Removed test

This commit is contained in:
Tiger Wang 2014-12-13 12:17:04 +00:00
parent 4b20a61519
commit 17be0e3b7a
3 changed files with 0 additions and 176 deletions

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@ -5,4 +5,3 @@ enable_testing()

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
add_executable(Redstone-creatable-exe creatable.cpp ../../src/BoundingBox.cpp)
add_test(NAME creatable-test COMMAND Redstone-creatable-exe)

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@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
#include "Globals.h"
class MockChest;
typedef cItemCallback<MockChest> cChestCallback;
AString ItemToFullString(const cItem & a_Item)
return "";
class cEntity
const Vector3d & GetPosition (void) const { return m_pos;}
double GetWidth (void) const { return 0; }
double GetHeight (void) const { return 0; }
static const Vector3d m_pos;
const Vector3d cEntity::m_pos = Vector3d(0,0,0);
class cItem
cItem(BLOCKTYPE val) {}
void cBlockInfo::Initialize(cBlockInfoArray & a_Info) {}
cBlockInfo::~cBlockInfo () {}
#include "Blocks/ChunkInterface.h"
bool cChunkInterface::ForEachChunkInRect(int a_MinChunkX, int a_MaxChunkX, int a_MinChunkZ, int a_MaxChunkZ, cChunkDataCallback & a_Callback)
return false;
bool cChunkInterface::WriteBlockArea(cBlockArea & a_Area, int a_MinBlockX, int a_MinBlockY, int a_MinBlockZ, int a_DataTypes)
return false;
#include "Simulator/Simulator.h"
#include "Simulator/IncrementalRedstoneSimulator.h"
class MockWorld;
class MockHandler
static eBlockFace MetadataToDirection(NIBBLETYPE a_MetaData) { return BLOCK_FACE_NONE; }
static eBlockFace MetaDataToDirection(NIBBLETYPE a_MetaData) { return BLOCK_FACE_NONE; }
static eBlockFace BlockMetaDataToBlockFace(NIBBLETYPE a_MetaData) { return BLOCK_FACE_NONE; }
static NIBBLETYPE IsOpen(cChunkInterface & a_ChunkInterface, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) { return 0; }
static void ExtendPiston(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, MockWorld * a_World) {}
static void RetractPiston(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, MockWorld * a_World) {}
static void SetOpen(cChunkInterface & a_ChunkInterface, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, bool a_Open) {}
template<unsigned char val>
class MockHandlerFetcher
typedef MockHandler type;
class MockWorld
bool IsChunkLighted(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) { return false; }
bool ForEachEntityInChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cEntityCallback & a_Callback) { return false; }
void QueueLightChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkCoordCallback * a_Callback = NULL) {}
NIBBLETYPE GetBlockSkyLight (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) { return 0; }
cPlayer * FindClosestPlayer(const Vector3d & a_Pos, float a_SightLimit, bool a_CheckLineOfSight = true) { return NULL; }
void WakeUpSimulators(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) {}
void SpawnPrimedTNT(double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, int a_FuseTimeInSec = 80, double a_InitialVelocityCoeff = 1) {}
bool SetTrapdoorOpen(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, bool a_Open) {return false; }
cChunkMap * GetChunkMap (void) { return NULL; }
class MockChunk
cRedstoneSimulatorChunkData * GetRedstoneSimulatorData() { return NULL; }
void SetRedstoneSimulatorData(cRedstoneSimulatorChunkData * a_Data) {}
bool IsRedstoneDirty() { return true; }
void SetIsRedstoneDirty(bool a_Param) {}
void GetBlockTypeMeta(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, BLOCKTYPE & a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE & a_BlockMeta) {}
void SetBlock(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, bool a_SendToClients = true) {}
void SetBlock( const Vector3i & a_RelBlockPos, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) {}
int GetPosX(void) const { return 0; }
int GetPosZ(void) const { return 0; }
MockChunk * GetRelNeighborChunkAdjustCoords(int & a_RelX, int & a_RelZ) const { return NULL; }
BLOCKTYPE GetBlock(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ) const { return 0; }
BLOCKTYPE GetBlock(const Vector3i & a_RelCoords) const { return 0; }
NIBBLETYPE GetMeta(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ) const { return 0; }
void SetMeta(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) {}
bool UnboundedRelGetBlock(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, BLOCKTYPE & a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE & a_BlockMeta) const { return false; }
bool UnboundedRelGetBlockType(int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, BLOCKTYPE & a_BlockType) const { return false; }
MockChunk * GetNeighborChunk(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockZ) { return NULL; }
MockChunk * GetRelNeighborChunk(int a_RelX, int a_RelZ) { return NULL; }
bool IsValid(void) const { return false; }
NIBBLETYPE GetTimeAlteredLight(NIBBLETYPE a_Skylight) const { return 0; }
void BroadcastSoundParticleEffect(int a_EffectID, int a_SrcX, int a_SrcY, int a_SrcZ, int a_Data, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL) {}
void BroadcastSoundEffect (const AString & a_SoundName, double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, float a_Volume, float a_Pitch, const cClientHandle * a_Exclude = NULL) {}
bool DoWithRedstonePoweredEntityAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cRedstonePoweredCallback & a_Callback) { return false; }
template <class T>
bool DoWithChestAt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, T & a_Callback)
return false;
class MockChest
BLOCKTYPE GetBlockType(void) const { return 0; }
int GetNumberOfPlayers(void) const { return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv)
MockWorld World;
// TODO: Implement a user-friendly method of testing
// cIncrementalRedstoneSimulator<MockChunk, MockWorld, MockHandlerFetcher, MockChest> Simulator(World);
return 0;