
a_Chunk->SetBlock(relPos, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0);
a_Chunk.FastSetBlock(a_Position, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0);
@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ class cVaporizeFluidSimulator:
cVaporizeFluidSimulator(cWorld & a_World, BLOCKTYPE a_Fluid, BLOCKTYPE a_StationaryFluid);
using Super::cFluidSimulator;
// cSimulator overrides:
virtual void AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block) override;
virtual void Simulate(float a_Dt) override;
virtual void AddBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_Position, BLOCKTYPE a_Block) override;
virtual cFluidSimulatorData * CreateChunkData(void) override { return nullptr; }
} ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user